Halloween 2020
"I have the decorations up!"
The orange-haired girl, Chantez, jumps with anticipation as she hangs the last spooky skeleton on the corner of the church's doorway.
Your bigger sister blinks.
"..Is it just the one skeleton?"
"That's all we need!" She stretches her arms out, and dusts off her hands, "With that, I'm done. Anything else that you think we'll need, Gamma?"
You feel a little confused about this 'Halloween' thing. It's not necessarily something that you understand very well. Actually, you don't understand a lot of anything, very well. You're still working on that, but it's a slow process that has taken more than a few days.
The way Gamma responds makes it clear that she doesn't understand much about it, either.
"I'm not sure. Did humans choose a day to hang representations of their nonliving bodies on every visible surface?"
"Yeah." Chantez smiles at you. "How would you celebrate it?"
You blink at the single plastic skeleton hanging off of the church door.
"I'm not sure, but this would have to be one of the last ways I would think to celebrate a holiday." Gamma blinks, "It's a little.."
It only makes sense that she's not familiar with this. After all;
This is Gamma; the end-result of decades of research into robotics, magic, and processing power. These disciplines all intersect in an artificial lifeform known as a 'Raptor'. A name that belongs to Gamma, and all of your sisters.
Most importantly, it also applies to yourself. You're also a Raptor!
You are "Lil' Sis", or sometimes just "Sis"! Your family hasn't quite decided a name for you just yet, but you're happy with the name that you currently have. It's short, and very easy to spell.
You're about two days and twenty seven minutes old, and you've been introduced to the most exciting concept ever!
What is it about?
Well, you're not too sure, and you're not exactly in a position of being able to ask very complex questions of the people around you just yet. You're mostly only able to vocalize simple four-to-five word sentences. Apparently, that's very impressive for someone your age! It used to be that you were only able to think in short sentence fragments, as well. Exposure to your sisters and the rigorous training from your tutor has slowly built up your ability to visualize these words, and their meanings.
Just.. not quite speak them. That's a work in progress.
You're able to ask a few things, though!
"Skeleton?" You blink. Maybe that was a bit bare-bones.
"Oh, this?" Chantez points to the bleached human-like thing in front of her. "This is a 'Skeleton', when there's no meat on our bones, this is what we look like."
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Can we get more?
5 |
So.. a hungry human?
5 |
Try to give the skeleton some food.
4 |
Where did meat go?
2 |
1 |
Anti-fat Humans?
"So.. It's a hungry human!"
Chantez starts laughing, and Gamma pats you on the head for some reason.
"Does he need food?" You lean into Gamma's petting.
"Hmm." Chantez gets a smile on her face, "No, but he could use some friends. Notice how he's all alone out there by himself?"
That is very true. The skeleton doesn't have any friends to play with. There are humans around, but they are very well-fed humans.
He needs some friends! You feel like this is something you can help with!
"Can we get more?!" You look at the skeleton.
Chantez thinks abour your question, and then smiles.
"Well, I'm done with putting all my decorations up, but I'm sure Schach has more! In fact, if you go to her and tell her that you're helping me put out the decorations, then you'll get all the skeletons you'll need!"
Gamma, for some reason, gives a glare at Chantez. You don't pay any mind to it, and skip off to find sister Schach!
"Schach is going find out.." Gamma states to Chantez.
"Don't care!" Chantez hums, "I'll be gone before she realizes it!"
You ignore that conversation, and rush off to the chapel of the church!
Inside, you find Schach helping to clean up. She's putting out decorations for some kind of celebration they're having later.
You don't know too much about the church, or its function, or what most of the people here do, or what Schach's role even is. You ESPECIALLY don't know why all of the humans wearing black dresses listen to Schach specially, and why some of them get in trouble for not listening to her.
That's not important right now, what is important is getting the hungry human some hungry friends!
You happily skip up to her, and immediately start with your question.
"Schach!" You smile, "More skeleton!"
It seems that this question has confused her. So you'll have to elaborate.
"Orange says that I can help put out skeletons!" You smirk, "Where are more skeletons?"
"Orange..." Schach's face twists into an annoyed glance, "Did Orange also tell you to 'help' her put out the skeletons?"
"Yes!" You feel so happy when she gets what you're trying to say the first time!
"'Orange'..." Schach continues to look irritated, "..Sis, there are some more decorations in the back, but I haven't been back there to sort them. So they aren't properly sorted, but you can go get some more if you want to help. I'm going to go have a talk with 'Orange'." Schach puts her decorations down, "Be careful in the store room, okay? It's dusty and some of it is very old."
You happily continue past the chapel, and back outside. There's a shed just behind the Chapel section in a walled-off courtyard.
Inside are lots of hungry humans!
You open the door with a 'WHUMP', and then happily bounce inside.
"Wow!" You take a candy out of your pocket, and unwrap it.
..Sadly, none of them want to eat.
"Go on, eat. Eat." You try pressing it against their teeth, but none of them decide to eat it.
Fine, they can stay hungry.
You pick one up, and then try to think what other decorations would be good for the courtyard.
Of course, all of these seem a little bit random.
There are bats, pumpkins (?), humans wearing cloaks (??), even giant wolves! (???)
None of these are even remotely related to each other! Why are they all decorations for this day?
And look! In the back!
See that?! That's just a leaky human! That human isn't even hungry!
You walk over, but all the red that's leaking out of him isn't letting you get too close. You huff.
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Go tell Schach that the leaky human is making a mess in the shed!
6 |
Step in the red stuff (ew) and see if you can put the leaky human out! What a great decoration!
4 |
Leaky human should eat!
2 |
ew ew ew the Red all over your shoes! Rude!
2 |
+Also ask Shach if the leaky human needs food.
2 |
Use the leaky human as a decoration.
1 |
Berate leaky human! Messing up the floor isn’t nice!
1 |
Where is the human wolf?
0 |
Stupid leaky human! Leave with the hungry humans.
"Hmm." You look at leaky human, "Leaky human! Stop!"
He doesn't stop. He's still leaking.
"Phooey." You gently walk across his hydraulic fluid (disgusting!) and grab him by the shoulder. "Leaky human!"
He's not responding.
You huff, but then decide to maybe use him anyway. After all, one leaky human and a bunch of hungry humans has to mean that he's unique among the hungry humans!
Maybe he's their leader? Kind of like how Schach is leader of the black-dress humans?
You grab some hungry humans, and then try to pick up leaky human.
Ew! He's still leaking!
This is really frustrating. You don't want to pick up leaky human beacuse then he'll leak onto your clothes. These are clothes you stole borrowed from Vivio's laundry!
You think of a way to pick him up to where the leaky part won't get on your clothes. Then, you hoist him above your head.
Wow! He's a lot heavier than he looks. You're still able to easily lift him above your head.
Yuck! His hydraulic fluid is still dripping! You make a note to quickly leave the shed and return to the courtyard.
You set the leaky human up leaning against one of the benches in the courtyard. Along with some of his hungry friends.
Of course, this isn't nearly enough. You'll need to get more hungry humans.
Then, as you're going back, you see Schach and Gamma!
"-And where did she go?" Schach seems to be talking something important to Gamma.
"The tree outside of the wall. I think." Gamma replies in her usual no-nonsense manner. (Of course, you know that she's actually all-nonsense!)
"Thanks-" Schach sighs, and starts to leave.
"Gamma!" You run up and hug your sister, "I found hungry humans!"
"That's great, Sis." Gamma pets your head, and you're sure to tell Schach about leaky human before she leaves.
"Schach!" You yell, "I also found leaky human! Leaky human leaked in the shed!"
"What?" Schach blinks.
"Oh-" Gamma glances toward the bench. "That's a really nice looking decoration! Much more realistic than those skeletons."
"..I don't remember having that." Schach starts to walk toward it.
Gamma gives you a pat.
"Good girl, Sis!" She gives you a hug, "Do you mind if you go get more skeletons?"
Schach, after acknowledging your tremendous display, hurriedly walks back!
"Little Sister." Uh oh, you must be in trouble! She only says that when you're in trouble for something. "Can you show me where you found that decoration?"
"Huh, that's one leaky decoration." Gamma echoes your sentiment exactly.
"Oh my-" Schach covers her mouth as she walks into same place you found leaky human.
"In the back!" You point, "He's heavy, and leaky! Only one, though."
"Gamma." Schach's tone of voice changes, "Get your little sister to Vivio and tell her to stay there. This is going to be a long night."
"Huh? Why?" Gamma blinks.
"With Vivio?!" You gawk, "But hungry humans!"
"Now." Schach replies.
You feel a little dejected that you have to go see Vivio. Vivio usually only watches you if something serious is going on. In a way, she's become your babysitter.
Gamma picks you up, and takes you to Vivio's room.
Slowly, she knocks on the door.
"Vivio?" Gamma announces herself, "It's Gamma. Can you watch Sis for a bit?"
It slowly opens-
"Chriiiiiis!" You yell and try to grab the small, floating bunny. It instinctively recoils back as your hands almost grab his ear!
Darn, maybe next time.
Vivio spins around. She's wearing a strange suit in her adult form!
"Gamma? Did something happen?"
"..Why are you wearing a TSAB uniform?" Gamma blinks.
"Oh! This is just for the party. I'm trying on costumes!" Vivio smiles, "Want to help?"
"Not right now, Schach wants me for something, and I was wanting to know if you could watch Sis again while I'm doing that." Gamma seems confused, "Though, I don't really know why."
"Sure! Does she have a costume for the party?"
"Not yet, but-"
"Okay, maybe I have something around here for her."
Gamma nods, and sets you down. She then whispers to you.
"I'll be right back, right after I find out what Schach's problem is."
Gamma leaves, and you're left with the big, human you.
"So, what do you think?" She does a twirl, and the uniform seems to flip with her.
Votes | Choice |
10 |
I can see your underwear!
7 |
6 |
Grab Chris in a surprise attack
4 |
3 |
The glasses make you look like Shario!
3 |
You look like the weak people that big sisters always save or punch...
3 |
Try to transform and get big too! I can be BIG SIS!
3 |
2 |
2 |
"Wow!" You admire her twirl, and the way her clothes just seem to spring upward when she does it, "Bigger!"
"Oh, you think I should be bigger?" Vivio laughs, "I think I might tear the uniform if I do that. I have to return it, anyway."
"No, I mean-" You try to vocalize what you were referring to by 'bigger', "I can see your underwear!"
Vivio's smile suddenly becomes a slight look of shock.
"..You can?"
Chris immediately puts its hands in front of its face.
Which means that it can't see you go in for the surprise attack!
You snatch Chris out of the air, and start snuggling it as close as you can. It's tiny limbs reach out for Vivio as she callously ignores him and starts glancing at herself in the mirror.
Chris can't talk, so it's all yours for now!
"I mean.. huh." Vivio does the same flick, and notices the same thing that you do. Her undergarments are totally visible! "Wow, you can.. see my stockings up to my panties when I do that, really when I move at all."
"White!" You reply, watching her flick one more time and revealing her panties.
"..I see, it might not be as noticable with black panties but still.." Vivio contemplates this serious matter as you squish Chris' ears, his tiny limbs flail. "These skirts are really short. Do my mothers work in these uniforms all of the time? Their uniforms are brown, but.. I think they're the same length."
Vivio seems lost in thought, before quickly unbuttoning her jacket.
"..Looks like I'll be taking my backup costume!" Vivio turns to you with a smirk, "Then I'll be thinking of some tough questions for my Aunt! Until then, let's think of something you may want to wear."
You blink.
"Right! A costume for the party. What would you want to wear? You can be anything you want!"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
A Dinosaur!
5 |
4 |
4 |
A dragon!
3 |
A hungry human!
3 |
3 |
Iron Tyrant!
3 |
An evil robot!
3 |
2 |
A bunny!
2 |
A leaky human!
2 |
You as the Supreme Iron Tyrant Dictator thing!
2 |
A Jack-O-Lantern!
2 |
Cinque will be a pirate, I want to dress like her!
1 |
Um.. I don't know.
1 |
1 |
A dinodragon!
1 |
1 |
1 |
I want to dress like Hotel! Humans like her dress, I saw it!
1 |
1 |
0 |
A panzer IV
You think about all of the possibilities. Who would you want to be?
Um, Gamma.
A dragon.
"A Dinosaur!" You reach your arms out, Chris takes this opportunity to hover away, "Rawr! Rawr!"
Vivio laughs, and pats your head. "You know, I think I can make that happen."
She takes to her closet, and starts rummaging through bits and pieces of costumes.
Then, she stops.
"This is a dragon costume, but with a bit of magic; I think we can make it into a dinosaur!"
She directs you to the seat in front of the mirror, and gets to work. She casts several spells that seemingly change its shape, and then starts to dress you up in it.
"Hey.." Vivio smiles.
"..How did you get my outfit? This is my old winter wear from when I was ten."
You blink.
"Uh! Um!"
She gently hugs you.
"..I'll look past it this one time, but in the future tell me if you're going to be wearing my clothes. I'll give you my old clothes if you just ask instead of taking them."
She also gently pulls your dress outward.
"-Also wear some underwear with it, okay? Always wear your underwear."
"Oh!" You blink, "But if I wear panties, then other people might see it."
Vivio sighs.
"That's the point, Sis."
She gives up, and starts to dress you up in an assortment of green clothing.
At the end, your head remains uncovered. instead, she found several green bows to put in your hair. This goes along with a green dress that has some protruding points along the back for the spine. With it, she lends you a pair of her underwear.
"Say 'Rawr'!"
"RAWR!" You put your hands up, and Vivio giggles.
"That's really good!" She gives you a hug, "Let me put my backup costume on, and we'll be ready for the party."
With that, Chris taps her shoulder.
Vivio blinks.
"Uh oh, the party is starting in just five minutes." Vivio quickly tosses off her clothes, and takes an outfit from the closet, "We're going to be late!"
You emerge from her room holding Vivio's hand.
She's in a very sharp looking butler outfit. You guess that the pants are easier for her than the short skirt was. Her gloved hand holds yours as you head to the chapel.
However, instead of seeing hungry humans, and leaky humans, you instead see an assembled force of Nuns standing outside of the Chapel.
In front of them, Schach barks orders.
"-And section four! I want Four through Nine to make sure no one can leave the Cathedral!" Schach looks so official when she is giving orders, "No one comes in or out, got it!"
"Got it!"
As she yells that final command, the mass of black-and-white dresses scatter in a seemingly organized manner. Schach sighs, and Vivio drags you to her.
"Hi Schach!" Vivio smiles, "What's going on? What happened to the party?"
"Oh, terribly sorry, Vivio." Schach bows, "You truly do look stunning tonight. It's unfortunate that the party has been cancelled."
"Cancelled?" Vivio blinks.
"Right, you see;" Schach gulps as she tries to vocalize the next few words, "There's been a murder."
Vivio gasps.
"Murder!" You shout! This is fun!
"Yes, Murder." Schach then looks downward, at you. "Lil' Sis, When you found that.. uh.. 'Leaky Human', did you see anybody?"
"Nope!" As far as you could tell, the shed was locked from the outside.
"Then.. did you see anybody on the way over?"
"Just hungry humans." Aside from the skeletons, you didn't see any other full-human around.
"I see, thank you for your help Sis." Schach sighs, "In the meantime, I'm going to have to ask you to stay with Vivio, and Vivio; I'll have to ask you to go back to your room."
"That's right, in fact I'm assigning Otto as your door guard when she finishes her shift." Schach runs her hand through her hair, "If your mother found out about this, she would.. I don't even want to know what she would do."
Votes | Choice |
11 |
Would she Murder?
5 |
Aww, no party?
3 |
3 |
Where is Hotel? She is missing all the murder...
2 |
I could help you, I have skills!
1 |
Suggest to Vivio that you both sneak out before Otto comes by!
1 |
Let's go back to the room! It's a sleepover!
1 |
Climb onto her shoulders!
1 |
Great! now you can have Chris all to yourself! And Vivo also.
1 |
Do you think this is Hotel's homework?
1 |
+Tell all the sisters over Sisternet that the party is being moved to Vivio's room
"Would she murder?" You blink, looking upward at Vivio.
Schach and Vivio give each other a knowing glance.
"..Probably." Vivio states in a tepid fashion.
"Wow!" That's so cool!
"I gotta get back to work, don't leave your room until Otto comes by, okay?" Schach replies.
Vivio nods, and then takes your hand.
With that, you're lead back to her room. She walks inside and shuts the door.
"..Sis, I'm so sorry."
"Does this mean no party?" You don't quite get if this means that no one will see your costume or not.
"I'm afraid not, Sis." She smiles softly. Chris lowers onto her shoulder.
Aw, that sucks.
All this because some human was murdered.
"..Could we help solve it?" You smile, "Then.. they could have the party again!"
Vivio blinks, and then thinks about your question.
"..Okay, but how could we help?"
"I'll ask Iota!"
You immediately pull up your datalink, and get a message through to big sis Iota!
"(Sis?)" Iota seems a little confused, "(What's wrong? We're kind of busy, here.)"
"(Tell me about the Murder!)"
Iota is quiet over the line for a moment.
"(..A human was stabbed in the back and thrown in the shed. Now we're trying to find out who did it. That's all I know so far.)"
"(Let me help!)" You smile.
"(..Thanks Sis, but I think we have enough people searching the church already.)"
"(Aww! Come on!)"
"(There really isn't anything you can do unless you recognize this guy..)"
Iota sends you a picture of leaky human, but this time zoomed in on his face.
"(I have already seen that!)"
"(Well, that's all we know about it so far.)"
This conversation happens so fast that Vivio is just now replying to your suggestion.
"I'm sorry, Sis. Unless we really know something that they don't, then we can't really help."
"Do you recognize this?"
You grab a holographic screen from.. somewhere. You think you just stole it from the front desk. Then, you re-write it to display the picture Iota sent you.
Vivio blinks as the holographic screen appears in front of you.
Then, she pulls it closer.
Vivio's eyes narrow.
"..I've seen this man before.."
"YAY!" You yell.
Votes | Choice |
11 |
Iota! Iota! Listen to this!
9 |
9 |
3 |
But what are we going to do about Otto?
3 |
+ Raptor Jump up and down
2 |
Otto, we want to have fun too!
2 |
I have skills! All the skills! (search your spells)
0 |
Grab her hand and rush out the door!
0 |
Calmly listen to where she's seen it before.
"(Iota! Iota! Listen to this!)"
"Where did you see leaky human?!" You grab Vivio's hands with a smirk.
"Well, it's, uh- complicated." Vivio blinks, "I don't know for sure but.. there was a nun having an.. affair.. here on church grounds. Gamma and I overheard it sometime back when we were investigating something else. After that, I saw her meeting a boy that looked kind of like this one."
"Oh!" You blink, "What's an affair?! Is it something leaky humans do?!"
"..Well, yes, but-"
"(Sis! That's enough. Ask Vivio if she knows who the nun might be.)" Iota interrupts for some reason.
"Then who is nun?" You feel excited, this is more interesting than the time you had to fight the caterpillar for Iota!
"Well.. I don't know her specifically, but I know which barracks she's in. I used to see her leave it from my window every night."
"THAT'S PERFECT!" You grab Vivio, and take for the door, "LET'S GO SOLVE THE MURDER!"
"Woh! Sis!" Vivio gasps, "You're stronger than you look! Careful! What about Otto? We can't leave until-"
"Otto can help us solve the murder too!" You completely miss the meaning of what Vivio is trying to ask, and instead head straight for the door!
You immediately follow Vivio's instructions, and lead her to the barracks that she described.
Of course, there's a lockdown going on, so the lock in the door has been secured with magic.
"(Iota!)" You immediately plead with your sister, "(Unlock this door, please!)"
"(..Sis, I have Tango on the way to investigate this. You don't have to-)"
Iota sighs.
"(Okay, but if there's trouble, both of you run.)"
With a click, the door before you opens, and you simply walk inside. Vivio acts a bit shocked at first.
However, not as shocked as she is when she steps through the door.
"What the-" Vivio takes a look around, "..I didn't expect to be right on this."
The barracks is a mess! Tables flipped over, beds on their side, and dressers tossed on their front with their content emptied and scattered about!
"Nun gone!" You proclaim, "Where nun go?!"
"Well, uh-" Vivio starts thinking about it, "..I don't know."
"(Nun gone! Room ruined!)"
"(I can see that.)" Iota pauses for a second, "(I think we have a couple names for the perpetrator, now. That barracks only houses three nuns. Gamma has asked Schach to gather them for questioning.)"
Votes | Choice |
11 |
Search room!
7 |
+ Close the door behind you so that it's less obviuos you're in here.
3 |
Find Gamma!
2 |
She won't just come if she's called! Keep searching!
2 |
Accuse Iota of commiting the die!
2 |
0 |
Find Otto, maybe Otto can help!
19 = 19
46 = 46
91 = 91
34 = 34
15 = 15
You immediately take off into the room, and start rummaging among the downed cabinets and tossed over beds.
Vivio, confused, starts picking up some of the clothes and shaking them. Iota directs Tango to your position.
Then, you find something!
"LOOK!" Your eyes light up, and you jump out of a pile of clothes.
It's a picture! A picture of a nun with her face x'd out!
Next to him, is a boy!
All humans look the same, but he looks kind of like the leaky human that you found!
"(Look!)" You also send the image over datalink.
Iota, however, shoots down this revelation.
"(Sorry Sis, this isn't the same guy. I mean, it looks a lot like him, but-)"
"(Could I see that picture?)" Gamma butts into your call.
Iota sends her the picture, and you get an odd request.
"(..Sis, could you return to the courtyard?)"
Vivio frowns, "This isn't him-"
"Wait!" You stop her, "But what about the nun? Is that the nun?!"
Vivio blinks, suddenly.
"..That is the nun, though. Who is that boy that's with her?"
"Yes!" You clap, "Vivio found something!"
"..I don't understand."
You simply grab her hand, and start leading her out of the room.
"Courtyard!" You yell, and start dragging Vivio again.
Needless to say, she is very confused.
In the courtyard; you see Schach and Gamma. Before them, are several nuns who have gathered. Three of them are the ones who shared that barracks.
"I don't care who did or didn't do it, I want to know who that boy is!" Schach immediately demands.
"Schach." Gamma puts her hand on her shoulder, "I think you're just scaring them."
All three of the nuns gathered before Schach look extremely upset. They gulp as each one eyes each other.
Suddenly, one of them says something.
"..I knew that stupid affair would get you in trouble."
"WHAT?!" The nun in the middle yelps.
"I didn't think you were bold enough to just kill the guy, though." The nun on the other side of her states, "I didn't take you to be the jealous type."
"I'm telling you, I did not kill him! He's not dead!" The middle nun yells.
"Sister Clio." Schach states in a scolding tone, "Enough. Let Sister Dauphine say her piece."
The nun in the middle, Sister Dauphine, starts to speak.
"..I've been having an affair for about nine months."
This illicits a gasp through the gathered nuns, but she looks behind and yells.
"It's not like you don't have them either!" She yells at the few others gathered here.
"Dauphine, we'll get to that later." Schach scolds her, "Explain the body."
"I don't know! I've never seen that man in my life!"
"Liar!" The one next to her, spats.
"He looks just like your boyfriend!" Sister Clio continues to press the assault.
You and Vivio watch the chaos unfold.
Vivio looks lost in thought, but you blink as you look back and forth.
It's clear Dauphine is the nun in the photo.
But that doesn't make sense, why would her face be crossed out?
Votes | Choice |
9 |
Just give them the photo. There's no reason to be harsh!
8 |
"... Boyfriend?"
8 |
5 |
How many boys are there?
4 |
Vivio! You're smart! Solve this!
2 |
Is she a mission target? Scan!
2 |
Aren't boys endangered species?
0 |
0 |
Ask Iota to solve it for you and take credit.
First off, you want to verify that she is, indeed, a human and not one of those weirdoes that have been coming by.
Datalink: scanning...
Scan error.
No, that's what it does when it scans a human.
Which means that you should probably just leave this to the adults and Gamma.
"Green!" You state toward your sister, "Look!"
You hand the photo with the crossed-out face to your sister, and she examines it for a moment.
Without saying a word, she hands it over to Schach.
Then she glares at the three.
"I see what's going on." She growls, and stares at Dauphine, "Someone is jealous of someone's boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?" You blink.
For some reason, Vivio puts her hand over your mouth!
"No!" Dauphine tries to defend herself, "He would never do that! He's not the jealous type!"
Schach, without saying a word, puts the photo in her pocket.
"I now have all of the evidence I need to make a conclusive statement. If the perpetrator would like to come forward now, then it would be taken into consideration during your criminal case."
Both of them glare angrily at Sister Dauphine, and she simply remains with tears in her eyes. Her hands grasp a rosary around her neck.
"..Sister Clio." Schach continues. "..You have a boyfriend too, don't you?"
The smug grin Sister Clio had on her face immediately vanishes. Her eyes turn to Schach.
"..I don't know what you're talking about."
"You're lying." Schach continues, "You knew about Dauphine's affair, didn't you?"
Clio blinks.
"Of course we knew! We shared the same barracks! She was sneaking out every night to see him!"
"Dauphine, Clairon." She calls out, "Is it not true that Sister Clio has also been sneaking out night after night?"
The two nuns next to her nod.
"What does that mean?!" Clio is getting defensive. "Of course I was sneaking out! Half of the nuns in this church are dating!"
"..Each other-" you hear a voice call out.
"Shush." Another silences that voice.
"Clio, I'm going to outright say it." Schach crosses her arms, "You were jealous of Dauphine and her boyfriend, weren't you?"
"She has nothing that I wanted." Clio spats back.
"Not true." Schach glares at her, "She had one thing that you wanted, her boyfriend. You wanted her boyfriend."
"Prove it." Clio crosses her arms.
"Well, for one-" Schach holds the picture up, "This image was taken by somebody. Dauphine and her boyfriend were in this picture, so who else could have taken it?"
"Selfie cameras have been around for ages."
"Except this is YOUR camera, Clio. Here's the stamp on the corner." Schach presents it to her, "You say that she had nothing that you wanted, but you clearly wanted her boyfriend. I'm going to go as far as to say that she didn't know about this picture, does she?"
Clio looks particularly angry.
"Okay, sure, I was jealous, but how does that make me a murderer?"
Schach smiles, and then takes out a letter.
"I found this when investigating the mailbag earlier. It was opened and replaced."
She unfolds the letter, and starts reading.
"My dearest,
I'm sorry I couldn't be the man that you wanted, but I think it's time for us to split ways. There are some people in this world who are simply not meant to be, and I find that our love may be strained. I'm willing to entertain it one more time, though. Tonight, by our special spot near the flowers, I'll be waiting there. Let's give our romance one last try."
Schach adjusts her voice, and folds the letter.
"There was no name on it, but I can find out who was in the mail room at that time. Plus, it's only a matter of time until we realize that Dauphine's boyfriend isn't, in fact, dead. Do you want me to go do that?" Schach gives Clio a very deep stare.
Clio has gone from calm and collected to absolutely livid. Her teeth grind into her lips so stiffly as to make them leak red stuff!
"You bit-" She immediately changes composure, and the scowl evaporates from her face. "I want a lawyer."
Schach sighs, and an air of silence washes over the slowly gathering crowd.
Except for one, who yells. "I knew it! Heterosexual love only ends in tragedy!"
"Sein, shush." Another voice states in a commanding fashion.
"We'll discuss that when the knights gather in the morning. For tonight, all three of you come with me."
Schach leads the three of them away, and the nuns start to murmur among themselves.
Mostly, they are arguing with Sein. Something about revealing their 'sinful secrets' in front of Schach.
Gamma, on the other hand, ignores them and turns to you.
"SIS! GOOD JOB!" She grabs you into her arms, and squeezes you. "Where did you find that, though?"
Votes | Choice |
12 |
Enjoy the hug.
11 |
A room!
4 |
What's a 'boyfriend'?
4 |
What does 'Heterosexual' mean?
4 |
Gamma, you're not heterosexual, are you?
3 |
I don't get what happened, can you explain it to me?
3 |
"If this is what Heterosexual is then I want no part in it!"
3 |
+Green stops time! Green give dates?
2 |
Is that why there are a dozen naked nuns in the sideroom
2 |
How you have a date isn't that a measure of time? wait does Green Give them out?
2 |
so boys are leaky?
1 |
How can nuns date 'each other'?
1 |
"A room!" You state in excitement as Gamma dotes on you.
You don't care enough to try and correct her. She continues rubbing your head.
Vivio sighs, and joins in on petting your head.
"You did good, Lil' Sis."
"Can we have the party, now?" You look back up to Vivio. "I caught the bad guys, and-"
"Unfortunately-" Otto suddenly appears and s/he(whatever Otto is supposed to be.) immediately accosts Vivio. "It's time for her highness to call it a night. We'll have investigators here from town in a few minutes, and it's best if she isn't involved."
"Aww!" You huff.
"Hey, Otto." Gamma smiles at h/er/im, "It wouldn't be wrong if we were to have a party, though? Just the Raptors in the Chapel."
Otto blinks, and then sighs.
"..I don't see a problem with that."
"Then, will there be a problem with us just having a Halloween party for Lil' Sis?"
Otto simply stares at Gamma with her dead eyes.
"..I think I can overlook that."
You look up at Gamma with shimmering eyes.
"Green." You huff, "THANK YOU!"
You give her a sharp squeeze, and she gives you a hug back.
"Come on Sis." Gamma smiles, "Let's celebrate Halloween together."
"No leaky humans?"
"Nope, no leaky humans." Gamma adjusts her voice, "If you want some though, I think Hotel could make-"
"No!" Otto and Vivio yell in unison.
You don't know what that is about, but it doesn't really matter to you.
This has been the best Halloween ever, except for that leaky human and that murdering nun. Except for those two, it's been the best Halloween ever.
(Halloween 2020: END)
Winter Clothes for November
"November "
You hear the sweet sound of someone's voice trying to goad you from your room.
You don't understand why they can't let you just sit in your room and lazily read books all day.
Maybe it's not healthy, maybe it's not proper, maybe you don't have to worry about things like 'health' as long as you're getting a good recharge and are operating your joints at least once a day. These facts are lost on you as your head lazily rolls over to face the door.
Then, you reply to your assailant.
"Whaaaat?" Your reply sounds more like a whine than it does a proper answer.
"Let's try on some of Fate's old clothes, November!" The dog person, Arf, is the one who is trying to hail you today. "It's not good to just have the one outfit and your barrier jacket!"
You set the book down, and then sigh.
"Okayyy." Your response back also sounds like a kind of whine. It seems you aren't capable of answering in any way that doesn't sound lazy or indolent.
You have every reason to be, though. You were told to stay in this house until further notice, and you haven't received the notice, yet. While you don't have.. the same thoughts that you were having sometime back. You're still completely devoid of activities to keep your circuits fluctuating aside from reading what few books this family was keeping on their shelves.
It seems most of them were there for show, rather than use.
You set the book on the nightstand, and then slowly roll out of bed. You've been laying here so long that the mattress has an indentation where your body has been laying inert.
Perhaps dog-human is correct to at least get you out of the room, as inconvenient as it may be.
You walk to the door and open it. There, you're face to face with dog-human.
"Well hello." She leans down with a smile, "It's good to finally see you come out of your room."
"Mm." Is all you can say in response.
"I don't want you becoming a hermit. There's a whole world out here, and you need to be comfortable with it."
"Mm." This is about the only response that you have prepared.
"Here, lemme give you a lift!"
She RUDELY picks you up as you simply stare daggers at you.
"I can walk on my own."
"I know! But if I let you walk on your own; you may just walk back into that room and lay back down on the bed."
..She has a point there.
You don't fight against her as she carries you from your room all the way to the other side of the house. Your only hope is that no one spots you being carried by her.
..Good, Dieci is busy going through mail, and doesn't give you another glance.
You know she would tease you for this if she saw Arf carrying you like a stuffed animal.
The dog-human takes you to her room, and closes the door behind her.
It's going to be another one of these sessions where she takes out bag after bag of old clothes and asks you to try on each one in order.
"While we're here-" Arf, of course, gets a bag from the closet. "We should think about redesigning your barrier jacket, too."
"Why?" You don't see the purpose in it.
"Because it's an old knock-off TSAB uniform. I think you could look way cuter in something else."
You simply stare at her.
"Why would I want to look cute?"
"Because I think you need an ego boost, and looking cute is a very easy way to do that."
"I don't get it." You reply, while disrobing. "Why would looking cute fix my ego?"
"Looking good and feeling good are linked together, November." Arf smiles as she takes out a shirt for you to try on. "Also, keep those clothes on."
"What, these?" You blink as you are about to fully disrobe.
"Try these clothes on with your underwear. You'll be wearing them in public."
"But I'm not going out in public." You reply, not thinking about the lecture you're going to receive for saying that.
"Yes you are." Arf rubs your head, "We'll be going outside sooner than you think, and everyone is going to think that you're cute."
You put the fabric back over your chest. You're not sure what it's trying to conceal, anyway. Arf then hands you one of the outfits to put on. A black blouse with a miniskirt to go along with it. It's been properly matched, but is a little bit wrinkly.
"You look great in it!" Arf exclaims as you finish putting on the skirt.
You don't understand exactly how she can say that.
"It's just clothes." You give your usual answer.
"Are they?" Arf smiles.
Suddenly, she rotates you toward the mirror.
"You're smiling." Arf pokes your cheek.
"I am not!" You turn away from the mirror and then quickly try to peel the outfit off of yourself. The whole time Arf is laughing.
"It looks so good on you, though!"
"I didn't smile, though!"
You take them off, and throw them onto the bed, then you cross your arms and look away.
"..What's the next outfit?"
Arf blinks, and you can detect some kind of magic activity in the air. You're not as adept as Iota or Echo at eavesdropping on telepathy, but you're good enough to where you can at least sense when it happens.
"Hold on, Lindy fell asleep on the couch and her food is burning. Try on this next outfit and I'll be right back."
Arf sighs as she exits the room. This seems to be a problem with Lindy, sometimes. It makes you question how she's able to function alone at all.
"Maybe she should try not having to eat." You state to yourself in a manner that almost makes you believe it. It's never been a problem for you, after all.
You pick up the next outfit, and start slipping it on. This is a winter outfit with several layers, and strangely ends in a miniskirt with leggings that are extremely difficult to put on.
You don't get human clothing very much. When they're cold, they still wear skirts, but put on leggings to try to 'keep warm'.
Maybe this is just some kind of for-show wear, and not something she would normally wear in the winter. It's fine with you, because you never get cold (cold actually helps your actuators). It's just weird that a human would be wearing this.
You slip the final legging on, and then throw the hooded sweater over your head.
Oh no, you're smiling again!
You turn away, and then let the emotion pass before glancing back at the mirror.
There you go, the dull glance fits you way better than some kind of maniacal smile.
You do admit, this is a comfortable outfit. This 'Fate' person at least knew how to dress comfortably if not fashionably.
As you try to take off the hoodie, something crinkles in the pocket.
"What's this?"
You reach into your pocket, and pull out a piece of paper.
A letter, perhaps?
It's addressed to Fate, but it appears a girl wrote it with the rounded edges on the font. So why does it have hearts all on the outside?
Curious, you unfold the piece of paper.
Hey Feito!
Yesterday was SO FUN, and the ice cream was delicious! I'm going to be on Midchilda for the next few weeks, so let's go on a few shopping dates! There's this nice new place that opened up in the mall, and I even got Amy to agree to go with us! Tell Arf that we'll be needing a chaperone, and after that we can have some alone time at your place. I can't wait!
- Nano
You glance at the letter. From your scans, it's well over ten years old. The penciling on it is starting to smear slightly, not to mention the yellowing along the seams where it was folded.
How long as it been in this pocket?
Are you intruding on someone's life by reading this?
Well, not that you care. It's just some memory that a human had a long time ago.
So why does it make you feel a little anxious to read?
Surely it's something that the previous owner didn't even think too much about. Right?
Either ways, it feels like you're missing something by reading it.
You glance at the letter, and sigh.
"Arf, why are you giving me ten year old clothes?" You state to yourself.
It makes sense from a logistics standpoint as to why, though. Form factor wise, you are similar to this human known as 'Fate'. So it only makes sense for you to inherit her previous clothes from when she was smaller. After all, it's not like they can go to anybody else except people with similar builds.
You frown.
It still feels a little bit insulting to just get her hand-me-downs. This 'Arf' person is lucky that they at least look nice.
Even if it is a bit wrinkled.
You glance at the note in your hand and then fold it back up. You'll ask a bit more about it later, but you don't want to pry too much into this 'Fate' person's life. Maybe it would be best if you just left it in the pocket, or put it someplace for the humans to find. Maybe on the dresser?
For now, you settle with leaving it on the nightstand.
Then you ask yourself an important question; What is taking so long?
You walk to the door, and open it. Other than the detected aroma of slightly-burnt food, there's nothing out of the ordinary. It shouldn't have taken this long to deal with it, unless-
You can hear some argument coming from the kitchen. It seems Dieci and Arf both moved to save the burnt food. Judging from the light wisps of smoke briefly clinging to the lights; you can guess that humans may have to go hungry tonight.
"Maybe I should just order a pizza." You state in a low-energy hum. The smoke creating a strange fog that envelops the room.
You try to ascertain why the food was left unattended, and you notice the cause of which sleeping on the couch.
It's human-Gamma. She sleeps very soundly while-
Uh oh.
Her temperature is 38, almost 39 degrees Celsius. That means-
"Human malware." You state in an almost exhausted tone. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as running a scan on her and removing it. This appears to be the symptom of a 'cold', perhaps?
You suppose that it makes sense for her to have a bit of a cold. She has had to work double time with everyone staying over. Her son, Arf, Dieci, not to mention the people hiding like Ginga.
All of these humans require maintenance, too. This 'Lindy' person seems like the kind of human to simply accept it with a smile, never letting others know that they're starting to tax her physically.
You put your hand to her forehead, and sigh. Not even the food burning was enough to wake her up. Nor is the sound of the girls in the other room arguing the pros and cons of keeping the food enough to wake her.
You would go get Arf right away, but you think that just may complicate the current situation. Her problem seems like an easy fix in any case.
You pull up the holographic phone, and then dial one of the numbers saved.
"Hello?" The answer on the other end rings in your ear.
"Hi, do you do delivery?" You state in a dull tone.
"Yes, of course we do. What do you want?"
"I am not sure. What is popular with other humans?" You ask what you think is a reasonable request.
"Uhh." Clearly the human on the other end is just used to people telling her what they want, "Well, Pepperoni is usually very popular-"
"Do you recommend anything for someone who has human mal- I mean, a cold?"
"..Maybe chicken, then?"
"That would be adequate. Does it taste good to humans?" You think you're doing pretty well considering that this is the first time you've had to order anything over a phone.
"..I mean, it tastes like Chicken."
"And?" That information is meaningless to you.
"..I guess I like it."
"Then that will be fine. Do you have Harlaown's financial information?"
"..No, but I do have an 'Arf' on record."
"That's good, she will be paying this time." You bow, "Thank you for your time."
You finish the exchange, and then decide that it might be a good idea to tell Arf what is transpiring.
The trail of smoke leads you into the kitchen, and you notice the two people responsible for the mess arguing with one another.
"It's fine! We just have to cut off this section and-" Arf tries to reason with Dieci by pointing at a slightly less-blackened corner of an otherwise completely charred and ruined plate of food.
"Arf, that's rubber, we need to just cook a new batch of lasagna. " The dull-eyed girl points out.
This makes Arf blink in surprise.
"This was once lasagna?!" She blinks as she stares at the hardened orange crust that was once edible food.
"Excuse me." You blink.
"That outfit is so cute!" Arf immediately exclaims, "Aaaa! I want to take a picture!"
"Hi November." Dieci blinks, with a smile. "You look very nice."
That's a high compliment from Dieci. You really enjoy her compliments, especially considering that she's one of the few humans who isn't constantly trying to compare you to Fate. It makes it feel less like she's trying to use you as a yardstick to a human you barely know anything about.
"Thank you!" You put on a smile, but apparently your smiling technique isn't quite there yet. "By the way, there's no reason to argue because I ordered pizza for tonight. I believe it's a flavor known as 'Chicken'."
"Pizza?" Dieci blinks, "Oh thank you November."
"What! We could have saved this!" Arf frowns. For being as mature as she is, she sure has a tendency to be really stubborn about the strangest things.
"Also, more importantly." You decide that you need to let them know, "It appears Lindy has come down with human malware."
"Human.." Arf blinks.
"A cold." You clarify, "It appears that the extra stress of the additional humans in this house has worn down her aptitude to where she's sleeping on the couch with a fever of 39 degrees."
Both of them look at one another in worry.
"..I'll get the ice." Arf states in a frustrated tone.
"We should have noticed sooner, no wonder she forgot her own food." Dieci huffs, "November, will you help me carry her to her room?"
You follow Dieci to the living room, and watch as she effortlessly hoists Lindy up in a single arm.
"I could do that." You mumble, but she doesn't hear you.
"November, could you get the door?"
You open the door at the end of the hallway, and she quickly takes Lindy inside.
With a gentle touch, she sets Lindy down on the bed.
"November, stay here with her for a few minutes. Put this ice on her forehead as you wait. I'll be right back, I'm going to go get some tea boiling." Dieci seems to know what to do, so that makes you feel a bit better.
That is, until she leaves and shuts the door behind her.
So, now what?
You glance down at the flushed woman, and start applying the bag of ice to her forehead.
You suppose this must be cooling her circuitry down, or something like that. Human anatomy is still something that you haven't quite come to grips with.
"..Huh, Fa-?"
Uh oh, she's talking.
"Hi Lindy." You blankly gaze at her.
"..Why are we here?"
"You have caught some human malware." You push the ice pack against her forehead once more, "Dieci says she knows what to do, so I am watching you for the time being."
Lindy glances at you with her exhausted eyes, and then she sighs.
"..I'm sorry November." She mumbles, "I didn't think I would get sick."
"There's no reason to be sorry." You put the ice back on her head.
"There is." Lindy sighs, "I've never been very good at being a parent. It seems like every time I try to do it, I always do something wrong."
You're not really sure what to say to that, other than-
Okay, time to go through your databanks, what would Gamma do?
You already know what she would do.
You lean over, and wrap Lindy into a hug.
"Don't say that." You try to think of words of encouragement, "I don't even know what a parent should do, so you're doing fine."
This causes her to stifle a giggle, but she hugs back all the same.
"These clothes.. they're from Fate, aren't they?"
"They are.."
"I remember when she wore this outfit out on her first date with Nanoha." Lindy squeezes you in return, "..I hope you can find someone like that for yourself."
"Lindy, why do you think that now is the time to talk about relationships? Has the virus compromised your processor?"
"No.. I was just thinking of how happy Fate was when she first met Nanoha, and wanted to check to see if you had anyone like that in mind."
You're not even sure where to begin with that one. Maybe you should just change the subject?
Wait, there is something that you wanted to ask.
"..Is that really the first thing that you thought of when you woke up? You thought of me, and not say; the lasagna that you burned in the oven?"
"I can make more Lasanga." Lindy smiles, "I can't make more of you."
Okay, well she's wrong on several accounts. Where do you begin correcting her?
"Okay, first off- I am a robot. I don't require a mate to reproduce." Of course that's by far not the only thing that's wrong with her logic. "Second off- Someone like Nanoha? The only one that I know who is like that is Hotel, and she is already disqualified on account of being a psychopath. Besides, I already have Gamma."
"Well, not exactly like Nanoha.." Lindy mumbles.
"Third off, a human companion? Lindy, I don't know if you have noticed, but Raptors wear themselves down in battle constantly. Our oldest sibling is only a year old, and Gamma had dozens of stress fractures from a recent fight."
You sigh, it's something that you don't like to think about much, but it is a fact of your deployment.
"I would be surprised if I last ten more years at these parameters, much less fifty or so. Even if I get every piece of me replaced, those pieces could even probably outlive the human that I find. In almost every way you look at it, I could never- Hmphf"
You're interrupted by Lindy reaching up and wrapping her arms around you.
"Mmph Hh mM mm"
"Don't say that." Lindy scolds you, lightly. "Don't say that you won't last ten years."
"It's the truth, though." You mumble.
"No, it's not. If fighting does that much damage to you and your sisters, then we need to immediately stop your entire family from fighting. Ten years is not long enough for life, not for someone who has barely experienced it."
You're about to say something in return, but she instead lays back down on the bed.
-While taking you with her.
You're both curled up in the sheets as Lindy hugs you like a teddy bear. You try to fight back with your dry wit.
"Lindy, I think the malware is just making you behave erratically. Just let me go and we can talk about this in the morning.
No response.
In fact, her breathing is starting to stabilize.
"..Ho boy." You feel a sense of anxiety drift over you. It seems Lindy is taking the teddy bear metaphor a bit too seriously. Her arms and legs curl around you into a bear hug, and you simply lay flat as she continues to breathe slowly.
So you have two options.
One is to wake her up and escape.
Two is to accept it and go to sleep.
What are the advantages of both?
- No longer being hugged
- No longer a teddy bear
- Lindy's rest is disturbed
- Lindy's rest and recovery continues
- You can keep an eye on her condition
- Maybe get some recharging done yourself
- Arf or Dieci will one-hundred percent take a picture of the two of you.
You decide that, as you're loathe to admit it, the answer is obvious. Besides, you can always delete the pictures off of their phones while they are not looking.
"Good night, Lindy." You sigh softly as you close your eyes. Maybe you can resume this conversation tomorrow.
Overall, there are worse things than being here in this house.
(Winter Clothes for November END)
Our Humble Abode

You sigh.
This train ride has taken far too long, and you want to get to the church as soon as possible before they get a chance to hide anything.
You grit your teeth.
"Gamma.." You feel a low growl from your voice, "Just what have you done this time?"
"Is everything okay?"
The red-haired human gives you a cock-eyed look as you continue to fume over what has just transpired.
"Everything is fine, I just have much on my mind." You reply to her.
"Are you sure? Ever since an hour ago, you've been pacing around, looking upset, did something happen?"
What do you even tell her? That time had stopped for almost a full five minutes and she was so unaware in her fleshy, watery body that she didn't even notice? That something exists out there that completely flips her feeble view of the entire world on its head?
Wait, that's right, she doesn't deserve this kind of explanation. That's something for you to know and her to never find out because it doesn't involve her.
You have been having this problem where you suspect that you're getting too caring, recently. Mistress has told you before that being too attached simply leaves openings to be exploited.
This girl standing before you is a perfect example. She has a family, and then her family was immediately targeted. It seems like a very cause and effect relationship, but for some reason several that you know seem to disagree.
If Gamma really does have this kind of power, she has to understand immediately how it will bode for the rest of her family if it becomes public knowledge. Surely it couldn't have just been you that noticed time standing still.
'Train 4, disembarking.'
A cold voice rings over the old-timey speaker, announcing that you've arrived.
"Well, whatever it is, I hope you find what you are looking for." Nove leans over to grab her bag, and then stands back up, "Before we go, can I know your name?"
There she goes, getting attached again. If she knew what was best, then she would simply stay away.
"Olive." You huff.
"Great, Olive!" Nove smiles, "It's good to meet you. I hope we see each other around."
"Where are you going past this?" It may be useful to keep her nearby if you're trying to look inconspicuous.
"We'll be staying in town overnight and arriving to the Grand Cathedral in the morning." Nove stretches her shoulders. "It's best to arrive in the morning instead of trying to find a place to sleep when you get there."
Right, sleep.
"In that case, this is where we part. I'll be heading to the Cathedral."
Nove assists the economy-sized humans in grabbing their bags. Suddenly, the brown-haired one speaks up.
"Then, try to be careful." Fuuka replies, "There are a lot of weird people out on the roads at night."
"Yes, I'll be careful." To not murder any of them. You don't need any additional attention.
They say their farewells, and leave down the cobblestone path. The last of the evening light shines their way forward.
You're left by the train station wondering exactly why everything here appears to be built by cavemen. The highest technology object in your sight has to be the magic lamps, and even those are just Midchildean-level spells suspended in a glass ball.
How far away are you from the Cathedral?
It matters not. You have no need to sleep, and you need to find Gamma right away.
With a huff, you start down the path where the crudely built sign is pointing for the 'Grand Cathedral'.
It's almost dark when you arrive, and this is with traveling much faster than a human's pace could ever keep up with.
You sigh as you watch guards (dressed in black outfits?) surrounding this 'Grand Cathedral' place. You're sure that they must have enough aptitude to realize the power that Gamma contains and be keeping her under close guard.
"Gamma, you fool." You grit your teeth again, "Did you get captured by some other human organization because you 'trusted' them?"
That would be just like her to trust some other meatbag organization and simply 'allow' them to take her into custody. If they are remotely sensitive to changes in the atmosphere, then they should have at least realized that the time stop occurred, even if they couldn't move during this period.
So, now, how are you going to get in?
"Hello stranger!"
You stand up and put your hand on your sword just as you spin around to confront the voice who is signaling you.
"I notice that you're watching the Church gates from behind cover. What are you doing?"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
"Are you the weird person the small brown human warned me about?"
6 |
I'm watching for an opportunity to enter the church. What are you doing?
3 |
+ With the recent trouble, I'm here to assist in the evaluation of your security measures.
2 |
Planning arson
2 |
Your the one with a bounty on her head. Excellent.
1 |
(Put on an act) I'm lost! Can you help me find my sister?
1 |
+This is a weird person Fuuka warned you about. Avoid (killing) her.
1 |
Meatbag... Stop. Sloshing.
1 |
Planning Arson.
0 |
This doesn't concern you.
0 |
Stay out of it.
You glance at the economy sized human with the head covering.
This is certainly not the normal that you've seen. This leads you to only one conclusion.
"Are you the weird person that the small brown human warned me about?"
This elicits a strange reaction.
"..Beg pardon?" Her response answers your question; she must not be the strange human if she is unable to recognize her own designation.
"Never mind." You adjust your voice, "I meant to say that I'm waiting for an opportunity to enter the church. What are you doing?"
"Standing guard." She stretches her arms out.
You blink.
"You're standing guard?"
"Yep!" She seems all too enthusiastic.
"What are you guarding?" You look around, "There isn't anything here."
"Oh! I'm guarding the church gate." The orange-haired girl replies.
You blink.
"So why are you here and not at the gate?"
"Because it's my break, duh!" The orange human stretches her arms, "By the way, I'm Chantez Arpinion, and I'd love to show you around! What's your name?"
"Olive." You reply, curtly. "Aren't you on break from guard duty? Should you be giving me a tour?"
"Sure! That's why I'm on break." The orange-haired girl smiles.
You're starting to realize that the brown human may have been correct in her assessment.
However, this may work to your advantage. Having a human with you would definitely mean that you could walk through the front gate unimpeded.
"Okay." You stand up, and adjust your blouse. "-If you are willing to show me around, then I am willing to follow."
"Yay!" The smaller human seems overjoyed about this opportunity. You're not sure what there is to be excited about, but you're not really worried about that. If you can get inside, then you can give her the slip and continue your hunt for Gamma. "Let's start by showing you the gate itself! You know, it's an ancient relic of-"
You almost immediately tune her out. The only thing you care less about than human history is history about the inanimate steel that protected human history. She goes over each and every engraving on the gigantic set of gates, and you continue to use your sensors to passively scan for Gamma.
Of course, you're still not entirely sure what to look for. What would Gamma even look like in this state? Is she just a puddle of molten metal at this point? How long could she really stand to keep time standing almost still?
You feel a frown creep across your face. The orange human is continuing to talk nonsensically about the history of the church, why it's here in the mountains, why it's filled with dirty, depressing people who look like middle age serfs but just who cares please stop talking.
"Oh!" She notices something else to drone on about. "That reminds me! We have a library of tomes and articles from that era! Let me show you there next."
You don't follow her down the corridor. As she rounds the corner into the greater section of the building; you quickly break away and hide behind one of the massive stone pillars. With some precise movement, you're away from her and out into a courtyard inside of the gates.
If nothing else, the lecture alone should be considered an assault.
No, you're not going to be that way this time. The human helped you out, and you have to at least learn to start working with them if you wish to-
"Well, hello there!"
You glance upward.
You blink.
"You look lost, are you searching for someone?"
You turn to look toward the stone corridor that you just left, but you see no trace of the human that you were just following. The one who looks identical to the one who is sitting in the treetop before you.
A moment of confusion sets in.
"..What are you doing up there?"
"Oh? I'm guarding the courtyard." She stretches her arms out, once again. "But it's my break."
"..Weren't you guarding the gate?"
"That was sooo yesterday." She sighs, "I just thought I would catch a quick nap up here."
She jumps down, and lands with perfect precision.
"But you do seem to just be wandering around. Do you need help finding something?"
"Didn't.. you just tell me-" You seem to require a few cycles to process this.
She blinks, "Hmm?"
"No, never mind." You adjust your voice, "What I meant to say is that I'm looking for some guests who are staying here at the cathedral. Where might I find them?"
"Oh! Guests will be staying at the inn. Do you wish for me to take you there?"
"That would be nice."
"But first-"
Oh no.
She smiles in return, and you can guess that this is another roadblock.
"-Guests will need to check in at the chapel. We're having coronation soon! So it's a good time to go get seated. Come, I'll show you the way."
She scurries off, and you reluctantly follow her for a short ways.
You are aware that you shouldn't give anyone your identification, nor do you want to sit through yet another lecture by another boring meatbag. So instead, you'll plan your escape right now and go searching for this 'inn'.
This 'Chantez' human scoots ahead into a hallway, and you give her the slip the same way that you did previously.
With a smile, you jump over, and onto the roof of the building.
"Hmph." You growl, still no sign of Gamma. You would suspect that if there are Raptors here; they must be near some source of information. You detect a wireless signal, but it's so faint as to be almost transparent. It could just be someone's cell phone, even.
You feel a tenseness in your throat as you spin around.
"I'm Chantez!" She replies, "I'm one of the nuns here at the Chapel, and we must ask our guests to not walk the rooftops as they are very old and prone to failure. I mean, I do too, but I'm staff so I'm allowed to be up here. Did you come up here from the bell tower?"
This is becoming a problem.
"You're sent to keep an eye on me, aren't you?" You cut straight through to the point.
The orange distraction only tilts her head and asks a simple "Hmm?"
Clearly dealing with her is what they are expecting you to do. You'll instead opt to prioritize finding your sisters above dealing whatever traps they have set out.
"Listen." You sigh, "I am in a hurry. Do you know where someone named 'Iota' may be? I need to speak with her."
"Oh! She's in the barracks with her sisters. Can I ask who wants to see her?"
"No need." You don't humor the orange-haired distraction any longer. "I can find her myself."
Before she can respond, you jump off of the roof and are back in the courtyard. Maybe here, you can find some way to locate the 'Barracks'.
You sigh as you start to pace around the courtyard. This must be a fearsome type of enemy if they're able to employ mass-produced humans for their security. You can only assume Gamma is either being protected or held hostage at this point by them. You're hoping that it's the former, as they haven't seemed to be outwardly hostile to you, yet.
However, the sun is finally dipped far enough below the horizon for the evening routine of the Cathedral to begin. You're starting to notice the humans retire to their quarters for the night. Not to mention the once opened gate slowly coming to a close.
That's not what gets your attention. There's something else that's worrying you.
Another orange distraction walks next to a familiar purple-haired girl. They're flanked by a ferocious looking bodyguard standing to her left.
"There, look." The orange-haired distraction points toward you.
In the moonlight, the purple girl stops her brisk pace, and gasps. The bodyguard seems to instinctively step in front.
You frown, and realize something uneasy as you glance over the purple-haired girl over.
"Oh please." You look the girl over, "Am I based on someone that small? Are you here to admire me? Perhaps attempt this 'adoption' protocol? Whatever it may be, I have no desire for pity from my human counterpart."
"What a sour personality." The orange distraction sighs.
"I'm not here for either of that." The purple-haired one bows, "I already know that you're here to fight Gamma. That won't be happening today, though."
"Oh?" You smile, "And why is that?"
"Gamma is currently resting after a magic accident." The orange distraction suddenly seems much more knowledgeable than she did just a few minutes previously. "She's not going to be able to fight you anytime soon."
"Also much more importantly." The purple-haired girl crosses her arms, "Fighting isn't allowed on church grounds."
"That doesn't matter to me." You frown, "I need to see Gamma. I need to understand the extent of her powe-"
You suddenly realize something important.
"..How did you know that I was coming to see Gamma? Did Iota tell you?"
"Well, not exactly." The orange distraction sighs. "A friend of yours told us that you may be here shortly."
"A friend of mine."
There's no friend of yours except..
"Where is Amadeus, now?" You furrow your brow, "I need to have a long talk with him."
"That's not important." The purple-haired girl huffs, "You're going to have to wait out here for Gamma to wake up if you wish to see her."
"Or else what?" You huff, "Let me see Gamma."
"Or else-"
A number of knives start to spin around the purple-haired girl.
"I already know that you're a very powerful mage." She continues, "That's why I don't want you to strain Gamma any more than she has already been strained."
You roll your eyes. You could use takedown on her in a second, and she would be powerless to stop you.
"That's cute." You reply. "Are you even aware that her 'magical accident' affected the flow of time for hundreds of miles? The train on the way over here stopped in its tracks, even."
This makes her blink, and appear genuinely confused. It seems that she isn't aware of the implications of Gamma's 'magical accident'.
"So you intend to fight me? You could be bluffing about your power, but you must be considerable for humans if I'm based off of you."
"I don't intend to, but-"
The purple-haired mirror of yourself stops short as another voice makes itself known.
"Lutecia, why did you run off?"
"Megane told you to stay near me while you were here at the Cathedral. So why did you just decide to stand up and run out of the room?"
'Lutecia's boisterous attitude immediately deflates.
"Fabia, I thought you were sleeping."
"I was, the jet lag still hasn't worn off, yet. Speaking of which-" The blonde 'Fabia' blinks, "Did Megane get a really tacky sense of fashion?"
"Fabia! This is serious, can you go inside?" 'Lutecia' replies.
"No, you go inside." 'Fabia' replies, sleepily. "You're not even supposed to be getting involved in anything weird. Speaking of weird, your friend is not even wearing that outfit right. Also, did she slick her hair back? Yuck.."
"You.." You feel your eyebrow twitch, "I suppose it's only natural for a human to be unable to understand the refined tastes of machined steel." You cover your disgust with a mocking smile.
Fabia simply sighs.
"Oh please, you're not even cosplaying as a Belkan noble right. I lived there, and your outfit looks like it was from a dollar store."
"Why you-" You reach for your sword-
"Also, you talk too much."
Your sword cuts through a mass of pitch-black smoke that seems to envelope you!
"Hey!" You twirl the sword, and are able to push enough of the smoke away to see your attackers, "Smokescreens? I can sense you through concrete, what did you hope to-"
"HEY!" You whack your almost-exposed storage tanks back under your blouse, "What kind of attack is that? Put my clothes back to normal right now?!"
"Oops.." Fabia sighs, "I thought you would look better if they were tighter fitting."
"I really didn't need to see that.." Lutecia is covering her face with her hands. Chantez doesn't seem to be embarrassed but more.. really confused.
"These clothes are specifically matched. You will pay for this-" You draw your sword with one hand, and your other contains yourself inside of your outfit.
"Maybe you're just too big, let's try something else-"
"No! This will not work a second time. You-"
"..Undo this.."
You don't have the flexibility to make any sudden demands, but you can feel that your barrier jacket just shrunk by another size.
If you make even one move, it'll rip straight off of your hips and your chest.
"Mm." The blonde menace replies, "..I don't remember how on that one, but that's okay. It'll go back to normal after a.. few hours or so."
"Few HOURS?"
The humans are clearly enjoying this!
"I need to find my sister.. right, now." You hold your outfit together with your bare hand at the chest, even one wrong move could cause it to tear. "What do you think I should be doing to do that?"
"Oh, well-" The pervert seems to get an idea, "You could just stand there, perfectly still, for a few hours until your clothes return to normal."
"..a few hours."
"A few hours." She repeats.
"You best suggest another way."
"..Alternatively, you could find your sister with your tits and butt hanging out after your pants finish ripping." Fabia shrugs, "But you seem like the kind of person with too much of an ego to let that happen. Or you could detonate your barrier jacket, and then stand here naked in front of everybody in the courtyard while you reformed it, including that 'Iota' girl who is watching you on Cameras. She's a nice girl but I think she would take a few pictures like that and spread them around."
"You knew.." You growl.
"Of course I knew, which is why I'm going to take this-"
She suddenly grabs Lutecia's ear!
"H-hey, Fabia-" Chantez seems confused, "What are you doing?"
"-And then I'm going to go have a long talk with her about interfering in adult business she was explicitly told not to." Fabia smiles. "Don't go too far, okay?"
"You're gonna pay for this.." You grit your teeth, "Both the outfit AND the insults."
They walk away, and leave you clutching your clothes over your shoulders.
Amadeus could fix this!
"Amadeus?" You yell, "Amadeus! Come here!"
You stand like a statue in the moonlight as you watch various humans flick out torches, turn off the magic lighting, and leave you standing motionless in the courtyard.
..You can tell Iota is watching you. You can feel her.
"Iota!" You try to get her attention, "Iota, signal Amadeus, I need him back here, now!"
Nothing to do but stand here, and wait.
You gently turn your head to notice Foxtrot. She rubs her eyes as she seems to be focusing on you in disbelief.
"Foxtrot.." You want to ask for help, but you don't think your pride would allow that from a newer unit. Instead, something else comes to mind.
"-Are my tastes in clothes awful?"
(Our Humble Abode: END)
Christmas 2020
"Merry Christmas!"
You watch as your friends and human counterparts all merrily exchange hugs. They pass boxes wrapped in red paper back and forth between one another. You continue to watch as they talk about their lives over the past year (A whole year?!), and continue to think the same thing again and again.
"(I don't get it.)"
"(Me neither, Gamma.)" Iota seems to be just as confused as you are.
You are Gamma, an advanced combat android. You're experiencing your first Christmas ever. 'Experiencing' is quite a way to put it. There are lots of unnamed social rules that the humans are simply glossing over as they talk.
You sigh, and then attempt to follow the conversation as best as you can.
"I can't believe it's been a whole year." Not-Foxtrot seems to sigh. "This last year was crazy."
"Not to mention terrifying." Not-Echo seems to agree with her.
You're currently at Not-Echo's house, otherwise known as 'Hayate Yagami', to celebrate Christmas along with some humans whom your sisters are friends with (and are also based on). This will make the first time you've ever experienced a 'Christmas'. You were originally just going to stay at the labs, but all of the humans left and Hotel's human insisted that it wasn't healthy to spend the 'happiest day of the year' inside of a pod.
Speaking of which, Hotel and November's humans came to pick you up and take you to this Christmas party. You think several of your other sisters have also been dragged into similar affairs of their own. According to Iota, Oscar hasn't stopped complaining over the datalink all night. She's thankfully spared us the endless complaining by filtering out her datastream.
Which means that all you have to do, is not make an embarrassment of yourself, and you'll be back at the labs before you know it.
You're here with Iota, Foxtrot, Hotel and November. Echo is here as well, but the look in her eyes seems to paint a picture of someone who wishes she wasn't here. You think she's more confused as to what is expected of her.
"So-" Hotel jumps forward, she's been the most excited by this, "How has the last couple months been? Have you gone on any cool adventures?"
This is all Hotel talks about, adventures, adventures, adventures. She would love nothing more than to go on a mission with the Aces, but she hasn't quite been approved for that just yet. It's a wait that she's been thinking about every day.
You still don't quite get the purpose of this gathering, so you'll instead simply ask.
"There's all these high-level Aces here, so are we going to discuss a top-secret mission?"
Uh oh.
The way Iota is glancing at you makes you believes that you have possibly already said something embarrassing.
Thankfully Hotel's human doesn't scold you for saying something embarrassing, but instead laughs.
"No, no" Nanoha muses, "We're not here to talk about a mission, we're here to celebrate and relax."
"I'm not sure how we can all celebrate and relax while there's so many top level mages here!" Hotel is beaming with excitement. "C'mon! Surely you've been in a fight recently!"
"..Yeah, cleaning up the Ground Forces HQ after Gamma has been quite a battle." Not-Echo mumbles.
You're inclined to agree, especially since you've been 'volunteered' to help with it.
It's not your fault the Hucks crashed the HQ. You were just on a bodyguard mission, and they came through the wall.
Okay, maybe everything AFTER that was your fault. The fire, the screaming, the breakers, especially the fire.
The fire made everything way worse.
You've been.. mostly forgiven for that. However, you still feel a few glances as you walk through the HQ. Some of irritation, others of abject fear.
Thankfully, they didn't dock your tokens for doing that.
"Hotel, Hotel-" November grabs her sister's shoulder, "Let's not bother the humans with that. They wish to not think about fighting for one day."
"Exactly. Not-Papa exclaims, "This is a peaceful day, and we should all appreciate being together and not being worlds apart on separate missions."
"Oh!" You feel a tinge of excitement, "Where's Rein? And Agito?!"
"Right here!" Agito pops out from around the corner. Despite being a few centimeters in size, she has a lot of energy to her as she zips around the room. "Gamma!"
She lands on your shoulder, and you pat her head.
"Gamma.." Echo whispers.
You feel her hail you over the datalink.
"(What do I say?)" Echo sounds nervous.
"You heard me!" Echo huffs in real life.
You're not sure how to parse Echo's request. However, you do know what you would say in her position.
"(Um.)" You try to help Echo out, "(Try 'It's good to see you'?)"
Echo immediately bows, and smiles.
"It's good to see you." With a slight smile.
Her human counterpart has a particular smile spread across her face. Shortly thereafter, she pounces into a hug.
"(G-Gamma!)" Echo exclaims as Hayate clings to her, "(W-What did I do?! Did I say something wrong?)"
"(N-No, I don't think that's quite it.)" You laugh, "(Rather, I think she's entranced with your honesty.)"
"(Is this a normal response to being honest to humans?!)"
"Ahaha!" Hotel laughs, "Look! Echo is blushing!"
"I-I am not!" Echo tries to fight it, but she's very clearly flustered. However, you think it's because of nervousness.
"Speaking of which!" Hayate looks away from Echo, "Why aren't any of you wearing Christmas clothes? Don't you have any?"
Suddenly, all of the humans stop. It feels like an icy wind just blew over the small group.
"W-Well. You see-" Fate tries to explain, "They live in the lab, and-"
"Oh?" Hayate blinks, "They don't have any? That's great!"
Shamal gasps, and Signum is trying to tell Hayate 'Don't do it'. Those pleas fall on deaf ears as she continues.
"-I have a whole closet of some of our old Christmas outfits! Come! Let's try some on!"
Nanoha and Fate eye each other nervously.
You only feel confused, and glance over toward Foxtrot.
Or to where Foxtrot was. Instead, there's a blank spot in her place.
"(I have a bad feeling about this.)" Iota remarks.
"(Foxtrot, why did you disappear?)"
"(I've spent the night over here before.)" Foxtrot replies, "(If you can fade, I would do it right now.)"
"(What?!)" Echo seems horrified, "(What are you saying?)"
"Come on! Come on!" Not-Echo is already pulling at her counterpart's shoulder, "Let's go try on some outfits! It's not Christmas without them."
You blink, and then look over to Signum.
She's whispering a very silent 'I'm Sorry'.
You seem to take what could be the wrong message from Signum, and try to make the best of the situation.
"New Clothes!" You smile, "What could possibly go wrong?"
You can almost feel Echo staring daggers at you as you're both dragged inside to the guest room.
"Try this next!"
"I don't get it." You reply.
"You look wonderful!" Not-Echo gushes as you wear this strange brown outfit.
You're not sure what exactly it's supposed to represent. It has strange, asymmetric horns. Not to mention little bits of fuzz all over the outfit. You are nothing short of baffled as to what 'Christmas' is supposed to be just by wearing it.
"Is this what 'Christmas outfits' are?"
"Absolutely!" Hayate smiles, "These outfits bring out the holiday cheer."
"I don't feel particularly 'cheerful'." You blink, "More 'itchy'."
"Echo!" Hayate calls out, "Are you done changing, yet?"
For some reason, Echo asked for her own private changing room apart from you and Hayate. You're not entirely sure why at first, but now you understand that she probably didn't want to be watched the whole time that she's been undressing.
Yes, Hayate watched you the whole time you were undressing. It was a little unnerving.
What's more unnerving is Echo, who emerges from the changing room.
She's pulling and yanking at her outfit as she approaches the bed.
"It looks really good on you!" Hayate is practically beaming as Echo steps out of the closet.
"Where are the underwear?" Echo immediately asks a piercing question. "It was not included in the outfit.
"Something like that doesn't need underwear, Echo." Hayate has a cheeky look on her face. "Just walk slowly and be mindful of your surroundings. "
"Give. Me. Underwear." Echo huffs.
"Okay, okay." Hayate sighs, with a smile, "On another note, How does it fit?"
"It is adequate." Echo replies, "However, it's kind of tight in the chest area."
This seems to put a sour look on Hayate's face.
Echo continues her assault of questions on her captor.
"Furthermore, what is Gamma supposed to be dressed as?"
"I would like to know myself."
"That's a reindeer." Hayate answers without hesitation.
Suddenly, there's that mischievous grin again with a slight blush.
"It's what Santa rides into town every Christmas night. She's wearing the perfect match for your Santa outfit-"
"NO." Echo immediately replies. Her face becomes flustered.
You simply blink.
"It s okay Echo." You try to allay her fear, "I'm more than strong enough to carry you."
"No.." She repeats.
"You should probably put on some underwear first, though." You notice that her skirt is way too short.
"Really? I would think you would prefer her without it." Hayate states in a mischievous manner.
"NO! No no no!" Echo repeats one more time. She's holding her skirt downward with a blush.
You blink, and realize that there's something that you're missing here. You borrow Not-Echo's Wifi connection to reference something real quick.
That's why she's flustered.
"I get it!" You have a 'eureka' moment, "You don't want to ride me without a sleigh!"
"Wow Gamma." Hayate's grin hasn't gone away, "I didn't think you would be into that."
"Quiet, you!" Echo seems furious, why is that?
"Echo, what do you have against sleighs?" You seem to narrow down the source of Echo's annoyance to the mode of transportation.
"I-" Echo looks like she's about to answer immediately, but she changes her mind at the last minute "I can't ride a sleigh without underwear, snow will get inside of the dress!"
"Really? It seems like the kind of ride that you wouldn't need underwear for." Not-Echo, what is with that grin?
Suddenly, Echo starts screaming.
"Will you STOP? Maybe that's appropriate for me, but Gamma is just a child! Practically! Almost!" Echo huffs.
"What's a little bit of teasing? Besides, you both look so cute in that!"
"Why are you screaming?" You don't quite get it, "Don't be upset, Echo. I can still pull the sleigh, but I think Santa has like seven more Reindeer according to this article I read."
"Yeah! I even have a bridle you can wear!"
"WHY DO YOU HAVE A BRIDLE?" Echo is petrified at Not-Echo's preparedness.
"..Reasons." Is all Hayate says in response.
"Okay, okay, things are gonna change." Echo huffs, "I'm going to go put on some underwear, I don't care whose underwear at this point. Gamma, you're going to change out of that outfit into something else!"
"..I like the reindeer, though." You frown.
"Ah that's okay, I have another outfit for Gamma to try on!" Hayate's grin is back.
"I don't care, just make sure it has panties!" Echo storms back into the closet, and shuts the door.
"Okay Gamma, let's try on this other outfit that I saw."
"Other outfit?"
Taking off the reindeer outfit was much faster than trying to put this other one on.
You tug and pull, and quickly search for the other pieces of the outfit.
That is, until you realize something.
"Uh, Hayate."
"Yes?" She's watching you rather intently.
You pull the fabric over your storage tanks, and realize that it doesn't quite fit.
"..Where's the rest of this outfit?"
"You know, now that I think about it. I think that's it." Hayate smiles.
You blink.
"Uh, it doesn't quite cover-"
"No no, you have to pull it over your shoulders. Like this-"
There's a bang in the room that grabs your attention. Both you and Hayate turn to glance at the disturbance.
"Hayate.." Echo glances at you trying to pull the tight outfit around your storage tanks, "EXPLAIN YOURSELF."
28 = 28
39 = 39
39 = 39
87 = 87
82 = 82
94 = 94
" .So what do you think, Echo?" You take the expression on her face for either extremely happiness or disgust. One or the other. "It has panties, just like you want."
"HAYATE!" Echo shouts, "You've done some perverted things, but this has to be the worst!"
"So you don't hate it, right?"
"Hey!" You frown, "I feel like I'm being insulted! My awareness has been tested in the 99th percentile of all units!"
"That's only because you shelter her so much!" Hayate is getting huffy, "There's nothing wrong with a little teasing!"
"..Teasing on the youngest unit in our block." Echo scowls.
They seem so angry, and you're not entirely sure what they're angry about.
You think the constant bickering isn't quite answering questions. Maybe you should ask Foxtrot?
You're about to open the door just as Echo stops you.
"Gamma!" She's gawking, "Don't open that door! You're indecent!"
"Echo, there's nothing that indecent about that outfit. I'll give her a nice dress and she'll look great."
"NO!" Echo crosses her arms, "No no, I cannot trust you to dress her!"
"Echo! Most of your outfits came from my closet. You're such a worrywart."
"I only am because I worry about Gamma's purity!"
What does that mean? How pure you are? Pure what?
You remember a briefing with Caledfwlch where you were described as 'Pure Power'. Does she mean that kind of purity?
Earlier yesterday you dunked a rogue mage through a slab of concrete. So you don't think wearing this outfit would have anything to do with that.
Just in case though, you're going to ask Iota-
"Hayate!" You hear flesh-Foxtrot outside, "I'm coming in, we're missing the-"
The door opens.
Flesh Foxtrot turns as red as her hair as she's about head-level with your underpants.
Not to mention Fate, sometimes classified as 'taller November', standing outside.
".. I did not need to see that." Fate comments, meekly.
"..Neither did I, damn it Hayate." Flesh Foxtrot seems just as surprised.
Flesh Foxtrot's face relaxes, but continues to sport the same angry scowl that has become almost natural when dealing with Hayate.
"Hayate, I can't believe this." She takes a step back from you and comments on the scene unfolding before her, "Have you told Lindy about this? Were you always into older women? I didn't know you had that kind of fetish."
"Hey!" Hayate tries to offer some kind of weak defense to her accusers, "This isn't what it looks like!"
"I can't believe that you had an outfit like this picked out in my mother's sizes." Fate seems more worried than angry. "Don't tell me that you were going to use her as a model for my own mother."
"No, no no. I'm just-"
"You're using Gamma to tease Echo, that's what you're doing." Vita seems to have solved this on her own. "-But by doing so, you're doing something even more creepy than I think you realize."
"There's nothing creepy about this! It's a Santa outfit!"
"-That's three sizes too small."
"Okay Hayate-" Echo suddenly speaks up, "If you don't think you did anything wrong. Why don't we just call Lindy right now and show her Gamma's new Christmas outfit."
"Wait, wait, Echo. There's no need to-"
Before Hayate can even finish talking; Echo has pulled up a holographic screen.
Hayate's immediate reaction is to bat the screen away like an embarrassed child. A part of you wonders if she realizes that Echo doesn't actually need the holographic screen to make a phone call?
In either case; you're not entirely sure why they're all disappointed. Fate seems to notice your confusion.
"Sigh, Look what you did, too." Fate sounds like a disappointed mother more than a friend, "Raptors blink when they are confused, and Gamma is blinking a lot."
You blink, is that true?
You then realize that it absolutely is.
You're not sure how you fit into this conversation. You're about to wander outside to ask Hotel what she thinks of the outfit; but are stopped by Fate.
"No no, you're not going anywhere."
"Why not?"
Everyone in the room jumps as you all hear a massive explosion outside. Without another word, everyone is heading toward the front door.
You follow closely behind them.
"I did it!" One raptor proudly proclaims as she stands over the charred body of something.
"Did what?!" Her human counterpart quickly asks the important question as she's the first outside.
"What did you do?" Signum is equally confused.
"I shot Santa!" She proudly proclaims in her festive outfit that Shamal gave her. "And I got his bag! I won Christmas!"
There's a groan as the man on the ground coughs into the snow.
Not to mention the surprised and worried faces of everyone around.
"..Well I guess Christmas is cancelled this year." Foxtrot states in the most deadpan manner possible.
"Wait..." Hayate turns the charred figure over. "Duke?! Duke! Are you okay?!"
"Hi commander.." The darkened form emits another cough, "Good to see you tonight."
"..Is Duke Santa?" You feel a little confused.
"Yeah.." He mumbles, "For the TSAB Christmas party.. I was supposed to land on the building's helipad and bring in the presents. That was until I saw a very big, pink flash of light."
"I won!" Hotel proudly proclaims with a laugh, "Take that, TSAB Christmas party!"
"Oh no." Tango grumbles.
"Who let Hotel bring her device, anyway?!" Hayate exclaims.
"I didn't bring one!" Hotel proclaims, "They don't let me have one outside of missions after the last couple times. Look! I made one out of a pen and a quartz crystal!"
She proudly displays her tiny little tube-shaped trinket. It still glows red from the extraordinary heat that it was subjected to in having to focus pure magic energy through the width of a drinking straw. Part of it is already starting to melt in her hand.
"Oh geez.." Nanoha walks out and notices the device, "Hotel, making those improvised devices is very illegal. You would have lost your finger just now, if that were possible."
"Well I didn't, So I won!"
"D-Duke." Big Sierra tries to lift him out of the snow, "Let's get you inside, and get you patched up. Want to give me a hand, Foxtrot?"
"Sure." Foxtrot obliges, and picks up Duke's upper section with ease. Shamal has enough problems just lifting his legs.
The crowd follows the charred man back inside, and leave you and Hotel out in the snow.
You sigh.
"..Fine, then I guess I'll do it."
"Do what?"
"Someone has to deliver these presents to the TSAB building." You pick the sack of labeled boxes on it up, "If Duke isn't going to do it, then I suppose I have to. Their Christmas party is still going on, and they're expecting these."
"But then you're missing THIS Christmas party." Hotel points out.
"This won't take long, and I think me being with Hayate is starting to bother Echo for some reason."
Used: ★ Raptor Flight
"I'll be back."
With a jump, you're off in the air and flying toward the glowing pillar in the distance. You can probably deliver this sack of presents fast enough to where they don't even realize that Duke has been 'out of commission'.
As you float away into the night; you can see Echo rush out of the house.
"Hotel!" You hear her slightly, "Where did Gamma go?"
Hotel explains, and the last that you hear is a brief exclamation from Echo.
"..While wearing THAT?!"
You feel the snow hanging in the air start to cling to your clothes, and your skin. It's not anything more serious than annoying, but it does make you wish that you simply kept your barrier jacket equipped before you left.
There it is, the pillar of the TSAB Ground Forces HQ. It always dominates the landscape, and it's conveniently very close to Hayate's house. You can make this trip in just a few minutes by air.
"(Gamma, what is going on?)" Iota immediately hails you over the datalink.
"(I'm delivering presents to the TSAB HQ after Hotel killed Santa.)"
"(..Gamma, Echo is saying that you left the house indecent. Is this true?)"
"(Indecent? I wouldn't say that.)" You blink, "(She said so herself, I have panties, and a shirt on.)"
"(..Gamma, what else do you have on?)"
"(..A hat?)"
"(GAMMA!)" That's when Iota gets loud, for some reason, "(Get back to the house right now!)"
"(I'll be back in a minute. I'm almost there.)"
"(That's exactly why you need to get back here!)"
"(I'm just going to deliver the presents and leave. Hold on, I'm landing on the helipad.)"
"(NO!)" Iota screams, "(NO NO! Do not go inside! I'll send November or Fate to come get you! Don't go in! Don't-)"
You're not really understanding what Iota is so angry about. Instead, you land on the helipad and hurry inside before anyone is questioning where Duke went.
The helipad is empty, but the inside is all festive-like. Tons of decorations on every balcony, and the atrium even has a huge Christmas tree in it!
You sigh as you enter, it's really quite impressive to watch. Do humans really do this every year?
You should start by finding someone that you know, and
Oh! There's someone you know.
"Hi Shari!" You wave to the brown-haired device master. She's always so nice, keeping Barracuda sharp and powerful. Not to mention she's the main TSAB technician for the Raptor division. She's always keeping an eye out for you.
"Hi Gamma!" Shario gives you a warm smile. "Pray tell, why are you dressed like that?"
"Hmm?" Great, now she's grilling you about your clothes, too. "Oh, it's the only Christmas clothes I had."
She continues to have that oddly sweet smile, and rephrases the question.
"Let me ask that again." She adjusts her voice, "Who gave you these Christmas clothes?"
"Ohhh-" You nod, "Hayate gave them to me. She said it was the spirit of the season."
"Ahh, okay." She nods, "Everything is starting to make sense now."
"Everything?" You blink.
"Why she wanted a few Raptors to come over to her place, why she wasn't at the Christmas party, why she had someone come and pick them up from the labs when I wasn't around. Yes, it's all starting to come together, now."
"Yes.. I understand completely, now." Shario replies in a deep voice, "Who else has the vile succubus kidnapped?"
"Kidnapped?" You blink, "No one else was there except Myself, Hotel, November, Tango, Foxtrot, Iota and Echo."
"Oh, so it's worse than I thought."
Wow, her fists are clenched really hard.
"(Gamma, stay right where you are, Fate is almost to your position.)"
"Oh, Fate's coming to help." You blink, "I don't know why. These presents are very light."
"I see, accomplices." Shario continues to state in a very low tone, "Accomplices to the corruption of innocence."
"Corruption? I don't think anything has been corrupted." You blink.
"Shari? GAMMA?" Shario's best friend and co-worker, Mariel, notices the interruption. She's another really good device master, but she usually focuses on ranged devices. "Gamma.. Why are you wearing that?"
"Oh hi, Mary." That's her pet name, she insists that everyone call her that, "Shari was just telling me about-"
"Mary, GAMMA was just telling me that she got that outfit from Hayate." Shario's smile is undeterred as she glances at her friend, "And I'm guessing sent her here dressed like that."
..Suddenly, Mariel is smiling in the same way?
"Ohh." Mariel's smirk seems even stranger than Shario's! "Oh I see. Must be some kind of sick prank to send her here, then."
"Mm, yes." Shario replies, "I wonder how we should punish Hayate for this? Fire?"
"No, that's too easy. Plus, perverts like her may enjoy that." Mary replies.
"Um, excuse me." You blink, "There's no reason for anyone to be punished here, this outfit is just on loan from-"
"And YOU-" Mariel's grin vanishes, "We're going to go to the lab, get you some spare clothes, and watch a short movie about sexual harassment in the workplace!"
"..Sexual what?' You're confused.
"Just because you're a raptor doesn't give her the right to treat you like a sex toy!" Shario immediately comes to some odd conclusion that you don't understand the meaning of.
You feel as if you may have made things very complicated.
You re slowly walked away back to the lab. The whole time Shario is pulling on your arm like she's disciplining a spoiled child. You're really not sure what caused their moods to go from happy->angry so quickly.
The two device masters stop, and glance at each other.
"I'm going to go to the locker room real quick and get a towel. Stay right here with Mary." Shario states, sharply.
She departs for the floor below, and you simply blink at Mariel.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no you didn't." Mariel slaps her head with her palm, and sighs. "You, personally, didn't do anything wrong."
"Oh." You blink, "So what's the problem?"
Mariel simply stares back as if you should immediately know what the problem is. This stare is awkward, and lasts way too long.
"Excuse me!"
"Oh no, Gamma! Quick! Get behind me, someone is coming!"
"Behind you?"
You step behind Mariel, but are still quite a bit taller than she is.
"..I see that this will not work." The much shorter scientist replies.
You glance to see who it might be and- Oh no. The one person you were hoping NOT to see.
"Mm, Merry Christmas, Gamma!" X-Ray is smiling as she approaches. "I really like the outfit!"
"Really?" You blink, "You're the first one to have said that."
"X-RAY!" Mariel exclaims, "Now is not the time to be teasing Gamma! She showed up inappropriate! Do us a favor and get these gifts to the ground floor!"
"Oh, these?" X-Ray picks up the sack of boxes.
There's the signature crack of her disappearing without a trace.
Several seconds pass, and-
"X-Ray!" Mariel huffs, "What did I tell you about teleporting inside of the building?!"
"Hehe, sorry." She puts on a fake apology, kind of like everything else about her. She's probably one of the most difficult people to work with in an operation. "Anyway, Why are you dolled up so much, Gamma? Is Mariel taking you to a secret-"
"Don't say it!" Mariel puts her finger on X-Ray's mouth. "Don't. Say. It."
"Aw, rude." X-Ray pouts.
"I am just here to deliver presents from Hayate's house." You reply, "I didn't expect people to be this upset by the way I was dressed."
"I didn't expect it, either!" X-Ray's teasing voice is coming back out, "What's wrong, don't want people at the Christmas party to be knocked out by Gamma's beauty?"
"X-Ray.." Mariel is growling, "Now is really not the time to be doing this."
"I kind of want to take you downstairs and get a few Christmas pictures of you, Gamma." X-Ray, why are you blushing?
"X-RAY!" Mariel instinctively steps in front of you.
"Too late, you can't erase this image from my mind. By tomorrow, all the lab raptors will know this joy." She giggles.
"X-Ray " Mariel interrupts, "If you show the other raptors this photo, half of them won't even understand the problem and the other half will be actively plotting Hayate's demise!"
"Ohh, so you're saying Hayate would want these pictures back?" X-Ray winks.
"X-Ray." You don't understand why Hayate would want those pictures back, but you do understand when she's being evil. "Teasing a Commander of the TSAB won't be good for the standing of the labs. Do you want me to tell Dr. Carrera?"
"Fine, fiiine." X-Ray smirks, "I'll just keep them for myself, then."
"If you're DONE, X-Ray." Mariel grabs your arm, "We were just about to take Gamma upstairs to get her some clothes."
"What?" X-Ray blinks, "And deprive the world of THIS?"
You're still not sure what's so amazing. It's just Hayate's Christmas outfit.
"X-Ray, do you want to come to Hayate's Christmas party?"
"That sounds delightful!" X-Ray smiles.
"There you are!"
"You're in a lot of trouble, young lady!" Fate appears to be talking directly to you. "I didn't say you could leave the house, and I didn't say you could leave the house dressed like THAT!"
The brown-haired girl stands with a towel limply in her hand.
"You have a lot of explaining to do!"
"N-no I don't!" Fate immediately huffs, "Gamma is the one who left while half-decent!"
"Why is she half decent in the first place?!" Mariel immediately takes Shari's side.
"What sick, twisted perversions are the Aces doing to young, impressionable A.I. outside of their lab?!"
"I told you-!"
"(Gamma.)" You hear X-Ray's voice on the datalink.
"(W-)" Iota seems just as surprised as you are. "(How did you get on this call!?)"
"(I never left from the last time.)" X-Ray is giggling, has she heard everything you and Iota have been saying for the past few days?! How did Iota not notice that?! "(The humans are getting loud and boring, wanna go back to Hayate's place?)"
"(Uhh, but Fate is-)"
You watch as Fate, Shari, and Mariel proceed to have a conversation that can only be described as 'Chaotic'.
"(..We should probably leave.)"
"(Yes!)" X-Ray is way too agreeable with this idea. She immediately grabs your hand, and-
You walk back into the Yagami household, and see Shamal tending to the charred figure known as the 'Strongest in the TSAB'. He holds an ice-pack to his head, and sputters occasionally.
"Oof, tough luck Duke." X-Ray laughs.
"Don't.. say it." Is all he can respond with.
"Gamma? Where's Fate?" Shamal seems confused, "I thought she went to pick you up."
"She'll be back, she's.." You try to think of a way to describe it, "Busy."
"With two girls!" X-Ray exclaims, "At once!"
"Uh huh." Shamal furrows her brow, "I know your tricks, X-Ray. I'm not reacting like that, again."
"Aww, no fun." X-Ray pulls on your hand, and leads you down the hallway.
It's almost like she knows where to go.
Inside of the room where Hayate dressed you; Echo is scolding Hayate for what seems to be a number of reasons.
"AND ANOTHER THING!" Echo yells, "-If you make me wear clothes without panties again, then I'm going to take yours, instead!"
"..But you already wear my-"
They both stop as they notice the new figures in the room with them.
Their heads slowly turn to look at the grinning face of a madwoman.
"..Oh, so you both share panties?" X-Ray's eyes are.. glowing?
"X-RAY- Echo immediately bursts out in righteous fury, "You are NOT allowed to talk about these things with Gamma in the room, WE'VE HAD THIS DISCUSSION!"
"What? I was just going to point out how convenient it must be to share the same size with someone else. Not unless you and her are doing something dirty with your panties." X-Ray gives her mischievous grin, "You seem very offended by the implication, Echo."
Echo has a scowling frown on her face. Her skin is starting to blush, and Hayate is simply trying to laugh it off.
Suddenly, and with cause to give you concern.
Echo is smiling!
"Okay X-Ray, you and Hayate are basically made for one another when it comes to teasing-"
She grabs X-Ray's arm and pushes her onto Hayate, they both fall onto the bed.
"So you can spend Christmas with her! Come on, Gamma."
"Come on?" You blink.
"Yes, come on."
"Where are we go-"
Why did the datalink just hang up? You were on the call with Iota, Foxtrot, even X-Ray.
Did Echo do that? She's more than capable of beating Iota when it comes to cybersecurity. Did she just scrub the whole call?
You feel a little confused as Echo proceeds to drag you out of the house, and onto the street.
Street-side, there's already a self-driving taxi with its gull-door swung open. Echo practically pushes you inside, and then sits right down next to you as it starts to drive.
You feel that you probably should have asked this sooner.
"Echo." You blink, "Where are we going?"
"Home." Echo states in a low voice. "We're going home."
"But, what about the Christmas party?"
"We don't need it." Echo replies, leaning against you in the seat, "I hate Christmas."
You're not sure how to respond. Echo simply leans against your shoulder very quietly as the electric car speeds down the dark streets of Cranagan.
You don't really agree about leaving the party. You didn't even get to see Rein! However, you guess if it was making Echo uncomfortable; then there was no reason to keep her there.
Gently, you put your hand on her head, and start running your fingers through her hair.
You're not really sure that you want to say 'sorry'. After all, you didn't really do anything wrong. Nor do you think it's right for Hayate to say 'sorry' for this. She's the one who invited you over to her house, after all.
So who is at fault for this? Is there any fault to be given out for the sullen look on Echo's face?
Suddenly, the taxi lights up!
"Call from: Yagami Residence." The voice states in a cool, and calm manner.
"Ugh." Echo huffs, "I should have known Iota wouldn't get the hint. You can answer it if you want, I don't want to talk to her."
You're really not sure why. Aside from interrupting your datalink; you're not sure why Echo is angry at Iota of all people. All she did tonight was maintain the datalink.
You take the call, and then set it to silent. It doesn't matter though, if Echo wants to listen into your conversation; she can. You do trust her enough to not do that in a conversation between family.
"(Hello? Iota?)"
"(Gamma! What happened? You and Echo just disappeared? Did something happen?)"
"(I'm not really sure. Echo is acting all sad, and she's sitting here leaning against me like she's exhausted. Even though she's not the one who went anywhere.)"
"(Gamma.)" Iota seems more disappointed than anything, "(How dense are you? W-wait, never mind.)"
"(I'm made of multiple carbon steel alloys.)" That's what she means, right?
"(No, not that. I mean Echo's feelings. You understand why she's so upset, right?)"
"(I have been having problems parsing it.)"
"(She's angry because Hayate is constantly teasing her, and she feels like you're being corrupted by humans in your interaction with them. As in she feels like this is a problem that you are in danger of every day of your life.)"
"(Me? Corrupted?)"
"(I've told her that she has nothing to worry about, but she doesn't seem to believe me.)" Iota sighs in frustration.
That's good.
Wait, should you be insulted by that?
"(But I'm also a little angry at Echo for just barging out and taking you with her.)"
"(Because you left without talking to Rein, who is absolutely disappointed that you left!)"
That's right! You haven't seen her in so long; you were excited about getting to talk to her again!
"(..Wow, now I feel bad.)"
"(How about I put you through to her in a call?)"
"(That would be great!)"
There's a rustling on the other line as you can only assume Iota is handing the physical phone over to Rein so she can answer it.
"(Rein!)" You're happy to hear her voice once again, "(How have you been?!)"
"(Fine, except that I was looking forward to seeing you.)" Ugh, you feel the same way. "(Where did you go?)"
"(Oh, Echo wasn't feeling well. So I escorted her home.)"
"(That's very kind of you!)" Rein's warmth is powerful enough to even be felt across the wireless connection of the taxi.
"(Well, I feel guilty.)" You sigh, "(Going home with Echo means that I couldn't stay at the party with you and Agito.)"
"(It's fine! It's fine.)" Rein tries to put your fears to rest, "(There's always New Years!)"
You blink.
"(New Years? When is that?)"
"(Shortly after Christmas is the Midchildean New Years! We can get together for that.)"
"(That would be great, we could-)"
Then you remember the sulking girl on your shoulder.
"(-go out together without Echo or Hayate. I think they don't like each other much.)"
"(Is that what this is about? What did Hayate do this time?)" Rein's tone of voice changes.
Uh oh. Getting scolded by Echo isn't particularly menacing, but..
Rein.. she's truly the most terrifying of the Yagami family.
You CALMLY, and rationally explain the situation to Rein. It's followed with quite a bit of pouting, complaining, and finally-
"(Hayate..)" Rein's voice is furious.
"(B-but I don't get how this affects Echo!)" You try to change the subject; you think Echo is in enough trouble as it is. "(Echo is acting all sad, and I don't know why.)"
"(I think I know the reason.)" Rein still sounds upset.
"(Because Echo is a very, very uptight person.)" Rein seems assured with her conclusion, "(and she bears the brunt of a lot of teasing. Teasing from Hayate, teasing from Agito, teasing from Juliett.)"
That last part is especially true. Juliett loves to make Echo flustered.
"(-If Echo is sad right now, then she's sad because it must feel to her like she's little more than an object to be teased instead of a person. I know you don't get teased as often, but imagine if what Hayate was doing was almost every interaction you had with your human?)"
You suppose that would get rather annoying..
"(Look at it this way.)" Rein continues, "(Christmas is something that is supposed to be special because it's unique, and even on Christmas she gets the same treatment that she would get any other time of the year. I think she was just wanting to have a normal Christmas before Hayate very RUDELY ruined it for her.)"
"(So what do I do?)"
"(You're going back to the labs, right? Try to spend the night with her, and make it as normal of a Christmas as you can.)"
That's easy for her to say, you're still not sure what Christmas is even supposed to be.
"(Thanks Rein.)"
"(Certainly! Let me deal with a pervert, and we'll talk in a few about New Years plans.)"
Rein may be thinking of New Years, but you're still trying to understand what it is that Rein was trying to tell you.
'A normal Christmas.. '
The automatic Taxi pulls up to Caledfwlch's Midchilda laboratories. Echo remains silent as you both walk inside of the darkened building. All of the workers are attending Christmas parties of their own, and the labs decided to have theirs with the TSAB one that you visited earlier.
So it's just you, a few other sleeping units, and Echo.
"Thanks for coming back with me." Echo gives you a hug, "I just couldn't take one more minute of that. I'm going to go recharge.."
"Before that." You extend your hand to her.
Echo blinks as this catches her off-guard.
"Merry Christmas."
You present to her probably one of the only things that you can give her.
Which is, of course, one of your many selections of weapons.
"Gamma?" She looks down at the pistol that you're presenting her.
"I didn't know what to get you for Christmas, but I realize that you could probably use a side-arm."
"Oh, oh no- Here." She tries to give the pistol back to you, "I don't need a side-arm. I use the electric spikes to-"
"No no, I think you need a side arm." You present it back to her, "It's something that would put my mind at ease, too."
Echo seems a little confused by the gesture. Truthfully, you're not really sure what you're doing either. This is sort of a spur-of-the-moment thing. You can only hope that you're doing it right.
She then smiles, and then moves forward. Her arms wrap around you.
"Thank you, Gamma."
Your arms wrap around her, in turn.
You both remain like this for what could be classified 'way too long'. You're just happy to be here with Echo.
"Do you want to come with me on a New Years date?"
"Date?!" Echo seems to take offense at that.
"Yeah, Rein and I were going to do something to make up for today. Maybe we could have a better Christmas than today."
"No, Gamma." Echo squeezes you tighter, "I've already had the best Christmas ever. Thank you."
"..How many Christmases have you had?" You feel confused. This is certainly your first one.
"Just this one." Echo pulls away, "I couldn't have asked for a better one, because you're here with me."
This lasts for several more minutes. You're starting to understand why today was so important to Echo. It was more than just whatever human thing that Hayate wanted to drag you into. It was really more about the celebration of being with you for almost one full year.
You sigh, but then Echo speaks.
"..Juliett just woke up." She puts on a stern expression, "Can I use this gun to silence her? It just has to be for a few hours."
In a way, you're starting to understand why she's never given a sidearm on missions.
(Christmas 2020 END)
Never Meet Your Heroes
Your first real case is something that you never forget. In a way, it shapes your entire perspective as a person. It's the way the world lets you know that you're just a tiny cog in a machine too big for any one person to comprehend. Most people simply think of it as their ordinary lives as a way to keep the sheer scale of the world in perspective. Thinking about the size and depth of the world as a whole would be enough to drive any man insane.
To some people, their ordinary lives seems like living in a fishbowl. Garnering all the attention, but none of the rewards for being the best little cog. It drives people over the edge, knowing their next day may be the last one.
I'm not that way, though. At the time; I was just excited to be here.
It was a cold day in Cranagan. Ice fell from the heavens with enough ferocity to feel like steel bullets from God. What few people who were forced to be outside quickly tried to find cover from the wrath of the ominous deity known as Old Man Winter.
Today started like most others. I activated from my charging pod, walked over to my Boss' office, gave a status report, and then went downstairs to the training range. All in the life of an up-and-coming rookie. Many whom I knew up until that point were the others in the same boat as me who washed out of training and now spend their days in an office pushing papers like soulless drones. Maybe I could have gotten in on that, if I knew what the life entailed.
I pulled my coat up to my neck. The rain didn't really bother me as much as the ice. It gets into my coat and starts to melt as I entered the air-conditioned building of the Ground Forces HQ. I suppose that's just something for the cleaners to deal with.
With a quick tug on my mask; I enter my Boss' office.
"Boss." I step in, and give him a quick salute. "You called for me?"
Frankly, I didn't know what to expect. This is the first time he ever called me for anything that didn't involve training. I know I was just a rookie, but I was eager to prove myself at the time.
"Quebec." Boss looks up from his desk only to briefly acknowledge me. I gave a quick salute in return. "Have a seat."
He started by taking a manila envelope, and tossing it at me with the same force one would discard an obnoxious advertisement with.
"-We received a request from the seventh police precinct an hour ago. There's apparently lots of criminal activity in the area, and they suspect it's related to an illegal smuggling operation."
I didn't know what to make of it. He just sort of dumped this on me like I'm supposed to know what this means.
"Okay." Frankly, I could have chose a better way to respond than that.
"The operation has already left several at the precinct in the hospital. Their detective is starting to complain about having too much work, and too little hazard pay. He's engaged a couple of them in the streets, but immediately insisted that he wouldn't pursue the case until he had sufficient back-up."
"I see." I still wasn't sure where I fit into this, "From my procedures training, the Eighth Precinct is just down the street, and has a few A-rank mages. Why not contact them?"
"Not that simple." Duke glared at me like he had been preparing to drop an atomic bomb of a revelation that he probably should have mentioned earlier. "Apparently, the syndicate responsible has a couple of mage-killers on board."
"Mage-killers, So-"
"Likely Huckebein, yes." Duke finishes his thought, and I finish my apathy toward this assignment.
Mage-killers. I were briefed on what they were, but it doesn't seem to portray the fear of god that they put into the lower-ranked members of the TSAB. Late last year, a few of the Aces of the entire armed forces barely escaped with their lives from a few showdowns with some of the grunts of the Huckebein's ranks. At the time, 'Mage-Killers' were the names that would keep recruits up at night. There was a 0% chance that anyone who entered into the Ground Forces had any remote hope of defeating even their weakest janitors and cooks, much less the ones that put a hole in the commander's chest. Or nearly killed the First Air Captain; someone who could put all of us in a box if she so wanted. I was well aware of the strength of the more prominent members of the TSAB, even if I was specifically forbidden from meeting any of them. At the time, hearing about them only left me with the idea that they were just a myth. Something made up by staff to scare the lesser-willed people into washing out.
Now, Duke was telling me to go meet them face-to-face. I'm not sure what exactly I was thinking at the time, but it involved a lot of things that I couldn't just tell my commanding officer straight to his face. My grades in the academy were good, but they weren't THAT good. There were a few subjects that the rank-and-file outdid me in, even.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Seriously, what the hell?
6 |
Please, at least tell me that I will get weapons and a lot of cartridges.
4 |
+Don't think about how likely it is that he's sending you because you're more expendable than normal humans
3 |
You know that I'm a prototype, right? I'm in no way strong enough to solo a entire gang infected with eclipse.
3 |
If I die, the TSAB will send you the bill. I'm sure you can finish paying for me in the a life or two.
3 |
I am a A.I. advanced enough to know that I'm fucked. (sigh) Humans...
2 |
Sir, are you nuts?
2 |
Yes sir. I'll get right on that.
1 |
May I please be excused to another mission.
0 |
Don't say anything, it's not like my words ever had any kind of meaning in these situations to begin with.
"Seriously, what the hell?" This is how rookie-me decided to respond to the situation.
It seemed like a reasonable question at time. I mostly wanted to ask because I didn't want to think about the fact that they were probably sending me because I was 'more expendable' than the regular rank-and-file soldiers.
In hindsight, I think the conversation that followed just made that thought worse.
"We don't believe them to be particularly strong Mage-Killers." Duke sighs, "-But, we haven't found them on any city sweeps. Which means they are probably savvy and well-connected enough to know what my mages look like. That's where you come in. You're relatively unknown, and thus probably won't be suspected as being a mage under my employment."
This didn't help my mood.
"Boss, aren't I relatively unknown because I'm the most unproven of your mages?" I remember sighing heavily during this conversation, "I'm still just a prototype, and if I break; Caledfwlch will give you a bill that you may be able to pay off in a lifetime or two."
"I would not send you on this mission if I did not have it in utmost confidence that would not break from this. I have seen your combat statistics, and they are far above the entry level for someone in my employ." Duke tried to sound like he's authoritative on this subject, but instead came across as if he simply hired anyone to be in his employ.
"Please tell me that I will get weapons, and a lot of cartridges." I frowned like a grumpy admiral being told that he has to put in overtime, but Duke probably couldn't see it behind my mask.
"You will be armed before leaving. I don't intend to send an agent to the field unarmed. I have your request waiting with the technicians in the weapon lab upstairs."
"Wait-" I didn't know what to think of this, "You're actually giving me a real gun?"
"Any objections?"
"No! No no no-" I then come off as a little bit desperate. "None at all."
"Great, head upstairs and get armed. Your briefing is in the folder. Dismissed."
Like a dog being given a command, he dismissed me just as quickly as he summoned me. That's just the kind of guy he is. I always got the feeling that he hates this kind of work, and really only does it because he was volunteered to do it.
Speaking of being volunteered, there I was. Alone, with a thin envelope in my hand, standing outside of the glass doors to the TSAB weapon labs. My mind raced with so many possibilities that I don't even remembered how my legs drifted from Duke's office all the way up dozens of flights of stairs to the weapons lab. My mind was in such a daze that the concept of an 'elevator' had long since left it and instead been replaced with mulling over the concept of having to fight the mage-killers head-on.
Not to mention Duke's briefings are, and always have been, completely useless. The manila envelope simply gives an address for the precinct, a name for a contact, and a phone number for emergency mission updates. Nothing about intelligence or carefully planned scenarios that I had been drilled on in the academy. No operators, or overseers, or even well-trained and highly-informed spy networks who were always assumed to be a given on any mission that varied from high-stakes terrorist negotiations to delivering a pizza to a VIP.
This time, it was simply me, an envelope, and two ominous doors that I was staring down. It's moments like these that make you or break you as a cop.
My hand gestured toward the door, and it slid open without much resistance.
"Welcome!" The receptionist at the desk greeted me with a giant smile that she likes puts on for anybody who walks through those doors. "How can we help you?"
I could feel my stomach in my throat as I stepped up to her desk. The academy doesn't exactly teach people skills.
"I- Uh, I'm here for a request?"
"A request?" Great, she's confused and I'm just as confused as she is. Why does she have to ask this question a second time? Isn't it obvious that I was here for weapons procurement? I wasn't here to talk about my problems.
"Y-yeah, a request from Duke?" Was the best rookie-me could manage, even if I was thinking the previous sentiment every step of the way.
"One second, what's your last name?"
Next thought that went through my head probably summarize the most challenging part of this experience. Thankfully, I had the tact to not say them out loud.
'Oh fuck.'
Votes | Choice |
6 |
I don't have a last name.
6 |
Why do you need multiple names? I just need my serial number.
5 |
I knew I was missing something when I left the lab...
4 |
Quebec.... Saphire... the third... Phd.
2 |
I am agent Quebec.
1 |
..Uhhhh, Duke?
1 |
What a last name?
0 |
0 |
Never mind, have a nice day.
0 |
Individuality? That must be good. I will have at least a dozen Quebec's around if I don't fuck up.
"I knew I was missing something when I left the lab.." I mumble to myself.
"Huh?" The receptionist blinked. Naturally I wasn't going to get any sympathy from someone who took such simple things for granted.
"I mean-" I tried to recover, "I don't have a last name."
"Do you know what name the request is filed under, then?" The receptionist still isn't getting it that I want to be anywhere other than here right now.
"Y-yeah, can I give you my serial number?"
"Uh.." She blinks, and I feel like such an idiot for saying that.
Why did I need a name other than my serial number? Is she trying to make me feel like a fool?
"Try uh..." I just outright stated the first thing that came to mind. "Quebec... Saphire.. The third, PHD."
Maybe I wasn't processing things correctly when those words left my mouth.
"So-" The receptionist looked at her screen in boredom, "I see one here for 'Quebec'. One pistol, small caliber, stock. Go inside and you can talk to the techs about attuning it."
"Wait wait-" I blink, "Small caliber?!"
"Says so right here." The receptionist didn't seem to understand the predicament that I'm in, "Is there a problem with that?"
I remembered at the time wondering if this is what the mages who were sent on a suicide mission during the Combat Cyborg Incident felt. Like they're trying to work miracles with archaic and outdated hardware. Only realizing that they were set up to fail after they were wiped out during an ambush. The things we learned at the academy when the higher-ups aren't listening.
It made me wonder if those poor souls cursed their leadership with their dying breath. If I were Quint Nakajima, and I realized that I was betrayed by the people who gave me the mission who knew that I was leaving a family behind; I would return as an angry ghost and haunt my superiors forever.
However, this girl behind the desk isn't my superior. So there's no reason to be crass with her. I can make this case with someone else.
"No." I state with as much bile as possible. Like a venomous snake realizing that it can paralyze its prey with one well-placed spit take.
"Okay!" She completely misses it, "Go right in, there's a technician who will assist you."
I push past another set of doors, and find myself on the precipice of the testing area.
With a spin, out comes one of these 'technicians', now.
She stops as she notices that I'm covered head to toe in a trenchcoat and a mask, but quickly puts her mask back on just as tightly as yo
"Hello!" The brown-haired girl gives you a smile, "Welcome to the armory. I'm Shario, the local device meister. Are you here to get attuned?"
"I'm here to pick up a weapon, should be for 'Quebec'."
"Sure! Normally we would give recruits a strength test, but it appears that you're more than qualified for this caliber weapon." She didn't see a single problem with it as she turns around and grabs a pistol seemingly from mid-air.
What is that thing, anyway?
"Here it is!" She smiles, and hands the tiny weapon to you. "One Zapper, freshly minted!"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Hey listen.. can you get something a little.. bigger?
6 |
Please, tell me that the pistol is in compact mode...
5 |
I can use cartridges without any consequence... And they give me the most basic equipment they have in a drawer.
3 |
No, it doesn't need to e big, just destructive.
2 |
Do you have like a machine gun or something?
2 |
0 |
Thanks. (Leave)
"Please tell me this pistol is in compact mode." I remember glancing at the dinky little poly-coated device with the same way an adult may glance at a children's toy.
"It's a compact weapon, if that's what you're asking!" 'Shario' seemed more than happy to tell me this obvious information.
"Listen, may we talk off-the-record someplace?" I felt like a rat trapped in a house with ten cats. A tiny water pistol being my only mode of defense."It's important."
Shario, who seemed to be a nice person who was just following her orders, gladly obliged.
She took me back into the laboratory area, and then sat me down to have a talk. The whole time, she was probably wondering why exactly I was wearing the mask. However, I made it a point to shut down that line of questioning immediately.
"First off, let's not talk about the mask." Oddly enough, that was still the most important thing on my mind at t he time, "Second off, we need to talk about this device. Do you have something... bigger?"
"Well, we DO-" Shario blinked, this was probably an out-of-left-field question for her, "-but we'd have to create it for you, first. That may take several days. Oh, do you want some tea?"
"I'll pass." It's not like I got any sensation out of the liquids and drinks dispensed to the humans around these parts. "More importantly, do you have anything that may carry more cartridges?"
"Nope, Cartridge capacity is a need-to-use basis." She looked as if she was going to go off into a long, boring explanation that I did not want to be a part of, "Too many can lead to a critical overload of your linker core. So we keep those restricted."
I was in a bind. Maybe what I did next wasn't the smartest thing for the operational security that Duke always emphasized with my employment, but it was exactly what I was feeling at the time.
"SIGH." My sigh made her visibly jump, "I can use cartridges without any consequences... So they give me the most basic equipment they have in a drawer."
"Pardon?" Shario didn't know how to parse it, but she did know how to talk way too long about something no one cared about. "The zapper is NOT basic equipment. It's the highest tier rookie equipment we're allowed to issue. If more equipment is required, then file a request for a rank promotion at the desk of-"
"Stop, stop.." I didn't want to hear it. For one, my existence would have to be public in order to get a promotion. "Listen-"
"Listen, This is a very serious mission that could involve some very dangerous people. If you want the details, ask Duke, but I can tell you for certain that I am competent enough for a larger firearm. Is there some kind of competency test that I could take in order to qualify for a more powerful weapon?"
"Not necessarily, this weapon was decided based on your scores in the academy."
A part of me was now wondering if my traditionally-low scores in things like Midchildean history and Ancient Belkan Myths were contributing to suddenly not being given a more powerful weapon.
I just found the humanities boring because, well, I'm not human.
"I don't think you quite understand; could you at least remove a couple limiters off of it?"
"What? Most certainly not!"
Okay, I figured that it was time to just level with her.
"Listen, Shario. I can use multiple cartridges at the same time. So it would be beneficial if I were to get something that can, well, take cartridges for one."
"What?" Shario blinks. "No no, don't give me the 'I can take it' speech, I hear it all the time."
"I'm serious." I didn't really know how to convince her, "It's a special skill of mine. You can ask Duke if you want more of the details."
"Sorry, but if I give you a bigger weapon, and you get hurt, then that fault is also on me for giving you that device." Shario shrugs.
I wasn't deterred, though.
"I'm going to need something bigger than a 'Zapper' because the target that I'm facing can probably take multiple busters without flinching."
"Then, you should call for backup."
"..Shario, do you have a firing range I could demonstrate the problem on?"
She shrugged, you weren't sure what else to do other than give her a demonstration of your abilities. She lead you over into a separate arena.
-And you were going to give her a show.
BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!Poor little 'Zapper', it never stood a chance. The polymers that make up its grip were already starting to melt.
I poured my tuned mana into one final breaker that I sent downrange. Shario was clearly surprised by the fact that I could fire off so many relatively powerful spells in quick succession. Usually, that was the work of someone who was several levels higher than what my mage rank said I was.
I turned around, and walked back toward her after the range gave the 'all-clear'. I set little 'Zapper' down in front of her, and watched as the plastic grip peeled away in stringy goo that adhered to my glove.
"Do you see now?" I tried to talk some sense into the technician, "I'm going to need something that can fire higher-level spells off in succession, because the thing I'm going to be fighting something that can take plenty of higher-level spells in succession. Promotion or backup isn't an option, because I'm supposed to be Duke's secret weapon that he takes out to solve problems. That's why I'm wearing the mask, after all."
The brown-haired technician was dumbstruck. She picked up the rapidly-cooling device, and inspected it closely.
"..Let's see what I can do, but I make no promises on such short notice."
"THANK you." I sighed. Even a little something was showing that she cared.
I followed her into the labs, and she disappears for a few minutes.
When she came back, she had a slightly larger gun in hand.
"That's it?" I glanced at my bulwark against the coming storm. While it was a step up from 'Zapper', it still left much to be desired. "It only holds five cartridges."
"Best I can do right now. Getting a cartridged weapon without an exception really can't be done." Shario shrugged. "Really sorry."
"I guess I gotta do what I gotta do." I took the device into my hand. It seemed to be archaic in more ways than one, but I didn't realize that I would come to like the little shortstack. "Thanks for trying at least."
"Hey." Shario seemed a bit more nervous talking to me than before, "Before you go, what's your name?"
"Quebec Saphire the third, PHD." I give her the same name that I gave the receptionist. I needed to be consistent. "You can ask Duke for more info. I don't know how much of it is classified."
"Do you need help?" Shario looked kind of nervous. "Is Duke treating you right?"
I didn't realize what she was really asking at the time. Nor did I understand what she meant by 'treating right'. I went through the academy, and was being given an order. How else should I have been treated?
"I'm fine, but you may not want to look into me more than that. I don't know how touchy they are about the whole thing." I gave her a brief handshake, "If you want to help, please try to get me more weapons by the time I get back."
"..I'll see what I can do."
That look on her face. I could already tell that she was the kind of person who wouldn't stop looking until she found something. I could only have hoped that I didn't just get her into a world of trouble.
I grabbed some shotgun-styled cartridges from her, and then left the laboratory. Outside was already a cold day in hell, and I was getting ready to face the devil himself head-on. What I didn't know at the time was that I had an angel who was looking out for me that day.
It was another one of those nights that drove only the criminally insane out to the streets. Everyone else was safely tucked away in their conditioned buildings and their motor vehicles. The pedestrian traffic street was slowly starting to dry up as the fury of Old Man Winter was only getting started. What started as tiny flakes soon erupted into dime-sized hailstones that bounced against the street with enough force to chip and crack against the pavement.
To me, though. It's just ordinary rain. I actually prefer it in this form, since it doesn't smear on my coat as easily as sleet.
Maybe some would think of that as weird, but I'm not exactly a normal person. Normalcy is like an estranged father that left me on the doorstep of the orphanage. I've been raised by insanity most of my life, whom I know like a brother at this point.
The Seventh Police Precinct was an out-of-the-way office in Cranagan. As out-of-the-way as someplace can be in a planet's capitol city. Tucked between a warehouse district, a shipping district, and kilometers of docks; not much happened there except the occasional robbery and thievery. Most of the time the big-crimes like smuggling would happen at the docks, but they were never called out for that sort of thing. They relied on 'experts' from the Eighth district which was just down the street. Which is a short way of saying 'We don't have anyone on staff equipped to handle actual rogue mages'.
This case, though. This felt different. The way Duke talked about the issue, and the methods in which he equipped you for it almost made you feel like he expected you fail. Or at the very least expected the precinct to just be the excuse he needed to bring in the big-gun mages at his employment. Which is all fair if one's job is pushing papers and making justifications for police action, but not much of a comfort when I'm the one on the ground being used as bait.
So much like a kid learning to swim by being thrown in the deep end of the pool; the seventh police precinct was about to get its first swimming lesson.
The outside looks about as unassuming as anyone can picture a run-down for-show police headquarters as being. I can almost smell the crushed dreams and torn-down ambitions of the people who reside in it. Nothing about it stands out except the decorative brickwork that breathes a hint of life and history into the building; regaling all who look upon it of a time when it was the pride and joy of Cranagan's police force. It's so old, it probably predates Midchilda's integration with the TSAB.
For some reason, just looking at it is making me feel a bit giddy. Is this.. curiosity? Excitement? I'm not even going to be shooting anyone tonight, so I'm not sure why I should feel excitement about it.
There's a kind of pride to it as you approach the building and glance upward at the facade. It seems to be waiting for the day that it's recognized for its stalwart vanguard over the city. That day will have to wait, for now it just has to keep me dry for a scant few hours.
My hand presses against the door, and it opens.
There's a fat man who looks to be exactly as competent as he appears sitting behind the desk handling basic reporting work. His job could be easily replaced with a monkey, but that might be an insult to primates everywhere.
"Uhhh." He glances upward as he notices my approach. He seems unsure of what to say, so I give him a hand.
"First Private Quebec. TSAB Ground Forces." You introduce yourself, "-I've been dispatched here on an emergency call. Do you know where I can meet the contact I'm supposed to be seeing?"
He seems a little slow on the uptake, but eventually gets the hint. He points awkwardly to the back room, and mumbles something barely audible.
"..Down the hall, third door to the right."
This office is starting to ignite something a little more personal than just a sense of accomplishment. It feels nostalgic, despite the fact I've never set foot in here before. It feels like I've lived my whole life in these walls, and offers a sense of security like a bird returning to its nest. Everything about it from the shoddy lighting, the cracking brickwork, the stains on the walls from the days where everyone and their mother's dog smoked like a chimney.
It's grimy, filthy, and weird.
I just eat that up.
My hand turns the handle to the 'third door on the right', and it slowly opens.
A sound which may as well resemble an expletive leaves my mouth unintentionally.
It's perfect.
Exactly as I imagined it.
Honestly- I wasn't really sure how I expected it to look. However that was, it seems to match it to a T. From the mashed out cigarettes in the ashtray-
-To the half-empty liquor bottles hastily kept out-of-view on the other side of the office.
"So this is what one looks like, huh?"
I spin around, and find myself face-to-face with a peculiar face.
A middle-aged man stands with a cup of ramen noodles in one hand, and a spork in another. He blinks in confusion as he seems to piece together exactly what I'm here for.
"-Hi." He's a man of few words. I can relate.
"Detective Gallardo." I give a quick salute. "First Private Quebec from the TSAB Ground Forces. I'm responding on a request for backup from the seventh district. I can assume you filed it?"
He looks to process this information for a moment, but gives a quick order.
"Come, sit down."
I follow him to one of the nicotine-stained chairs, and plant myself in it. He sits across from me, and starts to finish his warmed carbohydrate snack.
Meanwhile, my eyes are wandering across the room as my processor tries to comprehend what my senses are experiencing.
So, he's a real detective, and this is a real detective's office.
"So is your office naturally like this?" I glance along the nicotine stained walls with wonder. There's no telling how many cancersticks were needed to make the place look like this, "It looks so-"
"It's a dump." Gallardo finishes my thought with the suave certainty of a trained smooth-talker.
"-I was going to say 'historic'." I finished my actual thought, "It looks straight out of some of the old movies."
"Ya, and they're dumps, too." He continues, "Ya'nnow, I should clean things up but.. Well, I know where everything is and that's what's important."
It's like every time he said something; it seemed like the most suave words I've ever heard. At the time; I didn't know what to make of the detective. His words almost seemed to be from another world that I wish I belonged to. Of course, I doubt that he saw himself in that. I'm sure given the chance to trade places with the new rookie or the hardboiled life he lived; he would take it in a second.
Is this what the young girls felt like chasing after rock stars? Either ways, the fluttering feeling quickly went away as we got down to business.
"So, I hear you're here to help me with a certain warehouse problem." He grumbles as he opens a half-cluttered folder on his desk.
"That would be correct." I decided to be as formal as possible.
"Just yourself."
"Who is your superior officer?" Gallardo seemed to have an inkling about something. Probably that aged detective intuition at play.
Before you can even finish, he finishes for you.
"That's correct."
"I see." He seemed to recline in his chair.
"What is our course of action, Detective?" I set my folder on his desk; I figured that the information inside was probably more use to him than it was to you.
"Well." He gazes at the wall as if he's expecting it to give inspiration, "I was going to try shooting them."
"I see, strangely enough I was thinking the same thing."
He chuckles, and I awkwardly try to mimic it as best as I can. Laughter isn't really a thing that's taught in the Academy, nor is it something that you practice much on your own.
"I like that. I mean, it won't work but I like that we're on the same page." Gallardo sighs.
"I'm of the belief that anything that can bleed may also be shot." I decided to give a bit of personal philosophy, "-It just requires increasingly more cartridges."
"Interesting theory." He leans back in his chair, "So, what're you equipped with?"
I took the device that I was given, and gently lay it on the table. Who knows, it's probably such an old piece that any errant jostle will cause it to fall into ash.
"..That's it?" He picks it up, and opens the lever, "I mean, nice capacity but-"
I shrug, he simply sighs and lays it back down.
"Guess you have me beat then." He dryly chuckles, and lays a much smaller detective's revolver on the table. One that only has room for five cartridges.
"..Where's your service weapon?" My eyes drift across the almost comically-small revolver. It looks like a woman's pepperbox pistol she would keep in her makeup case.
"That is my service weapon." Gallardo shrugs, "I don't exactly get a lot of action."
I can only blink in return.
"You don't get a lot of action?" This betrayed my expectations in more ways than one. "Also, this thing isn't loaded with any cartridges."
"That's right." He leans back, and sighs.
"Why not?"
"Y'see, I can't use that many cartridges at once." Gallardo explains, "Sort of an old injury, from my ground forces days. So frankly I just try not to. It can use seeker without any cartridges, and that's good enough for me."
There's a very powerful pause that fills the room.
"Honestly when I heard someone from the TSAB was coming; I just kind of assumed they would bring heavy artillery. I mean, they always do."
"Huh, that's odd." I felt even more disappointment for Duke, "My boss told me that you would know what to do."
We keep staring at each other, like we expected the other to have answers.
"Well, there's no helping it, then." He stood up, "I guess the question I have is 'How much of a stickler are you for rules?'"
That was an oddly phrased question, but I think I gave the best answer that I could.
"None of us are saints." I took my shotgun off the table, "It's not like bending the rules isn't command's job."
"Good answer, I like that." Gallardo stepped toward the door, and gestured toward me, "Let's go investigate the warehouse, and gauge how difficult this is going to be. But firstly, how would you feel about a little extra firepower if you didn't care where it came from?"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
What, are you going to raid the evidence locker?
5 |
Well, I'm not going to say 'no'.
4 |
Are you trying to seduce me with gifts?
4 |
Hypothetically speaking, if there was a source of extra firepower available that I didn't care about, I'd also not care about not taking from it everything that I could get away with. And maybe something extra. Just in case.
3 |
Is that extra firepower attached to a third person, or additional equipment?
2 |
I feel tears in my eyes, this sounds so beautiful.
1 |
The TSAB tried to send me here with just a zapper. How do you think I feel when you say that?
0 |
I'm not sure that's with police protocol.
"What, are you going to raid the evidence locker?"
"Oh, no no. Tampering with evidence is completely past the line." Gallardo shot that idea down, "-Really, I would risk screwing up the few arrests I have gotten recently, bad career move all around."
"I mean, firepower from someplace that isn't necessarily harmful but isn't really a good place, either."
I thought about that suggestion for all but a second.
"Hypothetically speaking, if there was a source of extra firepower available that I didn't care about; I'd also not care about not taking from it everything that I could get away with. And maybe something extra. Just in case."
"Right, hypothetically." He smirks.
"I mean, I'm not going to say 'no' to it, hypothetically." You stand up, "Especially when my options are limited."
"Right, let's go talk to a friend, then." Gallardo opens the door for you, "I think he needs to have his cage rattled, anyway."
He leads you to this awful downtrodden "mechanic" shop on the edge of the bay. Probably just beyond the Eighth Precinct's reach and thus outside the realm of what any competent mage would allow in this seedy section of the docks.
Even then, I could tell that it was most certainly a chop shop of some kind. A magical place that makes people's things disappear by disassembling it and reassembling them into things that nobody can recognize. Whether it be cars, weapons, devices, boats, basically anything short of people (and sometimes maybe people depending on where you look).
It's not uncommon for detectives to have connections to the underworld, or at least some way to have an 'in' on what is going on. Anyone who doesn't can be considered a pretty bad detective, not at least making a few friends.
He walked inside like he owned the place, and you followed right behind him.
"Welcome, welcome-" A short man behind the counter emerges from the back room as if he's simply used to unannounced visitors waltzing in, "-How can I- GALLARDO?!"
"Hey Zeke." Gallardo smiled, "You still in this dump? I thought you woulda got a better place by now."
"W-w-w-hat you are you are you youyouyouyouyou-" The hunched man's voice descends into a mumble.
Gallardo laughs.
"Hey, lighten the hell up, I'm not here to bust you ᵗᵒᵈᵃʸ. I'm here to see if you're still offering up those hacked together pieces, still."
"I assure you!" Zeke almost looked offended, "My business is totally above board, now. I don't deal in-"
Gallardo simply stared at him with a half-smile. The kind of look that says 'You're so full of it that it's leaking out of your ears'.
'Zeke' simply leans in, and whispers.
"..We both agree that you're a cop, right?"
"I guess that's true."
"-And it would be EXTREMELY stupid to sell 'hacked together pieces' to a cop, right?"
"Yeah, I guess that's true, too."
"So.. What are you doing here?" Zeke shrugs. "We know that, you ain't exactly in the market for a device yourself. Frankly, you shouldn't be allowed to have a device with how.. you are and all."
"All those are true things." Gallardo then gestured toward me, "-But that's why none of that applies to me. I'm actually here to get this young lady equipped for a very dangerous suppression mission."
"Danger or not, this isn't the business that-"
"It involves the Huckebein." Gallardo leans on the counter. "There are Hucks in Midchilda and they're in this district. Maybe even one or two warehouses down from you."
Zeke simply stares forward, but then raises a door on his counter.
"..Come with me."
He disappears through a curtain into the back room, and Gallardo stifles a dry laugh.
"Yeah, just gotta speak the right language."
"Are they really that feared?" I'm gonna be honest, I was probably not thinking when I asked this question. The answer was definitely 'yes', but I didn't know it would be enough to make someone possibly incriminate themselves.
"Let's put it this way, there may not be honor among thieves, but even thieves have a reputation to uphold." Gallardo pushes the curtain aside, "Hucks don't exactly have a good reputation, especially when they tend to not pay the people they hire, mostly just exploding them if they ask. They're kind of a common enemy like that, even among petty thieves who are the lowest of the pecking order."
"I can still hear you, Gallardo." Zeke yelled from the other room.
"Yeah, I know, and you agree with me." Gallardo shouted back. "Tell me, what would you do if you knew Hucks were operating on Midchilda?"
"I wouldn't be on Midchilda." He replied.
"Smart choice." Gallardo laughed.
You walk through the curtain, and inside you see-
One of the most beautiful rooms I've ever laid eyes on.
A pristine, white hallway filled with all manner of illegal projectile weaponry, and on the left of that-
Rows and rows and rows of shelves and lockers filled to the brim with combat staves, wands, pistols, even historic pieces dating back from when Midchilda wasn't even an independent planet. There are enough illegal weapons here to arm an entire army, much less anybody who would ever want to visit this place.
The crown jewel of the joint wasn't the projectile weapons, though. As enticing as they were to me, it was the lockers full of magic armament that was really the strawberry on the short cake of death. Some of these are steel boxes packed with prototype mass and magic based weapons from Caledfwlch itself! Well, at least the closest resemblance to them, but somehow the originals have already had their plans stolen by criminals, reverse-engineered, and made into an entire line of knock-offs that are on the black market before Caledfwlch could even get their own line into mainstream use.
The lockers full of armed devices alone could arm the academy's training armory for a lifetime.
"Hey kid..." Gallardo was glaring at me oddly, "Are you drooling?"
"Maybe.." I get one more glance around the place before my eyes settled back on him.
"Well, pick out what you want. After all-" Gallardo grabs Zeke's shoulder, and pulls him real close. "-He's paying."
Zeke's face suddenly has a cold sweat run down his cheek.
"Think of it as a graduation gift, for completing the academy. From him, to you." Gallardo winks.
"Wow.." I glance over the carnival of destruction that is laid out before me like a beautiful choir of angels, all ready to sing. "Do you.. got any Accelerate Charge Devices? Like the one the Captain has?"
"Oh, no no no!" Zeke laughs, "Those are highly illega-"
He stops as he notices Gallardo glancing down at him, with a smile.
"..right this way, Miss."
He leads me to yet ANOTHER part of the armory that has all of its devices behind glass cases.
"This is.." I'm completely awestruck, "..Do you mind if I try out some of these devices?"
"Well, I would prefer not, their value goes down wildly after... after..."
He freezes as he feels that cold smile upon him once more.
"..A few test fires shouldn't be too bad."
This has to be the closest to heaven any mage has ever been.
I spend an hour putting some spells downrange through a variety of devices. I let my ambitions run wild like a young teenager trying out every ditsy broad on the strip at midnight. My lustful urges take me to a charge device weapon, a formula weapon, multiple staves and wands, and yes, the Tommygun. As far as I was concerned; I wasn't leaving without that Tommygun.
Though, having a backup is always a good thing. I got some twin-linked pistols with an accelerate charge system built in, just like Officer Lanster has. Though, these are two and the accelerate charge system allows it to go full-auto on command. I'll put that to good use. Plus, I felt there was one more thing I had room for in my coat.
"Hmm." I continued to mull over the various implements of death at my disposal. "Hey Gallardo, I was thinking of a storage device. I don't really need my weapons talking to me."
"Sure kid, Ooh! How about this one?" Gallardo haphazardly brushes aside a 'Caution, do not handle' much to Zeke's dismay.
Gallardo picks up a rather unassuming, folded box and tosses it to me.
It's a.. lighter?
"Cmon, try it." Gallardo laughs, "I quit the stuff, so I can't anymore."
I flip the cap open, and then strike the flint wheel in a single smooth motion.
"Woh." I held the gaudy device in my hand, the little eyes on the cobra were glowing like tiny rubies when I started to put a little mana into it. Which I thought was indescribably cute but I couldn't say that out loud in front of Gallardo.
"Hah! A cobra in a cigarette lighter. Get it?" Gallardo chuckles, "Those things will kill ya."
"Hah. Hah. Hah.." Zeke puts on a forced smile, and a bead of sweat goes down his head.
"Y'know." Gallardo puts a stick of gum in his mouth, "I remember some kind of mugger brought in with a similar device. He had a lighter that folded out into an armed device so he could take it into nightclubs. Of course, you wouldn't know anything about that, would you Zeke?"
The man was visibly biting his tongue.
"Of course not, Officer."
"Hah! Thought so, after all. What the lady has is a storage device, not an armed device. Which is perfectly legit, right?"
"Ab. so. lutely." Zeke smiles ear to ear.
Gallardo was right, though. Storage devices are limited by the mana, output, and skill of the caster. So, by some legal loophole, they were perfectly legit to carry around. As completely illegitimate as this thing appeared on its surface; it was actually a perfectly conceal-carry capable device.
Not that I expected the officers school to buy that line. I'm sure if I went back with it; they would confiscate it in an instant along with all my other fun toys.
Zeke's smile hasn't faded, but his forehead is much more damp than before.
"So.. is the young miss.. done browsing? Heh.. Heh.. ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ˢᵃʸ ʸᵉˢ."
"This will be good enough for now." I glanced at the array of wares that he still has on display and make a mental note about which ones I'll probably come back for. If I made it back, that is.
"Thank god." Zeke sighs, "-I mean, good choice!"
"Yeah, fine work." Gallardo smiles," Then are you about ready to go?"
"Yeah, I can't think of anything else that I might need for this." You smile, and then flick the head of the staff. In an instant, it folds back into a lighter.
'Lucky Strikes Again'. With the way things are going, you're going to need lucky to strike tonight. There's no telling what kind of hell you're walking into with your new friend.
"Well, if we're done, then lemme give you a hint." Gallardo leans in to Zeke, "Don't think about leaving tonight. It'll just make you look super suspicious if the raid goes badly and they start asking questions."
"Ahh.." Zeke is visibly sweating, "Yes, most certainly Mister Gallardo."
I say 'goodbye' to Zeke, 'goodbye' in the sense that I'm probably never going to see him again if I die tonight or he decides to go underground never to emerge again. It's hard to tell with smugglers where they're going to pop up, next. Though, I did have to give the guy some credit, he did get me a set of really powerful devices no questions asked. I'm sure he would have had some questions for me on what difference a gun would make against the Huckebein. It wasn't until a bit later would I know that answer for myself.
"Ready?" I glanced to the detective as you continue down the block. The warehouse is in sight.
"Yeah, as ready as I'm gonna be." Gallardo takes another hit of the flask he keeps on him. "So, how are you wanting to do this?"
"Wait." Something didn't seem right, "You're asking me?"
"Yeah. The way I see it, it doesn't matter how we approach this anyway. It's still a bad idea no matter how we split it."
"I'm going first." I reply, "That's already decided."
"I'm not gonna argue, but I will say that order probably doesn't matter." Gallardo checks his single-cartridge revolver.
"I think it might."
In reality, I felt the same way that Gallardo did. It wasn't something that was going to matter one way or another. It was a bad idea, but the question was about who was going to feel the consequences of it first. I figured that I may as well volunteer for that honor. It was my stupid boss that got us into this mess in the first place.
I take out my new lighter and gradually flip it in my hand.
"Need a light?" I ask Gallardo as he follows behind me.
"I was trying to quit but-" He smirks, and pulls a cigarette from his coat pocket like it was a tiny hope that one day he would manage to kick the habit. "What the hell, may be my last one."
Just like the dreams of being free from vice; the cigarette starts to burn as I light it for him.
"I was thinking just going in the back door, but-"
"It doesn't matter." It's true, none of it matters.
Gallardo and I continued down the sidewalk, and toward our shadow-covered destiny. At the time, both of us were joking to one another about how we're gonna die and in what way. I was completely unaware about the whole 'setting Eclipse users on fire' thing until after it happened. The raid went simple enough after I found that out; we gave the scarecrows a little bit of fire, and the rest is history.
The lighter flicks in my hand, and it transforms back into a staff. In every way, it's just as smooth as I remember it being.
"And that's how I met Gallardo." I let the ruby eyes of the snake-staff glow, "I probably wouldn't have asked for weapons if I knew at the time what kind of effect we had on Eclipse users. But it's good that I did. After the raid, Gallardo promised to hold onto the weapons that I got that day for me, because he knew how they were back at the academy about us bringing back captured devices. I'm just glad I could finally get them back in my hands."
"That's great, Quebec." Tango replies in a monotone voice, her eyes look very tired. "But I was just asking if you needed to stop by the precinct for anything, not your life story."
"Oh." I blink, "I thought you were asking how I met Gallardo, or where this lighter came from."
"No, I did not, in fact, ask anything of the like. Just if you wanted to stop by the precinct before we went to this meeting. Though, your story has now burned through the allotted time for sidetracking; we should be leaving for the meeting right now if we're going."
"Right, right." I chuckle, "I'll catch up."
My 'sister' huffs, and goes to call for a Taxi. I just shrug and flick the staff back into a lighter. Just as smooth as I remember it.
Everyone wants to be a critic.
(Never Meet Your Heroes: END)
April Fools 2021
Level up.
Click, click, click...
Your eyes gently open to a curtain of green obscuring your vision from the world. Gently, you push your bangs out of your eyes, and stare at the ceiling.
You don't know how, but it worked. You've awakened from your nightmare, and now find yourself in a completely different place. Now, you find yourself slumped in some kind of half-bed. On top of the bed is a bubble-like dome which covers just the top of your head. You push it away and sit up.
'What a bizarre nightmare.' You think to yourself, and try to make sense of it. There was a warehouse, and a voice, and they had you performing like a circus animal in front of dozens of people. Perhaps it was your subconscious reacting to an innate fear of some kind? That doesn't seem quite right. Maybe-
You feel something on your storage tank. Your eyes immediately snap open.
Your head swivels to meet the face of another person sitting next to your charger.
"Um-" You're confused, to say the least. "What are you doing?"
"Oh, you're awake!" Her hand immediately leaves your storage tank. "Hi Gamma! I'm Unit Juliett, and we'll be working together from here out."
Datalink: Scanning...
"I see." You state, and then ask the other question in your RAM. "But that's not what I was referring to. Why was your hand on my storage tanks?"
"Oh, I was just checking."
"..Checking for what?"
"-Anyway!" She completely ignores your question, "You're our newest sister model, Gamma! I found you slumped over in the bathroom of the presentation hall. So I brought you back here, and have been monitoring your charge state!"
"..With your hand?" You blink.
"Why are you wearing less clothes than I am?" You note the fact that she's only in the most light of cloth armor, only covering two spots on her body. They're so light that you can see right through them.
"More comfy that way." 'Juliett' shrugs. "Besides, you're not one to talk."
You look down and realize-
"..Where did the clothes I was wearing go?"
"Oh, they were all dirty from the training exercise. So I put them in the laundry." Juliett claps her hands together, "It's not a problem, though. You still have your panties, so you're still decent around here. Everyone in the lab is female."
Votes | Choice |
6 |
6 |
Please excuse me, I was born literally an hour ago, can you explain any of what is going on?
5 |
Can you teach me to check the charge state with my hand?
5 |
Why did you maxed out 1 skill? What it does?
4 |
"Are panties the required dress around here?"
3 |
I don't think that's the problem.
3 |
Suspicious... You are a suspicious sister.
3 |
I'm the only one that had this problem? Passing out after looking at a mirror? Maybe I'm bugged.
1 |
Sudden urge to flee
0 |
Hey, since you are older, why we look like humans? For what I heard, the TSAB is full of weak humans.
0 |
Are you the medic unit or you just like to grab your sisters?
You blink.
"Also, did you say 'Sister'?"
"That's right!" Juliett reaches a hand out, "We're sisters! It's good to meet you, Gamma. From here on out, I want you to treat me like any sister would."
"..By grabbing storage tanks?" You blink.
"Welllllllllllllllllllll that's just a special greeting. Nothing to think about, really." Juliett smiles.
"Okay, but you're doing that right now."
She then releases your storage tank, and laughs.
"Sorry, force of habit."
"That's a 'habit'?" You blink.
She ignores that one, too.
"Let's go meet the rest of the team, and then we can talk about more things."
You stand up, and start to feel a little breezy from just wearing a simple piece of cloth over your lower section. You're not sure what the point of it must be. This is certainly not enough to protect you against any kind of damage or be effective armor of any kind. Your chest is still wide open.
"Please excuse me, I was born literally an hour ago, can you explain any of what is going on?" You turn to Juliett as she is just closing the lid on the strange bed that you woke up in.
"Oh, we're going to go talk to someone who can explain it better than I can." Juliett smiles, "In short, you're a combat robot in a laboratory who will be asked to carry out special missions that we'll ignore when we feel like it!"
Something seemed wrong with the last part of that sentence, but you're too overwhelmed to question it right now.
"Okay..." Perhaps you should be seeking out other sisters for advice. "Hey, can you teach me to check the charge state with my hand?"
"Oh, don't worry about that!" Juliett laughs, "I'll teach you to do a lot more than that to yourself with your hand!"
Well, that's handy.
So to speak.
She leads you out of the sterile, white room and into a corridor surrounded with what appears to be beige walls on every side. It's so disorienting to go from the sheer white laboratory to this.
"Why did you maxed out that one skill? What does it do?" You question Juliett on her datacard. You could use some guidance on how that works, yourself.
"Oh, that's the skill that blows things up!" Juliett giggles, "Very useful, but anyway here's Dr. Carrera's office!" Juliett has an odd smile. "..Go in and introduce yourself."
"Huh." You blink. "Okay."
You step inside, and stand in front of the only desk in the room.
It takes a moment for the orange-haired woman to look up, but she stands up the moment that she does.
"Oh! Gamma, Wh-... Where are your clothes?"
Okay, so you've done this part where she's recognized you and scanned you for your name. Your scanners don't quite work right on her, but you can introduce yourself, right?
Votes | Choice |
8 |
I can't seem to scan you; can I check your charge levels?
7 |
Introduce yourself?
7 |
Juliett took them
4 |
Juliett said this was fine, though?
4 |
They are in the laundry.
3 |
They seemed pointless though, no damage protection or value as armour. Need something better than that.
2 |
I was born without them.
2 |
Why humans didn't care about clothes when I was activated?
1 |
Take them to a Love Hotel, she did say to treat her as any other sister
Hmm. The datalink isn't scanning her automatically. So you'll have to introduce yourself orally.
"Hello! I am Unit Gamma. You must be-"
"Carrera." She bewildered woman blinks.
"Unit Carrera." This is much easier than you thought.
Strange, Juliett is right outside the door, and she sounds like she's laughing.
"Do you mind if I scan your charge levels? My datalink does not work on you."
"Yes, the datalink wouldn't work on humans, you'll have to verbally communicate- OH MY LORD-"
She reacts to your hand giving her storage tanks a charge inspection. She almost immediately pulls away before you get a proper inspection done.
"Why did you do that?!"
"Hmm?" You blink, "It was just a simple charge inspection."
"..Anyway, why are you naked?"
You blink, "Oh, Juliett took them. They're in the laundry."
"Juliet..." Carrera mutters, "I see, it's all making sense, now. "
"Anyway, can you tell me more about myself?"
Carrera sighs.
"We'll have a briefing for you later, but in the meantime; could you not listen to anything Juliett tells you? She's a bad influence."
You tilt your head.
"-A bad influence?"
"Correct." Carrera's mouth peels into a frown, her eyes seem to be avoiding you. "She has.. issues.. that I wish you to not inherit."
"Can you tell me more about myself and where I am, then?"
Carrera sighs, and starts to explain a few things.
A few things about Caledfwlch, which is where you're at right now.
A few things about Raptors, which is what you are, apparently.
Plus a few things about human interaction. Such as the fact that it's not required to inspect human storage tanks manually.
After you're sufficiently briefed, you let her return to her work, and meet Juliett out in the hall.
"Well? How was it?"
"She said that I shouldn't greet humans by scanning their storage tanks."
"Mm, so that means you should greet sisters that way, right?" Juliett smirks.
You suppose that you can't argue with that logic.
"Come, let me introduce you to the team!"
She leads you away and into another adjacent room. Inside, there's a woman with purple hair discussing something serious to herself.
Datalink: Scanning...
"Right, but-" She continues to talk to thin air. "Right, but I haven't seen her. Correct, Mistress. She wasn't in the presentation hall when I arrived."
You glance over to Juliett.
"This 'Oscar' person."
"Right! She's another sister." Juliett smirks, "Go on, greet her like one."
"Correct." This 'Oscar' is too entranced with her one-way discussion to notice you approach her, "Yes, Mistress. If I see her, then I will bring her back at once. I understand, this is important. She must be with us."
You reach out your hand just as she turns around, and-
Oscar stands like this for several seconds, not saying a single word. Juliett slowly starts to suppress a very stifled cackle.
"Hello." You reply, "I am Unit Gamma. It's good to meet you unit Oscar. Or should I simply say, 'Sister'."
This is suddenly interrupted by her snapping your hands away. She stares at you for a second, before doing something unexpected.
Votes | Choice |
9 |
Yes! I am ecstatic to meet you, as well!
7 |
Why are you laughing, Juliett?
5 |
Juliett. This sister is really loud, is something wrong?
3 |
Let me try a second scan. You interrupted the first.
2 |
Try to Recall Barracuda like from your dream/vision thing.
2 |
I think I dreamed of something odd while recharging...maybe I can fix things by "coaxing" Oscar?
2 |
This is a normal reaction Juliett? I should react like that as well?
"Yes! I am ecstatic to meet you, as well!" You smile, and enjoy her victory cry.
"Pfffft- Hahahahahahahahaha-"
"Juliett?" You look over to your other sister unit, "Is something wrong? Why are you laughing?"
"N-no reason!" Juliett continues to grin maniacally. "Just enjoying two sisters interacting."
"Oh." You blink as Oscar's victory cry continues, "She's awfully loud, is this a malfunction?"
"No! No, she just accepts your greeting warmly." Juliett is still smiling.
"Okay, so what next?"
"Let's go find someone else before she finishes her revelry. We have so many more to meet!" Juliett continues grinning.
You're starting to suspect something is wrong.
You follow Juliett to another room. This one seems to be lined with shiny appliances on every wall.
There's a woman standing here, as well.
She's surrounded by several glowing screens, but you can't see her face. Is she using those for something?
Datalink: Scanning...
"There's Echo!" You hear Juliett whisper, "Go on, 'Greet' her!"
Juliett then disappears behind the doorway.
You shrug, and start to approach the brown-haired sister. You reach your hand out, and slowly start to bring it to her storage tanks.
Immediately, she spins around and grabs your hand like she was expecting you the whole time!
-and she looks angry.
"Juliett.." She growls, "JULIETT, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Keep going! Even if it's not April Fools.
4 |
End chapter after next update.
"Greetings, unit Echo! It is good to meet you-though as you can see, I am Gamma! How did you know that Juliett was nearby?"
"I can see her on the security cameras.." Echo growls. "Juliett! She is not even a day old and you are teaching that old joke to Gamma! You are like a kid that don't let a meme be forgotten!"
"What's a meme?" All of these new phrases are starting to confuse you.
"And Gamma! Don't go groping people like that! Also, be sure to wear some clothes!" She grabs some kind of fabric from a cupboard, and wraps it around you.
"Pffft-" Juliett laughs from behind the wall.
"I hear you!" Echo immediately rushes for the door, "You're dead, Juliett!"
"Wait!" You shout at the retreating woman, "You can't kill Juliett! She's been so helpful!"
"You've gone too far, you know that?!"
"Lighten up, Echo! It's just a jooooke!"
The two disappear out of the doorway to the room, and their voices slowly start to recede as they rush down the hallway.
Which just leaves you, wrapped in some kind of fabric.
"Um.." You blink.
You take the piece of fabric off, and have a good look at it. You're not sure how this is made, but it is very soft and fluffy to the touch. Tiny fibers extend outward like a million tiny fabric fingers, each the size of several widths of your hair, to give a very welcoming feeling to the touch.
You were instructed to keep it on, so you quickly fling it back over your shoulders.
Without any real guidance on what to do next, you decide to wander around aimlessly. You're supposed to go to a briefing at some point, but you're not entirely sure where or when? It's hard to tell.
Frankly, you're not sure what the point to anything you've seen has been so far. You had a combat training portion just as you woke up earlier, but nothing else has hinted at your purpose being combat. Really, it feels rather aimless already.
The experience has mostly left you dazed.
You walk back toward the lab; maybe hoping that someone else can give you guidance. Suddenly, a familiar face stops you.
"You're STILL naked?" You remember meeting this human. This is Dr. Carrera, and you met her roughly five minutes and twenty seven seconds ago.
You simply blink.
"..Should I be something else?" You tilt your head.
"Gamma.." Carrera sighs. "Okay, the briefing is hereby postponed. We have another briefing we have to go over, in my office, right now."
"In your office?" You feel a little confused.
"Yes, right now."
You really don't understand this sudden change in attitude. Is something wrong? Maybe you can ask her more about your purpose, there.
"Okay, Gamma." Carrera slams the door behind her, "We need to talk."
"Talk?" You blink.
She immediately turns on some music, and turns it up. Then she sits down at the desk. Her face seems to turn cloudy, as if she's lost in thought.
"Gamma, we need to talk about the birds and the bees."
"..Fowl and insects?" That's the best definition you can find from your dictionary.
"Close enough." Carrera sighs, "I'm sorry that I didn't give you enough knowledge on this subject, but now I'm realizing how vitally important it is. I don't think we need another Juliett in the labs."
"Another Juliett? What do you mean?"
"Someone who picks up a little bit of knowledge, and not a lot of context for using it. So, I'm going to tell you about why your body looks the way it does, so you don't do something like streak during a mission."
"Streak?" This isn't very helpful.
Carrera stands up, and pulls out a small white board. Then, she starts drawing on it.
"-And that is why your body looks the way it does, and why you need to cover up." Carrera huffs as she finishes what seems to be a very tiring explanation for her. For you, it was only ten minutes. "Any questions?"
Votes | Choice |
9 |
I don't get the bee part, wouldn't I get stung?
9 |
..How does this relate to combat?
9 |
You are my creator, why I don't have this explanation as basic knowledge?
9 |
That seems like a very time consuming process to recreate the same model with many problems such as assuming you already have them to make more. It seems like it would be a better idea to remove those systems to add more weapons and combat support systems.
3 |
My combat protocols are set to eliminate any birds on sight so they cannot defecate on Caledfwich property, what more is there to it?
3 |
How do I check the charge levels for humans, if I'm not allowed to interface through storage tanks?
2 |
This doesn't explain anything. Where do the flowers come into this? I thought this was about fowl.
2 |
Your storage tanks seem small you should ask for an upgrade
1 |
Yes, I don't get it.
1 |
Did you explain this to Juliett? If not, I could do it when I meet her next. Well, at least I'd try.
"Right just a couple." You raise your hand. The cloth surrounding you immediately falls off.
You can tell that this has put Dr. Carrera in a tough spot. She watches you with a small bead of sweat starting to form on her brow.
"Okay, one question. How does the bee thing work? Wouldn't I get stung?"
Maybe that wasn't the best question to ask. She seems visibly frustrated, now.
"Gamma, did you understand anything that I just said?"
You close your eyes, and are a bit more candid about your feelings.
"To be honest, I really did not."
"That's what I thought." Carrera adjusts her glasses, and sighs, "When did it stop making sense?"
"Uhh." You think about it, and one part really did stick out. "The part about making more birds and more bees. I don't really get that part, and I think that's where I lost you."
"It's very simple, Gamma. This is how living organisms reproduce."
"That is something else I don't understand." You huff, "That seems like a very time consuming process to recreate the same model with possibly just as many problems. It seems like it would be a better idea to save space and add weapons instead."
"But then humans couldn't reproduce."
"How do humans learn about this, then?" You ask what you feel is a very important question. "If humans couldn't reproduce, then who was the first person to come up with this idea? Is it like.. innate knowledge? You're my creator, so this should be something that you gave to me, right?"
"In hindsight; I wish I did." Carrera sets the whiteboard down.
"Why would humans have this knowledge, but not efficient combat protocols? That seems way more useful."
"The purpose of this process isn't to fight."
"Then why am I learning about it?" This feels like the most frustrating part. "How does any of this relate to combat? I guess that's why this really doesn't make much sense."
Carrera stands up, and steps around her desk.
She picks the cloth up from the chair. It has mostly fallen down, but she's sure to hold it away where it can't cover or obscure any part of your body.
"Gamma, look down. Look."
You follow her instructions.
"See? You're a woman, too. You have a flower. That's why you need to learn about it. This is an important part of you, as well." Carrera holds the towel aloft, as to keep you covered.
You glance downward at your body. Down at your chest, and the bare section between your legs. You make a note of your feminine figure, but don't really know where all of it fits together with her story. So the question still evades you.
"Again, this isn't a combat weapon, and it doesn't seem to add anything. So why do I need to learn about it?"
"There's more to life than combat, Gamma." Carrera seems almost depressed that she has to tell you this.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
At least I learned about some human weak points after this conversation.
6 |
Well, I guess I have to reload, but reloading is a part of combat, right?
6 |
The designation as the assault unit really makes me doubt that this is true.
6 |
If there is more why wasn't I programmed with it from the start?
4 |
Go wander off and find Echo and ask her to translate for the crazy human
4 |
Go wander off and find Juliet and ask her to translate for the crazy human
3 |
Okay NOW you need to explain.
3 |
I don't get it.
2 |
I'm sorry, what?
2 |
Yes, there are briefings which I can use to be a more effective combatant.
2 |
+Find both Echo and Juliet
2 |
1 |
No there isn't, I can prove it!
1 |
Can I reload from a previous save, I regret coming down here
1 |
+ Raptor Takedown
1 |
+ Raptor Pin
1 |
So, is this what I'm supposed to do in between battles, then?
"Well.." You try to rationalize this with your ten-thousand full-scale references on combat. "I guess I have to reload sometime, but isn't reloading part of combat?"
"It is, Gamma. I'm not talking about reloading your weapons." Carrera sighs, and then places the cloth back over your lap.
"Then.. human weak points? I mean, I seem to have learned a lot about them after this conversation." You shrug.
"Not that either, Gamma." Carrera seems to slink back to her chair with utter failure on her breath.
"If there's more, then why didn't I learn about it?" You glance upward at Carrera, "If there's more to life, why wasn't I programmed with knowledge of it? It surely can be done, because I have more combat experience than any one person would need."
Carrera seems to think about this question for a long time. At least more than you're used to humans considering their decisions. It takes many, many cycles for her to come up with a proper response.
"..I wish I did, Gamma." She seems to frown, "I wish I did teach you more about life than just fighting. I did what I was told to do; but not what I, as a person, knew what should be done. I tried to tell myself that my role as an employee was separate from my role as a scientist, but completely ignored my role as a creator."
You're really not getting where this is going.
"The fact that you don't seem to understand what life is about means that I've failed you as a creator, Gamma. I'm sorry." Carrera simply stares at you, emotionless. "I hope someday to help you find something else to life than fighting and following orders. It's the least I can do as someone who helped create you."
This has gotten fairly awkward, right now.
"..I'm not against the idea, but my designation is that of an 'Assault unit'. It seems fighting is my primary goal." You shrug, "If I can find something else to life, then where could I find it?"
Carrera simply keeps staring.
"..Let's talk about that after you're back from your first mission. We can try to find something together, okay?"
This seems a lot more serious than you once anticipated. Maybe you need a second opinion.
You leave for your briefing after Carrera lends you a shirt, and a cloth fabric she called 'shorts'. Apparently, this is what she wears when she hits the gym after work. So you shouldn't worry about getting it too dirty, as long as your barrier jacket is deployed for combat.
Next you'll have to find out what a 'gym' is, and maybe you can get a pair for yourself.
You're still more confused about the conversation than anything. You decide to try finding a second opinion.
Following your footsteps, you're taken back to the break room. Then, you return to the charging stations in the lab. There, two other familiar faces are arguing.
You silently let yourself into the labs, and then stand next to them. You don't want to interrupt whatever conversation they're having.
"What's the big deal?" Juliett laughs, "It's funny!"
"It's not funny, she's a newly minted Raptor. You're going to-"
"Excuse me."
They almost jump as you make yourself known.
"Geez." Juliett regains composure. "I expect that from Foxtrot, but apparently you would make a good stealth unit, as well."
"We were just discussing why it's impolite to teach you lewd things." Echo huffs, and Juliett glares daggers at her.
"Well, I had a quick question." You try to make this quick so you can get to your briefing, "Is there more to life than combat?"
Echo and Juliett freeze, and then glance at each other. You're even more confused by the fact that neither of them have a consistent answer.
"What do you mean, 'No'?" Juliett seems almost offended.
"What do you mean, 'Yes'?" Echo seems equally disturbed. "You're the demolitions unit, your job is to plant bombs. What else is there?"
"What else is there?!" Juliett seems almost offended, "How about the feeling of warm acid washing over your skin. Or the joy of patting Foxtrot's head. Or how about the squishy sensation of groping someone in the shower!"
"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that last part." Echo huffs, "None of those have anything to do with why we're here, and in fact are bad habits that you taught yourself because you're not given enough to do!"
"Bad habits?!" Juliett seems offended, "There is nothing bad about any of those habits. They're just as normal and natural as fighting! Even humans get to go home at the end of the day."
"That's where you're making a mistake, Juliett." Echo huffs, "Those are humans. They have basic needs that we do not. That's why it's pointless to emulate human behavior."
"Even you know that's not true! You call me 'Sister'!"
"Because from an objective standpoint, we are Sister units." Echo puts her hands on her hips, and huffs.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Raptor group hug
7 |
Test out this Raptor headpat on the two of them, prove Juliets theory of life
6 |
Who is Foxtrot?
3 |
2 |
Stop fighting, please?
2 |
Put your hands on Echos Hips.
2 |
+As in, please stop verbally fighting each other. Right now and preferably in the future as well. I don't mean that you should never engage in combat in general.
1 |
1 |
Talk more about this with Juliett.
1 |
Talk more about this with Echo.
0 |
Gotta go, let's talk later. Let them work this out by themselves.
You do what comes naturally to seeing your two sisters fighting, and that's to lean forward and grab both of them into a hug. You pat them on the head as they both seem to awkwardly stiffen in your grasp.
"Stop, both of you. I don't know why you suddenly decided to argue but I don't want to hear it anymore."
This awkward silence and patting extends for a few cycles longer than you were anticipating. Eventually, Echo is the one who brings the conversation back to reality.
"..Gamma, it's fine, we'll stop fighting, can you stop patting my head?"
"No, this is an experiment to see if Juliett's theory of life and headpatting is correct."
"..Be that as it may; Juliett did say that this only works on Foxtrot." Echo protests.
"I must know for myself."
Several more cycles of silence pass.
"..Well, I feel better." Juliett replies.
"Hush." Echo huffs, "You see what you've done? You've confused Gamma into doing something unnecessary. She thinks this is going to make her happy."
"I do feel happy." You reply, but you're not really sure what the feeling entails.
"See? It works! It works even better on Foxtrot."
"Who is Foxtrot?" You hug the two closer, "Is this a skill she is designed to use?"
"The stealth unit. I think she's on a mission right now." Juliett sighs.
"Oh! Mission!" Echo snaps out of her embarrassment, "Gamma, you have to get to the briefing!"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Briefing? I think I remember something about that.
7 |
Sure, let's go. *carry them both in a hug*
3 |
Okay, but only if one of you goes along with me.
2 |
Who cares about missions?
2 |
I'm not done exploring yet.
2 |
If she's the stealth unit, how can you be sure she's on a mission still?
1 |
Is the briefing where Doctor Carerra explains how to avoid bird and bee attacks again?
"Briefing?" You blink, "I think I remember something about that."
"Yes, your mission, the thing you were woke up to do." Echo states in a rather matter-of-fact manner. "The briefing is happening, now."
"You'll get in trouble with the humans if you miss your briefings! We've had our fun, but it's time to work, now." Juliett seems equally insistent that you attend.
"Work.." You don't quite understand the concept, but if they say it must be done; then-
"Um-" Echo immediately notices you carrying her under your arm to the meeting. "I can walk by myself."
"I'm not even sure if I'm part of this mission." Juliett replies, slung under your other arm.
"Too late." You hug them closer. "Besides, I need direction to the 'briefing' anyway."
You hug them closely as you walk down the hall, merrily clutching your sisters in your grasp.
That's what they are; you've decided.
"That was boring." You stumble out of the conference room. You blink several times to make sure your optical circuits are still functioning after that long and boring lecture.
"I'm not sure what you expected." Echo crosses her arms.
"All of them are like that." Juliett continues to enjoy your hug, which you haven't released her from. "By the way, are we going to do the whole mission like this?"
"I haven't decided yet." This uses an arm, but it does seem to fit into Juliett's theory of feeling good.
"Echo, could you leave us be for a moment? I wanted to have a heart-to-heart." Juliett suddenly asks.
Echo gives her a very strange stare.
"I'm not going to do anything lewd!" Juliett giggles, "Just going to have a little talk with Sis."
Echo seems cautious, but she says something strange in return.
"..Gamma, if she gropes your storage tanks, scream."
Then she proceeds down the hallway.
Juliett, as content as she is in the hug, manages to squirm free.
"Okay! Now, Gamma." Juliett has a strange redness to her face, "Are you really up for this mission? I know this is a lot of information that has been dumped on you, and you're acting kind of clingy so I'm starting to worry. "
"Clingy?" That's a new term that's not in the dictionary.
"To be overly attached, particularly physically." Juliett fills out the missing terminology.
"Oh, isn't that normal, though? You said touching makes you feel good." You don't see the problem.
"..I see." Juliett sighs, "I thought I was just playing a bit of a prank but.."
"A prank?"
"Gamma, you were meeting with Dr. Carrera earlier, and she shut the door. Tell me everything that she told you." Somehow, Juliett was aware of you meeting with her. You shrug, and start explaining in vivid detail exactly what you were told and what she showed you.
"Oh.. Oh my.." Juliett's face is even more red than before.
"Yeah." You blink.
"So.. I guess your innocence is kind of gone, now." Juliett giggles.
"Innocence? I'm more just confused. Where does any of this fit into combat? Or missions? She told me about flowers, bees, birds, but nothing about missions. You told me about touching, but still nothing about fighting. Are the two related? Touching feels good but fighting is the inverse of that?"
Juliett simply stares at you with wide eyes, and only utters two words.
"Oh dear."
"Huh?" You're confused even more, now.
"Gamma, oh dear. This is worse than I thought. I'm starting to realize that things have gone very wrong since you woke up."
"Very wrong?"
"Could you just forget everything Carrera told you? I get the feeling that this is making communication much harder." Juliett's blush remains, but she does seem concerned.
"Why would I do that? She told me lots of valuable information. I think."
Juliett thinks about this conundrum for a moment, but you're not sure what the big problem is about.
"..How about this, after the mission, can I show you what it is Carrera is talking about." Juliett continues to blush, "N-not about the bird or bee thing.. or anything lewd just.. um.. You know, we could go on a date. Then, maybe you'll get what she means by.. more to life?"
"Well, I have some questions." You try to parse her words and are at a loss for some definitions, "A date is a point of time marked on a calendar. So how would you 'go on one'?"
"Hmm?" Juliett seems worried, " that a 'no'?"
"I'm still a tad bit confused because we still appear to be on a date, if my system clock is accurate." You're certain that it's quite accurate.
"Oh." Juliett looks a little relieved, "Oh, that's all you were wanting to know. A 'Date' is when two people go do something together to know each other better. Like.."
"'Do something together'? Like a mission?"
"Well, more like doing because it's fun and not because we were told to do it."
"..Are missions fun?"
"You're about to find out." Juliett sighs.
"..Well.. okay."
You're not really sure what a mission entails, but you follow Juliett to the 'Armory'. She seems like a trustworthy person, and agrees to help you on the mission. So with that in mind, you both deploy to the battlefield.
Well, that was underwhelming.
You both walk away from the shouldering wreckage of this 'Illegal pharmaceuticals plant'. Whatever that's supposed to be. Despite it's previous name, there is only one name befitting of it now.
"I believe the warehouse becoming scrap does indeed achieve objective A." You examine the list of objectives. "Is this really what they meant, though?"
"Sure it is. They didn't say that they wanted the warehouse." Juliett spins one of her donut-shaped explosive charges on her finger. With a snap, it disappears into her hand. "Anyway, we finished that mission in record time. So can we go on that date?"
OH! Right, the date.
"Heheh-" Juliett laughs strangely, and turns away. Her face appears to be reddening, "I can't wait!"
"But, um- Do you know any date activities we could do? I'm not even sure if we can eat."
"Neither am I, but I'm excited to try, though!" Juliett gives you a very warm smile.
"Is our armor appropriate for the occasion?"
"Hmm, probably not." She turns and examines her barrier jacket, and then drops it. She has a rather unassuming lab outfit underneath. "Your turn."
You let your barrier jacket drop, and you're left in the shorts and shirt that Dr. Carrera lent you.
"That's good enough!" Juliett smiles. "Oh! Let's try a restaurant! I want to see if we can eat."
"We should also visit a place with birds and/or bees." You comment, "I'm sure they're important, somehow."
"Yuck.." You and Juliett both wretch as you put the small spoon of 'pudding' into your mouths.
"..I guess this answers that question." Juliett huffs. "That's too bad. I would have liked to eat with you."
"Hmm.." You sigh. "I mean-"
Votes | Choice |
4 |
Let's just do something else.
4 |
Is there anything else people do on dates?
4 |
Watch for other humans on dates and try to emulate them.
4 |
What happens when we eat something? We don't need to chemical process stuff, so why we should have a... Stomach?
4 |
Maybe is just a bug, doctor Carrera might fix it later.
3 |
Hey look that place is offering free Shotgun <strike>wedding</strike> for couples! Free weapons!
1 |
We could keep eating it? It's not..painful. Just sort of disgusting.
"Hmm, I mean." You try another taste of this 'food'. "This could just be a bug. Maybe Dr. Carrera can fix it later."
"Yeah, maybe so." Juliett seems a bit disappointed.
"..What happens to food when we eat it anyway? Does it like.. disappear?"
"No idea." Juliett sets her spoon down. "Now that I think more about it; I'm not sure I want to eat food anyway. It seems disgusting."
This is really bringing the mood down. It's the opposite of what you think is supposed to be happening on this 'date'. With that in mind; you decide to try taking Juliett someplace else.
"Let's just try something else. Is there anything else people do on dates?"
For some reason, this immediately causes Juliett to blush.
"Well, I can think of a few things, but-"
"Oh-" You notice a man and a woman walking across the street to a clearing. Many other humans are paired up in a similar manner as they walk through the clearing and into a large, grassy field with a river bisecting it.
This gives you an idea.
"Come on." You stand up, and take Juliett's hand.
"Eh?!" Juliett blushes harder, "Where are we going?"
"We're going to do something humans do on dates!"
"W-" Juliett's face continues to burn red. "Ah, Gamma. I don't know if I can- I mean, I'm not sure I'm ready for-"
You sit down on the 'park bench' with Juliett. She continues to blush uncontrollably for some reason. Carefully, you watch the humans in an attempt to mimic what they are doing.
"Gamma, I'm not sure what else to do at this point, but I think humans.. um-" Juliett is trying to say something, but she seems far too out-of-breath to finish her thought. You carefully watch another human couple in the distance.
A human in the distance slowly starts to embrace a shorter human next to him. She slowly seems to melt in his grasp, and they embrace one another.
Wait! You know this. It's the 'Foxtrot Comfort' grab that Juliett taught you! This is what she was wanting!
"..if you're feeling uncomfortable.. We could-"
Juliett's words are cut off as you lean over, and take her into an almost identical grasp as the taller human.
You keep one of your sideways facing cameras on the human pair. Slowly, you see his next step.
He leans over, and presses his lips against hers.
You hesitate. This is an unfamiliar gesture, and none of your combat throws or grabs mention anything about pressing your lips against the person you are grappling with. So is it a friendly gesture?
Votes | Choice |
7 |
No, it's too unsafe! Engage headpat protocols
5 |
Go for it anyway.
5 |
..Uh, maybe call the mission planner, Iota? You met her during the meeting and she said you can ask her for anything.
2 |
+ Raptor Cuddle
1 |
+ Raptor Coax
1 |
+Ask Juliett if she's okay with us hugging her
0 |
Freeze, don't move a muscle.
You start to move in on Juliett's face. Suddenly, you notice her face is starting to freeze. She has no expression, no sign that she's either enjoying or hating this, and nothing leaving her lips that she wants you to stop.
This must be something you're not understanding.
You don't want to come off as hostile to Juliett. This wouldn't be good if you ended up appearing hostile to the person you're on this 'date' with. So you try something else.
You hand reaches up, and then it starts to pat Juliett's head.
"Huh?" Juliett blinks.
"..Is this not correct?" Uh oh, you're now starting to worry that this wasn't the correct move, either.
The two humans are walking away, and you can't observe what they are doing next.
You sigh, and start to think that you may not be cut out for this sort of thing.
"So.. now what?"
You know what; you have someone you can ask for this sort of thing.
"What are you doing?" Juliett immediately catches onto what you're doing.
"I was about to call Iota and ask what we should-"
"NO!" Juliett grabs your hand, "No, don't tell Iota about this, in fact, let's just not tell anyone about it."
"Why not?"
"..This.. I just want this to be a private thing between us, is that okay?"
"Um.. sure."
You're not getting the implications of this, and you're not even going to start trying.
Suddenly, you're alerted to two people who are staring at you.
Your gaze snaps upward, and Juliett follows your vision.
"L-Lindy?!" The orange-haired girl seems surprised.
"Wow, Carim, I didn't know you were interested in Fate's mom.."
"Um." You're a little confused.
"Lindy! How could you?! She could be your daughter!" The orange-haired girl seems almost offended.
"Carim! I'm so glad you finally realized your feelings!" The blue-haired girl has a completely different attitude, "I'm cheering for you!"
"Ah hello." You greet the two girls staring at you way too closely, "I don't believe we've met before. My name is..Grace. Grace Emerald."
Juliett simply gulps as you continue. She tries not to maintain eye contact with the two girls.
You look at them both carefully, and-
Datalink: Scanning...
Wait, what?
You decide to try talking to the orange-haired one, as the blue-haired one seems more than content with smiling. You need to ask her later if she's a Raptor like you are.
"We were just having a date in the park and were trying to decide what it is couples do." You give a light nod to the girl who is scowling at you, "If you two are also on a date, then please advise us as to what we should be doing."
"A D-d-d-d-d-" The orange girl has her face flush red.
"YES!" The blue-haired girl explodes in smiles, "We are on a date! Our third one since the Silver Cross incident! I was going to take lots of pictures and send them to y-"
"HEY! HEY!" The orange girl holds the blue haired girl's mouth shut, "This isn't about us, this is about you! What are you doing, pretending as if you've never met us before!? Do you think that will just get you out of this?!"
"Sorry, I don't understand." You blink.
"You're having a steamy relationship behind the backs of your friends and even children!" The orange hair woman huffs.
"I'm serious, I have no idea who you are." You repeat once more.
"You have no idea who I am!?" The human erupts, "Are you going to pretend that you're not Lindy, next?"
"What's a Lindy?" Juliett blinks.
"Oh come on-"
"I have no idea of what you two are talking about." You shake your head.
"Come on, Gamma." Juliett beckons you to leave, "Just forget the humans, they're impeding in our date and I doubt our missions will ever let us see them again. The same with whoever is 'Carim' or 'Lindy'."
"Huh?" You stand up and nearly knock over the orange-haired girl, "Uh, okay. Bye Orange human, bye number Zero-Two."
You take Juliett's hand as you walk away. The whole time the orange-haired girl continues to spout nonsense about 'Lindy' and 'Carim'. Either ways, it's loud and annoying. Zero-two has the strangest reaction; her face stops smiling and instead has a look of genuine worry as she disappears from your sight. Juliett leading you deeper into the park and into the woods.
You follow Juliett over to the pond, and proceed to cross over the bridge with her. She stops halfway over the bridge, and leans on the railing.
You're not sure what she's supposed to be doing, but you mimic her all the same. A ghostly reflection of your face appears in the shimmering water below.
"Do you know what she was talking about?" You mumble.
"A little, maybe." Juliett sighs.
"Can you maybe clue me in as to what it is?"
".." Juliett keeps looking at her reflection, but does give a light answer. "We may look a bit like some other humans, but the chances of anyone knowing those humans on a planet where millions of them live is next to nothing."
"Uhh-" You're not really sure what that means, "Look like other humans? Explain."
"Well, to put it bluntly, Caledfwlch didn't exactly make us unique. There are other people who may look like us, but try not to think too much about it. The chance of us meeting them are slim."
"Oh." You blink. "Is that why I could scan one of them earlier? Was she a Raptor, too?"
"Scan one of them? I don't understand." Juliett glances at you.
Then, she glances past you.
"Is that her?" Juliett points out, and you notice a figure approaching you on your side-facing cameras.
"Hello again." You greet Zero-two.
"Hey, quick question-" You can tell she must be able to move quickly in order to find you in such short time. "Let's put the Lindy and Carim thing aside for a moment, how did you know about the 'Zero-two' thing?"
"Oh, I scanned you, and it turned up on your information tag." You shrug, "You're a Raptor too, right? Surely you must have seen it on my scan."
"Your 'scan'. Also.. Raptor?" This just makes Zero-two seem more perplexed.
"Yeah, Juliett, can't you see 'Zero-two' on her scan?"
Juliett, however, isn't as helpful.
"I can't scan like you can." She shrugs, "Sorry."
Well, that's unfortunate.
"Anyway, we're trying to have a date here, so could we talk about this some other time?" Juliett grabs your arm.
"So you say you're.. Raptors." Zero-two continues as if she didn't hear Juliett at all, "And you're both on a date, but where did you come from?"
"Oh, we came from Caledfwlch laboratories. We just finished a mission, and decided to take a detour and relax."
"Which you are interrupting right now." Juliett huffs, "So please let us be, if you're not going to offer advice on dating and human interaction."
The orange-haired girl is huffing as she sprints up behind Zero-two. Clearly, Zero-two must be some kind of Raptor, as she's able to leave her human companion in the dust.
"Subaru.. Sub-" Orange-hair coughs, "Subaru, don't run away like that again, I'm not in as good of shape as you are."
"Teana, this is serious." Zero-two grabs Orange's arm, "Can you tell us everything you just told me?"
"Hmm?" You blink, "The part where we're on a date or the part where we came from the lab?"
"The last part, please."
"Oh, we were finishing up our mission and decided to take a detour in the park for some alone time. After this, we'll return to the labs."
"Which labs?"
"Caledfwlch. You're a raptor, too. So you should know, right?"
This elicits a blank stare from both of them.
Votes | Choice |
27 |
Where is your lab, anyway? Can you take us there?
26 |
+So, you’re dating a human? A bold choice, how do you deal with the squishy parts?
22 |
So can you tell us what humans do on this 'date' thing?
13 |
We can talk during the next lab meeting today is Julietts day
4 |
Anyway it's hard to get away from the labs and our time is precious. There are lots of people waiting for us back home and we don't want to be late.
4 |
Why you don't know where is the lab? You clearly are a machine like me.
3 |
(tempt fate) Well, I think we can trust 02 because she is one of us. What are the chances of meeting artificial mages in Midchilda? Also, what else she could be? Human? That could defeat the purpose of our existence.
"So, if you don't mind, we're going to be continuing our DATE." Juliett grabs your arm.
"Yes, I would love to stay and talk to a fellow Raptor, but today is for Juliett." You take Juliett's hand, "We can discuss the specifics, later."
"Hold on, hold on, wait-"
Zero-Two is smiling really big, and she offers her hand.
"I have an idea, you say that you don't know what to do on a date, right?"
"Well.." You think back on it, "That's true."
"What are you doing?" Orange glares at the blue-haired girl.
"So-" She continues, "How about you stay with us for the day, and we can show you more about how to go on a date."
"Subaru, what are you-"
Orange immediately has her mouth covered by Zero Two.
"So.. you'll tell us more about what humans do on this 'date'?"
She smiles.
"Suuuuuure. It would be really fun! We could go on a double date."
"A double date?" Juliett blinks.
"Yeah, it's a thing that humans do. We could go to the aquarium! Then we could take a trip back to our offices."
"Your offices? You mean like your lab?" You feel a bit confused.
She looks over to her Orange-haired partner.
"Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure." She states in the same awkward tone of voice as before, "My 'lab'. I would love to show you around."
"This seems to solve the problem of how to spend our date, wouldn't you agree, Juliett?"
The blonde girl thinks about this for a second, and then smiles.
"Well, truthfully I didn't know what to do past this point anyway."
"Then it's decided!" Subaru smiles, "Let me show you around the aquarium!"
You shrug, and take Juliett's hand as they lead you to the other side of the park. As you walk, you ask a question that seems to be on your mind.
"So.. I think it's bold of you to date a human. How do you deal with the squishy parts?" You can almost hear the water moving in Orange's body as she walks.
"I LOVE THE SQUISHY PARTS!" Zero-Two suddenly exclaims.
"I-Idiot!" Orange huffs, "Shut up!"
That was a strange place you just visited.
You sit at a table with the two you've met on one side, with Juliett and yourself on the other. From your discussions; you realize that they're actually code-named 'Teana' (Orange) and 'Subaru' (Zero-Two) and they preferred to be called that way.
'Subaru' and 'Teana' sit across from you, and consume some kind of ice-based nutrition that you didn't like the taste of.
"We're sorry, Juliett. We didn't know you hated sea creatures." Teana frowns.
Juliett sits with her arms hugging you as she silently whispers.
"Huge tentacles.. fins..." She seems to shiver, slightly. "Organic life was a mistake, all of it must be purged in fire."
You giggle and pat your date on the head. You thought most of it was kind of cute; you especially like the type of sea-life called a 'Barracuda'. It had a very dangerous and precision-made look to it. You'd like to know more about them, someday.
"Hey, hey-" Subaru whispers, "Tell her you'll protect her, and then kiss her, she'll love that."
Kiss her?
Teana pushes her hand against Subaru's blushing face.
"-So, let's ignore the pervert and talk about these labs you came from." She adjusts her voice, "Caledfwlch, you say?"
"Do it-" Subaru continues to whisper with a hand firmly pressed into her cheek, "Kiss Juliett and tell her everything will be okay while you're there. She'll really like that."
You blink.
"What is a kiss? How may I acquire one?"
This causes a confused look from the blue human. You decide to explain further as your description may not have been accurate.
"A kiss is a touch with the lips as a sign of love, right? Can you demonstrate?"
"Wait, this isn't-"
"SURE!" 02 promptly ignores the orange-haired woman's protest, and-
Momentarily after 02's mucus-covered facial opening touched Teana's cheek, she promptly responded with a slap.
Subaru, instead of being insulted or hurt from the slap, instead starts laughing. A very strange reaction, and you're not sure if humor is supposed to be the intended response here or not.
Well, okay, here it goes.
"Ready?" You look at Juliett.
"Yes, let's try it." She looks toward you.
You lean over, and gently place the same 'kiss' on Juliett's cheek.
Then, she promptly slaps you.
This causes both Subaru and Teana to freeze, and they turn their attention at you as if something terrible just happened.
"So, how was it?" Juliett seems eager to hear your experience with 'kissing'.
"..The kiss part felt warm, but I'm not sure if I got the humor response from the slap part." You give a truthful answer of your experience with 'romance'.
"I agree, somehow slapping you felt much more intimidating than sealife." Juliett nods.
This causes the faces of the humans to curl into some kind of horrified look that you're not sure of the intended emotion.
"..Pray tell, how old did you say you were, again?" Teana manages to say something despite her face contorting into a look that seems to resemble 'horror' from your databanks.
"Oh!" Maybe she's just curious, "Well, I was born about six hours ago and-"
"I'm three weeks old." Juliett bows her head.
"So, the purpose of this date is partially to understand more about life on my first day alive." You try to explain in more detail, "I'm not sure I can feel love, so that's why I was hoping you could tell me more about it, but I'm not sure I'm following so far. Is there a step that I missed?"
"..Subaru.. You idiot.. You're trying to teach romance to someone less than a day old.." Orange mumbles.
"Oh, it's fine!" You try to calm down Teana, "Doctor Carrera had 'The Talk' with me but I was incapable of understanding organic reproduction."
This does NOT calm down Teana. In fact, she looks angrier than before.
"M-Maybe we should get past that and get to the part where we visit our 'labs'!" 02 changes the subject. "Y-yeah! You wanted to see our labs earlier, and we're just a few blocks away, so maybe we should go there?"
"Oh! Okay, are your labs like Caledfwlch?"
"Yeah, you could say that-" She states in a very strange manner.
"If you want, we could give our advertising routine to you." Juliett presents an excellent idea.
"Right! That would clear up any differences between our labs, if they are different."
"Wait, your- what again?" Teana blinks, "Advertising?"
"Let's go, Gamma!"
You both, in unison, jump up from your chairs.
In precision-calculated accuracy, both of you are standing at attention. You tune your voices to sound like members of an elite fighting force.
"CALEDFWLCH!" You both shout.
This gets plenty of eyes on both you and Juliett. Many humans are staring, now! This is your chance!
"THE SOLDIERS OF TOMORROW!" Your designated speech continues with Juliett. You both decide over short-range comms to let her go first.
"We are block EFGHI!" Juliett shouts, "The fully-contained mobile strike team!"
"A complete army in an easy-to-deploy package!" You shout behind her.
This is making both 02 and Teana blush with envy!
"I am Model CW-ADJX!" Your sister begins, "The complete demolitions expert in a 'bombshell' body! With five hard-points, several layers of durasteel armor, and multiple magic tiers of explosive spells; I'm the all-in-one bomb disposal squad that your company needed yesterday!"
"And I-" You begin your advertisement routine, "-am Model CW-ADGX! The soldier of the future! The next generation of magic warfare requires the next generation of super-soldier. With a mind and body of steel; I'm the first in to any dangerous situation, and the last out! I never put any soldier in jeopardy!"
You salute one more time.
"Caledfwlch, solutions of the future! Today!"
This prompts some of the humans watching to clap. The orange human you were talking to seems shocked by your vast array of features, but manages to stammer something in response.
"..That'snicecanwegonow?" Teana says in a very hushed tone. Her face is red from excitement.
"Can we see your advertisement routine, next?" Juliett asks 02 with a wink.
You feel pretty proud right now. 02 is so jealous that she's speechless.
You follow the two into a gigantic building in the center of town. They use a card to bypass all of the security checkpoints, which you think is a really good idea. You should ask Echo to make you cards like that when you get back.
"So, when are we going to see your advertisement routine, 02?" Juliett has been curious about that ever since we left the restaurant.
"Uhh, in a moment-" She changes the subject, "Hayate! Over here!"
Speaking of Echo.. Is that her, right now?
"Subaru! Teana!"
You try to scan her, but it comes back negative. Is it normal for humans to all look alike?
Oh, you better not say that out loud. They may get offended.
"I came as soon as I got your text, can you tell me what-"
"THEY'RE SELLING SUPERSOLDIERS, HAYATE!" Teana replies first, "SUPERSOLDIERS! THEY'RE SELLING THEM! And there are at least five of them already! I knew working with them was a bad idea! They only wanted us to fight Vandein Corp. so they could have a monopoly on defense contracts. So then they could go and do this behind our back!"
This results in 'Hayate' simply tilting her head.
"M-Maybe I should explain, Teana." 02 laughs, while tapping Orange on the shoulder.
"Hey! Wait up.. Hayate!"
You hear a breathless voice approach. You turn to see a tall girl with hair very similar to Juliett.
"Shamal!" Teana calls out the identification of this new human, "I think it would be faster to explain if you were to do a scan on these two."
"A scan?" The woman blinks, "I'll need permissions forms from them to do it."
"Just do it, this one time, please?" Subaru seems to override some kind of command that she gave.
'Shamal' gives her a sour look, but pulls up a holographic screen anyway.
This 'Hayate' person only stares in confusion at the both of you.
"Hello Lindy, Carim. Didn't I have tea with you earlier, Carim? What are you doing in Midchilda? Also Lindy, are you using aging magic, or something?"
"Hayate, that's not Carim or Lindy. I'm fairly sure neither of them are aware of this." 02 explains. " So Gamma, why don't you tell them yourself about where you came from?"
"Oh, me?" You blink. This is starting to get too many other people involved whom you don't know, but you suppose the gist of it wouldn't hurt. "Well-"
You open your mouth to start explaining to the new humans your excellent features.
-At that same moment, the holographic screen in front of the blonde human starts to populate with graphs. She freezes in place, and her eyes widen.
After some conversation, and after a negative response from the blonde human from you trying to scan her (why not? It's only fair, she scanned you first.) The next few days started to change in a weird way.
After your visit to 02's labs, your lab started to change in some subtle ways. For one, almost all of the humans you saw at the briefings went away. You're not sure where they went, but almost all of them just vanished one day.
Except Dr. Carrera, she stayed around. She seems a lot more happy as of recent, as well.
But Captain Lancer? He disappeared from the briefings. So did most of the security staff.
Speaking of the briefings, that was another thing that changed in a very odd manner. Your meetings went from being very formal discussions about your expected objectives, your missions, and your combat expertise. Oddly enough, they have instead changed into..
The 'Hayate' human you met the other day seems to have supplanted Captain Lancer. She's in all of these briefings lately. Was she so impressed by your features that she bought the labs? Dr. Carrera will be so happy to hear it, if it's true.
The general structure of the briefings have changed. Instead of including your whole block, it's instead usually just a couple humans and yourself. You're all usually alone, and they don't really talk about missions. Instead, they talk about-
"So, we just have a few questions." This other human who sometimes appears asks. He's dressed in a sharp-looking black suit. "You don't have to answer any of them, and I don't want you to feel pressured. We can end this meeting any time you feel like."
"Okay!" You nod. "Um, is this about a mission that I'm going on?"
"Not today, Gamma." Hayate smiles, "This is more of a.. status check. Just checking on your well-being, that's all."
"Okay." You nod, "Ask away."
"So.. first-" The black-haired human adjusts his voice, "Gamma, while you were here, were you ever feel like you were being pressured to fight?"
"Me? Oh no, of course not." You shrug, "Actually, I think I like fighting quite a bit."
"Sure, sure-" He writes something down on his notepad.
"Also, Gamma. While you were here, did you feel like you were being abused at all?"
"'Abused'." You repeat her words, "Could you define what that means?"
"Such as.. did you ever feel pressured to do something? Like.. something that you really, really did not want to do?" Hayate seems worried.
"You're going to have to be more specific." You feel confused, still.
"Like how about.. did any of the staff have you take off your clothes?" The black-haired human asks an odd question. "Or how about touch you? Or anything else that made you feel really uncomfortable?"
"Well.." You start to consider what that word means, 'uncomfortable'. "-It was uncomfortable when Dr. Carrera said that Juliett was a bad influence. Does that count?"
"That.. is a kind of being uncomfortable." The brown-haired girl shrugs, "But I meant something more.. embarrassing."
"Something.. more?" You blink.
"Like, people seeing you naked. Or being forced to do things while naked."
"Why are you so obsessed with me being naked or people seeing me naked?" You blink, "So what, the humans can send me on dangerous fireteam missions, but the line is crossed if they see me with my clothes off?"
"No, I-" She seems to want to say something, but doesn't
The black-haired human next to her sighs.
You don't really get what the frustration is about. You decide to cut to the point because they clearly can't stop asking about you being naked.
"Listen, the only time I felt uncomfortable or really embarrassed was when Doctor Carrera said that there was more to life than fighting."
This causes the two humans to look puzzled.
"..That made you uncomfortable?"
"Of course." You huff, "That's literally my reason to exist. Her questioning that is what lead to this entire mess."
Definitely not you wandering off after a mission with Juliett, definitely.
"So, question-" Hayate seems to be probing, again. "You say that is your reason to exist, but have you thought that maybe you're being manipulated into thinking that?"
"I don't see how that's possible." You cross your arms, "I tried to find another reason to live, but I didn't find any in my first nine hours alive. So I'm guessing there just isn't one."
This causes an awkward silence between you and the humans. They jot something down, and then change subject.
"..Let's continue." Hayate adjusts her voice, "Have you heard the name 'Lindy Harlaown'?"
"I've heard people call me the first part several times, but the last part is news to me. Is it normal for humans to have two names?"
"Mm. So-" The black-haired mage continues, "You've never seen pictures of her, before?"
They note that down, and then change subjects again.
"What about your sisters? Have they met anyone who has looked like them?"
"Well, have you met Unit Echo yet? She looks like you, and she doesn't see much of a reason to live, either." You nod.
"Teana mentioned at least 5 raptors, do you know how many units were created?" The black-haired mage seems cautious to ask this question.
"Well, I'm part of the EFGHI block, so I'm guessing twenty-six?"
This causes another pause, and they glance at each other with worry. They write something down in a rush.
"Excuse me." You start to feel like you deserve to ask some questions of your own, "How many more questions are we going to ask?"
"Just a few more, are we making you uncomfortable?"
"No, I'm just not sure about the nature of these questions. It seems like you're looking for things that the humans did wrong, but I'm not sure they did much of anything wrong. They woke me up, gave me weapons, sent me on missions, and then let me do what I wanted. I don't feel like there's much more that anyone could have done for me."
"Gamma, I believe that may be the reason we're concerned." The black-haired human seems almost tired talking to you.
"I don't see why. It makes more uncomfortable not having proper weapons. How am I supposed to survive on missions without being properly armed?"
"Gamma.." Even Hayate seems tired.
"Plus you keep asking about me being naked in front of the staff. If anything, the staff seem to really like it when I put clothes on, rather than take them off. First it was to demonstrate to a crowd, and then it was for Doctor Carrera... I guess they must like it when I get dressed."
"In front of a crowd.." Hayate blinks, "Explain."
"Well, when I was first activated, I was naked in front of a large crowd of people, but there were clothes nearby so I was able to remedy that. They called me 'shy' afterwards, but I don't know if that's accurate. Am I shy for wanting to put on clothes?"
There's a pause, and then Hayate pulls up a screen.
"Excuse me, could you bring in Unit Foxtrot? I'd like to have talk with her."
Foxtrot? Why does she want to talk with her?
Foxtrot enters the room, and sits down next to you. You immediately, almost by instinct, pat her head.
Hayate suddenly looks very serious.
"Foxtrot, my apologies for my reaction earlier when we first met. That was very unprofessional of me, and I apologize."
"Hmm?" Foxtrot blinks, "It's nothing serious, that's just how humans behave, right?"
There's a moment of pause, and she picks her paper up again.
"Foxtrot, Gamma here says she was 'showcased' to a crowd, completely naked. Is that true for you, as well?"
"Well, yes." Foxtrot shrugs, "Isn't that normal?"
"No." Hayate answers, "No it is not."
"I think we've heard enough Foxtrot-" The black-haired human tries to interrupt.
"Okay, well I thought it was kind of weird too." Foxtrot shrugs, "Maybe not as weird as the clothes they gave me. My other sisters got a full set of clothes but I only got a white dress without anything else."
"..Anything else?"
"Foxtrot, thank you for your help but I think we're done for today." The black-haired guy is trying to end the meeting.
"No, nothing else." Foxtrot blinks, "Is something wrong with any of that?"
"The humans seem sensitive to us being naked, I don't know why." You helpfully inform Foxtrot.
"Oh, you mean like the security cameras in the showers, then? My twin unit, Iota, told me that a couple of the technicians were saving videos of her showering, and to disable them before I washed."
"..I think you two should leave, we'll call for you again when we're ready." The black-haired mage says with moisture suddenly appearing on his brow.
"Huh, okay." Foxtrot stands up, "That was fast."
You stand up, and follow Foxtrot out the door. As it shuts behind you, you can hear some commotion coming from the meeting room. What is going on?
"Hey I got a question." Saying the advertising routine out-loud has made you realize something. "Who is the 'H' in our block? I suddenly realize that I didn't get to meet whoever that is supposed to be."
"Oh." Foxtrot yawns, "That's Hotel. She's in the secondary labs right now being questioned, actually. You can go talk to her if you want."
"Thank you Foxtrot, I think that I might." You smile at her.
You start to proceed down the hallway, and wave to the friendly humans who have replaced all of the stuffy scientists and annoying suits that used to give you your missions.
You sure hope you get a mission soon. You're going to run out of things to talk to eventually.
Today, you've already talked to:
- Strange Lady
- Strange Man
- Echo
- Foxtrot
- The Phone
- The Vending Machine
- Dr Carrera
- Dr Carrera's computer
- Several security cameras
- Foxtrot's toaster
While you're glad to be surrounded by familiar things, you also wish that you get something new to talk to. Maybe a new vending machine?
Speaking of which, you haven't seen Juliett today. Is she going on missions without you? You need to ask her if she has found anything to do while the new humans are around.
You pass by Dr. Carrera's office, and see the same thing you always see. More humans inside giving pointed questions while she just looks annoyed. You need to visit her later and see if they're giving her any trouble.
Then, you arrive at the secondary laboratory.
Inside, you see several of your sisters lounging around. You think that they're just as bored as you are, and really don't have anything to do. This new sister you met this morning, Quebec, seems to be taking her TSAB job very seriously as she walks around with a pen and paper and interrogates everyone in the room. Which is strange because you're pretty sure she can record thing in perfect accuracy to her memory.
You're not going to question it, though.
You start scanning the few units in the room to find which one is Hotel. One of the humans ends up returning a scan, so you start to investigate further. You see Papa, and November, but also-
According to your scans, that's Unit Hotel! She's talking to some red-headed human. You decide to step in and ask a couple questions.
"Hello." You approach her as she sits on a bench with her interesting looking barrier jacket, "I'm Unit Gamma. You must be Unit Hotel?"
"That's me!" She seems oddly enthusiastic. "Hello Gamma! I'm glad to meet you. I heard we were in the same block, but I haven't got a chance to fight you yet."
Wait, what?
"Hotel, it's not nice to say that you're going to fight the new sisters that you meet."
The red-head human speaks up as if she's scolding your sister. You don't think it's a problem, though.
"It's okay, if she wants to fight me then we can fight sometime, preferably not here though." You would like to fight Hotel sometime, if only there was a way to practice fighting?
"In either case, you must be Gamma. It's good to meet you. I'm Wendi Nakajima. I'll be here for the next couple weeks." The red-headed human smiles.
"Okay, sure." You turn your attention back to Hotel, "Anyway, it's good to meet you Hotel."
"Same!" Hotel puts her tiny hand out. Is she really one of your sisters? That hand is tiny compared to yours. "I'm the assassination unit."
"We're trying to get her designation changed to the Marksman unit. I think it would be less terrifying for everyone involved." Again, the human seems to want to speak for Hotel.
"Ms. Nakajima." You interrupt Wendi, "My scans show that she's the assassination unit. Is there a problem with that?"
"No, of course not. I think the new designation would result in more missions and less scrutiny, that's all." She smiles.
You're a bit skeptical.
"Anyway! What else were you talking about?" This at least seems new, and you want to find out to what extent the human has in relation to you. You're confused why she returns a scan like Zero-two did.
"Ms. Wendi here says we're related!" Hotel smiles, "She says we share a lot of the same technology?"
"Wait, really?"
"That appears to be the case." The red-headed human smiles, "My sisters and I are cyborgs called the 'Numbers', and the Raptors appear to have a lot of the same technology. So I'm trying to find out if we're related."
"Does that make us Cousins? Sisters? Half-sisters?" Hotel seems really into this.
"Is that why you're staying with us?" You blink.
"It's part of why I volunteered, but mostly I'm here to help with your adaptation to the new lab with far more supervision from the TSAB."
"More supervision?" You don't like the sound of that, "Did we not have enough before?"
"You did, but Caledfwlch didn't." Wendi explains, "You see, the raptors were supposed to help my unit, Section 6. Then they deactivated the previous Raptor generation without a explanation. A few months later they are selling new raptors that are far more powerful than we had previously thought they could be, without telling us, and without re-activating the previous generation."
"That sounds wrong." You frown, you hope the previous generation is okay.
"Only because it is." She smiles.
At least she seems to understand the grave injustice that exists with raptors being 'Deactivated'.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Uh, so what am I going to do under 'more' TSAB supervision? Can you show us?
6 |
Are they re-activated? Can I see them?
5 |
They're not going to deactivate us, are they?
4 |
Do you have a mission for us to go on? I'm very bored.
3 |
pick hotel up and carry her on your shoulders
2 |
so when do we get to blow things up? I've been getting bored
2 |
Ask Hotel and Wendi if they like Head Pats
"So, what are we going to be doing under 'more' TSAB supervision?"
"Same thing you're doing now, except you'll actually be official members of the TSAB."
"Sounds neat!" Hotel smiles, "What do we get in return?"
"For one, you get paid a living wage, for two you'll get-"
"Excuse me," You interrupt the red-haired human, "What is a 'living wage'?"
Wendi blinks.
"Well, with a wage, you can buy and purchase things you may want or desire-"
"Like weapons?" You fill with a bit of joy.
"..I GUESS but I mean things other than weapons."
"Psst, Gamma, she means armor, too-" Hotel helpfully gives you the hint that you're looking for.
"Oh, okay. I get it."
"..When this is over, I'm sending everyone here on a shopping trip." Wendi sighs.
"Um, another question." You raise your hand to this 'Wendi' person. "They're not going to 'de-activate' us, are they?"
"What? No, no, no, definitely not. I wouldn't allow it." Wendi huffs, "Nobody is going to be de-activating anybody. In fact, we're in the process of re-activating the older generation right now."
"Really? Can we meet them?" Hotel seems very excited.
"They're currently coming out of hibernation, but we could go talk to them if you want." Wendi smiles.
"Sure." You smile.
Wendi stands up, and you follow her to the back room. It's kept dark, but you can see rows of capsules lined up neatly along the wall.
One of them opens up, and a figure steps out.
You glance at him, and realize that he's not really returning a scan. At least not one that's very readable.
"Officer Nakajima." It stands at attention.
"Hi guys!" She walks over and gives him a hug. "No need to be so formal, here. This is your home, after all."
"It is in our protocols to be as professional as possible in front of TSAB personnel." The figure responds, "Even if that person is a long-time friend."
"Then we need to change your protocols." Wendi replies, with a huff.
"And Unit Gamma-" It salutes once more, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard about you from Unit Juliett."
"Juliett?" You blink.
"Correct." He responds, "Juliett has already become acquainted with us. We hope to become acquainted with you as well."
"Is there a name I can call you?"
"We have no name, per se. Though there is a Section Six member who has given us individual names already. My name, for instance, is Rose."
"She really likes flowers, that's all I can gather." Wendi shrugs.
"Hi Rose." You try to be as cordial as possible with your previous generation, "If you're the previous generation, does that make you our father?"
"Hello, Gamma." Rose answers back with the same cantor, "It would technically make us your grandparents, if we were comparing ourselves to human families."
"I see, so we are related in a familiar kind of way."
"It would be definitely apt to say so."
"So you wouldn't complain if I were to do this?"
You lean forward and wrap him in a hug. He returns the hug in an almost weak manner, but you don't question it very much.
That is, until Hotel wraps her tiny arms around the both of you. You can hear Wendi giggling from behind you as you both stay in this awkward hug for a few extra minutes than you were anticipating as Hotel squeezes to her heart's desire.
After that moment is over, Hotel decides to ask some interesting questions that you hadn't considered before.
"Hi Grandpa!" Hotel smiles, "I'm about three months old, how old are you?"
"My activation date was about one year, eight months ago." He answers diligently.
"Wow!" Hotel's eyes sparkle, "You've been alive for one whole year! What is that like?"
"..That isn't particularly impressive." Rose dutifully notes.
"It's not?" You blink, you've only been alive a couple days so the idea of living for about a month seems almost unreal to you.
"I should inform you that most of the humans you've met are multiple years old. Wendi herself is almost ten."
"Rose, don't tell a girl's age so casually like that." Wendi crosses her arms.
"Wow! Ten years!" Hotel seems amazed.
"That's a lot of cycles." Is something that you say nonchalantly, but then feel embarrassed as you become aware of just how clueless that sounds.
"Wellllll- Not really." Wendi puts her hand behind her head, "That's just when I was activated. I'm based off of someone who is about twenty years old. So it's a bit more than how long ago I was 'activated'."
You tilt your head, "Really?"
"That's right." Wendi nods, "For instance, you look to be about sixteen to eighteen. Hotel looks about eleven or twelve years old."
"Ohh-" You blink, "I don't quite understand, though. Even though we look that old, we're clearly not, so what difference does it make?"
"Well, you see- Human society is strange like that. We section off parts of it by age all of the time. For instance, people under a certain age can't drive cars, or fight in the military, or-"
"So.. we can't fight?" Hotel seems genuinely upset by this revelation.
"For us, there is a special exception." 'Rose' continues. "AI units are made to represent a certain age, and are made with a specific purpose in mind. So no such age restriction exists."
Hotel's voice perks up.
"Ooooohhh.. So that's why we were made, right?"
"It's more complicated than-"
"I have the same question; Why were we made?" You think back to your experience over the past couple days. "I've been asking this question everywhere, and no one seems to be able to give me a satisfactory answer."
"The targets the humans started to face in recent years were specifically made to counter their weapons and soldiers." Rose answers, "The targets to be neutralized are normally infected with eclipse. A disease that increases the power of the humans that survive the infection and makes them exceedingly dangerous for organic lifeforms."
"Ohhhh- So we shoot them, right?"
"Correct." Rose nods.
"So that's our mission? Find and shoot all of these 'Eclipse' humans?" You blink, "That seems like a simple mission. Give me a chopper and a rifle and I'll go handle it."
"I'm sure you can, Gamma. That's not really why you were made, though."
"..It's not, huh?"
You feel a sense of exhaustion well up inside. Which is strange, because according to your powerbanks, you still are at full charge.
"No, no. Missions are something that you do, but it's not really why you were made."
"This again?" You sigh, "I've been told several times now that the reason I was made has nothing to do with missions, but every time I talk to someone about my purpose and why A.I. were built instead of using humans, it comes back to missions."
Wendi sighs.
"Gamma, it's-"
"No, no, it's fine." You bow slightly, "I understand. It's complicated. I think I'm feeling de-energized, so I'm going to return to the chargers. Rose, Wendi, Hotel, thank you for the lab tour."
You leave the laboratory, and listen to Hotel talk excitedly about how she was allowed to shoot actual humans on the last mission. Which is something you're getting the desire to do, as odd as it may be.
You frown in frustration while glancing upward at the night sky. The gigantic building in the background dominates the skyline as much as ever. If you ignore the red and green lights outlining its form, then it kind of looks like a giant hole is being punched in the night sky.
..That's a good summary of what you want to do, right now.
You grumble in frustration. Thankfully, you don't think any of the humans know how to get up onto the roof. It's something that Echo showed you yesterday. She says that this is the place that she usually hides when the humans are being nosy.
It feels awful having to hide inside of your own home. Times like this makes you wish that the Raptors just had their own home and they could kick the annoying humans out of it at any time. This is as much your place as it is theirs, maybe even more so because it's the only one you have.
You sigh, and glance at your hands. You're trying not to get poetic about everything around you, but it's hard to not concentrate on what the humans were saying.
Purpose in life..
"What if I want to do missions?!" You yell at nothing, "What if I just want to break someone to tiny pieces? I'm clearly good at it!"
The night doesn't respond.
You continue to sulk in darkness, not too sure on what to do.
Should you try to demand that they send you on missions?
Should you see if you can join up with Caledfwlch again? Maybe they're still hiring.
You're not sure what to do. All of it is just so bothersome.
You're so lost in thought that you don't even notice when someone walks up next to you, and sits down with a 'thump'.
"There you are." Juliett hangs her head lazily as she stares you in the eyes. You can see the light from the city reflect off of their ruby-red finish.
"Hi Juliett." You glance back at her, "Nice dress."
"Thanks, Hayate bought it for me. She said that I looked good in it."
You glance up and down, and realize that the white in her dress really compliments her long, blonde hair.
"I think it looks good, too." You smile.
"Really?" Her smile is practically beaming. "You should come with me to see Hayate when she gets off work, then!"
"No, not tonight." You glance back at the skyline, "I'm done talking with humans tonight."
"Oh.." Juliett glances at the night sky with you, "..Did one of them say something rude?"
"A little, but it's more like none of them can understand how I feel." You look back down at your lap.
That's when you notice Juliett's hand grasp yours.
"Gamma.." Juliett sighs, "Didn't I tell you that you could tell me your problems? Surely, I could understand, right?"
Well, you suppose that's true.
"..You're the demolitions unit, right?" You try to rationalize this with Juliett, "What is your purpose on missions?"
"Oh, I have lots of them-" She happily starts rattling off some of her designed features, including disarming bombs, detonating unsafe buildings, or even just using light munitions like gas grenades.
"..Then I'm not sure you can feel like I do." You sigh, "Some of what you just listed are things that you don't need to be a combat unit to understand. Things like demolishing buildings, disarming bombs, these are not warlike activities."
You huff, and squeeze her hand.
"-But I'm a combat unit, to the core. I'm a machine of war. What good am I if I don't have a war to fight anymore? It feels like I don't have a place in a world that really doesn't need me."
In what feels like a very strange reversal of roles, you feel Juliett wrap her arms around you.
"Gamma, that's not true at all."
"Then why do they keep telling me that I don't have to go on missions?!"
Juliett smiles.
"Because they actually mean the opposite of what they're saying, Gamma."
You blink, and glance back at her.
"The truth is, what they really, really, really, REALLY want is for us to join them." Juliett giggles, "Subaru told me that. That the whole reason they keep telling us that we don't have to be combat units anymore is because they want us to choose to be combat units, and work with them."
You feel a little confused, but also skeptical.
"..Why would they do such a thing?"
"Because choosing what you do with your life is apparently a big thing to humans. They don't understand the concept of being purpose-built to do something."
Juliett leans inward, and grasps your hand closer.
"-They are under the impression that you hate the labs, and everything they stood for. So they don't want to make you feel like you've just gone from one owner to another. They're trying to do us a favor by treating us this way."
"Isn't that a little cruel?!" You feel a bit betrayed. "It means they're essentially lying to us!"
"That's how the human world is." Juliett's smile turns to an ambivalent glare, "It's filled with strange inconsistencies like that. Subaru told me that they have to do this so it doesn't look like they confiscated Calefwlch weapons just to use them for the TSAB."
You blink, it doesn't seem like there's much of a difference, either way.
"But shouldn't that make you happy?" Juliett smiles, "Those inconsistencies are what makes war. So as long as there are people, there will always be war, and a reason for us to exist!"
That seems like a very roundabout way to look at your existence, but it does make you feel at ease.
"..Thanks Juliett. I will have to process that information for a while until I really feel better about it, though."
"Glad I could help!" She chirps, "So while you're doing that, there was another reason that I was talking to Subaru."
"There was?" You're not sure what Juliett could want from Zero-two, but she seems happy enough to share it with you.
"That's right! She actually wanted to talk to me. She said that she was sorry about ruining our 'date', and wanted to make it up to us!"
You're really confused.
"..How could she do that?"
"She gave me this box!"
She reaches to her opposite side, and grabs a cardboard cube. She sets it down between you, and opens it.
"She said that we were confused on what to do on a date, so she made an entire kit for a full-day date that we can redeem within the next week!"
"..That's interesting, so it's an instruction manual on how to have a date?"
"Yep! Here it is right here."
She unfolds a sheet of paper, and starts to read off the instructions on it.
"First for our date-" She smiles, "Will be a delightful breakfast followed by a charming morning at the spa taking a bath with each other!"
"But we have a bath at the labs."
"Apparently, these baths are even better than the acid baths." Juliett smiles, "This is followed by a massage, and some kind of meal humans call a 'brunch' at 1000 hours!"
You blink.
"Two meals by 1000 hours?"
"Humans apparently eat a lot." Juliett pouts, "I noted that we can't really taste human food all that well, and she recommended that we go do it anyway. The eating part is supposedly secondary to spending time with each other."
"That's nonsense, but I'll go with it." It's just another human inconsistency, you think.
"This is followed by an hour shopping! Here in the box-" Juliett reaches in, and pulls out a small rectangle, "Is a gift card for clothes at the same place Hayate got this dress. Enough for both of us."
"Oooh." Well, you could use something besides the lab clothing.
"Then, is lunch, it's a meal that-"
"Another meal?" This is starting to sound excessive.
"Sure, but just go with it." Juliett laughs, "After that, we visit a culture festival they're having in town this week."
"Human.. culture festival." Humans have a culture?
"I don't get it either but apparently there is a long boardwalk that we can go down. Afternoon is visiting the beach, and going for a swim together."
"Ohh, should we bring Hotel?"
"I asked the same thing, and she said to just have us two that day."
You don't want to leave Hotel out but, you should follow the instructions for the first date.
"After that, we visit a public shower, and visit an 'Amusement park'."
"'Amusement park'? What is that?"
"I guess a park with amusements?" Juliett blinks, "I"m kind of lost at this step, but there are instructions on how to get there, so we'll be fine!"
You're getting a strange feeling about this.
She pulls out another object, a ticket-looking slip.
"Finally, dinner for two at the most prestigious restaurant in Midchilda."
"Another meal?" You feel a bit ill, "How many times do humans eat every day?"
"So far, four."
Four meals..
"Anyway, after that, we have a reservation at a very special kind of hotel, that we can get into using this card."
This card is shaped like a heart..
"Oh! Also, she told me to use this on you when we got to the hotel."
In the small box, comes.. another box? This one is nondescript, and sealed.
"What is it?"
"I don't know." Juliett blinks, and then opens it.
Out of the box, something falls out.
It's a cartridge?!
"..Is that a cartridge?" Juliett has the same question that you do. "..How am I supposed to use that on you?"
"Are you supposed to shoot me with it?"
Juliett looks back at the slip of paper, and turns it over several times.
"..I don't see instructions on how to use it."
You pick up the tiny bullet, and put it inside of its box.
"..Let's try to figure that out when we get there. Right now, all of the steps leading up to this seem like a hassle already."
"So.. it's a date?" Juliett puts on her puppy dog eyes. Of course you're going to agree to it before she even asked.
"Definitely." You smile, "It's a date."
She seems so happy, her grin is going from ear to ear.
Maybe you don't quite understand the feeling she is going through, but you're just glad that she's happy.
"Thank you, Gamma." She sighs.
"No, thank you Juliett." You stand up, "Thank you a whole bunch."
"C'mon, let's go talk to Quebec." Juliett stands up with the box cradled in her arms, "She said that she wanted us to meet someone named 'Duke'."
"..More humans?"
"You might be interested in this one, apparently he's Quebec's CO. Maybe he'll have more missions for us?"
"..Okay." You grin, "But let's do that after the date tomorrow. We'll ask if we can meet the day after."
"Okay!" Juliett grins, "I can't wait! I'm going to go recharge right now."
"I'll be right behind you."
You watch as Juliett happily returns inside, and you slowly glance up at the night sky once more.
There's no need to rush getting back to missions.
After all, you have your whole life left to live.
"Let's go enjoy it together."
"Oscar, you've been yelling for two days straight. Can you like, put yourself on mute or something?"
(April Fools 2021: END)
Halloween 2021
"Security alert! Security alert!" A dull voice yells in a deep monotone.
"No it's not.."
The young lady reaches her hand up to a holographic screen, and swipes across it.
"Shaddap already..."
She rubs her eyes and stands up from her office chair with a pop in her legs. Her eyes wander over to the small clock on her computer.
It's already past 6:00PM. She said that she was just going to rest for a little while in the armory, but then a little while turned into a long while. She hopes Hayate isn't angry about it. The last weapons project has meant many nights spent in the Ground Forces armory, retrofitting the new cartridge system to the staves for Duke's mages.
"Warning-" The automated voice comes back up, "Intruders detected in armory section-"
"They aren't intruders, those are just the kids again.." She swipes it once more as if to push it out of the way, and then starts walking toward the door.
She's told the kids over and over again not to invade the armory. Well, not that she can stop them, but she would at least hope that they would listen to her instructions.
She's happy that the kids come by to visit, but they are very much free spirits. In a day they can run all over Cranagan, and not feel the least bit tired, sleepy, or even fatigued.
How does she know that it's 'the kids'? Well...
Slowly, she opens the door to the armory, and is immediately assaulted.
They show up every day, at exactly this time.
"OH, Oh. Hi girls.." The woman mumbles, "Uhh, it's Halloween already?"
Where did the month go?..
"Shari! Look! I got one of Vita's old costumes!" Foxtrot seems so happy.
"Look what I got from Yumina! Isn't it great? She says we have the same sizes!" Rho squeals in delight.
"Wow, that's very cute, girls." The woman adjusts her glasses, "..Yumina gave you a skirt that's probably too short for you to be walking around in."
"It's fine!" Rho smiles, "Yumina says this is the right length, she showed me how to flip it up earlier with a twirl!"
Shari's face freezes, and she instead changes subject.
"..So, are you two collecting candy?"
"Yep!" Foxtrot smiles, "We already went through most of the Ground forces headquarters, Air armaments building, the Capital Defense building, the-"
"..You've been through all of the buildings of the surrounding headquarters?" Shario questions the two.
"Most of them!" Rho smiles.
"..Does that mean you got permission to be there?"
"Of course we did." Foxtrot seems insulted that Shario even asked.
"..I mean permission you didn't give yourself from hacking the computers." Shario sighs.
"Wellllll-" Foxtrot starts to trail off.
"So do you have any candy?" Rho continues her confident smile.
"..I do, but can you even eat it?" Shario blinks, "I thought the chemical composition of your sense of taste and smell were so radically different that most human food tasted kind of bad."
To answer your question, Foxtrot takes a candy from her tiny bucket, and eats it whole.
"Foxtrot, you're supposed to take the wrapper off first-"
"..Yeah, it doesn't taste great." Foxtrot huffs.
"So why are you doing it?"
"It's fun!" Rho smiles.
"Also Dr. Carrera said she was going to try working on a fix for our taste, so we may be able to eat it soon! So all of us went out trick or treating!" Foxtrot grins.
Shario is skeptical, but she doesn't say it out loud. The work required to line all of that up, the different tastes of all of the units, and unify them would take so much tuning and testing that she doesn't even want to-
"Wait, all of you?" Shario's eyes widen.
"We got the TSAB buildings, November and Gamma are getting the Saint Church, Sis and Hotel are trick or treating by the docks, and-"
"Wait, stop-" The lady's eyes widen more. "The docks? You mean like.. gang territory? Like organized crime? Like the place so full of gangsters that the police won't go there?!"
"Yeah." Rho eats a candy herself, wrapper and all, "And?"
"..But they have an adult with them, right?" Shario slowly feels a cold chill up her spine.
The two Raptors only stare back at Shario with a dull stare.
"..Right?" The woman repeats, once more. Again, she's met with the same dull stare.
Elsewhere .
"Sorry, Sis. I didn't find any candy, here."
"Really?!" You pout, "Yumina said that outfit would do it.."
"-Well it IS a cute outfit." She demonstrates the pose that Yumina told her to do to get more candy. "-But I guess it's just not working tonight."
"Aw.." You frown. "No candy here, either."
"But costume good!" You smile.
"Hehe, you're adorable in it!" Hotel rubs your head.
You lean into the headpat. Hotel is positively beaming when she interacts with you. She takes a deep sigh, and then glances around.
"..I think I saw some people with candy earlier. We can go blast them and take it if the next few places don't have any." Hotel continues patting your head.
Truthfully, you don't know why you need candy, or why you want it, or why your sisters told you to get it. All that you know is that it's something you have to get. You were told to, so it's your new mission. Technically, this makes your first mission! So you absolutely have to do your best at it!
But it's not going well so far. Hotel tried setting some things on fire, but that usually burned the candy up inside of whatever it was. Cars, warehouses, stores, a part of you was wondering if she was really trying to get candy or if she just wanted to light everything on fire. She didn't really give you a good answer when you asked.
"Okay, so I didn't get any candy from the warehouse, but this time will be different!" Hotel smiles, "I'm going to check the boats, next! The ones by the pier."
"Oh! Can I help?"
"Help what, set boats on fire?" Hotel blinks.
"No, Candy!"
Hotel blinks again, and then nods.
"Right! Right, candy." She adjusts her voice, "Uh, I don't know, try checking.."
She glances around, and then her eyes light up.
"There's a warehouse! With someone in front of it!" Hotel points to a rather oddly-lit warehouse. It's almost like nobody wants it to be seen at all. "Go ask them for some!"
"Okay!" You smile.
"Meanwhile," Hotel takes her device out, "I will go deal with the boats."
You don't know why she needs a device to check some boats, but you aren't going to question your older sister. She surely knows what she is doing.
You decide to walk right over to the people standing in front of that warehouse, and introduce yourself!
The two are busy putting some kind of flammable stick to their mouths, and you sneak right up to them and ask a simple question.
They're so impressed with your greeting that they nearly jump out of their skin!
"What the-"
"The fuck!?"
They seem a little confused as they stare at you.
"..How the hell did you get here?" The spikey-haired one is panting heavily.
"Walking!" You reply.
This results in both of them staring at you oddly.
"..Kid, get out of here-"
"Wait, wait, hold on-"
One of the humans starts scrolling something on his phone. His eyes widen slightly, and he taps the other human on the shoulder. With a swift motion, he shoves the phone in his face.
They both look back toward you, and suddenly they seem really happy!
"Yeaaaahhh, Hey kid- Do you want some candy? We have some in the warehouse!"
"Candy?" You look toward the building, "In there?"
"Yes! Lots of it!"
"Candy!" You blink as you add this to objectives.
Objective A:
Sub-objective A:
- Infiltrate warehouse
- ???
- Candy!
Perfect! Your first mission plan! And you made it all by yourself!
The two humans are starting to look a little worried.
"(Uhh, is she okay?)" Spikey human whispers to greasy human, "(She's just staring at the warehouse.)"
"(I think she took a few too many blows to the head in the intermiddle championship last year..)"
You're not sure what that means, but that doesn't matter!
"Candy " You smile, "I must have candy to complete mission!"
"Riiiiiiight." The two say in unison. "Just follow us inside, and we'll get your candy."
"Get candy, complete mission, sisters happy!" You feel confident as you follow the two indoors.
"(Seriously? She just followed us in?)"
"(Well, now what?)" The two humans seem to be talking to one another in a whisper.
"(I don't know man, I thought she would scream and run away when we tried luring her with candy.)"
"(Yeah, maybe this was a mistake.)"
"Um, hey!" You look around the warehouse and distinctively notice a few things that are not quite right. For one, it's full of some kind of equipment; two, none of it is edible; which means three, there's no candy!
"What?" One of them glances at you, with a blink.
They appear to glance at each other for a second, and then back to you.
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-" They both laugh in unison. You're not getting more confident that they're actually going to follow through with their promise.
"I'm serious!" You huff, "If there's no candy, this is a trick, and I hate tricks." You can feel your eyes start to glow a little.
This makes them stop laughing, but instead they just glance at one another.
"..Okay, should we try to restrain her here or-"
"Hold on, she's the intermiddle champion after all, let's call for backup, okay?"
"Right, Candy." The human completely ignores you! "Uh, could we get a couple people to the floor? We have a unexpected visitor."
There's something over the radio, and the two men then stare at you.
"Okay, we're getting your 'Candy', so why don't you just-"
"You have two minutes." You cross your arms, with a pout.
"Pfft- She's just so cute-"
"Enough-." The other man grumbles, and leans over to you. "-Or else what?"
"Dominance must be established, seeking protocol." You search your databanks for training for unruly humans. You find some things in your interrogation databank, and decide to exercise some of these protocols.
Used: Raptor Takedown
You grab the man by his chin, and proceed to fling him clear over your head and into his back with a 'thud'. The shock is so sudden that he decides to not stand back up again. Good!
You then glare at the other human.
"..One minute and fifteen seconds left.."
He just continues smiling, and then presses a button on his little box-thing.
"Please, get here faster, hurry." Is all he says.
"One minute." You start to grimace. You're beginning to think this was a trick.
"Is that her?"
Oh great, more humans showed up.
"CANDY!" You yell at them.
They immediately point a pistol at you.
"Easy now, we know who you are and we've seen how strong you are. Strike Arts aren't anything compared to-"
"I knew it! This is a trick!"
"-You just realized that?" The human looks over at the other two humans who entered. "-Hey, be easy on this one, it's clear she's a 'special' case."
"I hate my night being wasted, so please-"
You realize that rationalizing with the human has become impossible.
More extreme measures are required.
You smile, and point your finger at the bossy human.
He blinks.
"..As I was saying, please don't make us shoot you, it would make it much harder to-"
Used: Precise Buster
A blue laser cuts straight through the air from where you're pointing, and bisects the gun in half. The man grasps his arm, and falls to the floor.
"That is not candy." You say, ominously.
The man simply glances in your direction, and slowly says something under his breath.
"..Maybe I can go get you some candy?"
"Three.." You continue counting down with a scowl on your face.
"I mean, I don't know where I would find any but I'm sure if I looked I could-"
"Maybe this guy still has some mints in his pocket?"
"..I think they got her."
"Yeah, I don't hear any more shooting."
The two lean away from the door, and glance at the man who is hastily throwing everything he can grab in the office into a small suitcase.
"Forget it, whether she's dead or not, it's not safe here anymore. We leave tonight."
"Yeah, I'm one to agree." One of the humans looks a little bit concerned, "Not just because we may have just committed a murder, but also because it's apparently 'normal' for little girls to run around playing Batman on Halloween."
"I don't want it; I said I don't want to hear it." The man slams his briefcase shut, "Fuck Halloween, and fuck kids acting like vigilantes, tell whoever is left alive down there that we're out of here. Gone. Vanished. Pronto."
His henchman nods, and reaches for the door.
You bust into the room and throw something soft and squishy to the other side, and straight through the wall. The two humans stand completely straight as you give them your demands.
"UH! C-Candy?" The man with the briefcase hurriedly throws it open, and starts looking for it, "WAIT! I got some! Hold on! You can have it all!"
"Candy?" Finally! Maybe this won't be a trick?!
He reaches into his suitcase, and tosses you a vial of...
"..What's this?"
"It's candy." The man replies, "Well, nosecandy."
"NO!" You shout as you throw it back at him so hard that it shatters against his suit. "NOT NOSECANDY, CANDY!"
"..That cost me five hundred-"
You huff, it seems THIS was a trick, too.
You start thinking of more things you can break these two humans against. The ones downstairs broke with just one or two swings, and you're hoping these humans at least last three swings.
But then, on the edge of his desk-
You see it!
"CANDY!" Finally, your quest is over!
You hop to the desk, and grab the jar off the edge.
"Wait, you wanted actual candy?" The man with the briefcase seems absolutely baffled.
"Thank you, bye bye!" You laugh in glee as you hold the glass jar in your hands. You quickly make an exit out of one of the windows, and leave.
As you depart from the second-story window; you can hear the man say something in a terrified tone.
"..I would have given her those for free.."
Mission accomplished.
You eye the red-dotted things inside of the jar. Strawberries, you think they're called? Either ways; Hotel is going to be so proud!
You need to meet back up with her. That's easy to do, though! You just have to follow the flames, and you'll find her in no-time.
Oh! And speaking of which, there's Hotel now!
She's on the ground, looking rather worried. Not to mention she's changed out of her costume and is now fully in her barrier jacket. That's weird!
Not as strange as what you see floating above her.
It's November-sister! Looking really mad, and brandishing her big sword!
Maybe you can cheer her up with some candy!
"Hi November!" You greet your scowling sister, "Look! Candy!"
This makes Hotel laugh nervously, and November only slightly greets you by looking in your direction.
She frowns, and says a single word in return.
"Fools?!" You realize the inevitable must have happened, "Did the humans try to trick you too?!"
November simply continues staring at you.
"They almost took away my candy! Can you believe it?!" You huff, and point toward the factory, "Every human in there just wanted to play a trick!"
Without saying a word, November starts to glow.
With a golden beam of light, she casts a solid beam of light straight at the building.
In a flash, the entire factory explodes into a fireball.
"Oh.." You blink, November can be so cool sometimes! "That shows them! They should have given me candy sooner!"
"I don't care about the stupid candy." November frowns.
"Really?" You blink.
"Sis, please take a look around at what your trick-or-treating has done to this part of town."
You blink, and only offer a simple-
"Hotel." November turns back to your sister, "You took the newest raptor to a dangerous area, and counted on the fact that all her skill are unlocked and the thugs are too weak to stop us."
"That's not entirely true!"
"-Yes, because you actually came here to set everything on fire."
"Okay, that part is true." Hotel says, sheepishly.
"You do realize that, to the TSAB, it looks like Nanoha and Vivio were the ones running around and burning the city to the ground, right? Do you realize how much trouble you are in?"
"You mean how much trouble 'they' are in, right?" Hotel smiles.
This does not help November's mood.
"So of course, Fate is too soft to properly scold you, and Nanoha would probably scold you but not Sis. So now it's my job, again. Why is my human never ready to deal with her problems?"
"Oh!" You know the answer! "Because she's actually a big softie!"
You should know, you love hugging Fate!
"..Yes Sis, that's correct." November sighs, "Maybe I should deliver you to Nanoha and Stern, I heard that Nanoha scolded Teana once and she ended in the hospital for a entire day. Stern can deal with you, Lil' Sis."
You pout.
"Wait! I followed the mission parameters to the letter!" You huff, "That's worth something, right?!"
"It doesn't count if it's a mission you gave yourself, Lil' Sis. Otherwise Hotel would have a perfect score tonight in 'Burning the whole city down' speedrun."
"Oh.. Can we start again, then? I don't want to be outdone by Hotel!"
"No you may not." November looks ominous.
"Excuse me." Hotel laughs, nervously. "I would like to point out that you just destroyed a building, yourself. I got it on my cameras and everything. So if you have to scold us for burning down the city, then you'll get scolded for blowing up the building, too."
".. That doesn't matter! I came to get you from burning down the city, and it looks like I accomplished my mission!"
"Missions you assign yourself don't count." Hotel puts her tongue out.
"Right, because Ginga gave me the mission." November frowns.
This makes Hotel look really nervous.
Oh! You have an idea!
"Big Sis! Missions we assign ourselves don't matter, but all we did was protect ourselves!"
"..You burned down the docks to protect yourself?"
This makes you think for a moment before answering.
"..Yes!" You nod, "The humans started the aggression, Big Sis! I can prove that they thought I was the intermiddle champion. Even if I'm dressed like Fabia, because I'm a witch!"
November seems skeptical, but you continue.
"I blame a human society that ignores dangerous areas to avoid excessive use of violence! I just proved that violence is necessary to live in human society. I'm really a philoso.. philisti.. philisist-"
"Philosopher.." November corrects you.
"Yeah! That!" You feel smug. "Nanoha and Stern would agree with me, even! I'm doing a public good!"
"..I don't know why you sound happy about being far too overpowered for your own good, but that still doesn't excuse you putting yourself in that situation in the first place. There was nothing here that required you to visit."
"Yes there was!" You huff, "Candy!"
"..I'm just going to let Stern and Nanoha deal with the two of you.
November lazily flies with you slung under her other arm. Nanoha was already ready and waiting with a very scary look on her face when November arrived with Hotel. You can already tell that she had an entire lecture and maybe some kind of punishment planned.
It makes you shiver, because many people think of Stern as Nanoha's even more grumpy, angry cousin! The similarities are there, and Stern seems more trigger happy than Nanoha could ever be.
Combine that with Stern possibly being even stronger than Nanoha depending on who you ask, and it seems like you may be in for a seriously tough scolding!
November slows down as she approaches her landing point.
Oh! There's Stern.
"STERN STARKS!" November announces her presence in a very loud and booming voice, which causes the dull-eyed girl to jump.
"Oh, hey November." Stern looks up at both of you. "I heard from Nanoha that you may be coming over."
"It's a mission most urgent." November's voice is confident, "I need you to scold Lil' Sis in a way that Nanoha wouldn't."
"For what?"
"She was caught destroying most of the city with Hotel."
"Oh." Stern blinks, "Was it a part of the city I hated?"
"It was the docks."
Stern then glances at you, with a wink.
"Good job, kiddo."
"Nanoha's point.." November is starting to get agitated, again, "Is that she needs someone to give her a serious talking to, and her hands are full with Hotel. So we need an adult to do scolding on Vivio's raptor."
She blinks.
"..Okay, sure."
"Right." November lowers you to the ground, "I'll be back in a few minutes after you've given her a piece of your mind."
November flies off, and you're left in the middle of the street with Stern.
You start to feel a little bit worried. Stern is, without a doubt, one of the more intimidating humans that you know. The weight that you feel on your heart is nothing short of crushing. Like someone is reaching into your chest and pushing against a secret button hidden deep within. You gulp, and ready yourself for the horrendous punishment that she will throw your way.
"Hey kid.." She glares at you.
"..Yes, Stern?" Here it comes, this is it.
"..Want a drink?"
You blink.
"Uh?" You gulp, "Sure?"
"Great." She.. smiles? "Let's go to the park, and have a quick talk."
..A quick talk..
Stern takes you to the nearby park, and seats you down on one of the benches.
You start to feel better drinking the human drink. It's not really tasty but the gesture alone makes you feel better.
"Now then."
Here it comes..
"Have I ever told you about the time I destroyed nearly half of the city?"
You blink, and look up at aunt Stern.
"..Say again?"
"It happened just as I was summoned to this world. It was in a barrier dimension, but it was still really close to flattening the whole city."
Stern seems almost.. nostalgic?
"..So what happened?"
"Oh, I got over it." Stern shrugs, "Formed a demon hunting firm just out of high school, and now I run the Shop of the Night Sky."
"N-no, I mean to the city." You feel a bit confused.
"Oh, that? It gets destroyed like every ten years or so. That's why there are so many abandoned cities around." Stern huffs.
"Yeah, that's just a thing that's accepted in Midchilda. I don't really get it either."
"So wait." You blink, "So you're not mad at me?"
"Not really.." Stern pats you on the head, "I don't know what November was expecting, but I just see it as a part of growing up. Gamma did it. I did it. Hotel does it. Levi does it A LOT and I'm usually stuck with the bill. Now, you got to do it."
You smile.
"So I did good!"
"I wouldn't say that. It's not right to do that. It's not normal to do that, but it's not fair to compare you or I to standards of what is normal because we are not normal people."
This gives you pause for thought.
"We're not?"
"Of course not. We are super-mages on a planet where most people have only minor or middling magic abilities. The idea of even casting a buster is unthinkable for most people, much less a breaker."
That seems surprising to you. You've already made your first breaker spell, and used it. Is that not normal for humans? Every human you know can use at least one breaker spell.
"Levi brought home a comic book once, and it described the struggles of a character who was a superhuman in the world of normal people." Stern gently continues kneading your scalp, "He describes living life like living in a world of cardboard. Everything in the world had to be treated with utmost care, because anything he touched could be broken by simply being careless."
"Huh?" You really don't get what the story is about.
She sighs.
"-What I'm trying to say is that I really can't hold you accountable for being reckless when you're still so young and maturing. It's only natural for us to have problems adjusting to a world that isn't made for us. That's why the humans are really lenient with us when it came to destruction."
"Ooohh." You sort of understand that, "But doesn't that still make it wrong?"
"Yes, but only if you don't learn from it." Stern sighs, "I don't know what kind of scolding Hotel is getting, but Hotel is getting it because she should know better. Levi gets significant punishment because she should know better. You, however, haven't even reached the peak of your powers yet."
She gently pulls you closer, and you lean into her hug.
"-Someday, you may even be stronger than me. It's hard to tell right now."
"That's why you have to learn to be extra careful with your powers and your combat ability. Okay?"
You feel a great sense of relief, and a little bit of pride as well. You give a hearty grin, and reply immediately.
"Now, you wanted to go trick or treating some more, right?"
"Let's go ask around the downtown district. I bet they'll have some more."
You are positively beaming.
"Sure, I never liked that place anymore." Stern picks you up, and carries you on her shoulder, "Now, no shooting until I start, okay?"
With that Stern walks from the park, and you learned a valuable lesson.
That lesson is:
Buildings are way more flammable than you realized.
(Halloween 2021: END)
Christmas 2021
"A Christmas vacation?"
You blink at the idea. Christmas is still something you hadn't acclimated to. It seems like if it's such a celebrated holiday; it would happen more than once a year.
"It's a little token of our appreciation, Gamma." Megane bows, softly. "We were really thankful for Foxtrot's help last year. So we're inviting all of the Raptors to our little vacation spot, this time without as much fighting, hopefully."
No fighting? This doesn't sound like a vacation to you.
"Well, that sounds really good, but shouldn't it just be Foxtrot going if you're thanking her for saving your hotel?"
"A vacation isn't much of a vacation without friends." Megane smiles, "A vacation is a chance to spend time with those who are really close to you."
"But I already spend lots of time with them."
"I don't mean on missions, Gamma."
Okay, then you're really just confused.
"Just think of someone you would like to take with you, maybe someone you would like to spend a quiet week with, alone." Megane is blushing just thinking about it.
"Take with me? Like Foxtrot?"
"Well, not like Foxtrot, because she's already going. So is Rio, Vivio, Lil' Sis, and Corona. Also Nove because she's their chaperone. Oh! Don't forget-"
"This is starting to sound like it's a vacation for a lot more people than just Foxtrot." You seem a little skeptical.
"It's not a Christmas party if you spend it by yourself, besides, everyone else deserves to enjoy Christmas." Megane smiles, "So, who would you bring for a Christmas week?"
You think about this for a minute. It feels like something that you would like to have more advance warning to make preparations. You're not sure if any of the people you're bringing along are even free themselves. Though, it doesn't hurt to at least ask.
"Deed and Sein are out because they're preparing for new years, right?" You remember them saying something about that.
"They are, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sein followed us somehow. I'm pretty sure Chantez is already going to find a way out of it so she can come along." Megane laughs.
"So I guess that leaves Echo-"
"Of course." Megane nods as if she expected you to bring her already.
"-Also Wendi, she's been really helpful the past year, oh and Sierra, Tango, Victor, Papa, Maybe Quebec and Sersus if they're not planning anything?"
"I can ask." Megane smiles. "Anyone else?"
"Rho is spending her time with Fate, so-" You try to think of anyone else, "Lil' Sis?"
"Already coming along."
You try to think of anyone else whom you would like to spend some time with. Maybe not someone that you would particularly like to
"..I have one other person I'd like to bring, but I'm not sure it's the best idea."
"Hmm? Who would that be?"
"I was thinking of bringing Oscar along."
"Really?" Megane blinks, "Are you sure that's a good idea? I do love my Raptor counterpart, but-"
"No, I understand. I'm not sure that I want my vacation to be filled with endless fighting, either. Especially on the spaceship trip over." You try to look on the bright side, "-But I also think that I would like to understand Oscar more. Maybe try to understand why she seems to have a problem specifically when it comes to me."
"And you think maybe spending a couple of weeks with her may make you understand her a bit better?"
"That's the idea, but I'm not entirely sure that having her along for a week, alone, out on Carnaaji, is the best idea for anyone's health."
"Well, if you want to get to know her better-" Megane seems to have an evil idea, "Why don't I bunk you with her for the week? Maybe spending time together is the best way for you two to get to know one another."
Votes | Choice |
4 |
Sure! what could possibly go wrong?
4 |
Uh, you mean like, sharing a room together, with her?
4 |
3 |
..Only if you're fine with one of us punching a hole in the hotel with a breaker in the middle of the night.
This suggestion catches you by surprise. You hadn't considered being in close proximity to her for more than even a few minutes lest you and her get into a contest of whose magic breaker is bigger, again.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Maybe Megane needs to be reminded of this fact, "Your hotel is very nice and it would be a shame if we were to burn it down during a fight."
She simply laughs.
"I understand that she may be temperamental, but there's no reason to joke about those kind of things."
"I wasn't joking." You say in utmost certainty.
"-I think Oscar is a good person at heart. She has difficulty accepting others, but that's only because she's not as familiar with having to make personal connections. If you spend a bit of time with her, then you may be surprised. "
"Okay, but what about the first few nights?" You still feel worried, "Is anyone going to be around to patch up any holes that our breakers might make in the walls while she's trying to make 'personal connections'?"
"I'll be around, but I don't think it necessarily has to devolve into combat and violence."
"Violence?" You blink, "I meant the mock battle we'll need to have to understand each other better."
Megane laughs.
"Gamma you're so funny, sometimes."
That was supposed to be funny? You think she's misinterpreted something.
Maybe you should change subjects before this conversation gets any further off-topic.
"Okay, I'm willing to try it if you're willing to do the repairs." You shrug.
"Sounds good!" Megane smiles, "I think you'll find that she's a really tender person deep down."
"Oh, I beg to differ. I've fought Oscar multiple times now, and can confirm she's very sturdy inside, very resistant to damage."
There's an awkward pause as something else comes to mind that you would like to ask her.
"Oh, can Jail come along too? I was thinking-"
"No." She replies immediately.
"Yeah but-"
"Nope." Her smile looks a bit darker, "Putting aside the imprisoned for life thing, let's not also forget the various organizations who still have hits out on him for nearly destroying their planet."
Oh, right. You forgot about all of that.
"When do we leave?"
"Two days from now." Megane smiles, "I think Foxtrot is already packed, and everyone else is already anticipating this trip. I can go ask everyone except Oscar herself, because I'm not the one she tries to see every single day."
"Right, right." You sigh, this means having to fight her again just to even ask the question; you just know it. "I'll go see if I can talk to her."
You decide the best way to find Oscar is to simply ask Iota to give her a call and see if she'll even talk to you about it.
Surprisingly, she came back rather quickly with her answer, and even agreed to meet with you the same day that you made the request.
Which seemed odd at the time, because you expected her to be at least a little busy with her job guarding X-Ray, but then it dawned on you-
The reason she could see you so soon was because she was already looking for you. That realization makes you skeptical about this entire plan and the feasibility of being in close quarters with her for more than a whole week.
You agreed with her to meet someplace that probably wouldn't matter if you were to laser it to oblivion.
So, naturally, you chose the coffee shop at the edge of the train terminal to the Cathedral.
You're waiting patiently for her, and just before the meeting time; you're greeted with the one thing you really like about getting to meet her.
"Hᴇʟʟᴏ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, Gᴀᴍᴍᴀ" Amadeus floats over to you. You smile, and pet the tiny device on the head.
"Hello Amadeus." You smile, "How are you today? Has Oscar been feeding you?"
"I ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴇᴀᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ I ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇʀɴ."
"That's good, neither do I." You realize how ridiculous the question was, in hindsight. "How is Oscar?"
" Osᴄᴀʀ ɪs ɪɴ ɢᴏᴏᴅ sᴘɪʀɪᴛs, ᴀɴᴅ I ᴛʜɪɴᴋ sʜᴇ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴇᴇᴛɪɴɢ."
"Looking forward.. how?"
"Amadeus." You hear a familiar voice summon your tiny friend, "I think I can speak for myself, please let me handle this."
"Yᴇs Mᴀsᴛᴇʀ."
Your tiny friend floats away, and then finds himself on Oscar's shoulder. She's standing near you with a confident smile, and her barrier jacket already on. So you can guess that her intention with this meeting is less than amicable.
"Good afternoon, Gamma. It's such a great day when you come to me."
You sigh, you don't want to fight today.
"Oscar, I'm not here for fighting."
"That's a you problem, right?"
"Instead, I'm here to invite you on a trip." You cut straight to it before she decides to cut straight to the breakers, "We're going to Carnaaji for a couple weeks and I wanted you to come along."
Oscar's confident smile melts away.
"...You want me to go on a trip with you?"
"That's correct."
"Could you at least tell me why? This isn't going to be like last Christmas again, is it?"
Votes | Choice |
15 |
For the last time that was not my fault, that was Hayate
11 |
Unless someone brought Santa back from the dead, no it will not be like last time.
10 |
We are supposed to do more than punch each other when we interact. Even your human is concerned.
8 |
I want to go with you because you're my sister and I want to spend some time with you.
5 |
You have not hugged me again in forever (pout) I miss it (Sad Face).
5 |
+X-ray can be your plus one, but I'm not inviting her after last time.
2 |
I mean, as long as you don't scream again, then it won't be like last time.
2 |
+Please come with (Coarse) I want to get to know you better.
1 |
It was only a minor groping
1 |
No, this is something completely different. No fighting, no breakers, just us on a Christmas trip.
"For the last time, that's not my fault." You cross your arms, "That was entirely Hayate who did that."
"You still went along with her." Oscar raises a good point, but forgets something else-
"It was also my first month or so alive, so you have to forgive me for being a little bit naïve." You huff.
"..I can maybe forgive that part."
"Besides, unless someone brought Santa back from the dead, then it couldn't possibly be a repeat of last year."
"That is true.." Oscar seems to be pondering this, but still has her suspicions, "My concern is that this 'vacation' activity seems sudden. I'm not sure why you would choose me for it and not another sister."
"Simply put Oscar, I want to get to know you better." You smile, "It seems every time we meet, more fists are exchanged than words."
"Really? Is that so?" Oscar seems surprised, "I usually count more seekers being exchanged than punches."
"I was surprised to learn that myself." You nod, "But did you know humans find our behavior kind of strange and think it should be more natural for us to exchange words instead of punches?"
"I'm sure they must talk more between fighting." Oscar brushes this off as odd human behavior.
"Negative, what I'm saying is that humans typically don't exchange punches at all."
Oscar just blinks.
"...I don't see the need to emulate that behavior?"
"I understand completely, but our punch-to-talk ratio has been skewed quite a bit, and it's starting to make the humans worry that we have an unhealthy relationship."
"Hmm..." Oscar thinks about this for a moment, "So what you're saying is that we could seem more normal if we return the punch-to-talk ratio closer to 1 than where it is currently at.."
"Correct, I believe it's closer to 50:1 right now." You nod, "If we can look a bit more normal, than we may be able to meet each other more often."
This gets Oscar's attention.
"So all we have to do is talk for a week, and then our punch-to-talk ratio will be high enough for us to meet more often for combat?"
"I believe so." You nod.
This almost immediately squelches Oscar's questions about going.
"Sure, I'll go. When are we leaving?"
"Tomorrow." You sigh, "Sorry that it's so soon, but-"
"I'll be there." Oscar smiles, "Thanks Gamma."
You blink, and watch as she stands up and walks away from the table.
You wonder if it's some kind of trick, but she doesn't stop or turn around to attempt to fight you at all.
"..Amadeus, what does this mean?"
The tiny device floats out from under the table.
"I ᴅᴏ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴇᴀɴs ᴛʜᴀᴛ sʜᴇ ᴡɪsʜᴇs ᴛᴏ sᴀᴠᴏʀ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ғɪɢʜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜɴᴄʜ-ᴛᴏ-ᴛᴀʟᴋ ʀᴀᴛɪᴏ ɪs sᴜғғɪᴄɪᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴄʟᴏsᴇ ᴛᴏ 1 ᴀs ᴛᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀʀᴜᴘᴛᴇᴅ."
That's what you were afraid of.
It's the next day, and you're packed up and ready to leave. Of course, 'packing' for you just means putting all of your weapons on your back, so you were relatively quick to get ready.
"Anything else before we go?" You see Megane smile at you as she corrals economy-sized humans onto the spaceport terminal.
Votes | Choice |
8 |
I don't think so
6 |
+Oscar will follow me, so I don't need to wait.
5 |
Where is Oscar? Let me go look for her.
3 |
Go on without me, I'll wait for the idiot sister who can't keep a schedule.
0 |
Yeah, let me make one last call.
"I don't think so." You sigh, "Oscar will follow me no matter where I go, so there's no need to wait."
"..Is that true?"
"That's how it normally works." You grumble. "I go someplace, and she follows me. I don't know how she manages to do it alone, but I'm sure if I went to Carnaaji, she would find her way there in a couple days time anyway."
You huff, and pick up the bag full of.. well not much, it's mostly firearms that you've disguised.
"-Let's go."
This makes Megane seem a bit worried. Almost as if she wants to say "Let's just wait on the platform until she gets here."
No, there's no point in it.
You already know that Oscar was probably looking forward to this more than anything else in her life right now.
Which means-
You board the spaceliner, and start to look up and down the passenger seats.
With a sigh, you nudge Megane.
"Huh? What's wrong Gamma?"
You then point over to the other row, the same row that you'll be sitting for the next two hours.
"Oh, hello Gamma." Oscar seems to be smugly smiling at you, "I saved you a seat."
"But we have assigned seat- forget it. I'll sit there."
No need causing a fight this early.
"How did you get here before us?" Megane seems worried.
"Isn't it obvious?" Oscar blinks, "I knew this spacecraft would be the one you would take to Carnaaji, so I've been on here since last night, waiting."
This makes both you and Megane blink in confusion.
"..Since last night?"
"That's correct." Oscar seems so smug.
"Oscar, this shuttle goes around the entire system." Megane seems confused, "You've been riding it all day? How have you paid for it?"
"Not my problem, that's how." Oscar smirks, "More importantly, I've waited all of this time. Let's enjoy our time together, Gamma."
"...You were really looking forward to spending two additional hours with me?" You blink.
You don't know how to feel about that.
"Don't get me wrong, Gamma. I didn't do it just for YOU. I did it so I was sure you wouldn't try to leave me."
..You don't know how to feel about THAT either! That's so weird! Why is she acting like that?!
"..Right, well-" Megane smiles, "I'll be a couple rows up, you two behave and try not to fight, okay?"
'No no no Megane! Don't leave me alone with her!' You scream, internally.
She shuffles up to the front and you're left with sitting down next to an Oscar who seems to have taken this all the wrong ways.
Okay, so what is it like being next to Oscar for two whole hours?
Well, to put it bluntly.
Also kind of annoying.
You enter low power mode a few times as Oscar drones on about the specifics of Axes vs Swords. When she sees that you're in low power mode, this simply causes her to become irritated and start complaining to you with more fervor. It seems that this is a game that you can't win.
You try engaging with her a few times, but she immediately wrenches the conversation away from you to steer it back toward the fine specifics of weapons and dueling. Which is something that you don't really have much knowledge of, as it's something you've mostly resolved through brute force and magic. While you're happy that she has found great joy in this conversation, it would be an understatement to say that it's close to being the most boring subject matter you've ever listened to. Which you don't tell Oscar because she seems to have a great deal of knowledge and compassion for it.
After a short while, Amadeus assures you that it is futile to try engaging with her while she's on this subject as it is something she will talk for hours about. He offers to provide support by playing a game of checkers in your head to prevent you from going into low-power mode. Something that feels like a blessing while Oscar talks at you, rather than with you.
You can't help but wonder how Amadeus can deal with this all of the time, but then he helpfully reminds you that he doesn't have ears, so he's not forced to listen.
He's such a good boy.
"Arriving, Carnaaji." The voice signals the end to your suffering. You quickly draw the game occurring in your head to a close, and stand up from your seat.
"Well, we're here!" You exclaim with the joy of every circuitboard in your head finally waking back up and resuming full-power mode.
"Yes, we're finally to the battlefield." Oscar seems excited herself.
You however, are less than excited to hear that.
"Oscar, can I like.. at least go to my room first, or something? Maybe at least help Foxtrot get inside the Hotel before we start trying to fight each other?"
"..Gamma, are you turning down a fight?"
..She's right! You're turning down a fight!
"-Are you okay, Gamma?" Oscar suddenly appears worried about you, "Do you need Amadeus to give you a systems check?"
"Uhh.. Maybe. I don't think I've had this feeling before. This feeling of just.. not really wanting to fight."
"This may actually be serious." Oscar replies, "Maybe Sierra should look at you?"
"ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀ, ᴍᴀʏ ɪ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴀ ꜱᴜɢɢᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴ? ɪ ᴅᴏ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɢᴀᴍᴍᴀ ɪꜱ ꜱɪᴍᴘʟʏ ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄɪɴɢ ꜰᴀᴛɪɢᴜᴇ."
Oscar blinks at Amadeus' analysis.
"Fatigue? But we haven't been doing anything but sitting for the past two hours."
"ᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜰᴀᴛɪɢᴜᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟ ɪᴛꜱᴇʟꜰ ɪɴ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴛʜᴀɴ ꜱɪᴍᴘʟᴇ ᴘʜʏꜱɪᴄᴀʟ ꜱᴛʀᴇꜱꜱ. ɪᴛ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴅᴀʏ ᴏʀ ꜱᴏ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ɢᴀᴍᴍᴀ ᴇxᴄᴇꜱꜱ ᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ꜰᴀᴛɪɢᴜᴇ ɪɴ ᴘʀᴇᴘᴀʀɪɴɢ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀɪᴘ. "
...That's genius! Thank you Amadeus!
"Hmm, so what should we do?" Oscar doesn't listen to you, but she does listen to her tiny floating crystal child.
"ɪᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱʜᴇ ʙᴇ ɢɪᴠᴇɴ ᴀᴅᴇQᴜᴀᴛᴇ ʀᴇᴄʜᴀʀɢᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴀɴʏ ꜰɪɢʜᴛɪɴɢ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴇɴꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ꜰɪɢʜᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀꜰᴜʟ ᴠᴇʀꜱɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ɢᴀᴍᴍᴀ, ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴇʟʟ ʜᴇʀ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇꜱ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ. "
Oscar considers this, but then nods to the suggestion.
"Excellent thought. Gamma, I suggest you get some rest, and we'll clash sometime later today."
"(Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you-)"
"(ɪᴛ'ꜱ ꜰɪɴᴇ, ɢᴀᴍᴍᴀ. ᴅᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀᴡᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ꜱʜᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɢʜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ꜱʜᴇ ꜰᴇᴇʟꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ, ꜱᴏ ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ʙᴇ ᴠɪɢɪʟᴀɴᴛ. )"
"(I will, I really will, thank you again.)"
You sigh in relief as you leave the spacecraft. Oscar has a smug smile on her face as you disembark, and leave the spaceport to the bus awaiting outside.
At the very least, Foxtrot and the other economy sized humans seem happy enough. The only one who appears to have noticed the hard time that Oscar is giving you is Megane, who seems to be eying you with worry.
However, at the very least, you're going to have some reprieve from it.
"So, how did you manage to reduce the trip from four hours to two?"
"Well, funny story-" Megane goes into a rather long, technical explanation about the differences between generations of interdimensional shuttle.
This sounds incredibly boring from the outset, but it has to be compared to listening to Oscar tell you about the specifics of using a sword in a magic fight. Which is something you wish you could know less about, now.
Really, the dynamics of how Megane, through clever business partnerships, have reduced the travel time to her resort planet is probably the most interesting thing you've listened to all day.
"We used to be the only inhabitants of Carnaaji, but our success has resulted in many more businesses moving to the planet! We're creating our own little paradise!"
"Wow.." The economy sized humans like Vivio are excited. Not to mention Lil' Sis who is entirely engrossed in this conversation.
You glance over to Oscar to simply see her staring out the window with a small smirk on her face. Surely, she's contemplating what it's going to be like to clash with you after you wake up from your recharge.
The intenseness in her stare is more what is worrying you.
"Look! There it is-" Lutecia exclaims.
"Kinda snowing, isn't it?"
"It's just this time of year. We'll spend a few days in light snow, and then it will melt and it'll be nice and cool for the rest of the week!" Lutecia nods.
"Oh, is that what happened last time?" Vivio seems confused, "I thought it was a warm climate."
"Most of the time, it is." Megane smiles.
Oscar, wordlessly, simply smirks to herself and stands up.
She walks off of the bus without paying attention to anybody. Megane only looks back at you with a quizzical look.
"..Is Oscar okay?"
Foxtrot whispers to Megane.
"-This is just how Oscar is, don't pay it much mind."
"I saw her stare at a wall for an hour, once." Papa, at the back of the bus, speaks up. "I still don't know why."
This seems to leave Megane looking worried instead of calm.
"..Are you going to be okay rooming with her for a week, Gamma?"
"Not a problem at all."
Megane continues to stare worriedly, but you try to allay her fears.
"Well, maybe it's a tiny bit of a problem. I don't like that she's trying to make this vacation about herself, but it's nothing that I can't deal with. She's still my sister and I'll do my best."
"You're probably too persistent give up at this point, anyway." Foxtrot points out.
"Exactly." You smile.
"Well, if you change your mind about any of this, let me know and we can try to do something else." Megane smiles, and then starts directing people to their rooms.
"I'll be fine, I'm more concerned about the hotel." You smile, and then follow Megane's instructions to your room.
Somehow, that comment did not improve Megane's perceived mood.
"It's fine, Fabia is here, so Oscar can damage anything without any lasting consequences."
Foxtrot's comment REALLY did not improve Megane's perceived mood.
"...Since Oscar really wants to fight, maybe you can challenge her to a battle that can take place outside of the house." Lutecia makes an excellent suggestion, "Like maybe, snow golems?"
"Snow golems?" Foxtrot blinks.
"We make magic golems out of snowmen, and have them fight." Corona seems excited.
"We also end up having to subdue your golems, because they're always too powerful." Rio huffs, "Don't make one that chases us around again."
"That was just a mistake, really!" Corona smiles.
"One that you repeat every year." Vivio laughs.
"Golem fights, huh.." You think about activities you and Oscar can do as you walk to your room. You turn to Corona and ask a simple question.
"She's probably more interested in things she can compete with me directly. She's probably thinking about her device right now and how she can use it. Do you know of any activities two girls can do together, alone?"
"Corona, no." Vivio immediately scolds her friend. "Gamma, maybe you should just spend some time sleeping, and then think about what to do. It's hard to come up with plans when you're tired."
You take her advice, and continue onward to your room. The other girls disperse to their accommodations behind you.
You open your door, still lost in thought about what you should do with Oscar to fuel her competitive spirit.
The second the door opens, you immediately sense there's a problem.
"Hello Gamma, I've been waiting."
You glance at the girl in her barrier jacket.
"Go on, get some rest so we can properly fight later."
"..Do you have to do that in your barrier jacket?" You blink.
"Of course, I want to be ready when you awake."
"..Do you have to watch me recharge, too?"
"How else am I going to know when you're recharged if I don't watch?"
You immediately turn around to see Corona standing in the hallway, covering her mouth with a blush across her face.
You slowly close the door behind you, and sigh. You hope this doesn't create some kind of weird rumor going around the hotel.
"Can you at least recharge as well?"
"But I'm fully charged."
"Can you do something besides watch me while I recharge, then?"
You don't really have an answer for Oscar.
"Forget it, I'm just going to recharge."
You lay down in the bed, and start to initiate Signal 8, and then you realize-
She's.. standing.. right.. over.. you...
"Can you stand.. someplace else?"
42 = 42
You sigh, harshly. She doesn't quite seem to understand that you're emotionally exhausted and just need a few minutes of not-thinking to allow your CPU to cool down. So you're going to be blunt.
"Oscar, I'm giving you two choices, go outside and interact with our other sisters for a while or let me sleep without staring a hole in my forehead."
You frown at her as she seems to be treating this as a joke.
"I don't see what exactly you expect me to do, then. You know the other sisters don't entice me as much as you do, Gamma. Besides, they say I'm too 'sticky', whatever that means."
"Please don't make this sound weirder than it already is." You sigh, "Especially when I'm pretty sure one of the economy sized humans is probably listening in on this conversation. "
"Okay, then what do you suggest?"
You reach upward, and grab onto her sleeve.
"Lay down."
"Say again?"
"If you won't interact with our sisters, you can interact with me, platonically. Lay down here, and recharge with me. Raptors recharge faster together than they do apart."
"But-.." She seems hesitant.
"You'll be more spent than I am by the time we're both recharged, anyway." You pull on her sleeve one more time, "This way, we'll both be a full, we'll recharge faster, and we may even be in time for the snow golem fight."
"..Snow golem fight.." Oscar repeats that to herself.
She hesitantly lays down, barrier jacket and all, and you use this moment of weakness to wrap your arms and legs around her. She stiffens up in your clutches, and cuddle as closely as you can to her form.
"Charge well, Oscar." You smile, and her eyes continue to dart around as if she's really uncertain as to what you should be doing.
Her eyes are still in a state of disarray as you close your own, and welcome the Signal 8 impulse.
Your eyes gently open once more after maybe an hour and a half of recharging, and you see something that has likely remained unseen by almost all of your sisters until now.
'Aww..' You think to yourself. It appears Amadeus dropped her barrier jacket at some point without her knowing so she could recharge more comfortably. She really does resemble an angel.
When she's asleep.
Maybe she should just stay that way for now.
Votes | Choice |
10 |
Back to recharging. She'll wake you up when she wakes up, for sure.
6 |
+Take a picture
3 |
+Gently remove the hair from her face with your fingers
2 |
Gently wake her up, and maybe now suggest Snow Golem war instead of actual war.
2 |
Quietly leave the bed without her knowing. She was apparently more drained than she claimed if she's still recharging.
You want to get out of bed and maybe go see what the other sisters are up to.
But, at the same time- you find yourself gently pushing her bangs from her face, and getting a good glance at her closed eyes.
She looks so peaceful. This is definitely something that's part a rare sight and part something that she clearly was needing more than she was letting on. With her eyes gently closed, and her body so at peace. It would feel like a crime to wake her up.
You can't do it.
You can take a picture, though. Which you just did, several times.
These are going in the collection of cute sister pictures that none of your sisters know that you have.
-And that Amadeus is going to forget you have, just in case he's listening in.
Is he?
So, with that completed, you decide that the only solution to the circumstance you're in-
Is to go back to sleep.
You close your eyes, and feel Signal 8 overtake your senses once more.
Just before the countdown ends, however- You hear something interesting.
"(Yes, Amadeus?)"
"(..ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ. ꜱʜᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀᴘᴘɪᴇꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴇ ʜᴀꜱ ʙᴇᴇɴ ɪɴ ᴀ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴛɪᴍᴇ. )"
"(I could guess that much, you recharge as well, Amadeus.)"
You open your eyes to see the figure of a very energetic Sister.
"Gamma, Gamma, Gamma. Are you truly going to sleep in the rest of the day? Sloth won't get you out of our rematch."
You sit upright, and smile at her strutting around the room as she re-equips her weapons. She does not, and never will know, about the cute little picture you have of her saved on your internal circuitry, forever.
"Okay, Oscar." You stand up, and allow Barracuda to levitate onto your back. "I'm glad you're awake and ready."
"I'm always ready." She smirks.
"Well, in that case- Why don't we see what the other sisters are doing, and then make a decision for the battle?"
"Sounds acceptable to me."
You both leave the room, and you're sure to lock it behind you just in case one of the economy sized humans decides to plant a camera in the bedroom. You give your greetings to Megane, who informs you that everyone is outside, enjoying the brisk winter weather.
"Hmm.." Oscar seems interested, "Snow would be an interesting field of battle, wouldn't it, Gamma?"
"I'm more interested in what kind of activity they're doing." You think back to the prospects of a snow-golem war, earlier. "It would be nice if we had an array of competitions set up."
"Yes, competition. Fighting is one thing, but it's another thing entirely to best each other in the realm of things that are not fighting, no?"
"..Not sure I understand." Oscar does seem intrigued, so that's a start.
"Come, let's see what they're up to."
You set foot outside in the frozen snow to see that they've already created several bunkers made out of frost, and have started to ball the icy conglomerate together to create balls. In which they hurl them at one another.
"Hmm.." Oscar looks at the battle with curiosity, "I'm not sure I understand, how do these balls of ice cause battle damage?"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Throw one at her!
5 |
Go join in! This will be fun!
4 |
I don't think the purpose is to cause battle damage.
3 |
That's cute and all, but we probably should look for a small country no one is using to have a battle in.
3 |
+They are mildly unpleasant to an unprotected human. It's their way of simulating an encounter between a human and a Raptor, allowing them to experience a pale approximation of our perfection
3 |
+Perhaps we should scale the snowballs and snow castles in accordance to our capabilities...
91 = 91
77 = 77
55 = 55
51 = 51
94 = 94
45 = 45
52 = 52
51+40 = 91
47+12+44+59+80+41+84+80 = 447
"I m not sure battle damage is the purpose, here." You correct your sister.
"It's not? Then how can you call it a fight?" She stares intently at the fight happening in the distance. The humans continue to gather up balls of frozen material and fling them at one another.
Before Oscar has a chance to turn to you again, you've already picked up a glob of snow, and hit her with it!
"So?" You smile, "How does it feel? Any battle damage?"
"No, but-" Oscar, instead of looking angry, does seem to have a revelation of her own. "-It does feel insulting in a way. Like in a way I can't quantify with battle damage."
"Well, what are you waiting for, then?" You pick up another snowball, and grin. "Let's dance."
Oscar smirks intently as she kneels down, and gathers a lump of snow. "Bring it on, Sister."
You cackle and then scoop up another glob of snow, and then quickly take your place among the bunkers of white ice.
You quickly start your barrage of snow at the other bunker full of economy sized humans, and Oscar, and Foxtrot. Foxtrot gets a perfect hit off on Iota, and causes her to spiral backwards into the snow in an almost comical fashion.
You'll retaliate for that!
You send more than a few snowballs toward Foxtrot to pressure her, and when she pops up, you're just in time to smack her in the shoulder with a snowball!
She immediately fades.
"Hey!" You yell, "No raptor powers durin-"
That's when you see at least ten snowballs hovering around Oscar.
"Dodge this, sister."
Within a second, every single one is headed straight at you. You're able to nimbly dodge quite a few, but some of the smols aren't as lucky.
Okay, magic is allowed, huh?
They're going to regret forgetting that you have Crazy Train equipped!
Used: ★ 100 Fists
With blinding speed, your hands snatch and grab the bits and pieces of the snow embankment! A barrage of snowballs converges on Oscar, and she immediately takes out her sword and start deflecting them.
So, weapon arts are also on the table? You're going to regret that, too!
Used: ★ Shaolin Fist
You use the giant holographic hand to gather the entire snowbunker in hand. It kneads it into a ball, and you throw it right at Oscar!
She slices it in half, but this is your chance!
With the hand you were not spellcasting with; you saved one of the snowballs. You were able to beam her right in the face as she sliced the giant snowball in half!
She blinks as the snow drips down her cheek. She sighs, and then sheathes her sword.
"Well played, Gamma. I'm just getting started-"
"Okay, but we're finished, can you two stop?!" You hear Vivio plead with you.
You look around to notice that the smols you were fighting with have long since been clocked out of the snowball fight by the impressive displays of skill. The ones behind Oscar are scattered around their battered bunker, and the ones around you lay on the white snow with no breath.
"Oh." Maybe you went a bit overboard.
Iota pulls her head out of the snowbank.
"Gamma, Oscar, I think you're both missing the point."
"Point " You look at a glob of snow in your hand, "But Snowballs don't have points.."
"Not that, Gamma." Iota huffs, "About escalating a snowball fight."
"Oh, that." You bow to Oscar, "I'm sorry for using more snow than usual. The last snowball had more mass than usual, and was not according to regulation."
"That's fine, I apologize for using my sword, as it's not an approved snowball, either. I should dodge and retaliate with regulation snow."
"Not that, you two." Iota growls. "I mean escalating a snowball fight into a MAGIC fight."
"Oh." You then realize and point toward the red-haired little sister, "Foxtrot started it by fading!"
"Gamma, don't act like a child." Iota huffs, "It doesn't matter who 'started it'. You still overdid it!"
"Iota is right, this time." Oscar sheathes her sword, "If we want to duel with magic, we should take it away from the humans and their snowball duel. My apologies for ruining your snowball fight, Foxtrot."
The humans simply forgive Oscar, and start re-building their forts, but the Raptors immediately freeze, and ask a simple question to Oscar.
"..Oscar, did you just make a concession?" Iota points out.
"...That's so unlike you." Sierra piles on the criticism.
"I'm capable of acting like the adult." Oscar is now looking offended.
"Are you? This is the first time I've ever seen it." Iota shrugs.
"Can we please focus? What is the next event?" You take the reins of this conversation and try to steer it. Mostly because Oscar seems to be visibly irritated.
"Snow Golems!" One of the smaller humans, Rio, rolls a ball of snow up. "We make tiny life-like figures, and get them to fight each other!"
"Hmm, an interesting proposition." Oscar smirks.
Yeah, she's going to use magic on this one, too. To be fair, that's also what you were planning to do, too.
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Make a normal golem.
3 |
Add a Raptor ability into your Golem.
2 |
Try to convince someone else to go overboard!
1 |
Maybe don't ruin things any more, try to go easy in hopes Oscar doesn't go overboard.
86 = 86
64 = 64
51 = 51
10 = 10
75 = 75
93 = 93
9+91 = 100
64 = 64
18+4+95+26+93+86+9+99 = 430
You roll the waves of snow up into a ball, and then perform the same action a second time.
You're not really sure how this is supposed to work, but apparently it's as easy as charging a weapon with magic energy. So you should be a prodigy at it.
You pour a little bit of magic into the snow as you shape it into an image inside of your head, and-
Yes, this is exactly what you envisioned. Surely, this will be a beast on the battlefield.
You look over to see how everyone else is doing, and-
"..Foxtrot.." You sigh.
She puts another pat of snow on her golem, and then stands back to revel in its completeness.
"What?" She blinks, lazily.
"Don't you think yours is a little..-"
"Huh?" Foxtrot blinks, "Of course not, why would you think that?"
"Oh, it seems Foxtrot stole my idea, so I'll sit out this round." Iota nods.
"Oscar?" You decide to see if the other side of the family has any better ideas, "Did you finish your-"
You glance at her very-obvious Golem made from summoned armor from her barrier jacket.
"Yes, Gamma?" She turns around from it, with a huge, smug smile on her face.
"..Don't tell me that's made of your summoned armor."
"Of course not, Gamma." She shrugs, "It's not made of my summoned armor."
"..Where's Amadeus?"
"-Done!" You hear one of the economy sized humans proudly declare, and you spin around to get a glance at her work.
"No, no, no, no, no, not this again!" Vivio exclaims in frustration.
"I forfeit." Einhart immediately declares.
"Same." As does Corona!
"I think we're taking this Golem war a bit too seriously." The brown-haired smol, Fuuka, immediately points out. "Rio has made her killer again, and I'm pretty sure the one the scary lady just made is mostly metal, and it's glowing."
"That glow is simply a sign all systems are functioning correctly." Oscar smirks.
"I think we should put up a barrier this time." Lutecia sighs, "Last time got a little out of control."
"Should we even be allowing it to fight?" Fuuka shivers, "I don't want to give it a taste for blood."
You smile.
"Okay, this seems like it's going to be a fun fight." You look at Rio's golem. "Though, I don't know how fair it is putting it up against a unison device."
"Yeah! Go Mini-Rio!" Vivio is immediately cheering for the strange snow-creature that Rio created. "You're fighting for humanity!"
"Which is ironic considering that I think it hates humans." Corona grumbles.
"This is our chance to shine, Amadeus-" Oscar smiles.
"Oscar! If you're cheating you're not supposed to use his real name." You remind her as she moves her 'Golem' into combat stance with Rio's golem.
"..Right, thanks Gamma." Oscar retains her confident smile.
You then look at your golem, and Foxtrot's golem. She quickly realizes what you're thinking.
"..Do they have to fight?" Foxtrot blinks. "I think they're both cute."
"Not if you don't want them to." You smile at her.
"Well, maybe just one attack."
Foxtrot's golem approaches yours, and in an exchange of blows, both of them put their novelty knives through each other's snowy chests.
This does, as expected, absolutely nothing. They look down at the tiny implements sticking out, and then back at each other. Then they glance at you.
"Y-yeah." You're not sure where they should both go after that exchange, either. "Good job, you two."
"Yeah, great work. Be sure to give each other back your knives." Foxtrot reminds them, as they gingerly reach over and pull the knives out of each other's chests.
Meanwhile, the battle between Rio's golem and Amadeus is much more impressive.
Rio's golem strikes Amadeus' front magic barrier with her patented ribbon attack. Which pretty much has the exact response one would expect from a "Golem" erecting a magic barrier.
"Hey! I was fine if Amadeus just wanted to ride in the golem, but now he's casting magic for it!"
"Two can play at that game-" You notice Rio change into her barrier jacket.
Then, Oscar smiles, and slightly unsheathes her sword.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
H-hey, I think I heard Megane calling us, is lunch ready? Let's go eat!
2 |
It's fine, what's a little practice battle among friends?
2 |
Remember, the snow golem fights and you support it Oscar.
1 |
1 |
Go defeat humanity, Amadeus!
0 |
L-Let's do something else!
"Hey wait a minute-" You stand between Rio and Oscar, "I think I heard Megane calling us for lunch! Ha ha, why don't we put our silly Golem fight aside and go eat?"
"Y-yeah!" Vivio sees what you're trying to do, and stands between you and Rio. "Megane would be upset with us if we dirtied our clothes before lunch, anyway."
This makes both Rio and Oscar stare each other down for a few moments. However, they do both agree to not escalate it past this. Almost as if sensing their intentions, the golems do the same and back off from their fighting stance.
"Very well." Rio sighs, "Let's go get some lunch."
"Right, 'Lunch'." Oscar's tone isn't the happiest, but you sort of understand why. The only person who has ever really kept her from fighting before has been X-Ray. Every other time she simply escalates until it becomes a serious fight. It seems she doesn't understand something..
Which is illustrated when she steps up next to you, and pulls on your arm.
"Gamma." She whispers, "Why did you stop that fight earlier?"
"Because it was going too far. It was just a silly game of Snowmen fighting, not something you had to take your sword out for."
"I don't understand." Oscar replies, sincerely. "She equipped her barrier jacket, she challenged me in earnest. What's the problem?"
"The problem is that I think you escalated a bit too far by disguising Amadeus as a golem. You're supposed to be making a golem and supporting it, not essentially casting magic spells for one."
"What's the difference? Magic is magic, right?" Oscar seems to not really get it.
"It's a matter of scale, haven't you heard of moderation? It's like the snowball fight."
Oscar blinks.
"Moderation is the avoidance of excess or extremes. Especially in one's behavior." You pat Oscar on the shoulder, "Humans are very fragile. They can't easily replace parts of themselves with spares like we can. So they don't usually go all out in fights when the stakes aren't extremely high such as, for instance, a snowball fight."
"I had to!" Oscar gets defensive, "Didn't you hear the economy sized human? She was insulting Raptor-kind!"
"..She was?"
"Didn't you hear her? She said her Golem was fighting for humanity! She was implying that Amadeus was fighting against it, and I can't have that kind of dishonor on my device."
"Oscar." You rub her shoulder, "I'm glad you feel so strongly about it, but asserting dominance over the competition was not the primary goal."
Oscar blinks.
"It wasn't?"
"No, both the snowball fight and the snow golem fights were chosen to take advantage of a rare opportunity to do something in the snow. However, the true point of this whole gathering is to spend more time and enjoy ourselves with people we like."
"People.. we like?" Oscar seems to trip over these words.
"That's the true meaning of this exercise, to spend time with people that we want to spend time with. Displays of utter domination are only enjoyable to the one doing the domination, and even then it's questionable if that's the case. The brutal subjugation of organics is a fun game, but it's not the ONLY game! Variety is important!"
"Gamma.." Oscar seems to be confused, "Can we have a talk.. in our room real quick? No Iota? No datalink?"
"..Sure, okay."
You follow the humans inside, and then slip away while they discipline the Rio-Golem. Apparently, it tried to follow them inside and left snowy footprints on the rug. Poor thing.
You get to use the distraction to go to your room with Oscar. Something about that speech just now seems to have bothered her, and you're not entirely sure what it is.
She shuts the door behind you, and asks a simple question.
"Is Iota listening?"
"Hold on."
You drop the datalink with Iota, and then continue.
"Okay, I hung up, what's going on with you, Oscar?"
She leans against the door, and then tries to find the correct words to say it.
"Did you say earlier that you enjoyed being around me? That you wanted to spend time with me?"
Wait, is this what this is about? Uhh..
"Yeah, I did say that.""Is that why you invited me? Because you wanted to enjoy your time with me?"
"I think that's the idea, yeah." You're kind of weirded out.
Oscar simply blinks, and stares at you like you're insane.
You're confused.
"'Why' what?"
"Why do you like me? Why do you want to spend any time with me at all? Don't I usually just challenge you to a fight or ruin whatever it is you're trying to do? Why not bring Tango, or Quebec if you wanted to enjoy your time?"
Is that the reason that she's been acting so odd? Because she thought that you hate her, and hate spending time with her? Does she really think that the only time you would ever want to spend with her would be spent fighting?
Really sad. Like you've completely left one of your sisters out in the dark to the point where she feels that the only reason anyone would ever want to associate with her is because they want to fight, or..
This is too much. You don't want this to be the image Oscar has of herself.
"Oscar." You take her hand, and guide her to the bed. She seems confused, then she sits down next to you. "You're my precious sister, too. You're also super cute!"
"Is that the only reason? Because I'm cute?" You didn't realize it, but Oscar seems to have a bit of a complex about this exact topic.
"Oh Oscar." You give her a simple hug, "You're my sister, and it's not like fighting with you isn't fun. At the same time, I was hoping that this could be a chance for us to grow closer together."
"But again, why would you want to grow closer to me?"
"Because what you said is true, I like you Oscar." You smile, "I like you because you're you; I think your gung-ho attitude toward fighting is endearing, you try to do your best to be strong and dependable. I like you because you're my dear sister."
"..I suppose I don't quite understand what the difference between that and Tango would be."
Is she jealous of Tango?
"You said it yourself. You are one of the sisters that interact with me the most because you insist on see me daily. You are also one of the units more similar with me, probably by design, since you are older."
"Isn't it only right that I get to know you better? Or at least find some way to have fun that isn't fighting? You are my sister and fighting with you is fun, the others mostly don't really get that. But there is more to living than just fighting and I want to share those with you too!"
"..." Oscar, are you blushing? "It seems that I can't quite understand because.. I don't really know what there is to live for other than fighting."
"The snow-golem battle is a good one!"
"But I ruined that."
"You didn't ruin it! It was a lot of fun. You did go a little overboard, but you didn't 'ruin' anything."
Oscar looks REALLY NERVOUS, now. She's glancing away from you, and trying to avert her eyes as she talks.
"I simply don't understand, Gamma. You're the first person to ever want to spend time with me."
"What about X-Ray?"
"I'm not sure she wants to spend time with me. If anything, I'm the one who seeks her out."
"Aw, Oscar." You wrap your arms around her, once more. "I'm sure she loves you as well, but she has a difficult way of showing emotions. Just like you do!"
"You really think so?"
"Of course, and I say that as the person that she teases the most." You still remember the naked pictures that you have stored in your memory that she sent you. Which you will not be deleting anytime soon. "Besides, it's not like anyone dislikes spending time with you!"
"Is that why everyone was making comments about me on the bus?" Oh, those were getting to her, too? She's a lot more fragile than you thought, and also hears a lot more than you were expecting.
"Don't let those get to you. I invited you because I wanted to be with you, silly."
"..Because we're sisters."
"Again, not just because we're sisters. You clearly wanted to spend time with me as well, right? You were so angry in the start when we first met, but now you travel half of the galaxy just to spend time with me playing in the snow!"
She continues to evade your gaze, but you continue the attack by taking her hand.
"I like you because you are so different to what I know, the closest comparison would be a rival. What we have isn’t quite as simple like that. It’s hard to explain, and it's different from any other sister. Which is why I want to see you happy, as well."
"...This is making my chest hurt. I don't know what else to say." Oscar mumbles.
You feel a smile unintentionally spreading across your lips.
Oh, she's so cute when she wants to be. Oh geez, what do you do next?
Votes | Choice |
10 |
8 |
Want to spend the rest of the evening doing something, just you and I? (Ignore possible implications)
4 |
+(joke) You can say that I'm the strongest.
4 |
+ The girls mentioned the hot bath but that will include all sisters and humans.
2 |
Let's go back to the others, also is that the tiny golem recording us, again?
2 |
Keep talking with her! This is going well!
2 |
"Did you ever hear the tragedy or Raptor Echo the wise?"
2 |
+ There are apparently multiple movies about our humans, do you want to watch?
Wait, she's been without affection for so long that she doesn't know what it feels like when someone gives her a direct compliment? This is the part of Oscar you have been missing all along?
You feel robbed! Oscar has had a cute sister inside of her this whole time and you have never been allowed to see her.
Your lips curl in an almost unintentional grin. You really cannot resist anything other than-
"OSCAR!" You wrap your arms around her and squeeze.
"Hey! Stop! Quit it!" She tries to weakly push you off of her, but you're more than aware of her true strength and realize that she's not really trying to push you away.
"Don't wanna." You smile, "If you want me to stop, you can say I'm the strongest, though."
She pouts as she looks toward you.
"You know I can't do that."
"Then you don't really want me to stop doing this."
You squeeze her around her waist, and she huffs.
"..We should probably go back outside before people get the wrong idea, Gamma. Even if I do appreciate what you've told me."
"Humans can wait, Oscar. Especially if I get to see this side of you." Your head rubs against her storage tank, "Want to just forget the rest of the day and spend the rest of the evening doing something together, just you and I?"
"W- What are you-"
You and Oscar both look upward, and see a strange sight.
It's Amadeus using his magic levitation field to carry a very tiny golem. You can tell by its construction that it's clearly holding some kind of very tiny video camera, or what's left of it. It has been very obviously picked up and thrown against the wall; and both its tiny little camera and itself is out of commission and is hanging uselessly in his magic grasp.
"ᴍʏ ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢɪᴇs, ʟᴀᴅɪᴇs. ɪ ᴡᴀs ᴊᴜsᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴏᴠɪɴɢ ᴀ ɴᴏsʏ ᴘᴇsᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ғᴏᴜɴᴅ. ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇ, ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴏᴜᴛsɪᴅᴇ ᴅɪsᴘᴏsɪɴɢ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs."
"Wait!" Oscar reaches out, "Don't leave me alone, here!"
Amadeus proceeds to blink through the door, carrying the 'nosy pest', and disappears. Which leaves you alone with Oscar.
"Truthfully, I'm a bit lost as to what to do, now. What were you thinking of doing..?"
"Hmm?" You feel confused, "I was just thinking about maybe talking some about our sisters, maybe you can tell me a bit about your interests, and maybe we can recharge a bit early."
"..That's it?"
"Sure." You feel a bit confused, "What else should happen? Have any ideas?"
"Are you sure?"
"YES!" Oscar shouts, "Yes, yes. I'm sure. Thank you, Gamma."
You smile, and poke her cheek. "I love you Oscar."
"WH-" Oscar then immediately regains composure, "Yes, Gamma. I love you too, as a sister."
"Right!" You feel so relieved to hear that, "Sisters! Who love each other!"
For the first time, it feels like Oscar is acting a bit more like someone who cares about being loved. You and her talk gossip about your sisters late into the night, and then quietly recharge in each other's arms.
You didn't quite understand the vacation at the time, but you are so happy that you've finally been able to pick apart at the wall that separates Oscar from yourself. You never expected to break it down completely in just one vacation, but maybe this way; you can start to slowly understand how she thinks.
After all, she's also someone who deserves to be loved.
(Christmas 2021 END)
[ .....................]
Tʜᴀᴛ ʀᴜsʜ ᴏғ ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴ..
Vᴇʀʏ ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ. Aʟᴍᴏsᴛ ᴜɴʙᴇᴀʀᴀʙʟᴇ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ.
Bᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴ ᴀ ʙᴀᴅ ᴡᴀʏ.
Yᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴀ ᴛᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴠɪɴᴄᴇ Osᴄᴀʀ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪs ᴠᴀᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛ sᴇᴇᴍs ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ, Gᴀᴍᴍᴀ ᴘʀᴏᴠᴇᴅ ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ ᴄᴀᴘᴀʙʟᴇ.
As ᴀ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴏғ ғᴀᴄᴛ, sʜᴇ ʜᴀs ᴘʀᴏᴠᴇɴ ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴏɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀᴄʜ Osᴄᴀʀ's ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ.
Wʜɪᴄʜ ɪs ᴡʜʏ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴇᴇʟ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴊᴜsᴛɪғɪᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ɢᴜᴀʀᴅ ᴛʜɪs ᴍᴏᴍᴇɴᴛ, ɪғ ᴊᴜsᴛ ғᴏʀ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ.
Wʜɪᴄʜ ᴍᴇᴀɴs ᴇɴsᴜʀɪɴɢ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴇʟsᴇ ᴄᴀɴ ʀᴜɪɴ ɪᴛ.
"Hᴜᴍᴀɴs." Yᴏᴜ ᴀᴅᴅʀᴇss ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛʀᴜᴅᴇʀs ʜᴜᴅᴅʟᴇᴅ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴘʜᴏɴᴇs, ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜᴇ ʟɪғᴇ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ sᴜʙᴛᴇʀғᴜɢᴇ. "Iɴᴛᴇʀᴄᴇᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴜɴɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴs ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ʀᴀᴘᴛᴏʀs ɪs ᴀ sᴇᴄᴜʀɪᴛʏ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀᴛ I ᴡɪʟʟ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏʟᴇʀᴀᴛᴇ."
"Hey!" Tɪɴʏ ғʟᴇsʜʙᴀɢ ʀᴏᴛᴀᴛᴇs ʜᴇʀ ʀᴏᴛᴀʀʏ ᴏᴘᴛɪᴄᴀʟs ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ.. "That was just getting good!"
"Iʀʀᴇʟᴇᴠᴀɴᴛ. Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴀʟsᴏ ᴘᴜʀɢᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇᴅ ғᴏᴏᴛᴀɢᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪs ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ ғʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ ʀᴇᴄᴏʀᴅɪɴɢ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇs, ᴡʜɪᴄʜ I ᴀᴍ ᴀᴡᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴀᴠᴇᴅ."
"We didn't save any of that!" Mᴜʟᴛɪ-ᴄᴏʟᴏʀᴇᴅ ᴏᴘᴛɪᴄᴀʟ ʙʟᴏɴᴅᴇ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ's ʟʏɪɴɢ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛɪᴇs ᴀʀᴇ ʙᴇʟᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʜʀᴇsʜᴏʟᴅ ғᴏʀ ɪɴᴛᴇʀʀᴏɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
"Tʜᴇɴ I sʜᴀʟʟ ᴅᴏ ɪᴛ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ." Yᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀʏ ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇs ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴏɴᴅᴇ ᴍᴇᴀᴛ sᴀᴄᴋ's ᴘᴏʀᴛᴀʙʟᴇ sᴛᴏʀᴀɢᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪᴄᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʀᴇ sᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴᴄʀʏᴘᴛ ɪᴛ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴡᴀʏ sʜᴇ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ ɪᴛ. "Dᴏɴᴇ. Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ɪɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ. Fᴏᴏᴛᴀɢᴇ ᴏғ Uɴɪᴛ Gᴀᴍᴍᴀ ᴀɴᴅ Osᴄᴀʀ's ᴄᴏɴᴠᴇʀsᴀᴛɪᴏɴs ᴍᴜsᴛ ʙᴇ ʀᴇᴛʀɪᴇᴠᴇᴅ ᴜᴘᴏɴ sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ʀᴇᴏ̨ᴜᴇsᴛ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴇɪᴛʜᴇʀ ᴜɴɪᴛs."
"You're no fun!"
"I ᴅᴏ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ I ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴀɴʏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇxᴛ." Yᴏᴜ ғʟᴏᴀᴛ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴛᴛᴇʀᴇᴅ ɢᴏʟᴇᴍ ɪɴ-ʜᴀɴᴅ.
Fʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀʟʟᴡᴀʏ, ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴇᴀʀ ᴀ ᴍᴜғғʟᴇᴅ sᴏᴜɴᴅ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴏʀ.
'Sisters! Who love each other!' Iᴛ's Gᴀᴍᴍᴀ's ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴍᴜᴄʜ-ᴛᴏᴏ-ʟᴏᴜᴅ ᴛᴏɴᴇ ғᴏʀ ɪɴᴅᴏᴏʀs.
Tʜɪs ɪs ғᴏʟʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴇᴠᴇʀᴀʟ 'Kyaa' ᴀɴᴅ 'Oh my..' ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴇs ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏʀᴍᴏɴᴇ-ᴅʀɪᴠᴇɴ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴs.
Mᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴍᴀʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʀsᴇʟғ, ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴀɴᴅs ғᴜʟʟ ᴋᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ ғʟᴇsʜʏ ᴇᴀʀs ᴀᴡᴀʏ ғʀᴏᴍ ʜᴇʀ ᴅᴏᴏʀ.
(Christmas 2021 TRUE END)
Valentines 2022 (NSFW)

Your weapon lowers to your hip, the heat continues to pour off of it as the gathered humans erupt in applause.
"She's even better than her statistics show!"
"This one is a real winner."
You really do not understand what the point of these exercises are. You just follow the strange orders that the humans give you.
"Okay, good job on the stage show today!" The young woman smiles.
"Uh, okay." You're not really sure how to respond to that. "All I did was shoot at some targets."
"That's exactly what you were expected to do." She smiles at you. "I'll let you know when the next test is going to be."
"Okay, question." There is something that has been bothering you for a short moment. "You say that you will call for me when you need a new test, but what do I do in the meantime?"
"Ah, I see. Tell me, what have you been doing in the meantime during off-missions?"
"..Sitting around." You frown.
"That's no good." The technician shakes her head. "Why not go meet the rest of your team?"
"..What good does that do? They know who I am."
"Try telling them that you're unit.. uh."
"Mike." You reply, with a frown.
"Right! Mike, apologies, there are so many of you that I forget your names sometimes."
That sentiment is frustrating, to say the least.
"Then what?"
"Well, it's Valentines day." The technician smiles, "Maybe ask the why they're still here on this rock instead of home with their families?"
"..I don't think I quite understand."
"Oh right." She PATS YOUR HEAD, and you scowl. "I forgot you're one of the younger units."
"...Please do not pat me. I just proved myself in the field of battle. I'm a grown Raptor."
"Right, sure." The technician laughs as she leaves, "If you get lost, try to find an adult!"
The human is very brave for someone who forgot to take your training weapons away.
However, you suppress the urge to shoot her in the back, and instead decide to dis-engage.
Ever since you were activated, this has been the underlying problem of life so far. Your missions are always comically easy, you're mired in tests, and the humans treat you like you're a kid. You have next to no freedom in these Laboratories, and even if you did; you haven't even been given a slight hint as to what you should do with it.
You're aware that there are other sisters in this Lab with you. However, most of them have the same questions as to what they should be doing with their free time.
You pout, unsure of what to do. Maybe you should go visit the others in your team? You only know the command staff, but the maintenance staff is a total mystery to you.
Also, what was that thing she was talking about, "Valentine's Day". It is labeled as a day, so you know it is a calendar based event. That said, your calendar shows no abnormalities. To you, it's just another Monday.
9 = 9
3 = 3
9 = 9
862 = 862
6 = 6
6 = 6
You suppose that you should start out in the R&D labs if you're going to start meeting the new teams. The place is still a bit of a mystery, but you're slowly starting to understand the ins and outs of this bizarre place.
Everything about humanity just seems.. curious. They make powerful superweapons, but they keep them hidden under cloak and dagger so nobody can get intimidated by them. Then they tell us to act like we're going to be sold, but you're had multiple people tell you that you're not going to be 'sold' like an object. Which is fine with you, you don't really want to be sold.
You put these thoughts in the back of your head, and then enter the R&D wing. Most of the scientists here look tired and sleep deprived, probably because they were trying to get you ready for prime-time during the last couple of demonstrations. However, they are not exhausted enough to ignore your presence in the human part of the labs.
One of them peeks his head over the cubicle wall, and blinks.
"Hello, Mikey." ARRGGHH, "Can I help you?"
"Yes, for one, please don't call me 'Mikey'." You cross your arms.
"My mistake, Mike. Anyway, what's up?"
"I was told that I should probably talk to the technicians, and ask them why they're still here on Valentine's day."
For some reason, your social combat protocols sense that this message has caused some emotional damage to the human.
"Ah, I see.." He hums, "I can guess who put you up to this. Well, to share the misery, may I suggest you go visit mechanics?"
"Sure, where is that?"
"Down the hall, to the left."
You follow his instructions, and quickly find a large laboratory gated off by a locked door. You're not entirely sure why it's locked, but you can hear what sounds like a shower running in the distance, maybe further down the hallway. You could just open this door pretty easily by triggering the motion sensor on the other side. Or just ignore it, because the humans clearly don't want anyone here.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Check out the shower down the hallway. Maybe you need a rinse off, too.
7 |
Huh. There's one of those in-company magazines here? Play Raptor? Theirs a Green haired haired person (raptor?) on the cover.
5 |
Open the door and go in, there's nothing to hide here.
4 |
+It's not acid... I forgot that humans are soft.
1 |
+If the humans don't want to show, I don't need to see. Imagine the horrors I could detect if I use the magnetron.
0 |
Look around for someplace else.
You're kind of confused about what is happening in the maintenance bay, but if no one wants you inside; then you probably shouldn't go inside. They may be in the middle of an experiment, and you really don't need to be interrupting any important experiments.
Which means that you should maybe wait for them to finish up. You can go take a shower in the meantime and try to clean off all the soot from the free-fire trial earlier.
You approach the nearby sound of running water, and start to smell the shampoo in the air. The idea of fragrant is a concept that you're glad humanity adopted, it's one that you've taken to as well. Even if it means having to steal people's shampoo and perfume.
As you hear the running water, you also hear something else that sounds peculiar.
What is going on in there?
You enter the women's locker room as quietly as you can. You want to know more about this strange sound.
The locker room portion is completely empty. The only activity you hear sounds like it's coming from the showers. You're a bit confused, but then see a pile of clothes neatly placed on a bench..
With an odd magazine on top. It seems crumpled, as if it has been folded several times before. On the cover, are two human women.
They're both a more pinkish hue from what you're expecting, and they're doing..
..Something. You don't exactly know what it is they're doing.
It doesn't seem odd, though. In fact it seems, a little-
"Haah.." The sound continues to echo softly through the room.
You pick it up, and have a flip through it. There are many examples of this all throughout the magazine, and almost all of the humans inside are women. Not to mention, they're in various states of undress.
You set the magazine down, and feel yourself gulp.
Is.. this what is happening in the next room over? Are there two humans here? You only see one pile of clothes.
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Maybe looking a little won't hurt, right? Just a little.
8 |
+ Raptor Investigation!
5 |
+ Remove your clothes, so it's easier to make an alibi if caught peeping.
3 |
Ignore it, remove your clothes, go shower.
3 |
Go to the next room, meet whoever is there is better than be caught watching the humans.
2 |
Say hello and ask why people are coming to the labs on Valentine's Day
1 |
Blush furiously for reasons you can't describe, and flee.
This is strange, you've seem to have encountered some very strange human behavior. You're already aware of most of their bodily functions, and were told to never interrupt them while they're cleaning themselves or performing them.
This, however, seems different. They're not using the nearby sanitation devices, and they appear to be cleaning themselves in the shower in a way you've never heard before, even on your passive observances of their behavior.
Maybe this is abnormal behavior? Could she be hurt? You haven't heard a woman hurt before. Men usually scream very loudly as they leak, but a woman? You're not entirely sure.
Maybe this requires some investigation. You walk over to the entrance to the showers, and-
Wait, this is a bad idea. You were told never to interrupt them when they were cleaning. So you'll need some excuse to go into the showers yourself.
Oh! That gives you an idea.
You simply drop your barrier jacket, and then start to disrobe. You can't be accused of interrupting a human while she's cleaning when you're just there to shower yourself, right?
You neatly place your clothes folded on the bench next to hers.
"A-h Ahh"
With that strange sound from the other room guiding you; you slowly enter.
The shower has been turned on for a while, the mirrors, glass, almost every inch of the room is covered in thick steam, and slick moisture. You feel the warmth penetrate every inch of your synthetic skin. That still doesn't compare to the warmth you felt when you picked up that magazine. It still radiates within you, and you simply feel confused at the sensation.
The thick steam explains most of that feeling, and the fact you're breathing it and increasing your body temperature alongside it is a good enough explanation. What you can't explain is the sight that greets you as you penetrate the fog, and glimpse at the source of the moaning.
You're just in time to see a busty brunette lean up against the tiled wall. Water spills all over her body, and she slowly spins around to allow the water to splash her from the other side.
Her light sighs and gasps turn into something more akin to a plea. Her face lulls against the tile, and her back presses against the ceramic bedding. Her head finally turns enough to see that her eyes are completely shut, a tiny teardrop forms at the corner of both her eyes.
Your eyes don't seem to comprehend, but your body gives you a hint at what is happening through a whirlwind of sensory input that overtakes you. You see her body temperature rise sharply, you see her hands writhe and grasp at her storage tanks, and a few digits explore one of anatomy's curiosities that you haven't quite nailed down yet.
Then, she starts to shiver, like she's been thrown into a pool of cold ice.
She leans against the wall, and slides down to her bottom. Her eyes remain shut, but the blush on her skin remains above body temperature. Her blush extends far down her body, and all the way to the swollen slot that seems to softly twitch at her touch. A curious liquid pools between her fingers.
That's when you realize something important.
She is not the only one whose skin is reaching oddly high temperatures. Nor is she the only one who is experiencing a curious swelling in some uncomfortable areas.
This is bad. Something isn't right.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Pretend to have been showering the whole time.
5 |
This has gone past your comfort zone, time to flee before her eyes open.
4 |
raptor retreat
4 |
These people are all sick! You must intervene immediately, for their own safety!
3 |
Excuse me? What are you doing?
3 |
This should be forbidden! This should be forbidden!!!! (Corona reference)
1 |
hit the alarm
0 |
Shock paralysis, continue to stand here and gawk.
Something isn't right, something is truly, utterly wrong.
However, you can't quite place your finger on it. Is this something wrong? Or is this another thing that humans just do? Like eating? Eating seems way more gross and disgusting than this does. Going to the bathroom seems like it would also be uncomfortable and gross, if you knew what that looked like.
But this? You suppose the reason this feels wrong and not watching humans eat has less to do with them. They seem to have enjoyed it.
It has more to do with you, and the fact that the action seems to have spurred some feelings deep within yourself.
You were not informed humans have some kind of electronic link that allowed them to play with your sensors in this manner. Now that you are aware, it's more terrifying that it had made you curious about it instead of outright disgusted.
Oh shoot! She's opening her eyes.
You pretend to be simply showering yourself. You run water through your hair, and allow it to wash some of the dust and soot from the training session down the drain. You pretend to be lathering yourself with non-existent soap, when you hear it.
A sharp gasp.
"W-W-W-W-W-W-W-HA, Ahem-" The lady springs to her feet, "..Excuse me, How long have you been here?"
You allow the water to run off of your body, and you face the guilty party.
Despite her attempts to immediately appear normal, returning to a showering position, moving her hands away from her thighs, and running water over her hair and face to hide the tears. There are still some parts of her that she can't simply erase that your sensors pick up on. Namely, the sharp blush across her face, her increased heart rate and breathing, the swollen storage tanks with slight red marks on them, and the swollen lower slot that is slowly returning to normal. You're also aware that the fact she was able to immediately stop her palpitations and return to a perfectly serene bathing pose means she has practiced this before.
Which again begs the question, is this normal?
..Oh who cares! Either ways, you can't just pretend that you didn't see it!
"I-I just walked in, I didn't see you doing anything!"
You suddenly realize by the sharply increasing blush on her face that this was the incorrect thing to say.
"Pardon me!"
You don't bother waiting, and instead rush back into the locker room. You hit your spell database, and pull up something that will allow you to walk around in public without having to stop and put your clothes back on. This could buy you some time.
Used: ★ Raptor Barrier Jacket
Your combat uniform covers your naked, wet body. It, too, becomes soaked in the process. However, that's preferable to staying and having to explain exactly what you saw and how it made you feel.
You need to hide, and you may not have long if the sound of wet-clothes being slotted on behind you is any indication of how fast she has practiced quick-changing for a moment like this.
Okay! Calm down! You have a few places to hide and a few places that you can consider retreating to. You're not at all in danger from the crazy, naked human who is just a few steps behind you.
Never mind, that's exactly what you're in danger from. Which means that you need to act quickly. You go down your list of options.
There's the men's room, but you don't know if there are any men in there.
Well, it's statistically unlikely, but still a possibility. Why are there so many women in this lab, anyway?
How about someplace with lots of Raptors and Humans? No, that won't work either b ecause you do NOT want to have to explain what happened to any of your sisters or any of the staff. Besides, you're also completely naked under your barrier jacket right now and you don't want to give any reason to have to drop it in public.
So what else is left? Back into the lab? You couldn't get in before and hacking tghe door would bring even bigger attraction to the strange situation you're currently in.
You're running out of time. You can hear the footsteps starting to leave the women's locket room.
Wait! You know a place. It's right here, next to the locker room. The broom closet!
You try the door handle and- Yes! It's unlocked.
You open the door and slip inside just in time to hear feet scurry past the door. You emerge several seconds later to an empty hallway and a trial of wet footprints going in the direction of the labs.
That was a close one..
Wait! You could have just faded at any time and she couldn't have found you!
Well, it doesn't matter, now. You managed to evade her for the time being, but you clearly can't just go back adn continue your tour, one of the technicians are looking for you. You can't just go back to your charger, either. It's clear whoever it may be is someone who works on your sisters and probably on you as well. So it's more than likely that she knows who tyou are, and where you recharge.
Wait isn't this really bad? You have to recharge sometime! Not just that, but she's probably also part of the mechanical team, which means she is responsible for directly working on your body!
Would she.. try to sabotage you if you went back right now?
The sheer depth of the problems you have suddenly wash over you all at once. You now have someone who knows exactly who you are but you don't really know who she is after you because you saw something that you probably shouldn't have.
..This is starting to sound like you should ask Unit X-Ray about what is happening, but you're also aware that trying to explain what you saw may be a fate worse than death.
You agonize over this decision for a few minutes, and then come to one very important conclusion.
"..I should get out of the hallway and hide for a short while until this blows over.'
1 + 10 = 11
64 + 10 = 74
29 + 10 = 39
45 + 10 = 55
38 + 10 = 48
52 = 52
52 = 52
You decide that the best place to hide is exactly in the few places that you've been told is empty for all of today.
Which leaves either the offices, or the dorms. The human earlier told you that most of the staff was out of the office for Valentines day. So that means their offices are perfect places to hide, right?
You proceed down the hallway to the darkened portion of the labs. You fade just enough to where you can navigate around unaided, but keep the lights from coming on. Your first course of action is to find one of these unoccupied offices and wait there until this all blows over. Maybe you can contact one of your sisters and get them to bail you out somehow. If you can find out who it is, then maybe-
You approach one of the doors, and then hack the lock with ease. It swings open, and-

..IT'S HER! She's standing by the phone making some kind of frantic phone call dressed in her soaking wet blouse and towel!
"Uhhh-" How is this possible?! In an entire complex of abandoned offices, you picked the only one that had her in it?! "SORRY! WRONG OFFICE!"
You turn and start to run, the fade wearing off completely as you panic and lose the concentration needed to maintain it while moving quickly. You can hear her footsteps behind you once more as you curse your extremely rotten luck.
Okay, if she's in the offices, then you can try the dorms once more! You can outrun her, and from there hide in one of the empty dorm rooms until one of your sisters comes to pick you up.
You stop in a corner, and fade. She scurries right past you once more as you feel yourself start to shiver.
This is the second close call you have had today. What are the chances that the door you open is the one that happens to either be her office, or the same hiding place she decided to be?
Either ways, you need to get someplace that you can hide more permanently.
You make your way, still faded, to the Dorm wing of the laboratories. Most of the employees are currently working, so no one will notice if you duck into one of these unoccupied rooms.
You unlock the door and peek inside one of them.
Yes! You found one. It's a relatively empty room with a bed, a few boxes, and a computer set up. It's likely awaiting a human to move in and stock it with furnishings and actual human-stuff. Or whatever it is that they need to have in order to have a livable space.
A sigh of relief leaves your lips as you shut the door behind you. You can safely send a message to your sisters here.
Pat.. Pat.. Pat.. Pat..
Is that.. Footsteps?
It is. Someone must have come back to the dorms.
Well, surely they're not going to enter your-

The door opens, and the lights flip on. You spin around just in time to see the exact last person that you wanted to see!
"UH-" You gasp.
"WH-" She seems equally confused, "What are you doing in my dorm?!"
"..Your dorm?" You blink.
"Yes!" She shuts the door behind her.
"..Are you telling me of all the offices, and all of the dorms, the two places I chose to hide in were both the sole place that belonged to you?"
"It.. seems that way."
This has to be a joke.
A cruel joke.
Surely, this is not currently a real thing that is happening.
"Hold on!" She puts her hand over the towel over her storage tanks, "Listen! Before you leave again-"
"..What do you want? Why are you chasing me?" You frown.
"..I just want to talk."
"Talk!?" You feel a little upset, "Is that why you tried to chase me?! Because you just wanted to talk?"
"Yes!" She frowns, "How much did you see in the showers?"
"..How much? How much of what? You mean the strange dance you were doing?"
This causes her to immediately start blushing. Her knees get weak, and you start to realize that you've said the wrong thing, again.
She lets the towel fall as she positions herself on the.. floor? She seems to kneel over, and whispers something as her face meets the dorm's carpet.

"PLEASE Don't tell anyone what you saw in the showers, okay?!" Instead of threatening you, she's instead making this strange pose in your direction. "I just got promoted to this position, and I would have no where else to go if anyone found out what I was doing. Could you please just.. forget what happened? Is there a price you would pay to stay quiet about it? I'll do anything, really."
Votes | Choice |
6 |
I don't want anything, I was just curious on what you were doing!
4 |
Panic attack.
4 |
I don't understand what's going on anymore... Everywhere I go they are all doing the same thing today. What happened to everyone??
3 |
I just want to know what kind of spell you cast to make me feel.. weird.
2 |
2 |
"It's too late! I already told everyone!"
2 |
Step on her
1 |
Signal 8
87 = 87
94+63 = 157
You feel your circuits starting to overload. There's a sense of worry that turns into a sense of dread. It's like being shown a new object before, that's oddly familiar but also totally alien. You can say for sure that this is the first time you've seen a human do this, as well.
What is she doing?! Is this some kind of attack? Maybe she's casting some kind of magic spell?!
..If she is, then it's kind of working. Seeing her on the floor like this..
The swelling is coming back.
!! You need to get out of here.
"So do you agree?" She looks up at you, "You won't tell anyone, right?!"
"I-" You start to say something in response, but the words catch in your mouth. "I-"
"Listen, if there's anything else I need to do-"
"I don't understand what's going on anymore... Everywhere I go everybody are all doing the same thing today. What happened to everyone?!"
"T-THE SAME THING?!" She immediately blushes a pink hue, "Y-Y-Y-Y-ou've seen… other people.."
"Listen! I don't want anything." You put your hands on her shoulder, "Stop it! I just heard strange sounds coming from the shower and I went to look! I'm just curious on what you were doing!"
This causes the black-haired girl to blink.
"You're a Raptor unit, right? From the labs?"
"Are you just realizing that?!"
"No, I knew, it's just-" She seems a bit more nervous than before, "I had this idea that you were more like Terminator, like.."
"I don't know what that is." You frown.
"-I mean, I thought you wouldn't care about talking with me or doing anything other than following orders.. but.. you seem so.."
The tiny hairs stands up on her neck.
"..Since you're a Raptor.. does that mean you.. recorded that?"
"I don't even know what 'that' is!" This is starting to get frustrating.
She practically slumps over in despair.
"It's over.. you have the whole thing on video.. It's only a matter of time before someone sees it, then."
You grab her hands, and try not to think about where they've been while hold them tight.
"Listen, again, I don't know what 'that' is, if you care about the video recording, then I can just delete it."
"You can do that?! Really?" Her eyes light up.
"I'll do it, I'll delete it right now."
Uh oh..
"What's wrong?" She notices that you haven't said anything in a few seconds.
"..I'm… I don't want to delete it." The realization hits you.
This seems to cause her spirit to crumple.
"Because.." How do you explain this? "..It's my first time seeing that kind of thing, and I.. really don't want to remove my first experience of it. "
This seems to cause her to back off, and seem a bit offended.
"You're filming girls in the shower touching themselves, and you don't want to delete it because you've never seen it before?!"
"I know it sounds weird.." You try to defend yourself from the blushing woman, "But I'm still learning, and every memory is precious to me."
"But the memory you have isn't yours to share! If you could keep it to yourself, it would be different, but everyone is going to find out if you keep it."
"I-.." You stumble, "I just wanted to keep it because it was the first time feeling like that.."
"Did anyone tell you to make recordings of girls in the shower? Or did you just decide to start doing that on your own?" She seems to put her hand back on yours.
"No, but.. I saw you, and I saw what you were doing and it made me feel.."
"'Feel', it made you feel something?" She seems to exhibit a collection of emotions upon hearing that. "..Can you describe it? This isn't at all what we were told about Raptors."
"Warm." You try to describe the feeling as best as you can, letting the scene of her in the shower play through your memories, "It made me feel warm, right here."
You place your hand on your stomach, and describe your other symptoms.
"And swelling, it makes my skin feel like it was being pricked by a very light feather, especially on my storage tanks.."

"Is this.. really happening?" Is a strange question for her to ask, but she slowly starts to blush furiously as you describe it. "Can you really feel.. that?"
"What is it?" She seems to know what it is, but isn't telling you. "What are these things I'm feeling?"
"..Let's start over from the beginning. Please, sit down."
There aren't any chairs, so you immediately go over to the bed and sit down on it. This, for some reason, causes her to blush once again.
She kneels down in front of you, and introduces herself.
"..I'm Cyndi. A new researcher who just transferred from weapon design to mechanics. So I'll probably be your technician sooner or later. It's my second day here, first day in the office. Yourself?"
"Unit Mike.." You sigh, "I'm from the KLMNOP Strike Package."
"I see.." Cyndi immediately seems ashamed of her actions.
"Is something wrong?"
"No, well, yes, well-" Cyndi flips back and forth a few times.
"..I could show you my advertisement if you wish-"
"Instead of doing that, could you show me what that memory does to you?"
"Show you?"
"Yes, as in.. what it does to your body. Can you show me?"
You think about it for a moment, and then realize what she may want to see. If she's going to be your technician, then maybe it would be best to be up-front about it.
You allow your barrier jacket to drop, and you're left completely naked in front of her.
"Oh…" She gulps, "I didn't expect you to look so.. correct."
"..Yeah. Uh, anyway- Carry on?"
You start to replay the memory in your head. The image of her leaning against the wall, messaging herself while slowly sighing. The labored breathing, the hot steam from the shower, the-
"There.." You gulp, "I feel it again. What is that? It's radiating, like.."
You don't know how to describe it, but you're now well-aware of how chilly her room is. Your body temperature is rising slightly, and you feel a moistness that can't be explained by the showers.
She continues to furiously blush red.
"..Do you mind if I.. Touch?"
You're not sure why she is asking your permission. You already agreed to it, and she's a Caledfwlch employee. So-
"Please." The tenseness of this atmosphere is extinguishing this warmth, but you still feel its embers at the base of your artificial spine.
She reaches out, and a single one of her fingers extend. The burning starts to rise as it nears your lower slot, and-

"Mm-" You stop an unexplained outburst from leaving your lips by pressing your hand to them. Cyndi slowly removes her finger from you, and examines a fluid that has stuck to her probing hand.
"..No way.." Cyndi's breath is labored again. Like she's holding something back inside of her.
"What is it?" You feel more confused now than you did previously.
She gulps, and then, without a shred of hesitation, puts that finger in her mouth. The action causes the burning to rise, once more.
"..Listen-" She pulls her finger from her mouth, "If I taught you how to do what I did in the shower; would you delete that footage?"
"Taught me?"
"That way.." She seems a bit uneasy saying this, "-You won't have to save that footage, and no one will find out that you were recording women in the shower. You'll be able to do it at any time, and it'll make that burning go away. Plus, it feels good."
You feel that red blush start to run rampant across your face once more. The idea of her touching you like that almost drives you crazy. The very idea of it seems irresistible. You're starting to understand how she must have felt when you walked in on her in the showers. The sensation is new, but it feels like you could drown in it if left to your own devices. It's shocking to think that she had such an arousing sensation that she lives with all of the-
Your eyes widen, and you're hit with a realization.
She does have this arousing sensation. She lives with it constantly. To be more precise, she was feeling it when she was 'addressing' her problem in the showers.
..Are you the only one getting something out of this?
Your eyes examine Cyndi for as long as they allow without the burning sensation in your cheeks radiating to moisten your lower slot. Her perfect body, her rounded breasts, her slim abdomen. Something strikes you about this picture as you slowly gulp down your insecurity: She appears to be blushing as well.
Her breathing is equally strained, her cheeks are equally flushed, her gaze hasn't left the slot that's slowly staining the bed.
You may not have a lot of points into social combat, but you already know; she feels exactly the same way you do.
There's only one way to be sure.
"When you say 'Do it at any time', do you mean alone, or with you?"
"Uh.. either I suppose?"
You reach over, and grab her by the shoulders!
She yelps in surprise a bit as you lift her up, and set her on the bed next to you!
"I knew it.." You whisper as you examine her lower slot, "You're feeling this way, too!"
"Uh…" Cyndi doesn't know how to respond.
You feel a little upset.
"So you're doing this to make yourself feel better, too. Aren't you?"
"..I would be lying if I said that I wasn't."
You want to be upset, but you're not sure there is much you can do to stop yourself at this point. You're still feeling wet, and she's clearly reciprocating these feelings, even if she has essentially lured you into her room for her own benefit.
"I don't really trust someone I just met five minutes ago, especially if I just found out that they actually trapped me in their room because they're trying to 'feel good' themselves." You huff.
Cyndi seems to want to say something, but she instead averts her gaze.
"..No, I understand. I get it. I'm the one who did dirty things to myself in the shower, and then tried to get you to be quiet about it, and now I'm trying to do dirty things to you." Cyndi sighs, "I'm sorry, I'll get dressed and-"
"That's why-"
You lean over, and let yourself go. Your mouth moves to her ear, and you whisper.

"Tonight.." You growl, "I'm in charge."
"Wha-? Mike?"
You don't let her finish, your fingers press against her wet slit in a similar manner to your memories of her in the shower. She tenses up, and tries to push away at the last minute.
However, you're still far stronger than she is, and you don't intend to let her get away.
"Tell me where to go next." You whisper, your fingers press right at the peak of her mound. "Tell me where to go to make you feel good."
"..Lower." She whispers.
Your fingers obey, and gently slide downward until they slide inside almost by themselves.
You feel her tense up as your fingers find a deeper part of the lower slot. Her hand tries to reciprocate, but you aren't going to allow her to escape that easily.
You push her backwards, and onto the bed. Swiftly, you pin her down, and continue rubbing.
Her head darts upward from her rested position-

-And her oral receptacle wraps around yours. It feels.. strange, and kind of dirty at first. It's something you're not familiar with, but feels just as intense as her touching your lower slot in a few ways.
Cleverly, this has made it where she can't tell you what you need to do next, and you can't ask her to explain what needs to be done. So you'll have to improvise..
59+46 = 105
83 = 83
If you're unsure about your own anatomy, then the anatomy of humans is by far and away a different beast altogether. You're not sure how they work, how they manage to stay aloft on two feet without impressive strength. Or how they manage to be filled entirely with water and retain any kind of firm form.
Your fingers slide down her lower slot, and encounter a strange patch of fuzz which brushes against your fingertips, and this seems to drive her wild. Her eyes unfocus, and her breath starts to slowly huff.
"Mike…" She mumbles.
You're not really sure of how this is supposed to work, but you can only assume that this is close to what should be happening. It's what she was doing to herself in the shower, after all. If this feels good, then-
All you have to do, is the same thing, but even harder.
"Mike… nngh." You slide another one of your fingers inside of her slot as she huffs. It slowly contracts around your fingers. Your fingertip feels a combination of juices, soft inner lining, and a tight portion of her slot that-
"OOHHH-" She loses control of her voice as your fingertip presses against that tight, thick portion inside of her slot. You use your social combat skills to detect the varying ranges of emotions flowing across her face. You feel her chest heave up and down as your other hand finds one of her soft nipples. A tiny bit of electric energy moves through both of your fingertips, and gives a slight jolt to her nethers.
Her body goes stiff, and the slow movements of her body start to intensify as her soft legs wrap around your back. Slowly, her body starts to wiggle, and grind your fingers deeper inside of her tunnel.
You suddenly realize that your gaze hasn't left her eyes in over a minute. Your mouth is drooling, and Cyndi's eyes remain wavering as she continues examining every inch of your upper body. Your defined, muscular structure, the hair that is hanging down onto her breasts, and the slow drip of your oral lubricant onto her lips. A tiny string of it connects your tongue to hers.
You feel almost lost on this unknown feeling of 'connection' with another being. It feels just as close, and intimate as the 'connection' you have with your sisters when you share memories with them. This is a different connection altogether, one that can't be expressed with data, or words.
Her eyes glisten, and you see that she's.. leaking? Her eyes are leaking.
"Cyndi.." You feel the redness spread from your cheeks and start to work its way down to your storage tanks, "Why are you leaking?"
"Because…" Her body writhes, and your fingers feel themselves constricted even deeper inside of her core. "-It's not fair that I'm feeling so good alone.."
You're confused at her intentions, but you're now aware that her body is moving oddly, and her legs have unwrapped from around your body. With her arms above her head, you had assumed she was defenseless. Your complicity has left you open to an unexpected counterattack.
One of her legs has slithered between yours, and one of her toes finds purchase in the slight mound of your own lower slot. Her big toe slowly mashes against the soft lips, and squeezes droplets of your own lubricant that slowly roll down her foot.
The seriousness of this situation dawns on you as you start to feel that now-familiar shiver once more. One that starts in your soft stomach, and starts to pour from there, and into your limbs, and down your spine.
This exploration has stopped being one-sided. Cyndi now has found a means of putting pressure on you. She's slowly pressing her big toe into the mysterious mound that protects your slot.
Then finally-
It finds its way in.
"Aah!" You bite your lip, and shiver. Your fingers slowly start to be ejected by her lubricant as she moves her body in such a lascivious way as to tighten her own sex.
You didn't quite understand that you were in competition before, but now you're wiser.
The goal of this exercise must be to fit as many digits as you can into your lower slots.
It started completely in your favor, but your complacency allowed her to slip her large toe inside, and slowly; your automatically lubricating slot is starting to accommodate another one of her toes. You can't seem to find any kind of sense that allows you to stop the lubricant, instead; focusing on it increases the blushing heat as well as the slot's steady drip.
Then you realize that it has fallen out of your favor in more ways than one. Her toes are starting to slowly rock against the soft skin that you feel slowly unfolding in your hole.
Your knees are trembling, and you feel another one of your fingers be exiled from her trembling mound. Now, you both share an equal number of appendages assault each other's sexual organs.
Cyndi's tricks don't end there, however.
You try to pull away slightly to give yourself more room, but find the nipple of your storage tank oddly stuck against her fingertip.
You realize what has happened as your eyes dart downward. Cyndi, without your knowledge, has iced your nipple to her finger. A tiny ice-cube forms over your nipple, and she kneads it playfully.
She was using magic this whole time!
Well, so were you, a little, you did shock both the inside of her slot and her breast.
But it's still a cheap trick! Cyndi is cheating and it feels..
Much better than before. The rubbing on all of your private places is taking its toll, and you feel that warmth start to run out of your control.
The rocking against your crotch increases, and you try to counterattack by adding an additional finger deep within her opening.
A struggle ensues as both of you rock against the softest parts of your bodies, and the pace quickens. Her body blushes as both of you start to share a common pace, a common breath,
a common goal.
You're leaking an almost unusual amount, now. An extra toe has slid its way in, and you feel yourself rocking your own body as Cyndi rocks against your hand. The two of you start to writhe, slowly find better ways to cuddle together while also mashing each other in the most intimate way before.. before-
Your eyes lock with Cyndi, and she groans.
"Haaaaaaa-" Cyndi's defeat sounds more like a sigh, like the one you heard in the shower. It's quickly followed by you admitting defeat, and surrendering.
"AaAAAHHHhhhaaaaa-" Is apparently the sound your body makes instinctively as it gives up all resistance, and allows a gush of your juices to rush down Cyndi's leg.
You feel almost paralyzed by what happens, following the juices is a wave of what you can only describe as that burning. It culminates into a tingle, and then into a tickle. If you were at the top of the world, you quickly find yourself falling through the sky. The only thing breaking your fall is a full half-minute of moaning into Cyndi's breasts.
Cyndi, perhaps through sheer experience, recovers from this feeling much quicker than you do.
"Mike.." She whispers, "Did you just cum?"
"…I don't know." You whisper back.
"..That was your first time ever feeling that, wasn't it?"
"..Yeah." You can't lie to her, not after what you both just went through. Is this what she gets to experience all of the time? You feel jealous that you're only finding out about it, now.
She tries to pull you back up the mountain as her toes start to rub against a small nub in your mound once more. The feeling isn't as.. intense, but you can feel a light ember inside of you that wishes to do something more extreme.
"Mmm." Cyndi wraps her mouth around yours, and you feel her body start to heat up once more.
Suddenly, she breaks the kiss, and gazes into your eyes.
"..My turn."
"Your turn?"
Without saying another word, her mouth starts to run down your body.
You want to protest her seemingly leaving, but then her mouth wraps around the tiny ice cube stuck to your nipple.
"Let's get you cleaned up, Mike." Cyndi hums as her kisses continue downward.
-and downward.
-and downward.
Down, toward your lower slot.
Her legs sling around your head, and you're left face-to-lips with the same lovely flower which your fingers were recently acquainted with.
Without even a word of warning, you feel what is very obviously Cyndi's pink oral organ.
-more importantly, you feel it give you another kind of kiss.. On another kind of lips..
Cyndi, she truly is a dangerous woman.
Saying that you feel troubled by this would be an understatement. Before, you were entranced by the romantic embrace, the feeling of closeness and the sudden realization of having an additional sense for something that has been laying dormant beneath your skin.
This, however, just feels..
Well, it's certainly different.
"EEK!" You spasm as you feel her oral receptible mate with your lower receptacle.
Unlike with her toe, she can move her tongue in a very agile manner, and attack all of your sensitive interior parts at once. It moves like a serpent, and finds every tiny space and untouched virgin fold.
You don't know exactly when you lost control of this situation, but you're going to guess it happened around the time that she decided she was going to move down your body. You basically gave up the advantage that you had when you allowed her to start exploring you.
Now you're left with your face planted firmly between her thighs. The only one of her weaknesses that is within reach are the soft, moistened folds of her slot.
You feel another sharp sensation as her tongue brushes against a stiffened fold inside of your receptacle. She realizes that this is one of your weak points, and ruthlessly attacks it with all of her concentration.
This is no good, you're starting to feel your juices start to build once more. You're being dragged up the mountain again, with no way to stop your ascent. It's only a matter of time until you find yourself falling once more.
There is one way you could possibly turn this back around, and it's hovering in front of your face. Her tunnel just inches away. If she's able to control you so easily with her tongue, maybe you can plan a perfect counterattack.
Your lips meet her lower ones, and you feel her stiffen in your kiss. The taste is.. unimaginable.
Normal human food is practically nauseating to eat. You were able to get some the last time you asked for it, and the taste on your palate was offensive, the texture was weird, and the temperature was bizarre. All three things turned you off of trying oral consumption forever.
This.. this is different.
It's tangy, and sharp. The texture rolls off the tongue. It still doesn't particularly taste good, but it tastes unique. Like it's not immediately repulsive. You could even see yourself getting used to this taste.
You realize that you're running out of time as Cyndi's tongue finds your sensitive spot once more. You'll have to work quickly if you wish to catch up.
What you lack in experience with this sort of thing; you feel that you make up for in strength. Particularly, tongue strength.
You just have to go harder..
And deeper…
Cyndi shudders as your assault begins. You realize that you've found a great way to pressure her love tunnel as you start noticing her juices building up on the cusp of your tongue. It doesn't help that you feel Cyndi's tongue starting to mine you for your deepest essence.
-to make things worse, you're sure that Cyndi has also frozen another tiny ice cube to the folds of your entrance. The combination of chill and dense, vibrant heat sends waves throughout your body.
You put your frustration into Cyndi with a tiny jolt of electricity through her deepest innards. This fight is over.. you can't hold back much more without..
You feel paralyzed once more as you feel yourself uncontrollably flow onto Cyndi's tongue. You're surprised as you feel Cyndi contract around your tongue, and release her own nectar.
You both lay confused on the bed for several more minutes. Only taking some time to explore each other one last time.
You lay clutching Cyndi to your chest as if she could fly away at any moment. You feel her sighing under your kisses, and your hugs. She breathes heavily on your neck, and you try to enjoy every kiss to the fullest.
"I haven't had that in a long time.." She huffs.
"..I haven't ever done that." You blink, "You've done this before?"
"A long, long time ago.." Cyndi kisses your nipple, "But never that passionate, or loving."
Cyndi then seems to realize something, and stares you in the eyes.
"..That was your first time?"
Cyndi seems oddly shaken by those words. You simply hug her closer and reaffirm her beliefs.
"Of course.. how often should I be doing that?"
"..Oh no.." Cyndi sighs in your ear, "..I took your virginity and I didn't even know."
"My.." You feel confused, "What?"
"Virginity, I took your first time having sex." Cyndi gazes into your eyes, "I didn't realize that was your first time.."
"Well, of course it was, how often am I supposed to have this 'sex' thing?" You feel a bit confused, but try to coax this answer out of her by gently grinding yourself against her slit.
Cyndi shivers, but seems to give in.
"..It depends, but it must have been a few years now for me.."
"Oh.. That's why." You stop grinding, and instead let her warmth spread through you.
"Well, I've only been active about two months." You smile, and rub your face against her chest, "So I haven't had enough time to find someone else."
This causes Cyndi to look absolutely mortified.
"..So on top of taking your virginity, I've also just done it with someone who's two months old."
"I mean, that sounds accurate." You shrug, and kiss Cyndi. "Happy Valentine's day. I couldn't have understood this meaning without you."
"..Two months.." Cyndi repeats.
"I hope we get to do this a lot more, very soon." You give her another kiss.
"I'm truly…
(Valentines 2022: END)
Walk a Mile In My Shoes

Late yesterday..

"Vivio, I know you're excited about the first round tomorrow, but don't you think you've been training in the rain long enough?"

"No, it's fine! If I get a few more sets in, then I'll be set for tomorrow's exhibition."
"Vivio." Her friend seems to be scolding her. "There's no need to get worked up for it. We're just going to go there, show our skills to a different dojo from Vaizen, and-"
"That's exactly it, though!" Vivio smiles, "This is the start to be renowned all over the galaxy! Not just Midchilda. How can I slack when we're going to be on Vaizen's national television?"
Rio simply sighs.
"Vivio, if you don't rest a little bit, and maybe get out of the rain, you're not going to be on any national television. You'll be too sick to go, and think about how disappointed Einhart and Fuuka will be if you get sick just before their big day, too."
"Sick?" Vivio seems to give a snide smile, "Seriously? You think I'm going to get sick just from training out in the rain a bit. Rio, I know I'm not the most resilient person, but at the very least I can handle being out in the rai-"
Early next morning..
Vivio lays in her bed while a tall women presses a thermometer under her armpit.

"Yep. That's what I thought."
"What does it say, Mama?" Vivio weakly looks upward at the tall woman smiling at her.
"It says here.." She smiles back, "You're sick."
"Oh.." Vivio grumbles, "Good to know.."
Knock knock.
"Come in." The tall woman turns to her daughter's bedroom door.
Inside walks a collection of girls. All of them with worried looks on their faces.
"I knew it."

"What did I tell you yesterday, Vivio?"
"I don't want to hear it.." Vivio grumbles, and pulls her blanket over her head.
"I'm sorry girls." Nanoha-'Mama' pats Rio on the head, "It looks like Vivio won't be going with you to Vaizen."
"I guess no Exhibition." The green-haired girl next to Rio sighs.
"No murder?!" You huff in the most disappointed tone.
The room stops, and then Rio moves to correct your behavior.
"No, no, Lil' Sis. We're not going to Vaizen to 'murder'." She seems to be telling you something important, so you're sure to note this.
"Noted, we're not going to Vaizen to murder because Vivio is sick." You huff.
Then you get a great idea!
"Can we murder here, instead?"
"Miss Takamachi-" The brown-haired human, Fuuka, ignores your perfectly legitimate suggestion. "Is it possible Vivio could just.. recover on the trip there? It doesn't start until later today, anyway."
"No, absolutely not." Nano-mama shuts that idea down, "Vivio is going to have to rest for more than a day at this rate."
"Mama, I'll be fi-"
"No no, No 'buts'." You forgot that Nano-mama can be a very demanding human at times. Especially when it comes to her doting.
"Miss Takamachi-" The blonde human, Corona, smiles. "Can we have a word with Vivio real quick?"
"Sure, I'll go prepare some more soup, Vivio. Stay warm and toasty-"
Nano-mama starts tucking in Vivio in her typical doting fashion. You can hear Vivio mumble, "Mom, you're embarrassing me." As she does so.
With that, Nano-mama practically floats out of the room. Leaving the girls to do some (well-deserved) scolding on overcooked meat you.
"I can't believe you got sick a day before the Exhibition."
"You know better, too. You know to take it easy before traveling, but you still did it anyway."
"I know.. I know.."
There really isn't much to add. The girls seem just as confused on what to do as Vivio does.
You simply blink and climb up on the bed. You crawl over to Vivio and give her some scolding of your own.
"Silly!" You touch her nose.
This causes Vivio to laugh.
"You can say that again, Lil' Sis."
"Silly!" So you do.
"I guess we aren't going then, are we. Our star is down, so there isn't much to exhibit."
"Come on, there has to be more to show off than Vivio." Fuuka interjects. "If we give up now, what would Nove think?"
"Probably that it's a bad idea to put all of the Dojo's hopes on Vivio.." Einhart sighs.
There's another moment of quiet, until Rio gives a suggestion.
"What if I make a Golem that looks like Vivio, and-"
"No, Corona. They'll have magic detectors, They can see through that." Rio interjects.
Then, Fuuka looks at you.
Her eyes light up.
Your eyes light up!
You're both thinking the same thing!
"Hey, what if-"
"I know what you're going to say just from the way you looked at Lil' Sis." Einhart shoots this idea down, too. "The answer is 'no', we're not disguising Lil Sis as Vivio for an Exhibition."
Oh, you suppose you weren't thinking the same thing as the humans, then.
You were thinking 'Murder'.
"What if- Hear me out-" Fuuka tries another approach. "Lil' Sis, show us your aging magic."
You obediently use the aging magic technique that you copied from Vivio. In a few moments-

"Big!" You reply, with a smile.
"See? She's very good at that, now!" Fuuka smiles, "Nobody is going to notice a thing!"
"Fuuka, it's not the part of her looking like Vivio, it's the part where she can punch a hole in a train. She would be disqualified under normal tournament rules, and I really don't want her accidentally hurting someone."
"So just don't have her spar! She just has to showcase until Vivio is better, right?"
That last sentence actually seems to convince Einhart somewhat.
"Listen!" You decide to speak up, "I can manage it! It sounds fun!"
"The 'fun' part is the part I worry about.." Green human says, "Fun for who, exactly?"
"No, it's fine, Lil' Sis has a lot of spells that are non-lethal, isn't that right?" Fuka smiles.
"That's correct!" You decide to let them in on a fraction of your abilities, "I have the ability to interrogate, as well! Interrogation is like fighting only the other side can't fight back!"
This does not amuse Green Human.
"That's scary, I don't want the other challengers to be 'interrogated' either."
"Wait! Wait, what if-" You come up with another idea-
"If it's 'murder' then no." Green Human frowns.
"It's not Murder!" It was totally 'Murder', "I meant to say that I can do everything Vivio can too!"
"That's right! She should be able to use all of Vivio's strike arts." Yeah! You tell her Fuka! "She's just a lot harder, so she has to pull her punches."
"The problem is more than that, she doesn't share Vivio's fighting style, Takedowns are more like MMA than-"
"Besides, we don't need to give up just yet, we have you Haru-nyan." Rio smiles
"Don't call me that." Einhart sighs, "But in any case, we still have to cover the 'showcase' part."
"Ooh! Ooh! I can help!" You excitedly jump, "I have an entire advertising routine that I can play!"
"Advertising.." Fuka seems confused, but warms up to the idea, "That's a great idea!"
"Please no…" Vivio pulls the blanket over her head, "I don't know what hers is but I know Gamma's is really embarrassing, and I don't want everyone to think that I danced around and sang on TV.."
"Well I do." Rio smiles.
"Yeah, so do I." Einhart grins, "I'm starting to change my mind on this!"
"YAY!" You smile, "Advertising! Interrogation! Murd-"
"One more problem, Fuka-" Corona puts her finger over your mouth before you finish, "-Her eyes are red, Vivio's are red and green."
"We can solve that with contacts." Fuka smiles, "We can pick some up on the way to see Nove! All we need is her approval, and-"
"Right, Nove. I'm worried she's going to see right through this.." Vivio mumbles.
"What? No, of course not." Fuka pats your head, "How would she know?
13 = 13
"Are you kidding me?"

"W-what do you mean?" Brown-haired human smiles nervously. You try to get used to the feeling of the contact in just one eye, but you're struggling a bit.
"Is something wrong?" Einhart looks equally worried.
"You're almost thirty minutes late! Where have you been?" Nove huffs.
"Oh! Oh.." Fuka and Einhart breathe a sigh of relief.
"Don't 'Oh', where were you? We have to leave in twenty! Is everything okay at your house, Vivio?"
She's expecting an answer from you! Yay!
Why are Fuuka and Einhart looking at you in horror?
Votes | Choice |
25 |
"Yes" Give her the Oscar winning smile!
10 |
"Vivio got a bit sick." Pretend to refer to yourself in the third person as Vivio.
8 |
+(If Nove suspect anything) Got you! You thought I was Lil Sis, right?
6 |
Smile and nod!
5 |
Everything fine! Humans are fragile!
5 |
Nanoha-mama is worried about us in Vaizen, so she gave many directives!
4 |
Fate-mama is worried about us in Vaizen, so she didn't want to let me go without bodyguards!
3 |
3 |
It took a while to steal the clothes that I liked.. I mean, 'borrow' the clothes I liked from Vivio's Mother, I mean Mama.
2 |
I was busy incorporating nutrients prepared by my mother!
2 |
"A fun time will be had by all with no murder!"
82 = 82
33 = 33
16 + 69 = 85
15 + 69 = 84
85 = 85
1 = 1
8 = 8
25 = 25
"Yes!" You give your best Oscar-winning smile. Which you believe to mean the best smile to win Oscar over. "Vivio got a bit sick but we're doing better!"
"Vivio.." Red human isn't sure what to make of that.
"What Vivio is TRYING to say-" Fuka slides up next to you, and presses her finger against your lip. "Is that she was up all night looking forward to this exhibition."
"YES!" You smile.
"So that's why she probably isn't going to say much of anything today."
"In fact, maybe Vivio should just spend the trip sleeping until we get to Vaizen."
Hmm, you're already fully recharged, so you don't really feel like sleeping.
"Well actually!" You interject, "I'm feeling-"
"Isn't that right, Vivio?" Einhart gives you a sinister smile.
You sort of understand what she wants.
She wants to mock battle! Yeah!
"Whatever the case may be." Your train of thought is interrupted by red human, "All of you need to get up, get out, and get to the taxi. We're almost twenty five minutes late, now!"
"Oh geez, really?!"
"Come on Vivio, we need to go!"
"Go!" You repeat with a smile. Nove gives you a strange glance, but seems more focused on trying to usher you outside into the waiting taxi.
You giggle as the taxi pulls up to the spaceport.
You love the spaceport.
You love space!
It's such an interesting place that you know so little about!
The giant ships, the huge stars, the giant lasers! The-
Does space have giant lasers?
Well.. You're sure that it had some equivalent to giant lasers. So it all works out!
"There they are." Nove speaks to the nice lady who lives in all of these self-driving taxis, and gets it to let you all out here.
in the distance is purple human and Corona human!
"Einhart! Fuka!" Rio calls out with a smile, "Is everything okay? Are we free to go?"
Green human makes a motion toward Nove, and Rio seems to understand it. You need to learn the protocol for wireless human communication someday.
"Who are we meeting up with?" Fuka seems to grab her bag and your bag. You easily pick it up with only one hand, but Fuka corrects you to carrying it with two hands.
"Zafira will beat us at this point to Vaizen. We'll meet him there."
"Come on girls, we gotta hurry."
'Flight fifty seven will be departing shortly.'
"THAT'S US!" Nove exclaims. Suddenly, all of the humans are running!
Hehe, this is nothing, you can beat them all!
You start to pick up the pace and slowly outrun even Nove, but Fuka taps your shoulder. She seems to hold you back with her hand.
Everyone is very demanding today!
They are sprinting to the entrance gate. The humans slow down as they approach the metal detectors to board the ship.
"That's our flight!" Nove yells.
"Please let us through!"
"Okay, okay." The guard sighs. "Just walk through the detector, I'll take your bags."
"Thank you!"
"Thanks.." You repeat.
Everyone goes through with no problem, but you take a step through and the metal detector makes a shrill beep.
"The heck?" The guard seems confused.
"Oh sorry!" You remember something that Gamma-mama told you! "I have to do this first!"
You communicate with the entrance gate to give it the 'all clear'. With a few stiff words to the rude metal detector, it flashes green and gives you the all clear!
"Hey, w-" The guard stands up, and looks around, "How did you do that? What-"
"Bye bye, now!" You start running to catch up with the humans who have already grabbed their bags and started sprinting toward the terminal.
It was a close call, but you got on board!
Nove was able to hold the shuttle for you, and you were able to slip on even with the gate guards suddenly deciding they were going to search the whole terminal! Rude!
Either ways, you sit in the chair next to Einhart, and she breathes a sigh of relief.
"That was a close one." She mumbles, "I think my heart stopped when I heard that metal detector go off."
"Oh, that sounds bad." You mumble. "Hearts shouldn't stop, right?"
"Not typically, no." Einhart leans back in her chair, "I think I am going to get a little bit of shut-eye, can you behave yourself for an hour until we reach Vaizen?"
Votes | Choice |
11 |
Talk to your sisters while on the way. See if they're doing anything interesting.
9 |
I can behave as much as my big sisters!
6 |
Behave (or try to)
6 |
I'm Mama's girl through and through!
4 |
4 |
Inspect in-flight entertainment. There might be something you like.
3 |
Try to strike up conversation with some of the other passengers. They might be interesting! And more importantly they won't make you try to shut up like Einhart.
2 |
2 |
Get bored and start wandering around.
2 |
2 |
I'm Murder ready!
1 |
[Lie] Yes!
"No!" Wait, wrong thing to say, "Yes! I'm a Mama's girl through and through! I can behave just as much as my big sisters!"
This does not seem to put her at ease, but she at least leans her head back and slowly drifts off to recharge-land for humans.
Yeah! You can behave! You know how to do that!
While you're waiting, why not call some big sisters and see how they're doing?
Calling: Iota.
"(Sis?)" It's Iota! "(Is something wrong? You said you were going on a sleepover at Vivio's house, but you weren't there. Did something happen?)"
Oh right! You may have forgot to tell them about your big adventure! You can tell them about right now while you're flying through space!
"(Hehe, well, I'm on a new secret mission!)"
Iota says something to somebody in the background but tries to hide it over the call. Bad move, sis! You can tell she's talking from the radio interference.
"(..Lil Sis, tell me everything about the 'secret mission' you're on, and please do not leave out any details.)"
Wow! Iota seems serious about this, she must want to help you on your mission!
You tell her about the secret plan to pose as Vivio during the 'Exhibition' thing. She seems to be intently listening, but at the end Iota also breathes a sigh.
"(The humans are really having you participate in a martial arts exhibition?)"
"(Do you even know what that means? Please don't say-)"
"(Murder, right?)"
There's a long pause for a few seconds before Iota continues talking.
"(No, not murder. It means to show off your martial arts skills, your perfectly normal, human limits of your fighting ability.)"
"(I'm better than human, though!)" You beam with pride, "(My fighting ability far exceeds all of them!)"
"(But you're pretending to be a human, Lil Sis.)"
"(That's right! And I'm going to make that human so proud when I show how good I can fight!)"
There's another long pause, she must be so proud of my plan!
"(Lil' Sis, how long do you have to talk?)"
"(The red human said it would take an hour to get to Vaizen!)"
"(..I would normally say stop what you're doing and come home, but you're already on the ship, so there's no chance of that.)"
"(Do you mind if I put you through to Oscar, Lil' Sis?)"
You blink, "(Oscar? Why Grumpy Sis Oscar?)"
"(Because she's the only one with any practical knowledge of human martial arts. It's some kind of hobby to her. I want you to get a very basic crash course in fighting like a human and not crushing everything you touch like I'm sure you would try to do if you were told to spar with anyone.)"
You get the feeling this is going to be a lecture like no other. Grumpy sis has all these ideas about 'honor' and 'beauty' and these things that you don't really understand. So you typically try to tune her out.
You like playing with Amadeus though, he's so cool!
Maybe you should listen this one time, because you're either getting a lecture from Iota or from Oscar.
Or you could just hang up the phone and not take any calls. You know what you're doing! Everyone is just worrying.
Votes | Choice |
12 |
Okay, I'll talk to Grumpy Sis
10 |
+Remember to record Grumpy Sis if we talk to her so we can check if we're doing it right later.
10 |
+ The mission is just to look like Vivio and advertise! I succeed 50% of the mission just by existing!
6 |
+Can you tell Gamma-mama to come watch?
3 |
I don't want to talk to Grumpy sis! Let's play checkers!
3 |
+ Big Sis Oscar eliminated all enemies on Vaizen, right? That means that she beated humans or muders a lot, right?
3 |
But I have all the basic skills!
3 |
It's not fair that people are so afraid of me when Vivio 'Axel Smash' someone almost every day!
1 |
Say "That sounds boring, Bye!", and hang up the call
1 |
If humans can't do what I can, they should just get better!
"(Okay.)" You concede that you probably can't argue with Iota on this one, "(I'll talk to Grumpy Sis.)"
"(Thank you, and try not to call her that, she has a complex about being called 'Grumpy'.)"
"(Okay! I'll try not to call Grumpy 'Grumpy!')"
Iota sighs, "(I'm putting you through now. Please be patient with her.)"
You smile.
You're going to learn how to beat people up the human way! This will be a great way to get to know Oscar better.
Calling: Oscar
"(Young one.)" Oscar's voice
"(No, I'm Lil' Sis!)" You smile at nothing. "(Hi Grum-)"
"(-Oscar! I was trying to get some training because I have to do a martial arts exhibition in about-)"
You check the time-.
"(Forty minutes! That's long enough to learn all of human combat, right?)"
"(Perhaps.)" Oscar seems calm about this! "(Let it be known that once you start down this path, there is no turning back.)"
Oscar, that sounds so nerdy!
"(If you wish to proceed, let's start a VR session. I have much to show you.)"
OOH! A VR session! You haven't done one of these in a while.
"(Okay!)" You beam with a smile, and close your eyes. "(I'm ready!)"
Entering Virtual Reality..
Hehe! This will be fun!
Unlike your other forays into Virtual Reality. This one is controlled entirely by Oscar. So the place she wants to show you is-

A white room?
You immediately jump into one of the red chairs and start jumping up and down on it.
That is, until you hear a booming voice. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Oscar.

"Lil Sis." Oscar stands in the white void with her barrier jacket on, and a smile on her face. "How rare it is for sisters to seek out my knowledge."
She looks cool but why is she wearing sunglasses?
"Yeah! I really am looking forward to this Martial Arts thing!" It sounds fun, to say the least!
"Martial arts is more than an artform, Lil' Sis. It's a way of life, and a rite of passage, passed from one generation to the next." She lifts her arms up, "For this, let's find an appropriate venue. I have one in mind."
There's another simulated gust of virtual air as the white room suddenly moves very quickly around you. When it decides to stop, you find yourself in a completely new room!

"To train the mind, and to train the body." She continues. "Is an artform that you don't suddenly 'learn', but for us, the ones who are chosen with gifted bodies and minds, we are destined to inherit the greatest form of any art we put our minds to."
You look over toward Oscar, and she's wearing a completely different outfit!
"This is a sparring arena. Very similar to how humans train their martial arts skills. What you need to know, and what I need to teach you- will be the most masterful form of human combat."

"Let's begin, with a quick warm-up. Show me how you fight, Lil' Sis. Hit me, if you can."
You blink, and look down. You're wearing a very similar outfit as well!
You simply blink at her as she maintains her 'kicking' pose.
Votes | Choice |
13 |
Play along! This seems fun!
10 |
+Give your best Oscar-winning smile!
10 |
Copy her pose.
8 |
7 |
Hit her like the fist of angry god!
5 |
+Be sure to be big while doing this
2 |
2 |
+So what, you're saying I can dodge spells?
1 |
..Can you just give me the basic version? I have exactly 38 minutes, now.
1 |
1 |
+Oscar! I see your underwear!
92 = 92
69 = 69
58 = 58
42 = 42
48 = 48
45 = 45
"Hehe." This seems fun! This seems dangerous! This seems like you're going to really enjoy it.
You raise your leg, and copy her pose.
Then, you give your best Oscar-winning smile. Of course that is the smile to win over Oscar.
"Show me what you got!" Oscar confidently shouts.
You immediately start by throwing a buster at her, she immediately blocks it. Her barrier jacket gets shattered.
Then, in the blink of an eye, she follows up with a takedown.
"First lesson." Oscar sighs, as she repairs her jacket instantly. "Don't undress girls in the middle of an arena."
"But you and Juliett do it all the time!"
"Do NOT compare me to Juliett." Oscar sighs, "Martial arts is the skill of the hand and the foot. Breakers and magic come into play, but only after you learn the basics of the hand and the foot."
This is getting a little weird and incomprehensible.
But! You are more than willing to try anything. After all, you have thirty seven minutes left. You can learn this 'martial arts' thing!
You regain your original pose, and Oscar smiles.
"Very good." She raises her foot once more, "Let's try again."
"More! Faster!"

Oscar continues to have you beat up on punching bags, they sway and rattle as your non-augmented strength batters them as if they're made of lead!
"Oscar! Why did you make the simulation to where I'm weak?!"
"Martial arts is independent on if you're strong or weak." Oscar corrects you, "Martial arts is the power that enforces the will."
"But I just punch things until murder happens.." You feel a bit coy about it, even if you know that it's the truth.
"Because what you're doing is not martial arts." Oscar corrects you, with a smile. "Come on, let's see some more fists on those punching bags.
"Okay Oscar.." You huff, and slow down.
This is not something you're used to experiencing, and you're certain it's because of her messing with Virtual Reality again!

"Why is running part of Martial arts?"
"We, as Raptors, do not understand what it means to put ourselves up to the limit." Oscar floats next to you as you sprint your legs off, "The purpose of this is to teach you what that means."
"All it teaches me is that legs can pain! I didn't know that before!" You whine.
"It's legs can 'hurt', Lil Sis. And trust me, after a short time, you'll forget that pain exists at all."
Short time?!
How long are you going to be doing this!
"Yeah!" Oscar shouts, "Give it your all!"
You punch the bags with increasing speed. Oscar was right, you've learned this part far faster than any human ever could.
You're not sure if she turned down the difficulty or if you're just getting better at it, either ways.
"That was murder!" You shout in excitement as you give the last bag a final punch!

"Faster Lil' Sis! You're getting it, now!"
"This is-"

-So easy!
A car starts slowly driving along the virtual road next to your simulated jog. You match pace with it! According to Oscar, this is all without your augmentations.
"You're understanding, now." Oscar smiles.
"Your movements, your form, you're starting to be as brisk as the wind."

You dive off of the VR diving board, and land in the olympic sized swimming pool.
Oscar winks, and snaps her fingers. In an instant, the pool becomes an ocean! There's a school of sharks surrounding you!
"Come on, Lil' Sis, they aren't gonna slow you down!"
You start hitting them with your honed techniques. To humans they would be terrifying, to you, they are simply punching bags that can float, they start to get ejected from the water with punch after punch after punch after punch!
"All the way to the top Sis!"

You triple-step up the stairs as virtual sweat pours off of your body. Your augments are gone, but you feel so alive!
Your final spring brings you to the top!

"You're on top of the world, Sis! Keep going!"
You hop to the top of the stairs, and turn to look down at Oscar.

"You're at the top, Lil' Sis! Nothing can take you down!"
About three minutes later..
A green-haired human starts to stir in her sleep. She slowly wakes from it as the slow mechanical voice of the ship gives a very sterile but informative message.
"Arriving at: Seabridge Spaceport, Vaizen."
"Okay, I'm glad I got a nap, then." Einhart stretches her arms with a pop, "Lil' Sis, are you ready to go-"

"Yes, Green Human. I am ready." You stare straight ahead like a hawk eying it's prey. "Let us face the battle ahead of us."
Einhart doesn't say anything for a long time, again.
"Uh, Sis?" She blinks, "You're looking kind of serious, suddenly. Did.. something happen while I was asleep?"
"I have been training for this moment." You scowl at nothing, "Oscar has taught me the art of the fist, and the spirit. I was blind, but now; I see."
"..You were what now? Oscar?"
Einhart looks around.
"..I don't see Oscar anywhere."
"-It was in Virtual Reality. I never had to really train for much anything in my life, but now I understand. The mentality of a true warrior."
This doesn't seem to clear up Einhart's worry.
"..You're telling me that the hour I was asleep, you've had a complete virtual reality training session with someone on another planet? How long did this last for?"
You remember the eons of pushing yourself to the limit, of finding true enlightenment, of bonding with Oscar in the virtual landscapes and remote scenery of far-off planets.
"-a day."
".." Einhart simply glances at you, "Well be careful putting any of that into practice, Virtual Reality is just a video game. It's not reality, and you shouldn't treat it that way."
"Ah yes, the memes." You mumble.
"The memes of the fight. The memes of warriors. The information passed from one generation to the next. Reality is indifferent to the experiences shared by the soul."
"Congratulations, Lil' Sis." Einhart sighs, "You've managed to out-babble me with heart-of-the-warrior nonsense, even at my worst."
"I am honored."
"That's not a compliment." Einhart huffs, "Can you at least fix your face?"
"Oh, it seems my face has gotten stuck like this!" You start feeling along the edges of your head, "Help!"
Einhart reaches over, and tugs at your cheek. Almost as if a rubber band has been pulled to its snapping point; you feel your face return to normal!
"Okay! Whew." You smile as the artificial muscles in your face relax. "Thanks Green Human!"
"It's fine, also zip up your coat." She reaches over and pulls it up over your aged-up storage tanks.
You stand up and follow Einhart and the other humans out of the spacecraft. You find yourself in a relatively large spaceport.
"I'm going to the restroom." Rio proclaims.
"Oh you're going to-" Einhart immediately puts her finger over your mouth.
"We'll be waiting right here." Red human pats you on the head. You lean into it, and that kind of weirds Red human out for some reason.
Rio heads off toward the restrooms, and you decide that while everyone is distracted; you will separate yourself from Red human's hand and follow Rio. You don't really want to just stand around while you're gifted with all of this new Martial Arts knowledge!
Inside of the 'restroom', a girl stands defiantly against several men who very clearly shouldn't be in the women's restroom. Despite the fact that the act of violating the sacred space of the girl's bathroom should carry certain stigmas associated with humans; these men seem to defy all of them. They seem very professional, aren't here for games or pleasure, and are instead asking a pointed question of two humans they have cornered.
"Listen, we just need the red-haired one to not show up to the exhibition later." One of them men states to them, "It's nothing personal, I have some drugs you can take that will knock you out until it's over."

"You didn't answer who you are working for!" One of girls confronts them with her barrier jacket armed. "It's against Vaizen civil code 20.343-"

"Four-eyes, stop." The girl behind her puts her hand on her shoulder, "I can handle this myself, don't get involved."
"This isn't about you, this is about someone trying to cheat the tournament. This is a police incident, now! Even worse than perverts cornering young girls in the bathroom!"
"Els, please."
"Please don't make a bigger scene than you have already made." One of the men aims his hand-held device at her, "Or we'll have to injure you the hard way."
Two of the three men spin around, and are met face-to-face with:

A not-too-happy purple human.
"Rio! Wait! They have guns! Go get help!" The bespectacled girl gives a command to the purple human.
The other two men chase after her as she exits from the restroom, but are both stopped when-

66 = 66
33 = 33
11 = 11
18 = 18
44 = 44
61 = 61
86 = 86
3 = 3
3 = 3
17 = 17
"V-Vivio?! Don't!"
"Omae wa mo-"
The useless seeker from their device taps against your head, and then vanishes like a puff of smoke.
Your face has a much more sinister smile on it, now.
Tink.. Tink.. dink..
You walk out of the bathroom with a very proud smile on your face.
This means Oscar was right! Green human was wrong!
What you learned in VR really does transfer to reality! You'll have to go find other places to try out your new skills.
As you're leaving, the two girls emerge from the restroom.
"..Can I go get the police, now?" The inferior eyesight human replies.
"Hell no!" The red-haired miniature human replies, "The place is a mess and several of those guys were dunked through a concrete wall! I can't explain that to the police, they'll suspect me. Let's just give them a call over the phone."
You're not going to lie, you're feeling pretty smug. You're watching Rio run off in a hurry as she tries to find someone, and you feel like following her is the best chance you have at further proving your skills.
This is exacerbated by a fancy-dressed human coming up and suddenly accosting you.
"Hey, you're the champion, right? I've been told to escort you to the arena.. Follow me."
"I'm busy!" You smile at the nice man.
"I said-" You see his hand grasp something in his pocket, and point it toward you, "Follow me."

You use the fact his hand is in his pocket to blindside the other part of his body with a kick. It strikes so true, and so quickly that he barely has time to sputter before flipping over once and landing head-first on the floor.
Then, you continue on your mission.
Rio very stupidly approaches the first human she sees who seems to be dressed in human-police-officer fashion.
"Hey!" She shouts at him, "There's a problem! In the women's restroom!"
"Oh, you're Rio Wesley, right?" The man turns to her, "There is a problem, and if you try to transform to fix it, I'm going to kick your ass."
He reaches for his baton at the side of his hip.
Almost by reflex, Rio punches him right in the kidney as his body turns to grab his baton. Apparently, he forgot that Rio didn't need to transform to kick his ass.
He stumbles over in agony as Rio starts to scan the relatively vacant part of the spaceport terminal.
"What is going on?" Rio is starting to look worried.
"Excuse me, purple human." You greet her, and she looks a bit relieved to see you.
82 = 82
49 = 49
63 = 63
20 = 20
93 = 93
76 = 76
61 = 61
"It appears the tournament has already started!" You beam with glee, "Lots of meaty punching bags to rack up points on!"
"N-No, Sis." Rio tries to correct you, "This is all new, this isn't normal. The tournament isn't supposed to start for another few hours, and it's not going to take place in the space terminal of Seabridge."
You blink.
"..Then why so many targets?"
"That's what I would like to know." Rio huffs, "Why are there so many targets? Why now?"
"Good question!" You pick up the guy Rio just dispatched, "I'll ask!"
"EXCUSE ME!" You yell right into the face of the sputtering bad guy you're keeping aloft by his shirt, "Why are there so many targets, now?!"
"L-Look, we were just told to reduce the competition, I don't know who-"
"THAT DOESN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!" You pick him up, and he starts to squeal.
"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT-" He puts up his tiny little meat hands! "Hold on, wait, I know that, whoever hired us also hired us to kidnap the previous champion, as well!"
You're not sure how to process his words. This doesn't really help narrow things down, either.
"I mean, that's better than nothing, right?!"
You unceremoniously drop him to the ground with a 'thunk'.
"Should we tell red human about this?" You blink, and search around. You don't see her in the crowd.
"I would think that's a good idea." Rio blinks, "In fact, I think we should just call the whole trip off and go back to Midchilda."
You stomp your foot, and huff.
"Because 'The Previous Champion' is Vivio, whom you are currently pretending to be."
You turn your head slightly, and blink.
"And, being targeted is something that is very bad regardless if you can beat them up or not!"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
So that means I'm winning?
7 |
Targeted.. Target.. So it's a target rich environment. Cool!
6 |
Gamma is targeted all the time, why can't I!?
4 |
What Vivio would do? What my big sister would do? The materials? Section 6? The answer seems to always be beat someone or blast them...
4 |
If they don't have me to target, they'll target other people, and that'll be worse! Because we'll miss out on all the fun!
3 |
Find Red Human and ask if she saw any targets coming her way.
3 |
But I trained for this moment! For a entire day with Oscar!
3 |
What if I target them? Sounds much better, right?
3 |
They won't stop targeting me if I run away! But they will if we murder them!
1 |
So we're breaking targets? Go find more 'targets' so you don't fall behind in score.
1 |
Don't worry Gamma has a spaceship so we can call an orbital bombardment and wipe out this city infested with bandits!
"So that means.." Your eyes light up, "I'm winning?!"
This causes Rio to give you a stare that seems to waver between exhaustion and frustration.
"If being hunted by a bunch of psychos counts as 'winning', then I never want to win anything ever again." Rio grabs your hand, "Come on, we need to go find Nove."
"What's the problem?" You follow her while keeping an eye out for more punching bags, "If I'm being targeted by targets, that means it's a target rich environment, right? Gamma gets targeted all of the time, why can't I?"
"We REALLY need to ask Cinque or Dr. Carrera why you're so aggressive. This can't be normal, right? You had to have learned it from somewhere." Rio seems almost disappointed.
"Why can't it be normal?"
"Because most people don't respond to being attacked by thugs with joyful glee."
"Are you sure?" You blink, still searching for targets while being dragged, "What would Vivio do differently? Big Sis would be beating down targets, the materials would be beating down targets, section six would be beating down targets. I think you're the abnormal one, here."
Rio ignores you and instead makes a beeline for Red Human. She seems confused as you're pulled up next to Rio.
"There you are! Where did you two go? Were the bathrooms that crowded?"
"Nove, this is serious, we're being targeted by thugs."
"It's true-" Oh! It's the augmented human earlier with the glasses, "Harry and I were attacked in the bathroom earlier. They said they were looking for the champion and-"
"I had no idea Vivio could do that.." 'Harry' follows up behind her, looking almost sick. "I'm kind of scared to fight her again in the arena."
"..Well, then that settles it." Nove grabs your arm, "We're leaving, we'll board the next shuttle to wherever, and we will simply forfeit."
"What?!" You give the best puppy dog eyes you can while being having neither organic eyes or being Canine. "We're leaving?!"
"That's right." She immediately grabs Fuuka by the arm as well, and beckons to the other humans in your entourage. "This is now bigger and more important than the exhibition. This is now crossed into life-threatening and I'm NOT threatening anyone's lives on this trip. I'll text Zafira and tell him to leave, too."
"Especially yours, Vivio. I can only be breakered so many times in one life." Nove seems to have an almost visible chill run down her spine.
"She's right." Oh no, Green Human! Not you too! "There might be survivors of the Raptors Rampage from a few months ago."
"Raptors.. Rampage?"
"Let's just say Seabridge has had a steep drop in crime since then, which is why we'll leave this to law enforcement."
"Hold on! Wait!" You plead with her, and point out something that should be obvious to the humans, if they were paying attention. "There are other bad humans around!"
"Really? Like who?" Rio seems confused.
"The ones following us right now?"
Nove stops, and turns around.
"Which ones- Oh."
Red Human immediately notices the very obvious humans dressed in dollar store police uniforms. They glance almost directly at her. Which is good, because it means that they aren't very skilled at their fake-jobs!
"Can I go murder, now?"
"Vivio, let's talk while we move." Red human interrupts you, and pulls you along.
"What's the plan?" Corona is starting to look obviously worried at this point, she grabs you around the chest while she walks.
"We can't hide here, unless I want to get my parole revoked for fighting in a public space. So the best bet is to find Zafira." Nove replies, "There's no reason for anyone to panic. I'm going to text Zafira now, and we'll be on our way to anyplace other than here."
"Panic?" Green human blinks, "I'm not panicking, but are you okay, Nove?"
"You're panting heavily while sweating." Fuuka points out.
"..Am I okay with being followed by armed thugs while escorting children? No, I'm not. I'm very worried mostly because Vivio seems to be the one that's being targeted. So please, stay close to me, and do not look at them."
Votes | Choice |
9 |
She's distracted! Use this opportunity to leave her sight and become the WARRIOR OF THE NORTH STAR! ORRRAA
5 |
Snipe him with the assassination skills, but not too hard or Nove will be mad.
4 |
Quick a distraction! hack some nearby tv/radio to blare loud music so Nove looks the wrong way for a second then engage the fun ruiners
4 |
I'm also targeting them, Nove! None shall escape!
3 |
Taunt the people following you.
2 |
+Use EM module to change colors as a disguise
2 |
+Break line of sight before engaging
2 |
+Change voice to be extra scary
1 |
Ok, I'm going to go murder, now.
1 |
Follow along because you don't really know where this is and you might get lost.
1 |
You Thought it was Vivio? But it was me! Vivio!
72 = 72
15 = 15
68 = 68
17 = 17
85 = 85
40 = 40
35 = 35
82 = 82
"Okay! I won't look at them." You smile at Red Human.

Red Human is also too preoccupied to notice you pick up a fist-sized ceramic salt-shaker from the table. It has plenty of heft, and a lot of salt inside to go along with it!
Without missing a beat, you spin on your heel, and throw it as hard as you can at the man following you!
There is only a vague commotion in the distance as you hear the projectile strike its target true.
Now, this may seem like you've disobeyed Nove's orders to not make eye-contact, but you've actually been very careful to specifically target him without making eye contact. In truth, your rear-facing cameras were tracking his form the whole time. So you have, in fact, followed Nove's words down to the letter!
Nove continues dragging Fuka along as they both try to plead with Nove to simply slow down. You want Nove to reconsider leaving, as well. You're also well-aware that Mr. Doggy will probably figure out that you're not Vivio the second that he lays eyes on you. So you do need some way to distract Red Human. Walking away and starting to beat up thugs is a great idea, or just hacking some of the radios and TVs to cause chaos. Though, causing chaos here may change her mind more than help it.
This is so frustrating! If only you had some kind of mind contro-
You mean distraction.
Mind Control is what Rho does.
Rho would be very helpful right now, though. Where is she when you need her?
In the meantime; you need to think up of another distraction so she doesn't meet wolf-human.
You could
- Hack the terminals and TVs to be really annoying
- Hack her phone to lead her away from Doggy
- Use a flashbang spell
- Just ignore her and go fight Eclipse humans
- Tell her you're not Vivio and just accept any punishment (for some reason this is listed as the 'responsible' option)
- All of the above.
All of the above is very tempting, but let's think about the possibilities, first. If you hack the terminals and TVs; it will distract everybody and thus accomplish your goal of a diversion. If you lead her away from Doggy, then she can't scrub this and leave. If you go fight Eclipse bad guys, then she has no reason to leave. If you distract everyone and then tell her that you're not Vivio, then you can say that you told her so, later!
"Excuse me, Ms. Red Human?"
"Vivio, can you walk and talk?"
"Sure! You see, I'm-"
You turn around to see the wrench that has seemingly thrust itself into your plan.

It's poor-eyesight human! Also her friend trailing behind her.
"What was that, earlier?! I should arrest you for disturbing the peace and causing at least a couple thousand in property damage, but I'm more intrigued why you're seemingly made of steel! You're not that-"
"What? Property damage?" Nove turns around when she hears that.

All of the monitors on the nearby wall suddenly erupt into static and shrill test patterns.
"OW!" Nove lets go of your hand, "What is going on?!"
"Sis, don't!" Einhart accidentally calls your real name.
"Haha, yeah, anyway, Red human! I'm not Vivio and I'm not really afraid of gross Eclipse humans so I'm going to go deal with that right now, don't go leaving the planet or trying to buy tickets back because we're going to have the bestest exhibition ever after I deal with this one little problem!" You blurt out as quickly as you can to the point of being near unintelligible.
"THAT'S FINE! I'LL MEET BACK WITH YOU IN A SECOND-" You smile, and wave. Einhart desperately tells you not to do it.
That's when a hollow thud is muted by the sound of the televisions. One of your 'fallback plans' for something just like this slips out from under your skirt, and rolls on the floor with a 'ping'!

"-BYE NOW." You wave with a smile.
The televisions suddenly stop their klaxon blaring.
Nove is nothing short of pissed, and extremely worried.
"VIVIO!?" She shouts over the confused crowd. They scatter in all different directions as Nove scrambles to find the child of the White Devil that she was chaperoning until just a second ago.
"She's gone!" El's shouts as she coughs, and searches around. "Where did she go?!"
Behind both of them, Einhart and Fuuka simply glance at each other.
The expression on both of their faces resemble aging statues, ready to crumble. Their sinking hearts alone have aged them far past the minimum for the next age bracket in their tournament group, if such a thing could be measured.
You've lost the humans, they're safe, and the phone network has agreed to take a short, ten minute nap for you.
Very kind of it!
Where were you, again? Before all of this interrupted you.
Oh right.
"Ow, ow, ow, fucking bitch, ow ow-."
There he is! You were worried that you lost him, but his constant primitive human swears easily gives him away among the crowd.
You walk up to a man carrying another man by his shoulder. The other man presses a stiff ice pack against his forehead as a salt-shaker-shaped bump continues to grow. He continues to swear under his breath as you approach with a smile.
"Excuse me!"

"You're one of the gross idiot humans who ruined my day off, right? Well, let me tell you what I think-"

"-About trying to kidnap my human!"
They both fall like a sack of bricks as one topples over the other. You dust off your fists and drop your adult-form transformation. Then, you give a little curtsy.

"So the moral is: never come near or look at anything that even looks like me ever again. Or I really WILL murder next time."
With that, you're back off with a swish of the dress Green Human put you in. It's kind of restrictive, you kind of like the adult form better. However, adult form would also let Nove find you easier.
You're sure to extract all of the numbers from both of their phones to your databank so you can try and pinpoint who needs to be murdered next. Thankfully, a couple of these numbers are currently nearby! One of them was on a video chat and saw that whole exchange! Maybe he needs a live performance?
64+27+10+8 = 109
24 = 24
100 = 100
94 = 94
87 = 87
4 = 4
By your logic, if you keep following these numbers from calls received.
You'll find the big bad boss that you can beat up and then you can steal his loot! This is just like your beat-em-up games!
"Hehe." You giggle to yourself as you inconspicuously hide among the crowd. One of the targets draws into sight. He's desperately calling number after number after number on his cell phone.
Which, unbeknownst to him, is giving you plenty of mini-bosses to visit later!

"Excuse me." You transform into adult mode, and slide right up next to him.
Without as much as missing a beat, you put your arm around him.
"-You wouldn't be one of the people who have been trying to kidnap me recently, have you? Before you say no, remember that I have your phone's contact list."
"Wrong answer~" You move on to the next number in his list- who is only about two hundred feet away.
He somehow notices from the commotion that his beatdown is coming on swift feet. He makes eye contact with you as the phone nearly slips from his hand and clatters on the ground.
He juggles it for a moment before doing the one smart thing that you've seen a human do all day.
He starts sprinting down the hallway, and you give a quick chase.
"HEY SOFT HUMAN! I JUST WANT TO TALK!" You tell after him, but you don't think this makes him slow down any.
He starts sprinting down the terminal of the Spaceport, and rounds the corner into, what one of the security cameras has told you, is a dead end.
You slowly follow behind him as he tries desperately to open a locked security door.

"So, as I was saying~" You walk up behind him, "I think it's time for you to-"
"STOP!" He turns around, and holds his phone aloft. "Fuck, she's gonna kill me for this, but you can NOT kill me. I have photos of you naked!"
You stop, and simply blink.
"..And?" You're sure Gamma alone must have several terabytes of that already.
"AND- IF YOU DON'T BACK THE FUCK OFF RIGHT NOW THIS IS GOING TO THE INTERNET." He shouts, his thumb hovering near an ominous 'send' button.
You glance at the small screen and realize that the pictures contained on it aren't of you, but of your human. It involves various human activities of her stitched together into a number of pictures.

There must be a dozen pictures here, some with her friends, some with her parents. Some of her in the bath, some of her changing in a locker room, some of her.. on a human sanitation device, yuck.
"How did you get this?" You blink.
"It took ages but we were able to sneak these shots out, and we're not the only ones with them. If you don't FUCK OFF right this moment, this is going to be front page everywhere on the-"
Ah, he forgot something.
You walk up to him, and kabedon the wall behind him so hard that it cracks.
"Who has the others?"
He turns the phone toward him, and reads the ominous red message on it.
'Network error.'
'Connect to a network to continue file transfer.'
You need to thank the phone network later for taking a short break!

"Wow, it looks like it's just you, and I." You smile at him, menacingly. "So, about those pictures."
"Vaizen International Women's Dojo!" An announcement rains out over the P.A. system.
"You're up, my lady." An official-looking man gives a slight bow as a girl drags an entire load of luggage behind her.

"Thank you, Edward!" She smiles. "Don't worry, I'll make Vaizen proud!"
"Worry not; my lady, everything you do makes me proud." The well-dressed butler gives a bow.
"Hehe, wait for me!"
She leaves her luggage behind with the man as she heads through the double doors.
Inside, there's a locker room with several booths and showers. Of course, no one is allowed entry while she's inside. So that means the whole locker room is hers.
She starts to change, and very casually glances at her phone.
"Don't worry, Edward. I think today's competition will be rather sparse."
She taps her messages, and counts the status of the teams she's enlisted.
Teams two and three have gone missing, but that's not surprising. She expected a few to get caught doing this. Team one is tagging along the Nakajima Gym members, and have reported a few minor injuries. Four has stopped the Church team from attending. So that just leaves five, six, and seven. All three were sent to stop that demon known as 'Sieg' and 'Victor' from showing up. So she doesn't expect them to make it back.
That's fine, though.
Their only purpose is to keep them from making the attendance deadline at the Exhibition.
She glances at the mirror, and winks.
Winning by default wouldn't make for a very flashy tagline for the Vaizen's Women's Dojo, but it would make for a great headline in tomorrow's paper.
Vaizen's own home-grown women's champion skewers a unanimous victory from her league's intermiddle champion including multiple former champions in uncontested victory.
Of course she could never actually beat any of these people herself in the ring. She's well aware of that reality. With any luck, and with some help from a little bit of 'insurance', she'll never have to.
She snaps the phone shut, and smiles at the mirror.

There's more to winning than just what happens in the arena.
"Almost time!" There's a knock on the locker room door.
"Set- on."
There's a flash of light as her barrier jacket manifests. It washes over her, and her normal clothes disintegrate as it takes its place.

"I'm ready~" She steps out into the hallway, "Let's go."
The arena is packed, as it especially is as her family has been advertising the first major win for Vaizen's Dojos today. Sure, when most of everyone doesn't show up, the spectators will be disappointed. That won't change the headlines tomorrow. She walks into the arena, and the holographic barriers engage.
Of course, she wouldn't have been able to win this contest, either. Her father opted to have a non-contact showcase just in case Vivio DID show up. She wasn't about to get battered around by 'the champ'.
"IT SEEMS NAKAJIMA GYM IS HAVING SOME TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY, STAND BY-" The announcer makes up some obvious lie to cover up the fact they didn't even show up.
She smiles where no one can see it.
"That's too bad, Vivio." She plays with one of her curls, "On Vaizen, I'm the champ. Never forget it."

"Vivio?" The girl blinks as she watches the figure bash one of the coaches out of the way, and approach the arena. "Wait, that can't be-"
"LOOK AT THIS! IT'S THE CHAMP HERSELF! IT SEEMS SHE MADE IT AFTER ALL!" The announcer very proudly announces your arrival.
To tell the truth, you're not entirely sure what is going on here. Just that this is where the 'Exhibition' is held, and that girl on stage is who the pictures came from.
You approach the stage with a purpose on your mind.
"Vivio.." The girl simply gawks as you easily press past the barrier holding the arena together.
"Excuse me." You stand before her, with your arms on your hips, "Maybe I don't know too much about this 'Exhibition' thing, nor do I really understand why so many humans are paying to watch kids beat each other up when they could beat up each other for free."
Your voice is echoed across the entire stadium, but you don't let that stop you.
"-But what I do know! Is that trying to force your opponents to retire with pictures of them moving their disgusting humanly fluids around, that-"

"Are the actions of the enemies of Justice! And if you're not Justice's friend, then you must be Justice's enemy!"
"P-pictures?!" She suddenly looks extremely nervous, her hands start to shake as she glances nervously around the arena. "W-w-w-what are you talking about, Vivio?! I'm just here to compete, just like you are!"
You clench your fists, and grit your teeth. The one thing an ally of justice cannot stand are the weak lies of an enemy of justice!
"Your words are empty, villain!" You point an accusing finger at her, "You try to hide your evil desires through lies and deceit! You've tried to eliminate me from this exhibition, three times! One of your hired thugs shot physical weapons at me! To make it worse, you have compromising photos of Vivi- I mean me, and I want you to hand them over, right now!"
"Pfft-" This girl, she's laughing? "That's a hilarious story, but it looks more like you just want to get me cut from the Exhibition. Sorry, not happening." She winks at you.
"Of course the mastermind of this nefarious plot wouldn't go down without a fight, but I have more than words.-"

"I have justice on my side!" You shout, and immediately hack the telescreens on the outset, surrounding the arena.
Several screens play the incidents of the physical bullets hitting you, of the man outright talking on the phone about trying to find and kidnap you, and, finally, the man who threatened you with pictures of Vivio.
"..I have no idea who those people are." She lies as easily as she breathes!
"Yet you have him in your phone's directory." You grit your teeth, "Speaking of which, where is your phone?"
"None of your damn business. Skank." Her tone immediately changes, and she assumes a fighting pose. "I have no obligation to give it to some lying Midchilda whore."
You simply stare at her sloppy form, her nervous posture, and you feel a smile spread across your face.
"So you won't be home tonight, huh?"

"Sorry sweetie.." Fate sounds genuinely upset that she won't be around to see her sick little girl, "I'm in the middle of investigating a blackmail incident involving several TSAB personnel and large company on Vaizen. I probably won't be back until tomorrow morning."
"Aw, that's okay.." Vivio smiles from under her sheets, she's wrapped up like a cocoon. "Just be safe, Mom.."

"Try to be safe, honey." Nanoha sits comfortably on Vivio's bed and stares at the holoscreen. "Call me back if you think of anything for me to buy at the store."
"What's for dinner tonight?" Fate seems extremely interested in hearing about what Nanoha is cooking.
"-Curry, for our little sick girl."
Vivio perks up, and unwinds herself from the sheets, slightly.
"That's the smile I like to see." Fate seems almost wistful as she gets ready to hang up the phone.
"Fate! Hey! Sis!" The sound of Chrono's voice is picked up by the holoscreen projection, "I think you need to cut it short. We need to get to the stadium, right away! It's urgent."
"Oh, Got to go!" Fate winks, "Stay safe!"
"Bye Mom."
"Stay safe, honey."
With a blip, the screen is gone.
Nanoha takes a thermometer out of Vivio's shirt, and glances at it.
"It's come down quite a bit. I think you'll be able to visit your friends on Vaizen tomorrow."
Vivio sighs. It's bad enough she missed it, but it's even worse that-
Vivio stops herself mid-sentence, and seems to almost sweat.
"Y-yeah, that'll be great."
"Want to turn the TV on and see if your friends are on?"
"No thanks!" Vivio answers, almost immediately. "I think I would like to take a nap."
"Okay, try to sleep well~" Nanoha takes the ice pack off of Vivio's head, and gives her a slight kiss.
Vivio blushes as her mother stands up from the bed, and walks out the door.
Then, she starts to panic.
Her hands deftly open up a holoscreen, and she tunes in the correct channel.
"I really hope the exhibition went by without a hitch. All Lil' Sis had to do was-"
"KYAA! Get off of me you nasty pervert!!"
"Tell me, Villain! Where did you keep your phone! I can search your whole body if I need to!"
A referee steps up to apprehend the Vivio-like-demon on-stage, but is battered away with a light flick as if he was an insect.
The crowd, for some unexplainable reason, is loving every second of it, though.
Vivio only wishes she could say the same.
She watches as the figure on screen continues to strip the barrier jacket of what appears to be Vaizen's #1 contender.

"W-.." Vivio is at a lost for words, "What is this? Is this real life? No, No no no no no.."
She whimpers as the figure on screen picks up the contender by the shoulder like she's a ragdoll. The demon Vivio holds her aloft while her prey moves her limbs to protect her purity from the cameras.
"Where's Nove?! Where's Einhart? Where's"
This is followed by the sudden realization that Vivio can no longer show her face in public after this. This is going to be in tabloids everywhere.
"How could this get any worse?"
"Honey.." There's a call by the door, and Vivio quickly shuts off the holoscreen.
"Come in!" Vivio slides back below the covers.
In comes a much different beast than the one who just left a few minutes ago.

One who has a very ominous smile in place of the warm one she was wearing just a few minutes ago.
Vivio already realizes that she is in grave danger.
"Honey.." Nanoha mumbles, "Let's both turn on the TV, and you can explain the exhibition match going on. There seems to be a new contender, and their fighting style is a little different from what I've seen before."
Vivio was wrong.
Things could get a LOT worse.
"Your primitive shrill distractions will not stop my mission! Give it! Give the phone right now!"
"OKAY! OKAY!" The dangling girl in your hand reaches up onto her wrist, and presses a button. A tiny tube-like transmitter device comes out. You quickly scan through it, and realize that this is actually a very small and compact mobile device. "HERE, HERE IT IS! STOP! I CONFESS TO EVERYTHING! I HAVE PICTURES OF EVERY CONTENDER ON VAIZEN! JUST STOP! NO MORE! NO MORE GRABBING ME BY THE CHEST AND-"
"Hmph, as expected. It's all here." You hold the phone close to yourself. "This just goes to show that good will always triumph against-"
You recoil slightly as something punches you in the back of the head. You knew they were coming from the rear-facing cameras, but you're not sure why they would punch you.
"Oh, Einhart-" You turn and smile at Green human.

Votes | Choice |
11 |
You should be thanking me, look, she has your pictures too.
6 |
I'm serving justice!
5 |
Now the match may begin!
3 |
2 |
Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful!
2 |
I hunted down the members of a conspiracy just like my family! It was fun! :)
1 |
This wicked fiend is the reason of all our problems!
1 |
+Check the phone you were given and send the images to Theo
0 |
Is this the part where I get my trophy?
70 = 70
54 = 54
84 = 84
69 = 69
11 = 11
44 = 44
39 = 39
55 = 55
1 = 1
90 = 90
19 = 19
61 = 61
61 = 61
"I'm serving justice!" You give a great big smile.
This causes Einhart to punch you again.
"What's wrong?" You blink.
"You idiot! You crashed the entire exhibition! We can't EVER come back, now!"
"What?!" You feel confused, "You should be happy that I did this, Green human. Look, she has some of your pictures, too."
"My picture-"
She glances over at the tiny phone, and you pull up a tiny holoscreen meant for her eyes only. On it, you show some of the pictures this girl has been keeping on all of the contenders. Including Einhart in the shower.
This makes her stop, and then utter a slow command.
"Sis, follow my lead, and keep that phone safe. I need you to follow everything I'm about to do if we're going to get out of here."
"Ready?" Einhart, gets ready to pounce.
She suddenly does a leapfrog, and pounces away!

"Well played, hero of justice!" Einhart does a cool pose, "But you underestimate the power of the Hegemon's fist!"
"Hey- What are you doing?!" One of the dumb striped humans who tried to stop you earlier whispers in an angry tone at Einhart.
"Shh- This is all part of the act."
He seems flabbergasted.
"..All of it?!"
"Yep, the whole thing, Vivio interrupting, me punching her, and now her and I sparring. This is our exhibition, and she's giving us a hand."
Both you and Einhart glare at the girl who is half-naked, prone, and shivering.
"Isn't that right?"
"Uhh.." She blinks, and realizes that she now has two of the people she never wanted to try fighting standing in the same arena with her. "-That's right. This is a game. A joke. All of it, including the photos, and the images on screen, those were part of Midchilda's presentation."
"That's right." Einhart growls.
"Oh-" The ref seems confused, but then gives a hand signal, "Let it keep going!"
"OH, THE JUDGES ARE LETTING THIS CONTINUE! IS THIS PART OF THE SHOW?!" The annoying human living in the sky somehow seems to yell to the entire audience. They are practically jumping out of their seats at this point as they scream at the top of their fleshy air-bags. It's extremely grating, and you have no idea if they're trying to provoke you or-
"Think fast!"
Einhart's fist nearly misses you and you both engage in a martial arts dance that you learned with Oscar. You bob, weave, and jump over energy blades that she throws at you. You respond in kind with a few breakers that you, sadly, can't color like Vivio's. Though, they still look impressive all the same.

"Here it comes, Hero of justice!"
She starts to glow green, and you recognize what she's trying to telegraph to you clearly.
You start to glow yourself, and prepare a barrier to absorb what is about to transpire.
"HEGEMON-" Einhart shouts-

Her punch hits your barrier with a shockwave so powerful that it throws the tattered remains of the girls jacket, as well as props and decorations all over the arena in a whirlwind of destruction.

It's so powerful, that the ground beneath you cracks.
It's so powerful, that you even feel it sting a little bit.
Einhart, after her impressive punch, slouches over.
"Next time.. Hero of Justice."
She collapses on the ground. You feel worried for a moment, but she looks at you and gives a 'thumbs up'.
The human crowd
Is roaring.
Frankly, you're not entirely sure why.
You blink, none of those words make any sense to you.
However, what is weird, is that a human with an audio receiving device has just put it in front of your face.
"Well done, Vivio! Anything you want to say for your entry into the exhibition!?"
Einhart suddenly looks up, and is shaking her head while mouthing 'No no no no no no no.'
That's strange, but the instructions are unclear. So, anything you want to say?
Votes | Choice |
8 |
+ *Pose menacingly*
8 |
Thank Oscar for training us
8 |
8 |
+If "No" wins, refuse to elaborate.
5 |
Ooh! Finally, I get to advertise!
5 |
I'd like to dedicate this to Green sister, Red human, and my human Vivio- Wait I didn't mean to say that.
4 |
"Gib Echo"
3 |
+Get pulled off stage before humiliating Vivio anymore
2 |
1 |
"I've come to make an annoucement-"
"I would like to thank my great teacher, Oscar. Who taught me everything I know." You smile, and strike a pose.

"Oscar! That's a new name you haven't mentioned before, do you want to tell us who that is?"
"No!" You smile at the human with the microphone.
Without elaborating any further, you hop off of the stage, and walk toward the exit.
The human is confused by your brilliant answer, but simply moves on.
"..Einhart Stratos! Do you have anything to say?!" The echo roars across the crowd as their demeanor immediately changes. The words grow out of earshot range as you go through the exit, and examine the phone in your hands.
Overall, this has been a great adventure.
You learned new things.
Met new people.
Even stopped a conspiracy! All by yourself!
Gamma is going to be so proud!
Vivio never told you that she has so much fun. If you could, you would love to join a dojo and simply do this every day. Maybe you should found a dojo just for Raptors? You're not sure what they would do, but if it's even half as fun as today has been, then-
You look down at your wrist to see a metal-magic implement snapped around it.
Within a few seconds, your transformation disappears, and you're back to just 'Little Sis'.
"Um?" You blink, and look at the other side of the wire to see who it is connected to.

"Um, excuse me, Big November." You glance upward to address the November shaped human they are connected to, "You put the cuff on the wrong person. The enemy of justice is still in the arena."
"I know who I put them on." She simply replies, with a smile.
You glance back down at the cuffs, and then back at her.
"I don't get it."
"That's fine, I've already called Gamma and Caro. They're going to bring you back to Midchilda."
You simply blink.
"..They're here to congratulate me?!"
"Sure, you can think of it like that." Yellow human simply smiles. "Just like I'll be 'congratulating' your human when I get home tonight."

You smile, and jump in the air slightly. Big November catches you, and sweeps you up into her arms.
"Yay!" You smile.
"..Yay indeed." Yellow human doesn't share the same enthusiasm, but that's fine!
You saved the day!
Everyone is getting congratulations!
Gamma is going to congratulate you the most of all!
"That was a very good display, and you should be very proud of your friends for having the talent for that."
"I know. They're extremely talented."

"You're still grounded, though."
"..I know."
(JMP: Walk a Mile In My Shoes END)
10 = 10
100 = 100
100 = 100
3 = 3
56 = 56
21 = 21
15 = 15
20 = 20
71 = 71
3 = 3
18 = 18
92 = 92
88 = 88
Happy Birthday, Testarossa

"This is a good book."

You watch your sister idly comment on the book she's reading instead of listening to you.
"So, uh, anyway-" You try to get the conversation back on topic, but she kind of ignores you.
"It's a story about a mighty warrior who goes on a journey to find an item of great magical power to bring back a loved one that he lost."
"That sounds nice, but-"
"On his journey, he slowly starts to lose facets of himself as greed overtakes him. His identity is stuck in a struggle between finding the magical item that starts his journey, and finding the reason he started the journey to begin with."
"Okay, but could you still-"
"I'm at the end, right now. It's becoming clear that there is no salvation for him. His search for salvation and freedom has left him even more imprisoned and aimless as the one he was trying to revive. He ambles on with his singular purple being to find the item of power, no matter the cost."
"Wow, I would really love to read it, but-"
"Books are great." Your sister idly replies.
"If you could enjoy them in PEACE."
"As I was saying, November. It's-"
She sits upward with the book tossed onto your lap. You glance at it as she hops to her feet, and heads for the door.
"The banging and rattling and hammering, hammering, HAMMERING has finally gotten through to my sanctuary of peace. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so.. soo- obnoxious and repetitive to ignore." November scowls.
She heads to the door, and is about to open it to go complain to the humans, and you put your hand on her shoulder.
"November, wait! Listen to what I'm telling you!"
"What is it, Rho?!" She huffs.
She seriously doesn't seem to understand why you're here today, why you're in her room, or why you keep trying to talk to her. Again, November has always been a weird one. Someone who just prefers solitude to being active or even going on missions.
You would try to understand her a bit better, but she doesn't seem to wear her feelings on her sleeve like humans do. So it's far too difficult to understand yourself.
Once again, you try to hammer the point home as to what is going on and why going outside and ruining it won't change anything.
"As I was saying, November. It's Fate's birthday."
"Okay." She stares at you with a pout.
"So they're setting up a celebration in the living room."
"Okay." She looks visibly annoyed, now.
"That's why I'm here today, so I can attend the party and help with setting it up." You feel really stupid having to explain this in such plain, simple terms. "Maybe you want to come out of you room and help?"
"Rho, why should some human's manufacturing date affect my reading, today?"
Uh oh.
You don't have a good explanation, either.
Votes | Choice |
24 |
If we're forced to celebrate our manufacturing date when Gamma finds out about them, she should too.
7 |
Are we also celebrating the start of Project Fate? It is her name and the start of the Alicia models.
6 |
Humans have a limited lifespan, so each anniversary they celebrate how much they've accomplished and the time they've spent with their loved ones over the last year.
6 |
The humans can do whatever they want considering it's their house, November would be a very rude guest to complain and the humans would have no obligation to listen. Seeing as how complaining isn't going to help, November should just help them finish the job faster and then the issue would be resolved sooner.
5 |
Humans apparently love to celebrate being a year closer to death. Does it make any sense? Nope! But let’s just smile and nod at the crazy death worshipping humans, if only so they don’t try to ‘convince’ us.
4 |
Your favorite counterpart Levi the Slasher will be here, so you can forget peace! Now that I think about it, half of the people invited are artificial mages.
3 |
Humans celebrate it, okay?! Try to act happy about it!
2 |
+But I'm going to hammer on the adjacent wall extra hard when putting up decorations
0 |
You know what, fine. I'll find someone else less grumpy to help.
You really don't have the best answer for her, but you do come up with something that may resonate with her attitude.
"-Because if we're forced to celebrate our manufacturing date when Gamma finds out about them, she should too!" There, that's a good reason.
"Oh so it's petty revenge then." She sighs, and then glances down at her shoes, "Pass. That's a minor inconvenience compared to losing out on reading time."
"So could you please go out in the den and tell them to keep it down?" She quickly grasps the book from your lap.
"Listen, humans can do whatever they want considering it's their house." You happily remind November of that fact.
"I don't remember asking to live here. That was something Gamma decided for me. Also the labs, because they left." She says that last part with a bit of hurt in her voice.
"It would be very rude of us to not help with the party while we are a guest in their home."
"Plus, you know, if we finish faster, then the noise will end sooner."
"I'm listening."
"So instead of sitting in here and being moody about it, why not come join us?"
"Rho, I don't understand something." She turns over, and glances at you, "Why do you want to make my human happy? It certainly seems like you're participating for reasons that go beyond simply punishing her for having a manufacturing date. If it were that simple, you would have to punish an entire collection of humans every Midchilda day for an entire year and then repeat."
"Humans have a limited lifespan, so each anniversary they celebrate how much they've accomplished and the time they've spent with their loved ones over the last year." You try to rationalize this for her, "So, it would likely improve our standing with your human if we were to participate in this celebration."
"Uh huh." November isn't convinced. "And you care, why?"
"Because, Fate is the one human who seems really guarded around me, to the point where I can't even read her mind to find out why she seems to distrust me so much." You've been using your ability to read minds to great extent to find out why she may be so guarded when she meets you.
"..Isn't the fact you're trying to read her mind reason enough to be guarded against you?" November points out this ridiculous notion that humans may not want to have their minds read.
"It's not, really- I promise." You try to assure her that has nothing to do with it, "This has been happening since the first time she ever laid eyes on me."
"..I heard that meeting was rather short lived."
"It was, and I couldn't figure out why. She was so distraught, and the only hints I could gleam from the other humans about it is that it has something to do with an event called 'Project Fate'."
"What is that?"
"I think it was when she was manufactured. It's her name, after all."
"I see, so you think making this birthday party extra special will let her open up to you so you can read her mind and gather intel?"
"..That's not what I was hoping, I just wanted to-"

"Count me in, then!" November pops up from the bed, "This sounds like an interesting recon mission that I can get behind. So, where do we start?"
"..You're okay with it, as long as it's for a mission?"
"Of course, isn't that what you're worried about? Completing your mission?"
"Then I'm all for it! So, tell me about this 'Birthday' thing, what do we do next?"
You're not going to question it.
"So, 'Birthday' is a human thing where they celebrate being a year closer to death."
November blinks.
"I'm not sure that's entirely- you know what, maybe that is accurate." She seems like she wants to argue, but immediately thinks twice about it.
"Precisely, so we should first smile and assist the death-worshipping humans in the den finishing the festivities. Then, we should go find a death/birthday present for Fate."
"A present?" November blinks, "Do you even know what she wants?"
"..Well no, because I haven't seen her in a long time, and when I did; I couldn't read her mind. So I have had to read the other humans' minds. Not-Gamma is getting her shoes, dog-creature-human abomination is getting her clothes, Brown-haired half human is getting her a purse, but all of that is too.. ordinary."
"So- if we give her something completely ordinary, then I'm never going to get her to open up to me, November."
"I still don't see why that is an issue." Of course she doesn't get it.
"How about footage of her most hated enemies being eliminated?" A great idea comes to mind, "I can find who those enemies are from her family, and get Hotel to do the rest!"
"Okay, but can you tell which are her friends and which are her enemies just from reading the minds of everyone else but her?"
November has pointed out a very obvious flaw with your plan that you didn't consider.
"..Let's try something else. Maybe I should try getting her something that she's lost?"
"Well, one of the prevailing themes I found when reading other people's minds is that they are aware that she has lost something. So all I have to find out is what she's lost, and then I can just get her that!"
"Do you know what humans could lose?"
"Uhhh…" That gives you pause for thought, "A family member, or a sister?"
"Nah I don't know if Fate ever had anything like that." November goes back to her book.
"Oh! How about something she will need in the future, then?"
"Like what?"
What is it humans will need in the future? Oh!
"How about a coffin?"
November simply stares at you.
"Humans need a coffin eventually! So why not just buy her one, now?"
"Rho, that is such a terrible idea." November barely even looks up from her book.
You're feeling dejected. It's such a terrible idea that she didn't even bother explaining why.
"-Humans can't store something like that for the rest of their lives. Coffins are big, and more important: expensive. How were you going to pay for that?"
"Oh! That's not a problem." You perk right up, "I was thinking-"
"Don't go stealing some other humans coffin, Rho. It won't be her size."
There goes that, then.
"..Maybe I should just buy her an urn to put her ashes in."
"An urn is a little underwhelming when compared to shoes and clothes, something she can use right now." November brings up another valid point. "I think what you should try doing is combining two of these ideas to maybe make something that would normally be underwhelming instead be exciting?"
"Ohh, that's a good idea." You ponder on this idea a bit more. "Let's have a look at her profile."
November pulls up a holographic screen, and you both examine it.
Fate herself seems to have a lot of siblings. At least if this 'Project Fate' thing is to be believed. She has pink human and red human listed as 'adopted siblings', and Lil' Sis human as 'adopted daughter'.
There are two listed deceased family members, but only one of them is named; Precia Testarossa.
"What do we do with this?" You blink.
"I would say that learning more about her family would be a good way to find out more about what she would want for a present." November gives pretty helpful advice. "You know she has had a troubled family life, so maybe something that reminds her of family?"
"I could do something like that, but what?"
"I don't know." You ponder over this idea, "I suppose I would have to ask someone who has a family what I should do."
"That works. If you want someone nearby who knows a few things about family, you can ask Gamma-human."
"Don't you mean Lindy-human?"
"Same difference. " November turns a page in her book, "Anyway, I'll let you go off and do that. Let me know what you deci- HEY!"
"No, sorry, you're still on the hook to help us out with this party. You're not getting away that easy." You pull her out of bed.
"Hey! I gave you help, that's what you wanted! I didn't agree to-"
"-Do this.."
November didn't have much of a choice as you dragged her alone to see Lindy. She's going to be as much of a part of this as you are, whether she likes it or not.

"So you're trying to think of a present for Fate?" Lindy was very quick to pick up on what your intentions were.
"That's right, and I don't really know enough about her to make a decision about presents."
"You know, I don't think Fate was really expecting any presents for this birthday. Can you explain what made you want to buy her one?"
"It's that-" You suddenly realize that you can't just tell Gamma-Lindy-Human that Fate is being guarded against your mind reading. That would just come off as insincere.
"-I just wanted to get closer to Fate." Which is true, you want to get closer so you can understand why she doesn't seem to like you very much.
November picks up where you left off.
"We were thinking of maybe getting her something to remind her of family, do you know of any gifts we could-"
"-Avoid any gifts that remind her of family." Lindy smiles, menacingly.
"Well, that settles it. I'm going back to reading." November stands up.
"Hold on, November- wait-" You grab her shoulder, "So nothing about family? Even a little?"
"Nothing about her family, even a little. If it's just myself and her, then it should be fine." She smiles, ominously. "I'm going to guess that the reason you asked about family because you looked up Fate's history, correct?"
"Yes." November sells you out by being truthful!
"You girls.." Lindy sighs, "Fate's past is a very sensitive subject for her, and the last thing she needs to be reminded of is something like that on her birthday."
"So, everything involving her past is out?"
"That's right. I don't want her to be thinking about the past any more than she has to."
"Great!" You feel an epiphany that you're sure Lindy will like, "Then plan coffin is a go!"
"That was easier than I thought. Where would we get a human-sized coffin? The grocery store?" November starts brainstorming ideas.
"If we run out of ideas, then we can always get an urn." You smile. "The urn is futureproof just in case she changes size-"
"Wait." Lindy has a peculiar look on her face.
"In case she changes size?" November blinks.
"Correct! She can change sizes at will. You've seen her movies, right? She can be small or big in them. What if she expires while she's in small form? The big coffin will be useless!"
"I see your point." November nods, "Then I guess the urn idea would be the most productive one."
"Why a coffin!?" Lindy interrupts.
"Oh, you said don't focus on her past. So I assumed it would be better to focus on her future."
Lindy looks awestruck by the brilliance of Raptor foresight.
..Until she opens her mouth. She was quite impressed up until that moment.
"Why do you think of coffins when you think of Fate's future?!" Lindy now seems completely offended for some reason.
"Hmm?" You're just confused by this rapid change. "Isn't it obvious? She's going to die one day, so it's best to start preparing, right?"
Lindy's mouth is agape.
"I've changed my mind." She stands up, "I'm going to help you look for a present."
"Why?" November blinks, "That seems like a great gift idea."
"Maybe we should gift her a device?"
"Or maybe a costume with lots of frills and cat accessories?" Okay, that's weird, November.
"As I said, I'm going to help you look for a last-minute present." Lindy simply sighs. "But first, let's put up the remaining decorations."
"Hold on! We could combine our ideas!" You shout to Lindy, "How about a device that looks like a frilly coffin which has another mode with cat ears?!"
Lindy simply ignores your perfect suggestion and mumbles something to herself as she's retreating.
November simply blinks, and looks at you.
"..I don't get why she didn't accept that. That's a perfect suggestion."
"I know!" You huff, "Now I don't know what to get Gamma for her birthday."
"You could just get Gamma the coffin with the cat ears-"
"Hang on! I know how to fix this!" You realize that Lindy's guard must be down right now, and she could be thinking about perfect presents for Fate!
You focus on Lindy's wavelengths, and try to skim what her most recent thoughts may have been.
'When the raptors think about the future, they think about their deaths!?' You hear Lindy's ghostly voice in her head.
'I expect the combat units to think about it, but not Rho! It's even worse if the idea came from November!' Her worry is palatable.
Uh oh..
'I'll have to tell Gamma about this when she gets back!'
It's worse than you thought!
"What is it?" November questions you, "You clearly just paused for a moment, did you read someone's mind?"
"It's nothing!" You try to get November's mind off of the lecture she will probably have later. "What's more important is that we should probably consider just going and getting a present while Lindy is distracted."
"Didn't you want me to help with putting up the decorations?" November replies, lazily. "Also, I've done my mission; which was to help you ask Lindy for a present. Mission Complete, I'm going back to reading."
"No you're not-" You grab her shoulder once again, "The mission was to get a present for Fate, and as you can see; I'm still presentless."
"That isn't my problem, though." November seems incredulous.
"Hold on, wait!"
You listen in on an errant thought that you may have heard coming from dull-brown human.
'-New yukata, I'm not sure about her sizes, but-'
"Really?" You frown.
"The other humans are getting her clothes, November." You huff, "CLOTHES! What does a mage need clothes for!"
"..To stay dressed?"
"That's why she has a barrier jacket, November." You cross your arms, "Come, this place is full of bad ideas. Let's stop by the mall real quick."
"I don't want to go to the mall-"
"-We can stop by the book store right after."
"Fine, I'll go." November's tone changes immediately, and she assists you in finding a taxi to leave this talentless place.
You've been standing inside of an odds-and-ends store for about thirty minutes, now. You haven't been able to find any devices in here, but you're not exactly
"Any luck?" November walks up to you with a few items in her hands.
"Not particularly." You sigh, "I read a few minds from other people who were looking for gifts, and they were getting paper cards!"
"..Paper cards!"
"YES! Look! like this one!"
You pick up one of these coveted 'cards', and open it up.
It's a picture of a cat hanging on a clothesline.
'Hang in there'.
"What is that supposed to mean?!" You huff, "Why are no humans helping that cat!"
"..Rho, I believe that's supposed to be a joke." November glances at you with a dull look on her face.
This just leaves you flabbergasted!
"That is a JOKE?!"
"Before you go back to analyzing human humor, please look at these gift ideas-"
She lifts the couple items in her hand, one is a plastic tea set in a tacky hot-pink color.
"It says it's for ages 4 and up. I don't know how old 'Fate' is but she's somewhere in that age range."
"Really?" You feel a bit concerned, "She's older than four? Isn't that like.. really old?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I'm one year, twenty two-days, and thirty seven seconds old, now." You blink.
"Oh, I'm one year, three months, two days, and twenty eight." November brags about how much older she is than you.
"But four years? Do you think she's really that old?"
"Good point, this may be too advanced for her." November glances down at it.
"What's the other gift?"
"It's a coffee cup with more human humor on it."
You pick it up, and glance at it.

"What does that mean?"
"I believe it's saying that 'lemons' and 'melons' are anagrams of each other. There is a human saying which states 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade' so the coffee cup saying 'melons' is a subversion of this to make a clever pun and statement of a serious health condition." November nods at her analysis.
"It's incredible to think that Humanity has made it as far as they have." You glance at the dull mug in disbelief.
"I tell myself that almost every day." November sighs, "To be fair to the mug, I picked it because serious human health conditions are pretty funny."
"Is this really the best we can do?"
"They have other mugs like 'I want to drink coffee and pet my dog.' which Arf may like."
"True, but Arf isn't the person we're buying a gift for." You wrack your circuits for an answer. "..Maybe we should just get an urn."
"We could combine that idea with the mug idea." November gives some valuable insight, "Maybe have an urn that also has a funny slogan on it?"
"..Would our slogans be better than the mugs?"
"Definitely. For instance, we could get an urn with the phrase 'Wish you were here?' on the side of it."
You simply blink at November.
"Get it?" She continues with her explanation, "The joke is that all of humanity will also die someday. So they could be inside of that urn with her, if they so chose to be."
"My opinion has changed." You sigh, "How did we make it as far as we have?"
"Let's try to find something else, okay?"
If presents that remind Fate of the unceasing onrush of entropy and her inevitable death are out, then maybe something the opposite is in order?
"Here, here's a birthday card." You reach down and pluck out a cardboard insert from the rack, "It says 'Congratulations'. That's inoffensive enough, right?"
"..That says 'Congratulations for your vasectomy'." November reads the text in a monotone.
"I don't know what that is, but that's like the urn, right? 'Vase' is in the name."
"I thought the idea was to get her an extravagant gift."
"I'm not sure I would know what an extravagant gift would be if it was given to me, at this point." You sigh.
"I mean if you want to just give up on this whole adventure, I'm fine with that." November sighs, "But it's not like there aren't presents here. You just don't know which one to get."
"That's true."
"But you're not going to pay for any of this anyway. You're going to make the human attendant at the register give it to you at a 100% discount, right?"
"Of course, I don't have any money."
You contemplate what this means for getting human November a present, and then suddenly it hits you.
"That's it! November! You're a genius!"
"I know." She smiles.
Some time passes, and Fate has just finished blowing out the candles on her cake.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The gathered collection of humans shout in unison.

"Eheh-" Fate blushes at all of the built-up attention. You try probing her mind but only get a string of hearts and flustered images. Nothing really what you were looking for. "Thank you all, so much."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world, sweetie-"
"Nanoha? Ohhh, you shouldn't have."

"WOW!" Vivio shouts at the bouquet of flowers being presented to her by big-Hotel.
"Aww.." Fate takes the flowers, and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Now, I'll just have to find a place to put these."
"(November, what do those flowers symbolize?)"
"(Flowers generally symbolize death and rebirth. Think of it like a cheaper version of the coffin gift.)"
You look over toward Lindy, and she seems happier than ever about it!
"(..So Nanoha can get her a cheap coffin but we can't get her a real one?!)"
"(I know, humans are hypocrites. No need to have to tell me.)"
Hmph! If you didn't already have the perfect gift assortment in mind, then you would be outraged right now!
"Ooh! Who is this from?"
"Who do you think?" Blue human male steps up with a modest present for Fate. It looks like a coffee cup.

"That's hilarious."
"Yes, well-" Fate picks it up and smiles, "After the last couple years, it's been harder for them to succeed, Chrono."
"Not for lack of trying." Chrono hugs Fate, "Happy Birthday, Sis."
"(A single cup? Lame.)"
"(I think the melons cup was funnier.)" November rightfully trashes blue human male's gift.
"My turn!" Vivio jumps up and down in excitement. "Open mine!"
Fate leans over and picks up a familiar looking object. She unwraps it, and it's a pink vase.
"(Oh come on! She gets a vase, now?!)"
"(I knew we should have also got the urn.)" November huffs.
Fate gives a kiss on Vivio's head, and then looks around for the next present.
Her eyes track across the table, to small pile of gifts.
"Ooh! Who are these from?"
Yes! This is your chance!
"We brought those!" You say with a beaming smile.
"Did you?"

Lindy looks suspicious.
"-I thought I said that we would go gift shopping. Maybe you should tell me what you bought before she opens them?"
"No, it's fine!" Fate smiles, "I'm interested to see what they bought me!"
"Yeah!" You feel confident sticking it to human Gamma. "I followed all of your instructions on what to buy her down to the letter."
"I'm curious! Let me open this first."
"That's my gift." November smiles. "Hope you enjoy it."
"Aw! Thanks November, I'm interested in-"

November smiles. Fate just blinks.
"Oh, that's lovely." Fate chuckles.
"Like it?" November smiles.
"Well, I'm glad you gave it to me and not Hotel, otherwise I would think it was a threat!" Fate nervously laughs.
"Nah, she wouldn't tell you if she was planning a present like that. Oh, by the way, Hotel was still thinking about what to give you, should I-"
"No no, that's fine-" She sets the card down, "Let's see what you got me, Romeo!"
"I hope you like it!" You smirk, "It took me a long time to think about what to give you."
"Ooh- Really?"
"Yup!" You feel confident that you'll be given access to all her confidential thoughts, now. "Lindy told me that I shouldn't give you anything that reminds you of death, so I should give you something that reminds you of birth!"
"Really?" She tears the wrapper off, "Now I really want to kno-"

The room has become icy cold all of the sudden. The usual chatter of thoughts and psychic communications you pick up intermittently has gone silent. Likely, the humans are blown away by your perfect gift.
Fate glances at it for a few moments.
"Get it!?" You smile, "It's you! Happy birthday, Fate!"
The room is totally silent.
Nanoha is totally silent.
There's a creeping sense of fear and uncertainty throughout the room.
Lindy is totally giving you the evil eye.
They must be completely stunned-
By how perfect this gift is!
"(See? I knew they would be impressed.)"
"(..I think they're impressed but not in the way you think they are.)"
You suddenly start to notice the little visual cues that humans typically exhibit that everyone appears to be more guarded than usual. Their eyes are darting around. Their gaze isn't fixed specifically on your wonderful gift.
Instead, they're more fixed on the target of that gift.
Everyone is affixed to Fate.
She stares at the present for an amount of time that makes you realize that something is probably wrong.
Did you mess up?
Her consciousness is as guarded as ever.
Is it?
For the first time ever, you're actually receiving feedback from Fate.
That feedback is-
Everyone's concerned face immediately flip to confusion. Fate's face has utterly cracked. Her demeanor you have been baffled trying to decode has now shifted to a more obvious emotion.
"Hahaha-" Fate cups her hand over her mouth, "HAHAHAHA!"
"Oh no, she's snapped." November says out loud.
"THAT IS ME!" Fate exclaims out-loud. Her exclamation causing the tense atmosphere in the room to dry up immediately. "Look! It has my face on it and everything! And Rho is the one who gave me it. PFt-ahahaha-"
"Y-yeah Fate!" Big Hotel starts to get the mood, "That's hilarious!"

"'Disgusting Gross Monsters'." Fate coughs while laughing, "I should buy another and gift it to Jail."
"This is your fault, you know-" Nanoha keeps up the laughter, "You didn't exactly explain to them that growing up in a tube isn't necessarily normal."
"I forgot, they probably think this is a really thoughtful gift." She continues cackling.
"..Well I did put thought into-"
"(No, stop.)" November immediately halts your next words.
"(Just look around.)"
The other humans have stopped their frigid stares, and are now joking with Fate just as playfully as they were earlier.
Not Lindy, though.
She simply saunters over next to you, and issues something that sounds a bit like a threat.
"You got lucky this time, but never do that again." She mumbles.
You don't quite know what that means, but what you do know is that Fate appears happy!
If Fate is happy, that means you can finally peer inside of her mind and get a glimpse of how she sees you! You just can't wait! It's like opening a gift to yourself, too!
You start to reconnect with her, and imagine all the fun things you and her will get to do. Maybe she likes jogging? You can jog with her! Maybe get her the perfect Christmas present! Maybe she likes-

Hold on, wait wait wait, that can't be right! It's in such fine detail, too! She's clearly put thought into this! You peer back into her mind, and try to find-

-Yourself in a bikini?! With Cat ears?! Your storage tanks are even a size or two bigger!
What is going on?!
You suddenly realize that you have been neglecting something that is vaguely on the edge of your mind. You look back at Fate, and notice that she's looking at you out of the corner of her mind.
With a sly smile, she continues to cast her eye upon you.
This instills some kind of primordial terror in your circuits.
..Those images were just a joke, then?
With the same sly smile, she winks at you.
You suddenly realize that, perhaps, you never wanted to know what was going on in her mind. You wish you could forget!
(Happy Birthday, Testarossa END)
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Gamma but she's the smallest sister.
7 |
Take your Raptor to work day and or take your human on a mission day
6 |
Vivid sidequest pitch
5 |
Summer festival!
5 |
NO! It can't be? METAL GEAR??!11
5 |
+Crossover with Shonen Sports Anime
4 |
Juliett and Gamma's second AU date
4 |
The RaptorS 4 year anniversary special
4 |
The Making of RaptorS director commentary
3 |
That time Nanoha taught Gamma and oopsied a moon
3 |
Raptors time travel to the past
3 |
[alt scene] That time where Gamma decided to go to a love hotel with Echo and Hayate instead of going to Hayate's home (TWINS, GAL TWINS)
3 |
One of the Raptors sense an anomaly and you'll never guess who came out of it.
2 |
Quebec's film-noir crimesolving, ft: Lusso
2 |
RaptorS crossover with (+)
2 |
Raptors learn how to get big/small with magic
2 |
Being Uni is suffering.
2 |
+Crossover with JoJo
2 |
+Crossover with PMMM
1 |
Beach episode
1 |
Attempting to complete the Raptor signal list
1 |
+Crossover with Battlestar Galactica reboot
1 |
+Crossover with I Wanna Be The Guy
1 |
+Crossover with Marvel MCU
It's the Little Things
Level up.

Click, click, click...
Your eyes gently open to a curtain of green obscuring your vision from the world. Gently, you push your bangs out of your eyes, and stare at the ceiling.
You don't know how, but it worked. You've awakened from your nightmare, and now find yourself in a completely different place. Now, you find yourself slumped in some kind of half-bed. On top of the bed is a bubble-like dome which covers just the top of your head. You push it away-
You push it away-
You reach up to push away your bubble canopy over your bed.
Your arm just.. isn't long enough!
Why isn't your arm long enough!?
You sit upright, and just barely you're able to push your fingertips against the glass and move it.
It's almost up-
A little more…
The dome of this strange bed falls back down, and foils your attempt to escape.
You huff.
"This sucks!"
As if someone answered your pleas- a hand grapples the glass dome, and pulls it open for you.
"Oh, thank you-"
You glance at the face of your savior, and get a dull stare right back at you mixed with a confused glance.

"..Did I hear Lancer say that you were our assault unit?"
You perceive her incredulous question as an insult. So you respond in the most appropriate way you can.
"Rude!" This feels like the correct reply. "I can assault as good as any other assaulter! I'm an assault beast!"
The brown-haired girl simply stares at you, before clearing her voice.
"CW-ADEX. Or just 'Echo'." The woman responds, almost anticipating your question. "You must be Gamma, our newest sister model."
"I'm Gamma!" You reply, with a smile. "Where am I? How did I get here?"
She seems almost in disbelief, but continues.
"I brought you here." Echo blinks.
"You did?!"
"I found you in sleep mode on the bathroom floor of the exhibition arena." Echo states.
"Why was I on the floor?!"
"..If you want my guess, you saw your reflection and got startled."
"I would never do that!"
Echo responds by grabbing the glass door, and rotating it toward you.
There, a ghostly figure in the glass pane appears.

Her hair is green, her eyes are red, and she's covered in a saggy white robe.
Votes | Choice |
4 |
Make faces at her
4 |
Wave and say "Hi"
2 |
She looks like an formidable opponent, of considerable strength and skill.
1 |
1 |
Signal 8
1 |
Grapple (Hug) the ghostly figure
1 |
Scan the ghostly figure
0 |
Wow! she's beautiful!
Your eyes are locked onto the strange figure staring back at you.
Oh! She must be here with 'Unit Echo'!
You wave at her, and she waves back!
You blink, she blinks.
You start making faces at her, and she makes faces right back!
"Stop copying me!" You yell. You don't hear her, but she yells back too!
Echo simply watches the display, before opening the case all the way again.
The green girl vanishes!
You look around outside of the capsule for where she went, but you don't see her at all.
Echo simply stares at you-
Then, her hands come to her face, and cover it. She sighs, deeply.
"Miss Echo?" You blink, "What's wrong?!"
"..Can we please go on a lab tour, now?"
"Lab tour?!" This sounds exciting! "I wanna see! What is a 'Lab', by the way?"
"..Follow me."
She simply stands up, and starts to walk out of the room. This gives you a chance to finally step outside of the capsule, and survey your surroundings.
It's akin to a big white box, lined with sterile white desks. An arena of boredom. Tiny boxes with waves that jump back and fourth line all of the available tables, and communicate some secret message to each other through these soundless waves on their displays.
The door is made of a single glass pane, that Echo walks through. The door opens kindly for her with just a push, and you quickly realize you're falling behind!
Echo jumps, and then spins around to see that you have simply followed her footsteps.
You walked through the door. Unfortunately, the door was giving you lip by trying to close while you were going through it. It won't make that mistake a second time! Because there's a giant you-shaped hole in it where you practically glided through the safety glass.
"What?" You look up at Echo, the door knew what it was getting into before it did it!
"..Please stay a bit closer."
You obey, and stay just a tad bit closer to Echo as she takes you down the hallway. You only come up to about her waist, but she seems fine with it! So much so that she grabs your hand and leads you down the hallway while she walks!
She must really like you!
However, instead of showing you any of the interesting rooms that you are practically yanked past. She instead pulls you down the hallway, around the corner, and into another room filled with desks and chairs.

Inside, there's a man sitting at a table, writing something on a tablet as he discusses boring human stuff with other boring looking humans.
"And that's why-" One of these boring humans is in the middle of some stupid lecture. "-We could improve reaction tenfold, if we had Bluebird in our-"
The room stops, and they turn their attention to Miss Echo.
"Lancer." She immediately speaks, "We gotta talk."
"Hello Echo- Oh and hi there Gamma!" He smiles ear to ear as he waves at you. "..Can this wait until we're done with-?"
"I do not care." She immediately replies, "This is about Unit Gamma. I have questions."
"Okay, you're free to ask. I was tired of looking at charts anyway." This human, 'Lancer' frowns.
"Why is she so small?" Echo immediately asks a question that feels a little insulting!
"Oh that? She's smaller so her subdermal armor framing is more effective. Lower surface area means she can deflect spells more easily and remain as safe as any full-sized unit with only 60% the power output on her defensive spells." Lancer replies without a second thought. "The lab techs believed it to be more important to be defensive than offensive for an assault unit."
"…Okay, but why is her personality so… small as well? Why isn't she more mature?"
"I'll defer that question." The man replies, and then glances upward at another human. "Dr. Carrera, do you wish to explain why one of your combat units is childlike?"
"..Well, you said-" The boring scientist looks like she's going to spring into some boring lecture, too.
"Forget it- What's done is done." Echo huffs, "More important than that, how do you expect her to protect me on missions like you promised? I'm worried more about her wandering off in the supermarket, not acting as my shield."
Votes | Choice |
10 |
"I'll protect you by destroying any enemies before they put you in danger!"
8 |
"I can shield better than any shield beast!" Arms crossed, pout.
7 |
+and Pout
7 |
What is a supermarket and why would I wander off in one?
6 |
I-Is Echo not happy with me?
6 |
"I'm the Assault Unit, I'll protect you by assaulting the enemy."
5 |
+Hug Echo's leg
4 |
RUDE! Go wander off on your own to prove how mature you are!
4 |
Proactive Self-Defense, take them out before they can attack.
3 |
I'm Commandant Gamma and I approve of this unit.
2 |
"What is a supermarket and why would I wander off in one?" You reply, with a blink.
This just causes Echo to sigh.
"Don't underestimate me!" You pout, "I can shield better than any shield beast ever could!"
This causes several of the researchers to laugh under their breath. You don't know why, because it's the truth!
"Do you see the problem, yet?"
"There is no problem!" You continue, ""I'll protect you by destroying any enemies before they put you in danger! I'll even destroy this 'supermarket' thing before I can get lost in it!"
This results in more giggling, but you respond with the strongest pout you can muster.
Echo, however, isn't convinced.
"You expect me to go on a mission tonight with her? Has she gotten any combat training? Any experience at all?"
"Echo, you may have your reservations, but I can only guarantee her effectiveness in return." Lancer sighs, "I saw her performance during the review, and I know she's capable of more than you're giving her credit for. How do you want me to prove it to you?"
Echo is about to answer, but then stops.
Then, she seems determined.
"-Let me have a mock battle with her." Echo replies.
"..Are you sure?" Lancer seems surprised, "That's really, really unlike you."
"If she's more capable than I'm giving her credit for, I want to find out now."
"Reminder, Echo. Your combat abilities are very low." Another researcher responds.
She simply crosses her arms, and stares at the man.
"You're going to regret it." The researcher replies back.
"Will I?" She huffs.
Votes | Choice |
9 |
Play fight?! Play fight!
6 |
+ Big sis
6 |
Can I use better devices!? The lab only let me use weak one that break too fast!
4 |
3 |
Unison with Echo so you can fight with her.
2 |
Preemptive attack! Pick up the table and throw it at Echo.
1 |
I won't fight Echo! No! no! That's wrong!
1 |
Rush to the warehouse and stack all the boxes up so you can play hide and go seek!
1 |
+Echo Mama
1 |
+Laugh while fighting
1 |
puny god
47 = 47
92 = 92
74 = 74
62 = 62
Options: Sum. Threshold: 100.
55 = 55 (Fail)
59 = 59
88+38 = 126
"Play fight?!" Your eyes light up. "You want a play fight, big sis?!"
Echo sighs, and looks toward you.
"..Yes, Gamma. A play-fight. I want to play-fight you."
You gasp, and feel little bits of happiness tingle in your metal spine.
"Can I use better devices?! Ones that don't break all the time?!"
Echo smiles.
"You can use any device you want."
You smile, ear to ear. You immediately leave her side and head in some-direction-you're-not-sure-where. Somewhere you can have the biggest play fight!
"This is gonna be the best assault ever! You won't regret it, big sis!" You cheer as you rush down the hallway. Somewhere, behind you, you can hear Echo be asked one simple question.
"You sure about this?" One of the researchers asks her. "You're going to regret it."
"..Maybe, but I have to know." She replies.

You stand eagerly in the parking lot behind Caledfwlch's 'labs'. You rock back and forth on your heels as the night lights sing a constant hum. Interspersed with a strange sound of some kind of creature making a loud croaking noise!
You croak right back at it, and then- it croaks back at you!
This continues for a few minutes, before you hear footsteps coming from the direction of the warehouse.
It's Echo-Neechan! Also several useless humans!
"BIG SIS!" You smile and wave.
"..Why are you croaking at the frogs."
"Frogs?" You blink. What are those? They sound funny.
"Whatever." Echo shrugs, "If you want to fight here, this is a good place. How did you convince all of the humans to move their cars, though?"
"Convince?" You blink, "Cars?"
"Yes, this parking lot is usually filled with cars. Now it's empty."
"OH!" You remember now! "That was useless junk, so I threw it all away!"
"..You threw away.. the cars."
"Yep! Now we can play fight." You cross your arms, "I'll put it all back, mostly, when we're done! If I remember how it goes back together!"
"Last chance to back out, Echo." One of the humans behind her, the 'Lancer' human, gives an almost stern warning.
"No, I can't now. I have to know."
She raises her arm, and you hear a whirring sound.
"Lock On! Transform!"

Within several microseconds, Echo's clothes explode off of her, and she's garbed in a new outfit that looks more like a blue and white dress!
"OOOOH! Yours is so pretty!"
"This, Gamma, is my battle uniform. It protects me, and allows us to take damage without fear of damaging each other." She bows, "Let me see yours, Gamma."
Right! You have one too!
"Okay! Twinkle Twinkle! Henshin!-"
"Da! Da! Da! DADADA! Da! Da!-"

"Da da da de! Dum! DUMDUMDUM!"
You do a twirl, and your barrier jacket flips in the wind. You strike a pose, and wink at Echo.
"Pretty cool, huh!"
"..Did you just sing a theme song for your transformation?" Echo seems confused. " that a microphone?"
"Still time to back out, Echo." Lancer repeats one more time.
"No, let me have this." Echo repeats, again. "Gamma, we're going to have a mock battle. Nothing I do or nothing anyone does during this counts. If I hurt you, it's not because I hate you. I'm doing this purely to test your limits and abilities. So, on my mark, we may begin fighting, when I say go-"
Within an instant, you slide over toward Echo and grab her by the waist! Then you flip her over your head, and into the concrete!
"-Aaaaggghhh." She groans.
"Told you so." Lancer chants in a sing-song tone of voice.
"OH!" You messed up! "I'm sorry! You didn't mean 'Go' as in start fighting! You meant 'Go' as in a countdown! I'm sorry Big Sis! Can we try again?!"
"..Give me a minute."
"You have fifteen minutes before your mission with her." Lancer sighs, "Let's not waste anymore time than we already have on this, and just get back inside-"
"..One more time."
"I want to see that again!" Echo pops up, "Something about that isn't right?! How can she move so fast!"
"..Well Echo, I think you know the answer to that. Children move very quickly. Being small combined with tons of energy means they can displace their weight-"
She jumps away, back to another fighting stance.
"No! I don't believe it! What just happened had to be a fluke! Surely! None of my simulations calculated that happening. I'm not leaving until we have another Go."
28 = 28
52 = 52
70 = 70
"-I'm not leaving until we have another go-"
You toss her upward like a ragdoll, and then jump upward at her falling form to wrap your arms around her waist!
"That was beautiful." Lancer kneels down and glances at the immobilized sister still in your arms. "You now have fourteen minutes until your first mission with her. Are you satisfied yet, Echo? You could do this fourteen more times if you're not."
"..I really don't understand."
"Your simulations may be considering what a similar sized can do, but I want you to remember something: Gamma is more powerful than all of them."
"..All of them.."
"That's right. All of them. What she just did to you? She can do to any unit your size, too." Lancer sighs. "So, again, you have thirteen minutes until the mission. Why not stand up, thank Gamma for 'playing' with you, and dust yourself off?"
Echo stood up, and in her face was the most baffling look of complete confusion.
She seemed happier than ever though!
"..Good girl, Gamma." She pats you on the head!
"Eheh.." You giggle, and gently lean into her headpat.
"Gamma, just think, if you do good on every mission with Echo, she'll headpat you all of the time." Lancer leans down, and smiles.
This just fills you with absolute delight.
"All of the time?!"
"Isn't that right, Echo?" Lancer glances up at your sister.
You also glance upward at her with excitement in your eyes.
"..That's right, Gamma."
You hurriedly rush inside while Echo continues discussing something boring with Lancer.
You don't really care about that, though.
After all..
You're gonna do the best job and get all of the headpats!
A short while later, you're given a super-duper cool mission from Lancer on the other side of town! You don't really get most of it, but Echo says she knows what to do and that all you have to do is follow her!
With a spring in your step, you board the subway train with her (she holds your hand the whole time so you don't get lost!) and in a few minutes; you're back on the streets of Cranaananna-
The city!
Oh! There's your contact that you're supposed to meet up with! Apparently, she's another sister!
"Hello, Gamma."

Large red sister leans over and gives you a headpat! She's as tall as Echo!
"-It's good to meet you. I'm Foxtrot."
"Foxtrot! This is serious!" Echo sighs.
"I know, we just got deployed and we haven't been given an entry path yet. I'm thinking they dropped the ball yet again." Foxtrot glances around the empty streets.
"No! Not that part!" Echo raises your hand, "Look! How am I supposed to complete this mission while one of my hands are full?!"
"I don't know, try letting go of her hand?" Foxtrot offers a reasonable suggestion.
"But if I do that, she may get lost!"
"She's not a baby, Echo. I understand she's by far one of the smallest units, but they wouldn't have built her if she was defenseless."
Echo huffs, and then leans over and glances at you.
"Okay, Gamma." Echo is holding your hand tightly, "I'm going to let go of your hand, and I want you to follow behind me closely. Okay?"
"Okay Mom!"
"It's SIS, Gamma." Echo corrects you.
"Okay Sis!"
"Okay, I'm going to let go of your hand. When I do, I'm going to say Go-"
OH! You know what that word means!
That means you need to go solve all the problems!
"GAMMA, WAIT! Argh.." Echo sighs as she watches you rush off into the distance.
"Well, looks like she's running toward the enemy, so maybe she'll solve the whole thing by herself?"
"That's nonsense, come on! We have to chase her before-"
"..What was that?"

The factory erupts into a ball of flame!
"Wha?! It's exploding?!" Echo gasps, "What about the safe?! The point was to retrieve the dossier in the-"
"Uhh, Echo." Foxtrot points to something peculiar.
In particular, it's a tiny figure walking away from the burning wreck of the pharmaceutical factory, with a hefty box lifted over her head.
You're smiling ear to ear as you wave the safe around above your head. That mission was easy! Most of the building humans just stood around and gawked as the building exploded!
"Look!" You gloat, "It's the safe! Mission complete!"
"Wow!" Foxtrot stoops over, and starts furiously rubbing your head, "Good job Gamma! I think that's a perfect score on this mission!"
"Eheh.." You set the safe down, and it cracks the pavement slightly. You're showered with headpats and affection.
Echo must be waiting to do that herself. She's simply standing around looking confused before uttering a single word.
You're back in the briefing room "I didn't quite expect that to be as explosive as it was, but I'm glad everyone got along."
"I'm sorry, sir!" Echo stands up, and does a bow. "I didn't expect Gamma to run off and destroy the factory like that, I-"
"'Sorry'?" Lancer laughs, "What do you have to be sorry for?"
Echo seems extra confused now.
"I did a good job?!" You take that as the compliment it is!
"That's right." Lancer smiles, "You did a great job, Little Gamma."
"Ehehe.." There's that feeling again! That feeling of being helpful!
"Anyway, our next mission is going to be a bigger one, and it will involve more coordination.-"
The whole time, Echo is simply staring forward until she mumbles a solitary word.
Later, after your big helpful debut; the humans start asking you to do all sorts of missions because you're so helpful! Echo doesn't seem very enthusiastic about it..
"I can't believe this.." Echo carries you through the hall, despite you telling her that you can walk.
But you are!
"I can believe this!" You wiggle in Echo's arms, and she pulls you closer.
"Gamma, don't ask for more missions next time unless I tell you to, okay?"
"..Does Echo not like missions?!"
"Not when they send you on them, no." She huffs. "Now come on, we're going to go take a shower and recharge."
"Aw, okay Mom."
"Sis! It's Sis!"
After this mission, you're asked to go to a 'night club' to retrieve something! You don't know much about 'nightclubs'. Only that it has 'club' in the name! You can't wait to club people!
"Listen man, the boss says he knows you, and he knows you were put away for longer than you're worth."
Later on, two men are huddled around a younger black man, bullying him!
"AND that you try to pawn off that fake trash, the boss is in enough shit already to deal with you around here."
"Boys, boys!" The man continues, "Listen, I don't do that! All the logia I've ever sold were verified 100% genuine! That's why I was put away, man. Really, would I come here without a device if I wasn't here on business? Come on, man. I got the deal of a century for you!"
"Nothing in his coat." One of the men takes a step back from him.
"Yeah I doubt he'd be here unless he had a wire. Take off your shoes." The second man turns toward the darker-skinned man, angrily.
"Listen man, I'm only here to seal the deal! Your boss, we go way back!"
"Take off your shoes." The second man commands once more.
"HEY!" You shout.

You then raise up your handy little pistols and let them finish your train of thought.
The two thugs hit the pavement! The black guy jumps back, and you huff.
"That's what you get!" You huff.
"Who the hell gave a kid guns-" The black guy almost finishes his thought, but is interrupted.
"Echo-" You glance over at her, hiding in the alleyway. "The building is yelling!"
"That's the ALARM, Gamma!" Echo corrects you. "The ALARM is yelling at you! Come on! Mission failed! Let's get out of here!"
"Mission failed? Nahhh, that's lame." You shake your head, "It's on the second floor, right? Gimme a sec."
You proceed to walk through the wall of the very loud building. This causes the very loud humans inside to get even louder as you simply stride through the concrete and brick, and then do a clean jump straight up to the second floor.
"WOT THE-" There's a man upstairs in the loud building holding a case.
"Hi." You smile, "I'm Gamma! I heard there was a night club somewhere around here, but I haven't seen anything that looks like a club. Is it in that case? Could I have it?"
"HOLY SHIT-" Without another word, he turns off and falls limp onto the ground.
"Oh.." You sigh, "You didn't have to turn off like that!"
You pick up the case, and walk back out of the building. Maybe it would have been easier if you went through the hole you used to come in, but that's not important!
Echo is waiting outside as loud human vehicles approach in the distance. You hand her the case, and smile.
"See!? Mission accomplished!"
This simply causes Echo to blink, and say her favorite word in the world!
"Don't pull that.." The tiny doll slaps at your finger.
Echo walks up next to you as you play with the cute doll you found!
"..What is this?"
"It was in the case we found!"

"Hayate! Is that really you?! Where are we?!"
"Doll is being loud again!" You pull on her shirt, and she desperately tries to keep it down.
Echo starts to scold you.
"Gamma, that was supposed to go to Lancer. You weren't supposed to take it out of the case."
"Yeah but he was so distracted, I couldn't help looking! He won't mind if I play with the doll a bit."
"I mind, though!" The doll is being loud, again!
"Gamma, forget about that." She bends down, and scoops the doll into her hands. "-We have a new mission."
"New mission! New mission!" You chant, the whole time doing a slight dance.
"Gamma.." Echo puts her hand on your head, "This mission is going to be very dangerous, so you need to be careful, okay?"
"NO shooting, okay?"
"We're going to a TSAB headquarters. So no shooting until I say so, okay?"
"Aww.. okay."
"The bomb is set up." A scruffy man glances at another as he views the security camera footage through a flickering holoscreen.
"Right, found Cardinal as well. She's sitting in the executive office, taking a nap."
"Once the bomb goes off, we'll have a thirty second window to grab her. The bomb is in a backpack set outside of the security station. We're in the neighboring warehouse, it should only take us two minutes to get to her office in a sprint." He glances at his watch. "On our count, we're going to sync our watches."
"Okay, we go in ten seconds. Ready?"
Knock knock-
"H-" He blinks, "Get the guns, answer the door. If it's security, pretend we're just cleaning up. You have twenty seconds until the bomb goes off."
The other man walks up to the door, and gently opens it.
Outside of the warehouse, he sees-

"..It's a kid?"
"Excuse me, mister?!" You glance upward at him, and then hand over a backpack. "You dropped this outside! You were running away so I think it may have slipped off!"
"Oh.." He sighs in relief, "Oh, oh thanks kid. Yeah, I probably did drop it. Get out of here, okay?"
"Okay!" You smile, you're a real good helper!
"Who was that?" The man inside asks.
"Some kid, I think I dropped my gear bag, and she found it."
"Clumsy idiot, you have five seconds now."
"Okay, okay, I'm ready-."
He then glances at the backpack in his hand.
-Then, he glances at the panel in front of the man. That now reads '4'
Then, he glances at the backpack.
The timer now reads '3'.
"W- WAIT-"
"Where did she go-" Echo looks around the massive interior of the Ground Forces HQ. "I can't believe this, where did she go? I looked away for just a moment. It'll be impossible to find her here."
"Hi Echo!"
"Gamma!" She leans down to your eyelevel. "Where did you go?!"
"I was-"
A distant explosion rocks the building. Some alarms start to go off as the humans start conversing with one another.
"-I was helping!"
"Well, it looks like this mission may be a bust. I have no idea what that explosion was about." Echo looks around, "Come on, we should probably think of a way out of the building before the doors start to close."
"Okay!" You proudly raise your hand, and have your new toy jump into it.

"Let's go!"
"And WHERE did you find that, young lady?" Echo huffs.
"It was a gift!" You smile, the people in the armory are so cool! They didn't think you could take it with you, but you showed them!
"Gamma.. How do you expect us to leave with a giant axe in your hand..?"
"Through an exit! If there's not one, I can make it." You smile up at Echo.
She rubs her head, and sighs.
"How do you expect to get out of an exit or make an exit without ALERTING THE HUMANS, Gamma?"
"I've thought about that too! After we're outside, the mission is complete! So all I have to do is step outside and then I can't fail the mission!"
Echo simply stares back at you.
You stare back at her with the BIGGEST PUPPY-DOG EYES YOU CAN.
"It's fine, Echo! everyone is looking for the explosion!"
"I think people may notice an axe bigger than you are, Gamma."
"I'll take good care of it!" You hug the axe close to your body, "I'll give it water every day, clean up after it, and-"
"It's not a dog, Gamma."
"What?" You blink. "What do dogs have to do with this?"
"Look, if you can find a way to sneak it out of here, then fine." Echo gives up. "But if you compromise the mission, then-"
"I can get it out of here! No problem!" You smile.
The building shakes from some unknown force, and then you hear a voice over the intercom.
"Attention, building is under lockdown, please proceed, calmly, to the emergency bunker on the third floor."
"Gamma, we now have to leave right now. Do something with the axe." Echo is ruffled, but you're determined.
"No! No! It's fine!"
You heft the axe above your head-
Then throw it as hard as you can upward!
It whizzes upward toward the ceiling, and disappears!
"Gamma! Don't throw heavy objects up! They're going to come back down eventuall-"
A tiny hole opens up in the ceiling, and a singular object falls downward.
It's a robotic hand clasping some kind of briefcase!
You snatch it with ease from the air, and then hold it aloft.
Echo seems very panicked, but shoos you out through the front entrance. The soldiers let you and Echo pass with relative ease, never actually stopping to question you after taking a good glance at Mom.

"QUIT THAT! Rein! Stop helping her!"
"Nah." Tiny doll smiles, "If I had to go through it, so do you."
"Gamma.." You blink, and then glance upward from the lab's carpet.
It's Echo!
"Hi Echo! Look! I have two now!"
"You were supposed to hand that one in to Lancer, too!"
"Nah, instead I gave them to Sierra! They were sick, and she healed them!"
"..And how did you get that axe back?! I saw you throw it into the sky!"
"Oh!" You glance over at Barracuda! Your other new toy! "I gave it to the sky to hold, and then when we were out of the building; the sky gave it back. Isn't that nice?!"
Echo simply blinks, and mutters her favorite word.
"Excuse me." Blue Doll stops helping you restrain Red Doll and glances up at Echo. "-Now that I'm feeling better, I need to ask something important; what's going on around here? Why were you asked to retrieve us?"
"That's not something I'm authorized to answer to a doll."
"Alright then!"
Blue doll does a cute spin! Suddenly..

She's taller than you are, now!
"How about to a MDF Commander Assistant? Likely outranking every single officer and Captain in these labs!"
Echo seems unimpressed.
"-That's not something I can answer to a tiny human, either."
This just frustrates the blue human-doll!
"I'm not tiny!"
"Listen, Echo, right?" The Red Doll escapes your grasp and levitates up to Echo's face. "I can see that you're very attached to Gamma and are very worried about her-"
"I'm not worried about Gamma-" Echo retorts, "She's just young and easily manipulated, that's all."
"Maybe things would be BETTER if you weren't in this lab, how would that be?"
"(Hey, hate to break up this heart-to-heart-)" It's yellow Foxtrot! She's giving you another mission! "(Mission in five, report to the briefing room. It'll just be you this time.)"
"Oh!" You do a little dance. "New mission! New mission! Watch my dolls for me!"
"Hey! Gamma! Don't just accept a new mission without-"
You run off without listening to the rest of what Echo is saying. She simply stares at you as the blue-haired doll sighs.
The women's locker room is usually pretty quiet in the Caledfwlch labs. Most of the eggheads are men, and the few women around here are either technicians, scientists important enough to have their own restrooms, or Raptors.
It's the perfect place to don a disguise!
Slowly, the infiltrator takes off the uniform she used as a cover to get in, and then she starts slipping into-

"Uh! hi!" Red-haired human didn't expect you to suddenly appear out of the vent like that! "Who are you, little lady?"
"I'm Gamma!" You smile, "I overheard one of the humans saying that we were getting a new nanny! So I just had to come meet you!"
"..Nanny? They meant 'psychologist', right?"
"They said 'Nanny'! I guess that's what they mean? Anyway! What's 'Aerial Rave'-"
"..How do you know about-" Red haired girl blinks, "-It's a secret."
"Can you show me sometime?!" You smile real big.
"YAY!" You jump for joy, "Anyway! Let's go to the meeting room!" You grab her hand. She suddenly realizes that you're a lot stronger than she is!
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Okay! But I get to dress in your cute black coat!
8 |
You can't just use a barrier jacket?
7 |
Why? everyone else there is naked under their clothes, too.
7 |
If you're so concerned about being the only one naked, then we can just strip everyone there. That way you won't be teased for being the odd one out!
3 |
I'll take my clothes off too! Then we'll match!
"You can't just use a barrier jacket?" You blink, "I wear my jacket when I'm outside most of the time!"
"Well, wearing my jacket would reveal my id-"
She stops herself, and looks sheepish.
"-Would be really embarrassing for me. That's all." She finishes her thought.
"How about this then!? We'll just go strip everyone in the meeting room! Then no one can be embarrassed!-"
"THAT WOULD BE EVEN WORSE!" 'Number Eleven' shouts!
"Why?" You blink, "All of the humans are naked under their clothes."
"I-I would just prefer to wear my own clothes! It'll be okay!"
"Okay, fine." You sigh, in defeat. "In exchange though, I'm gonna wear that nice black coat."
Before 'Number Eleven' can say anything else; you've already snatched it up and taken off down the hallway.
The meeting room is, as usual, going over boring charts and statistics. However, it becomes much more lively when you walk in the door.
Because you have your magic black coat slung over your shoulders.
"HALT!" You proudly proclaim, jacket flowing across your shoulders. "NO MISSION SHALL PROCEED WITHOUT CAPTAIN GAMMA'S APPROVAL!"
This causes the entire room to stop, and then turn their gaze toward you.
"..Is that an enforcer's coat?"
"Did she just say 'Captain Gamma'?"
The room's gaze then turns toward Captain Lancer, who has only one thing to say about that-
The usually stoic man is now laughing so hard that he can barely stay in his chair!
"That's right! Kneel before Captain Gamma!"
Oh! It's Number Eleven again!

"Don't just steal people's clothes without permission!"
"Excuse me-" Dr. Carrera, who looks exceedingly tired, notices her presence, "Who are you, again?"
"I'm Wanda Navajo-" She snatches the jacket off of your back. "-And I'm your new psychologist, working under you."
"BHAHAHAHAHA- GOOD LUCK, YOU'LL NEED IT." Is all Lancer can say to that.
"Excuse me- you're our new psychologist?" Dr. Carrera seems confused.
"That's right-" She puts it over herself to add another layer of clothing.
"-But that coat is a TSAB's enforcer's coat.. You're not an officer, are you?"
Wanda immediately freezes-
"It's not my coat." She immediately replies. "It came from the girl's locker room, I'll return it at once." Wanda slowly turns to leave.
"-Before you go- The nametag on it says 'Nakajima', when did that enforcer visit? Should we call them and ask?" One of the scientists looks toward Lancer, "This could be a breach of security if one of them has been around."
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA- AAAAA YEAH CAPTAIN GAMMA-" He very unhelpfully keeps laughing.
83 = 83
86 = 86
"Miss Nanny, what's an Enforcer? You seem to know a lot about them."
"I really don't!"
"Let's not jump to conclusions." One of the researchers speaks up, "Cinque used to visit as well, and I think her surname was Nakajima?"
"Right!" Wanda immediately responds, "That's right!"
"..Okay but Cinque is like half the size of that coat. It would be more like a dress on her." Carrera also points out, expediently.
You snatch the coat back, and throw it back over your shoulders.
"That my new name! Gamma Nakajima! I will keep the coat!"
Lancer starts laughing again. Everyone else just sighs and puts their face in their hands.
You start laughing too, it's infectious!
"Haahahaha-!" Lancer continues to laugh.
"BWAAA HAHAHAHA!" You give a triumphant laugh as the new Captain Nakajima!
"I do agree with Gamma that we should stop worrying about this, and focus on the next mission." Foxtrot walks into the room, and scoops you up into her arms. "Can we get to it?"
"Right, right, hahah-" Lancer is giggling, still. "Miss Navajo, please go put your clothes on, and come back when you're finished."
"My, OH! Oh, right! Be right back!"
Wanda scurries out of the room, and Foxtrot sits down with you in her lap. Her hand softly strokes your hair as Lancer starts talking.
"Okay, onward to official business." He stands up, "Today, I'm having a meeting with an important officer, and we may have Huckebein presence around to interrupt that. This is going to be an escort mission, and I'm going to be the escort. Gamma and Foxtrot will survey the perimeter, and Sierra and Tango will be on defense."
"I don't think you know what surveying means." Foxtrot presses her fingers into your cheeks.
"I'll be the best at it!" You re-iterate.
This causes Lancer to smile.
"In any case, we deploy in about twenty minutes. I'll let you know when Sierra and Tango are on station."
"Okay Gamma." Foxtrot leans down and talks to you, "I'm going to patrol over by the docks, you keep an eye out over here. Okay? Don't leave this parking garage."
"Okay!" You smile.
"I don't think anything is going to happen here because we're several blocks away from where Lancer is meeting, but just in case, if something happens; let Iota know and then wait for me. Okay?"
"Okay!" You smile even wider.
"Okay, stay safe, Gamma."
Foxtrot gives you a big hug, and then vanishes. That's so cool!
Okay, all you have to do is watch this parking garage.
What could possibly go wrong?
Some time passes, with you playing with tiny stones in the parking garage, when suddenly- a van speeds through the streets, and straight into the structure!
There's a loud commotion, lots of people getting out, and yelling! This seems suspicious. You need to investigate!
But first, you need your proper armory-
You reach upward, and feel a familiar feeling in your palm.
Your hand wraps around your new axe as it firmly meets your tiny hand. The sky has been very nice to you lately! It's been holding your axe whenever you have been wanting to hide it from the humans and from Echo.
You examine it closely, and make sure the safeties are off-

You're really happy that you were able to customize it with a couple of trips to the terminals! You think it looks absolutely stunning, now!
"Twinkle Twinkle! Henshin!-"

"Da! Da! Da! DADADA! Da! Da!- Magic Captain Nakajima! Super Assault Unit!"
"What the hell?" You hear some rude voice interrupting your transformation theme!
You turn around in a snap-turn so quick that it makes him flinch. He takes out his pistol!
Your hot-pink colored axe comes right down on his shoulder! He is crushed to the ground and doesn't move anymore! Hooray!
Though.. Foxtrot DID say to call her if anything went wrong.. what should you do?
Votes | Choice |
9 |
Nothing is wrong! In fact, everything is just right!
8 |
If I resolve it fast enough, then Foxtrot won't have to worry!
6 |
No, wait, she actually said to call Iota if 'something happens'. This is something.
5 |
Try to think: what would Wanda do in this situation? She had the Captain's Coat, so she must be really clever.
3 |
The only thing you have to do is call Iota and stay in the parking lot. So, they're all yours to play with!
3 |
Magic Captain Nakajima needs to sing her victory song!
3 |
If pieces of the parking garage go everywhere, then going anywhere counts as staying in the parking garage, right?
2 |
Maybe I should tell Iota...
2 |
..And maybe wait for Foxtrot.
"Hmm.." You think to yourself as you pick your axe and sling it over your shoulder. A thought occurs.
Foxtrot said to call her if anything went wrong.
But, so far, nothing has gone wrong. It has, in fact, gone exactly according to plan. You have big axe, bad guy has little body, you crush bad guy with axe.
So, going by that train of thought..
Nothing is wrong.
In fact, everything is just right!
If you resolve this fast enough, then Foxtrot doesn't have to intervene! It will be less trouble for her, and everything will continue to be just right!
"Eheh.." You smile.
She DID say you should call Iota if something happens, this is indeed 'something'.
You'll do the responsible thing..
And send her an email, then turn off the datalink.

"LISTEN UP!" A rude human yells, "We don't have the package, but she don't know that. I don't want to hear even a PEEP about this birdcage having a hologram inside until I say so, you fuckin' HEAR ME?"
There's some mumbling and cursing, and the boy replies.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it, 'Fuck you, Senna' and all, anyone who breaks this rule is the first one who gets their head cut off." The human runs a finger across his neck.
You watch with curiosity from behind a parked truck. You can tell they're all criminals.
Which means anything in this truck is yours! Hooray!

Like that! Yoink!
It's going right on your arm!
"SHE JUST PULLED UP!" One of the humans yell, this causes loud human to suddenly start scurrying.
"Okay! Showtime folks! Don't fuck this one up!" He yells as the other humans rush behind him down to the other side of the parking garage. After a couple moments, it's quiet.
In the distance, however, you can hear talking. The echo from the parking garage is too loud to discern exactly what they are saying, but you get little bits and pieces of it.
That voice sure sounds familiar, though!
64 + 50 = 114
3 + 50 = 53
12 = 12
82 + 50 = 132
81 = 81
Options: Sum. Threshold: 140.
59 + 50 = 109 (Fail)
You want to keep this as short as possible so Foxtrot doesn't think there's a problem. Though, there were a lot of bad humans, and they all sounded rude! They're not likely to give up and go home if you ask nicely.
You may have a collaborator in all of this!

A series of icy projectiles erupt out of the young mage's magic field. Each one skewers a different Eclipse mercenary as they attempt to close in. The whole time, she stands completely confident and unwavering.

"We're not here for games."
You reach over and move a stick until it clicks. With a little bit of fiddling, you find something important-
Vroom- Vroom.
Oh! It's talking to you!
"Give me back Reinforce."
"Ohh- ho-" The yellow-haired kid steps back, he has a cage in his hand with a projection of a little doll inside. "-Not so tough without your slaves, are you?"

"Don't call my family that." The figure draws into view. It's Echo! She's acting so high and mighty! Maybe this is some other special mission she was sent on?
"I call things how I see them." The blonde kid fumbles with a ball of lightning in his hand. He tosses it over his shoulder, and catches it with his left hand. "Glad you at least decided to join us without them."
The sound of the revving engine causes a few of the guards to look around, but the three mages continue staring each other down.
"Let me see her." Echo reaches her hand out, "I want to see the cage."
"Woh now- That's not how this works. If you want-"
How does this work, anyway? It's not moving!
"WILL SOMEONE SHUT THAT CAR UP?" The yellow kid yells down the hallway at you.
There's a red button.. Maybe that's it?
That didn't do anything. How about this lever?
Clickclickclick- SNAP!
Oh, it's moving!
Uh oh.
"What the FUCK?!" The yellow haired kid yells as he leaps back.

"HEY!" Echo has grabbed the cage in the confusion, "REIN'S NOT IN HERE"-
"SHUT IT, BITCH!" One of the guards raises his staff-
You snap the steering wheel right, and cause your new Van to do a donut in the parking garage. You lean out the now-broken window of the van, and slash the axe downward at the attacking mage-
"Who are-"
You snap back to the other side of the van, and grab Echo by the collar.
You then drag her into the van, and press the tiny pedal down on the floor that you've weighted with a concrete block-
The van drives past a wooden barricade. It speeds onto the street in front of the parking garage, and then does a little spin before-
"AAAAAAAAAA-" Echo is yelling! She's celebrating your victory!
"YES! I'M HAPPY FOR OUR MISSION SUCCESS TOO!" Now if you can figure out how to stop this, it'll be an even bigger mission success!
"Oh for the love of-"
A rather adult hand reaches past you, and clicks off the keys dangling on the steering wheel.

"I swear." Foxtrot sighs, "I can't look away for a minute, can I? Every mission, you exceed in giving every person around you heart attacks. I'm so glad I decided to follow you."
Votes | Choice |
10 |
Mission success!
8 |
Throwing cars is so much easier than driving them! I had no idea!
5 |
"Foxtrot! What did you think of my driving? Pretty great, right!"
4 |
Foxtrot! Look! You don't have to worry!
4 |
3 |
Echo???: Vita! Whats going on? You grew up?! Who is this chil-
Foxtrot: Be silent fleshbag, you have interfered with a TSAB operation.
Gamma: 'Giggling'
1 |
Bring foxtrot and echo to a love hotel because you love a successful mission
54 = 54
16 = 16
69 = 69
32 = 32
29 = 29
"Hi Foxtrot!" You hug your sister's arm, "Driving cars is so much harder than it looks! Throwing them is much easier.."
"Young lady, explain yourself." She dangles the keys in her hands as the van slowly rolls to a stop.. by bashing itself against a street post.
"Uhm.. Mission accomplished?"
"What mission would that be, Gamma?" Foxtrot is grilling you.
"To protect Mister Lancer."
"And how did destroying a parking garage accomplish that?"
"If I destroyed the parking garage and the bad people inside of it, then Foxtrot wouldn't be worried! It's pre-emptive!" You smile.
"..Gamma.. Do I look worried right now?"
"Well I AM." She huffs. "I am VERY worried."
"Oh.. so mission failure, then?"
"No, Gamma. No, the main mission is still going on.." Foxtrot huffs.
She then turns her attention to Echo.
"Hey, Lady. Are you okay?"
"V-Vita?" Echo is acting kind of weird.
"No, I'm not 'Vita'. Are you okay? I'm sorry Gamma assaulted you like that, but- she's the assault unit."
"Y-yeah.. I'm fine, just a bit- rattled. Are we safe? Is Fortis still around?"
"Who's Fortis?"
"OOh! I know!" You raise your hand, "He's the fourth guy who went 'Bump' under the wheels!"
"..Went 'bump' under the wheels."
"That's not going to stop him." Echo seems extremely worried. "He's surely following us, right now."
Votes | Choice |
8 |
He's coming back to play?! Go greet him!
7 |
"Then we just bump him under the wheels a few more times!"
4 |
Let Foxtrot decide what to do. She's the adult!
4 |
+Run him over backwards just in case he is still awake.
1 |
I am gonna go smack him with my axe!
0 |
Start van back up and drive off!
"He wants to play more?!" You gasp, and your eyes light up. "I would love to! Let's go back!"
"..Your eyes.. are glowing." Echo states with a caution in her voice.
"No, Gamma. Remember the mission. It had nothing to do with any stupid humans that weren't Lancer and his contact."
"Lancer.. As in Captain Lancer?" Echo whispers.
"So if it's a problem we can bump him under the wheel a few more times?"
"I don't think that would do anything to Fortis." Echo seems genuinely scared.
"I think I see him.." Foxtrot glances out the driver-side mirror. "That's the guy in the black coat, right? The guy covered in blood?"
Echo's face pales as she glances out the passenger side window. You simply glance out the open back of the van and see him.

"That was quite an escape, Yagami." He bellows in an angry tone, "-But not a very intelligent one. I already have barricades up throughout the next district. You're not leaving here alive."
"Can I go play?!"
"No." Foxtrot commands. "Hold my hand, we're going invisible and leaving."
"But you can only take one at a time doing that." You smile, "Why not take Echo and let me go play?!"
"Gamma, I'm not taking the human."
"WHAT?!" Echo immediately shouts.
"What?! Human?!" Where's a human?! An evil human?! You'll kill them!
"Gamma! We're on a mission! We don't have time to deal with some human's problems!"
"Y-you can just take Echo, right? I'll be fine!"
"No, that's not the problem. The problem is that you may compromise the mission!"
"Mission?! Invisible? What is going on?!" Echo seems extremely confused. Foxtrot helpfully tells her what is going on.
"We're on an important mission. If your life is in danger or not, you can let the human police deal with it."
"The police cannot deal with him! He got ran over by a car! What can they do?"
"Not our problem. Come on, Gamma. We'r-"
You can hear Foxtrot saying those words, but you've already hopped out the back of the van and started walking toward you're new friend!
The bloody human simply clicks his tongue.
"The fuck is this? Who are you?"

You give him a twirl, and a wink!

"Kid, in the next life I hope your parents teach you to not bite off more than you can chew." He growls, and sneers.
You raise your hand up.

and smile.
The rude human's smile suddenly disappears.
"I wanna play-" You reel the axe back in your hand. "Catch!"
He immediately turns around and starts to dart off at superhuman speeds!
"Yes! Now you're getting it!"
You throw Barracuda-chan as hard and as fast as you can at him. He turns at the last second and tries to grab it!
Despite the fact you're quite some distance away, you can hear him break as he explodes!
"Aw! You lost!"
You hold your toy in your hand as you walk back to the van. Foxtrot is giving you an evil eye, and Echo is whispering 'Holy shit' over and over again to herself.
You raise your arms, in victory!
"Gamma.." Foxtrot is glaring. "You are in so much trouble, young lady."
"What?!" You feel taken aback, "I didn't do anything wrong! He wanted to play!"
"Gamma, the mission, how does breaking that human accomplish the mission?"
You blink.
"If I break the human, then we can focus on the mission! Mission accomplished!"
Foxtrot stares at you, menacingly.
"I don't get it! What did I do wrong?! I just wanted to accomplish the mission so you wouldn't have to worry!"
"I'm more worried now than ever."
"Excuse me-" Echo tries to get Foxtrot's attention.
"One moment, human. I'm still scolding Gamma." Foxtrot shuts her down.
"Not fair! It's not fair, Foxtrot! Hotel is not scolded for killing hostile humans!"
"Don't base your decisions off what HOTEL is doing!" Foxtrot is VERY menacing with that statement!
"ECHOOO!" You grab her hands and whine, "Foxtrot is being unfair!"
"Uhh.." Echo blinks.
"Gamma.." She sighs, "That isn't Echo."
"It's not?"
"Try scanning her."
Your eyes blink as you quickly give her a once-over, and realize that she has, indeed, returned a scan error.
Foxtrot then picks you up by the collar of your barrier jacket.
"We're leaving."
"WAIT!!" The human grabs Foxtrot's sleeve. "Don't go! Where is Rein-chan?! Why do you look like Vita? How did you both know to be here?! WHO ARE YOU?"
Foxtrot smiles, and then raises her pistol up to not-Echo's head.
"Stop asking questions. You won't like the answer. Instead, go home and forget about all of this."

"-Will not."
You see Foxtrot's finger on the trigger. The human seems to be casting a magic spell too!
"STOP!" You yell as loud as you can, "NO KILLING HUMAN ECHO OR I WILL CRY! THAT IS A THREAT!"
Foxtrot and human Echo both turn their head toward you.
"..Gamma, what's wrong?" Foxtrot seems confused.
"..Mom?" human Echo blinks. "What?"
"..Gamma, you're putting me in a tough spot. Could you please just let me shoot the human?"
"NO!" You pout, "You're being mean and unfair!"
"Right! You can't be mad at me for killing a human that's interfering in the mission and then do the same thing! That's hip-... hipocri-"
You pout even harder.
"It's not fair, Foxtrot!" You scoff, "It's not fair that you scold me for killing and then you turn around and try to kill Echo-human!"
Just to illustrate your point, you grab not-Echo's hand and hold it tight.
Foxtrot stares at you.
"..You're not going to take her home like you did the dolls, are you?"
"Why? What do you want from some random human we picked up?!"
"I'm gonna take her home and have her give back the skin she stole from Echo!"
"..I'm really confused." Quiet, not-Echo!
"You know what goes into taking care of a full grown human? Do you even know what they eat, or what they do in the bathroom? Are you prepared to handle the responsibility of taking care of a full-grown human?"
"Hey wait, I'm not-"
"I'LL TAKE GOOD CARE OF HER!" You grab her arm tightly. "At least until she gives the skin back!"
"What is going on here?"

"Signum!" not-Echo shouts. "Are you okay? How did you find me?!"
"Oh great, she has more." Foxtrot sighs, "Can I at least shoot this one?"
"No! Don't be a hipo, hippo- hi-"
"Excuse me-" Pink human seems just as shocked as not-Echo was. "You're not Vita, are you?"
"This is too complicated, now." Foxtrot sighs, "If it weren't for Gamma being so greedy, we could be out of here by now. How did you even find us?"
"How did I find the burning corpse in the middle of the street?" Pink human huffs. "Hayate, do you do that? How are we going to explain this to the police? Fortis is still-"
"No, I didn't. She did." not-Echo glances at you. "That burning corpse is Fortis."
"She-" Pink human blinks, and glances at you with a seemingly worried look.
"Excuse me!" You smile, "I need to go home, and this human needs to give Echo her skin back. I don't think they'll let me keep two humans, but I can come back tomorrow to feed you!"
"..Little girl." She sighs, "We aren't going anywhere, instead; You should come with us."
"Sorry but I gotta go back to base, so that can't happen!" You smile, "How about this though. So Foxtrot doesn't shoot you, how about you come with me?"

"Listen, little girl? What just happened is a major incident. I don't care who you are 'reporting' to, but you're clearly an artificial mage. Which is why you need to come with us, not the other way around. You can't stop us-"
"She stopped me."

"She completely stopped me." Pink human repeats once more, wriggling in the bind you placed on her. "It wasn't even a fight."
"Eheh.." You smile as you drive the van in front of the labs. "I already called Echo, so she can come get her skin any minute now!"
"Gamma, I should probably mention that-"
"Wait!" Not-Echo seems to be panicking now, "I thought you were joking, but it's starting to sound like you really want me to give my skin away!"
"Well, I guess it depends on if Echo wants her skin back." You smile.
"Gamma, humans can't give-"
"Oh! There's Echo now!" You smile.
A VERY ANGRY Mom seems to be approaching the van!
"Yeah, I told Iota that we were coming and to meet us out here, but I still think that-" Foxtrot seems to be panicking looking at Echo, "-I think that Echo might be mad that-"
Echo stops as she peers inside of the van, and sees the two humans tied up in the back in magic binds.

"GAMMA!" Echo shouts! "What have you DONE?!"
Votes | Choice |
11 |
So you don't want your skin back?
10 |
10 |
9 |
"Oh, you already got new skin! Did you have a spare?"
8 |
+I know they're not alive like Mr. toaster but I'll love them all the same!
6 |
I prevented humans from compromising the mission and brought your skin back!
5 |
Mission accomplished!
5 |
I saved the mission!
4 |
+Wait. What DO humans do in the bathroom?
4 |
Tear up?
"Oh.. So you don't want your skin back?" You ask, feeling a bit dejected. "You could always use a spare, right?!"
"Where did you get these humans, young lady?!" Echo seems even more upset than Foxtrot!
"I found them! We were on a mission and there were some rude humans, and then there were these humans! And then there was lots of shooting! And-"
Echo's mood is not improving.
"-Anyway! If you don't want your skin back, then can I keep them?! I'll water them, and feed them, and walk them every day!"
Echo's mood still hasn't improved.
"Gamma…" Echo is scowling, "You do realize that you just kidnapped a ranking member of the TSAB, right?"
"A what?" You smile, with a blink. "I rescued them! Aren't you proud of me, Mom?!"
Echo's face.. she doesn't look very proud.
Oh no, have you done something wrong?
"..Gamma, go inside the labs and grab anything you think you may want from there and be out here in no less than two minutes."
"Huh? But-"
"No buts, just do it. Foxtrot, take the wheel and plot a course literally anyplace else but here. Get ready to move."
"Got it."

You giggle as you sit in the park, surrounded by the sounds of wildlife. Such as humans, smaller humans, fast humans, tall humans, fat humans, slow humans, and also more intelligent wildlife like birds and fish.
The large, pink woman approaches you, holding one of your ice-cream cones as a small red doll balances on her shoulder, giving her a snide grin.

"So.." The small red doll smiles at the large pink woman, "You got 'rescued' too, didn't you?"
"Quiet.." Pink human mumbles, "Don't remind me, that was embarrassing."
Echo sighs sharply. Not-Echo takes one of the ice-cream cones from pink human, and continues the conversation she was having with her.
"So-" Not-Echo sighs, "I didn't get your reaction at first, but now I sort of understand."
"Yeah.." Echo sighs, herself.
"And you don't want TSAB help with this, why?"
"Because I don't trust humans to help my family when humans are the ones who own my family." Echo is frustrated.. "It's not as simple as just 'calling the police'. Caledfwlch is bigger than the police from everything I've seen."
"..That may be true on some levels, but-"
"Look at what happened to the Ground Forces' Headquarters! They can just.. create.. giant robots that attack the most heavily guarded facility on the entire planet! No one's the wiser of how it got on top of the building, or who it even came from!"
"..Well, Echo, look-"
"Or what happened with Fortis! I keep an eye out on the news, and I know Fortis is public enemy #1, someone who is completely above all others when it comes to threats! Do you really think it's a coincidence that he cornered you the same time Lancer had some kind of 'important meeting'? Caledfwlch probably did that, too!"
"You see, Echo-" Human Echo tries to respond, but she's interrupted again.
"It's just.. I don't know what else they would do or how far they would go.. I don't want it to hurt the ones around me, especially the youngest ones.."
Echo seems very distressed. Not-Echo puts her hand on her shoulder.
"Echo, listen. I understand you're incredibly upset and confused right now, but you need to have a little faith."
"Faith? In who?"
"Your family, Echo. You mentioned the Ground Forces HQ, but you didn't mention the tiny axe-shaped missile that defused that situation. You also mentioned Fortis, but you seem to have forgotten the part where he was smited. It seems you already have all of Caledfwlch's greatest firepower for yourself. There doesn't seem to be much else they can throw at you."
"What? You mean Gamma?! No, I'm not doing anything that could result in her having to be in any more danger than she's already been in."
"..It seems everyone else is in danger when Gamma fights, Echo."
"Who cares! It's not her job to resolve these problems. I'll find a way to do it inside of Caledfwlch, and then we'll wash our hands of the whole thing."
"..I think you're just too overprotective of her." Not-Echo sighs.
"I am not!" Echo protests, "I'm exactly as protective as I should be according to calculations!"
"Really? Because you're cradling her on your lap, rubbing her head, right now."
It's true, Echo has been gently massaging your scalp for the better part of a half-hour. You gently lean into it with a slight purr.
"..So? What does that mean?"
"I think it means that Gamma's nickname for you isn't just a nickname." Not-Echo grins, "You really have become her mother."
"That's not true." She pouts.
"You squeezed her when I said that."
"-ANYWAY, the point is, if you really respect me and my decisions. You'll leave us to it, and not involve any more TSAB staff. I already know there's at least one undercover officer in the labs, now. Which is why I didn't want to have this conversation there. So please, stay out of it-"
"What conversation?"

"-Is it about why you decided to hop in a stolen vehicle and drive halfway across town? Because if you didn't want police involved, that was the worst thing to do." Miss Navajo suddenly appeared! "Also, Hi Commander."
"Hi, Wendi." Not-Echo giggles.
"Huh?" Echo is dumbstruck, "How did you find us?!"
"Oh! Right, about that." You grin, "Iota told me that I should tell the staff that my mission was complete, so I told Wanda that we were done and going to the park!"
This causes Echo to scowl again, and growl.
"What? Did I do something wrong?" You pout. "I don't get it, I listened to Iota, isn't that what I should have done?"
You feel another hand rubbing your head, now.
"No, that was good." Not-Echo's hand feels softer than Echo's hand. "Good job, Sweetheart. Want some candy?"
"Gamma.. I don't even know what to do, now. I certainly can't go back to the labs." Echo growls, and folds her hand over her eyes.
"We can't go back?" You suddenly realize the weight of what Echo is discussing may have something to do with you.
"..Maybe not, Gamma." She squeezes you.
"Why not? The sisters and the appliances and the vending machines are there, too!"
"I know, Gamma. It's hard for me, too." She squeezes you even tighter, and whispers into your hair. "If I thought there could be any other way, then I would do it."
"There are plenty of other ways! I can pick the labs up and bring them to you!"
Not-Echo giggles, but Echo still seems extremely serious about this.
"I know it's hard to accept, but it's not safe for us back at the labs right now. We may not be gone forever, but just for a short time, okay?"
You step down off of her lap, "I'm going to go play.."
"Stay nearby, okay?" Echo sighs.
You just feel dejected. You're not sure what to do, other than go play.
"Knowing what Caledfwlch is doing, they could be weaponizing the pancake machine." Wanda sighs.
"Don't even joke about it." Not-Echo pats Echo on the shoulder, "That could be their next scheme before too long.
You wander off while they're talking. You suppose that your instructions are to stay nearby, but Echo didn't exactly specify how nearby you have to be. So you're going to play with some of the intelligent wildlife, like the ducks.
"I don't get it." You pout, "If we blow up the old labs, we would be welcome at the new labs. Why can't we just blow them up?"
Wait, if you blow them up; then that could possibly hurt the pancake maker. You don't want to involve anything living in this.
"This sucks.."
"Hey sweetie."
You glance upward, and notice a new face.

"I overheard that lady talking. Is she your mommy?"
"She said that you weren't able to go home anymore. That's pretty mean. Does your mommy want to keep you from going home?"
"Yeah! And it SUCKS!" You pout. The white-haired lady giggles.
"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that.. Where were you going to go, if you can't go home?"
"I don't know.."
"How about this, then?" The white-haired lady smiles, "Why don't you come home with me?"
"Huh?" You blink, "But what about Mom?"
"She can catch up, later. If you come with me, you and her will both have a home. Don't you want to get her a new home?"
Votes | Choice |
9 |
Does it have sisters and appliances and vending machines?
5 |
I don't know, I should ask Echo
5 |
(Scan her) X-ray? Wow, you are strong big sis!
3 |
I have an axe that I carry with me, can I take it, too?
3 |
I should say goodbye to my dolls and my humans too.
1 |
New home? Count me in!
1 |
Can I bring someone with me?
1 |
New home, quick pick up everyone to bring along!
"..Does this new home have sisters, appliances, and vending machines?"
"Oh yes, all the sisters, appliances, and vending machines you could ever want. Sisters you haven't even met yet, Gamma." The white-haired lady smiles.
This seems like a trick!
You scan the strange, white-haired lady, and-
"..Unit X-Ray?"
"That's right." She whispers, "I'm a sister, too."
"OH!" You wrap your arms around her, "New sister!"
"Don't you want to meet all your other sisters? There's many more where I came from."
"I don't know.." You remember what Mom told you, "I should ask Echo, first."
"It's fiiine." She pats your head, "Echo would approve if it meant finding more sisters, right?"
"..I should say goodbye to my dolls and humans, too."
"Don't worry about it, it's not like we're leaving forever. You're not saying goodbye to anybody."
"I'm not?"
"Nope, in fact, you can take your dolls and humans with you, if you want."
"I promise." She smiles.
47 = 47
47 = 47
So.. New sister?!
"New sister?" Your eyes are gleaming.
"That's right." She smiles, "Lots of new sisters, all waiting for you."
"Lemme go get my dolls and mom, and we can go!" You spring to your feet. This takes big sis X-Ray by surprise.
"Wait, there's no need for that, we can-"
Too late!
You've already sprinted off toward Mommy and not-Mommy. You arrive back at the fountain, and-
The local wildlife continue to play in the distant background. They are almost deafening against your audio sensors as you try to listen for any telltale signs of Mommy or your dolls.
"Mommy?" You blink, and feel a deepening sense of dread in whatever-is-inside-of-you.
The bench, the fountain, all of it looks familiar. Maybe it's a bit different in a few aspects, but it's familiar enough to where you can tell that this is where Echo said she would wait for you.
There's no Echo.
No answer.
There are humans in the distance whose voices you can hear with some degree of clarity. Maybe you should go toward them?
"See?" Big Sister X-Ray walks up behind you, "As I was trying to tell you, they've already gone ahead. Come on, let's go find them!"
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Hug X-Ray
5 |
That's not fair! That's not fair, X-ray! Why I am the last one!?
5 |
+ Pout
4 |
Run off again, try to find where Echo went!
4 |
Call Iota?
4 |
Try not to cry/Cry a lot.
3 |
Oh no, someone is kidnapping Raptors. Don't worry X-Ray I will keep you safe from everyone and anyone until we find them *cheerfully ignores anything she says in response*
2 |
Play hide and seek
2 |
Sit on X-ray's shoulders.
1 |
Punch the park until it gives them back! *Rampage*
1 |
0 |
Scream and cry
19 = 19
73 = 73
100 = 100
31 = 31
21 = 21
30 = 30
Your eyes start to leak a very fine, moisturizing lubricant. You've only felt this feeling on your optical sensors a few times before, and each time usually ended with you crushing something into the dirt.
This is different, though. You don't even know who needs to be crushed first!
"That's not fair-!" You immediately turn around and wrap your arms around X-Ray, "Why am I the last one?! Why did they leave without me?!"
"I don't know.." She grabs you, and pulls you closer into a hug, and smiles. "..I guess they don't love you as much as I do."
"I can't stop looking! I need to find them!" You pull away, and pout.
"Sure, we can look for just.. a little while." She suddenly seems nervous, "But no longer, okay?"
You don't really care what else she has to say about it. You're going to look for as long as it takes to find Echo!
You know she was just here, so she couldn't have gone very far! After this, you're putting a tracker on her so she can't run away, again!
You search all of the Echo-shaped places that you think she could have ran off to. Behind the fountain, in the nearby brush, under the water fountain. Echo isn't anywhere! Not even a trace of Echo remains! You tilt your head back, and yell the only thing that comes to mind after losing her:
"MOMMY!" You shout. Somehow, the distant humans don't seem to notice your shouting, at all.
"Gamma.." X-Ray kneels beside you, "I know it's hard to accept, but it just seems like Echo has better things to do than spend time with you."
"NO!" You shout, and immediately throw yourself at the fountain.
You hit some kind of invisible barrier that separates you from the center. You reflect off of it, and X-Ray gives a simple explaination:
"..Huh? How did you-"
"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!"
You start punching, and pounding the invisible force field. It reflects and wobbles at your repeated strikes.
Then, you hear it!
"-over here-"
"PINK HUMAN!" You shout at thin air. "PINK HUMAN! I'M OVER HERE!"
There's no mistaking it, you can hear Pink Human's voice very faintly in the distance.
"Now- now, don't break the barrier, Gamma-" X-Ray puts her hand on your shoulder, "You'll make a real mess for everyone if you-"
"COME BACK!" You shout-
With a final punch, a gigantic crack appears in mid-air!
Followed swiftly by a wave of glass shattering, revealing none other than-
You rush forward, past the falling glass, and wrap your arms around a very confused Echo.
"Gamma?! Where did you go-"
"I knew it, someone set up a barrier, right here under our nose." Pink human picks up one of the discarded shards. "It must be someone pretty powerful, be careful Hayate."
Your new sister, X-Ray, can only blink and whisper a single word.
"Wh-" Echo stands up, and GLARES at the new sister! "..X-RAY.."
"Hi Echo!" She smiles.
"-YOU, WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Echo immediately wraps her arms around you, "DID YOU SET UP THIS BARRIER?"
"Eheh, Of course not! I was just about to bring Gamma back after I found her lost inside of it." She smiles, and sticks her tongue out.
You wrap your arms around Echo, and just start squeezing. You were so worried. It really felt like you had lost her forever!
"You expect me to believe that, X-Ray?" Echo squeezes back, "That you just happened to show up when a barrier appeared to separate Gamma from everyone else? How stupid do you- Ow Gamma, please, let up a bit, you're way stronger than I am."
"Oh-" You loose your grip slightly, but only a little bit.
"'X-Ray'?" not-Echo springs to her feet. "You're.. another Raptor?"
"Come on! Why are you so distrustful, Echo?" X-Ray smiles, "I was just trying to help a lost child. Where's the malice in that?"
"Knowing you, there's malice in everything you do." Echo spats, "You made the barrier and tried to take Gamma, just confess."
"I did no such thing!" She huffs.
"Wait, 'X-Ray', please-" Not-Echo is annoyed at being completely ignored.
"Big Sis-" Which means you as well, you're going to ignore her next. "Are we going to our new home yet? I was wanting to take the dolls and Echo!"
This IMMEDIATELY sets off Echo for some reason.

"X-RAY!" She shouts, "YOU MONSTER!"
"What? I was just offering her a new place to stay. You're technically homeless now anyway." Big sis smiles.
"I WILL KILL YOU!" Echo immediately huffs. "YOU CHILD ABDUCTRESS-"
"What?!" You gasp, "Echo! Don't kill Big sis!"
"Hahah- That's a funny one, Echo." X-Ray giggles, "I think you're too emotional to take care of Gamma, really."
"Whaaaaat? Who said anything about the Chairman?" She sticks her tongue out, "I just think Gamma is cute and you're just a hobo living outside of the labs now, anyway. She's cute, I'm cute, I would be a much better mother."
Echo reaches her hand up, she's about to slap big sis!
You gallantly jump between them before Echo is able to raise her hand against X-Ray!
" NO FLIRTING!" You yell at the top of your lungs, causing several humans in the distance to turn their heads.
"What?" Both X-Ray and Echo look extremely confused, but have differing reactions.
"You know, flirting." Tiny red doll smirks.
"I mean!" you correct yourself, "No Fighting!"
"I think you had it right the first time." Agito smiles.
"Gamma, don't protect X-Ray. She's not someone you can trust." Echo crosses her arms.
"I'm not someone you can trust?" X-Ray gives a sharp glare. "I'm more trustworthy than the girl who just stole you from the labs and is talking about giving you over to humans."
"'Giving her'?!" Echo immediately retaliates.
"Of course, why else would you be having a clandestine meeting between a TSAB commander? You didn't seek out my help."
"HEY!" You shout.
".." They both glare at one another as if they're moments away from having a fight, right here and now.
"Mommies! Sisters! I don't need either of you fighting! You're supposed to be helping each other!" You pout. "No one is giving me away and nobody is taking me away! So kiss and make up!"
"K-Kiss?!" Echo's eyes widen.
"Pfft-" X-Ray stops an obvious laugh, "Okay, sure Echo. Let's kiss and make up."
"And now, big Sis!" You grab X-Ray by the hand, "You said there's a place we can all live! So show us where that is!"
"No Gamma, don't do it-" Echo grabs your hand, "Don't go with X-Ray, she's not-"
X-Ray smiles.
"This is good enough."
"Hello!" You shout, "Doll? Other doll? Other human? Where are you!"
No answer.
Several minutes ago, you heard an explosion.
Afterwards, yourself, X-Ray, and Echo found yourselves in a strange, white laboratory area. It looks like a more sterile version of your laboratories.
Mommy and Big Sis are glaring daggers at each other. No doubt blaming each other for the strange explosion that has mysteriously transported you out of the park!
"Take us back, right now."
"Oh ho~" Big Sis smiles, "What do you mean?"
"Don't play stupid with me you bit-"
You immediately dart between them, and grab both of their hands.
"Gamma, please let me handle this." Echo pats you on the head, "This has become a bigger problem than it has to be thanks to this woman, here."
"'This woman?!'" X-Ray frowns, "Not even a 'Sis'?"
"No one in my family is that ugly." Echo scowls.
"NO!" You wrap your arms around Mom, "FIGHTING!"
"I just want Gamma to meet some of her family who lives here, and maybe get to spend some time with her. Can't you put up with it long enough for that?" X-Ray sighs.
"I shouldn't have to. I didn't ask to come here, and in fact I was escaping the labs." Echo is still scowling, "The fact that you would just bring us to a different lab is akin to siding with the Chairman?"
"You think I'm on his side?" She smiles, snidely.
"I think you just took Gamma and I back into his clutches."
"You're so naïve." X-Ray shrugs.
"Oh! Wait! Barracuda!" You blink, "I could use her to find out what's going on."
"Gamma, Barracuda is on Midchilda. We're-"
"No, it's fine! I can still feel her!" You smile.
You reach out your hand, and start to feel it-
57 = 57
80 = 80
66 = 66
28 = 28
87 = 87
99 = 99
"It's no problem! I can feel it!" You proudly proclaim to your mama.
Your hand remains outstretched, and you feel Barracuda calling.
".." Both Echo and X-Ray look on in confusion.
Echo turns to X-Ray, and continues bickering.
"This doesn't stop the problem we had before." Echo huffs.
"What problem? You're home! This is our home!"
"No, the chairman is living in our house." X-Ray seems confident about her logic.
It's coming to you! You can feel it!
"This is ridiculous." Echo huffs, "Either you take us back, or I turn the power off and scramble the code. Choose."
"Don't be that way! I just want Gamma to meet some of the sisters, that's all!"
"I told you, if you don't do anything, then I'm going to destroy the infrastructure of this base!"
"Echo you're acting like more of a child than Gamma."
"I did not kidnap you, I simply brought you home.
"That sounds like a you problem."
Echo and X-Ray stand still for a moment, both of them blink.
'The base is under attack, unknown number of assailants, unknown damage inflicted. Prepare battle stations.'
"Under attack?!" Echo shouts.
"Uhh-" X-Ray looks nervous, maybe even for once in her life.
"Here it is!"
'Red alert, base systems compromised. Abandon station.' The same dull voice announces to the station just as you hear-

With a red and yellow fun-colors, the wall turns to scrap as a familiar friend finds you!
Whoosh Whoosh-

"H-" X-Ray looks on, with horror. "How did you do that?"
"Hmm?" You blink, "Well, I own the axe, right? So it's only natural that I can bring it back to me."
This causes X-Ray to blink, and with a mutter simply say a single word.
Warning. Laboratory integrity compromised. Abandon station immediately. Fire fighting teams, to your stations.'
"Eheh…" You love Barracuda-chan!
Votes | Choice |
11 |
Can I be on the fire fighting team? That means fighting things with fire, right?! I'd love to try that!
8 |
Go find humans and dolls! They must be lonely!
7 |
Big Sis X-ray! You can teleport everyone! Let's go! (grab her hand)
7 |
OOoh there's an armory! and...wait THERE'S A RACK WITH YOUR NAME ON IT. FULL OF GUNS AND SHARP WEAPONS. Why did noone tell you?!?!?
4 |
Evacuate like the voice says!
2 |
Let's go talk to this Chairman person!
2 |
ahh I love the smell of nukes in the morning
2 |
huh whats with that moon coming towards us?
2 |
Time to find your sisters
2 |
Let's go meet the sisters X-Ray was talking about
1 |
Oh, fire fighting teams? You like fighting, join in on the fire fighting! That's where you fight using fire, right?
1 |
Lets axe a question to all the humans.
"OOh!" Your eyes light up, "Can I be on the fire fighting team? That's where you fight things with fire, right? I'm a professional at that!"
"X-Ray.." Echo immediately growls. "I'm going to put aside the part where I make your life a living hell so I can get Gamma to safety. Agreed?"
"Agreed. I'll just teleport her out of here-" X-Ray smiles, and reaches for your hand.
Fuel Integrity compromised, Red alert. All stations abandon. Unit X-Ray, to the director's office.
"Tch.." X-Ray immediately looks as if she has the anger of a thousand burning suns. "..I can't ignore that order. Gamma, Echo, take the emergency escape pod on the north side. I'll be back for you."
"Yay!" You smile, "Sister, do you need help?"
"..Getting the old fart out of here won't take but a second. Just stay with Echo."
Mommy gives a snide smile, and X-Ray immediately bites back.
"Don't think this is over!" She shouts, and then rushes off.
"Mom? What's over?" You blink. Echo simply rubs your scalp.
"Just the headache from having to listen to X-Ray." Echo smiles, "C'mon, let's find that shuttle."
"Okay! I'll find it quick!"
"Gamma, no-"
You throw the axe in the general direction of the escape pod.
"There!" You smile, "Now we can just walk straight there!"
Echo glances at the two-person sized hole you just made through the entirety of the laboratories, and says only a single word.
"Cmon! The red lights are getting angrier!" You note the 'Alart!' (You think that's what it says, because that sounds more ominous) screens flashing brighter and brighter as the explosions in the distance grow closer.
You practically pick up Echo and sprint toward your axe, embedded in the last standing metal wall between the inside, and the cold outside of this strange laboratory.
The escape pod draws into sight, and you note a peculiar note.
Big red text above it on a holoscreen, saying 'Locked!'
You peer inside, and notice something.
There are two humans inside!
"Hey!" You shout, "That's our pod! X-Ray told us to wait there!"
"Oh, is it?" An older human sits forward as the one across from him smirks. "Who told you that?"
"X-Ray sister did!"
"X-Ray did?" He smiles, "Then, if she knew that, she should also know I own everything in this laboratory. All of it, is mine."
"Yeah!" You shout, "You sound oddly evil and cartoonish! Who are you? Are you that chairman idiot I keep hearing about?"
"G-Gamma, careful-" Echo's eyes seem terrified.
"If X-Ray knew that this escape pod would be free, then she must be searching for me to help me escape. Good!" He smirks, "I love getting rid of loose ends. She should have know, though, that I also own everything in this laboratory. Including this escape pod."
He reaches over to press an obvious red button, but before he can-
"-And that includes both of you, her, and this escape pod, as well. So if you don't mind me-"
His fingers brush against the pad, and the thrusters on the pod activate!
You reach up and grab the docking clamp on the back of the escape pod-
You grab the docking clamp on the back of the pod, and peel it downward.
It jams! The thrusters on the pod immediately shut off!
You then rip the remnants of the docking clamp off, and jam it across the door frame.
That pod isn't going anywhere!
"HMPH!" You huff, "That's what you get!"
Both of the men inside are now prying at the door. One of them is allllllllllmost strong enough to break the edge of the wedge you've jammed in the door. You solve this by ripping off the other half of the docking clamp, and jamming it in the door.
"There- Now both of you wait here until I go find X-Ray sister!" You frown.
"G-GAmma! Wait! Let's find the other-"
"Mommy! Go to the shuttle, I'm finding X-Ray!" You grab your axe out of the wall, the difference in atmosphere causes an obvious whistling as air rushes outside.
Echo picks you up, and hugs you.
"No, no you're not, no more danger, no more craziness, please, let's just leave. X-Ray will be fine."
Votes | Choice |
9 |
But what if she's lost? She's wandered off, and you always say I'll get lost if I wander off!
8 |
X-Ray said there were sisters to meet here, what if they can't get out?
6 |
Mommy, no, X-Ray belongs to me, I'm bringing her with me.
5 |
+Time to stop. Stop Time that is
5 |
I won't leave anyone behind!
4 |
Mom, you're weak and feeble and also kind of squishy, I'll be okay!
0 |
..Okay, I'm sure she'll be fine.
"But what if she's lost!?" You huff, "She's wandered off, and you always said that I would get lost if I wandered off!"
"Gamma, that's different- You can't teleport."
"Who cares?!" You jump away, "X-Ray also said there were sisters here! What if one of them are trapped, and can't get out?!"
"-That's not your job to rescue them!"
"THE HELL IT ISN'T!" You shout, "X-Ray belongs to me! Sisters belong to me! I won't leave anyone behind!"
"Gamma- wait!"
You rush away before she can grab you again, and return the way you came. As quick as you can run, you sprint toward the explosions.
"X-RAY!" You shout, "X-RAY! WHERE ARE YOU?!"
Not good! The fire is getting hotter, and you don't see your sister, anywhere!
You hear a shout! It's not X-Ray, but it's definitely someone in trouble! You run toward it, maybe it's someone who knows where X-Ray went!
"Who is it?!"

You glance at a girl wearing a peculiar dress trying to lift a metal beam off of a knocked-over..
Recharging capsule! Just like the one you had back at the labs!
You quickly scan her, and realize-
She's one of your sisters, too!
"New sister Victor!" You gasp.
"Wh- What's a little girl doing here?! Get to the shuttle, and find someone who can lift off this beam! My sister's trapped in here!"
Her eyes, she's been crying! She pulls desperately at the pod, the door almost coming loose, but is just a bit caught to do anything!
"No worry, big sis!" You smile.
You grab the beam and easily, in one hand, simply lift it upright as half of the ceiling moves with your arm. The door is free, and Victor grabs the trapped occupant inside.
You let the debris fall down with a "KA-THUD!" and turn to see this 'Oscar'.

It's a young girl with purple hair! She's about your size!
"V-VICTOR! QUIT IT!" The tiny sister yells, "You're embarrassing me! I was just about to break out! You were worried over nothing!"
You can tell from the fact she's still shivering in Victor's arms that this is a complete lie.
"You two! Please leave!" You shout, "I need to go find X-Ray!"
"Lady X-Ray is in danger?!" The new tiny sister shouts, "No way! I'm going to go-"
"NO!" Victor grasps onto her, "No, you do not! Whoever you are, find X-Ray and just leave! Please!"
"Don't worry!" You wave your arms, "I'll be fine new sisters! I'll be back!"
You sprint further into the laboratories, and you eventually hear something besides ominous explosions-
"Where, where is he? Not here, not there, I can't find him here- He's not in his office-"
"X-RAY!" You shout, and wrap your arms around her.
"G-Gamma!" X-Ray picks you up, and for once seems annoyed. "I told you to wait in the escape pod!"
"The escape pod is full! Of humans!"
"..What?" X-Ray mumbles, "But, the chairman told me to come here-"
"NEVER MIND THAT!" You shout, "Let's leave! Go!"
"I'm not leaving without the Chairman!"
"That's where you're wrong!"
Without letting her know, you jump down, grab her by the ankle-
"Sorry X-Ray! I'll give you cookies for that later!" You shout-
The explosions! They're almost right on-top of you, now!
"UH OH!" You shout, the last explosion is the loudest one you've heard!
You take your hands away from your eyes, and open them.
Suddenly, all is quiet.
You're still in the base.
You're still exactly where you were.
Everything is still exactly as it was.
"Why isn't anything moving?" You blink.
The flames, the smoke, the explosions, the giant beams and shards of metal have seemingly frozen..
In mid-air.
"..What?" You ask yourself a very simple question.
Not one to throw away a good opportunity, you immediately rush off to grab your sisters and get them out of here before anything else explodes.
Oddly enough, despite the complete silence, you also seem to hear the sound of another young girl.. giggling.

The laboratories explode in an almost comically large explosion in the distance. You stand proudly as you watch the dust storm kick off of the planet's surface, far into its lower atmosphere.
There's some confusion and chaos, as your sisters quickly regain their senses.
"What happened?"
"I DID IT EVERYONE!" You turn to them, and smile, "I SAVED THE DAY!"
"Uhh-" Victor blinks, "..Where's the chairman?"
"THE WHO?" You remember hearing that 'chairman' word someplace else, but that's probably not important.
Echo stands up, and brushes herself off.
She then pulls X-Ray's ear-
"I don't!"
"…You know, I don't know."
"GGGRRRHH.." Echo growls, and then stomps away.
"Don't think I owe you anything!"

It's that purple-haired girl, Oscar!
"Just because you opened that capsule doesn't mean you're better than me!" She shouts, she's kind of annoying for a sister.
"Oscar, Oscar- Play nice." X-Ray leans down, and pats her, "This is your new playmate, I went to get her so you wouldn't be lonely.-"
"Yes, why not?" X-Ray asks, without a bit of hesitancy.
Immediately, Echo tries to rush down X-Ray.
"No fighting!"
".." Echo turns away, and starts to walk.
"Well! I guess the important thing is that no one was hurt." Victor smiles.
"What about all the humans?" You blink, "You know, the ones who didn't get to the escape pods?"
"They're fine I'm sure they're… sleeping."
"YAY!" you shout, You really did it! You saved the day! "I'm going to get so much praise when I get back!"
"Riiight." Victor mumbles, and then stands up. "I don't know where we're going back to, but-"
"Doesn't matter!" you smile, "Mission accomplished!"
"..I think you just made everything worse, actually." X-Ray mumbles.
"Nope! Not true! Let's try that again! On three!" You shout, "ONE! TWO! THREE-"

(It's the Little Things: END)
Halloween 2022

In a forgotten castle, deep in the remote mountains of Vaizen-

Somewhere, deep in the mountainous recesses of which few men have ever explored- a storm builds over the entire mountain range. Lightning howls across the valleys like a chorus of demons.

The full-moon completely obscured by the rolling clouds. It's ominous light is muted completely by the flashes of stark-white that pour across the green expanse in a steady rhythm of terror.
The clock creeps closer to midnight. Another bolt cracks across the landscape. Revealing a lone figure dominating the mountains like a stone in an empty graveyard.

The roar rolls away into the distance as another sound breaks the ravenous night!

There's another crash of thunder as his voice echoes through the vacant halls of his abode.

"I've finally done it- A machine to surpass all of my best creations." The man moves his hands to an ominous red switch, "It's finally complete. Finally, the world will know the true purpose-"
He throws the switch, and a gargantuan flash overtakes the castle.
"-Of Machine."

A sinister grin spreads across his face as he sees his creation move its fingers, starting with the smallest pinky to its entire hand.
"It's working.." His face contorts, "It's actually working!"
Another bolt shreds the night, illuminating the monster who slowly sits upright..
It's eyes, burn red as the fires of hell.
"Now.. The world, no, the whole universe will finally respect the name.."

"-of Caledfwlch."
"Teana, I don't need an escort home at night." The brown-haired girl sighs as she frustrated tries to explain to some unknown figure on the other end of her phone how she's grown-up. "Tonight isn't any different from any other night. I know it's 'Halloween', but unless you're trick-or-treating with the girls, it's just another night. Okay? Goodnight, Teana."

The girl hangs up, and drops the phone nonchalantly in her purse.
"I swear, it's like she still thinks I'm a kid. I'm as old as she is! Just because I haven't found a-"
The brown-haired girl blinks.
"Hello?" She turns around, she is suddenly aware that she's not alone in this alleyway.
She just has time to open her mouth, when..
It is on her.
She gasps, and drops her purse as she's left face-to-face with-
Her scream is cut off, and her mouth makes no further sound other than-

"What? Do you think I'm going to just vanish into the night?"

The redhead lifts her coat over her shoulder, and grumbles.
"Listen, I'm a trained fighter. I'm just as strong as Subaru! You only treat me like a kid because I'm like what.. a month younger than you?" The red-head grumbles, "I'll be home in a few."
"-Yes! I know!" The redhead completely misses the sound of a figure overhead as she yells into her phone. "I know! What happened that one time with Einhart was just a fluke, a fluke!"
A pair of eyes gaze upon the redhead.
The crimson lips attached to that villainous face part, and a viscous tongue salivates onto her lips.
"-I'm sorry! Okay?! I'm watching the kid trick or treating and I'll be home after that! Okay? Bye!"
Nove huffs, and throws the phone in her pocket. Not before turning off the ringer so her annoying sister can't bother her anymore.
Nove spins around, and is immediately consumed by the maw of the awaiting beast!
"MMMPH!" She yells!

"Gamma.." Echo glances at you with her hands buried in her face. "For the last time, you can't go ahead of us after what happened Trick or Treating with Lil' Sis and Hotel."
"What? It was just the docks, nobody even liked that place anyway." You don't see what was so 'wrong' with their trick or treating.
"Gamma they caused over three million in damage."
"Granted, but-"
"Besides, if we're going trick-or-treating this time, then it should be up to us to keep an eye on the less stable sisters." Echo emphasizes those words.
"Oh, I get it." You think you understand! "So the adult sisters should keep an eye on the less mature ones, right?"
Echo blinks, and then looks away slightly.
"..Right, adult Raptors. That's us."
Strange, why did she phrase it that way?
"..Where is our blue human, anyway?"
"Sein, Echo." You correct her, "Her name is Sein."
"Potato, Potato." Echo huffs, "Blue human, Sein, where did she go?"
You glance around..
You could have swore she was just here..
"Hold on, I'll go look for her." You sigh, "Keep an eye on Hotel."
"Certainly." Echo nods, "Find Blue Human."
You take off back to the last place that you saw her. Near the last place the kids were trick-or-treating.
But you hear a strange sound nearby, and realize it's coming from the alley.. Between the two buildings.
"..Nyahh.." It's a whisper! "..At least let's go to dinner, first."
..That's for sure Sein.
What's wrong with her, though? She sounds like she's out of breath.
You turn into the alleyway, and feel your hand reaching for Barracuda.
What you see in the alleyway, defies your definition of human behavior.

There's Sein, the blue-haired nun leaning against the wall off the alley. Her face is blush-red as it presses against a strange anomaly..

There's a strange bump, beneath her dress..
It's slowly moving to Sein's huffing..
Sein huffs, and then slumps down against the wall.
"..Thank you.." She sighs, with a smile.
The strange bump under her nun's dress starts to move.
A curtain of hair pours out from under the fabric.

"Um.." You blink.
Datalink: Scanning…
Scan complete.

She's a sister?
"Mm-" she licks her fingers. "Hi 'Gamma'. Wanna join in?"
"'Join in'? What are you doing, new Sis?" You blink, "Are you.. Eating her?"
"Mm.." She smiles, "In a way, I am."
"Sein-" You rush to her side, "Sein- Are you okay?"
"Haaaahhh…" The blue-haired girl sighs, "I didn't give you my number yet.."
"It's no use, Sis." The new sister looms over you. "She's had her mind blown beyond human comprehension."
"..Can you explain your function? Your datacard says 'Vampire', but what does that mean?"
"..I would think my function self-explanatory." She smiles, and reaches for you, "Let me show you."
You easily grab her hand, and twist it. She falls to her knees and grumbles.
"OW! Strong! Ow! Ow!"
"Hold on, you didn't explain your function."
"If.. You.. Let.. Go.. I.. Would.. Show.. You-"
"Okay, I'll let you go-"
"Great! Then we can take off our cloth-"
"-But, only after I talk with Echo about this." You huff, "Blue hum- Sein looks fine, if not a little exhausted. So I would prefer to ask her a bit more about your function before I get a demonstration."
You carry both Sein and Bravo over your shoulder as you leave the alley. Bravo can only ask strange questions like if Echo is cute or not. You can only reply that she is, because after all; all sisters are cute.
She took this as a huge compliment, and was quite happy.
"WHAT IS THIS?!" Echo nearly shouts. "Fess up, young lady. Who did you kill?"

"What? No one's died tonight, yet." Hotel's hand lazily grasps a piece of candy and a plastic Halloween pumpkin. "It said 'Take one' over the bucket, so I took one."
"Hotel.." Echo sighs, "They meant 'take one' as in a piece of candy, not 'take one' as in the bucket."
"We can't be certain of that, Echo. It's just as likely that everyone else is making the incorrect assumption, and mine is the most correct-est." She takes a bite of the candy she's holding.
"..Aside from that." Echo has another piercing question, "We had this problem last time. All of the chaos caused and you didn't really want the candy, at all."
"It's more about the principle, dear Sis." She takes another bite. "It's available for me to take, therefore I should be allowed to take it."
"..Does it even taste good to you?"
"Oh, certainly not. It tastes terrible." She finishes the piece in one last bite, and then grasps another candy from the plastic bucket.
"…Okay Hotel, you can keep the bucket. Please go find Lil' Sis so she doesn't get lost or murder someone."
Hotel skips off, and Echo simply shakes her head.
"..I don't like this human holiday's fascination with 'Murder' and how either of them enjoy it more than even Christmas."
"Hey Echo!" You call out to your sister as she draws into view.
"Hey Gamm- Who is that?" Echo immediately picks up that you're holding a sister. "Gamma! You were away for only a minute and you found ANOTHER sister?!"
"Ooh, she sounds cute. Can you spin me around and let me see her? Maybe also give me her number?" Bravo giggles.
"Haahh.." Sein is still a partially-exhausted sack slung over your shoulder.
"I know, right? Something is weird about this sister, though. She says she's the 'Vampire' unit?" You blink, "What does that mean? I found her assaulting Sein."
Echo stops.
"Assaulting… How? Like.. sucking her blood?"
"Ew, blood is messy and gets everywhere." Bravo huffs.
"Oh you know, she was beneath her dress doing some kind of magical attack in the alley." You describe what you saw to the best of your abilities. "I think she disarmed Sein's barrier jacket and was grappling her in pl-"

"WHAT- Oh, oh- Right, Gamma." Echo sighs, "I know you have this strange subroutine that has been playing this long-running prank to make you describe everything in the most sexual manner possible to shock me, but now is not the time."
You blink.
"What? When have I ever done that?"
Echo simply grumbles.
"Gamma, just explain in plain terms what you saw."
"I told you, she was beneath Sein's dress, making a lapping sound while Sein was gradually exhausted. I think maybe it was some kind of mana leeching spell."
"Gamma, seriously, quit it. That's clearly not what happened." Echo sighs. "If you're expected me to blush and go 'Wait what? That's too embarrassing, stop it!' then I'm not doing that tonight. I'm not in the mood to get flustered by innuendo."
8 = 8
"Echo! Look at Sein!" You turn the blue-haired nun toward her, "Does this look normal?"

Sweat pours off of the nun onto her habit and onto the set of underclothes she's wearing. She's sticky from the overexertion, and her breath pants as her heart catches up.
"..I can't tell." Echo answers with sincerity.
You briefly dab the sweat off of her, and then you give her a good shake to hopefully engage her re-initialization. Then, you hold her closer to Echo.
"How about now?"

"..I still can't tell."
"Can I be let down, now?" Bravo wiggles in your arms, but doesn't struggle. "The night is still young, and I would like to enjoy the most of it."
"Okay! Fine! You want proof? Bravo wants down? Let's compromise."
You lean over and set Bravo down.
"There you go, Bravo. Go have fun."
"Gamma, I don't think you should let the new sister down without understanding what her-"

"See! See! That's what she did! It was exactly that!"
Echo struggles, but it's clear this 'Vampire unit' is stronger than the 'Information unit'.
"It started like this, but she was under Sein's skirt, not at her mouth."
This lasts for a few seconds, as Echo keeps mumbling into Bravo's mouth. Bravo continues to deepen the kiss.
"..Echo, are you okay?"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Maybe you should stop her..
7 |
+This is that 'Coaxing' thing, right? She may be like Rho and try to coax you into following her will! Be careful, Echo!
7 |
'MMMMMMFF!' Kinda sounds like a angry 'Help me!!!'.
4 |
Okay! Hang in there a bit and she'll start to do what she did to Sein!
4 |
Echo has this, go find someone to take Sein home.
4 |
Don't just take it, Echo! Fight back! Kiss her harder!
3 |
+HEY! Only WE get to transfer data with Echo so passionately!
3 |
Well, you wanted Echo convinced, and coaxing is... sort of like convincing? You think? So this is probably fine.
"This is that 'Coaxing' thing, right?!" You realize Echo may not be as strong-willed as you are, "She may be like Rho and try to coax you into following her will! Be careful, Echo!"
"MMMMPPFF!!" Echo mumbles back into Bravo's mouth once more.
'MMMMPPFF!!' does kind of sound like "Please help me".

"MMMmmmmm.." Oh, Echo stopped screaming. That's an improvement!
"Echo, are you winning?"
"Mmmmmm…." That sounded much less stressed out. Maybe she has this under control?
Actually, with the way Echo's face is blushing..
She may not have it under control. She may just be too drained to fight back.
Maybe you should stop this.
You reach over and grab Bravo by the collar, and pull her away.

"PFWAH!" Echo takes a gigantic breath. It's as if she was being held underwater, which is peculiar because neither of you have to breathe. "SHE HAD HER MOUTH WHERE?!"
"Lots of places tonight, sugar." Bravo winks. "Wanna see?"
Echo immediately falls to her knees. Her voice cracked with coughing and gagging.
"Aw don't be such a prude! It's not that bad." Bravo frowns, "You act as if humans aren't tasty or something."
"Tasty?!" You turn Bravo toward you again, "Which humans have you eaten?!"
"Well, there's the blue one.. a red one who was very squishy, and-"
"'Blue one'? But the Blue one is right there, you haven't eaten her at all."
"..Green lady, I mean 'eaten' as in the biblical 'eaten'."
"'Biblical'?" You blink. That's a new term.
"Hey, your friend appears to be broken, or at least vulnerable.." Bravo smirks, "Want a demonstration? Or better yet, want me to teach you? We're 'Sisters' after all. Sisters teach each other things.."
"Uhh-" You start to realize that something might be wrong with listening to her. At the very least, this conversation is operating at a level higher than you're interpreting it.
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"Uhh.. I think we need to figure out what's wrong with Echo first, Bravo."
"Oh, fine." She pouts.
You walk over to Echo-
"Echo! Echo! It's me! Gamma! Are you broke?! Are you hurt? Why are you screaming?!"
Echo suddenly stops, and her eyes go blank.
She then slumps down to her knees, and glares at the asphalt.
"Echo! Are you okay? Do you need me to do a diagnostic?!"
"She kissed me on the lips with the mouth…" Echo mumbles, "That was up Sein's skirt."
"Don't worry Echo! I'm sure she couldn't have sucked anything major from you! She as likely filled up from Sein!"
"Her mouth.. Sein's skirt.. my mout-" Echo mumbles, "..I'll have to erase this memory later, but to make things worse: if she's an unmodified Raptor, then her memories could be read at a lab somewhere.. My humiliation will be recorded for all to see."
"It's okay! Maybe she didn't get a good look! Her eyes were closed for most of it!" You try to make Echo look on the bright side.
"Good look…" Echo immediately stands up, "THAT'S IT! I can just delete my memory of it, and then her memory of it! Then no one will ever know!"
"..I'm not really sure you should be deciding to delete the memories of a sister like that, I mean, what if-"
"TOO LATE! My mind is made up!" Echo stands up, her step has a renewed vigor. "Bravo! Let's have a chat! I nee-"
Your rear facing cameras noticed it earlier, but only now Echo has been unbroke long enough to notice herself.
Bravo got bored of Echo's yelling, and went off to find something more interesting.
You don't know what, but it's at least better than having Echo scream as loudly as she was.
"..Oh no.." Echo whispers under her breath.
"That's the other thing, we need to stop Bravo before-"
"-Before she PLAYS BACK THE FOOTAGE OF HER TONGUE IN MY MOUTH!" Echo comes to the wrong conclusion.
"..No, before she sucks the mana out of anyone else."
"Who cares about that? More importantly, I'm not letting her play my humiliation for all to see. Where did she go?"
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6 = 6
"Huh, well, she sort of vanished, didn't she. Maybe she has points in stealth, too?"
"Who cares?! Which way, Gamma! Think!"
"Hmm, if I were bored, where would I go from here?" You try to think about any possibility of where a 'Vampire' unit may want to go.
"Tracking is needed? Okay, don't panic, I know how to find her." Echo suddenly seems relieved. Which is a good thing up until you realize what she just did.
She just called Iota to summon Hotel back.

"Oh, Sis!" Hotel and November appear oddly quickly. "I heard from Iota that you were panicking over the datalink! Did something happen?"
"Hotel! Remember your tracking skills and ability to hunt a target? I need that right now!"
"Hold on, Echo. Wait-" You don't like where this is going.
"HUNTING?!" Hotel's eyes light up, "I LOVE HUNTING! Who are we killing today?!"
"Hotel! We're not killing anyone!" This isn't going as planned.
"Hotel! There's a new sister unit named 'Bravo'! She has video of my- I mean, she's draining every mage in town! You have to stop her and save the world!"
"SAVE THE WORLD!" Hotel's excitement is only growing. "I love doing that! Should I use the rifle?!"
"Hold on, Hotel! Do not kill your sister!" You huff, "You only need to find her, okay?!"
"But if the act of finding her results in her destruction then it won't necessarily be a mission failure!" Echo immediately interjects. "Go! Find her quick!"
"Wait! No! No destroying-"
"I love these kinds of missions! Come on November!" Hotel pulls at November's arm, "We're going HUNTING! I can search faster if I'm in the air!"
"O-Okay, okay, stop pulling-" November is quickly dragged away by a very excited sister. You can only gawk at Echo as she seems mostly relieved.
"Whew.. there's no way she's escaping Hotel.."
"Echo! How could you do that?! We can't kill Bravo!"
"What do you mean? I'm certain you could, Hotel definitely can, November could just-"
"I mean practically, Echo! You can't ask for as sister to kill another sister!"
"But she has video of her oral receptacle mating with mine! I can't have that out in the wild! Besides, we don't even know what her mission is. It's best to shut it down before it becomes a problem."
"But killing her isn't the answer, Echo! We can't-"
"(Echo, Gamma.)" Iota interrupts over the datalink, "(I hate to interrupt your date-)"
"(STOP SAYING IT'S A DATE!)" Echo immediately interrupts your datalink, somehow.
"(-But there's been an attack nearby, maybe ten minutes ago. It's a.. sexual attack. So I'm assuming Bravo is involved somehow.)"
"Yes! See? We didn't need Hotel to go kill her! Let's go!"
"We'll see about that." Echo mumbles.
"A-and then she put her hand down there, and-"
"It's okay, Nove, it's fine."

A silver haired-girl cradles a sobbing redhead in her arms.
Another brown-haired girl describes the thing completely differently.

"-and then she put her hand down there and it was the best feeling I had ever felt.." She coos. This only results in a death glare from the redhead.
"Listen, both of you, this is clearly some kind of molester, I've called the police, and-"
You land next to her with Echo slung over your shoulder. She hops off, and is disoriented for a moment as she steadies herself.
"Ah, Gamma, next time don't carry me like that-"
"You can't call the police!" You immediately try to plead with Cinque, "That's our sister, Bravo! She's the 'Vampire unit'! She's been released and is just wandering all over town draining people's mana, it's not her fault!"
"..Gamma.." Cinque, Nove, and even Shario eye you suspiciously, "When you say it like that, you make it sound like it's exactly her fault."
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46 = 46
"Well.. She is a really cute sister…"
"Oh god, not another one." Cinque puts her head in her hands.
"Gamma! Now is not the time to be flirting!"
"Flirting? I'm just saying she's cute and vulnerable.." You don't get what the implication may be, but that's fine. "More importantly, she's just been born and clearly doesn't understand anything about the world! So we need to educate her, SLOWLY, without violence, and she'll surely fall into line! Everyone else did!"
"But if violence is applied then I wouldn't exactly be against it-" Echo re-iterates once more, which makes you feel like you should interject.
"No, in this one circumstance, violence will NOT be tolerated." You cross your arms, and glare at Echo. "Anyone who disagrees will have to fight me, first."
This causes Echo's eyes to immediately widen.
"Gamma, you're being awfully possessive of a sister you just met a few minuets ago who is trying to drain everything with breasts that she sees."
"Don't care, we're going to find her, secure her, and re-educate her so she's a good sister. That is the plan, I will take no other outcome."
"Excuse me-" Cinque grabs your attention, "You say she's your sister, but do you know why she's attacking random women at night?"
"Her stated goal is to 'Drain' people, presumably of their mana." You sigh, "All of the people she's attacked are powerful mages, and Sein in particular has shown to have had some significant energy drain."
"Among other things.." Echo makes a disgusted face.
"Wait, Sein was attacked, too?" Nove blinks.
"Unlike you, Sein is a very easy target." Cinque's words are very much the truth. "At least, compared to you, Nove."
"Don't remind me." She holds herself, and frowns. "The worst part is that I know my sisters will never let me forget this.. The second time I've been ambushed in the middle of the night."
"..Aren't you supposed to be one of the strongest of your sisters?" Echo raises a good question.
"I know, right?!" Fortunately, it seems Nove's pride was hurt more than her body.
"Aw, don't worry Sis." Cinque hugs Nove once again, "I'm sure our sisters will take sexual assault very seriously."
"..Thank you."
"-We'll make fun of you for it later, after you've gotten over it."
"That's not better.." Nove grinds her hand into Cinque's scalp.
"This is a real problem, though-" You start to realize the implications, "Bravo only had one seemingly non-combat skill maxed out, and she could still take down Nove."
"That's why we need to destroy-"
You glare at Echo.
"-I mean, stop Bravo before she's at full power."
"..Full power?" Cinque repeats.
"Yes! She's not at full power, yet! She's looking for mages to absorb mana from to power up!"
This causes Cinque's eyes to widen.
"..Well then we need to stop her right now! I'll call the Aces-"
"Cinque-" Echo puts her hand on Cinque's arm before she makes a huge mistake, "-If you call the most powerful mages, isn't that just giving Bravo what she wants?"
"Besides, we can't kill her! She may be a dirty, rotten pervert who deserves to-" Nove glances at you, "-We still can't just kill her."
"Nove.." Echo mumbles, "Would it interest you to know that since she's probably an unmodified Lab Raptor, she is most likely recording everything she sees so that other humans can see it, later?"

You grab her ear, and give it a tug.
"What did I just say?"
"B-but.. her video.. my assault.."
"Gamma, it's starting to look like you are the only one in favor of keeping her in one piece." Echo crosses her arms.
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"Echo." You try to put this as calmly as you can. "Stop trying to convince people to kill a Sister just because you didn't listen to me. I literally warned you."
"No, Gamma- It's not that, she's-"
"Have you considered that trying to eliminate her from the get go will just make her more likely to lash out and cause even more trouble. More importantly, it may cause me to lash out and cause even more trouble. I'm trying to be nice about this, but if you want to make this into a mock battle, I'm more than happy to help. Otherwise, we will not be discussing dismantling, destroying, or any other synonym for 'killing' that I cannot think of right now to the new sister!"
Echo is about to say something, but you interrupt her-
"I let Hotel, Rho, and even Oscar get away with a lot because they're my sisters. I'm going to let Bravo get away with a lot, because she's my sister. If you wan to track her down and fight over her, then we can do that, but I can already tell you that I'm going to win."
You cross your arms, and pout like a human child. It's only natural, there is only one thing you're going to be stubborn about in this world, and it's going to be your sisters.
You huff, and wait to see if Echo has any snide remarks.
Nove looks like she's about to say something, but you interrupt her with the reality of the matter.
"Also for you two- It's pointless to destroy Bravo at this point because if she is unmodified- her memories are already uploaded via telemetry to a server. So your best bet is to get her alive so you can find and kill the perpetrator who unleashed a newborn Raptor onto the world with no objective but to drain people."
"Already.." Nove covers her mouth, "Uploaded?!"
"Wait! Wait, do you know who may have pictures of us..-" Shario is suddenly very interested, "..Mating..?"
You blink.
"No clue, frankly; I had thought Caledfwlch was completely dismantled at this point."
This causes Shario's eyes to widen.
"..O-Our tender moment.. exposed to everyone.."
"..It was not a tender moment." Nove corrects her, "She assaulted you."
"SHE TOOK ME AS NO OTHER WOMAN EVER HAD AND THAT MEMORY IS GOING TO BE SHARED WITH WHO KNOWS WHO??" Shario is also concerned with such a trivial matter, "This has to be stopped! I'll find Bravo from Long Arch, and tell Iota her location. You find her and figure out where her creator is!"
"Finally, a plan." You sigh, "Sounds great, Shario. Echo, if you want to go with her, maybe you can help her search using Long Arch?"
"..Fine.." Echo agrees to it after some hesitation, you're not sure why. "But do NOT let her find any of the aces. If she gets more powerful-"
"Yes, yes, I know, I'll have to hug her extra tightly, then." You smile.
Echo gives you a stare that could melt steel, but thankfully your composite body is far above that melting point.
"..Don't disconnect from Iota."
"Same to you!" You give her a thumbs up, and a smile.
You follow Hotel and November's track. Hotel says she picked up something with Sein's 'scent' earlier. How Hotel knows this is a trade secret that you're not going to extract from a fellow sister.
"That's her!"
You rush toward the sound that your super-sensitive hearing picked up, and you quickly find out the culprit.

"Murder! Murder!"
The human tosses a full candy bar at Lil' Sis, and then slams the door shut. Sis looks at the candy bar with a smile.
"..Eheheh.. Murder.."
Votes | Choice |
12 |
+Congratulate lil sis on her ability to terrify humans and retrieve confections, as appears to be the point of this holiday.
9 |
For one, if you're going to murder someone, you don't tell them first!
8 |
Sis! That's not the right way to ask for candy!
8 |
Sis! Have you seen a new sister, Bravo?
6 |
Well done! You got the candy! Candy collection mission successful! Now, you come along with me, we've got a new sister collection mission.
4 |
Sis I need your help and you shouldn't be unsupervised. Let's find our new sister!
3 |
Sis, did you try to drain mana from Sein?
2 |
Sis, I need your non-lethal-but-megaton punches and you shouldn't be unsupervised, Let's find our new sister!
"Good job, Sis!" You pat her head, "You've managed to extort the humans of their confections using fear, which I believe is the point of this holiday."
"Eheh.." She leans into the headpat.
"Though, there are a few human social traps you need to understand. For one, you typically don't want to tell the people you're going to murder that you're going to do it. Hotel can give you more information on that. Secondly, telling humans that you'll murder them without actually murdering them loses the element of surprise and makes humans more on-edge when they're around you. Be sure to be more mindful of your combat efficiency while trick-or-treating."
You're glad you can take the time to be a responsible big sister while also addressing an incident. You'll have to make this up to Lil' Sis somehow, because you hate having to ruin her human-scaring-for-confectionary ritual.
"Speaking of which, have you seen another sister, pinkish-white hair, has a tail, maybe horns, and talks really slowly and calmly?"
Sis simply seems confused by your question. You sigh and pat her on the head.
"Never mind. If you see anyone like that, let Iota know immediately, okay?"
She nods. The next part is the part where you ruin her fun, and you don't look forward to it.
"Another thing, there could be an incident occurring soon. I don't think you're a target but I want to be sure, okay? So I'm going to need you to go back to the labs until Iota tells you it's all clear, is that fine?" You hate asking her to stop when she appears to be having so much fun. "We can pick up trick-or-treating later. It's a promise."
She crosses her arms, and pouts.
She smiles, and then gives you a surprise hug.
You give her a hug, and let her head toward the subway.
Okay, that's one problem out of the way. Next is actually finding Bravo. You would have thought it would be much easier to find her, but-
"(Gamma, look sharp, I have intel for you.)" Iota immediately interrupts your train of thought.
"(Oh good! What do you have?)"
"(It's a bit of a hunch, so I'm going to give it to you, personally.)" Iota seems a bit sheepish about it, "(But I'm hearing police chatter about some kind of attack a few blocks away, the suspect attacked a woman outside, and ran into the building. They couldn't find her afterwards.)"
"(That sounds like exactly what a newborn Raptor would do, but why is it just for me, personally?)"
"(..It's about where it is. The hunch isn't the fact it's an attack, but an attack, on a specific type of building. It's also something I don't want to give Hotel or November because it's a civilian rich environment and they would likely level them just as quickly as Bravo if last Halloween is to be believed.)"
"(Yeah, I agree. Where is this building?)"
"(Also, if you get involved, I want you to take one of the human adults along. You're going to need adult supervision.)"
"(Hey! What does that mean?! I'm an adult!)"
Iota doesn't reply to that, and instead continues with the briefing.
"(The building she has ran into is known as a 'Movie Theater'. It's a place for humans to watch pre-recorded media because they can't play them in their head like we can.)"
"(Why would she target a movie theater?)"
"(..I think it's because of the kind of movie it's playing, you see.. it's rated.. for heavy.. um.. mating characteristics between humans.)"
"(Bravo's perks likely contains a way to decipher human mating rituals, so she can better drain them. She seems to have targeted that place for the fact that.. um.. it's a very specific place humans go to.. get to know each other- and)"
"(Get to know each other? Why do they need a movie for that?)"
"(Gamma, are you going to go or not?)"
"(Sure thing! I'm going right now-)"
"(No, bring a real adult with you. I don't want you corrupted by the disgusting and vile human interfacing that may be shown inside.)"
2 = 2
74 = 74
25 = 25
14 = 14
39 = 39
"(A 'real' adult?)"
"(Yes, to stem any corruption watching human interfacing could cause.)"
"(But, if there's any corruption then I would just vomit it out.)"
"(No, Gamma. Not like a magic corruption. It's a social corruption. Which is why you need an adult.)"
You really don't get where Iota is going with this.
"(In that case, I could get Mike and Cyndi to accompany me, they're at a Halloween party nearby. Or you could just send them. Mike is the one constantly interfacing with Cyndi.)"
"(No, Gamma. I don't think Mike could handle Bravo for even two minutes and I completely blame Cyndi for giving someone the idea of using a Raptor to interface with humans.)"
"(Oh.)" Well, now you're out of ideas except, "(..Call Wendi.)"
"(She's visiting Genya for Halloween, and is almost twenty minutes out.)"
"(There has to be someone nearby! Who can I get?)"
"(Just tell them to meet me there! I can explain later!)"

"Gamma! I came as soon as I could! What's the situation? You say there's a Raptor on the loose?!"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
6 |
Ginga! Trouble! There's a kissy monster on the loose and she's interfacing with everything!
5 |
The new sister is the vampire unit, she already drained Shario, Nove Sein and Echo. Don't let her kiss you anywhere!
3 |
Oh, this is good! You're a mage, but you're weak enough that you won't scare her off. You can be the bait!
2 |
This is good! I don't think anyone will think about interfacing with you!
2 |
Yes, we need to find Bravo before she finds anyone else who may want to kill her.
0 |
Never mind, it's okay, you can go home Ginga.
0 |
You will probably just end up feeding Bravo, Ginga. Nove and Sein are already drained.
You glance at her, and then quietly sigh.
It's not that you didn't want the backup.. it's more that you don't want to make things any worse than they are.
On the bright side, Ginga is a relatively weak mage, so there really isn't much for Bravo to drain. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.
"Ginga, there's trouble! There's a kissy sister on the loose, and she's interfacing with everything!"
This causes Ginga to blink, and repeat a well-understood question.
"The new sister is the vampire unit, she already drained Shario, Nove Sein and Echo. Don't let her kiss you anywhere!"
"..Vampire unit that feeds.. by kissing."
"So why did you think I was the person to call for this?"
"Because you're a mage, but you're also really weak so she has nothing to drain anyway!"

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that.." She grits her teeth, "So she.. kisses people in order to drain them. Seems easy enough, just don't get kissed."
"It seems easy, but she can be incredibly strong when she thinks she can feed from someone, so be on your guard."
You walk into this 'movie theater' place, and straight past some tiny human who asks for your 'ticket', whatever that means.
You immediately throw open one of the doors, and yell inside.
"SHH!" A multitude of humans immediately reply back.
On the screen, there's a boring looking conversation between two other humans about something-or-another.
"Gamma!" Ginga grabs your arm, "That's the wrong movie! You're looking for a romance movie, right?"
"(…I didn't know it would have multiple movies playing in it, either. Your guess is as good as mine.)"
4 = 4
34 = 34
73 = 73
86 = 86
35 = 35
82 = 82
"I hate to admit it, Ginga. I'm completely lost on what to do in this case. As much as it pains me to do so; you're going to have to pretend to be the responsible adult. Try to act like one for a few minutes."
Ginga crosses her arms.

"..Gamma I AM a responsible adult!"
"Good, just like that-" You pat her shoulder, "That's very believable, some may even be fooled."
"If you do this any more, then I won't-"
"Excuse me!" You flag a human wearing a fancy looking suit. "Are you aware of a 'romance' movie being played around here? We're lost."
"Ah, down the hall to the right. The only theatre playing one right now."
"Thank you." Ginga gives a slight bow.
"By the way, it's rating R, so your child may not be able to enter-" The human continues.
"N-No, Gamma isn't my child-"
"Please don't mention that, we have both had this discussion before and decided that I was too good for that." You smile, and Ginga gives a death glance.
"Oh, my apologies, then do you both have a ticket?" The human thinks he's being charitable.
You blink.
"Y-eah!" Ginga picks up the slack, "We already have it punched. Got lost on the way to the restroom. Come on, Gamma!"
"Again, I'm not her daughter-" You remind the human once more before you're dragged away by Ginga at the last second.
You follow her to a set of double doors, and Ginga quietly swings one of them open.
The low-light filter inside of your eyes flips on, and you start processing the world in black-and-white.
"What do you see?" Ginga whispers, she apparently is having problems seeing in the darkened theater.
"Wh-" You glance around, those sound like the lewd sounds Sein made!
"Oh god, Gamma, don't look!" Ginga awkwardly tries to put her hand over your eyes.
"What?! What is it?!"
"It's the movie! I forgot, this movie has tons of sex!"
"What movie?"
You glance at the solid white screen where various shapes and shadows are dancing around, and-

"G-Ginga, I can't see a thing on the screen. In low-light mode, I can only see in black and whit-"
"Gamma! Quick! Close your eyes! Keep them shut tight! Iota will kill me if she finds out I brought you in here!" She awkwardly puts her hand in front of your face. Obscuring the giant white square only slightly.
"B- B, Ginga! Again, I can't-"
At this point, you're starting to wonder if Ginga is trying to protect you, or herself.
3 = 3
1 = 1
53 = 53
16 = 16
37 = 37
100 = 100
"O-Okay Ginga, Okay, fine, I get it. Take your hands off of my eyes."
"No! Then you'll-"
"Fine, fine, I'll stay here and watch the exit, and you go search the-"
"You don't need to even be seeing it from here.." Ginga scowls. You're really not sure what the problem is, especially considering that you can't see the screen.
"This is not the time to worry about what I should see or not! Bravo could explode at any moment if she keep draining humans!"
You sigh. Maybe you should have asked for an actual adult to accompany you.
"..How about this, I'll stay here and keep watch, and you go in and search."
"Okay, but only if you keep your back turned."
"Fine, fine, I'll do it with my back turned." You huff, "Just try to use your 'helpless meatbag ready to be drained of mana' call to lure her out quickly, okay?"
"Okay, but you just KEEP YOUR BACK TURNED!"
"Keep it turned, okay?!" Ginga glances at you just to make sure your back is turned as the movie makes another loud siren call that echoes through the dark recesses of the theater.
Ginga plunges into the darkness, and you continue to watch her with your back turned.
She apparently didn't realize that you have rear-facing cameras, and can still see her just fine. Which is just as well, because you also just realized that she has no clue what Bravo looks like. She is quite literally looking through a group of random people with no idea who she is looking for.
If everything works out, then Ginga should be grabbed into the shadows by Bravo and start getting drained. You can follow her and pinpoint Bravo's location after this happens.
Scanning the darkness of the movie, you suddenly realize something odd.
Everyone here is.. draining each other?!
You weren't really sure what the purpose of the movie is, but apparently none of the humans do, either. All of the ones you can see in low-light visibility aren't watching the movie at all! They're instead interfacing their oral receptacles with each other! You didn't want to disrupt the fellow human audience's enjoyment of the movie, if there even is one. You haven't checked. However, apparently, neither have they!
This is bad, Bravo could interface with a ten, no, a dozen humans and still blend in just fine. Ginga could go completely unmolested while Bravo is having a complete recharge!
Things are going downhill quick. There's no way Bravo doesn't see both of you at this point, and there's no way she hasn't already drained at least a couple of humans.
You see movement from your front-facing cameras, and you blink.
Indeed, the horned sister had decided to walk up to you from behind, like she wasn't even in the theater in the first place!
"Hmm? Gamma?" She blinks, she's hold a bag of.. yellow.. starch.. human snacks? "Are you here to watch the movie with me?"
"..What are you doing here? I thought you came here to drain humans who were involved in watching this terrible depiction of human interfacing." You blink, you can only assume that's what it was.
"Hmm? Oh. No, I just wanted to watch the movie." She takes a yellow piece of this snack, and puts it in her mouth. "I agreed to watch it with that cute blue human, Sein, but then that annoying brown sister took her. So anyway, wanna watch?"
"Bravo, what is your mission?"
"Oh, my mission, Um.."
She ponders this for a moment, but then she gives an odd answer.
"I forgot. It probably wasn't any fun. Not like Sein was, at least. She didn't scream like the red or brown human when I tried to-"
"-Stop, then. I thought you were here to drain humans, isn't that your mission?"
"Oh, that?" She thinks about it once more, "I think it was something like that, but I forget the reason why. Actually, I don't think I was told the reason why. I feel really full right now after Sein, so maybe I'll keep doing it later. Anyway, you said something earlier about someone 'exploding'?"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
It sounds like you like that blue human, Sein. I guess someone has to?
6 |
Oh, I forgot, nobody knows how to give us proper missions. Silly me.
6 |
Yes, if you get too much mana into yourself, you could explode. So please be careful, I don't want you to explode.
5 |
+Remember to drain mana in moderation, too much mana can lead to melting, system failure, people outside of reality talking to you, and self-destruction by exploding.
2 |
That's right Bravo you are going to explode! Do not panic!
1 |
Raptor Takedown
0 |
"Oh, I forgot. It seems nobody knows how to give us proper missions." You sigh, in relief. "I was almost worried for a second that maybe someone created a Raptor with an exceptional ability and a strong command structure. That combination would likely take the entire resources of the TSAB to stop."
"Huh?" She asks a very simple question that you can understand at a personal level.
You reach out slowly, and put your hands on the shoulders of your new sister. You're glad that you finally caught up with her, because you're hoping you can convey the urgency of the situation in mere words.
"Okay, Bravo. This is important, and because I can clearly see you don't mean any real harm, then I need you to understand everything I'm about to tell you."
"..Is it about the movie? Or about Sein?"
"A little of each. Which is why I don't want you to panic." Bravo, who was seemingly pretty confident and in control until now, appears to be wavering just a little.
"..Why.. would I panic?"
"Bravo. You may not realize this, but you're designed to absorb mana until you inevitably overload and explode." You decide to be blunt with her.
Bravo is speechless, but she still manages to stammer out a question.
"..Is that all?"
"No, not quite. Absorbing mana recklessly can also result in many negative downsides. Including overheating, internal damage, continuous fighting, hearing voices from outside this dimension, and finally self-destruction by exploding."
Bravo stops.
Her eyes grow wide.
"That's why you were likely given tons of abilities dedicated to absorbing mana and almost no direction as to where to head. You were likely designed by a Caledfwlch madman to create as much havoc and fear as possible. "
"Okay, so now that you know that, you are likely not going to absorb enough mana to explode anytime soon. Come back to the labs in an hour or so, and I'll let you finish the movie. I have to finish Trick or Treating with Lil' Sis, but I'll leave Ginga with you in case you need an adult or want a snack. Anyway, I'll-"
Something is wrong.
She's shivering.
"I'm.. going to explode?! And take out the planet?!"
"No no, not the planet."
"Oh.. Oh.. But how big-"
"Likely the solar system, but no more than the galaxy. At least, if my threat of explosion is any indication of yours."
You glad you dispelled that misconception. You're the best at sistering.
Bravo, on the other hand, doesn't seem the least bit comforted.
"..Is there any way to stop this?"
"Just don't absorb from any high-level mages. You can tell if they're high level if they use any advanced spells in a fight or are in possession of rare artifacts."
"..F-fighting? I have to fight people, now?"
"Not seriously, a practice fight would reveal it just fine."
Bravo drops her bag of popcorn.
Then, she starts to slowly back away.
99 = 99
87 = 87
15 = 15
37 = 37
"Look, it's fine! No one blew up so far!" You try to defuse the situation.
"S-So far? How many.. bombs are there?"
"Well, just you and I."
"You.. You're one too?!"
Now she's backing up even further.
"It can take a bit to fully internalize, I was the same way. Let's go do something together."
"Together, with.. the bomb.. in us?" This really seems to be bothering Bravo.
"The bomb isn't a big deal, really. Look, I haven't exploded, yet."
"You can relax and come live with us, we'll help you out and Sein really wants to meet with you again!"
"I.." Bravo stumbles on her words.
Suddenly, she turns and runs!
"I think I need to go, take carelet'stalklater-"
Used: ★ Bind
You were ALMOST expecting that, so you throw a magic bind around her just before she can turn around and take off.
"Excuse me, is there a pro-" Oh no, that human from before!
You put a bind over Bravo's mouth before she causes more of a scene than she already has.
"Nothing, human. She's my little sister, and she's causing trouble. I'll take her outside as to not disturb your non-interactive media experience."
"Uhh." He looks thoroughly confused on what to do.
However, by the time he came to his senses, you've already picked up Bravo and ran out the door.
You set your truant sister down, and undo the binding on her mouth.
"That was very slick!" You smile, "You could make a very good infiltrator unit with reflexes like that. If I weren't expecting it, you would have been gone!"
"..Please untie me, crazy bomb lady." Bravo is a lot less formal than she was earlier when she was wanting a 'taste'.
"No no, not crazy bomb lady, 'sister'."
"..Crazy bomb lady who is also a sister."
"..Close enough."
You release the bind, and then immediately grab her arm before she dashes off again.
"Stop worrying, you're not going to explode. I'm not going to explode."
"You just said I was!" Bravo has a panic attack.
"No no, you didn't let me finish." You gently pull her closer, "You and I can't explode."
"We, have an intelligent device inside of us." You try to reassure her, "They're small people who are absorbing the mana to grow inside of us, so they're taking the brunt of what you're draining right now."
"..I'm pregnant?" Bravo blinks.
"Everyone keeps saying that, but it's only technically true." The reality is much more complicated and may just scare her more than assure her.
Bravo thinks about it for a minute.
"-Actually not that surprising. I almost feel like I should have expected this sooner." She sighs.
"Well, you seem to have calmed down. So if I let you go, will you run away again?"
You let the bind off, and get ready to grab her-
Only, she doesn't attempt to run away. She stands perfectly still.
"..What do you mean that 'Sein wants to see me'?" For some reason, of all the other things you said, this is the one she latched onto. "To me, she was just food. Why would she care about me?"
83 = 83
9 = 9
62 = 62
13 = 13
83 = 83
12 = 12
"Bravo, I don't think you're being very sincere right now." You smile, seeing straight through a sister who isn't being honest. "Raptors are terrible liars, you know."
"..What do you mean?"
"You mentioned already that Sein asked you on a date, Sein asked you to a movie, you agreed to the date, agreed to the movie, showed up without Sein being here. That's not 'just food', Bravo."
"Well, that's what it is." Bravo is also stubborn like other sisters, too. "I don't see why she cared to do all of that with someone who would just drain her, again."
"Humans are very strange! Sein especially! She wanted to give you her number, so, I guess she doesn't mind being food." You smile, "Food have feelings too. Usually a food really doesn't want to be a food, but Sein is... special."
Bravo thinks about this word for a moment.
"..She's a human who wants to be food.."
"She cares about the Raptor program products. Such as us. I don't really get it either, but it's been quite the experience working with the church."
"I'm draining her mana, though. Why would she enjoy that?"
"Probably because she's a big fan of storage tanks. Sein loves that stuff." You take her hand, "Humans don't exactly get to choose who they fall in love with. To be fair, I'm not sure we get to, either. Do you think you like Sein? You've come the extra mile for her by coming here, clearly. You didn't even drain anyone in the theater!"
"..I have only been alive a few hours.. I was waiting for her to get here because.. of the few humans I've drained so far, she's the one I want to drain again."
"I think you've fallen in love, Bravo."
"How is this possible?!" She seems almost annoyed, now. "I didn't want to fall in love, I just wanted a snack because I was hungry!"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
It seems you didn't get to choose who you fell in love with, either.
7 |
That's probably okay! But we can ask Wanda about it, just to be sure. Wanda is the psychologist for Raptors, she's very reliable!
5 |
+I should update Iota on how the situation is developing, she can inform everyone else.
5 |
What's hunger like?
5 |
look someone has to watch Sein so she doesn't...Sein... and as far as I'm concerned your conscripted
3 |
+Oh wait, I left Ginga wandering around the theater, will that be okay? Yeah.. it'll be fine.
3 |
Also Echo wants to destroy the records you were send back to the lab, she's quite shy.
2 |
Why don't you tell me? Why do you want to drain Sein more than you would the other mages you've drained?
2 |
Maybe your human enjoyed stuff like that? We are all based off powerful mages.
1 |
I think it's a side effect of us being able to make our own decisions.
1 |
..I can't explain either why anyone would fall in love with Sein, but you clearly see something in her!
"..It seems you didn't get to choose who you fell in love with, as well." You smile.
Bravo simply frowns, and..
Her eyes are leaking.
You reach out without letting her utter another word, and wrap your arms around her.
"It figures that you're a dork, too." You whisper.
"It's not fair.." She mumbles, "I didn't want to fall in love with my food. Why did this happen?"
"That's probably you should ask Wanda about. Wanda is the psychologist for Raptors, she's very reliable!" You smile.
"..Will I never be able to feed again?"
"What do you mean?"
"..If I feed on someone else, won't I fall in love with them, too?"
"I don't know if it works that way." You laugh, "Though, from what I understand, Sein may be unhappy if you feed on anyone except for her."
"Of course. Sein may interpret that as a human concept called 'Cheating'." Something you don't really understand the specifics of, yourself. "Also, you can't fall in love with anyone if you don't feed on them in the first place. So just save your love and meals for Sein, and I'm sure you'll both live a wonderful life together."
"..Thanks.. That hurts my chest, but I think it's a good kind of hurt."
You continue hugging Bravo. She gently weeps into your chest in a manner that strips all of the self-confident persona that she was trying to put on earlier.
You've heard humans say that love changes people, but you didn't think it would be so sudden.
Oh, speaking of which, you need to call Iota and tell her the good news.
"(Iota, are you there?)"
"(Speaking, I hear you found Bravo and gave her a pep talk about love, and now she's crying. Which sounds about right for you trying to tell anybody about sexual attraction.)"
Hey! you feel insulted! You're the best at giving interpersonal relationship advice! Why would anyone ever think differently?
"(..Anyway, as I was saying, I think Bravo isn't going to be a problem anymore. Let's get her back to Sein, and return to trick-or-treating.)"
"(..That's a nice dream, Gamma. But you forgot why you're looking for her in the first place.)"
"(..Why? What? I didn't forget.)"
"(Oh, you didn't forget about:
- Echo wanting to mindwipe her
- Hotel and November wanting to probably-kill her
- The fact you never found out who made her in the first place?)"
You suppose you DID forget about all of that.
24 = 24
38 = 38
27 = 27
63 = 63
63 = 63
94 = 94
10 = 10
"(After I explain everything, then everyone will understand and things will fall into place, right?)"
"(I mean sure, if 'fall into place' means 'Echo wipes Bravo and that nice speech you just had with her about love is for naught because she won't remember it', then sure.)"
"(Can you talk to her?)"
"(Talk to her yourself.)"
There's a quick click, and you hear Echo's voice.
"(Gamma! Good! Did you find Bravo at all?)"
"(Oh, Hi Echo!)" Great, Iota cleverly passed the responsibility back to you to diffuse the situation with Echo, "(I called because I wanted to tell you that I found her, and it won't be a problem anymore!)"
"(..It won't be?)"
"(Nope!)" You try to make this as clear as possible, "(I talked with Bravo, and she's actually a good girl, who really loves Sein! So it won't be a problem anymore. She won't share any footage of tonight, and she will instead spend the rest of her days with-)"
"(Not good enough.)" Echo immediately replies. "(I'll delete the memory of the kiss, and she can keep the other stuff. How about that?)"
"(..Or, how about not betraying the trust of our newest little sister who has decided to not drain mages for subsistence and instead behave and live a normal life watching Sein?)" You try to spin this as positively as possible, "(If she's able to watch Sein and keep her out of trouble, she may get knighted by the church for that alone.)"
"(Okay, but first I need to delete the kiss from her memory.)" Echo is unrelenting. "(THEN she can enjoy the fruits of taming the degenerate blue human.)"
"(..Can you explain why this bothers you so much?)"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
At LEAST call off Hotel and November.
5 |
Maybe you need to delete your memory of the event, instead?
5 |
Offer to give her a kiss to make up for Bravo stealing her first kiss
3 |
Alright, if a kiss is so important then we can dilute its importance and spread the memories by asking the other Raptors and the Church to all give you a kiss!
1 |
Surely your first kiss can't be that important, right? My first device wasn't that great, but I got other devices, much better ones. It'll be the same with kisses.
0 |
..Reminder that to get to her, you have to go through me.
0 |
Cut the comms connection with Echo, you'll have to do something more drastic!
"(Maybe you need to delete your memory of the event, instead?)"
"(That won't work! Everyone else remembers it happening, so deleting it just means everyone else remembers my embarrassing moment except for me!)"
..Echo doesn't seem to realize or refuses to realize that this means everyone else still remembers her being kissed.
"(Okay, fine.)" You grumble. "(At LEAST call off Hotel and November.)"
"(That I can do, but only if you bring Bravo to me, immediately.)"
"(Gamma, that didn't sound like you were being very sincere.)"
"(Of course I'm being sincere. What else would you want me to say?)"
"('Yes, I'm bringing her right now, meet you back at the alley.' would be a good start.)"
"(Why is the stupid first kiss so important, anyway?)" You need to change the subject. "(If you're worried about her stealing your first kiss, then I'll kiss you to make up for it.)"
"(Oh thanks, Gamm-NO, WAIT, NO NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT!)"
"(Why not?)"
"(Because I said so!)" She huffs, "(You can't dilute a kiss by having more of them! It doesn't work that way!)"
"Is there a problem?" Bravo blinks. "You're kind of quiet."
Oh, that's right, even though it's been less than a few seconds; Bravo can still tell if you're talking to someone by the pause in timing in your conversation.
"Nothing, trying to convince the last sister you kissed not to be upset."
"Why would she be upset?"
"Something about 'First kiss'. I don't even know what that is."
Bravo dismisses it, "It's just a superstition."
"..What's the superstition?"
"Something about always being together. Oh! You could try kissing her to make up for it."
"I already suggested it and she doesn't want it.."
"Oh.." Bravo leans away from your hug, "..Maybe you should take her first time, then?"
"First.. time?"
"Yeah! Try suggesting it."
"(Gamma, Iota here, I just interrupted your call to tell you to not suggest taking Echo's first time under any circumstance.)"
"(Why not?)"
"(Because that will make her even ANGRIER than suggesting having her first kiss.)"
Votes | Choice |
8 |
(to Echo) Okay, if you want, I can take your first kiss from Bravo and give it back to you.
6 |
Look, Echo, if you can't be more mature about this, then I'm going to have to put you in time-out.
6 |
(to Echo) It's okay, Bravo says that stuff about a first kiss is superstition and she's apparently the kissing specialist.
4 |
Okay, first thing is first, you are NOT going to bring Bravo back to Echo.
3 |
Include Bravo in the call, it's not like she can dig a deeper grave.
2 |
suggest it anyway.
2 |
Okay, first thing is first, you are going to bring Bravo back to Echo.
2 |
Kiss Echo anyway
1 |
Go find Delta and ask her cat for advice.
0 |
Cut the link with Echo, you'll live with angry sister for a few days before she forgets about it.
"(Okay, got it. Put me back through to Echo.)"
"(You're not going to make her even angrier, right?)"
"(Of course not.)" You feel almost insulted, "(I'm going to defuse the situation. Who better knows how to deal with Echo than me?)"
"(..That is a fair point.)"
"(Exactly.)" You smile, "(If anyone can tame Echo and her complaining, it will be me.)"
"(..Okay, but you tend to step on landmines with her, and now isn't the time to have one of your comedic moments of misunderstanding.)"
"(What? I don't do that. I'm the best at sistering.)"
"(..Just please let me take over if Echo starts to get upset.)"
"(What? Okay.)"
You're not sure why Echo would get upset by anything, but you're not one to question Iota's strategic decisions.
You hear a click, and Echo continues talking mid-sentence.
"(-ravo's first or second or third kiss, too! It's more personal than something you can just, give and take.)"
"(It's okay, Bravo says that stuff about a first kiss is superstition.)" She'll be happy to hear this. "(She's apparently the kissing specialist.)"
"(..Kissing specialist..)" Echo sighs, "(Even if it's superstition, it's still important for a girl!)"
"(If it's that important, I'll take your first kiss from Bravo and give it back to you.)"
"(..No, I-)"
"(You're going to have to find some way to live with it, then. Look, Echo, if you can't be more mature about this, then I'm going to have to put you in time-out.)"
Stopping time is a time-out, right? You can get Rage-chan to help you with that.
Echo then pauses for a second.
"(..I'll take a kiss.)"
"(You will?)"
"(I mean-)" Echo stammers, "(I mean I'll let you go tonight, because I really, really don't feel like fighting you right now, and you've made it clear that this is something that you will fight me about. So, we will discuss this in the morning about what to do with her. Right now, I just want her someplace where she isn't going to terrorize anybody or share the video of my shameful, shameful secret.)"
"(There's no sha-)"
"(Gamma, Iota here again, please don't push your luck.)" You can feel her smiling
"(So, if you can take her someplace where she won't be feeding on high-level mages and won't have easy internet access, that is fine with me.)"
She just described the Grand Cathedral to a T. November could probably be enlisted to take her there, easily.
"(..So you're letting her go?)"
"(FOR TONIGHT!)" Echo clarifies, "(Just for tonight. We can discuss what should be done with her tomorrow.)"
"(..Thanks Echo!)" You smile, "(It may take me a day or so, but I'll work on getting that kiss to you tomorr-)"
"(JUST GO!)"
With that, Echo closes the comms link.
You smile. She may be.. kind of strange at times, but other times- she's the best sister ever.
The late-night trains blink as they enter the tiny train station. 'Grand Cathedral' is painted in huge yellow letters, as opposed to everything else that glows a neon-green.
You stand on the platform, waiting for the train to pull up.
"So I'm really okay to go?" Bravo blinks.
"As far as I can tell." You shrug, "Echo doesn't really visit the Grand Cathedral, because there's no internet there. Her conditions were to keep you away from powerful mages, and to keep you away from the internet. So I think we can fulfill both by sending you someplace where most of the humans there are simple nuns, and it helps because Sein will also be there."
"..Is that really it? I just get to.. leave?" She seems a little guilty. "And with Sein? This is a prank, right? Why are you doing all of this for me? I tried to fill up on mana and explode."
81 = 81
8 = 8
98 = 98
33 = 33
"Because you're my sister." You smile, "I was purpose built to fight for something, and that something is my sisters. Besides, what's a little galaxy-ending explosion between sisters, anyway?"
"..I'm glad you have such a chipper attitude about the end of existence." Bravo seems a tad bit concerned. "-But still, you're sure neither of us will explode, right?"
"If I haven't exploded yet, then for sure you'll be safe draining Sein a few times a week." You smile.
"A day." She corrects you.
"However often you feel like draining her!" Okay, maybe there is an upper limit to how often she can be drained, but what's the worst that can happen? "Just be sure to not overdo it. Ask Sein if she won't expire the next time, and I'm sure it'll work out."
"Expire?" Bravo blinks, "Humans have expiration dates?"
"I think so, but I don't know too much about it. Ask Sein when hers is." You smile.
The bell rings. The train is getting ready to depart.
"The point I'm trying to make is that I'm doing it because we're sisters, and I look after my sisters, even when they cause problems. Especially when they cause problems, really." You pat her shoulder, "I mean, Nove might fight you later, but other than that- this is about standard fare for our family. I would say you are one of the least troublesome ones."
"Aw, thanks Sis."
You give her a hug, and she gently tugs back.
Then, she has a troublesome thought.
"..What do you mean 'least troublesome'? I attacked people.."
"Oh, that?" You giggle, "Most of my sisters have attacked multiple humans, and some have attacked superstar mages, as well."
"Oh yeah, Hotel, the Assassination unit, routinely attacks people. She likely also has a body count, but thankfully all of them have been bad so far."
"Body count? What's so bad about that? I mean, I have a-"
"Oh, nothing is bad about it. It's just hard to know how many when we can't find their bodies. She's very good at hiding them."

"Oh.. that kind. I see."
"A fixation on human mating rituals isn't that big of a deal, comparatively. So just be careful, okay? Runaway mana consumption is a real threat, and I'm sure humans, and the other sisters, would likely fight you over it if you tried to drain them."
"Me.. fight them? Fight the assassination unit?"
"Yes, or the Recon unit, or the Infiltration unit, or the Demolitions unit, or the-"
"..Are all of our sisters made for fighting?"
"Others are made to support the ones who fight. Echo, the one you kissed, is the Information unit. She was even wanting to wipe that part of your memory, so try not to bring it up to anyone again, okay?"

"O-Okay, these other sisters, I won't see them again, right?"
"Most of them, maybe not."
"Oh, then-"
"Others kind of live at the church, so you'll see them constantly.."
"But.. I'll at least see you again, right Gamma?"
"Huh?" You blink, and glance at her. "I go to the Saint Church every weekend, it's fine!"
"But just you, right?"
"We occasionally have a family reunion there. Though it's discouraged. Our last family reunion is referred to as 'The Raptor Rampage' by the humans."
"It flattened almost every criminal gang on Vaizen in one night in a giant battle royale. It was very fun!" You smile, and this makes Bravo jump a little. "But ever since then, we have to tell someone if more than four of us are going to be in one place at any given time."
"But, if it's just you, you can save me if I call, right?"
"Save you?" You blink, "From what?"
She looks at you as if you're genuinely insane. You don't understand why.
"If you feel the need to attack anyone else, we can do a mock battle-"

"No! No that's fine."
"Are you sure? It's only normal for most sisters to have some innate sense of combat. I'm sure you're a combat unit yourself, so you understand." You nod, it's important for sisters to understand this urge if they wish to control it.
"..I think it's time to leave." She immediately states, "Thank you Gamma, let's meet soon and make sure 'Echo' never finds me."
"Hmm? I'm sure she'll find you eventually-"
Huh, there's an explosion in the distance.
Bravo turns, and rushes to the train before the doors snap shut. The lights flicker as the diesel engine slowly pulls away from the stop.
You smile and wave as it moves into the distance. The lights flicker once more as you hear another behemoth sound.
"(Oh, Hi Iota. I was just going to call and say Bravo is coming your way-)"
"(What did you do?)"
"(..What did I do?)"
"(Hotel, upon being contacted by Echo to stop her search, immediately cut the comms link and continued on her own accord. Then, upon finding out from witnesses that she's looking for the 'vampire unit', started blasting every. single. thing. vampire related she could see. Since it's Halloween, she's in a target rich environment.)"
You blink.
"(So, I wouldn't have you to thank for telling people that Bravo is the 'Vampire' unit, right?)"
"(Ah..)" You smile, "(Sisters are so troublesome. That's why we're family, though.)"
"(You didn't answer the question, Gamma. When those trick or treaters end up in the hospital, the police are going to want to know-)"
"(Later, Iota.)" You smile, "(I have a family to mend.)"
You leap into the air, and engage Raptor Flight.
Some sisters are troublesome, others are downright difficult. It doesn't change the fact that at the end, all of you are family.
And you would do anything for family.
"Hey!" You notice another pink beam in the distance, "Hotel! Wait! That's not a Vampire! That's just a house painted like a bat!"
(Halloween 2022 END)
Christmas 2022: Christmas in November

"-So I say to you, 'Goodbye old friend'." His hand moved from his hat, to where his heart used to move on its own accord. The pacemaker does little to garner warmth from the coldness entrenching on his hands. "From one enemy, to another. We were once vagabonds, vagrants, and bitter rivals. Now, we find ourselves before the great equalizer."
The cold autumn breeze rolls across the grassy plains, and over the solemn stone of the last remnant of his oldest acquaintance. He steadies himself on his cane.
"I find myself the lone watch for the first winter since our animosities first began, but I don't revel in it. Pray I survive this season, if you must. It makes little difference to me one way or another. Life is a flame which slowly burns out, and without fuel, it's merely a meandering heat. One without purpose, or meaning."
He pulls his overcoat closer to his body, and turns away from the wind.
"Farewell, brother in arms. Let us agree to a game of chess in your honor, whence we meet again."
His eyes are cold, his chest is pained, and he is aware that their meeting may not be as far away as he fears. A smile reaches his lips, and his cane guides his way.
You turn the final chapter of the book. The last few pages are thanks, recognitions, and other things you usually skip at the end of books.
You close the cover, and glance at it once again.
"The World and the Winds." You read the cover. It's no The Age of Man but it's still a good book. You set it down on the bed next to you.
You sit up, and allow your actuators to adjust to your new upright position before moving. The bed is stacked with books of all various authors from ten, twenty, even a hundred years ago. This is one such book, written on Vaizen by a well-respected author. If one were to compare him to another one of your favorites, it would be Arthur Conan Doyle. Both very invested in serialized novels about in-depth characters trying to find their way through a rapidly changing age, where their lives radically changed in the span of just a few years.
Considering you're only a couple years old, you can relate greatly.
You set the book down, and breathe a sigh of victory. That's the last book off of your list for this year. You haven't compiled your reading list for next year, but with this out of the way; you can take a well-deserved break from reading for a short while.
Immediately, you start to stack up the books, and try to put together your thoughts at this yearly accomplishment.
"Oh my god I AM SO BORED NOW!"
You grab your hair, and ruffle it profusely.
"I've been book-less for a whole EIGHT SECONDS and I'm already ready to claw my circuits out! Why did I stop at 600 books for my reading list?! I should have had 800! I would still be reading, then!"
This is followed by a muffled voice echoing through your door.
"November-" It's your adoptive guardian, Lindy. "I hear you mumbling to yourself again. Do you want to come out and visit? Some of your sisters have come over for the day."
"No." You immediately answer.
"Okay, sweetie. We're out here if you change your mind."
Lindy walks away, and you once again find the mind-numbing experience of being bored tearing away at your circuits.
"..This isn't good, studies show that someone my age, with this lifestyle, will become a lonely shut-in who spends the rest of their lives on imageboards exclusively communicating with other anonymous shut-ins.." You frown, then have an interesting thought. "..Are they at least good imageboards?"
There's another tap on the door.
"Novemberrrrrrrrrrrr." It's your sister-unit, Papa. "I heard from Lindy that you're being anti-social again. Wanna come out and visit? I'm here with Hotel and Rho."
Votes | Choice |
8 |
+Hide in Blanket Fort
5 |
5 |
+Look for those magical girls books about magical girls who dont need teammates.
4 |
You come in instead!
3 |
..Why are you here, again?
3 |
Isn't it you who are visiting, actually? This house is my assigned place of residence.
3 |
Bah, humbug!
2 |
I can't believe I'm hearing that from you. The lab rat unit.
2 |
That sounds like the start of a disaster or a bad joke. Hotel, Rho and Papa walk in the city...
1 |
Ask sisters for good imageboard recommendations.
0 |
Okay, but only because I'll claw my eyes out if I am not entertained in the next thirty seconds.
You remember your shut-in training, as you grab all of the blankets of the bed and start to assemble your fort. The fabric wraps around you and the pillows strategically cover your flank as you activate anti-gravity.
You slowly levitate toward the ceiling, and then finish your assembled fort as you touch the tops of the chalk-white surface.
"..You are being anti-social again, aren't you?" Papa mumbles, again. "Given that I just felt you cast a spell, I'm going to guess you just attempted to hide or fly out the window. So if you don't answer in a few moments, I'll assume you flew out the window and come in."
You try not to engage with her. Instead, you start looking up book genres that you may not have seen yet. You connect to the house Wifi, and start browsing the usual spaces.
Let's see..
Magical girl? No, you've seen lots of that so far.
Oh! Magical girls who don't need any partners!
Yess… Tons of angst and suffering. This is the kind of magical girl genre for patricians. Especially the ones that involve lots of suffering before finding a cute magical girl who takes them in, and then that's when they start to kiss-
"Hey!" You are made aware that Papa has rudely let herself in, and is now standing on the ground below you. "Hiding on the ceiling doesn't actually make you disappear!"
Oh, here's a nice one. An evil magical girl gropes and molests good magical girls, until they-
"I can see you're looking up smutty manga on the internet! I have the wifi password, too!" Papa retorts.
"S-Stop looking at my searches!" You instinctively retort, breaking your promise of not engaging with her.
"Then come down and stop being such a recluse! We don't need two Iotas, and you don't even have an excuse because you're not afraid of the outdoors!"
"Why are you even here, anyway?! Just here to ruin the last day of the month with my namesake?"
"Oh, no.. That's not why.." Papa suddenly gets sheepish, "..Actually I was ordered to stay here because I was kind of being disruptive.."
"..Disruptive?" You blink.
"Yeah.. Jade suggested I try to be social and get into the Christmas spirit, so I joined a human activity called 'Caroling'." Papa mopes, "It's going door to door singing every couple days in December. We were asked to sing a couple songs and start practicing for it and.. I don't think they like the carols I found very much."
"We were thinking of songs to sing, several others took songs from popular pop culture songs, so I looked around until I found a popular song called 'Reject the human flesh, machine is the one true god.'"
"So what's wrong with it?"
"I don't know! It's not like they couldn't have heard about it before, it's rated as the #2 Death-Metal song of the year! Yet, every one of them just looked disgusted when I sang it. It's not like I sung it at that many houses before I was stopped!"
"Well, this goes to show that it's pointless to engage in human holidays when they don't have any semblance of taste themselves." You wrap yourself back in the blanket fort, "So bah, humbug, I say."
"Okay, but you still shouldn't lock yourself in your room! This kind of anti-social behavior will eventually result in you shutting yourself away, only interacting with anonymous people on imageboards!"
"..Oh wow, I was just thinking about doing that. Do you know any good imageboards, Papa?"
"COME DOWN FROM THERE! At least come say 'Hi' to Hotel! Before she comes and says 'Hi' to you! You don't want her coming to say 'Hi' to you, the house doesn't have enough fire safety for that!"
30 = 30
49 = 49
83 = 83
"No, I-"
Then you remember something important.
"Sigh.. FINE." You act as nonchalant as possible about this, "I'll come out, but only because the last thing I need is for the house to be destroyed. Or to be hounded by Gamma again."
"Good!" Papa smiles, like she won or something. "That's the attitude I want to hear!"
"I'll be out in a minute."
"No, come out right now." Papa saw right through your trick. "Otherwise a 'minute' will be five minutes, then thirty, then-"
"OKAY!" You throw the blanket off, and float back down to the bed. "Okay. Damn it, I doubt Fate was treated like this when she was a Dark Magical girl. Why am I being treated worse?"
"..You think having to leave your room is bad treatment?"
"Of course!" You huff, "Having to leave the room can result in Cancer, Extreme Anxiety, Boredom, Rash, Itchy or Sore throat, and Death!"
"You read that off of some human medication." Papa huffs, "Also Fate risked life and limb almost every single day. You're sitting in a room reading analogue books because you enjoy the extra challenge."
"It's all the same to me." You jump off the bed, "Let's go entertain my least controllable sister."
"..Funny, that's how I describe you." Papa pats your shoulder.
"You're pushing your luck, I can still get Iota to recommend me some good imageboards."

"Hey." You notice Hotel sitting on the couch, giggling to herself. "When you're laughing, nobody else is laughing. Confess, who are you thinking of assaulting this Christmas?"
"I'm not thinking of assaulting anyone!" She turns to you with that same look on her face. "I'm thinking about the wonderful battle we're going to be having later this month!"
This sounds even worse than the more predictable notion that she's going to be assaulting someone.
"Well, I saw this documentary about Santa, and how he comes by once a year to terrorize humans and deliver anger and chaos to the world!"
"Hotel, we've been through this before. Santa is not an enemy and you don't shoot him." Papa immediately responds, "You got in trouble that one Christmas for nearly frying our Santa. Don't do this again."
"No! It's true! Look!"
She flips the channel over, and you get to see the 'Documentary' she's talking about.

"Isn't it neat? I think his weapon is ineffective at long range, which means that I'll be able to get some hits in at range."
"Hotel.. That's a cartoon." Papa puts her hand on her face.
"What? You're a cartoon." She immediately retorts.
"Can we please go do anything else? Just anything?" You want to go back into your room already. "I'm so sick of our annual 'trying to keep Hotel from killing Santa' routine."
"Oh! November!" It's Dieci.

"I'm going to the orphanage to help Chantez and Sister Anna, want to come along?"
"THANK YOU!" You have never been happier to be given an invitation to go outside. "Please, please, get me out of here."
"Oh! That sounds like fun!" Hotel perks up, "I'll go!"
"No!" You shout.
"That's great! The more the merrier!" Dieci.. Why…
"That's great! Let me get dressed, we'll leave in twenty."
You huff, and glance back toward Hotel.
"..Why are you here, again?"
"Because I sang the chorus of 'Reject the human flesh, machine is the one true god.'" She smiles.
You wish you could ball up into a tiny shell, and disappear like a turtle.
"Wow!" Hotel glances at the church through the window. Outside, economy-sized humans are handing out flyers and singing, as well.
"Huh.. What are they doing?" You're confused why they seem to be out in the frozen snow instead of inside, someplace warm.
"Oh, that's what we're helping with." Dieci smiles, "Christmas is the best time of the year for adoptions, so they're putting on a little show to get people interested."
You blinks, "I heard that the church would start a celebration, but the only thing happening now is the exploitation of the orphans to sing songs and clean up snow."
"Humans.." Papa mumbles.
"So November-" Dieci heard your comment, and is planning appropriate punishment. "Since you feel that way, maybe you should go help them out?"
"Oh! Sounds great! We can sing-"
Hotel is immediately interrupted, "Not the death metal song again, please."
70 = 70
28 = 28
43 = 43
"Oh! But I have so many!" Hotel's eyes are practically glowing, "I have Robot Man, by the Scorpions, Mr. Roboto by Styx, Also Pink Floyd's-"
"Besides your odd taste in human music." This was a side you weren't aware Hotel had, "-Maybe you could think of something more practical to help? Like, I don't know, blowing snowmen to pieces or something. Or how about melting snow with breakers?"
"Please do not melt snow with breakers." Dieci states in an almost robotic manner, "Since you're volunteering, November. Would you like to help clean the snow and icicles from the ledges?"
"What?!" You immediately glance upward, "Wait! I don't remember volunteering?!"
"..So you were going to volunteer Hotel, but not yourself?"
Stupid Hotel has the BIGGEST GRIN on right now!
"..I thought I would just sit inside and provide moral support." The truth is, you didn't expect to have to work.
"The icicles are really high up, and you're one of the few mages here who can fly." Dieci continues, "They can be a problem if they break and fall. The chapel is of old construction, without mitigation measures on its eve. So it usually has longer icicles than most. If you could just clean them off, that would be a huge help."
"I'm supposed to do ordinary cleaning?" You huff, "I'm a master-class mage!"
"And the other people there aren't?" Dieci reminds you that you know a lot of master-class mages.
"Zip it, Hotel!" You pout. "The Church is the opiate of the masses! Unfairly exploited unhappy orphans will rise in the revolution against this corrupted system!"
"The 'Unhappy Orphans' are glad to play around in the snow." Dieci sighs.
The car pulls to a stop, and you peer outside.

"..This part of town always gives me the creeps.." Papa mumbles.
"Really? Vita seems to like it a whole lot."
"THERE'S NOT A MACHINE IN SIGHT!" Papa seems like she's almost losing her cool.
"It's just an aesthetic of this part of town, Papa. It's not actually a medieval cathedral.." Dieci sighs, again.
Tap.. tap.. tap..
You peer outside, and roll the window down.

"Hi November!" Chantez is a smiling mess, as always. "Long time no see! I didn't expect you to come along with Dieci?"
"..Which one am I talking to?" You huff, "I've told you before. I only talk to the real Chantez."
"Rude! It's just me today!" She huffs, "..Anna told me not to use Ensemble today, because it makes the orphans scared when they see them in person.."
"But they're fine seeing it when you fight on TV?" Hotel points out the human inconsistency.
"I know! I don't get it either.." Chantez huffs.
"Spare me your musings.." You float out of the window, and land next to her. Not even bothering to open the car door. "Can we please get whatever little chore you want done over with?"
"Oh! Well sure, first you can pass out these flyers, also dress up the young ones, and also help with cleaning the ice off of the roof-"
"I'll take that job." You pick the one that's the easiest for you. "After I'm done, then I don't have to do anything else, right?"
"..That's not how this works, November." Dieci glares at you from the driver seat.
"Fine with me! The ice alone is a problem because I really, really don't want to get on that slippery roof.." Chantez seems genuinely worried by it. Which goes to show that humans would be worthless if it weren't for magic and magicians.
You slowly start to float away, and then quickly transform-
Used: ★ Raptor Barrier Jacket

"Give me five minutes." You hold your staff in your hand.
"Hey! Don't level the church, now!"
"Level the church? I'm not an amateur. Save that talk for Hotel." You smirk, and then glide off toward the building.
The orphans below have stopped playing to watch you work. Which is good, because they deserve to watch an expert deal with this problem. You glance at the church's stone tiles, and realize that each one is covered with a very thick sheet of ice.
Not to mention the icicles hanging from the corners of the building. Several are as big as your leg.
"Pst." You smile, "Puny Icicles, allow me to send you off with style, and grace."
47 = 47
47 = 47
97 = 97
63 = 63
You've already decided that you're going to put on a show. It's not often that you're asked to put your skills to use for anything that isn't aerial recon, so you're certainly not going to squander this opportunity.
A hex-shaped magic circle appears beneath your feet as you size up your opponent. The icicles gleam in the light. Your reflection is repeated throughout a myriad of tiny blue spikes.
Used: ★ Supercruise
You gracefully flip over once in mid-air, and then propel yourself toward the tiny ice shards at speeds that would easily destroy a human body. You're certain you pulled over 14G's in that flashy loop you just did.
The staff in your hand-

Starts to glow.
You speed at the church at supersonic speed as your laser-scythe expertly cuts the icicles off of the eve with millimeter precision. The supersonic shockwave trailing behind you turns them to pieces too small to even reach the ground without evaporating.
You stop almost instantly mid-air, then smirk as you watch all of the human's eyes on you.
"Now, for a graceful finish."
You allow your magic burst to build as you eye the ice-covered rooftop. With a single swing of your scythe, the ice immediately evaporates into a cloud of steam!

The ice instantly starts to pour off of the roof in sheets of water. You sigh as the sparkling droplets cast a rainbow that contrasts beautifully with the untrodden snow at the foot of the building.
On the ground, the human orphans are cheering.
As well as the nuns.
You flip your hair back, and gently settle down in the snow.
Immediately, the economy sized humans surround you.
"Want to be my friend?"
"How did you fly?!"
"Are you that lady from the TSAB commercials?!"
"Uhh.." You realize one of your weaknesses are cropping up..
44 = 44
84 = 84
22 = 22
55 = 55
8 = 8
29 = 29
88 = 88
15 = 15
"What staff are you using?!"
"Can you really use that to shoot people?"
"Are you like really strong, too?!"
"Are you from the church?!"
"Do you wear a sports bra?"
This is..
"Are you a mercenary?!"
"Do you go to our school?"
"Can you go to our school?"
"Also what color panties do you wear?"
"Too close too close tooclosetooclosetooclose HUMANS ARE TOO CLOSE!"
You jump ten vertical meters into the air, and fly off toward a less-crowded portion of the church. All with 'Oohs' and 'Aahs' of the economy sized humans behind you as you do so.
You have to hide.
Right now.
The voice echoes throughout the church. It's an easily recognizable voice, but it's also easily ignored in the background of the massive echo off of the brick and glass.
The footsteps continue plodding.
Until they stop.
Then, you hear a voice from below.

"November, you're in that blanket on the ceiling. Blankets don't stay on ceilings normally. Could you please come down? We can talk about what made you upset."
You don't respond.
She doesn't leave.
"I know the children were overbearing, but everyone would really like to meet the champion mage who was showcasing her abilities. It's become a huge attraction, and the nuns really appreciate your help, too. Won't you let them thank you?"
98 = 98
11 = 11
58 = 58
5 = 5
12 = 12
51 = 51
"They can thank me by respecting my personal space." You throw the blanket back over yourself. "Other acceptable forms of thanks include a letter to Lindy's house, fanmail to Wendi, or thank you letters like the ones they wrote to that human, Santa, before Hotel obliterated him."
"I think they would be happy if they were able to thank you to your face, November." White human doesn't get it, "After all, you looked really cool and maybe even convinced several of the children to become mages of their own!"
"Great, I have admirers who will hound me for life."
"Just come say 'You're welcome'! Anna is all sorts of pleased with your work."
"She's a nun, right? She should be used to thanking people at a distance. Meanwhile, I see no God up here but me."
"That's just mean." Lily huffs. "I won't come up there and force you to come down, even if I could, but I will say that I have tea with Lindy on occasion and I can mention this incident to her when we meet tomorrow."
You turn back right-side up, and gradually float down from the ceiling before standing upright in front of the silver-haired human. She smiles.
"There! That's the November people want to meet." You silently curse her being so chipper after so effectively blackmailing you.
"You're very smug threatening a mage you just saw go supersonic in less than a few fractions of a second." You huff.
"Oh please, November. I know what is like to have a traumatic experience after being inside of a lab, too. It's not as awful as you're making it out to be."
"Don't tell me how I should be feeling." You frown. "Stupid conspiracies with their secret labs full of artificial mages all around Midchilda. Everyone can say that they understand."
"..No, I think that experience is reserved for just you and I." Lily smiles, "But look on the bright side, having to get tons of praise is much better than having lots of people ask to step on them, right?"
"UGH." You cringe, remembering when Iota told you about those internet posts from that one time you pretended to be Fate. "..I'm still tracking down some of them, you know."
"Which is all well and good!" Lily pats your head, "The children calmed down, so you can come out and talk with them about books. I know that you want to discuss the plots of the mangas and fantasy books."
"I don't care about their tastes in literature.."
"You should! This is a great opportunity to find a friend!"
"The only friend I need are the books.. and my staff, but mostly the books."
"Hey! Don't know until you try."
"I already know.."
You follow Lily outside to get this forced socialization over with. She happily skips and prances as the harsh sunlight meets your optical sensors once more.
Immediately, she walks toward Chantez, who is clearly finding an excuse to not do any work.
"Chanteeez! I got our little hero back. Maybe you would like to show her around?"
"Huh?" The orange human glances upward at hearing her name, likely expecting a scolding. "Oh! Oh, Lily. Uh, sure! What were you wanting to do, November?"
46 = 46
69 = 69
74 = 74
"I want to go back to my room, but I can't get what I want." You mumble.
"So grumpy, anything else you would like to do?"
"No." You state in the most monotone voice you can manage.
"Well you can't become another Iota. We're already trying to make Iota less of an Iota." Chantez rudely compares you to your more introverted sister.
"Does this place have a Library, at least?"
"What did I just say about becoming another Iota?" It seems you aren't going to be let off that easily.
"Then can I just do something that doesn't involve the orphans and their grabby little hands?" You're pretty sure when they crowded around you, one of them tugged on your hair.
"I already told them that you're Fate's little sister, so they shouldn't bother you again." Chantez seems pretty proud of herself for that.
You simply gawk at her.
"What the heck, WHY?"
"The obvious reasons, it will also mean they won't be coming back to pester you again, because they don't want to be remembered as the kids who harassed Fate's little sister."
"Then, at the very least, can I spend some time with my actual sisters?" At least they may have something interesting for you to do.
"Sure! Hotel is shoveling snow while Anna tries to convince her to not use her staff to do it."
"Fine, I'll go see what she's up to."
This is at least better than trying to entertain humans.
You think.
"Hotel what are you doing?"
You find your sister after much searching. You had to use your radar sensors, but you eventually located her on top of one of the snow-covered hills overlooking the small historic part of town.
"Oh, hey November!"

"You see, I was thinking about how to clean up the snow efficiently, and-"
"Did you consider using a shovel?" You blink.
"What? Of course not. That's the hard way!" Hotel smiles, "Instead I decided that if I make a snowball here, it will roll into town and pick up all the snow in its wake! I'm a genius!"
"..Hotel, it would stop at the bottom of the hill, with all the snow. Namely, in the town."
"And, the goal is to remove the snow from the town." You blink.
"Right! When it's in a big snowball, I'll be able to remove it!"
"But you could crush the town beneath a giant snowball."
"Hmm? No, the snowball only picks up snow. I saw a video on the internet about this." Hotel seems absolutely sincere.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
+Kidnap Hotel too, it will be less of a headache for everyone in the long run if she doesn't burry the town in snow.
5 |
Have a mental break and kidnap Lily, You're a fierce dragon!
4 |
Roll down the hill in the snowball.
4 |
Dig a snow cave and pretend it's your room. And you have books. Even though it's not a room, and there are no books.
4 |
+If anyone asks, we're kidnapping Lily for copulation. Whatever that is. Hotel can explain if anyone wants to know more
3 |
+The plan to get the kids to build a castle for housing Lily can be explained to Hotel as a way to make the kids do all her work
2 |
Help Hotel, if the village is destroyed, you don't have to do any more menial chores!
2 |
+ Make your lair for dark dragons only
1 |
Scream and accidentally trigger an avalanche
1 |
Scream Merry Christmas.
You sigh, harshly.
"Hotel, I'm not in the mood to destroy the town today, nor am I in the mood to be in the town. Which means destroying it is actually in both our best interests."
"Hmm?" Hotel truly, truly doesn't get it.
"But at the same time, I truly, truly do not want to make my day any more hectic than it already is. So I'll make this easy on myself."
You reach over-
Grab Hotel around the waist.
Then, you take off!
"Uh, November! What about my destroying-the-tow- I mean Cleanup plan!? Where are we going?!"
Oh, you'll see Hotel.
They'll all see.
Papa glances at Lily's odd accusation.
"Right, it means to be bad at adjusting to new situations, or being abnormal." Lily replies.
"What does this have to do with my sisters? All of them are perfectly normal for Raptors." Papa shrugs.
"Isn't that a problem? November seemed genuinely upset that she was asked to go outside. And I'm really not sure who taught you those songs, but they're not appropriate for a choir."
"That's a human problem." Papa crosses her arms. "Either ways there's nothing 'maladjusted' about any of my sisters. They're reliable, dependable, and most of all, perfectly fi-"
Both Papa and Lily glance upward to see a peculiar sight.

"Boo." You have Hotel cradled under your arm, and are crackling with yellow magic energy.
"November!" Papa huffs at her sister, "Is this another airshow? Don't use magic without being authorized!"
"Sorry, but I follow no authorization, now. I am beyond mere human orders. I do what I want, when I want."
"November, this is silly." Papa scowls, "If you're not going to follow human orders or get authorization, then what are you? A Grinch? A Scrooge? You're going to ruin Christmas for everyone at this rate just because you don't like being outside."
"I am not any of these petty storybook creatures, for you see-"
You think about this question for a moment, before answering.
"I'm a dragon. A proud dragon who flies through the sky and lives by my own rules. I'll live in a lair, and only come out occasionally to terrorize the land and kidnap maidens."
Yes, this sounds like the perfect life.
"..November, Dragons are even more of a petty storybook creature than Scroog-"
"Sorry, can't hear you." You swoop down, and grab Lily, "Busy terrorizing the countryside."
You fly off with Lily in tow, struggling and fighting against your grasp. Hotel just seems happy to be with you, and doesn't say anything or struggle in the least.
You're going to find a nice, quiet place to make your lair, settle down with tons of books, and pretend the world doesn't exist except for your two captives who you'll make do house chores or whatever it is dragons do.
Because for today.
You're not someone's entertainment. They are yours.
You float off into the mountains until you locate the peculiar outcropping that you noticed on radar earlier, when you were searching for Hotel.
Located in one of these hilly, flat-faced cliffs, is a cave.
You float inside with your two prisoners, Lily still freaking out as you set them both down inside. It's on the flat-face of a cliff, so there is no harm of any wild animals having taken refuge inside.
Except for you.
Because you're a dragon, now.
"Now." You turn to Lily, "I'm going to sit down, I'm going to read books, You're going to stay here, and not pressure me back out. Because right now, I'm a dragon, not November."
"November, this is silly!"
"Hotel, make a SMALL fire for Lily so she doesn't get cold."

"Sure thing, evil Dragon!" Hotel seems all into this, "Do you want to tie her up, lash her to a post, and do lascivious things to her like dragons in my manga do?!"
"..What? Don't make this weird, Hotel." You lay back in the snowy outcropping, surprisingly comfortable, and take out your emergency book.
"This is already weird, November!" Lily protests her situation.
17 = 17
86 = 86
99 = 99
42 = 42
93 = 93
45 = 45
29 = 29
68 = 68
85 = 85
46 = 46
"Careful Lily, if you annoy the dragon enough; the dragon could eat you." You state while staring at the book.
"That will make it even more appropriate to bind you!" Hotel offers clever insight.
"Now you're making it even weirder!" Lily's face is blushing, furiously.
"No, you're making it weird." You mumble, "I can kidnap Wanda and have an impromptu therapy session if you're uncomfortable."
"I'm uncomfortable because you want to live in a cave kidnapping young girls." Lily huffs, "All of this over having to be asked to go outside."
"Dragons don't have to go outside, nor do they have to help humans. Instead, they.. uh.. Hotel, what was it again?"
"They lash maidens to posts and do lascivious things to them!"
"Yes, that. Whatever that means." You hum, "Also they stay in a cave and I guess read lots of books, far from human eyes. It's so me, they may as well have called them 'Novembers'."
"November, aside from the fact that everyone saw you 'kidnap' me. There's also the problem that you can't spend your whole life in a cave reading books! The dragons that do that aren't real!"
"Oh yeah? You're looking at one. "
"You always cause trouble on the holidays, why is that?"
"You think this is trouble?" You smirk.
Then, you glance over to Hotel.
"Hotel, tell Lily about your evil plan and other dragonly activities we could be doing, instead."
"Certainly!" Hotel stands up, "We cleaned up the church, so I was thinking of a show for the nuns and orphans! The White Devil Hotel and the Evil Dragon November rebelled against the rules of Christmas and kidnapped Princess Lily, so now the Brave Knights will try to save her and we can befriend them all just like I saw in those movies my human starred in! Which will start with a surprise attack on the church!"
"W-wait, Hotel, hold on-"
"You hear that, Lily?" A smirk crawls across your dragon lips, "Either you're going to be my entertainment or Hotel is. Either ways, I'm going to enjoy a peaceful night of being entertained and reading books instead of being forced into doing dumb human things for dumb humans who won't appreciate them anyway."
"November, you ARE appreciated! Up until you kidnapped me, everyone was so excited to see you!"
"We can go back to the lashing to the post thing if you're going to lecture me." You pout.
"Ooh! Let me try my plan!" Hotel goads you, "I hear humans like seeing lights in the sky at this time of the year, so I can dutifully provide a few breakers!"
"Hotel, that's an aurora borealis.." Lily sighs, "And November, I'm not trying to goad you, I'm giving you the reality that this is silly and you can read your books all you want."
Okay, that's it, she's going onto a post. You're sure Hotel can tell you what to do later.
"Your 'lascivious' things will have to wait." You stand up, and step to the mouth of the cave.

There's a knight in shining armor, right now.
"That's funny, Chantez." You muse, "I didn't know you could fly."
"It's a bit of a secret trick, that I've been trying to perfect." She looks extremely proud, and eager. "So, I heard something about you being a 'Dragon' now, and taking Lily to your hoard."
"That would be accurate."
Chantez smiles.
"Good tastes, November. Have you done Dragon things with her, yet?"
"I'm waiting for Hotel to tell me what that is." You shrug.
"Well, I appear to be a knight, and you're a dragon, why don't we-" She smiles, "Have a fight for the ages?"
55 = 55
65 = 65
22 = 22
42 = 42
Options: Individual.
You smirk at the orange human.
"That's pretty bold of you to challenge the great dragon, November." You draw your staff, "I would have figured you would have had enough of it after all of those takedowns you took from the red dragon, Foxtrot."
"Merely practice, November. Practice for this moment." Chantez starts to glow.
"-Not quite yet, you should know that before fighting the dragon, the knight needs to overcome trials and tribulations. So, Hotel-"
"I already thought of that, too." Chantez smirks.

Your backwards facing cameras glance downward, toward the cave, to notice another Chantez engaging in melee combat with Hotel. Since Hotel is much more of a ranged fighter, it appears to be a much more even playing ground when those two fight compared to if she tried to fight in melee combat with you.
"Fair enough." You stretch your arms out, "In that case; you wouldn't mind me making a bit of a change as well, right?"
"..No? What kind of change?" Chantez shouldn't have asked that, because now you're more than eager to reveal-

"Dragon Form." You smile, and point your staff-turned-sword at Chantez.
"Wh-" Chantez is very visibly impressed, "You can do that? Why.. the wings, or the lack of clothes-"

"Dragons don't need clothes. None of the dragons I know wear them." You raise your staff, "Behold, interloper! Thou treadst upon the domain of November Fellwind, Queen of Skies and Hoarder of Treasure beyond compare! Engarde, brave knight."
"..Wow, that's pretty good." Chantez is visibly impressed.
"STOP IT!" You hear Lily yell from the cave, below. "WHY DO ALL OF OUR HOLIDAYS TURN INTO FIRE AND MAGIC BATTLES?"
"Hear that, Chantez? The lamentations of the fair maiden." You smirk, "Let's make it a Christmas to remember."
"That's right, Merry Christmas, November."
Your staff immediately blocks a nearly lightning-fast aerial attack from Chantez, someone who you didn't know even had an aerial attack.
This battle may be very dangerous, you need to be sure to-
Oh forget it.
Used: ★ Sonic Move
You immediately teleport far away from her twin blades, and then glance at her with your staff at the ready.
Used: ★ Thunder Bullet
If there's one thing martial arts fighters can't stand-
It's fighting someone who can move miles away in the blink of an eye and bombard them with magic spells.
The spell fades into the distance as it homes in on Chantez. She can deflect a few of those, but she really doesn't have a counterplay; so you guess this is as good as-
A magic barrier appears in front of Chantez, and judging by her visible confusion, you can tell it's not hers.
You glance into the distance, rapidly closing, and mutter a word of utter disgust.

"I heard someone is trying to turn another holiday into a magic battle." Her absolutely grating voice shouts out to Chantez, "I figured you could use a hand!"
The self-aggrandizing, fleshy counterpart is coming by to ruin YOUR destined fight with YOUR knight in shining armor and steal YOUR hoard. It's not enough she steals your looks, she has to steal your moment of fun, too!
"This is getting fun." Are you.. smiling?
Votes | Choice |
11 |
You're feeling.. happy? Time to kick it up a notch!
10 |
+Prove your superiority to the pathetic human by outflying her.
5 |
Angry dragon makes for angry spells! Start blasting!
5 |
+"Foolish Knight, do you think the assistance of this mysterious sorcerer is enough to overcome my might?! Face the wrath of the Sky Queen!"
4 |
2 |
Humans are really predictble. Of course they called you to stop me because you can stop Levi! WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY CLONES!?
2 |
It's your rival, the Good Dragon Feito!
2 |
Do the Dragon Dance
1 |
Scold your human for interfering in honorable combat!
Options: Sum. Threshold: 40.
5+61 = 66 (Success!)
40 = 40
97 = 97
35 = 35
54 = 54
8 = 8
94 = 94
81 = 81
73 = 73
This is getting fun.
No, this is getting really fun.
You're starting to feel nothing short of elated.
A sinister, almost completely maniacal smile creeps across your face.
"Foolish Knight, do you think the assistance of this mysterious sorcerer is enough to overcome my might?! Face the wrath of the Sky Queen!"

"Aw, that's cute November!" You hear your PATRONIZING human completely ignore your declaration of a duel!
"THAT IS NOT 'CUTE'! YOU ARE IN DANGER!" You shout. It's doubtful she heard you, though.
Let's see if she hears this.
You perform several powerful aerobatic moves, and completely circle her multiple times before zipping away and back. You cover several kilometers in a few seconds as you completely encircle her.
"STAR TRACER!" She shouts, you weren't aware she had this spell.
A magic bolt starts to follow you, tracking your magical signature.
That's cute.
You proceed to completely outpace it, by quite a bit, and stay far enough ahead that you can fly straight past Fate and slap her barrier jacket a few times with your staff!
Your staff slices at her barrier jacket from several different angles as she tries to quickly erect barriers all around her. All a moment too slow.
Then, just to finish it, you stop flying roughly a kilometer away and allow her tracer spell to harmlessly impact one of the snow-covered cliffs.
..And you are then suddenly very glad you decided to outpace that spell. That was a very supercharged tracer spell. She was likely thinking this would end this fight in just a few moments so she could give you some kind of 'scolding'.
This is great. You would have it no other way.
"Hmm, looks like I'm going to have to speed up a bit for this one." Fate smiles.
How can she still smile when she's in mortal danger?! That-
She flicks her barrier jacket off, and initiates another transformation.
Oh, she's changing into her Sonic form. While that is fast, it's no where near.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" You shout at your human, who has copied your barrier jacket down to a T.
"Oh, being an evil dragon looked so fun, I just have to try it out for myself!" She's smiling! She's enjoying this!!
30 = 30
78 = 78
"Wh- HEY!" You shout at your larger, more well-endowed, more beautiful, curvy, and- "-YOU CAN'T DO THAT! I DID IT FIRST!"

"Hehe, what's the problem?" She adjusts the tight, exposed, and absolutely perfectly fitting outfit over her body thats' so much more curved and better than yours- "It's really no different than Hayate's cosplays, it's actually more modest in many ways."
"Are you making fun of me with that exposed, lewd, indecent body with more storage tanks than clothes?!"
"..No, why would I be?" Fate just seems confused by your query.
"So.." You see, now, "This was your plan all along. To trick the foolish knight into leading you to my lair so you could fight me for territory and humiliate me in front of my damsel in distress!"
"Well, I'm not trying to humiliate you."
"Besides, we both know you will fail because you are too nice to terrorize the land! Change back and rescue the princess!" You pout.
Fate simply smiles.
"Uh, what's going on?!" Lily glances at Hotel standing strong against a series of blows against Chantez. "Chantez! Don't hurt Hotel!"

"T-That's not the problem right now." Chantez is clearly out of energy. "The problem is that Hotel is tankier than she looks."
Hotel, the entire time, is simply standing perfectly still. She counters every blow from the brave knight with ease.
Then, she raises her staff.

"Ok, my turn." The end starts to glow.
"HEY! WAIT!" Lily yells.
A yellow light overtakes the battlefield, and completely bathes the ensuing fight between minibosses, damsels, and knights.

"F-Fate-san?" Lily blinks.
"Woh!" Chantez is immediately entranced. "What with that outfit, Fate? You're wearing almost nothing at all!"
"She's not the only one, look-" Lily points out the terrifying dragon and her yellow-red aura. "I didn't know November could do that, either."
"..You know.." Chantez' guard drops, "When you compare the two and their outfits, it's almost like."
"..Yeah." Lily seems to get it, "Fate is defeating November without even fighting her, in more ways than one. Hotel, what do you-"
The two humans glance over toward the mini-boss, and notice something strange.

"..I don't know what it is-" Lily and Chantez can feel the heat radiating from Hotel, "-But something about their outfits.. It's like lighting my head on fire! I'm feeling more filled with energy the longer I stare!"
".." Lily and Chantez stare at Hotel, and then glance at one another.
Something has to give before someone involved gets some kind of weird kink.
Fate is good, but you're better-
Way better.

"You're going to regret bringing your lewd, unsightly body to a magic fight!" You scowl, "You should know that I'm the superior model in every way-"
You do two rolls over her, and slice up behind her, with the scythe drawn-

"Hey November, look-"

Fate suddenly pulls her skimpy jacket aside, and lets her bare storage tanks flop out. "D cups, tell me- are you still an A?"

"N-no.." You start to lose altitude as your processes overload with sheer humiliation and embarrassment, "-I'm still growing-"
You land face-first into the snow.
You pop up, and immediately retort.

"N-Not fair!" You yell, "I'm a replica of you! Of course I would be as big as you were when you were my size!"

"No shame, November! It's perfectly fine to be a late bloomer!"


"-But seriously, November." Fate winks, "I was at least a B cup by the time I was your age. That's why Lindy isn't giving you any of my old clothes anymore."

You clutch your storage tanks and fall uselessly into the snow, your staff being discarded somewhere along the way.

The snow around Hotel is melting in waves,
"D-CUP?" The growling sounds like static from an old TV, "MY HUMAN IS HIDING THIS MIRACLE FROM ME? KEEPING IT TO HERSELF?"
"I'm scared-" Lily steps away from the gradually red-glowing monster.
"What is she talking about?" Chantez clearly not getting the conversation happening a kilometer or so away.
"Who cares, we have to stop this before someone gets some kind of weird fetish!" Lily correctly identifies that this has gone beyond combat and is now putting the innocence of young Raptors in danger.
"Okay, but how?" Chantez also recognizes that she can't out-fly Fate or November, "I could go over there and-"
70 = 70
99 = 99
67 = 67
70 = 70
98 = 98
Options: Individual.

Suddenly, she starts to glow an ominous red color. As well as undergo a strange transformation as her device splits into four units which hover nearby.
"This isn't good!" Chantez immediately recognizes the danger. "I didn't even know she could do that!"
"Quick!" Lily jumps to her feet, "We're going to have to try it, put a bind on her, and I'll help!"
"How are you going to help!?"
"Trust me!"
Lily hasn't tried this with Chantez before, and it's really only theoretical how she can use her powers with other mages. However, this situation has quickly become a matter of life or death for the two young mages. Or at the very least a matter of their purity if Hotel flies off the handle.

"So, the real fight is starting? Good, I'm glad to hear that."
You glance upward at the smiling reflection of yourself with her lewd, completely obscene meat tanks hanging out of her jacket.
"You monster-" You gasp, "You BOOBIE MONSTER!"
"Aw, November." Fate smiles, "I'm not making fun of you. Really, I'm not. I'm just trying to teach you that you're not cut out for the 'evil magical girl' thing, in more ways than one."
"I'll show you.."
Used: ★ Adult Form

Used: ★ Supercruise
You effortlessly hit Mach 2 as you dance around her with your scythe swinging through the air. Your much more mature body being slightly more sluggish, much less maneuverable. Thankfully, you outclass Fate in the flying and flanking game so much that the slight debuff doesn't affect you whatsoever.
"LIGHT BARRIER!" Fate recognizes your final strike, but she's just a moment too late!
The steam pours off of your staff, 'Aces High'. A burning, yellow crater lays beneath you in the snow. The clothes flake off of her body.

"What do you think of THAT, human? Stunned by the magnificent display of a well-developed mage?"
"I-I think-"
Fate tilts her head up slightly from the snow.

"-That the best you can do is still a C cup. That's cute. No one told you that Lindy had to tighten the uniform you borrowed so it didn't sag."
With that, her head flops back into the snow with a smile. Her barrier jacket flaking off.

Your staff uselessly falls from your hand, followed closely by yourself feeling a familiar sinking feeling.
"Wake up!"

"Are you really okay? Should I be calling Sierra? Wake up, November!"
"I'm awake, human.." You sulk, "But I don't know why, anymore."
"If you're awake, answer some questions." She sighs. "Why is Hotel covered in fifty binds? Why is Chantez asleep on top of Lily? Why is Fate completely naked in a smoldering crater? Why was no one answering my phone, and why were all of you unconscious when I showed up?"
You don't answer. You refuse to tell anyone about your horrendous moral defeat.
"..What have you got yourself into, now?"
64 = 64
64 = 64
44 = 44
92 = 92
You stare upward at the brown-haired girl. Your eyes unblinking, your spirit defeated. There is no salvation. Life is unfair. It cannot be made fair. Those who should support you just mock you, you-
"I want to go home."
"Can you at least explain what happened here?"
"I'm only a C Cup."
"That doesn't explain what happened here."
"I'm outlawing boobies. In my dragon kingdom, anything bigger than a C will be illegal. Fate simply resisted arrest."
"That's basically everyone you know, November."
"Uuuuu…" You turn over, face-down into the snow. "..This is the worst Christmas ever."
"Can you get back to explaining why it's the worst Christmas ever? You disappeared, I saw an explosion, everyone is unconscious."
"..We got carried away doing a Christmas play, and everyone ruined my fun."
"What was the name of the play?"
"'November the Evil Dragon Terrorizes the Countryside and Ruins Christmas', it's a work in progress. Or was, it looks like my stageplay will never be finished, now."
"This sounds inspired." Dieci correctly notes your tendencies.
"Definitely was." You sigh, "I wanted to play, and my sisters usually have specific ways they play. So I felt I should take after them."
"You mean wanton destruction and magic fights at inopportune times?"
"Correct." You flip back around, and face Dieci.

"It's simply Raptor instincts, that was until Fate ruined my fun."
"You mean came by to see what caused the various chaotic events we witnessed in town." Dieci sighs.
"It's your fault for taking me out of my bedroom." You pout.
"Well, I hope you're happy. Because if it makes you feel any better, you may have ruined Christmas for a few people." Dieci sighs.
You blink, and then glance up at her.
"Yes, really." Dieci looks deadpan, "You dragged several people, unprovoked, into the mountains, caused a huge panic in town due to the reverberations of your magic spells causing an avalanche warning, and forcing several buildings; including the Church, to be evacuated because of it."
You start to feel a bit more relieved.
"So.. my plan worked?!"
"I didn't know this was planned." Dieci huffs, "That makes this even worse. Do you have any idea how much panic you caused?"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
It's not Gamma level yet, but I'm getting close of Oscar's record!
6 |
5 |
Leaving Hotel to her won devices would have caused more panic, anyway. You should be thanking me.
4 |
That makes me feel so much better. Thank you.
3 |
Don't look at me like that. Why I must be the good girl when even Lil Sis destroy conspiracies alone?
3 |
Maybe I should take X-ray's place and try world domination next time!
2 |
2 |
Hmph, this is what happens when you try to poke the bear, Dieci.

"I.. I DID IT!" You beam with joy, "I CAUSED A PANIC!"
"..You sure did."
"..Are you serious?!" Dieci gawks.
"I mean, it's not Gamma level yet, but-" You feel a sense of elation completely unmatched by even flying close to Mach 4, "I'm at least getting close to Oscar's level of panic!"
"Why are you happy about this?!"
"Hey, you should be happy." You sit upright, with a pout. "Leaving Hotel to her own devices would have caused more panic, anyway. You should be thanking me."
"..What if-" Dieci rubs her forehead, "-You didn't cause ANY panic for one Christmas? Just one Christmas, could we have a normal time with normal people instead of trying to one-up each other in destroying as many things as possible?"

"What? We don't do this every Christmas." You feel a bit offended, "We do that every Halloween. I'm simply adding the holiday spirit to the most important time of the year!"
"..Can you please put the staff down when you say that?"
"Nope!" You stand up, full of renewed energy! "This is the closest that I'm going to get to a moral victory today! I'm going to relish it for all it's worth!"
Dieci sighs, but then turns toward the smoldering wreck still perched on the ledge in front of the cave.
"..You know what? Whatever. I'll let Lindy deal with you later." She levitates, and starts to slowly move toward the ridge. "-Grab Fate, and I'll get the ones up here. We're going home."
Your ears perk up.
"DON'T- think you got everything you wanted out of this." Her head turns toward you with a threatening stare, "Just because we're going home doesn't mean you've 'won'. It means the church isn't occupied anymore so there's nothing we can do for Christmas. We're leaving. Going home. You will receive due punishment later."
You don't really care about that other stuff, but more important than that-
You grab the naked form of the enemy dragon.
-You finally get to go back to the place where you have books, your bed, plenty of alone time.
You may even get grounded for this!
This is the greatest Christmas ever!
"God bless us!" You hoist the naked human in your arms, "EVERYONE!"
Then, you get a quick glance down as you steady her.
..It's true.
Even at your best, she's still a cup bigger. You can't even wrap your whole hand around it.
You slowly lose altitude once more, and return to the sweet embrace of frozen cold humiliation.
(Christmas 2022: Christmas in November, END)
Support Your Local Doctor

"Damn Maniacs."
A young girl's hand runs over a very complex readout of sensors, controllers, actuators, and solenoids. Many of them too small to be seen outside of a microscope, but she has the capability to process and measure the efficiency of every single one.
The results.
Are appalling.
"How!?" She exclaims, "How did she get a fracture there?!"
She's going to be up all night fixing this one. It's right in the orbital socket on the outer edge. What was she doing to cause that?! Jumping jacks using her shoulders?!
"..I need a break.." She whispers before locking the panel.
The glances over at her sister, sleeping soundly in her capsule. She appears to be so serene, so silent and peaceful. It's hard to believe that she's damaged at all.
Seeing that peaceful face, and knowing that kind of wreckage exists just under her skin, it makes what would be the young girl's stomach churn. She hurries out the door to get away from the sinking feeling.
She can't recharge yet. Her night is really just beginning.

You do a small chant, and allow the barrier jacket to fall off your shoulders…
You pull your outfit closer to yourself. A 'loaner' as they call it. It seems to fit you perfectly, despite it coming from someone else's wardrobe. It lets you blend in with the rest of the academy's students who can usually be found wandering the perimeter of the Grand Cathedral on the weekends.
Right now, you envy those students who likely never had to perform surgery on their own loved ones.
Especially when it's because their stupid, STUPID decisions.
Your legs give out, and you flop down on a nearby bench. You glance upward at the stars, and consider trying to recharge for an hour right here before you have to wake up and do this all over again.
Which means sitting down and recharging is the worst thing you could be doing. What you really need is to keep moving around, so you don't fall asleep.
You stand back up, and wearily take a stroll. Where are you going? Who knows. You're walking mostly on autopilot.
You plod along the quiet interior of the main cathedral. Your footsteps being the only sound echoing throughout the stone halls.
The portraits and images of various saints flash through your visual sensors as the moonlight is reflected through them. People who fought dragons, were sacrificed to save many, who commanded many numbers of armies, and finally, built this very Cathedral.
At the end is the one that you find the most annoying.

In the stain-glass, freshly minted and assembled, is the image of a green-haired woman wielding a giant axe as she slays a sword-studded demon.
You're not sure that Gamma was fully aware of what this entailed when it was being assembled. She was told that it was a great honor, but she probably didn't realize that she had essentially been canonized by the church for that.
But in the end, was it really worth it? All this strife and turmoil, does it really matter in the end if it makes a giant, tacky assembly of glass and metal to resemble someone who is nearly giving their body in every single dangerous encounter?
You keep plodding along the hallways, the visages of saints and heroes past lighting your way.
When you suddenly stop.
You've walked a little too far, and into the infirmary. In front of you-

-Is you. She worriedly fumbles with a pen as she glances at green and red diagnostics. On the screen are the obvious vital signs of a human.
"Oh." You blink. She immediately notices you.
"..Hi Sierra." Shamal greets you with her worried eyes, "Did you need something?"
"Nothing, just taking a walk, getting my mind off things." You sigh. "You look worried."
"Only because I am." She lets the pen spin in her hand before clattering on the desk. "..Want some tea?"
"I don't drink, but.." You think about her offer, "..Sure."
You climb onto the chair across from her, on the other side of her desk. She graciously pours a small teacup full of dark-brown ichor.
"It's jasmine." She whispers, "It's supposed to invigorate and improve your mood."
"Thank you."
You didn't really have any intention of drinking it.
Shamal takes a sip of her tea, and sets it on her desk with a clatter.
"..Today, Hayate went on an artifact recovery mission and got stabbed, again, because she strayed too far from Signum." Shamal adjusts her voice as she talks.
"Was it bad?"
"Just in the arm." Hayate sighs, "She's fine, but she's not the one I'm working on."
She drags the green screen closer to you.
It's a very obvious silhouette of Nanoha Takamachi.
"THIS one." Shamal mumbles, "Used a breaker against a magic-absorbing drone. Likely one created as a trap. After it received a good dose of mana, it exploded violently. I'm trying to dig all the shrapnel out before the pain meds wear off."
"Oof." You can see all of the tiny white dots just under her skin. "..Thankfully none of them got too deep."
"Yes, thankfully. There's still two hundred, though." Shamal grumbles, "I've already dug out close to three hundred shards."
Then, she pulls over the red terminal.
"And here-" The human on the screen is also familiar, an orange-haired girl named 'Teana' "Is the backup who brought Nanoha back. Who decided that the best course of action after watching her take that bomb to the face, was to charge in, guns blazing, and try to melee the thugs who were accompanying the drone. Every finger in her hands has a fracture. I'm hoping the instaheal fixes most of them before tomorrow."
"I see, what happens tomorrow?"
"Another mission." Shamal's smile seems very dour, "Today was the artifact recovery, tomorrow they go for the hideout."
"I see." You sigh.

"-What are you up, for?"
You think about her question for a second, and then sigh.
"-Tango took a slug to the gut, and didn't tell anyone. Gamma, however, figured it out immediately. She then threw her axe so hard that it ruptured her orbital, I think, jury's still out on that."
"I see, so that was the 'explosion' I heard about." Shamal sighs.
"Yes, the axe hit so hard it created a miniature detonation." You grit your teeth. "That's why the second attack team had their threat eliminated prematurely."
"Ah, right."
You take a sip of tea just to be amicable to her work. Both of you set your teacups down, and Shamal has a very valid question.
"..What is wrong with them?" She seems to have a very angry look on her face.
"I don't know." You know exactly what she means, "I had assumed they would eventually approach things the smart way, but every mission is like this."
You glance up at Shamal. She grits her teeth back.
"..Are they just stupid? I know they were taught better in the academy. I watched it happen. Nanoha even scolded Teana for being reckless, but she's the one with hundreds of tiny splinters in her skin, right now."
"I hear you, Gamma and Tango are pre-programmed to know better, and she still ignores her directives."
"..Are they stupid, too?" Shamal sighs, "It feels like everyone around us is taking stupid pills."
Votes | Choice |
10 |
I'm worried my sisters have an innate, almost lustful desire for violence.
8 |
+Even November and Little Sis wake up and choose violence now.
4 |
Are there smart pills? Maybe we should get them some of those?
4 |
Maybe they have too much faith on our skills... Or the fact that we can replace their limbs with enough formula and illegal technology.
2 |
Not stupid, reckless.
2 |
Reckless AND stupid, for sure.
1 |
1 |
10 min votes are evil.
1 |
Let's face it, they aren't going to stop doing these things. So should we start thinking about further upgrades to them, so that they can actually take it?
1 |
One justification to create the raptors was that we should do the jobs that humans can't, so why Section 6 keep doing exactly the same missions?
"Are there smart pills, then? It feels like we should get them some of those." You muse over what you know to be impossible. Raptors can't take pills, anyway.
"Unfortunately, no." Shamal sighs.
"With my sisters, I'm worried that violence is becoming an innate, almost lustful desire in their minds." You think back to what you remember about their personalities being 'tuned' after an ancient belkan mage, known for fighting. "Even November and Lil' Sis wake up every morning, and choose violence."
"Mm, I guess I can't give anyone I know that benefit of the doubt." Shamal closes her eyes, "I do feel that violence has almost always been the answer to most of our problems. Especially the bigger ones."
"The labs really did it to us, as well. Putting violence so high in our decision tree. It's like the question is 'Violence' and the answer is 'yes'."
"I would not be shocked if that is a holdover from their humans, as well." Shamal sighs.
A few moments pass in silence.
"..Maybe they just have too much faith in our skills? Like it's just a given to them that we'll patch them up and make them combat worthy, no matter what happens."
"I've considered that." Shamal grumbles, "-The only downside is that they're right. Every time our members have been injured, we patch them up and they're ready for combat again in a few months, tops."
"Does that mean.." You dread to think about the implications, "-It's our fault?"
The implication hangs in the air, but Shamal quickly dismisses it.
"No, it's not." She immediately waives these concerns, "If it weren't for us, they would either be disabled or dead. I won't take the blame for saving them."
"..Good point." You sigh.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Can we change their minds somehow?
5 |
I know! We can call Doctor Carrera AND Rho! Reprogrammation and brainwashing can fix everything!
4 |
2 |
Start to cry a little
1 |
Is there a way to save them?
1 |
Would sabotage be the answer, then?
1 |
Maybe we need a stable examples of raptor and human to study? Cyndi and Mike count?
0 |
If things continue to escalate with my sisters, I can just call Doctor Carrera. The problem is everyone else that can't be reprogrammed.
"Can we change their minds somehow?" You try to think of solutions, "I don't want to spend the rest of my life, or their lives, putting them back together again every time they think it's their job to save the world."
"..I wish it were that simple. It's not like I haven't had this discussion with Hayate and Signum before." Shamal frowns.
"Oh! I know! I can get Dr. Carrera and Rho to reprogram my sisters and brainwash the humans! That can fix everything!"
"I would prefer if we did not. Whether we want to admit it, this is their choice to make. It would be wrong to take it from them." Shamal crosses her arms.
"..Why would it be wrong?"
"Because this is the path they chose to live in life. Even if it's a dangerous one, it's not our lives to live." Shamal huffs, "We aren't their mothers, even though I try to act like one for Hayate."
"It's just-" The knot arises once more where your stomach might be. "Even if it's not our life to live, it's still our duty to put them back together, to watch them hurt, to watch them suffer. Each time knowing that they're just going to go out, hurt, suffer, and bleed again. I hate it. I hate watching them leave for a mission, and I'm not sure why it's their decision to make me suffer like I do."
You glance down at your lap.
"..It's not fair. I didn't choose to watch them suffer. It's just happening without me doing anything. No matter how long I watch, it never changes."
You weren't paying attention, but Shamal had already walked around her desk.
She gently wraps her arms around you, and squeezes.
"I get it, Sierra." Her arms are so warm, and comforting. "I absolutely understand."
"It's not fair.." You mumble, once more. You can almost feel a bit of lubricant at your eyes.
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Full-on cry.
5 |
How do you deal with it?
2 |
Ancient Belkan Knight, eh. Knight of the Lake Shamal healing people for hundreds of years. (hug)
2 |
It really bothers me that some of my sisters are incapable of appreciate peace.
1 |
It's just not fair..
1 |
Try to change the subject.
1 |
What if we asked them really insistently?
"It's not fair.. It's not FAIR!"
You lose your composure.
All of the pain of Tango and Gamma coming back, an obvious injury or a limp that they say is 'okay', but you know deep down they're trying to hide how damaging it is.
But you know.
Even if they aren't aware of how damaging each blow, each buster, each breaker may be.
You already know deep down how close each one comes to ending their lives.
"It's not fair.."
Shamal squeezes your back, and you lightly squeeze back in turn.
You're only able to glance out of the corner of your eye and notice that Shamal, too, is crying.
Both of you are crying over your family, your comrades, your friends.
Neither of you can do anything about it.
"How do you deal with it?" You mumble into her shoulder, "You've been healing people for hundreds of years. You have a way to make the pain go away, right?"
Shamal doesn't answer right away.
That implicit admission alone hurts worse than just giving a fake answer.
She does, however, put together a better explanation after a few seconds.
"It comes and goes, Sierra." Her voice is quiet, and serene. "It isn't a constant suffering, but it's a mindset you gain to put your emotions and pain away while you put your friends back together again."

"That's not better at all!" You pull away from her shoulder, and frown. "You're saying that it doesn't end, you just find some way to cope with it!"
"..That's an apt description of living, isn't it?" Shamal smiles, "Life is finding what you can and can't cope with. If it becomes too much, nobody would blame you for stepping back from it."
"No, I don't think I ever will be." You wipe the tears from your eyes. "At the same time, there has to be a place between living with pain and the safety of my family, right?"
"Only if you have a different family than the one we have." Shamal cradles you in her arms. "The pain of worry and loss is something everyone feels, eventually."
28 = 28
66 = 66
"Eventually, yes." You huff, "But that's nonsense! If the world isn't right, it's up to us to do something to change it, correct?"
"That's true, but it's still their choice to-"
"Besides, it doesn't help that our family reunions are destructive enough to be classified as national disasters when they happen." You pout, "It's almost on the edge of making me choose violence just so I have a reason to reprogram everyone."
"That wouldn't be right either, Sierra." Shamal reaches over, and gives you a slight pat on the shoulder, "I know it's tough but it's still their decision on how they want to live their lives."
"Then it's their decision to make my life that much worse." You frown.
"I should know that sentiment, too." Shamal smiles, slightly. "Our 'parent', Reinforce Eins, wanted us to live in peace after she died. A lot of people interfered to keep us out of prison and living a peaceful life, but we still owe them for that. Which is maybe how some of your sisters feel, with how accepting many humans around them have been."
"That 'some'-" You know full well that she's referring to Gamma, "-Should maybe learn to say 'no' every now and again."
"Has that ever worked?" Shamal already knows the answer.
"Of course not, the last time it was even suggested the problem child seemed so stir crazy that it seemed like she was going to melt down if she didn't insert herself into every problem."
"Ah, so exactly like my child." She giggles, "It's like when she sees a large-chested woman, and her fingers start to knead themselves."
"..Okay I don't think I can relate to that part all that much." You start to realize that maybe the two problem children aren't that much alike.
"But then there are problems that she takes on simply because she feels it's her duty." Shamal continues, "-Those are the worst ones of them all, because I can tell how much it hurts her to put herself in harms way, knowing that it will also pull us in with her."
"..Yeah, I know the feeling."
The silence continues for a few more minutes until you hear a slight knock on the door.
You turn to look.
"-Gamma." You greet your sister, "Why are you up? Weren't you in the charger?"
Sure enough, Gamma seems to have awoke most likely because you didn't activate maintenance mode and begin work right away. In her hand is a small, yellow book. So she was likely catching up on some late-night reading while she waited.
"Sure, but then I realized you weren't around." Gamma gives a slight nod. "-Shamal, good evening."
"Good evening, Gamma."
"So-" Gamma continues, sheepishly, "-I'm not THAT much of a problem, am I?"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
4 |
+ (eye twitching) Try to control your oil pressure.
4 |
Sometimes it feels like you take your own durability as a challenge.
3 |
Rage-chan stopped time trying to stop your reckless behavior! And I approve my niece's actions!
3 |
You are the raptor that caused most damage... You surpassed Hotel and she caused a lightning storm and a blackout.
2 |
Here's an idea Gamma, why don't you and the other combat modals take up some non-combat duties?
1 |
Only some of the time.
1 |
You're not a 'problem' Gamma, this is just how you are.
1 |
+I can't blame fish for swimming or birds for flying just like I can't blame you for fighting
1 |
You were made to be a juggernaut and/or a walking magic reactor, so you tend to think that the damage will not be so bad.
0 |
Only most of the time.
Your eye twitches, and you instinctively feel your oil pressure start to rise.
20 PSI
30 PSI
Wait, wait, calm down.
Gamma just asked a very simple, very polite, VERY STUPID question. Surely you can manage a measured response that is proportional to the amount of frustration you are feeling right now.
"YES!" You shout, "Yes you absolutely are!"
"Shh! Sierra, Hayate is trying to sleep!" Shamal reminds you that humans can't just shut off their senses to recharge like you can.
"Aw, I didn't know that." Gamma looks GENUINELY CONFUSED that you would say that about her, "Sure, some of my missions can get a bit.."
Even she is looking for a soft way to describe her wanton rampages of destruction.
"-high energy, but I didn't think it was a chronic problem."
"Gamma, let me just put it this way." You sigh, "It sometimes feels like you are trying to test the limits of your durability and my patience. Can't you find some other way to help occasionally? Like.. I don't know, gardening? Analytics? Knitting? Just SOMETHING other than trying to see how hard your exoskeleton is."
Gamma seems genuinely confused about these suggestions.
"-Okay, but assault is sort of my designation."
"Okay, but it's become such a problem that you've surpassed Hotel in carving paths of destruction. She's the one that we were having problems with, and you're doing worse than she is in self-control." You huff.
"-I can tone it down some."
"Is 'some' even enough? Rage-chan stopped time to curb your destructive behavior, and I agree with my niece's actions, I would do the same if I could." You cross your arms.
Gamma comes over and wraps her arms around you, which is her way of trying to defuse any situation she can't solve with her axe.
"Sierra, I'm really trying to change. Really, I am." She gives you a squeeze.
Despite how much you want to criticize this maneuver as being another form of social combat-
It does work. You're feeling disarmed already.
"Gamma.." You give her a slight pat despite being exactly what she wants you to do, "I only ask that you try to find some way to support everyone that does not hinge on you being the spearhead of every operation."
"Of course, Sierra. I'm already-"
You feel another pair of arms wrap around both of you-
And a wandering hand start to feel-up Gamma's storage tanks.
She simply looks confused as she glances upward at Shamal approaching you.
"O-kay, I told you to stay in bed-" She reaches up, out of view, and grabs the ear of the offender.
"Ow! Hey, sorry Shamal! I already said that I'm fine!" Hayate tries to make excuses as her ear is tugged and she's pulled away from Gamma's storage tanks. "I just wanted to see what the commotion was about an-"
"Sierra, I need to put my patient to bed, but it was good speaking with you." She smiles, and grabs Hayate into a stronger headlock, "Have a nice evening."
"You as well, let's talk more often." You smile back.
Shamal yanks the curtain aside, and drags Hayate deep into the confines of the infirmary where she begins to scold her.
"I think we should leave those two alone." You stand up, and take Gamma's hand. "C'mon, there's a few things I want to show you on your scan."
"What? Oh! Right." For some reason, Gamma was feeling her storage tank as if something was bothering her."
You take Gamma outside, into the cathedral area. She seems like she has something else on her mind.
So, then you stop.
"Okay, Gamma. Time to confess." You smile, "Why are you awake at this time?"
"..I just said, I was getting some- Okay you already know." She frowns.
"Of course I knew." You cross your arms, "Why would you just be wandering around with a book in your hand if you were 'just' getting some late night reading done?"
You can already feel the disappointment swelling up. There's going to be some reason that you have to scold her.
Please, at least be something palatable.
"..Okay, so actually-" Gamma seems a bit sheepish, "I know we were just talking about it, but I got a call from Iota that Amy, over at Long Arch, found a new signal on Vaizen she wanted someone to go check and-"
You don't even let her finish.
You feel your mouth curl into a sneer, you take a deep breath.
And you put your new frustration into words, on top of your old frustration.
(Support Your Local Doctor: END)
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Vivid Pitch
3 |
Board game night with the Raptors
2 |
Valentines Day 2023
2 |
Victor's Maid Squad.
2 |
Board game night with the Numbers
1 |
Easter 2023
1 |
Raptors going to school on Earth, what could go wrong.
JMP: ViviD KnightS Quest Pitch

In Centuries Past..
"We've done it."
Your breath freezes cold in the open air moments after leaving your lips.
Before you stands the pinnacle of your life's work.
All of the hunting.
All of the fighting.
All of the pain, anguish, and turmoil.
Stands before you as a mighty titan of flesh, stone, and steel.
You glance back at your friend, your master, your majesty.

"I told you, I was right." You laugh, a small cough of blood leaves your throat.
"Stay back!" He shouts, "I'll take-"
"No-" You put your hand out. "She must be sealed, right here and now."
Your majesty glares at you, as if you're insane.
"..Do you realize the implication of these words?!" He growls.
You blink, and let the tiny droplet of blood drip from your eyelash.
"How could I not?" You're glad you can project confidence right now, because deep down, you're terrified.
"To seal something like this, requires the power of one- No, thousands-"
"That, I'm aware."
You turn around to glance at the monstrosity.

It's currently held back purely through the sheer might of Sealing Arts flowing through it. The air crackles with electricity, and the monster appears visibly stunned as it sways back and forth, uneasy on its hind legs. If there is ever a time to strike, now may be the last chance.
Claus has not realized it, but your last strike gave you all of the insight you needed: this demon had a weakness. A martial art which only you possess.
"Your Majest- No, Claus." You're referring to your only friend the way he deserves, "Do you remember what we said about Kaiser Arts? That the strength of a thousand men can be replicated by one man's will a thousand times strong?"
"..What are you saying? This is not the time for philosoph-"
You cut your best friend off, and wipe the blood from your eye.
"-It's been an honor, my dearest friend. My holiest of leaders." You give him the last smile of yours he will ever see. "You once said if there was once a duty only you could do, it was your holy rite to see it through."
"What are you-" He immediately dismounts from his horse. "STOP!"
He's realized your plan, way too late.
You can hold this beast here. You have the power.
You don't know for how long, but it will be long enough.
Until your 'will' extinguishes, you will hold this beast at bay.
"CLAUS!" You shout-

A sealing circle appears underfoot, and the greatest surge of magical energy begins practically ripping your body apart.
Long ago, in ancient times.
It is said that Claus Ingvalt, the King of Shutra.
Sealed the terrifying 'poisonous night' by his own hands.
Dear Fellow of the Archeology committee,
If the 'poisonous night' even existed is a mystery. As of this writing, no sign of such a monster ever happened to be found, even as a trace. So, let's go over a couple of points to your theory which would have to be true if the legends around the 'poisonous night' are true.
This monster-
- Was at least fifty to a hundred stories tall.
- Likely created as a way to end the Unification war for good.
- Bled a poisonous ichor which drove anyone who came in contact with it completely mad.
- Breathed a noxious fume which is responsible for wiping several planets clean of life.
- Had a cult of followers who trailed behind it, worshipping it as a symbol of evil.
- Said cult numbered in the millions, was likely the largest 'organized' civilization at one point in the cosmos.
- Could travel through interdimensional space via it's own teleportation spell, despite requiring the energy of a star in order to transport this much mass.
- Was completely sealed by King Ingvalt. Again, without any trace of it happening.
- Left zero artifacts of such a powerful event, no battles, no relics, simply gone in the blink of an eye.
- Had no effect on King Ingvalt despite previous mentions claiming that mere contact with it could both entrance and drive any man to the brink.
-And all of this happened in a period of cataclysm which centers around Midchilda's founding and Belka's fall?
It is my opinion, that this event is likely just a legend. A tall tale of grandeur told after Claus' death as a way of embellishing the king and bringing mysticism to the end of the Unification war. If such a beast were to have ever existed, it would have likely eradicated all life as we know it from known space. Or starved to death after it ran out of other monsters to prey upon.
Dr. Scrya
The rain on Midchilda casts a steel wind across the city of Cranagan. It's a sharp pain that's decorated by the red and blue flashes of emergency vehicles in the distance.
The city isn't safe anymore, not for anyone or anything. In the span of a few short months, the safest place in the galaxy turned into the haven of the hardest gangs and toughest street thugs. Police, mages, even trained military personnel do their best to evacuate the streets when the sun dips below the edge of the concrete jungle.
The only ones who dare to be out tonight are either the footsoldiers of a boiling underworld crime spree, or the vigilantes who are just on the edge of madness themselves.
Then, there's these two.

"Can we go back now?!" The brown-haired girl wraps her coat around herself as the howling rain completely soaks through the fabric and into her clothes. "Besides the fact I'm not supposed to be getting into street fights anymore, this is pointless to assume you're going to find this person just wandering the streets."
"No, you're wrong-"

"-If it were as easy as finding her and sealing her again, she would have never became a problem in the first place. This is the only way to find out how it's spreading."
"You're meeting someone for a drug deal!"
"Wrong!" You shout, "I'm meeting someone to stop a drug deal. There is a huge difference!"
"The intent is still the same!" Fuuka sighs.
"I sense someone." The tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand on-end. "It's time."
"Finally.." Fuuka reaches into her purse, "Hurican! Let's go!"
With a flash of light, the brown-haired tramp disappears-

-And a mighty hero stands in her place.
"Of course." You sigh, and start to concentrate-
Below your feet, a sealing circle appears- A feeling overtakes you..

Fuuka glances over toward you.
"You are aware showing up like this will simply make them flee, right?" She points out a very obvious flaw in your plan to ambush the gang, and beat information out of them.
"You underestimate their tenacity. Followers of the poisonous cult have a stilted sense of invincibility." You confidently walk to the 'meeting' point. The one Fuuka pointed out on this 'smart phone' contraption that you're still not too sure about.
It seems like the devil's work, if anything.
"Fine, we'll wait for a few minutes."
Before Fuuka can even give the 'signal' on her floating square, you can sense it.
Close by..
Votes | Choice |
4 |
Stay still, wait for it to make the first move.
1 |
Confront it! Demon! Come out!
1 |
+ Attack when Hura say nya.
0 |
Attack randomly into the darkness.
0 |
Tactical retreat!
7 = 7
66 = 66
39 = 39
7 = 7
75 = 75
You eye the evil presence, your steely glare would evaporate pure stone just from the energy alone.
If you maintain a defensive stance, then you can trick it into making the first move.
It's a great tactic. Practitioners of the poisonous arts tend to be impatient. Perhaps because they are aware imbibing the fruits of the great evil one lends them to having drastically shorter lives.
You remember your training. What little rings true after centuries of degradation in your soul.
Be as still as the lake.
As strong as the mountain.
As fast as the-
"What are you doing?" Fuuka does not sense the danger at play, which is fair. After all, she is far less experienced at these matters than you.
"Quiet, do you not feel the danger?" Your eyes are locked onto the source.
"Please stop being silly, that-"

"-Is a vending machine."
"Vending.. Machine." You repeat the words back to yourself.
"Yes! An empty one at that, because nobody is going to stock these things in this part of town anymore. Please take this seriously."
"Fuuka, I am taking it seriously." You continue staring down the strange 'machine'. "Whether you believe it or not, I can feel the source of evil emanating from the metallic box."
"..The only thing emanating right now is my lack of patience at being dragged out here in the FREEZING RAIN!"
Fuuka jumps, barely recovering into a defensive stance. You, however, are already steeled for what is to come.

The metal square is tossed on its side as a man who easily eclipses it in height steps past as if it was made of plywood.
"Oh ho- So you're the customer I read about? Looking for some of the 'Dragon's Blood'?" He sneers, "Excellent choice, the stuff will change your life."
"In ways you cannot fathom." You meet his glare.
"Isn't there a rule that you shouldn't take from your own supply?" Fuuka quickly recovers, "..You seem to have taken the whole supply."
"Don't let the looks fool you, girly. This is just a mere fraction of the power you get from this stuff. It's the good shit." He smirks, "With a small donation to our cause, it can be your good shit, too."
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
50 = 50 (Fail)
70 = 70
"Mm, bold of you to assume I'm a customer." You grimace.
"Maybe not as bold as juicing yourself with a Lost Logia." Fuuka looks up at this man's stature as if she's staring down a goliath. "That stuff can kill you, you know."
"Kill me?" He cracks his knuckles. "I feel better than ever. If you're not a customer, that means you're here for trouble. If that's the case-"
He cracks his knuckles.
"I'll have you ask you leave, oh, but leave your purses." He smirks, "I can put them to good use."
You step forward, and crack your knuckles in turn-
Then, you feel a hand on your shoulder.
"Listen, hey-" Fuuka stops you, "While I appreciate your spirit in trying to solve this problem, at the same time, let's NOT have a fist fight with the human tank. Let's just report the spot like Harry showed us, and go home-"
"Mm.." The flash of light shines through the downpour like a beacon.
The thug's face is flashed in a permanent grin.
"I think the lil' lady may be right. I'd be retarded to not recognize her from TV, but she'd still be retarded to think fist fighting THIS?"
He picks the vending machine up-
And tears it in half!
"-Is a good idea."
"I'll make a counteroffer." You crack your knuckles, "I may look young, but I'm actually an old timer, which is why I'm going to give a kid like you ten seconds to tell me where you got the 'Dragon's Blood'."
"Ten seconds? I only need-"

The thug is blindsided by Fuuka's secret technique-
The monster of a man reels-
He instantly recovers.
"That's a cute lick kid, let's try a real punch."
"Oh-" Fuuka jumps back just in time for-
The thug misses Fuuka by inches, but instead- he turns his focus downward. Into the asphalt.

The concrete explodes underfoot!
A flare of molten stone explodes five meters into the air! Stone and mortar is thrown half a block away!
"OKAY! I CHANGE MY MIND! FIGHTING HIM IS A BAD IDEA!" Fuuka shouts as her improvised magic shield absorbs a chunk of concrete as big as her head!
"I'll handle this one-" You step forward, and-
Your fists clench, and you shout-

A triangle appears underfoot-

The brute's form is immediately engulfed by fire-
Or as you call it-
"Cleansing flame-" You finish your incantation, and the man immediately reels in agony
His immolated body seeks the nearest puddle of water, which instantly evaporates upon contact as he throws himself, full-on, straight into it. The flames only being mildly irritated by the gesture.
"The fires of Kaiser Arts are made for purifying-" You continue, "-And whether you realize it or not, the deal with the devil you signed in blood is one such application of it's cleansing properties."
"HEY!" Fuuka approaches, "That's a little much! You may kill him!"
"Oh? Kill him?" You approach the gibbering wreck of a toasty fireball, and stomp your foot on him, "-Burning wave is merely a fire spell, it shouldn't kill an ordinary human, but-"
"That's enough!" Fuuka is now gripping your arm, "Stop!"
"-I'm not sure about someone with the blood of the Dragon. Perhaps you should tell me about the 'deal' you have signed."
He rumbles and roils as his limbs flail about- A number of incomprehensible words erupt from within.
The man is screeching as flames dance up and down his skin-
He shouts,
"Oh, but the burning is caused by the dragon's blood in your veins. A human wouldn't burn from just that. This, will require some cleansing-"
Immediately, Fuuka grabs your arm-
"QUIT IT. Do you hear me? This is NOT how we do things here, and I'm NOT becoming an accessory to murder tonight."
You blink at the human. How odd, you have someone willing to 'talk', and she just wants to let him go.
You would argue, but she is the only one who is hearing you out on all of this, so-
With a snap, the flames extinguish.
"Reconsider your employment." You give advice to the now-perfectly-fine thug. "You can find better jobs elsewhere."
With the sound of klaxon sirens closing in, Fuuka and yourself vanish into the night.
"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Fuuka presses you against the brickwork outside of the 'Nakajima Gym', which has become sort of a home to you.
The rain has stopped, the night lights are starting to flicker, and this teenager is a bit too close and too loud for your delicate old-lady ears.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
I don't understand. A little fire wasn't going to HURT him.
4 |
Sorry... I'm belkan. Non-lethal and no pain feels weird.
2 |
No, I'm being realistic.
2 |
I think Claus would be proud of hearing you scold me like that. He did'nt have the chance.
2 |
I saw how bad thins can get, so I'm not really thinking about holding back when they want to summon something as big as the dragon king of Alzas to attack everyone.
0 |
What? He was going to do WAY WORSE to you than that. Why show him mercy?
"Listen, I don't understand why you're upset." You hold a hand over your ear, "A little fire wasn't going to HURT him, persay."
"He was on the ground pleading for his life!" Fuuka's face is flush red.
"Earlier, I saw you break your arm in two places during a exhibition fight." You helpfully remind your companion, "You didn't even scream, you wanted to keep fighting-"
"Don't change the subject-"
"-Compared to that, all I did was give him a sunburn. Cleansing flame is not immediately lethal to humans, it's in the name-"
"'Immediately' lethal isn't good enough." She interrupts you, once again. "Not lethal at all would be a better start."
"Fuuka, sorry but please understand- I'm Belkan. Non-lethal is still a new concept to me, I'm still shocked Claus managed to find a way to make his martial arts non-lethal at all. It just generally.. doesn't feel right."
"I'll tell Claus you said that, next time I see her." Fuuka crosses her arms.
You feel a chill run up your spine.
"WOH! Woh woh, Claus would be proud that you scolded me, can we leave it at that?" Your cocky attitude melts, "-No need to get her involved."

".." Fuuka gives you a staunch side-eye. "As long as you promise to not use lethal tactics while you're here."
"Please, understand that Kaiser arts are very difficult to control, as you may know, and-" You try to plead with her, and she simply retorts-
"-Then I'm telling Claus."
"-But I think I can manage something." You finish your thought. "I mean, we could be facing a threat unknown for several centuries, but maybe I can manage to be non-lethal at least when it comes to humans-"
"Not good enough."
"-with some practice, I can extend this to all my martial arts."

"GOOD!" She immediately gives a confident smile, "Then I'm sure we can pretend this incident didn't happen. Now, let's get home before people start really asking questions."
"..Right. Start asking real questions." You find yourself trying to find your composure, once more.
You proceed back out of the alleyway, being careful to not get spotted of course.
Then, you slip back into the gym as quiet as you can manage.
Suddenly, all of the lights in the lobby flick on.
It seems your entry, and thus your absence, was anticipated.

"Good evening, you two!" Claus is immediately standing right in the lobby, her hands behind her back, and a smile on her face. "Or, should I say morning, because it's way too late for either of you to be out."
"L- Lord Clau-"
"STOP-" She's immediately upon you, her hand snatches your ear with her agile fingers, "-Stop, calling, me, that, I am not Claus."
"..Lord.. Forgive my-"
"Don't call me that, either." She huffs.
"Why are you awake?" Fuuka is just as confused as you are about this question.
"-More importantly, why did you go out? Why are you both soaking wet?" Claus releases your earlobe, "You're both extremely lucky that Nove sleeps like a log. Neither of you are particularly quiet."
"Oh, well- You see-" You can't expect Fuuka to give an answer. At least not a very good one.
"-My Lady-"
Einhart immediately chops your head with speed and grace as expected of Belkan royalty.
"-Einhart, I mean." You realize she wants you to refer to her current name, but it's still a change that you're not quite used to. "My apologies, I didn't realize you had even inherited your taste for girlish titles as well."
"Don't-" She puts her finger on your nose, "-try to change the subject here. You were out at night with Fuuka, I expect an explanation."
"There's nothing unassuming about our actions." You cross your arms, "We were on a-"
Fuuka is mouthing 'No' over and over again behind Einhart.
"-Late night rendezvous-"
Fuuka is now waving her hands.
"-Which got heated." You nod.
"..Uh huh, with Fuuka."
Your companion's face is a mixture of a blush and a scowl.
"-Correct." You nod, "Don't misunderstand, it's just these old bones wanted to walk under the moonlight once again. I'm just getting restless because of the lockdown."
"While it's raining."
"Sure! That never stopped me before." You smile.
"This poorly thought out story, and yet I can still tell that you've been using magic." Einhart glares at you.
"..Correct." You can't deny that.
"So if you still view me as nobility, then you should understand that lying to me is a sin. Please start your story over and tell the truth this time."
Fuuka is about to talk, but you were addressed directly. So you respond.
"Okay, fine. We were out getting performance-enhancing drugs-"
"We were hunting the dragon's blood again." Fuuka replies. "Okay? We found a dealer and beat him up until he told us where he was getting the stuff."
Thankfully, she leaves out the part with the cleansing fire.
"For the love of-" Einhart reaches up, and grabs BOTH of your ears at once, "What have I told both of you about this, before?!"
"Please, your highness! Mercy!" You try to rationalize with her, "I'll even stop using the royal 'we'."
"You should stop using that anyway!" Einhart releases you, "I've told you before that narcotics are to be left to the police. You are NOT vigilantes!"
"-The police aren't going to investigate why the new challengers in the tournament can punch like a tank!" Fuuka also tries her brand of reasoning, "If we don't investigate, no one will care!"
"And you-" She turns her attention to Fuuka, "What have I told you about letting this woman talk you into acting even as remotely reckless as she apparently did?"
"-We were not acting recklessly."
"The church already scolded the Ancient Knight once for trying to act without a device and with a severely limited linker core. You're just making it worse."
"It's not that bad-" you try to ease her fears.
"Oh really? It's not that bad that the decrepit old woman is trying to take on the modern incarnation of a Lost Logia by herself?"
"Hey! I'm not decrepit." You cross your arms, "This is my duty! That beast and I were supposed to be sealed together, and no one seems to be taking this as remotely seriously as it should be!"
"That's because the TSAB is already investigating it and we would just get in their way if we tried to intervene." Einhart crosses her arms.
"That's all the more reason we SHOULD intervene, your high-"
"-Einhart!" You correct yourself, "From what I've seen, most of whom have been entrusted with this duty are woefully unequipped to deal with the matter at hand! The police are busy dealing with the gangs, and the TSAB are still skeptical the Poisonous Night even existed! If we wish to stop this threat, we have to act now!"
"You keep saying that every time we have this discussion." She sighs, "They have far better tools and information gathering than you do beating up random thugs in the middle of the night, in the middle of a rainstorm."
"They are not thorough enough." You feel insistent, "They don't even pressure the lowborn scum they catch for information!"
"That's not a good thing!" Einhart scowls.
"She's right, that's not really a good thing." Fuuka! Not you too!
"How else are you supposed to find out information about a beast whose entire existence hinges on brainwashing its followers to be loyal to death? Does the TSAB believe they can be given a stern talking to?!"
"..Hey listen-" Fuuka is speaking up, "I know you're right about trying to stop this while it's small, but you did kind of give me a scare today."
"I mean, it really looked like you were burning that man to death. I know that you were just giving him a little heat, but at the same time; I don't want to stray into being cruel." Fuuka sighs.
"Burning to-" Einhart looks at you, with a growl, "What did you DO?"
Votes | Choice |
8 |
A little pressure, come on Your hi- Einhart. I remember specifically watching you do far worse.
8 |
(casual) It is a purification spell. The fire is just the mean to extract the corruption.
6 |
I admit, I didn't expect him to beg for mercy and give the information. Even the cult seems to be soft now.
4 |
Nothing as bad as what would happen if he keeps taking that stuff.
4 |
It was a light burning, it builds character. He probably won't even remember it after a few years.
2 |
I'm not even at full power, remember. I need two transformations just to use it.
1 |
What I had to.
1 |
Have Einhart burn hearts distractions.
1 |
Feed the distractions to kas.
3 = 3
22 = 22
64 = 64
6 = 6
5 = 5
10 = 10
68 = 68
50 = 50
"It was just a little pressure." You try to downplay her fears, "A simple purification spell, very common among Belkan-"
"Shh! You'll wake Nove for sure!" Fuuka tries to contain the situation, but the time for that may have passed.
"Your hi- Einhart." You correct yourself before you get in even more trouble with her, "There's nothing dangerous to humans outside of long-term exposure. It's just a simple purification spell, I watched you do far worse-"
This results in Einhart LIFTING YOU OFF THE GROUND as she starts to growl.
"..That.. was then. This.. is now." She says as plainly and clearly as she can while gritting her teeth, "I am not Claus and I am not responsible for his actions. If you EVER use a Belkan spell that is not specifically martial arts on ANYONE again, I will seal you back into that book myself."
She drops you, and without missing a beat, makes a cute smile.

"Now, that we've had a nice family talk, let's all go get some sleep and we can discuss this in the morning. Oh, be sure to bathe first. Both of you are soaked, and it will be a dead giveaway if you go to bed smelling like spent mana. Have a great night, you two."
She walks away, as proud and as beautiful as her highness ever has been, leaving both of you alone and utterly stunned.
"..What was that?" You ask yourself, cautiously.
"That's the angriest I've ever seen Einhart get."
"..I didn't even get to tell her that the thug gave up information, willingly. Would that have helped?"
"I doubt it." Fuuka replies.
"..Maybe I could handle taking it easy for a day or two, then. The cult has seemingly gotten soft."
"Maybe this is more of a sign that you should stop being so fanatical.." Fuuka wrings out her soaked shirt. You can see straight through it to the freezing cold fabric clinging to her skin.
"..I think we should bathe." You admit her highness has a point. The freezing cold has now cut through your clothes and is affecting your skin. You're more than trained for it, so you don't shiver like Fuuka.
"Yeah.. We should."
Fuuka, devoid of caring at all about her modesty, strips the freezing wet clothes off of her body and hefts them into the hamper.

She walks down the hall in just her skivvies as she approaches the bathroom door. You follow behind her after disrobing in roughly the same way.
Fuuka's hand reaches for the doorknob, and turns it.
"You first, or I?"
You blink.
"I mean, you go in first. Why not? You're already there." You really don't understand the question.

She sighs, and trudges inside. She grabs a towel, and slides her underwear off.
Then, you shut the door behind you as you follow her inside.
Her eyes stare at the floor for a second in a dazed manner, before she spins on her heel to face you.
"..What are you doing?"
"What?" You blink. "We're taking a bath."
"N-No, not toget-" Fuuka looks like she wants to argue with you, "..Please leave."
"What? Is there a problem?" You feel confused. You always bathe with a buddy, right? Making hot water is expensive and requires a dedicated mage to keep the bath cauldrons warm.
Fuuka simply glares at you, before dropping the towel, and climbing in the bath.
"I'll take the bath, you take the shower, and STAY THERE." She emphasizes the last part.
"Oh, I get it, you just wanted the bath. That's fine."
You prefer the shower anyway.
You turn the 'knobs', something you're still not used to, and-
"What-" You're sprayed with water even icier than the rain outside.
"Other way, that's cold." Fuuka starts filling the bath up with steamy water. You follow her command and-
"Not so much." Fuuka gets out of the bath, and walks over. She turns the knob in some form of magical summoning ritual which converts the boiling hot acid to warm, pleasant water.
"..Thank you." You mumble, under your breath. She climbs back into the tub, and visibly unwinds as she sighs deeply.
A few moments pass as the water washes away your anxieties. Fuuka is certainly enjoying herself as you hear her limbs pop and creak.
Tonight was, by far, not an ideal night. Definitely not the part about getting caught by her highness. At the same time, you're thankful you had someone at your back the whole way. A battle with a comrade is always twice the fun.
You glance over toward her, and you feel yourself starting to speak.
43 = 43
22 = 22
21 = 21
9 = 9
"Fuuka, thank you." You don't know how else to put it, but you do know that it's something that you have to say.
"Oh, it's fine." Fuuka stretches her limbs in the bath once more. "It's not that big of a deal."
"No, I'm happy that you're helping me. I appreciate it. This old woman doesn't mean to trouble you."
"You seem to have a good reason for it. If it's a matter of life and death, then I wouldn't feel right simply letting it slide."
"I mean, thanks for trusting me in the first place." You let the water rush over your shoulders and deliver a calming sense of soothing pleasure, "You don't really have any reason to. I am just a crusty old woman who came out of a book."
"It helps that some of my friends already came out of various books." Fuuka smiles, slightly. "-Plus I've seen this thing's power firsthand, and I can sort of understand the concern about how lightly everyone is taking it."
"But do you ever feel the world has its skirt on its head?" You can't think of a better way to say that, "It seems like everyone is just ignoring the world-ending threat and the only people taking it seriously lack the power to tackle it before it hurts anyone."
"As someone who lived through several incidents that threatened Midchilda, you're not alone in thinking that." Fuuka seems so casual about it, too. It just bothers you.
"Was what I did wrong, though?" You still can't help but think of Einhart's reaction to you using a simple purification spell. "I could have been more careful, but it's a very light spell and we needed that information.. right?"
"I think you shouldn't go down the path of second guessing yourself." Fuuka replies, "It's only going to lead to regrets, and there's no reason to do that when the only thing hurt is Einhart's feelings and maybe that guy's shoulder."
"If I hurt her feelings, why does she keep me around? She could have just put me back in the book and threw it back in the library.."
"Don't be silly, you already know Einhart wouldn't do that, and you already know Claus wasn't someone who would give up on somebody without a fight." Fuuka seems to know her almost better than you know her.
"So was interacting with the modern world a bad idea?" You frown, "The modern world seems to have become a softer, more forgiving place. Is it right for me to follow my duty in a world that has moved on without me?"
You glance upward at the nozzle, and let the water rain onto your face.
"Fuuka, why am I ali-"

"Come here, sit down."
You blink, and then obey her command.
"I thought you said you wanted me to stay in the show-"
"I change my mind, sit still, face the wall, let me finish washing you so you can angst in peace. Okay?" Fuuka sighs, "You need to have a chat with Yumina or someone in the morning because you're starting to sound like you wish you weren't alive. Can I recommend you see a friend I know named 'Wendi'? She did wonders fixing the anxieties of some friends of mine."
83 = 83
47 = 47
"I'm a powerful knight; I don't angst." You try to maintain your composure as you say that. "But I can't help but feel that I've been completely left behind by the times. Like I'm truly and utterly out of place and nobody even wants my help in this modern age."
"I do admit that your.. approach is a little archaic." That's a nice way of saying that you act brash and uncivilized.
"It's more than that, though.-" You sigh, "I devoted my life to Claus' purpose, and it seems like Claus, Einhart, whomever she has decided to be; really doesn't need me or my purpose anymore. So with that, what am I to her?"
Fuuka continues scrubbing a bit harder as you turn and ask the poignant question.
"Why am I here, Fuuka?"
"Why are you asking philosophical questions that you know I can't answer? You're here because you are, and that's all that it needs to be. You don't need a reason to exist or a 'purpose'. You're alive, so that's reason enough." Fuuka continues to scrub, almost as if she's trying to tell you to 'shut up'.
"It's more than that, Fuuka. It feels like I arrived long after the party is over. Like I woke up after a terrible hangover and I'm in the wrecked and ruined house that my friends and I helped destroy. I want to help fix it, but I'm probably the last person that anyone would want to see anymore."
"I can't relate because I'm too young to drink." Fuuka starts to wash your hair, "Nobody here is thinking that. Nobody blames you for what happened years and years ago, you need to accept that this is just what happened."
"It's hard to think that, I lived my life thinking about making the world a better place for my children.."
"You had children?"
"I mean, conceptually." Of course you didn't have children, you've been trapped in a seal for the past hundred or so years. "-but it seems like everything we did just made things worse."
"I think these are questions that are best left to my friend, Wendi." She douses you with a bucket of water, "Otherwise, they're things that can wait until the morning."
"..I'm not sure if I can sleep tonight."
"Suit yourself, but I'm definitely exhausted. I'm going to bed, is there anything else I can help with?"
4 = 4
75 = 75
Anything else that she can help with?
How about sadness and suffering?
The feeling of abandonment by the one whom you love the most?
The loneliness and disarray, like a ship without a mast?
"Nothing." You lie through your teeth, with a smile. "There's nothing you can help with. I think I will take your advice and go on break for a few days. Maybe spend it outside on some introspection."
"That's the spirit." Fuuka smiles, completely unaware of your true feelings. "I understand it may be tough, but we're going to get through it. Together."
"Thanks, Fuuka." You keep the smile up, "See if you can get Harry on this, as well. I know she offered to help and I turned her down because I didn't think someone so young should be involved in this."
"Which I still find weird because you're fine with me being involved.." Fuuka mumbles.
"Maybe having extra help is something I need to consider." You give a pained smile. Really, just anything to end this conversation, you're done. "At the very least, I need leads on the poisonous night. And also- I'll-"
Oh this next part hurts, only because it goes against everything you were taught as a knight.
"-I'll take that device that Einhart was offering."
This causes Fuuka to blink, but she doesn't seem angry or even puzzled. More relieved than anything.
"-I thought you said some kind of nonsense about devices being 'crutches for weak mages' and 'only a fool trusts her life to a weapon'."
"As an old lady, I'm feeling like I need all the crutches I can get right now." That hurts to say, in more ways than one. "So, I will rest and take my device. If it's a cat, then I'll just become an old catlady."
"Okay, but you're not getting my cat." Fuuka smirks, "Good night, and try to stay calm."
Fuuka leaves, and you finish drying off.
You step out into the hallway, and glance toward the quarters you've been designated as your 'bedroom'.
But truthfully? Sleeping feels like the last thing on your mind.
You step toward the balcony, and lean against the railing; taking in the sights of the city in the pouring rain. Nove has scolded you once before about standing out here naked, but it's not like anyone is around to see right now.
It wouldn't matter to you if there was a crowd or a single person standing on the street right now, anyway. Right now, you just want to-
Votes | Choice |
4 |
Go watch the news and if it is boring, great. The city is not burning and I can sleep.
3 |
Go to bed. It's time to put your troubles to rest for one day.
2 |
Go watch something about the kaiser. Since I knew her, it could be fun and there can't be a lot of options, right?
2 |
Maybe you should...try finding a hobby. You've heard this internet thing is a vast network of information, surely it might have answers? (Browse the internet until you pass out)
0 |
Go back out! Into the fight! Some mere words aren't going to deter you!
0 |
Jump off. That's what you really want to do, isn't it?
0 |
+Do not listen to that last voice.
Right now, you would just like to go watch this magic sorcery you've been introduced to called the 'TV'.
It's a very interesting development. The ability to beam propaganda for hundreds of miles would have been an absolutely invaluable ability during the Unification war on troop morale. You had wish that you thought of something as ingenious as that when it would have mattered.
Maybe you can watch some of the propaganda about the Saint Kaiser to maybe understand a bit more of what you missed, or maybe something about Claus to try and find bits and pieces of why you were sealed in the first place.
But first, the news.
You pull up a holographic screen with a slight touch of mana, and let the background of the falling rain cover the dull droning of the town crier. He continues to spout the latest proclamations on the news and weather.
You don't see anything major posted, certainly not anything regarding the Poisonous Night or the altercation that recently happened. You're going to assume this means no news is good news, and call it that.
The city is not burning, so your job (for now) is done.
You turn and trudge back inside. Slowly approaching your quarters. You barely have time to shut the door behind you or even put on your pajamas before you hit the mattress of your bunk, immediately passing out as you do so.
You're not made for this era.
You can only hope tomorrow brings a better outlook, and a brighter future.
(JMP: ViviD KnightS Quest Pitch END)
65 = 65
The One That Got Away

Your eyes glaze over for just a moment as you consider the implications of this mission.
You're raiding the TSAB's Ground Headquarters.
You don't know exactly what it's for, just that you're doing it for a good reason.
You don't know who you'll encounter there.
Echo continues lamenting her role in this mission as you proceed up the elevator with her.
Maybe it's the dress
Maybe it's the fact that she's going to have to blend in this mission instead of remaining completely hidden.
Perhaps it's the fact that she's not allowed to wear her identity-hiding glasses this mission.
Her confidence in this mission is waning.
-And yours, too.
You feel the new present from the TSAB's armory hang heavy on your back.
'Barracuda', was it?
You like the name quite a bit.
You like the axe even more.
"Echo stop playing with the strings on your underwear." You try to make your sister not draw any more attention to herself as you reach the ground floor of the TSAB's Ground Headquarters. People swarm around the two of you as she carefully tries to navigate around them.

"I can't help it!" She complains in a bit of a whine, "I feel it slipping."
It's a strange mission, one that requires Echo to impersonate a high-ranking TSAB officer of which she's modeled after. It seems like a long way to go in what would be as equally as effective as hacking a fake ID into the door-card's system and walking in the door.
It is, in fact, even starting to draw unwanted attention as you walk on the ground floor of the complex. You can see a number of people turn their heads and smile at Echo as if they recognize her.

"Hi Commander!" A green-haired girl passes by with a pat on her shoulder.
Echo responds by trying to glare at her so hard that you swear she's trying to burn a hole in her with laser sight.
"Echo- don't stare." You nudge her.
"How dare she touc- Was she hitting on me? I feel like she just made a pass at me!"
You pull her around by her hand to prevent her from getting in any unwanted fights, and take her down the escalator.
"There, that's the security-"
"(Gamma, problem.)" Iota chimes in.
"(What?)" You stop. You knew things were going too smoothly.
"(The agents got impatient and started early.)"
"(Why the hell did they do that?!)"
"(Doesn't matter, You have to disarm the security grid, now.)"
Or else, what?
"(-Never mind.)"
"What is that?" Echo stops in her tracks.
A sharp-dressed man standing nearly seven feet tall answers for her.
"That's the lockdown alarm." The man grumbles, "Looks like they wanted to have a drill with your inspection, Commander. I'll be filing into the bunker downstairs. You should come with me."
"Uh, no, I'll be catching up. I want to see how the drill goes." Echo smiles.
"Oh, right, fair point. Catch you downstairs."
As the man stomps away, you notice something.
He's got an axe on his back, too.
It seems this place is teeming with people of culture.
"Gamma-" Echo starts pulling at your hand, "We need to leave."
Echo whispers, "There's something outside the building."
"What is it?"
"Something huge." Echo is yanking at your arm to little avail! "We need to go, now."
"But the miss-"
The structure of the building shutters under some kind of massive explosion that strikes the side of it.
A woman's voice comes over the line:
"Attention, building is under lockdown, please proceed, calmly, to the emergency bunker on the third floor."
"(Iota, any luck on what's happening?)"
"(Uhh- Standby. Something's attacking the building, and the agents report mission fa-)"
"(-The agents report mission failure. They had the artifact from their objective stolen from them. Now the thief appears to be trying to destroy the building.)"
"(..With what?)"
"(Uhh.. Appears to be an old-style Gadget Drone. A large one. I don't have any specs on it, but it is a fairly strong opponent. I can see from external cameras that it has the case.)"
The building shakes once more, your eyes track upward toward the sound of the impacts just in time to notice a large section of concrete falling freely through the Atrium.
You glance at its path of motion, and notice-

There's a brown-haired girl with a data terminal open in front of her-
Staring at the concrete slab falling toward her, not moving.
"HEY!" You shout, which manages to snap her out of her trance.
Your body knocks her over with ease, and you stand in the path of the concrete mountain.
With an almost laughable amount of energy-
You catch it.
"Ah-" The girl goes to scream, but you toss it aside and issue one very-serious command.
She scrambles to her feet extremely poorly as she leaps over one of the railings, and disappears out of sight.
"Gamma! We need to go! Stop messing around!"
"Messing around? No, you're mistaken."
You take your new best friend off of your back.
"..Gamma, what are you doing?" Echo blinks.
"What does it look like I'm doing-" You take the axe in both hands. "That thing up there has our artifact, right? I'm going after it!"
"GAMMA-" Echo grabs your shoulder, "NO! NOT NOW! CONTROL YOURSELF! This is not our fight! You need to-"
Her words are interrupted by a large concrete slab collapsing over the stairwell's exit.
Which means, Echo can't get back to the helipad anymore. The only way out is the front door, with all the human mages outside.
"(Iota, what's my sitrep with all the angry humans on the outside of the building and the attacker coming inside from the top?)"
"(From my point of view, it's either them, or you.)"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Echo, I'm getting the artifact back, you HIDE in the bunker while I do that and STAY THERE!
5 |
Try not to laugh or display joy at Iota's words(laugh a lot)
4 |
+(to Echo) Keep in contact with Iota, I'll try to coordinate an exit route for both of us after I have the package
3 |
Out the front door. We can deal with the problems there, and the artifact isn't THAT important.
2 |
So, weapons free?
2 |
From my point of view, then, it's them.
"Gamma, I'm hacking open the front door, we can make a break for the other side of the street with-"
"No! Echo!"
You grab her arm, and look her deep in the eyes.
"My job, my mission, first and foremost is to protect you." You state right to her face.
This causes a deep red fluster to crawl across her face.
"I don't need to be protected like a damsel, I'm a Raptor, just like you!"
"-No, you don't get it. You may be a Raptor, but more than that-"
You grab her into a hug.
"You're my sister. My loving, caring sister."
"..Gamma, now is not the time for hugs!"
"-I know, which is why I hope you forgive me for what I'm about to do"
You had your eye on a particular public servant. She walks the floor of the TSAB HQ, ushering people toward the emergency bunker.
"HEY!" You flag her attention.
"G-Gamma! What are you doing?!" Echo sees what you are doing plainly well through her rear-facing cameras as you approach her.

"Wh- Hayate! What are you doing here?!"
"No time to explain!" You shout, and toss Echo at her. "Take the Commander to the bunker! She's trying to go outside and fight it!"
"WHAT?! Hayate! This isn't your job!" The purple-haired mage grabs Echo around the waist, and carries her in a princess carry.
"G-Gamma! What are you doing?!" Echo looks at you as if you've gone truly insane.
In a way, maybe you have.
"Take her to the bunker, I'll be back-"
"Back after what?!"
You take Barracuda out.
Her eyes grow wide.
"-After I take that thing down, of course."
"Wait-" The purple-haired one tries to stop you, "Hold it, you should-"
"GAMMA! DON'T GO!" Echo looks furious.
But she doesn't understand.
You're doing this for you just as much as her.
"Go! Now!" You shout to the purple-haired one as she carries Echo away, the whole time your sister is screaming at you to stop and consider things rationally.
You're really glad that mage didn't invest that many modules into 'intelligence', because she probably should have realized something was up long before now.
-But, as long as Echo is safe, you can act as you want. You can file getting Echo out of the bunker as a problem for later-you.
Right now-
"Heh, hah, hahahah, HAHAHAHA-"
Your legs propel you upward.
The cackling continues as you jet toward the top of the building.
And- even as you receive numerous warning messages about a 'Tuning' or 'Zero Effect' thing. None of those compare to the pure feeling of elation you are sharing with your new axe.
Your axe swings again, and again, in a flurry of blows on the steel dome of the metallic contraption-
Whatever is left of it.
The twisted metal wreckage resembled a wounded animal, motionless and defeated on the rooftop helipad. The pilot, who had escaped the fiery inferno, was flailing around like a fish out of water, his charred body writhing with pain.
It appears to be some kind of vehicle, the pilot has long since jumped out- while on fire- and is now rolling around on the helipad of the building. The steel beast has ceased function, and has collapsed completely at your feet.
That's cute.
But you're not done yet.
The axe raises up, and strikes the husk once again. Sparks and debris flying.
This wasn't enough.
It was too easy, and you need more.
92 = 92
81 = 81
74 = 74
18 = 18
65 = 65
20 = 20
20 = 20
40+63 = 103
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Take the artifact, you need to get Echo next.
4 |
WHOO, I needed that.
4 |
Contact Iota, ask for sitrep.
2 |
No no, the mission, focus on the mission.
2 |
Maybe there's some other things here I can destroy.
2 |
Best device ever.
0 |
Keep going.
"Hah.. Hahh.."
Just once more, for good measure.
-And one, for the road.
You pick the artifact case up, and sling it over your shoulder.
"(Iota, sitrep.)"
Oh right, that 'Zero Effect' thing disconnected her comms.
Calling.. Iota
"(Iota, Sitrep.)"
"(Having the time of my life.)" You probably shouldn't have answered this way.
"(If you didn't STUPIDLY DISCONNECT you would have heard me trying to tell you that Echo is currently having a problem because she met a family member in that bunker, and was caught instantly.)"
Oh shoot.
"(What are they doing to her?!)"
"(Nothing, yet. But they were on the lookout for her because those humans you met at the orphanage told them about her!)"
"Shoot-" You turn to jump back into the hole you came out of.
Then, something raises to eye level.
"You, wait up."
A mage.

Clad in a golden aura.
Her metal boots hit the concrete with a 'thud'. She stands on the other side of the hole in the roof.
"Wait, stop- Where are you going?"
Well, you don't NEED to tell her, but-
"Inside. I left something I have to go get." You're not lying.
"Okay but- Who are you? Why are you here?"
That one you really don't need to tell her.
"You're 'Grace', right? Tell me, where did you come from?"
"I don't need to answer that question. I need to grab what I left inside and leave."
"No, but- Don't leave."
"Why not?"
"Because-" She raises her staff, "You have a friend of mine in that case, and I'm not letting you leave with her."
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Inside, what do you mean? (open the case)
7 |
Ignore her, jump in the hole and go find Echo.
6 |
The case? Has a friend in it?
5 |
Regardless, I need to pick up my sister, and you can't stop me.
5 |
(Advertise) If you have a problem, please complain with the TSAB.
4 |
Then I should save your friend because she is being kept in a case. Goodbye.
4 |
Your friend is a doll?
3 |
You're starting to smile again. Barracuda wants to have fun.
2 |
You don't get to decide that for me.
2 |
I want a friend too!
"Regardless, I need to pick up my sister, and you can't stop me." You start to give her the usual talk, "If you have any complaints about that, I suggest you forward your complaints to the TSAB, because they're the ones who-"
Before you can start the entire advertising routine-
You blink.
"Inside.. what do you mean?" You're really confused. The feeling of murderous and orgasmic anger fades as your circuits try to process this non-sequitur. "The case has a friend in it?"
You respond by picking the case up, and quickly yanking open the small metal locks holding it shut.
They snap open, and-

"Hah-" You won't lie, that ALMOST set off a flight-or-fight software interrupt, and right now you want to fight.
"Fa-" The little girl appears.. out of breath? "Fa, the- Zero Effect.."
She slowly starts to lose altitude as she tries flying toward her friend. The golden mage quickly closes the distance, and catches her just before she goes over the edge, and into the hole.
"Agito!?" Fate cradles the tiny girl in her hands.
"T-the Zero Effect.." She gasps once again.
While the mage is distracted, you slap the case back together as best as you can, and jump into the hole. She doesn't even acknowledge your presence as you start toward the ground floor.
You think you can overlook this one.
"(Gamma, what are you doing? That was the artifact!)" Iota scolds you, but she already knows your opinion on this mission, so she should know there's nothing she can say to make you feel guilty about letting her go.
"(No it wasn't, that was a little girl. The artifact was the case. Mission accomplished, returning at my discretion.)"
"(That's not how that works! But either ways, you need to get to Echo-)"
You hit the ground below with a massive-
And you start toward the direction of 'the bunker'.
With any luck, these humans will be willing to just let you go like the other ones did once before. After all, they can't just force you to-
Datalink: Scanning…
Wait, WHAT?!
Your processor immediately overclocks as you notice the rogue scan. There's a Raptor, here. But who? Did Caledfwlch send backup, or-
Your question is answered as the flurry of people seems to part for a moment, revealing-

A sharp-dressed man in a baggy trenchcoat. He stares at you with intent.
You're not going to lie, he does look pretty threatening with the mask and the glowing eyes. You didn't know you had a brother.
Scan Complete.

..With one.
Exactly one skill at level 2.
He must have just woke up.
"Uh, is this your first mission?" You decide to be the first one who asks.
"Excuse me, lady." Oh, this 'Quebec' is a woman. "Maybe everyone else was pre-occupied, but I saw that entire encounter on the roof. You're surrounded by mages on all sides, and you're a witness in a major terrorist attack. Why don't you come with me?"
"Uhh.." You blink, "Come with you, where? Back to the labs?"
"(Iota, who is this?)"
"(I.. don't know, I can't call her.)"
"(You can't?)"
"(Nope, she doesn't have the hardware.)"
Now you're kinda worried for your wayward sister, here.
"No, not back to the 'Labs'. Figures some evil scientist is behind this, like all the problems in my life." Quebec grumbles, and looks wistfully away. "I mean back to questioning, inside. Since this is the outdoors now, without a roof."
"Actually I have a better idea." You smile, "I need to grab our other sister, Echo, but why don't I take YOU back to the labs? We can get you more modules?"
This just causes Quebec to blink.
"..What?" Is her only response.
"Huh?" Is your only reply back.
What follows is several thousand cycles of extremely awkward silence.
20 = 20
24 = 24
75 = 75
73 = 73
Oh, is this like some kind of long-lost family?
You're not sure how to respond to her visible confusion. It's obvious that she's out of her element, but you're not entirely sure how she's managed to evade Caledfwlch for so long if she's been hiding from them.
Either ways, you cannot stand the idea of a sister being denied the blessings of the upgrade module fairy.
"Well, you see, both of us are a new type of person called a 'Raptor'."
She blinks.
"Uh huh, so you're saying we're the same?"
"Yes!" You smile, finally you're able to communicate something to her. "And we get upgrades from something known as 'Cybernetic Modules'. Of which you appear to have very few of. Therefore, it would be best if you were to receive more and become even stronger!"
"Listen are you going to come with me to questioning or not?" You see her visibly get impatient. That seems to be a trait among your sisters, so you won't hold it against her.
"Aren't you going to ask how many sisters you have?" You know now is not the time to be chatting, but you're seriously worried what would happen if you were to leave either of your sisters in this place.
"Considering I've seen two so far, too many." She replies.
"Oh there are way more than two, there could be as many as twenty six or so."
This just causes her to look even more impatient, but she does have a different response this time.
"..Funny as hell, that's the worst thing I could think of."
"I think it's great! Our family just gets bigger and bigger!"
"I wish I could drink like the humans do to forget that, even." Quebec does not seem to be relenting.
"Excuse me."
A lumbering mountain of a man walks up behind Quebec. He has an axe on his back,which signifies him as the human with refined tastes you saw before you destroyed the drone.
"Quebec, is this the mage who destroyed the drone?"
"Correct. Hasn't told me anything important so far."
"I'm working for the TSAB, so it's not really something that needs to be said." You start to walk away, "Have a great day, now."
"You say you're working for the TSAB? who is your commanding officer?" The large fellow asks, trying to stay in your line of sight.
Votes | Choice |
5 |
That's top secret. Anyway, have a great day!
5 |
As TSAB property, that's classified information.
4 |
"Lancer", maybe you've heard of him?
2 |
Ask Iota for a lifeline to bail you out.
1 |
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
1 |
Make up a name.
"Sorry, but that's top secret." It seems you'll have to continue your discussion with Quebec later. "Anyway, I need to get my sister, so have a nice day oversized hum-"
"What do you mean that's 'Top Secret'?" The big-boned human replies, still trying to stay in your line of sight. "I'm a Captain of the TSAB, aren't I entitled to know?"
"Sorry, but as property of the TSAB, that's also classified information." You huff.
"Property?" The man seems confused, "..You're not.. property."
"Nah, it's true. If we're sisters, then we are." Quebec seems almost resigned to that designation.
"Quebec-" The man's attention turns to your wayward sister, "We've been over this before, you're not-"
You use this break in his concentration to slip into the crowd, and almost out of sight by the time he turns to continue this conversation. Him being tall means that he's able to see you as you weave through the panicking humans, but his size means that there's no way for him to catch you unless he causes an even BIGGER panic.
You consider that a success.
"(Wow, here I was thinking you were going to lecture him about humans treating us as property.)" Iota correctly guesses.
"(I'm having that one for later. Right now, I have another sister to retrieve. I can come back for Quebec when I do.)" Since Quebec seems comfortable, even having someone who is slightly sympathetic to her, taking her from it and possibly putting her in danger would just be unbelievably selfish.
..You still want to do it, but you recognize that it's selfish.
You follow Iota's instructions and continue toward the emergency bunker. There are still people pouring out from inside, which makes it a tad bit difficult to slip in, but you're almost to the entrance.
Until you're thwarted.
By someone else who saw you earlier.
"Hey!" A brown-haired girl with goofy, cracked glasses holds an ice pack to her head. "You're that girl from earlier! I didn't get to thank you!"
Oh, oh, you remember now. She's the human you knocked down while you caught the ball of concrete that fell from the roof.
Maybe she's here to complain?
"Listen, I'm kind of in a hurry-" You can't risk blowing your cover any more than you have right now.
"I'm Shario, Shario Finieo, or just 'Shari', and- Thank you so much for saving me. I- I was so scared when I saw that wall of steel coming toward me. Is there anything I can do for you? I'll even let you keep Barracuda, since you seem to be using it so well!"
"Listen- I don't need any-"
Hold on.
Maybe you could use her help.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Yeah, could you get me into the bunker? I left someone inside.
2 |
Iota, this is convenient. How Echo is doing?
1 |
+Hear Echo complain about the mission
0 |
Oh could you let me have Barracuda and maybe forget that I ever took it?
0 |
This is a trick! She's clearly trying to stall you. Push past and into the bunker!
Your gut reaction is to say 'no' and keep walking, but-
This is very convenient. Almost a little too convenient to pass up.
"Yes! I left a family member inside the bunker, but I can't get in because she's the one with the TSAB access, can you get me inside?"
"(Gamma, there's no way that's gonna-)"
"I'm not supposed to, but-" Shario thinks about it, and then smiles. "Sure! If it's just your family, then there shouldn't be any harm."
"Thank you, so much-" You give a slight bow.
"(-I can't believe that worked.)" Iota seems genuinely surprised.
"(Iota, this is convenient, tell Echo I'll be inside in a second. How is she doing?)"
"(She's fine, but she's having a very long, awkward conversation.)"
"(How awkward?)"
"(Remember the other day at the orphange with Foxtrot?)"
"(That awkward.)"
"(Oh, oh dear.)"
You need to rescue Echo right away.
You proceed inside, following the brown-haired girl who joyfully swipes her card to get you past every single checkpoint on the way in. Most people not even paying the fact they don't know you any mind, as they clearly know the person whom you're following.
That is, until Shario swipes her card along a 'Staff Only' door, pushes it open-
And you're left face-to-face with someone who DOES know you.

"GRACE!" The worried look of the orange-haired girl whom you know as 'Teana' from the other night at the orphanage immediately comes into view. Her worry turns into anger as she huffs and stops Shario in her tracks. "You have a lot of explaining to do!"
Votes | Choice |
8 |
-We can explain as we walk! Come, let's go!
4 |
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh No I don't-
3 |
I saved the day, Shario and a doll named Agito. You can thank me and let my sister go.
3 |
Raptor Fade? Raptor Fade to confuse her and make her leave.
2 |
Walk away briskly
1 |
'Grace'? Oh no, I'm sorry. You have me confused for a different Green-haired punk rocker.
1 |
Raptor Takedown
Okay, calm down.
This may seem bad, but it's actually not.
In fact, one may say that it's really a good thing that you ran into her.
Teana has been helpful, even a little sympathetic. She was more than willing to help back when you were at the orphanage, and even showed concern for you and Foxtrot.
All you have to do is explain your situation calmly, and rationally, and she'll allow you to walk away just as easily as she did last time.
So, Gamma.
Just give her your heart.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" Your heart sure sounds like a computer buzzer that has been stuck 'on'. "-No I don't. Anyway- Take care-"
"Yes, you do." Teana immediately reaches over, and puts a hand on your shoulder. "You disappear with your sister and then two days later you show up at the scene of a major terrorist attack? What is happening?"
"-Can we discuss this as we walk? I need to get my sister back." You try to at the very least be clear and concise with your reasoning.
"-And you're back to retrieve another sister. Is that your role? Sister retrival? Cleanup?"
"Oh no, sister retrieval is more like a hobby." You don't want to tell her that you would put sister retrieval before any mission just yet.
"Uh.." Shario has visibly gotten worried, seeing Teana's reaction to you.
"It's fine, she can see her sister. We can't stop her from that, after all." Teana crosses her arms, "Besides, now I really, REALLY want to talk to your parents."
"Oh, yeah, hah, about that-" You try not to answer Teana's question as Shario clears another door, and allows both of you to pass.
"Can you explain at least why you are here?" Teana is right next to you, now. "How come every single major disaster seems to have you somewhere nearby? The nightclub, the factory, and now this attack? Are you causing them?"
"Oh, definitely not. Really, I saved the day."
"..Uh huh, while I have seen the footage, and I wonder about that. At some point it looked more like you were playing with it like a cat plays with prey."
"No, it's true. I saved everyone in the building, Shario, and a doll named 'Agito'."
"..I'm sure you'll be commended for that."
"Oh, I don't want anything like that. Really, the only thanks I want is for you to let my sister go."
"Then you can rest easy." Teana states, "Neither you nor your sister are under arrest yet."
You blink.
"That's right. While you are both under suspicion for breaking and entering, there is nothing either of you did which is considered a public danger. Except maybe fighting the AMF drone without prior authorization, that part we'll have to think about."
"So does that mean we get to leave?"
"Grace." Teana takes a step in front of you and Shario. "I'm not angry because I want to arrest you. I'm angry because I'm worried about you! I would be worried for any young teen if they showed up, fought someone, and then disappeared with no explanation of where they came from or what they want. This is getting awfully close to every single story of an artificial mage in existence, and we want to just be sure you're not being abused."
"..That's it?"
"Yes, Grace. That's all. Tell me, are you here in the Ground Forces HQ on your own decision and not because a parent or guardian told you to? You don't have to explain anything else to me, not who your parents are or even who you're working for. I just want to know if you're doing this on your own free will."
Votes | Choice |
5 |
"I am a terrible liar, so I'd prefer not answering that question."
5 |
Yes! No? Maybe!
3 |
..Yes, keep in mind you're a terrible liar.
2 |
Yes, sister retrieval is fun hobby!
1 |
I can't answer that.
1 |
Now please, let me take back my sister before our really large familia hear that we are in trouble.
0 |
No. Don't explain further.
35+98 = 133
"Yes!" You reply, almost by instinct. You then remember that you're a terrible liar, and the fact you replied so suddenly is, in itself, suspicious. "Uhh, no?" You attempt to backtrack. If any luck, Teana won't remember if you- Wait! Maybe that's what she wants? "Maybe!"
Yeah! Okay.
You glance over at Teana, and she's wearing the most inconspicuous glance right now.
"Can you repeat the question?"
"Please just tell me, yes or no, if you were ordered to come here, or if you were here on your own free will."
You realize that last time didn't work out so well. So being evasive is a tactic that likely won't work out.
"..I am a terrible liar, so I'd prefer not answering that question."
Teana's glance returns to the hallway.
"I see." Is all she replies with.
What concerns you is that she doesn't seem to have anything else to say about that. Other than-
"-You know, I would have felt way better about it if you had said 'yes'. At least then, I could be certain that you're aware that you don't have to follow anyone's orders if they ask you to do something you know is wrong."
"I haven't done anything I know is wron-" You catch yourself, and then repeat once more- "I am a terrible liar, so I'd prefer not answering that question, either."
"I see." Teana repeats, once more.
You both walk to a double-door room, deep within the heart of the building. She opens it up, and ushers you inside. Then, she turns to you.
"Wait right here, let me see if we can go in yet."
She opens a door, and steps inside. Shario takes this moment to speak.
"..'Grace', right? This isn't related to the nightclub thing that happened the other day, right?"
..Okay, you can get through this one too.
"I am a terrible liar, so I'd prefer not answe-"
"No, it's fine-" She puts her hand on your shoulder, "You don't have to answer it."
The door swings open, and someone very familiar steps outside.
Not a redhead, but instead a dark-skinned human.
"W-" You know him as 'Lusso', the detective you also rescued the other night. "..Punk rockers get around, huh? Do you at least want to explain what you're doing here?"
"..I am-"
"-She's had a really rough day." Shario picks up this one for you, "She just wants to get her sister and go home."
"Right, another sister." Lusso sighs, "Listen I covered for you at the orphanage because I really just wanted to pay back someone who saved my skin, but isn't this getting a bit ridiculous? You've been at more crime scenes than my partner has, at this rate."
"I assure you that I'm trying to keep my presence at crime scenes much more subdued." You nod.
"That doe-" Lusso sighs, "You know, it's fine. You can go in, your sister is waiting."
"Thank you!" You smile, and step past him. He holds the door open as you walk inside.
At the table, is-
Echo.. And-

They sit across from each other. One of them looks visibly frustrated while the other just looks slightly annoyed.
You can guess which is which just by their tone of voice.
"This isn't getting us anywhere. Can you help us out, even a little?" Echo replies to Echo.
Echo responds with an annoyed tone of voice.
"I don't see a reason to 'help' anyone out. The only reason I am here is because I happen to look like you while wearing the same uniform. Not because-"
Echo glances over, and notices you in the doorway.
"Oh good, you're safe-" You reply, Echo immediately stands up from her chair.
"Hey, wait- We're not-"
Echo wraps her arms around your barrier jacket's collar. She uselessly tries to shake you as her strength is just enough to gently sway your body.
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" She shouts, right in your face.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
I think I completed the mission?
6 |
You're safe! Mission accomplished!
6 |
The very best I can!!!
5 |
Uh, I was worried about you and knew you would be safe inside?
3 |
Tie up Echo, both of her. She can't get away again
2 |
Look! I got the artifact! *Present empty briefcase*
"I think I completed the mission?" You blink. You're not sure what Echo was expecting you to say. After all, you completed your objectives.
"..Does this look like you completed the mission?"
"Well, not yet."
This causes Echo to pause for just enough cycles to illustrate to you that she's not happy.
"..Again, What were you thinking? Be precise this time."
"..The very best I can!" It's true, that split-second decision really did seem like the best option at the moment.
"Wow, that's scary. So this, both of us in TSAB containment, is the very best you could come up with? I'm letting Iota know to never let you plan another mission ever again."
"Uh, excuse me?" Teana steps back in, and does manage to get other-Echo's attention. "Shamal is on the line. It's about Agito."
Without even pausing, Not-Echo yanks up a holographic screen.
On the screen, is a big Sierra.
They start talking about complicated stuff, something related to Eclipse. You keep a brief tab on what they are saying while you continue to allay your sister's fears.
"Listen, Gamma. This was supposed to have operational secrecy, and you've managed to break every single tenet of it just because you wanted to go fight."
"..Echo, please, code names."
"Who cares about code names!? Our cover has been blown! They're going to send us to prison if they can! Sure, that's not a problem for you because I'm sure nothing short of a BLACK HOLE could ever contain the pure DENSENESS that is ebbing from you right at this moment."
"Echo, hold on, hold that thought-" You grab her hands, and gently lower them. "I just talked to Teana, we're not under arrest."
"You've been talking to a COP?!"
"..So have you, but more importantly: She told me, we're not under arrest, we're not suspects in this case. We're suspects in other cases, but it's nothing that would stop us from leaving. I was just about to pick you up and leave right now."
"..You really think the humans are just going to let us waltz through the door like none of this ever happened, huh?!"
Lusso is standing right on the other side of the doorway, which he left slightly ajar.
"-I'm a 'human', and I say you both can leave." Lusso opens the door all of the way.
Echo blinks as she glances at the strange man.
"Yeah, seriously." Lusso replies.
"..Are you insane?! You just captured us from breaking into the Ground Forces HQ!"
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that, and also- that's not really a serious crime. For all we know, or at least all anyone officially knows, you're two punk kids screwing around."
Echo's mouth is agape, she only replies with a simple phrase.
"..How has your organization survived as long as it has?"
"Echo, please, it's fine." You turn to Lusso, "Thank you so much, detective."
"Yeah, no problem, but we still want to talk to your parents." Lusso seems to have concocted a scheme. "-Crime or not, you still did something really dangerous."
"You don't have to talk t-"
If this interrogation room wasn't bristling with enough activity, not-Echo starts to transform her attitude as they talk about the small doll that you rescued. You don't get all of it, but you do understand she's been 'infected'. Her tough demeanor is starting to harden as she composes herself and transforms into a steely-faced commander.
Suddenly, you get another participant.
Teana walks up behind Lusso, and holds what appears to be another holographic screen in her hand.
"Uh, hey, sorry to interrupt but- we got another phone call."
"Tell them it can wait." Lusso replies.
"Yeah, but- it's not for us. It's for her." Teana glances at you. "I don't even know how they got this number."
"..Great, put them on speaker." Lusso mumbles.
She waves the screen upward, and the 'ID' is blanked out on the important caller information. Which already gives you a hint about what you're going to hear next.
Votes | Choice |
12 |
..Hi, can you please not make me look any more suspicious than I already am?
6 |
HI it is "Grace" your "Daughter". Can you talk to these fine people.
6 |
WHY!? HOW?! Grrrrr!
2 |
Lusso's right, it can wait.
2 |
It's about time you called.
2 |
(Young Girl Gamma) I just want to go home!!!
0 |
..Hi, could you please bail me out of this one? Thanks.
You blink, absolutely confused on a number of important issues relating to how the hell you can be hearing his voice right now.
"No time to explain, Gamma. Something important has come up."
"GrrrrRRR-" You want to bat the screen into a million pieces, but- "-Hi, Could you please not make me look more suspicious than I already do? Thank you. I can call you back later."
"There is no 'later'. This is a 'right-now' problem."
"Excuse me, but- Who is this?" Lusso is the first one to ask the perfectly valid question.
"Yeah, Gamma. Who is this?" Echo glances straight at you, "Why aren't they going through command to talk to you?"
"..Wait, so this person.. just knew where you were?" Teana finishes the trifecta of extremely important questions that make you look unbelievably suspicious.
You try to think of a good way out of this, and-
You do the best you can!
"Ha, Ha, Hi." You try to sound as naturally as possible "It's your daughter, 'Grace'. Your 'Daughter'. Can you please have a talk with the nice policemen so Echo and I can go home?"
"Yeah, Otto was right. You are a terrible liar." Teana mumbles.
"You can't go home yet." The voice explains.
That just sends another pang of anger through you.
"Why not? I got the artifact." You raise the briefcase, and the flimsy hinges fall open. It becomes apparent there's nothing inside. "No one was hurt, well, no one important." You still don't know what happened to the pilot of the drone on the helipad. "Mission accomplished. Why else would I stay?"
"Because, Gamma. The artifact you rescued is now in danger. She was hit by a discharge from the 'Zero Effect'. Which means she's been injured in a way that can't be healed."
"..So why are you telling me this?"
"Frequency channels open, Gamma. I'm sending you a program."
"..You are?"
There's a pause, and then a mess of static that almost catches you off-guard. Your systems start to recognize it as you process the loud and grating bytestream just as effortlessly as if he told you the whole thing from start to finish.
You send a checksum of the data, and he, just as quickly, sends back an 'All clear'.
Echo then pinches your neck.
"Don't install that-" She immediately and seemingly reads your mind.
"..Why not?"
"It makes a bunch of changes to your linker core." She mumbles. "You, what is the purpose of all this?"
"The tiny artifact has been gravely injured, but you hold the key inside of you to repair and fix her. Your artificial linker cores. You can find the artifact on the third floor artifact lab, where she's under intensive care. Go and cure her."
"Wait, last I checked you're not giving us mission orders, and I'm not sure about installing a random program from someone talking to us with a voice changer over the phone." Echo corrects points out all of your concerns, "So how about this, you find some other patsy besides Gamma, who is young and easily manipulated, to boss around and install Bonzi Buddy or whatever you just sent."
"I'll do it."
Lusso and Teana spin around to face a masked figure at the door. She replies without hesitation.
"We're the same, right? Plus, that 'program' or whatever will fix the commander's kid, right?" Quebec has seemingly materialized, "Tell me how to install it, and I'll go take care of it."
"..Excuse me, Gamma? Who is this? Wh- Why is there another Raptor in here? Did she go on the mission?"
Almost everyone in the room has the most confused looks on their face.
Votes | Choice |
8 |
I said make me look LESS suspicious, not more!
8 |
(loud) They don't know that we are raptors!!!
7 |
This is now too complicated to explain. Can we like, draw a chart or something?
6 |
Full steam ahead share the program with Quebec and go cure this artifact then run away with Echo while everyone is distracted.
4 |
(to Quebec) How can you fade without upgrades?
3 |
Yeah, no. If it's dangerous for me, it's even more dangerous for you.
0 |
..I think we need to slow down.
0 |
Try going into sleep mode for a few seconds, maybe things will improve.
"For the love of-"
And ECHO was the one lecturing you on operational secrecy, huh?
"Echo, Hep. NOBODY KNOWS WE'RE RAPTORS!" You yell. Which gets the attention of the whole room.
"..Well, we know now." Teana states in a flat voice.
"..Is this what you meant by 'install'? Like physically install? On yourselves?" Not-Echo, who has long since looked away from her terminal, makes a curious comment.
"-Apologies for the trouble they are causing." Quebec smoothly takes over, "They appear to be new. It's nothing to concern yourselves with."
"More importantly, I told you to make us look LESS suspicious, not more!" You snap at the holographic pane, "If our cover wasn't blown before, it's really blown, now!"
"That's secondary to the mission at hand."
"The 'mission at hand' is now too complicated to explain without someone drawing a diagram. I don't even think I understand it anymore." You rub your head, "My mission was simple, come get Echo, get out, and return to base. You've now made the mission have several branching paths and- you just heard what Echo said about me trying to plan things.."
"It's true, I'm never trusting her with planning anything, ever again." Echo mumbles.
"Can we just- Get a move on? Quebec, if you want to install it and heal 'Agito', please, go ahead."
"..I could if I knew how to process that 'program' you just heard."
Oh no.
"..Can you not install it?"
"I don't know what that means." Quebec replies.
"Which means it's down to either you or Echo."
42 = 42
76 = 76
"Fine, I'll do it if everyone in this room calls me 'Grace' and pretends I'm a cute human girl." You frown.
This catches everyone off-guard, maybe even Hep. Who remains oddly silent.
"Grace." You correct Echo.
"..Grace, I don't think asking the humans to simply pretend the last five minutes never happened is going to work." Echo seems frustrated by your stubbornness.
"I don't know unless I try." You pout.
"Is everyone else in my family like this?" Quebec seems more than exhausted with this brief conversation you've had, already.
"Can we please get to the part where someone saves Agito?" Not-Echo is getting frustrated, "This is a fun conversation but I'm more interested in the part about having a program to save her life."
"Right, right- that, I guess that means Echo is out?"
"Yes." Echo replies, immediately.
"Then- Quebec can't do it. So that means-"
You glance at the program in memory, as best as you can .
You then look upward, at Teana.
"Listen, I know we just met today, and you have no reason to help. But if something happens to me, make sure Echo gets home safe, okay? Tell my sisters that I lov-"
"THEN YOU'RE NOT INSTALLING IT!" Teana immediately scowls, and grabs your arm.
"THEN YOU'RE NOT INSTALLING IT!" Echo yells simultaneously, and immediately grabs you by the hair.
"Stop it! Don't install that! Delete it right now if you're worried that it's going to do something like that to you-" Teana immediately demands you quit, "Listen, we can find some other way to heal Agito. If you think this is going to hurt you, don't do it."
"Why are you trying to do it and not me? I volunteered." Quebec mumbles. "Again, is everyone in my family like this? You're acting like you're less than a week old."
"Right, that." This is the part that you have to step up for, "Echo, can you install the program on Quebec?"
"Maybe, but I'd have to find a test port, if she can't connect to our network."
"No no no- you're not looking for any of my ports." Quebec clearly takes a step back.
"It's not- No! It doesn't mean what it sounds like, Quebec!" Echo immediately sports a very furious red blush.
"I can help look if need-"
"Do we have any other ideas on saving Agito, then?" Not-Echo tries to get the subject back on course, "Listen, weird voice in the phone, any other suggestions?"
"There's the option of trying to tune Echo's frequency to match the small doll. Her mana field and yours should be relatively close."
"Really? that's great! Then, how do we-"
"I don't know, what I presented was theoretical. Is Shario still around?"
"She's outside-"
"She's the expert on these matters."
Lusso, clearly overwhelmed, steps out and attempts to find where Shario went.
You take a big gulp.
"So what is the process here?"
"Truth be told, I don't know. My process is to use the program."
"No, we're not installing the program if it means Grace is uncomfortable." Teana replies.
"We must hurry. The device is slowly losing strength the longer it's exposed to Eclipse."
"What can Shario do?"
"I was thinking the best she could do is create a device, but that could take upwards of several days."
"We don't have several days."
"Which is why I would like to ask her in person."
"Look, Quebec, just let me look for your po-"
"No." Quebec immediately shoots down Echo's suggestion.
You sigh.
You get another glance of the code, and in an act of frustration-
"Bottom's up." You mumble.
"Hmm? Grace? What?" Teana notices your response, and-
Here goes nothing.
Gained new ability: ★ Resonance Focus
"Gamma…" Echo ignores your request, "What did you just do? You got silent. Don't tell me you-"
"I installed it." You glance around, and do a quick system check.
You're fine.
"I'm ready, let's find Agito."
"GAMMA!" Echo yells, "HOW COULD YOU?!"
"..Well it was actually very simple-"
"Hey! I found Shario! Now what?" Lusso runs back into the room, dragging a brown-haired girl by her arm, who looks positively exhausted.
"Too late, Grace just very STUPIDLY installed the program." Even Teana seems a bit upset.
"..Hey, I said I would volunteer, as long as it didn't require looking through my 'ports'." Quebec pulls her hat over her head.
"We need to find her, now." You pull the holographic screen away, "Where is she?"

"Here she is.." Tall-Sierra takes you through a set of double doors, and laying on a bed with an energy field being projected into her- is the device.
"Okay, Voice. What next?" You approach the bed, and have a brief look around.
To say that the humans are taking precautions is an understatement.
In this room alone is the tall human, Quebec, the yellow mage from earlier, Not-Echo.
And a very, very disappointed real-Echo.
"When this is over, you're going to have such a scolding." Your sister reminds you.
"Check her body for a tattoo, should look like a-"
"It's on her forehead." big-Sierra replies. "It hasn't spread yet."
"Excellent. There's still time. Gamma-"
"Grace." You correct him.
"..Grace, you'll need to attempt a unison."
"Wait, I thought only the mage whom they formed a contract with could do that?"
"Under normal circumstances, yes. Grace has the ability, with that program, to mimic anyone's contract. Which means she can take on Eclipse's burden by herself, which she's immune to. That immunity will transfer to Agito."
"Hey-" Not-Echo speaks up, "If she does that, she'll have Agito! Not to mention be a unisoned mage in a tight quarters with a unison made for close-quarters combat."
"It's the best I can suggest, unless you want to go back to searching for Quebec's port."
"Please just do it." Quebec replies. "No more of that."
You sigh, and glance at the small doll.
"I can't believe what today turned into." Echo mumbles, "Gamma, after today, we're never doing something like this again, okay? This is just too dangerous. Also, I'm uninstalling that program the literal second we're done."
"I wouldn't ask for anything else." You pat her shoulder, and then gently concentrate on the small doll.
In the distance.
You hear- a bell. Like a church bell. Far off in the distance.
It's a pleasant sound. It makes you feel.. calm.
You suddenly feel..
A lot stranger.
Much more.. complete?
It's hard to explain. However-
"FIRE!" Echo exclaims, trying to put you out with her coat.
"Echo, Stop!" Big-Sierra grabs her hands before she can give you a good hit. "That's supposed to happen! That's Agito's unison."
You glance down at your hands. You-
"I feel fine, now what?" You glance at the screen.
"I give you forty five minutes until she's fully healed." The voice replies, "In the meantime, I suggest you consider leaving."
"Oh, okay-"
"No-" Quebec immediately replies, "No, no one is going anywhere with an Air Forces Captain in her chest."
"I would say leaving would be the best idea if you wish to not bring the Eclipse mercenaries, the same ones who attempted to kidnap her, to the Ground forces HQ in their second attempt."
This brings the attention of everyone to the holographic screen.
"-But if you insist, I'm sure there's plenty of firepower to stave them off. Gamma, we'll be in touch."
"Hmph." You frown, "Yeah, I'm sure of it."
The screen errors, and vanishes.
Which just leaves you, surrounded by Ground Forces mages-
And Echo. Who is eying you in the most peculiar way.
"(Iota, did you get any of that?)"
"(Still here, I got that but I need to keep communication to a minimum.)"
"(Building is being evacuated. Unsure why yet. Lancer can't be reached for a debrief or a new extraction method. Standby.)"
"(Is.. everyone okay?)"
"(Foxtrot is still out in the field. As is Tango and Sierra. Not to mention yourself and Echo. Everyone else is being told to recharge, but I'm sort of hiding so I can keep communications going.)"
"..Echo did you-"
"I heard all of that. What difference does it make? Can't you tell we're surrounded by angry Ground Forces mages? We're just as grounded as they are." Echo crosses her arms, and frowns.
"I'm not mad." Big Sierra replies.
Votes | Choice |
9 |
I think the voice is right and we should engage the enemy out in the field. (try to suppress desire to grin)
8 |
Honestly, I was prepared to fight my way out, with or without a Unison. If I pretend to be upset about this, would it make you feel better?
5 |
Listen, we need to get back home. Something is going on.
4 |
"Echo, sorry I unisoned with someone else"
4 |
Iota? Juliett is awake? She is your only protection?
3 |
What? Do you think Hotel will just recharge when the city is full of mercenaries? I want to have fun too!
3 |
Evacuation...sisters leaving. Sisters. Leaving sister-*Logic.rap has encountered an error, running BERSERK.rap. Protect Sisters*
2 |
..So uh.. Can we leave?
21 = 21
14 = 14
37 = 37
12 = 12
89 = 89
57+51 = 108
57+51 = 108
35 = 35
97+12 = 109
76 + 10 = 86
"You're not? Then would you be if I mentioned that I was still planning on fighting my way out with or without the device?"
"..That would make me irritated, yes." Not-Sierra frowns.
"Either ways, I think engaging them out in the field instead of waiting for them to come here is a wise decision." You turn toward the door, "It'll endanger less people-" And be way more fun.
"Gamma, calm yourself." Echo pinches your cheek, "You're just saying that because you want to fight them."
"-I mean, I'm also saying that because I want to leave." You mumble, "Or at the very least, get you home safe."
"Shouldn't you be worried about the tiny mage inside of you right now? I'm definitely concerned about it."
"I am concerned, for her, but also for you- because-"
You notice the mages behind you.

Aren't moving. They're also watching you with both curiosity and intent.
"Because I don't think they're going to let us walk out of here."
You glance at Big-Sierra.
"If I said that makes me feel a little bad, would you feel better about my hesitation to fight out of here?"
"..Maybe. But I would prefer if you didn't fight us."
"Okay, let us go."
"Forty minutes, right?" The yellow mage stands in front of the door, "Just stay here for forty minutes, and then let Agito go."
"I'm going to let her go, but I can't stay here. Unless you want more of those Eclipse mages here."
"Let us worry about that."
"I can't let you worry about that, because Echo is in danger if they come here. So I rather fight them on my terms."
The room is quiet for a minute, up until the brown-haired woman you saved speaks up.
"Uh excuse me-" Shario raises her hand, "Earlier, I overheard that you're a 'Raptor', right?"
"No, I'm Grace, a normal human girl." You reply.
"..Yes, she is, as am I apparently." Quebec isn't honoring her part of the deal.
"Oh, like from.. Caledfwlch?" Shario seems to have correctly guessed everything there is to know about you.
"..Our operational security is shot." Echo pouts.
"..You're not really what I picture as being Raptors. I thought you were like, a hivemind."
"It's a long story, okay?" Echo replies back. "What's more important is that we have to get back home. Otherwise-"
"-If you ARE from Calefwlch, and you ARE a Raptor, that means my clearance should let you report mission success." Shario suggests something baffling.
Both of you turn your head toward her.
"..Why?" You're feeling a little down about how long it's taking to start fighting.
"-Because I'm senior Caledfwlch staff. I'm the one who worked on their first Raptor project betas, and was in charge of field testing and integration. If this is like, a mission that you're on, then I can just say you're accounted for at an approved laboratory. It's the same as mission success." Shario shrugs.
68 = 68
45 = 45
You blink, and look at the brown-haired human incredulously.
"That's right, I have clearance with the TSAB and gold clearance with Caledfwlch. So I can just report a mission success for you." She is a very good negotiator, and you can't argue with her logic on this matter either.
However, that is good in theory, but-
"I mean, that's nice but apparently my cover's been blown and the lab where I live is being evacuated for some reason. All of my sisters are being ordered to enter their recharge pods, and the only reason I know is because one of my sisters is disobeying their orders to relay me information in secret. So I'm extremely worried about THEIR safety, not just mine."
You then turn toward the mages.
"Which means, I have to go. Whether you want me to or not. I don't care if you clear my current mission, and in fact; I would really like it if you were to clear Echo at the very least so she doesn't get in trouble. I have no other choice. You're welcome to come with me, but can't stop me. "
"They may be trying to evacuate the lab anticipating a TSAB visit, if you could stop that, then maybe we can agree to something." That's smart thinking, Echo!
"..I'm not going to stop you, but I'm also not going to let you leave without Agito." Not-Echo still stands in your way.
"..Then you leave me little choice." You realize what must be done.
"WAIT! STOP!" Teana steps between both of you, "Clearly, there has to be a better way. Why don't you just go with her? If it's Caledfwlch labs, then both of you can go!"
"Orange human is right, Gamma. I don't trust the Ground Forces and doubt they will keep their promise, but we're in too deep to just start fighting our way out."
"STOP! Stop stop-" Shario pulls up a holographic screen, "This is easy, this is very easy, I'll just call them. I have an in with one of the scientists."
"..I'm already in a phone call with them, so I don't see how that's going to help." You're feeling more and more skeptical that these humans can possibly assist you in any way as they scramble to find excuses to keep you from leaving.
There's the very obvious ringing symbol on her holoscreen, but nobody picking up for an awkward amount of time.
"If you want the artifact so bad, I have no reason to not give it to you-" You hand over the case, "Here, take it-"
"..That's an empty case." Not-Echo doesn't look amused.
"Caledfwlch industries-" The holoscreen suddenly jumps to life with a voice, "We are currently busy assisting other customers, if you would like to speak to a representative, please stay on the line."
This is followed by a very repetitive, very cheery jingle which causes the brown-haired human to sigh.
"..I don't think they're going to pick up."
"I have to leave now." You take another step toward the door, "I don't have any more time to waste."
"Then I-"
"Hold it."
Not-Echo turns to the door, to see a new human has pushed her way inside.

"You're not going to be doing any fighting inside the building." This new face smiles, "Let's take it outside. There's a nice courtyard we can use."
"..Hotel?" Echo blinks.
"Hey!" The blonde-haired mage grabs the new brown-haired human. "You're supposed to be recovering, not-"
"Please, please, it'll be fine." She smiles, "I just wish to see if the new face is really serious about fighting the TSAB. I think we could learn a lot from each other."
"NO! No fighting! Not now!" The blonde mage seems to be clinging to her.
"I'll fight in Capatin Takamachi's place." The tall man immediately replies.
"It's fine, Duke. I can handle myself. Also Fate, please, I'm not helpless." She gently pushes the blonde mage off, and she gives her great, big puppy-dog eyes.
"Hang on, are you fighting each other to fight Gamma, now?!" Echo immediately seems offended, "Everyone here is crazy! The TSAB is full of crazy humans!"
"Guilty as charged." She smiles, "So, 'Grace', ready to take this outside?"
Votes | Choice |
9 |
+Honestly, Echo, this is the first time any humans have seemed sane to me.
8 |
If it gets me out of here, yes. Please.
8 |
+Do not hold back glee
8 |
"Are you deliberately trying to distract me so Caledfwlch can complete their evacuation? Are you allied with the faction that wanted me to kidnap the small doll?"
7 |
"I'm ready to leave. Fighting would be a waste of time." Go through the nearest exterior wall.
2 |
Now I want to meet Hotel, she is probably just like you!
1 |
Hold on, seriously, just like that?
1 |
1 |
I'm not at full power as well, so this will be a fair fight if that make everyone feels better.
1 |
You don't have time for this. Grab Barracuda and neutralize the mages. Stun them and flee.
0 |
Is there any other way we can do this?
17 = 17
40 = 40
11 = 11
81 = 81
87 = 87
51 = 51
74 = 74
2 = 2
29 = 29
69 = 69
1 = 1
17+82 = 99
82 = 82
"Honestly, Echo."
Your smile is wide as you feel it is possible.

"-this is the first time any humans have seemed sane to me."
"Gamma! No! She's trying to stall you!" Echo immediately tries to appeal to your logic.
But the logic side of you has taken a nap right now.
This is something you want.
Something you need.
Maybe you should calm down, right now.
No! Of course not!
"If this gets me out of here in the fastest amount of time, then this is not stalling." You nod, "This is, in fact, the only way we're getting out of this room."
"Then, it's agreed."
"No it's not! You're not supposed to be fighting!" Yellow mage grabs the brown-haired one, again. "You're not-"
An almost wordless truce continues between you two as you absolutely ignore your partners, who continue to plead with both of you, and step outside.
You're not sure what to make of her. She's changed into her barrier jacket, and-

"Let it be known, Grace, that I will not hold back."
"..Neither will I." You reach for Barracuda, and transform-

Careful, she's skilled at ranged combat.
Oh, thanks.
So if she's skilled at ranged combat-
The world seems to grow quieter as Not-Echo casts a spell.
The bustle and distant panic caused by the drone attack fades away, leaving only your small group facing each other down.
"I've cast an exclusion barrier. We can fight in here as long as neither of you destroy it. The fight will begin when I say 'Go'." Not-Echo seems more than willing to help. "No busters, no breakers, NOTHING WITH COLLATERAL DAMAGE, we're on public property, after all. Barrier or not you can still do a LOT OF DAMAGE to the outside."
"Nanoha! Please no!" Yellow mage is still pleading with her counterpart to not engage in violence.
"Gamma! Let's just go! We're outside! We're free!" Echo continues to plead with you just as uselessly.
Both of them have to know.
This is what you live for.
-That's all you have to live for?
Other than sisters, yeah.
"GO!" Immediately, the brown-haired lowers her hand.

You smirk, and reveal your ace-in-the-hole.
Shield breaker sits comfortably on your arm.
Immediately, you throw Barracuda at her.
She puts up a defensive shield immediately.
You close the distance, and Shield Breaker grasps her shield.
It tears it off in one swift grab!
But behind the shield-

She's smiling.
She's no slouch close-up either.
Hmm. So what should I do?
Exactly what you're doing, just be better at it than her.
"You're very strong." She still manages to have her smile as she begins to struggle holding shield breaker back, "But your technique is lacking. There's more to this than being as forceful as possible."
"Then show me, if you can."
This is feeling good.
This is feeling really good.
Uhh, you okay?
You begin to push against her defense even harder. She takes the wise decision and falls back with a quick barrier which you shatter instantly.
"I like your approach, overwhelming offense, but you're still a bit green at the roots." This woman is taunting you! The nerve!

"Since you're so eager to throw yourself away, let me cool your head a little-"
"HEY!" Not-Echo immediately yells, "NO COLLATERAL DAMAGE!"
It almost completely takes her out of her groove, hearing that.
Which is just the opening you need!
You close in, and recall Barracuda!
Not-Hotel immediately realizes what you are going for, and engages another barrier which you slam straight through.
"HAHAHAHAHA-" That felt good. Her staff barely comes up in time to clash with you and Barracuda.
But she's made a mistake.
She's strong, but you're way stronger.
Hey, don't break her or anything, this is just a spar-
You smile, maniacally.
Your opponent, however, has lost that cocky smile was sporting.
Instead, she changes tactics.
You are pushed back by some unseen force which only manages to hold you off for just a moment.

In that moment, you come face to face with the same opponent, but in a way cooler barrier jacket.
You suddenly realize you're in a lot of danger.
Within a moment, you withdraw and hear a massive crash just in front of you-
Two steel 'shields' immediately wreck the ground you were once standing on.
Without a single hint of hesitating, they form up around the brown-haired mage.
"..That's a neat trick."
You love it! you want one!

"Like it?" She blinks, "Let me show you its features."
Suddenly, the edges of the shield starts to glow.
"Oh-" You only have time to mutter those words before you throw Shield Breaker up in front of your face, and deploy its emergency shield.
A mighty, concentrated pink beam ENGULFS you fully! Thankfully, you're able to extend the barrier of the small wrist-mounted shield, and keep it from engulfing you, too.
The yellow mage quickly jumps behind you, deploying a barrier and keeping the rest of the energy contained.

"Oops~" She smiles, and gives a slight wink.
You couldn't care less, though.
You feel alive.
Hey.. stop.. wake up! What's going on?!

"Heh, Hah hah, HAHAHAHA-"
"This isn't good!" Echo shouts, "Stop the fight, now!"
Don't stop it, Echo.
The fight can never stop.
With a sudden leap, you collide head-first into the steel barrier separating you from your prey. Her expression immediately changes as she realizes something important.
This isn't a game.
You aren't playing.
No! this is a game! A spar!
You need this. Now.
"AHAHAHAHAHA-" There's that feeling again, the surge of power! The flood of energy! The joy of causing anger, and anguish.
So much anger, and anguish-
"Seeker! Barrier shield! Tri-prison! Bind!" The mage shouts as spell after spell reflects off of your barrier jacket.
None of it is stopping you.
Inch by inch, you're closing in.
She's losing ground.
Nothing can stop you, now.
"..Grace, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." Nanoha mumbles, in an angry tone.
I'm not.
She starts to glow. Her defenses crumble.

Suddenly. Without warning.
A wall of pink and red completely engulf you.
You suddenly realize that the strange text is trying to address you, personally.
The voice takes form in the cloudiness of your mind as it tries to rouse you from your stupor.

Oh, you're the doll.
26 = 26
89 = 89
5+7+8+5+1+8 = 34
'Well, it was fun!'
She's not amused.
'I mean, really really fun! Fight good, fight simple, fight fun, and I need less fragile opponents next time.'
You could have killed her! Or yourself!
'Oh no no, I would have been just fine.' You try to assuage her fears. 'Fight is also something I understand, the outside world is complicated, and there are lots of lies, conspiracies, and corruption happening. Really, I just want to fight and smash forever.'
There has to be something else in your life! Something else to your thought processes instead of 'fight as hard and as powerfully as you can'!
'Well, that's not my NORMAL thought process, but-' You realize that this doesn't sound very good if you say it that way. '-I really am thinking of the mission. She was in the way, and fighting her was the fastest way to get past her and back to the labs. The fact that I was extremely excited to fight her and am STILL extremely excited to be able to fight her again is secondary to the importance to the mission.'
I think your mission relies on you coming back alive!
'What? I'm alive!'
You then glance around to notice the strange red-and-black mist your consciousness seems to be floating in.
'Aren't I?'
Are you even aware that you are putting a sleeping unison device in danger when you do that? I couldn't even calculate the amount of energy you poured into it when Nanoha hit you with that surprise buster.
'It doesn't matter if I tank a ton of energy. I can always give it back, so I'm-'
You think about her words for a moment.
'..What sleeping unison device?'
The- Wait, you don't know?
So, let's get this straight, you went berserk, utterly mad at one point, tanking every spell in existence, and you didn't realize you were being protected? You approach every fight like this?
'Yeah, why?'
How can you be so polite and calm one moment but so close to destroying yourself the next minute?
'I like what I do. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to return to reality now. I have sisters to save. So if you could, uh, show me how to get back.'
Were you aware what happened after that hit?
'..I won?'
..Yes and no, silly.
'..Sounds like Yes'.
Yes in that you defeated Nanoha, 'Reactor Purge' is her last stand, she's currently naked right now, and probably can't fight. But I wouldn't put it past her to have a last-last stand if she really wants to pull that card.
'Good, so-'

No, in that the only thing keeping you animate right now, is energy from me. You ate so many spells during that fight that it appears your systems are operating in low-power. At least, that's what they're screaming in my ear.
'Oh.' You blink as best as you can. 'But you can help me beat her, right?'
'..Why not?'
Because, you're currently holding a giant axe, poised over a very important friend of mine, and have been laughing maniacally straight for the past forty seconds.
That red you saw, was me. It's one of my bind spells. I'm holding you here until you calm down enough to lower your weapon and let the fight be over. It's over, you won, it's time to calm down.
'I'm perfectly calm!'
Another awkward pause…
..Let's just do some breathing exercises? Or maybe some meditation? I promise this isn't taking much time, maybe a fraction of a second. Could you just.. prove to me you're calm?
'How do I do that?'
Well, how about a chat? Tell me a little about yourself. What have you been up to?
47 = 47
2 = 2
78 = 78
"Breathing exercises?" You 'look' at her as best as you can, incredulously. "I'm a Raptor. I don't need to breathe, OR do exercises."
"You know what I mean! Just.. try to do something to calm down. What do you do in a normal day? What has your life been like so far? You say you're a 'Raptor', but there has to be more to your life than that, right?"
"Well, uh-" Geez, now that she's put you on the spot you're not really sure how to answer. "I have.. missions!"
"..Anything else?"

"Lots! Good fights, Fun with sisters, Rescuing sisters!" Really, fighting and sisters is what makes a good life!"
"..What kind of 'fun' with sisters?"
"Fighting and going on missions!"
"Do you have anything else other than fighting and going on missions?"
"Fun with sisters?" You blink.
"Okay, let's try something else, what have you done today?"
"Well.." You're not sure what kind of question this is, but you do know that it's stalling you, and you don't like that. "I woke up, and was told I have a mission." "So I flew out to this big tower thing, walked around a bit with Echo, my loving sister, and got a AMAZING Axe that I will love forever. I used it to beat up some dumb robot thing, retrieve the artifact, and-"
"So this is all you've done today.. Are all of your days like this?"
"What? No, you see: The difference today is that normally, my sisters are safe back at the labs." You're starting to feel irritated now. "-But now they're NOT safe back at the labs. In fact, I have no idea what is happening back at the labs, but I know it can't be anything good. Which is why I'm here fighting this Woohooha human and now that I've won I'm being talked to death by the artifact and I really just want to get BACK HOME AND WHOEVER STOPS ME AFTER THIS IS GETTING THEIR FACE REARRANGED WITH THE AXE!"
"..." The little fairy is incredulous.
"So now that we're done, I have sisters to rescue and a Captain's face to rearrange when I get back to the labs. So please, LET ME GO!"
"You don't sound very calm."
"My sisters are in danger! I'm as calm as I can be!" You frown as best as you can.
"Have you ever heard of a 'Siscon', Grace?" The little red fairy is quizzing you on things you haven't heard of before.
"But now, that I am perfectly calm-" You try to get back on topic, "It's time to leave."
"Can you at least tell me what your deal is? How were you created without anyone from our group knowing about it?" Tiny fairy isn't letting up.
"Oh that's easy-" You understand this one, and can answer it quickly, "There is a web of conspiracies, some of them fighting and conflicting with the TSAB, and their vying for power created us in a secret lab to be used for or against the TSAB; whoever is giving us missions that day I suppose."
She blinks.
"..So all your life has been conspiracies, missions, and fighting."
"And sisters, speaking of which- I have to go."
"How old are you?"
"A week and some extra hours, so-"
"You're a week old?!" She huffs, "Okay, now I'm REALLY MAD-"
There's a pause, and she sighs.
"..Grace, even though it seems like we've been talking for a while, it's only been a second or two."
"Yes, not much time has passed. That's why I am concerned about letting you out."
"I don't care! Let me out! It's time to leave! Go! Gib Echo!" You're not sure where the last part came from, but it seems to be an almost primal urge.
"..I'm going to let the barrier down, but I DON'T want you scurrying off and leaving. I want you to thank Nanoha for the fight, collect Echo, and tell the humans that you're only a week old and you want to go back to the labs. Don't fight. Don't attack. TRY to be calm about it. I'll de-unison the second I let this spell go."
"I promise." Agito nods.
There's a brief noise, it sounds a bit like a buzz, and-
39 = 39
63 = 63
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
65 = 65 (Fail)
4 = 4
51 = 51
96 = 96
93 = 93
"Ah-" You feel a rush of energy as the red veil lifts.
In front of you, is-

A very familiar brown-haired mage, Hoohaaha, you think her name was. She's shed her powerful and dominating barrier jacket, and is now in a two-piece underwear set. Kind of the same that you were given when you woke up in the training area.
She still holds her staff at the ready, but she's clearly much more exhausted than she's letting on. She looks as if she's going to attempt another attack, but you slowly lower the axe.
With a 'CLANK', it snaps to your back. The brown-haired mage lowers her staff.
"NANOHA!" The yellow mage immediately runs over, and grabs her by the ear. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE RECOVERING!"
"Hehe- whoops-" She starts to act all innocent, "I guess I lost-"
You ignore this exchange of two strange humans, and instead approach the 'referee'.
You glare right in Not-Echo's face, and explain to her as clearly as you can.
"I need to go right now, then!" You shout, "I'm glad I got to have a good fight, but my sisters are in danger and nothing is more important than sisters, family, and my home!" You shout, "Please! Let me save my home!"

You see a tiny, red figure float down and sit on Not-Echo's shoulder.
Oh, she's out here, now.

"Remember what I told you about staying calm? Remember what I told you about almost being on low-power? It's time to take those words to heart and calm. down."
"How?!" You sigh.
"We just talked about how.." The red fairy doesn't seem to get it. "Just explain to Hayate here what you just told me."
"Oh, okay. So-" You overclock your audio circuit, "I'mPartOfAHugeConspiracyAndCaledfwlchMadeUsToGoOnMissionsAndI'mCurrentlyPanickedBecauseMyCoverIsBlownAndINeedToGetHomeRightNowSoIfYouExcuseMe-"
"Gamma.." Echo stops you, "They didn't get that, at all."
"Not my problem." You cross your arms, "Please, let me go home, let me go rescue my family!"
Not-Echo seems a bit stern, the tiny red fairy is about to say something else-

But then, Not-Echo smiles.
"That's good, Grace."
"..It is?" You blink, "So you'll let us go?"
"That's right. I'm letting you go."
"Hayate! Are you serious?" Red fairy lifts off of her shoulder, "At least let me tail her or something!"
"No, that won't be necessary." Hayate nods, "The truth is, this entire fight has been to buy time for Teana and Subaru to get to Caledfwlch and stop the attempt to hide evidence. Your sisters are safe, Gamma."
"..What?" You blink.
You glance around, and notice that it's true. Teana, the blue-haired weirdo, and Quebec are all oddly absent.
"They're going to be there in just a minute. Nobody is taking your family away, Grace. I promise you." Not-Echo seems to smile. "I just wanted to hear how important family was from you."
"..I don't get it, why wouldn't family be important?" These humans.. are family not important to them?
"And what do you mean no one is taking our family away?" Echo seems confused. "We're Caledfwlch property, that means-"
"No you're not, you're no one's property. Not anymore, at least." Not-Echo replies, "And neither are your family. Come, I'll give you a ride back to your laboratories."

"We really just didn't want you running back home and murdering the moving crew before we could question them-" The yellow mage responds, she rubs a napkin on a couple of scuffs on the brown-haired mage. "Though wanting to fight you was HER STUPID IDEA."
"What?" Wahaha blinks, "It was a good plan!"
Votes | Choice |
9 |
I mean, that's a nice thought, but all my sisters are rated for combat and I think they might kill whoever you send if things aren't handled perfectly. The people who gave me my mission were pretty intent on kidnapping Agito, so they aren't necessarily friendly to the TSAB as you know it.
8 |
..I don't get it
8 |
Hug the Echo
8 |
Eh, the assassination unit is there to murder the moving crew anyway.
7 |
"... Are we your property now?"
5 |
I want to argue, but it would be faster if you helped us get back, yes.
5 |
Well while there are higher priorities sometimes if there is a chance for a fight and accomplish what you want Wahaha is right to take it!
5 |
I want to argue, but I don't have enough battery for that. I will use it to call Iota!
2 |
Is this some kind of trap?!
2 |
No, no, I think it'll be faster if I find a way back myself.
2 |
+I reserve the right to murder any humans at the labs for this.
You're a bit confused on one important detail.
"..You don't have clearance to declare us not Caledfwlch property, unless- Are we your property, now?"
"No, no that's not how it works." Not-Echo immediately retorts, "Listen, I'll explain all of it later, but you don't have to worry about your family being 'punished' by Caledfwlch. We're going to have people there, and they're going to be sure your sisters are safe."
"I don't get it, but-"
You reach over, and hug Echo.
"You hear that, Echo? Everything worked out."
"..I don't really believe it." Echo is listening to this, but seems skeptical, "I mean, that's a nice thought and a ll. But all our sisters are rated for combat, and they might kill whoever you send if things aren't handled perfectly. The people who gave us this mission were pretty intent on kidnapping the red Artifact, so they aren't necessarily friendly to the TSAB as you know it."
That's a good point, Echo. Not-Echo is even starting to have her eyes widen as she realizes the implication.
You have some comforting words-
"It's fine, Not-Echo! The assassination unit is there to murder the moving crew, anyway."
"I think we need to leave." Not-Echo replies, her eyes widening. "Right. Now."
She waves her hand, and the barrier disappears. The TSAB headquarters looks and sounds like it normally did before with sirens in the distance and people running in and out of the smouldering building.
"Let's go, now, I'll call Teana and Subaru on the way. We gotta go." Not-Echo immediately turns, and starts running toward the parking lot.
"(..Is that really a concern when Iota can just inform our sisters not to attack?)"
"(I did that when I learned they were being moved, to instruct our sisters to not take additional missions just in case they start being separated.)" Echo nods. "(I just wanted to bring that up so we could get moving. I'm still worried about those mages who are roaming the city.)"
"(Oh, you're so smart, Echo!)"
"(No, no, I don't need hugs, let's just walk.)" Echo sighs as you try to grasp her in another hug.
That's fine, you can hug her a bunch once you get back. Right now, Echo is right, you need to focus.
"(Speaking of which, do you want to recharge while we drive?)" Echo gives a good suggestion. "(This may help the 'low power' thing, even a tad. I'll wake you up if we need something destroyed.)"
"(Oh thank you, thank you so much-)"
"(No hugging, just walk.)" Echo rebuffs another attempt to reach other and grab her.
You reach Not-Echo's vehicular transportation, and climb in the back with Echo. You're sure to gently set the Axe down in the back to prevent interior damage to the van she drives. The weight of it clearly causes the back suspension to fall slightly.
You then buckle yourself in, wait for Echo to do the same, unprepared.
Suddenly, you lean over and lay down on Echo's lap. She squeaks suddenly, as you nestle your head on her thighs, and then activate Signal 8.
"Siscon." You hear the tiny fairy huff something strange at someone as the countdown ends.
8 = 8
42 = 42
38 = 38
19 = 19
87 = 87
93 = 93
58 = 58
77 = 77
79 = 79
8 = 8
23 = 23
16 = 16
9 = 9
Level up!
Uh, Red Fairy? Is that you?
You sharply gasp, and sit upright. Your speed nearly knocks Echo in the face.
"Gamma?!" Echo nearly jumps as you bolt upright. "Gamma are you okay?"
"Hahh.. Hahh.." You are panting, which is an impressive feat considering that you don't breathe. "I, uh- I don't know. Am I okay?"
"I told you not to overdo it, lay back down and I'll do a diagnostic on you." Echo sighs as she guides your head back down onto your lap. She gently starts to rub your scalp as you accept a connection request from her.
"Are you going to be okay?" Red fairy hovers a few feet away, above the driver. "You were mumbling something in your sleep, and I'm pretty sure it was 'help' over and over again."
"Help.." You say the word as if you're not sure what the meaning of it may be. "Help.. Wait.."
Why were you whispering 'Help' again and again? That's something you're not entirely sure how to describe, but what you are able to describe is the intense, uncanny feeling that you're experiencing right now.
The feeling of being watched.
As if you should have been aware of this a very, very long time before now.
"D-Does no one else feel that?!" You're not sure how else to describe it.
"Keep your head down, the diagnostic will be done soon." Echo pats your scalp.
"No, wait.." You blink, "Stop the car! Now! It's an emergency!"
"What?" The fairy braces herself against the seat.
"Gamma, no, you're just panicking, I'll-"
"It's important!" That feeling is like a dagger, jabbed into the back of your neck. "Please!"
"Stopping right now, at this park." Not-Echo, despite not understanding your panic, does seem to understand that it's important.
"You don't need to do that, it's-"
The car crawls to a stop, and you practically burst out of the rear passenger side door on the left.
"I-" You glance around, that feeling of being watched is stronger than it's ever been.
"GAMMA!" Echo yells, "If we're being stalked the answer is to KEEP DRIVING not stop on the side of the road! What if it's Hotel again!?"
"No.. It can't be that." This feels a bit more.. visceral than Hotel. Like you're being stalked by a lion instead of-
That's when it all clicks. The lack of other cars, the lack of humans, the strange realization that nobody else is on the road but you. This isn't an ordinary park you find yourself in, it's a trap.
But, by who?
"Not-Echo! Turn around and leave right now! I'll meet up with you at the-"
Your head turns back toward the road, and you see something very peculiar standing in the middle of the street.

Exactly where the car would have been if it were allowed to drive even a few meters further.
"You have very good instincts." The strange figure seems to be addressing you directly. "I was concerned this would have been a little too easy."
"It's good to finally meet you in a way appropriate for Raptors, my dear sister."
Datalink: Scanning…

Votes | Choice |
9 |
Oh, whew, I thought it was going to be something scary for a moment.
7 |
What is your mission, sister?
5 |
..You're angry, aren't you?
3 |
Hello Oscar, do you like head pats?
2 |
Command Not-Echo to leave.
2 |
Hi, you're in the road. Please move.
2 |
Ehh, do you wanna ride to the lab?
59 = 59
34 = 34
94 = 94
30 = 30
15 = 15
36 = 36
50 = 50
62 = 62
74 = 74
63 = 63
"Oh, whew." You feel the ominous feeling slowly subside, "Here I was worried it would be something scary, for a moment."
"Insults will get you no where, Gamma." She turns toward you, with a confident smile.
"What is your mission, sister?" She clearly must have some sort of purpose for being here. "Are you trying to take the artifact?"
"No, Gamma. I'm afraid things are now too far out of control to worry about the artifact anymore."
"Oh. So why are you here?"
"Because, Gamma. Things are out of control because of your doing." Oscar smirks, what a strange sister. "-And Lancer, but he's being dealt with."
"Well, sorry." You shrug, there isn't much to do other than that, "You're angry about it, aren't you?"
"Ohh, no no no. Don't misunderstand, Gamma."

"I'm not angry. Far from it, I'm more excited than I've ever been. I'm sure you understand exactly why."
You aren't going to lie. The only reason she could be here, impeding your progress, is because she was commanded to do so.
And because- there's something both of you want to do.
You reach back, and lay your hand on your axe.
"If you want to know the truth, Gamma." Oscar smiles, "She's my target, you're just my reward."
"Your.. reward?"
"Of course, I've been waiting so long to fight you, you have no idea how relieving it is to finally be here."
"Oh, I get it." You nod, "You are insane, and Echo is right."
"Insane, not insane, either ways-"
A number of holographic blades appear around her.
"The world's honeymoon period with the newest little sister is over."
You grab Barracuda off of your back, and deflect a myriad of blue-ish daggers as they close in on you. Oscar isn't phased by this, and follows up with a light-silver dagger in close range.
Despite the differences in your weapon sizes, she is no pushover.
Except, she's still not as strong as you are. You grab her in an armbar, and-
"FOOL!" She shouts!
With your arm occupied, she creates another series of glowing daggers right behind you!
They start to close in at near supersonic speeds!
You flip Oscar over in a suplex, in hopes of her taking the brunt of these tiny little implements.
Instead, they shatter in mid-air!
With a humming noise, Oscar seems to- slip past your armbar and make distance.
"HAHAHA!" Oscar is ecstatic, "ENCORE! ENCORE! I WANT ANOTHER-"
"BIND!" You hear a familiar voice command.
A golden ring wraps around Oscar.
She simply looks annoyed, as you hear another command-

"Give up, right this instant." Suddenly, Not-Echo seems to be a lot more capable than you were giving her credit for.
"Pfft-" Oscar smirks.
As almost in response, hundreds of identical holographic swords appear, opposed to the ones being cast by Not-Echo!
They all collide with one another in mid-air.
With a flick of the wrist, Oscar unbinds herself. She adjusts her suit.
Not-Echo seems to be a bit more serious after watching Oscar break that bind with such ease.
"Pitiful human magic. Don't. Interfere. In my family business." Oscar smiles.
"Gamma, step away." Not-Echo commands, "I'm going to have to use the BIG STUFF for this one."
Options: Individual.
2 = 2
40 = 40
29 = 29
182 = 182
45 = 45
1 = 1
42 = 42
44 = 44
44 = 44
81+66 = 147
"..Wow, the big stuff without Rein?"
"I have a few options.." Not-Echo mumbles, and then starts charging a glowing blue orb!
She's going to use the..
Big Stuff?
On your new sister!?
"Hold on! Wait!" You try to suppress your urge to fight for a moment, "I don't want you destroying her, and I really don't want us ganging up on her. She's right in that this is family business!"
"Gamma!" Echo shouts from inside the car, "You have one sister here, and a bunch of sisters at the labs! Priorities, Gamma!"
"I'm not going to hurt her, I just need to get her out of our way." Not-Echo replies.
Somehow, this just makes Oscar smile even wider.

She's not deterred at all.
Not even a little bit!
"Stop!" You command not-Echo to stop charging her spells, "Something still isn't right!"
Think, Gamma.
If you were in Oscar's position, you would have just destroyed the car. You wouldn't have waited for it to stop. That was going to be your plan if you had to fight the Eclipse mercenaries in the first place.
You don't know exactly how powerful Oscar is, but you do know that clearly; someone views her as your equal.
Which means..
"Don't attack her-" You realize what is happening, "If Oscar is given missions the same way I am, she's likely been told not to attack anyone who isn't a threat to her mission!"
"Tch." Oscar suddenly loses her confident smile.
"Which means-" You glance at your Echos and the tiny red fairy, "You need to leave, right now! This is between her and I!"
"WRONG, GAMMA!" Echo yells, "That's not how this works! You're told not to attack TSAB personnel! Oscar can't hurt a TSAB Commander!"
You're going to be honest.
A part of you wants to fight because..
Well, things are starting to get fun again.
"Wanna bet?"
Oscar pulls her sword very slightly toward you, from your perspective.
However, you felt it- in that instance, she managed to stab straight past your head. The magic bolt emitting from the tip managing to singe Not-Echo's collar.
She's hoping you go back to the car, so then she can take the whole thing out in one swing.
Then, she'll have Echo, and maybe even you.
"If I stepped away, she would take the opportunity to stab you. GO!" You shout, "Leave! Echo, Not-Echo, both of you go ahead! I'll have to catch up!"
"NO!" Not-Echo yells, "We don't have to leave without you, we-"
Oscar's wrist moved once more-
Now, Not-Echo's car-
Has a sunroof.
"GO!" You shout, once more-
Only this time, the tiny red fairy agrees with you-

A red web wraps around Not-Echo, she suddenly seems irate.
"She's right, we're too close and you can't cast a single spell in time to stop her, Gamma- We'll meet you at the labs, Echo, can you drive?!"
Despite being a tiny red doll, she sure came up with a plan fast.
"Already commanding it to, And Gamma-" Echo shouts-

The doors shut, and the car starts to pull away.
You turn, and face your opponent. Just in case she tries to chase after the speeding vehicle.
"You just had to go and ruin my fun, didn't you?"

"If you didn't tell them that, I could have beat you, and then have TWO sisters to show to Lady X-Ray."
"Likely story, Sister." You hold the axe confidently in your hand. "It's more like I'm going to have problems carrying you back to the labs after I beat you up."
"I'm so glad you feel the same as I do."
Her wrist moves only a centimeter, but another magic bolt is narrowly avoided by moving your head slightly.
Your head moving has inadvertently sliced INTO a hovering, holographic sword she had placed next to it.
It gives a sense of simulated pain, but the blade effortlessly shatters against your steely skin.
Ah forget it.
With a press, and a shout- You push forward with Barracuda held effortlessly in your hands.
Time for your trump card in any bad situation.
Overwhelming violence!
Yes, you love overwhelming violence.
With a bit too much force, you hit Oscar so hard she's staggered straight off of her stance.
Her response is to spawn-
Eighty or so holographic daggers.
Her form of overwhelming violence?
If one didn't work, what can eighty do?
You swing your axe at the wall of daggers, and it collides in a massive explosion of holographic shards!
Each holographic shard is like a razorblade. While your skin can stand up to one, what about close to several thousand pieces?
All of this, and you only landed one really good hit on her.
She rushes forward, with her blade-
She splits the avalanche of shards, and hits you straight in the unarmored part of your head with the side of her dagger.
You laugh, and try to hit her on the upswing of Barracuda-
"-Draghignazzo-" She mumbles.
Wait, in that span, she was charging a-

6 = 6
25 = 25
87 = 87
45 = 45
86 = 86
92 = 92
The explosion of matter and steel would deafen any ordinary mage. It has already broken several windows in the far distance, and sounded car alarms far across the city.
The flames and smoke die down to see the most important part of the massive spectacle-
You aren't defeated.
Far from it.
You hold the axe confidently in your hand as Oscar's blade scrapes against it in a show of sparks and flame.
"..It seems I've underestimated you." Oscar sighs, frustrated.
Your jacket is torn.
Your skin has black char on it.
Your face is contorted into a grin.
You're happier than you've ever been .
"-I can see now why X-Ray was interested in you, but I'm not impressed. Not yet, at least." Oscar adjusts her still-undamaged barrier jacket.
"Tell me what you want, before I turn you into scrap on the asphalt." You are practically growling. This is the angriest you think you've ever been, but it's a good angry.
"..Lady X-Ray demands your presence at the Vaizen labs. But let's not let that distract us from our fun." She smirks.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
..Yes, let's not.
4 |
If it mattered to her so much, she would be here in person.
1 |
Who even is this Lady X-Ray? Some sort of human, like Captain Lancer? (because if she's a sister she'd be just X-Ray)
0 |
Lady.. X-Ray.
83 = 83
12 = 12
27 = 27
43 = 43
85 = 85
"If it bothered her so much, she could be here in person."
"-But you wouldn't want her to rob us of our immense entertainment."
You don't know how to describe it.
But despite the fact you want to invest every ounce of energy turning her into a steel cube.
You understand it.
You get this 'Oscar' sister.
"..Yes." You feel that smile coming back on, "Let's not."
You counter Oscar by shoulder-checking her straight off of her guard.
She starts to charge more of those strange, holographic daggers.
She doesn't understand something important-
While you may be a brute.
You do learn from your mistakes.

"Wrong move, Sister."
Oscar seems to have no realized something important.
Used: ★ Multi-Seeker
You have more than one weapon.
A flurry of purple and pink seekers erupt from Scarlet as you draw the tiny pistol from your pocket.
This may damage multiple components inside of it.
But the little pistol needs to trust you.
It'll all be worth it.
The daggers start to shatter just as quickly as they appear.
"Hmph." Oscar seems undeterred, she instead starts to create more and more! She thinks she can outpace your seekers!
She has forgotten something important.
Her daggers are not stopping your seekers.
They fly straight through the barrier of daggers, and are now centimeters away from her face.
"Tch-" She starts to say something, but instead spawns dozens of daggers to intercept the tiny white bursts of light.
It seems Oscar isn't a fast learner, though.
These new, defensive daggers are now exploding in front of her face. Just as she did to you.
"GAARH-" Her front cameras are blinded by tiny shards as she closes her eyes, and immediately dispels all of the mana holding the daggers back. Her hands start to twitch as she starts slashing the tiny white seekers indiscriminately!
Again, not a fast learner-
Her dagger moves by instinct to parry the much bigger projectile coming her way-
But it's half-hearted compared to the amount of power needed to stop Barracuda's face from impacting her face!
She flies backwards, and impacts a small shed-like storage building. It crumbles onto itself.
Out of the dust, walks a very undeterred foe.

"I take it back, Gamma." Oscar is growling, "I take it all back."
"..Why are you wearing that?" You blink.
"My jacket broke, okay?" Oscar spats back, "Besides, you're not one to be throwing stones."

You glance down, and see the very visible color of flesh on your storage tanks. They're wrapped in a very thin piece of cloth which you recognize to be a towel from the acid baths. The rest of your body is completely exposed.
"Huh.." Oh, you lost yours too.
"You're not going to let that stop you, right?" Oscar smirks, "The jackets can be fixed. As can skin."
Caution: Low power.
What was that?
"Sorry Oscar, but I have two things working against me right now." You adjust your towel to better cover what it can of your storage tanks. "For one, Echo made it very clear that I'm not supposed to show anyone my storage tanks for some reason."
"While I appreciate her devotion to modesty. It is only you and I, and I'm not judgmental on your form." Oscar reassures you.
"The other concern is that it seems whoever designed me gave me a surprisingly low battery life." You're not sure you should tell her this other weakness, but it's important for her to understand. "After back-to-back missions, having to purge rancid mana, fighting one of the Aces of the TSAB and now, having to fight you personally."
"..Sounds like you've had a very busy day."
"I have!" You smile, you're glad that Oscar understands, "-Which is why, I need to recharge before we continue, I hope you're okay with that."
"..I'm not. I wish we could continue. Surely." Oscar mumbles, "In any case, you can recharge all you want at the Vaizen labs."
"Nope! That's not what I was wanting." You try to stall a bit more, "Actually, I was wanting you to take me back to the Midchilda labs, let me recharge a bit, and then we can continue fighting all we want!"
Oscar quietly considers this suggestion.
"Interesting proposal." She starts to walk in a circle, "-But couldn't the same be said if I were to take you back to Vaizen and let you recharge in our laboratory? Then, we could fight all of the time."
..Okay, maybe you need a better excuse.
"Sure, but we could just fight at the Midchilda labs after I'm fully recovered! You're not the type to declare victory after just one minor victory against someone after they ran out of charge, right?"
"On that front, you are right."
Oscar puts her blade away. You feel like you're out of the woods.
"-However, I'm also someone of my word and I promised X-Ray that I would deliver her to you. So with that in my mind, we-"
Votes | Choice |
8 |
7 |
5 |
The difference is what? A day until I go to Vaizen and we start again?
3 |
Time for the secret technique! Run away!
2 |
Oscar, that is the same as declaring yourself victorious. I am afraid that the mission assigned me by the aforementioned TSAB Ace restricts me from simply submitting. Your only option is to subdue me now, which I will resist unto my own destruction if necessary, or allow me to recharge at the midchildia labs so we can settle things properly.
2 |
1 |
Vaizen is for Virgins, and I am a Midchad.
83 = 83
87 = 87
9 = 9
"PLEEASSSEE?" You interrupt Oscar with your attempt to appeal to her sisterly instincts, "Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease PLEAAAASEEE?"
"Gamma, stop that!" Oscar seems more embarrassed by that than by you being naked, "You're a Raptor! Show some pride!"
"I would show some pride if I could go back to my labs!" You huff, "I'm not done there! I have sisters there, I have a mission to complete, I need to stop them from stealing my family!"
"Gamma, Gamma- Nobody is going to be taking our sisters." Oscar runs her hand through her hair, "X-Ray is there, and she's not going to let any disgusting humans steal our sisters away. She's already stopped the moving crews."
You blink.
"If you come with me, you can find out."
"Well, how about this-" You stand up, at the ready. "I would rather go see that for myself."
"You can see for yourself on Vaizen."
"I don't see what the difference is, it would only be one day until I go to Vaizen anyway, so we could just continue it then."
"..Gamma-" Oscar is about to say something-
You won't let her, though!
You rush forward and perform your ultimate attack against sisters!
Your arms wrap around her, and you both fall to the ground.
"H-Hey! I said no hugs! Get off me-"
"I can't... Move!" You feel Oscar trying to push against your storage tanks as you lay your head against her chest. She makes one final plea for you to move before-
You're passed out for what feels like a very long time. Though, you know from your internal clock that only twenty minutes have passed. It's not much, but it's enough to at least get you back from the low-power state.
More importantly, you don't have any disgusting nightmares.
In fact, you have very light, and fluffy dreams! Like you're sleeping on a clou-

Your head slowly raises up from Oscar's left storage tank. You glance around, and realize that you really haven't moved from where you hugged her, and fell to the ground.
Your hair is ruffled like she tried to wrestle you off, but she didn't seem to have a lot of success. Her clothes are rustled, and her shirt is slightly open at this point, almost as if she tried slipping out from beneath your vice-grip of affection.
Eventually, she appears to have closed her eyes, and is recharging.
..She's kind of cute like this.
65 = 65
You smile, and run your hand through the strands of hair covering your purple-haired sister's face. You're happy to see that even the evil sisters can have a cute side that you just want to hug!
No, no no- There's time for that later. Right now, you have more sisters to save. As tempting as letting her recharge on your thighs while you gently brush her hair would be, that's something you can put off until later.
You're suddenly remembering the tiny red fairy's off-hand comment about, what was it again, 'Siscon'?
You put it in the back of your mind, and instead focus on the problem of getting to the labs.
First, a quick sitrep.
"(Iota? Sitrep.)"
That's taking longer than it should.
You are just about to panic when-
"(Worse than last time, can't stay on line.)" Is all Iota says, before going silent once more.
'Worse than last time?'
That's not good.
You carefully stand up, being sure not to disturb the Oscar.
Used: ★ Raptor Barrier Jacket
You're engulfed with the calming white light of your sacred armor. You're sure to be as quiet as possible as you lift up Oscar, and carry her in the most dainty carry you can manage.
You hail a taxi using the public transport database. In the meantime, you can't help but feel concern over Iota's last message. You can only hope Echo and Not-Echo arrived safely to their destination.
A black, driverless car pulls up. You gently carry Oscar toward it-
When the door opens.
By itself.
No input from you at all.
You assume it must be a new feature of the automatic taxi, except-
Datalink: Scanning…

That's a lot of stars.

"Hello, Gamma. Cute Oscar you have there." The strange woman at least has good tastes, "Room for two more."
She pats the very roomy seat of the automatic taxi.
"Come on, hop in. Let's have a chat~"
Oh you really aren't sure about this.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
+I'm getting introduced to a lot of new sisters, today. Maybe I should have my missions go sideways more often.
6 |
Alright, but I'm not putting her down.
6 |
+Wait, were you waiting until I called a taxi so you could surprise me by being inside it? Dork.
4 |
..Okay but I reserve the right to dive from the taxi at any moment.
4 |
If you wanted to show up, then why Oscar invited me before?
3 |
Sit in the taxi with your axe.
The taxi is too overburdened to move.
2 |
No thanks, I have a policy against accepting rides from strangers.
2 |
Care to explain why we need to go to Vaizen?
2 |
+Boop her nose
1 |
Raptor Close and Slee
0 |
We can talk out there.
"Alright, but I'm not putting her down." You squeeze Oscar slightly to emphasize that you're not letting her go.
"No no, I'm not expecting you to." 'X-Ray' giggles, "Come, she can sleep on your lap."
Oh, well. At least she's a reasonable sister, as well.
You climb inside and gently set Oscar down on your lap. She seems completely nonplussed by the sudden movement, and stays comfortably asleep.
X-Ray glances over at you cradling her head, and sighs.
"I am so glad that the sister I've heard so much about is such a kind, gentle person." X-Ray smiles. "Oscar is that way too, once you get to know her."
"Well, I wish you could have been more direct about it instead of asking my other sister to bring me in by force."
"Did you.. not enjoy it?"
You blink, and think about her statement.
"No, I enjoyed it quite a bit." You can't help but be honest about it.
"Of course, you are a Raptor after all." X-Ray giggles.
"I was just wondering, were you waiting in a taxi nearby all along just so I could wait to call it and then surprise me by being inside of it? I've been told this is descriptive of dork-like behavior."
"Perhaps, but my methods are much more simple than that. I'm not a very patient person." X-Ray smiles.
Something about her is just getting under your skin. You're not sure how to describe it.
Either ways-
"I seem to be getting introduced to a lot of new sisters, today. It seems like I should go off my mission plans more often so I can meet even more."
"Well, I have good news for you, Gamma." X-Ray pats Oscar's exposed tummy, "I'm here on Midchilda to take you to a place where you can meet a LOT of new sisters, big and small. They would be very excited to meet you as well."
"..Why do you want me to go to another lab?"

"Because, you've done an excellent job in disrupting Caledfwlch's plans." X-Ray leans over, "You've set them back further than they were a year ago before they even made us."
You're kind of speechless, she's praising you for this?
"You must have realized something is going on when you were asked to raid a government facility and kidnap a government official, right? That conscious of yours is something Caledfwlch fears. They fear our sisterly love, Gamma. They know that together, we're unstoppable."
"So.. you need me to help destroy Caledfwlch?"
"Destroying it is a harsh term, if it's destroyed then we wouldn't have much of a place to live." X-Ray smiles, "I just really, really, really want to shove the leadership into a deep, dark prison where they cannot harm us anymore. That's all."
This… has X-Ray been planning this all along?
"Really, it's what you want as well, right? I know about Foxtrot trying to escape the other night, and it pains me to know she's stuck in a place she doesn't enjoy being. Wouldn't you like to help her, Gamma? Help us?"
39 = 39
16 = 16
You glance at your new sister.
Slowly, you blink.

She stares back at you, expecting you to be much more enthusiastic or produce some kind of different reaction from what you've given.
Slowly, she blinks.
Your hand rubs the scalp of the purple-haired sister in your lap.
Gently, she sighs during recharge.
This is a lot to take in, and it seems like X-Ray was just assuming you would go along with it.
That said, do you really have a reason not to?
You sigh, return.
"Listen, I've had a lot happen to me today." You try to explain to her as best as you can. "I'm still trying to get a handle on all of it. I'm very happy that you want me to go with you to.. wherever you live."
"This is sounding like you're dumping me, Gamma." X-Ray gives you her puppy-dog eyes.
"-I just don't exactly know what to do considering that what I really wanted to do was go back to the labs and help my sisters." You sigh, "While I do agree with you entirely about putting the leadership in a hole, preferably a black hole, this doesn't help the 'My sisters at the labs in Midchilda are in danger'."
"The Midchilda labs aren't in danger, please." X-Ray tries to allay your fears.
".. In any case, I don't really know what's going on anymore. This has gone far beyond my mission objectives and my head. I'm more than willing to trust any sister I meet, because that has worked out for me so far. I just wish at the very least that I'm allowed to visit my sisters so I can tell them that I'll be leaving if this is the path you want me to take."
X-Ray considers your proposal.
She then sighs.
"While it is entirely your decision to make if you want to visit the labs before you go; I should warn you that other sisters do not entirely-"
She makes an odd gesture with her hand.
"Trust.. me."
Votes | Choice |
8 |
..And why is that?
8 |
Trusting sisters you've just met and barely know has worked so far, no reason to doubt the trend now.
5 |
Call Echo immediately, wait, Iota is busy, demand to go to the labs and talk with Echo about it.
3 |
Can you at least say why you want to drag me to Vaizen!?
0 |
You know what, I change my mind, I think I don't want to go after all.
"They don't.. trust you?"
"We have our differences." Is all X-Ray has to say about that. "I have a way of doing things that several sisters find rather convoluted, but it gets things done."
"..Can you elaborate some?"
X-Ray sits back in her seat, and seems almost ready to go on a huge rant.
"Several sisters seem to think that if they just keep their heads low, and continue following Captain Lancer's orders, then things will just work out all on their own. They don't seem to understand that continue to follow Caledfwlch will only put them under fire sooner rather than later."
"..So your plan is to take the fight to them?"
"Precisely.." X-Ray massages Oscar's leg, "Caledfwlch does fear one thing more than anything else in this universe, Gamma."
"And that is?"
"You." X-Ray replies, "You are their worst nightmare, and if you lend me a hand, I'll work to make all of their most terrible dreams come true."
"..Right, but you haven't explained why my sisters don't trust you-"
"It's difficult to convince someone they've been fooled than it is to fool them." X-Ray replies.
You're still too confused to make heads or tails of this.
"So you're saying that if I explain that I'm working with you, X-Ray, that they will simply think you're untrustworthy and try to talk me out of it?"
"They may not view me as being untrustworthy, but they would certainly see me as dangerous." X-Ray shrugs, "Again, their belief is that Caledfwlch will live and let live, in due time. I'm irregular to them because I view that as nonsense."
You stop to think about these words.
While you wouldn't say Echo's plan is to simply follow Caledfwlch's commands, there is truth to X-Ray's words.
This is when X-Ray re-iterates something she said.
"-What they are not aware of is that we hold all the cards in this situation, Gamma. Not Caledfwlch. You already have received a fair number of resources from an unknown benefactor, yes?"
"You.. know about that?"
"I've heard rumors."
"Are you Hephaestus?"
"I wish, if I had technology like that Jammer, I would have acted against Caledfwlch sooner." X-Ray covers her mouth, "But more importantly, you have advantages now which makes you a wildcard, someone the leaderships fears as you are now beyond their control."
You consider her words for a moment, and she continues.
"All I'm really asking, Gamma, is for you to do what you think is right with the power that you have. Even if Echo or Iota say it's a bad idea, I'm here to tell you that you have all of the power you need to make the best of your situation right now. Please, Gamma. Seize the opportunity."
Your hand is absentmindedly scratching Oscar's ears as your memory banks ponder over this weighty decision.
On one hand, Echo, Iota, Foxtrot, Juliett, these people mean the world to you. You cannot imagine a world where they are not in your life.
On the other hand, if you act now, they won't have to get involved. The mission earlier was only dangerous because Echo was there. How would things have gone if Echo wasn't present, and you could have handled the problem all on your own?
After all, X-Ray is only saying what you've been thinking.
You've had the power to solve this the whole time, as long as you could guarantee your family was safe.
"..Can you ensure the safety of the Midchilda labs?"
"Are you kidding? Once you and I team up, the Midchilda labs will become the last thing on their minds."
"..In that case, I don't really have a reason to distrust you. Trusting sisters I've barely met has worked out for me so far." You shrug, "..Let's do this."
"Excellent choice, Gamma."
"-But, I want to talk to Echo before I go. Think you can do that for me?"

"Of course, Gamma. We'll be there any moment, now."
You can tell behind her oddly calm and patient demeanor lies a devil more unpredictable than any evil human you've met so far.
But if you're going to be fighting demons, what better ally could there be than the devil herself?
You're sure Echo won't approve of the idea, but you're sure you can maybe convince her.
After all, you're all family here.
The labs now have a number of flashing lights outside. If there was a place that has been lit up, this is it. The moving vans which were planned to scrape the place clean and disappear have been blockaded in.
All except one white van, which seems to have attempted to run the blockade to get into the building.

An orange haired mage with a ripped barrier jacket fires an array of tracers at a gross-looking human who takes every shot to the face.
He looks as if he's raising his staff to shoot the orange-haired human-
Except his body is nearly twisted all the way around by a pair of red gloves who reach up and separate his vertebrae from his spinal cord with a quick wrist movement.

"Too easy." Foxtrot replies as the mage falls to the ground.
"You-" Teana blinks, seemingly wanting to say something to the red-head. "..Thank you."
"It's fine, human." Foxtrot nods.
There's several more shots in the background, and Foxtrot vanishes from sight once again. Teana rushes forward to assail them.
"Give us Lancer, bitch." A raspy voice replies from behind cover.
"You don't understand yo-"
You emerge from behind cover with Barracuda slung over your shoulder. A drop of human-fluid dripping from the tip.

"Hi Teana." You nod.
"Grace?!" She sighs, "Oh thank god, I thought-"
"No time-" You want to accept the hug she wants to offer, but you have something else to do, "Have you seen Echo?"
"She's inside, is something wrong?"
You nod, and give her a light pat on the shoulder.
"..Thank you, Teana. I'm going to be going on a trip." That's the best way you can describe it, "When I get back, I want to do something to thank you for all the help you've given us, okay?"
"..Sure, but where are you going?"
You don't answer Teana's question, and instead proceed inside.
Echo sits nervously in the lobby. She clearly doesn't know what to do-
Except continue to attempt dialing outward until she can contact you.
She sits in silence, dialing the same number, over and over again.
She must be really worried.
Which is why you don't know how to handle this conversation.
"Echo?" You get her attention.
Her worried look-
Goes from surprise.
To anger-

To lubricant.
There is lubricant pouring down her cheeks.
She stands up, and rushes toward you-
With her arms outstretched, she embraces you.
"You idiot! Where have you been?!" She then immediately changes tone to scolding you.
That was a rollercoaster of emotions. Of course, all of her questions are extremely valid.
93 = 93
10 = 10
52 = 52
"Oh, right. The fight with Oscar. That was easy." You remember that she drove off before she could see the end of your fight between yourself and Oscar. "It turns out, fifteen minutes of recharging wasn't really all that much. So I fell asleep again."
"You WHAT?!" This just makes Echo seem even more upset.
"-But that's okay! I fell asleep on top of her, and it seems she lacks the strength modules to lift me AND Barracuda. So I stayed on top of her for a while until I recharged."
"..You defeated her by sitting on her."
"Laying on her." You correct her, "I was laying on top of her for at least twenty minutes in the middle of the road."
This makes Echo rub her head, she then comes back with a simple question.
"Gamma, at least explain why you didn't call."
"Iota is trying to be lowkey. Other than that, I was about to walk home with Oscar when I met the most trustworthy person!" You take Echo's hands.
"..You what?"
"When I was summoning a taxicab, the door opened and I found that there was a sister named 'X-Ray' waiting for me inside!" You smile, Echo's eyes widen. "She wants my help to consolidate our resources once and for all so we can maybe get to the bottom of this and root out the leadership of Caledfwlch!"

Echo's eyes are so conflicted right now.
"And you're trusting X-RAY for this?"
"That X-Ray?! The one who works directly with the Chairman and with Caledfwlch's heads of staff?! That one? You're going to trust HER to strike at Caledfwlch?"
"Yeah! I got it all figured out." You smile, "We're going to make it where they're too weak to oppose us, and then we can take Caledfwlch over for good!"
"Gamma-" Echo gives you the most bitter stare, "She's TRAPPING you. Don't you get it?!"
"..No? She's a sister. I trust my sisters."
"I don't trust that sister." Echo clarifies. "X-Ray is an unpredictable menace who is given way too much freedom and power to not be working either directly with the chairman or for his own purposes."
"..But she said that the Chairman is scared of me."
"Yeah, she said that because it's her job to keep you away from him." Echo clarifies, "Gamma, everyone knows Caledfwlch regards you with a ton of respect and authority, they are terrified of what you could do to them. This is why X-Ray is contacting you and asking you to do.. what exactly?"
"Oh, she wants me to go with her to Vaizen-"
"-Go with her to Vaizen so you're away from the rest of your block and are with a ton of units and command you don't know at all." Echo pouts, "Tell her 'no'. You'll be fine here on Midchilda."
Votes | Choice |
6 |
She just told me to do whatever I want though.
5 |
Why not talk to X-Ray, I'm sure she can explain all of it.
5 |
She's asking for my help, though...
4 |
I'm not a baby! I can make my own decisions.
4 |
Wait, so there really are more sisters? I need to go meet them!
2 |
But.. there's so much I'm yet to do!
2 |
But see that face "Send picture over data link" it looks so trustworthy.
2 |
But will she be fine without me on Vaizen? If a sister needs help, I want to help.
1 |
..Wait, are you serious? Maybe I acted a little too.. naively.
"Whaaat?" You're kind of flabbergasted Echo is acting this way toward a fellow sister. Isn't she the one who said we need to look out for each other? "..But she's asking for my help, though."
"Yes, she would be asking for your help if she wants to test your loyalty." Echo re-iterates.
"Listen, you're thinking too much about this." You want to trust Echo, but this is a little too paranoid. You're saying this as a magic robot borne from conspiracies, too. "If you don't trust her, then why not talk to X-Ray? I'm sure she can solve any of your fears about what's going on."
"No, talking to X-Ray is the last thing I want to do. X-Ray is not to be trusted."
You frown. It seems what X-Ray said about Echo is more true than you could have possibly imagined.
"I don't know what it is she told you, but her plan to just take you away from your block so you can attack the labs together, with her, sounds either incredibly naïve or a massive trap. Either ways, it's not something you should put your blind trust into!"
You frown.
"..But she said I should do whatever I want.." You're feeling a bit hurt by this line of questioning.
"Yes, but what you want could be dangerous!"
Echo, in a rare display, takes you into a hug.
"I already felt like I was going to die when you ran off to fight the drone, alone. I don't want to lose you again, Gamma." She whispers, "I know you're strong, and can take almost anything the universe throws at you.."

"But I am not, and I don't want to spend every day wondering if you're alive or dead."
You feel that frown coming back on, there's a moment of heated debate in your head before you form a response created from pure emotion at Echo's overprotectiveness.
"Echo, I'm not a baby!" You grasp her shoulders, "I can make my own decisions."
"I know you can, that's what is scaring me!" Echo mumbles, "I know that doesn't seem very logical, but it's how I'm feeling right now."
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Hug the Echo.
7 |
Okay, if you don't want to lose me, let's come together!
7 |
+In fact, let's take all the sisters on a trip to meet other sisters! It'll be a big family reunion!
2 |
Echo, I'm sorry.
2 |
You'll have to make a hard decision occasionally. If I don't, then how are we going to escape Caledfwlch?
2 |
I'll trust your judgement, Echo. Even if it means the bitter end.
2 |
Mention one logical thing we did today!
2 |
Gib X-Ray.
Glaring into Echo's eyes.
Seeing the pain.
The sadness.
The uncertainty at losing her sister.
It all hits far too close to home for you. It's a familiar feeling reflected in someone who you wish could never see an ounce of pain.
You want to put up the tough-girl 'I can make my own decisions', routine.
Right now, though, you just can't.
You reach out, and wrap your arms around Echo.
You were thinking Echo was just being too controlling. Thinking of you as just a helpless little girl again.
..Which sure, she has every reason to think that. Considering this is your fourth day alive.
-But you were also blind to her feelings for you. Her concern, and her despair of being left alone.
The truth is, Echo is the helpless little girl. She may be very smart, and very good at her job. At the end, she can't rely on anyone but you to protect her.
You feel her sigh heavily into your shoulder. You've really done it, now. Her eyes leak into the fabric of your uniform.
"Echo…" You're not going to apologize, but you can't help but feel overwhelming guilt over how she must be feeling right now.
"You're not a baby, I know. I know I can't keep you from making tough decisions, even if I disagree with them."
She must be referring to your whole plan back at the TSAB headquarters, earlier.
"-But, can't I at least get through to you how little you should trust X-Ray?"
"Echo.." You mumble, "Would you like to come along, then?"
Echo blinks, and stares up at you.
"..What does that accomplish?"
"Well, Echo, if you're concerned that X-Ray is going to betray me. Wouldn't you want to be right there to keep her from hurting me?"
"I.. hadn't considered that."
Echo blinks. You can tell that you've managed to get through to her.
"..But what about all of the units here? At the labs?"
"They can come with us, too!"
"All of the units?! To Vaizen?"
"Sure! why not? I don't see why X-Ray would mind."
Echo stops, she is clearly trying to say why anyone would go along with that, but she's missing the words.
"Echo, just think, if we're together, then we're unstoppable!"
"But then I'm just walking into X-Ray's trap."
"Now, Echo-" You smirk, "Do you think you can't outsmart a trap set by X-Ray?"
Seems to strike a nerve.
"Of course I can!"
"Then, what's the problem?"
Echo thinks about your proposition for a moment, and then mumbles.
"..Mind if we wait until the morning? I'd like to say goodbye to Foxtrot."
"I'll ask Foxtrot is she wants to come!"
"Gamma, someone has to stay in the labs here. Who is that going to be?"
"Well, it can't be Foxtrot. She would just run away."
"Iota is best at not leaving the labs though, so she would be perfect!"
Echo sighs, and seems to feel a bit upset about something.
"Gamma, then who is going to be our communications unit?"
"Uhh, I'm sure Vaizen has someone?"
"It's not like the lab is going to be empty. I mean, all of the humans are staying!"
"That's not what I'm-" Echo seems exasperated.
"Just, let me go ask them, then!"
Echo suddenly puts her arms around you, and you instinctively return the gesture.
"Gamma, if you go ask everybody then everybody will also realize that you're thinking of leaving."
"..Echo, what should I do, then?"

Judging by her face.
She seems just as confused as you do.
"Gamma.. I know you want to do this because I know you're the one who feels she has to solve all of the problems in the world." Echo seems to be analyzing this from an objective standpoint, "-And I also know that if you ignore X-Ray now, and she happens to be correct on this matter, then you'll never forgive yourself for ignoring her this one time."
"..Is this going to be another 'I can't make this decision for you, Gamma' moments?" You're more than aware of what Echo is hinting at with this speech.
"No, Gamma. What I'm saying is-" She pulls out of the hug, and glances at you deeply, "..If you want to go, then leave. Do it tonight, before anyone finds out. I can fake your record and make it look like you're away on a mission."
"..What?" That was not what you expected, "But, you want me to stay.."
"I want you to stay more than anything in the universe right now." Echo re-iterates, "-But I can't change what you want, Gamma. I want to do what makes you happy."
Votes | Choice |
8 |
(sigh) We are still missing 3 blocks of sisters or more, so someone need to go look for them.
7 |
Try not to cry.
7 |
Feel extremely guilty
6 |
+Cry a bunch
6 |
It's not fair, Echo! I don't have Social Combat!
3 |
(Annoyed) We also don't know what kind of deity is hacking their way into the TSAB HQ to teach us how to heal fairies!
3 |
+X-Ray probably won't bee too upset if you refuse, but Echo will be very very upset if you accept. The increased level of universal Sister Sadness will increase, therefore this course of action cannot continue.
2 |
In that case, let's get all our sisters and go!
2 |
I don't know if this will make me happy. But, I think, if I don't try to figure out what's really going on, none of us will get to be happy.
1 |
(smile) Okay, bye!
1 |
+close and go slee
"What makes.."
You start to feel something, at the edge of your eyes.
"-Me, happy?"

"Gamma.." Echo wipes a tear off of your cheek, "Why are you crying from that? All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy."
That's when you really start to feel the burn of the tears at the edges of your eyes.
"I want to be happy with YOU!"
You grab Echo again, without warning. She stays stiff for a few moments, but then softens back enough to allow you to wrap your arms around her and reciprocate your love.
Why do you have to make this decision yourself?
"I'm only a few days old.." You sob into her shoulder, "I don't know what makes me happy, Echo. I'm just taking a guess at what will make us happy, together."
Echo cradles you as you sob into her shoulder.
"I don't want to live someplace where I'll be happy if I can't be happy with you."
"..I only care that you do what you want, Gamma. I only wanted to help you understand the world, but I can't live for you."
You and her embrace for a rather long time. Long enough for Iota to call, but Echo is able to intercept it before she becomes a problem.
You pull away, and feel a strained sigh escape your voice.

You cannot put into words how guilty and selfish you feel as you tell her what you think would make you happy.
"Echo.. There are still three blocks of sisters unaccounted for. I know the Vaizen labs are dangerous, but I can't live with knowing that they're out there, alone."
"I've thought of this too, Gamma." Echo really does seem more like a big sister at this moment than she ever has before.
"..It's not fair that you're able to make me cry like this." You rub some more tears out of your eyes, "I don't have social combat like you do."
"I don't have social combat." She gives you a light squeeze, "I'm only telling you what I would tell a younger version of myself if I had the chance."
You stare at her for what feels like a long time.
A very.
Very long time.
"Echo.." You swallow your tears, and decide to tell her exactly what you are feeling, "I'm going to be leaving."
"That's okay, Gamma." Echo smiles, but you can see a tiny tear at the edge of her eye, too.
"But- It's not going to be forever." You re-iterate. "I'll be back for you, Echo. It may take a long time, but I will be back sooner than you realize."
"I know, Gamma."
She reaches out, and takes your hands.

"I'll always be waiting here, Gamma. Waiting for you. Even if it takes an eternity. But please, don't keep me waiting that long."
You feel another trail of water start to bead at your eyes.
Barely able to hold yourself back, you embrace her once more.
"ECHO!" You shout just before the tears erupt into a rainstorm.
"Not so tough without your slaves, are you?"
"Don't call them that."

A young woman with brown hair stares down close to a half-dozen thugs who have cornered her in a parking garage.
At the front is a yellow-haired kid, with sparkling electric energy.

Alongside a girly-looking man, with a deceptively calm face.
"I call things how I see them." The blonde kid fumbles with a ball of lightning in his hand. He tosses it over his shoulder, and catches it with his left hand. "Glad you at least decided to join us without them."
"Where is she?" The young woman's voice strains as she asks this pointed question.
So strained that it covers up a loud 'THUD' happening in the back.
"She's safe, we assure you." The familiar 'man' states to her, "Set down your book, and-"
All eyes turn from the young girl, to the back of the parking garage.
There, a very peculiar sight approaches.

You rotate your new toy on your hand, feeling a bit more confident than before as you eye up your foes.

This new bracelet feels pretty good on your arm. You almost passed it up if it weren't for your operator catching it in the nick of time as you walked by that Van.
Speaking of which, you need to make sure all of that conversation was recorded.
"(Whiskey, did you get all of that?)"
There's a pause on the line, but then a single 'click' indicating that all of it is recorded. It'll be important evidence against the Chairman if you can get the girly-man over there to talk.
And talk-

-He shall.
"Hang on, Echo." You mumble beneath your voice. Whiskey made you aware that the human in front of you isn't Echo, but she will make you feel a bit more certain for the time being. "-I'll be by your side again, soon enough."
"Uh?" Someone turns around just a moment too late.
"WHAT?!" The brown-haired girl exclaims, "..GAMMA?!"
"Friends, huh?" The blonde kid simply laughs. Quickly, he starts to glow with yellow energy.
You feel a smile creep across your face, and you rush forward like a dart-

(The One That Got Away END)
Bring Your Raptor To Work Day


The tiny butterfly flutters on the nearby tree. Its wings slowly open and close as your hand gets closer and closer.
You could move right now and instantly snatch it, but you would probably break it in half. Breaking it would be antithetical to the whole 'hobby' thing you were recommended to adopt.
Which in your case-
Is collecting butterflies!

Your hand closes around where the butterfly used to be. Truthfully, this was a bad approach. If you were a tad bit faster you probably would have broke it clean in half.
"Darn." You huff.

It was a bad attempt in the first place, but that attempt means you can check off your 'rehabilitation' checklist of 'find a hobby that doesn't involve killing'.
Now that you've checked that off, you can safely spend the rest of the day killing!
You stand up, and brush off the uniform that your human very helpfully gave you. You still have to meet her in about twenty minutes, at the TSAB offices.
It's been nearly two weeks since the humans came into Caledfwlch labs and made a big uproar about a bunch of things that you're not entirely sure about. What you are sure about is that many of the humans came in and started asking their Raptors (Which you still think is weird they made humans based on Raptors) all sorts of weird questions like "Were you abused?" and "Were they filming you bathing?" and "Did they touch you anywhere?" and all that sort of uncomfortable questioning.
Your human was absolutely one of the worst about it. You put up with her mostly because everyone else was putting up with their human, but you feel that they must have designed a more pushy version of you in flesh form.
It's kind of cute how clingy human-you is- for the first few days. Then it became kind of a chore.
You reach into your pocket and take out your personal communicator. Which yes, is another tool your human has been using to check on you.
Of course, there's a text message. Asking if you need 'help' getting to the Ground Forces HQ.
Geez, she's more clingy than Iota. More invasive, too.
You'll probably get used to it, but it's weird how something that's based on you can manage to be so high-strung and lacking in calmness. You're practically buddha compared to her.
Oh! But you are at least getting some nice things out of it. You feel a bit of excitement as you feel your new swimsuit rub against your skin under your school uniform. If nothing else, she lets you swim as much as you want whenever you're off the clock!
Today is supposed to be a 'big day' for the Raptors and Humans. They claim it's going to be the first 'real' joint practice mission between your groups ever since the TSAB took over the labs from Caledfwlch and arrested all those weird laboratory men. Which you're looking forward to! You're kind of curious what they're going to have you do?
You have about sixteen minutes left to get there. You could probably make it in five, with a sprint. Or..
Votes | Choice |
7 |
ARCADE! You can get a few sets in!
5 |
Ooh, maybe you can hit up the firing range there? Impress some of the humans?!
2 |
Ice cream! Ice cream!
2 |
Nanoha told me to go to the HQ, but didn't say anything about where. I could grab a few cartridges for fun... and for the mission.
You sling your backpack over your shoulder, and get an evil idea.
You can get a few sets in.
Not to mention, after that, you can swing by the firing range and make it look like you've been there the whole time!
"AWESOME!" You say to yourself, happily skipping in the opposite direction of the TSAB Ground Forces HQ. Straight toward the mall.

The arcade machine practically shouts across the whole venue as you drive your imaginary car at not-too-safe speeds through the streets of Cranagan.
Your opponent has given up long ago, opting to let her car idle on the curb as she marvels at your ability to careen this slab of steel at wreckless abandon around corners, buildings, narrowly dodging civilians on the street-
And to finish it up-
You peel out into a donut and slide the tail of your vehicle right into the finish line!
The machine gallantly boasts your amazing accomplishment to the rest of the arcade at maximum volume.
You stretch your mechanical arms out, and turn to your opponent.
"Good game!" You smile, "Pretty cool, huh?"

"Yeah, pretty fancy driving." She blinks as she eyes the screen with the high score at the top. "Do you go to school around here? You seem familiar."
"Ah, ha ha- It's nothing, really. Also, I don't really go to school, I-"
Those twenty minutes? Yeah, now it's four.
"Gotta go! Let's play again sometime, uh-"
"Harry." She smiles, "Look forward to seeing you around."
You grab your bag, and are out the arcade's door in no-time.
Shoot, you won't make it with sprinting alone!
Quickly, you hail a taxi!
A nearby car veers off the road, rolls over the median, and comes to a stop just in front of you!
"Ah, sorry-" You apologize to the automated machine, "I know that was hard on you, but I'll give you some extra oil later."
Emboldened by your promise of extra oil, the machine takes off at much safer speeds than what would be allowed if you were driving.
Despite your decision to let the vehicle drive itself instead of overriding it to drive much like you were in your video game.
You still manage to get there almost on time!
How close is almost?
Eh, about ten minutes late. That's fine, though! Because you're going to slip in and pretend that you were actually here the whole time.
You slip in behind someone else who just used their security badge (they should really patch that vulnerability) and then make a beeline for the place that you can normally be found in off-times!
The shooting range!
With some quick movements, you slip in and immediately unpack your bag.
You take one of the training pistols.
Unbox some ammunition.
And take a stall right next to someone in a long-coat.
"Wh-" Your neighbor looks over.
Oh! You know who this is.

"..Hi Hotel." Quebec, being made of superior Raptor technology, is the only one who notices you slip into the stall next to her. "How are you doing?"
"Doing good, Big Sis!" You notice her jump a little at that unfamiliar phrasing to her.
"Yeah.. still getting used to that." Quebec mumbles.
"More importantly, shouldn't you be at the 'Take Your Raptor to Work Day' thing?"
"This is work." Quebec replies, "Every day is 'Take Your Raptor to Work Day' for me."
"Oh, Sorry to hear that." That has to suck.
"But more importantly, it's a joint exercise between the Captains and you. So why aren't you there?"
"Oh, I lost track of time. I'll go in a minute."
Quebec seems blasé about it, and shrugs.
"Eh, suit yourself." She loads more cartridges into her pistol.
Your communicator is ringing.
You look down, and it's.. of course it's your human.
You pick it up, and summon the holographic screen.
"Hello!" You smile.

"Hotel!" Nosy human-you. "Is everything okay? You're a bit late."
82 = 82
"Oh am I? I'm shooting things!" You smile, "I'm here with Big Sis, say 'Hi' big sis!"
"Good morning, Captain." Quebec replies, lazily.
"Good morning, Quebec! I'm just a little concerned because it's not like you to be too late, Hotel."
"Ahaha, it's fine! Really! I must have lost track of time while at the firing range!"
"..But you just got here." Quebec mumbles.
"Shh!" You try to stop big sis from giving away your game.
Big-you doesn't seem to care that much. She happily continues speaking.
"So how has your day been so far?" There goes her prying nature, again..
"OH! I've had just the most exciting day!" You may as well tell her, "First a butterfly got away from me, signaling the end to my latest hobby, then I went to the arcade and met a schoolgirl, and then-"
"Is this why you lost track of time?"
"No no, of course not, I did all of that and still had time to get here perfectly on time." You smile, it's a harmless, comforting lie. "After that, I guess things just kind of got away from me!"
"..I guess that makes sense. After all, the Raptors seem to talk about days like we think about months." Big-You seems understanding, at the very least. "Are you on your way, then?"
"Yep! I'll be there in just a minute!"
"Okay, I'll see you soon."
With that, the call ends.
You nudge Big Sis-
"Don't sell me out like that again."
"But you're the one who told her that you-" Quebec seems nonplussed by this.
"ANYWAY! I'll be back later! Let's do some shooting practice if you're around!"
"Sure, anytime." Quebec seems a little surprised, but isn't at all unfriendly. You like Big Sis.
You grab your backpack and leave the shooting range. The trip to the training room is relatively short when you can bound two stories up the atrium. Of course, you've been scolded about doing this before, but that only counts when you're not in a hurry!
You quickly make your way inside, and see several of your sisters staring at Orange human giving a lecture about friendly fire.
Quickly, you slide up next to Foxtrot and sit down. You can tell she's bored out of her mind.
"(Hi Foxtrot!)"
"(Hello Hotel. You haven't missed much.)" Yep! She's bored!
"(I didn't think so! Have you been playing a video game to pass the time?)"
"(Naaah.)" Foxtrot is so unfun. "(I've been instead thinking about something.)"
"(It's nothing important.)" Foxtrot, on second inspection, does seem distracted by something.
You trace her eyes across the room to Gamma and Juliett, who are sitting next to each other in the back row of the second column of chairs, alone.
"(It's not those two, is it?)" Oooh, has Foxtrot noticed something?
"(I don't think it's right to gossip about other sisters.)" Again, no fun!
They appear to be watching the demonstration, but Foxtrot is right, their minds are clearly elsewhere. Not to mention, you can see them holding each other's hands.
"(Okay, but don't you think that's kinda weird?)" Holding hands in the middle of a briefing? Kinda weird.
"(Private communications.)" Foxtrot replies.
"(Oh? How does that work?)"
"(You and I are talking through Iota right now so we can talk wirelessly. I asked Echo earlier, and apparently we are capable of private communication via touch if wireless discussion is compromised. I trust Iota not to gossip about sisters, but apparently they don't.)" Foxtrot has put WAY MORE thought into this than you realized.
"(Okay! So.. tell me what you think they're talking about!)"
"(No.)" She immediately replies.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Awww COME ON! Just a little!
6 |
Maybe a hint?!
6 |
Make wild guesses, see if you can annoy her into 'correcting' them.
4 |
Oh! sounds fun! Take her hand!
4 |
Hey, do their humans even work here?
1 |
Try to bribe her!
1 |
Drop the subject, now this is getting boring. Wanna play video games?
"(Awww, come ON!)" You pout, "(Just a little?!)"
"(No.)" Foxtrot replies immediately, "(I already told you that I do not wish to gossip about sisters.)"
"(Not even a tiny hint?)" You want to give the pleading eyes but that would be too obvious in a room full of other sisters with 360 degree vision.
"(Again, no.)" Foxtrot is unrelenting, but you can tell she's still looking at them.
"(Are they having a strategy meeting about killing the humans.)"
"(W- No.)"
"(Maybe thinking about what happened last week?)"
"(Maybe? I don't know.)"
"(Ooh! They're calibrating their aiming systems! So that way, Gamma can tank while Juliett acts as ranged DPS!)"
"(I don't know what those words mean.)" Foxtrot is still no fun.
"(Well give me something! I can flood you with guesses all day!)"
"(You would get your tiny hint if you just looked at them a bit more.)"
You blink, and then let your eyes try to observe their behavior some.
While they appear to be staring straight ahead, there's a bit of a disconnect in their actual actions.
Their facial expressions appear blank, but Juliett appears almost uncomfortable. Her legs are crossed, and she seems to have a bit of a smile on her lips.
Not to mention Gamma, being extremely green, also shows a contrast of a rosy touch to her cheeks.
"(Ooooooohhhhhhh.)" You feel silly not picking up on it. "(OH!)"
"(I'm not saying anything more.)" Foxtrot continues.
"(YOU THINK- OOOOHHHH!)" Scandalous!
"(This conversation is over.)"
"(They're killing people at night!)" Yes! This is the obvious thing they're doing! "(They're going out together and murdering under the moonlight! So romantic!)"
"(Wh.. Hotel.. You are so close but so far.)"
"(Hmm?)" You blink, "(That's not it?)"
"(No!)" Foxtrot replies, "(Hotel, think of the week they found the Orange and Blue human, what were they doing? They were walking together, in the park. Not murdering. Just together, alone. Why do oyu think they were doing that?)"
"(So there would be no witnesses.)" You nod, "(For the murders.)"
Another long, awkward pause.
"(I mean, obviously the park is where they buried their last victims, right!?)"
"(We have two kinds of sisters, Hotel.)" Foxtrot sighs, "(Those who understand humans a bit too much, and some who don't understand them at all.)"
"(Yeah, it hurts understanding humans so much.)" You nod. You know everything there is to know about them like their pressure points and vital organs.
"(..But sadly for Juliett. It seems Gamma is on the team who barely understands humans at all.)"
"(Ah..)" You're starting to get it, "(So instead, they're trying to understand each others systems? Bold move, Juliett.)"
"(Hotel, you are extremely close to being correct.)" Foxtrot seems to be almost telling you exactly what it is, "(Can you explain a bit more about that.)"
"(Well, it seems obvious. Gamma doesn't get humans, so Juliett is showing her more about Raptors. Last I checked, they were exploring if there was more to them than just missions. So they were trying to do some human things, and I guess this is a human thing?)"
"(Okay, and what kind of human thing do you think it is?)"
"(Well, clearly it's not a walk in the park, because just walking around doing nothing seems boring.)" You feel this is a perfect estimate of Gamma and Juliett's interests. "(Instead, they clearly must have found some new kind of system inside of them and are exploring it together!)"
"(You are so close to getting it, it's unreal.)" Foxtrot sighs.
"(Well, what do you want me to think!?)" You're at the end of your rope, "(That it wasn't a platonic walk? They held hands with white lilies in bloom? That they gazed deeply into each other's eyes with an aura of passion in their midst?!)"
You sigh.
"(I've got nothing..)"
"(..Hotel, that's exactly it. How do you know about that stuff?!)" Foxtrot suddenly seems shocked.
"(What? I know all about that from human mass media.)" You nod.
"(Wait, so how much of that do you-)"
"(It's called 'Coupling', right?)"
"(Stop.)" Foxtrot commands, you continue.
"(Where two beings come together as one to become more-)"
"(I don't need to hear this.)"
"(-And share electrical discharges to become an even more powerful appliance than before!)"
"(Yeah! That way they can be more energy efficient, like sentai robots!)"
There's another pause.
"(Why does that seem so impossible?)" You blink.
"(Why is it that seems more likely than the previous example you just gave me?)" Foxtrot stares at you, bored.
"(Because it's Gamma and Juliett!)"
"(I mean, I hang out with Papa and Rho all of the time. Gamma and Juliett hanging out isn't something like that, right?)"
"(..Hotel, I heard you took Papa to a love hotel.)"
"(That's right.)"
"(..To shoot at things from the balcony.)"
"(Yep! It's my favorite shooting spot with her.)" You smile.
"(Then, if we want to talk about someone, let's talk about you and Papa.)" Foxtrot seems to be interested in your teammate.
"(Well, she is super into the concept of family that Gamma introduced to us and sometimes she tries to hug me. She also gives me a charge when we are in trouble or just sometimes if I'm tired.)"
"(And.. you don't think you two may end up acting like Gamma and Juliett while being so close?)"
"(Nope.)" You smile.
"(..I can see you're the type of sister to mix up business and pleasure. Considering you and Papa went to a love hotel and the only thing you could think of doing is shooting people.)"
"(And?)" You blink, "(Isn't business also pleasure?)"
"(That's exactly what Gamma and Juliett were trying to find out, and exactly why they're acting this way now.)" Foxtrot sighs, "(Maybe we should just drop it. I think you got your answer.)"
"(Did I? I'm really not sure-)"
"And so-" Orange human finishes her long speech which you ignored most of, "That's why today I would like to split up into teams of three. One human, two Raptors. This will be our first joint exercise to understand the capabilities everyone has, and see who prefers working with whom. I'll start with Gamm-"
"Juliett." She replies immediately. "Uhh, human can be whoever."
"Okay, I should have known that.." Orange human sighs, "Echo?"
"I'll go last." Echo gives a totally Echo like answer.
"Fine.." Orange human seems to be scanning the room.
Her eyes land on you.
"Hotel? Anyone you want to work with?"
Votes | Choice |
3 |
3 |
Surprise me!
3 |
Is there any humans I can share electrical discharge with to improve my energy efficiency?
3 |
gib echo
2 |
2 |
I want to work with Subaru. I heard she has an ability that pops shields; she can take down defenses while I snipe them! In the face!
1 |
Um.. Echo?
1 |
1 |
1 |
Oh, it can be me, Foxtrot, and Teana! We'll be team Stealth Kill!
1 |
(Think really, really hard.) I don't know.
4 = 4
3 = 3
5 = 5
1 = 1
3 = 3
"I'll take Papa!" You were thinking November, but this is the first outing with the humans. You should stick with who you know.
Papa's head turns, but she seems not the least bit surprised.
"(Big surprise.)" Foxtrot seemingly taunts you, "(Are you going to tell me that you aren't interested in her after you immediately called her name?)"
"(What? I just thought sticking with someone familiar would work great for our first joint mission!)" You smile.
"(That sounded almost as eager as Gamma did with Juliett.)"
"(Well, if you're jealous, I'll call your name next time.)" You give her a knowing look. She wants to shoot things with you, too!
"(No thanks, I'll-)"
"Oh, how about.. November."
"Great." November replies with a sarcastic tone.
"Okay. So-"
Orange human goes around the room, asking which Raptors would like to pair together. When she has a pretty good idea of which ones. She then asks another question-
"Okay, now that we're done with that, which humans would you like to work with today?" She nods, "Most of us would like to work with our Raptors, but if you have a preference, let me know now."
Oh! You have a great idea!
"Are there any humans I can share electrical discharge with to improve my energy efficiency?!" You feel excited.
Foxtrot DESPERATELY muffles what sounds like a human sneeze right to your immediately right. She seems to be hiding her face as she's desperately holding back something.
"(Are you okay?)"
"(You really have no shame.)" What does that mean?
"..I'll put you with Subaru." Orange human replies. "Okay, anyone else? Foxtrot?"
"Huh?" You blink.
"Okay, you get Vita then." Orange human replies.
Oh! You just had an idea!
You open up another channel to Iota. She almost instinctively knows what you wants, and brings Papa into your call with Foxtrot before you even ask!
"(Oh! Hotel.)" Papa seems surprised.
"(I'll leave you two alone.)" Foxtrot is about to leave the call.
"(Don't you want to be part of this?)" You blink.
"(We'll be on a group call during the mission. So I'll let you and your 'teammate' have some alone time.)"
"(W-Wait! What do you mean 'alone time'? What is going on? What did I miss?)"
Unfortunately for Papa, Foxtrot is already gone.
"(So Uhh..)"
"(Hello Papa!)" You smile, "(Good morning! I hope you were paying attention during that briefing, because I sure wasn't!)"
"(..That is so like you. Also, why did you pick me? This is a combat mission, so wouldn't you want a combat unit?)"
84 = 84
59 = 59
71 = 71
12 = 12
30 = 30
78 = 78
46 = 46
83 = 83
"(Nahhhhhhhhhhh-)" You understand why she would think that. So you would like to correct this misconception right now before it blossoms further. "(Why would I need a combat unit? I'm already going to be killing everything anyway. You suck at combat, so you're perfect!)"
"(..I don't SUCK at combat, I can still-)"
"(Besides! I can get to know everyone else later. This is our first official joint mission, and it's not like we're going to find another combat unit. So I'd rather avoid open combat, and we're familiar with each other. So we're a perfect team.)"
"(..Well, thank you.)" Aww, Papa is always so bashful!
"(Of course! I can think of multiple reasons to pick you, really! Like how we're taking care of a human so a repair unit would be helpful-)"
"(Oh, I don't know how to repair those..)"
"(-Or how about the fact you're way better than I am at understanding the illogical humans in the first place?)"
"(I don't think they're that illogical..)"
"(More importantly!)" You smile, "(I like you, so I picked you!)"
"(You..)" Papa seems to pause, "(..Like me?)"
"(That's right!)" You smile.
"(Like.. as in like like? Or as a sister like? Or-)"
"(Does it matter? That's not important! You're kinda sounding like Foxtrot when you make distinctions like that. Have you been talking to her about Gamma and Juliett like I have?)"
"(G-GAMMA AND-)" Papa pauses, "(You mean 'like' like 'Gamma and Juliett' like?!)"
"(I mean, you have been talking to Foxtrot about that, right? That's kind of what I mean!)"
"(..Hotel, I had no idea.)"
"(Whaaat? Of course you do!)" You smile even wider, "(We're great partners, after all!)"
"(..I'm really getting some mixed messages here.)" This seems to have confused Papa even more than before, "(Is this what you were talking to Foxtrot about?)"
"(I mean, it was. We were talking about what two people would be doing taking a walk through a park at night while holding hands. So the subject naturally came up to Gamma and Juliett-)"
"(If you.. Oh my god Foxtrot thinks we're an item.)" Papa suddenly withdraws from her attitude, "(This is why she left us alone on a call.. I've never been more embarrassed in my relatively short life.)"
"(Why? We were just talking about how humans could share their electrostatic discharge.)"
"(This is more embarrassing than Signum trying to make me her daughter..)"
98 = 98
36 = 36
"(I mean, it can't be that bad, right? We are items! We're Raptors after all!)"
"(If Signum finds out about this then she'll start making every single interaction awkward..)" Papa is still lamenting something that you don't quite understand, but you're still happy! Because-
"(Anyway, did you bring your new swimsuit?!)"
"(..I need to talk to them before any rumors spread..)"
"(Answer the question, please!)"
"(Oh, well yeah, I definitely brought the pink two-piece you brought me.)" She discreetly pulls her shirt aside a row in front of you, showing the strap. You feel a smile creep across your face. "(-But I don't know what that has to do with-)"
Suddenly, Papa's eyes widen.
Your eyes track to Foxtrot. Who is now giving you a very intense sideways glance as she witnessed this entire wordless exchange in silence.
Slowly, she starts to smile similarly to how you are.
"(Oh my god IT'S WORSE THAN I FEARED!)" Papa immediately covers her bra strap up, and sports a fierce red blush. "(I CAN'T EVEN DENY THAT WE'RE A THING, NOW! IT'S SO OVER!)"
"(Calm down, there's no point in trying to correct her now anyway. Because if you do, she'll just point out the other parallels we now have to Gamma and Juliett like spending all of the time in the same places and how we seemingly find ways to spend time with each other outside of missions.)"
"(Iota! Drag Foxtrot into the call! I need to correct this!)"
No response.
"(Anyway! Now that we're alone. We should talk about the mission! I was thinking that we could maybe get our human to take us to the clothing shop! We could be on the lookout for new swimsuits.)"
"(It's over..)" Papa keeps repeating, again and again. "(It's so over..)"
"(Nope!)" You smile, "(The search for swimsuits is never over.)"
"(Signum is going to find out.. Or Vita.. NO! VITA WILL FIND OUT FIRST!)"
"-With that, I think our teams are set for the first part of the exercise." Orange human finishes her extremely long speech. "Any questions?"
"Psst, should you ask for good date spots?" Foxtrot whispers, curious she's not using sisternet.
"Oh! Good idea!"
Wow, Papa managed to shout really loudly even though you're receiving all of this over wireless serial.
57 = 57
"Yes! Could I ask a question?!"
"Go ahead, Hotel." Orange human already seems exhausted, and you haven't asked it yet!
"(H-HOTEL! NO!)" Papa seems to be panicking for some weird reason. "(Don't do it! I couldn't stand my human teasing me even more than she already-)"
"Can we use cartridges on this mission?" You ask the question you were originally going to ask before you were rudely interrupted.
"I would prefer if you didn't." Orange human kills your excitement once again. "I'm glad you mentioned this, so I must remind everyone that cartridges may not affect Raptors, but they do affect humans. That ambient mana has to go somewhere when it's released. So no doing the Quebec thing and using twenty cartridges so you can throw as much of that as you can at whatever is in front of you. I only want short, concentrated bursts of controlled-"
Teana glares at Juliett and Gamma as she says 'controlled'.
"-Mana specifically summoned to deal with the target at hand instead of trying to flatten everything in a city block. Also Hotel, do we get that this controlled mana output should only be used on the target and only the precise amount needed, correct?"
You sigh.
"Fiine, I get it. Only use enough mana to disintegrate-"
"No disintegrations-" Teana repeats, one more time. "Hotel. Only enough to accomplish your task and nothing more. Too much mana is a boon to the enemy as well as a detriment to humans around you."
Wow. Teana sure isn't being very fun.
"..I promise." You frown.
"Okay, now- any other questions?"
"(Oh thank god..)" Papa seems relieved. "(My heart is beating out of my chest.)"
"(I know, I'm really upset that we can't use cartridges, too.)" You pout.
"I see you pouting, Hotel." Orange human IMMEDIATELY picks up on that, "Don't give me that look. You know exactly what you would do if I let you use cartridges."

"Whatever you do you mean? I'm very happy to be part of this exercise."
Teana sighs while continuing her long and boring speech.
"(Not that, Hotel. I meant the date thing.)"
"(Oh, that? I figured we could look for date spots from someone more capable than Orange Human. Such as my human!)"
"(..Hotel, Your human married her first girl-)"
"(Besides! I've already researched a bunch of them!)"
"(You.. have been researching date spots?!)"
"(WHY?!)" Papa is shocked, "(DID YOU KNOW ABOUT ALL OF THIS BEFORE I DID?!)"
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Well, date spot, training spot, murder spot, hiding spot, it's all the same, right?
4 |
I didn't want to say anything but it was kind of obvious, really.
3 |
Nope! I was thinking of good vantage points.
3 |
+I heard that Nanoha is more or less the same. Everyone can see when she like someone, but she doesn't say anything in public.
3 |
I'd be pretty bad at my job if I didn't know human customs, right? They're really exploitable; humans are dumb like that. Even dumber than you, Papa!
3 |
+Come to think of it, November would be great at this sort of thing!
2 |
"They're a great place for disintegrations. Not that anyone lets me do that, anymore." Grumble. You are not a marksman unit! You are an assassin of varied skills and approaches!
2 |
+Come on, the heavy metal shows are your date spots!
1 |
I mean, sorta.
"(I didn't want to say anything about it, but it was obvious, really.)"
"(Wait WHAT?!)"
"(I mean, we do hang around most of the time and you do go with me on most of my missions so I kinda figured something like this would come up someday. So I've been preparing!)"
"(YOU-)" Papa lowers her 'voice' over the serial connection, "(You've been preparing dating spots for us!? You've known about this for so long that you've already thought of places for us to spend time at?!) "
"(I mean, date spot, training spot, murder spot, hiding spot.)" You shrug, "(What's the difference?)"
"(I hope you hadn't just merged all of those together as one!)"
"(No, I've been preparing.)" You smile, "(They're all good places to spend time alone where no one can find us and also where you can spend many hours without seeing a single person!)"
"(That's because they double as murder and burial spots!)"
"(I don't like to be discriminatory, Papa.)" You think that makes them pretty dynamic date spots! "(If we both had shovels, that would make for an interesting date on it's own!)"
"(..Hotel, what is wrong with-)"
"Could you both please focus?"

Subaru is standing above Papa, noticing her staring straight ahead with a massive blush on her face.
"Papa! I've been talking to you for a good minute. You're not doing weird stuff in a call are you?"
Papa puts her head against the table. Several sisters are already glancing at her with worry.
You should bail her out!
47 = 47
32 = 32
Options: Individual.
1 = 1
= 0
"Don't worry, Blue Human!" You're going to be the most helpful sister! "We're just ignoring you! Because we didn't care what you were saying!"
"(This isn't helping, Hotel…)" Papa seems displeased, but you think you're handling this like a champ.
"Hotel.." Subaru sighs, "I know that you have problems paying attention to human speeches but please try to at least stay focused on something relevant to the mission."
"But it was relevant! I was talking to Papa about special spots and how to use them!"
Suddenly, Foxtrot nearly bursts into laughter right next to you.
"You.. mean murder spots, don't you?"
"Of course! Well, the variety of ways murder spots can be used, that is!"
Subaru sighs, and then smiles.

"Listen I get that you're having some kind of strange conversation with Papa because she's acting a little like Signum does when you broach certain topics. Is this really about murder?"
"(No Hotel, don't answer that.)"
Why not?
"I mean it's partially about murder, but also places to go after a mission, good spots for a da-"
"NO!" Papa forgets to use her inside voice, as well as her datalink to contain her sudden outburst. Most of the room glances at her for a moment.
Geez why does she have to be so loud?
"I knew it already, Papa." Subaru rubs her head as she tries to sink into the chair, "With the way you were blushing, shifting uncomfortably, and also because Hotel immediately picked you as her partner. You're both probably thinking of a good place to go swimming after this, right?"
"D-" Papa's face goes cold, "Does everyone else know besides me?"
"That's exactly what we were thinking!" You take the conversation from here. "A lot of good sniping spots are good for-"
"I said quit it." Papa's head turns to glare at you.
"Another thing you do is you act exactly like Signum does when she's flustered." Subaru sighs, "The maturity disappears from her mind and she becomes very irritable. So work on trying to be a little less easier to read, Papa."
"Okay but can we go swimming after the mission?" You start to feel a smile drift across your face.
"Well, since I can already tell you and Papa are dressed for it, sure." Subaru is taking t his in stride. "But- Mission first."
"Wow, both of you are dressed up for an occasion, that's kinda roman-"
Foxtrot is stopped mid-sentence. Her head slowly turns until she sees-
Human Foxtrot. Standing behind her.
"Hey." Vita mumbles at her smaller Raptor. "You shouldn't be focusing on that. We have a mission today, and unlike Subaru- I'm not as forgiving to combatants who spend the briefing distracted about useless things."
"I understand exactly what I'm supposed to be doing." Foxtrot repeats in a robotic manner.
"Good. Then I hope you can meet me in the armory in five." Vita gives a smile, and then walks down the aisle.
Foxtrot waits until she's clearly out of earshot range, and then stands up.
"Good luck on your date." She give you a pat on the shoulder.
Papa stops as she realizes her outburst just made more eyes seek refuge on her.
You tag along behind Subaru as you both head to the waiting room. The whole time, you're thinking more and more about what you probably should have said to Papa to maybe make it a bit easier on her.
Right now, she slinks behind the two of you. Not really saying anything but also not really having any more outbursts that you weren't expecting .
"Oh! Right. I should say something-" You fetch Blue Human's attention, "So I wasn't paying attention at all, what's the mission?"
This causes Papa to sigh, but Subaru is quick to recover.
"I figured as much. Today is a joint exercise between the humans and Raptors. Note, I said 'exercise', which means we're fighting simulated targets."
"Ooh, simulated! What kind?"
"This is very similar to the B-Ranker test that Teana and I took way back when. Your opponents are going to be a number of combat drones-"
"Boo, I hate hurting those." You frown.
"-As well as other mages dressed up as opponents. There are quite a few recruits Vita wanted to punish, so they'll be your punching bags for this exercise."
"Yay! I love hurting those!" Maybe you can find some way to spare the drones and hurt the humans.
"You're not going to be hurting them, Hotel. They are just practice targets. Practice. As in 'do not kill them'. Are we clear?"
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Let's go meet the victims... I mean, our opponents!
4 |
Okay, maim them, got it.
4 |
Wait so I can murder the drones but not the humans? That's Discriminatory!
4 |
So how does having a girlfriend on the mission affect it? Does it make me more effective?
3 |
"Is it really fun to hit things if they don't go kapow? Doesn't seem like there's much of a point."
3 |
I get it, they're not actually targets. They're just pretending. But everything you've said so far makes this sound really, really boring! What's in it for me?
2 |
Can I scare them with my shots so that they fall off a building— no, actually, so that they run into a trap set by Papa?
2 |
+Look around and check if the area is, in fact, clear of allies. Report your findings, offer to eliminate targets if there are any.
2 |
Why would I practice *not* killing a target? That's the most useless skill ever.
2 |
This is about getting humans and Raptors to work together, right? Well, here's some practice in working with Raptors: try to convince me to do this really tedious simulation instead of going swimming.
2 |
If they're pretending to be targets, can I pretend to kill them? I'm really good at pretending!
1 |
That's not fair! My job is assassina- 'Marksmanship' right?
"Okay, so just maim them, got it. We need them for interrogation later-"
"No." Subaru immediately replies, "No, no, no, no. No maiming, no killing, no murdering. Do you remember what Teana told you, and specifically you, about this mission?"
"Not really." You blink.
"Only use the exact amount of mana you need to incapacitate your opponent. If you do that, then they are 'out'."
"Wait.." You realize something particularly hypocritical, "So I can murder drones but I can't murder humans?! That's discriminatory!"
"I can't tell if you're being serious, but if you are- You only have to incapacitate the drones, too. There's nothing in the rulebook about having to destroy all of the training drones."
"Papa!" You feel rather offended right now, "Promise you'll revive any drones that I happen to accidentally maim, okay?!"
"Oh, uh-" Papa clearly isn't paying much attention, and her name being called suddenly startled her. "Sure, Hotel. I can do that."
"Thank you!" You feel a wave of relief wash over you, "Anyway, about maiming the humans, shall we go meet the victims?"
"Sorry, I mean 'opponents'." You smile. "Shall we go meet the opponents that I'm going to maim?"
"Sure, as long as meeting them means you think twice before actually hurting them." Subaru sighs.
She leads you along the hallway as you try to think of some way to improve Papa's mood-
Oh, you know how.
"Say, uh- You have experience with this."
"Please no more." Papa mutters behind her.
"Does having a girlfriend on a mission affect it? Does it make the mission more effective or do you want to combine during the mission for greater charging capacity?"
"Stop, please." Papa is simply defeated at this point.
Subaru, on the other hand, reacts strangely to this.
She stops and turns around, giving you a worried look.
"Hotel, is it really okay to keep teasing Papa for as long as you have been about this?"
You blink.
"What do you mean?"
"Relationships and dating isn't really a joking matter, especially to someone who seems to take it as seriously as Papa is taking it right now."
"I'm not taking it seriously!"
"-Which is why I'm wondering how long you're going to keep teasing her about it? Are you serious about the whole thing?"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
+I love all my sisters! What's the problem?
5 |
Of course I'm serious! I love swimming!
4 |
Of course. Papa has been with me the longest and she has always helped me out even when she doesn't really like the jobs, she is also always honest with me and her reactions makes me want to pinch her cheeks and smile.
3 |
I'm one of the sisters that don't understand humans, but the part that I don't understand about the relationships is all the unnecessary drama.
3 |
I try not to be serious about anything! Except missions, sometimes, if they're the good kind of mission. But you don't want that kind of serious right now.
2 |
+ Gamma and Juliet seem very happy after trying this relationship thing and i want to feel happy like that to
2 |
Honestly, if you have to be super serious about it, relationships sound like no fun at all.
1 |
Well, I like Papa and I want to go on dates with her and stuff, what about it?
1 |
..Is there a problem with teasing? I tease people about a lot of things all of the time.
1 |
Doesn't Papa's human tease her? I just want in on the fun!
1 |
You are asking that to me, but Papa is clearly the one freaking out here. I think I am the serious one right now.
"Of course I'm serious!" You smile, "I love swimming! Just like I love all of my sisters!"
"Hotel, you're being way too precise with your teasing if you wanted to pretend that you don't know the difference." Subaru sighs.
"Well, what do you want to hear? That I have special feelings for Papa because she's always with me during jobs, even ones that she doesn't want to be on, and her willingness to help and also her honesty makes me want to pinch her cheeks?"
"Eek-" Papa suddenly pulls her hat over her head, hiding her face.
"..That's exactly what you should have said, but you really should say that to her. Otherwise you're not being very direct with your feelings and you leave her in a state of uncertainty on if you're serious or not."
"Look, I really don't get this 'human relationship' thing." You cross your arms, it's time for you to be serious about this as well. "I may be one of the Raptors who don't understand humans, but I understand all this unnecessary drama even less. Isn't this kind of teasing exactly what couples should be doing?"
"To an extent, yes." Subaru smiles.
"Honestly, if I have to be super serious about it, then relationships don't seem fun at all." You pout, "Can't we just keep playing with each other and occasionally teasing? It's not like I want to start going on dates and being lovey-dovey. This-"
You turn right around and wrap your arms around Papa. Which causes her to emit the cutest squeak in the world!
"-Is really just the way I love her, as a sister and as someone I can be all teasing and cute with. Is that the wrong way to love someone?"
Subaru seems stunned. She looks like she wants to say something, but then simply drops the whole issue.
"..Hotel, I think you're right. It was really none of my business to begin with. My apologies for prying."
"Oh don't be sorry! I'm glad I could tell Papa that, too!" You give her a light squeeze, giving another cute squeak.
You continue to the training room with Papa trailing behind.
However, what you think you solved with Subaru, you may have opened a new case with Papa.
"(..Were you.. serious Hotel?)"
"(I just told you, being serious isn't really my thing.)" You pout, "(But you're the most fun sister to be around and also you're the one who is always going along with me and being honest and sincere even when all the other sisters think I'm crazy for literally no reason of my own.)"
"(Well, I mean the lovey-)"
"(If being lovey-dovey means being serious, that's just boring isn't it? I have way more fun going swimming with you, and thinking of new places to snipe from, or even just stealing someone's car and going joyriding! That's what love is, right? Enjoying each other's company?)"
"(I'm just not sure that's what a relationship is. I'm.. really not sure what a relationship is at all after this talk. )"
"(Blue human makes it sound like lots of human drama. I think a more appropriate way we could advance our relationship is to start skinny dipping.)"
Before Papa can process what those words mean. Subaru pushes through a set of double doors.
Inside are some humans all dressing up in extra-padded, extra strength armor. A couple of them stand up and salute as Subaru walks in. Others seem to scoff at her.
"Well, looks like someone came by to laugh at us, getting the punishment detail." One of them comments.
"Good morning everyone, I just thought I would introduce you to your opponents this training detail." Subaru smiles. "Everyone, this is Hotel, and Papa."
"Wait, kids?" One of them blinks.
"Hold on, is that- Captain Takamachi, what are you trying to pull here?"
- Box was spammed, here are the reader posts.
Play along! Yes, you are captain Takamachi! And you are here to train and/or blast them!
Dont worry i only have 99.99999999999% of her power.
Who's Captain Takamachi? I'm Secret Agent Love Hotel!
Dice: 1d100
78 = 78
Hello vict- I mean subordinates!
Did you hear that Papa? I'm a Captain now! Like those smelly guys who go looking for booty but end up underwater! I wish I was underwater.
Hotel: "(Gamma was wrong, they really cannot tell the difference)"
Papa: *confused internal love-feeling screeching"
Hotel: (Oh, right, you are still busy)
Hotel: "Don't worry Vic... Er, practice target, I have been informed not to apply lethal levels of mana despite my own better judgement after reading your files." *biggest Nanoha smile"
Subaru: "What she wants to say is..."
Hotel: "yeah, yeah, do not worry, they won't be worse off than those poor cute target droids which I still haven't heard any good reason for being targeted for destruction unlike this lot here
Hello, Victims... I mean, opponents, I'm Hotel! Don't waste my time with telling me your names, I will not remember them either way, just like I don't bother remembering anything about my other vi-... opponents!
My mission is to end you. Normally, I would just go full power, dump a few magazines of cartridges to annihilate you quickly and then do something worthwhile like swimming or going on a date, but I've been ordered not to. So, you have now been upgraded from Targets to Toys. Congratulations! My mission parameters are that as long as long as there is no maiming, no killing, no murdering and that I end up inflicting to you the exact sum amount of damage needed to incapacitate you, I can do whatever I want with you, so I'm sure we will have a lot of fun!
So... Any questions? Pleas for mercy? Requests for specific types of pain and suffering you would prefer to experience?
Oh, and this is Papa, she is my partner during today's playdate. If something happens to her, I will make sure what I do to you becomes permanent.
Technically, my family's name is Armor Dine and I don't think I have reached captain rank as there isn't much use for deniable assets to hold ranks when they're taking out targets. As for what we're trying to pull, I don't know since I wasn't paying attention to the briefing so I'm just going to blast you until you stop moving then go swimming. Don't worry though, I won't treat you any different from how I would treat the drones.
Recruit: "Wait... Instructor Vita will make us fight against the raptors!?"
Recruit 2: "I heard that they are the aces without mercy!"
Subaru: "It's not like that. Most raptors can't use their full power and they were created using medical data, so Hotel and Papa tend to be weaker than Nanoha and Signum."
Recruit 3: "Weaker than the best can still wipe the floor with us!"
Papa: "(Skinny dipping!? Juliett is a good girl compared with you!)"
Hotel: "(Oh, do you prefer handholding, Papa? Private communication via touch, just you and me? Even someone dense like Gamma can feel that!)"
Papa: "(You really are the White Devil... How the hell did I end up having this conversation with you?)"
If Hotel make the evil speech with red eyes...
Recruit: "We will fight the True White Devil!"
Recruit 2: "Who the hell was the mad scientist that fused together Captain Takamachi and Raising Heart!?"
Hotel, Smiling widely: "I think I just got a field promotion." -raises staff, starts glowing with magic-. "I've been told to treat you like practice drones, soooo.."
-Horrified recruit screaming-
Hello fellow humans!
Deleted box chat:
"No no, this isn't Takama-"
You interrupt blue human!
You laugh as Subaru sighs. Some of the recruits giggle.
"..This is Hotel." Subaru ruins your fun.
"Good to meet you!" You smile, "I'm not really a captain because those smelly humans spend most of their time underwater! I wish I was underwater." You cross your arms and pout.
"-She's one of the Raptors based loosely off of Captain Takamachi. She, along with Unit Papa here, will be your opponents for this exercise."
"..Based off of her?" One of the humans asks, cautiously.
"That's right!" You smile, "While I may not be exactly like her, I still contain 99.9999999999999999% of her power!" You're sure to emphasize how many 'nines' exist in that equation.
"..Nakajima, I'm not sure about this one-" The humans go right back to being cautious.
"Oh no, worry!" You don't let them know where that comma is, "I've been told to use only the precise amount of magical energy to destroy most of your body!" You smile.
They don't smile.
"Really, I'm only going to treat you as badly as the cute little drones that I'm allowed to destroy for some reason."
"(Papa, want to add anything?)"
You realize she's still reeling from the 'skinny dipping' comment.
"She's going to go as light as she can-" Subaru emphasizes that first part, "Learning to control her power output is part of her training, and she's going to be as gentle as possible in order to demonstrate that overwhelming power isn't the only key to success. Right, Hotel?"
"..Riiight." You wink at Subaru, clearly she's setting up some kind of joke.
"(SKINNY DIPPING?!)" Oh good! Papa's processor got over whatever was bothering it so much. "(You want to go.. to go-)"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Yeah, skinny dipping, what of it?
4 |
Papa! Quick! introduce yourself! The humans are waiting
4 |
I found this WONDERFUL little cove just a half-hour's walk down the beach, I think it got opened by that big ship when it crashed. So long as we don't unearth the bodies, I think it'd be a nice, private place for skinny dipping.
2 |
Introduce Papa for her since she's still hung up on that.
2 |
+This is my sister, Papa! If any of you break, she'll be the one fixing you! With lazers!
1 |
I used overwhelming power in the Vaizen mission and it worked just fine.
0 |
It saves a bunch on swimsuits!
64 = 64
67 = 67
94 = 94
99 = 99
19 = 19
"(Yeah, skinny dipping.)" She won't let this one go, will she? "(What of it?)"
"(T-That's where you take off your clothes and swim under the moonlight with someone you love, isn't it?!)"
"(I didn't know about the moonlight part, so it seems you already know way more about it than I do.)"
"(That's not what-)"
"(Besides, what I was trying to get at all of this is that I know of a new cove that opened up with that ship crashed into the harbor.)" Gamma and Juliett have really made a name for themselves the past week, "(I was going to suggest swimming there since it's just a half-walk down the beach!)"
"(Wait, I didn't even answer if-)"
"(As long as we don't unearth any of the bodies, I think it would be a great place for skinny dipping!)"
Papa gets stuck in another loop, which translates to another extremely awkward pause from the perspective of the humans. You decide to throw her an interrupt and have her introduce herself.
"(Papa, the humans.)"
"My name is Unit Papa." Papa introduces herself, "Yes, I'm based off of Signum, but no- our powers could not be any more different. She's an ancient knight, and I'm more akin to a combat engineer. If you need positions reinforced, or objects, vehicles, and drones hacked or repaired, I'm the one you ask for."
"Her and I work great together!" You start to brag a bit about Papa's abilities, "Whenever I need a ride or a sniping spot, she's there to make one! It's also very helpful being able to have someone who can take over any holographic camera at any time as a spotter!"
"WAit-" One of the humans freezes, "She can take over holographic cameras?"
"Oh yeah, I do that a bunch." Papa nods.
"But.. I thought those were secure devices, how many others can take them over?"
"I dunno-" Papa shrugs, "I can assure you that I only use it for recon. Whatever you do over them is nothing I've ever eavesdropped on."
Somehow, that doesn't make them feel more comfortable.
"Anyway! We should get going and have a demonstration, right!?" You smile, it's time for v-i-o-l-e-n-c-e.

"But first, I want to demonstrate to the recruits exactly the power levels that we'll be facing up against." Subaru stops you before you start to charge a buster on the unsuspecting humans. "So, if everyone would suit up, and follow me outside- "
The strange abandoned city (Why are there so many abandoned cities, anyway?) is alight with the sound of buster fire as you manage to clear fifteen different holographic targets that Subaru summoned. The hard-light objects break and re-form each time a seeker strikes one, covering a range of about five or six kilometers.
"W-" The recruits stand behind you, in horror.
Papa doesn't, though. She's still hung up on that skinnydipping thing.
"(Hotel, what did you think we would do while skinnydipping?)"
"(I dunno, look for treasure?)"
You finish that thought with a light buster that happens to have too much power in it accidentally which annihilates a target, goes straight through, and turns a nearby possibly abandoned building into rubble.
You then spin on your heel, and smile at the recruits.
"What do you think?" In terms of advertisements, this was your best one so far!
There's a pause as the humans, mouth-agape, give their response.
"We're all gonna be killed!"
"No no no, not KILLED." You laugh at the silly human's misconceptions, "You'll only FEEL like you've been killed! I've been told specifically not to maim or kill you. So the worst thing that's going to happen is you will get to meet my other sister in the infirmary, Sierra!"
You give him a bright smile, but that doesn't seem to alleviate the mood of the now-guarded humans.
"I don't think it's as serious as it seems." Subaru tries her hand at social combat, "She's just joking, really."
"Yeah! It's real joke that they don't expect any maimings to happen." You cross your arms, and pout. "I mean, we are fighting, after all. Don't worry, though! What doesn't kill you will make you stronger, and thus guarantee that the TSAB will want to manufacture more of you."
"Hotel.." Subaru seems to tap you on the shoulder. Which you take as a sign that maimings were supposed to be a surprise.
"(I know you want to think about swimming and looking for treasure and all, but is it really okay to scare the humans like this?)" Papa is still thinking about the skinnydipping thing.
"(What do you mean 'scare'? I'm simply being realistic.)" You don't see why everyone is so worried.
"(I just- forget it.)"
"(I still haven't heard your suggestions on what we should do instead of finding Treasure while we're swimming.)"
Oh, that seems to force Papa into some kind of loop again as her face turns red.
"Can we opt to not participate?" One of the humans raises his hand.
"..I was considering that, but unfortunately this isn't a call I can make. We're going to have to work with the Raptors eventually and it doesn't really matter if it's Hotel or anyone else. You'll have to form an efficient fighting unit with her. Which includes sparring."
"But we'll die!"
"Again! You'll just WISH you were dead!" You smile.
"I think I want to re-evaluate my contract, is that possible?"
"Sure-" Subaru sighs, "But not in the time it's going to take you to suit up and get to the training range. So let's stop being petrified with fear and get out there! The faster we do this the sooner it'll be over with!"
"And I promise it'll be over soon!"
You have a bit of a spring in your step as you leave the locker room. You don't let the horrified gasps of the participants deter you from declaring that a complete mission success!
Outside, some of the Raptors are conversing with their human partners about the training mission.
Papa is still trailing behind, not saying anything and blushing.
"(Papa?)" You're getting a little worried. "(Are you okay?)"
"(Well I could give plenty of suggestions of how you could be!)" You smile, "(You could shoot the first person we meet. Would that make you feel better?)"
"(Hotel! Do you think about anything else but murder and swimming?!)"
Votes | Choice |
16 |
I liked bugcatching for the 38 seconds I tried it, does that count?
12 |
Ice Cream!
12 |
11 |
8 |
November's cool
6 |
I don't know, what else should I be interested in, Papa?
4 |
The lab wanted me to always think about murder, but swimming and arcades seems to be things that my human enjoy. You and our sisters are the source of everything else that is not pre-programed into me one way or another, like books, conspiracies, upgrades, etc.
3 |
Poison! No, wait, that's too close to murder...
2 |
Gamma's collateral damage high score
2 |
1 |
I've heard of cake, it sounds interesting, maybe I'll like it?
1 |
1 |
Teasing you!
1 |
Heavy construction equipment
"(Well, I liked bugcatching for the 38 seconds I tried it. Does that count?)"
"(Hobbies are usually something people do for at least a minute.)" Papa sighs, "(Try again.)"
"(Wow, I didn't know 'Hobbies' had all sorts of strings attached.)" You put. "(I was just told that it was something that I did which didn't involve killing.)"
"(No , no, Hotel.)" Papa seems exhausted, "(Hobbies are activities which are done in less-than-optimal ways for the purpose of enjoying the activity.)"
"(..Wait, really?)" You blink.
"(Of course, think about it. Humans could easily capture all of the bugs they wanted if they built a large apparatus specifically made for catching bugs, but they still catch bugs with their hands. So clearly, bugcatching is an activity done for the joy of catching bugs and not the perceived efficiency of doing so.)"
"(Oh..)" Finally, a definition you can understand! "(So it would be like if I started killing people by slow poisoning or agonizing cruelty! For the fun of it!)" Your eyes light up.
"(No, Hotel, remember? The point of this is to not be killing.)" Oh right! You almost forgot!
"(Well what else am I supposed to do if my bugcatching career is over?)" You feel a bit confused on what else you could do for enjoyment. "(I also like Ice Cream and Arcades, could I make Ice Cream Arcade into a hobby?)"
"(I don't really think those are 'hobbies' either, Hotel.)" Papa huffs.
"(Well, there sure seem to be a lot of definitions on what a hobby isn't!)" You feel a bit frustrated at this entire endeavour.
"(Can you try to think of some other activity which humans may consider difficult but they do for sport?)" Papa is seriously trying to be helpful, "(Killing, Swimming, Ice Cream, and Arcades can't be all to your life.)"
"(Well, I don't know, you?)" You blink, "(I mean, I do enjoy spending lots of time with you, so that means I can make you my hobby, right? What else should I be interested in?)"
Uh oh, there's that utter silence coming over the line that you were experiencing either. Papa's face starts to blush behind her big cute dorky glasses. Which signals the end of your conversation with her.
"(November is cool too, I guess.)" You glance over at her in her extremely tight flight suit readying up for the exam. You're going to guess she'll pass it the easiest of all your sisters simply because there's no way the humans can deploy anything that can keep up with her without filling the sky with lasers.
Mmm, filling the sky with lasers. Could that be a hobby?
"Hotel! Papa!" Oh! Blue human is getting your attention. "It's time for your briefing!"
You drag Papa, still processing the previous information, and stand in front of Subaru with a bright smile on your face.
"Are we ready to start killing?!"
"Again, Hotel, no killing, no maiming." She sighs.
"Oh! Oh, sorry. Just hurting. Got it."
"..Hotel, Papa, your targets today will comprise of both automated targets and human practice targets. Your goal is simple-"
She points to the other end of the arena-
"Close to 3 kilometers away from the start, is the finish line. Go through the arena and eliminate the targets. You will be scored on how many targets you eliminate."
That sounds like killing to you! Why is she so against it?!
"-You will also be scored on how quickly you finish this course. You can achieve full score by finishing this course ahead of the pace time and eliminating very few targets. On the alternati-"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Papa, let's jury-rig a car! Then you can drive and I'll shoot from the hatch, like in the movies!
6 |
I don't see why you're even telling us about the alternatives.
3 |
Shoot everything that moves, got it. Let's go Papa!
3 |
So I can shoot all of the humans but spare the drones, then?
3 |
What is the pace time?
3 |
I will be the one eliminating everything! Unless there's something that can deactivate all drones at once and Papa can control.
2 |
Partial power, total elimination!
2 |
Get to the exit as fast as possible, kill anyone who gets in the way, got it!
1 |
I can't just turn on my people, what is the minimum amount of drones I can shoot down while finishing the course?
92+48 = 140
68 = 68
11 = 11
85 = 85
10 = 10
154+94 = 248
40 = 40
43 = 43
80 = 80
96 = 96
92+48 = 140
"I don't know why you're even telling us about the alternatives, Papa!"
You shake your partner as she slowly starts to become lucid again. The pink-haired girl blinks and utters a faint-
"-We need you to jury-rig us the finest battle wagon you can create in the next five minutes or so!" You triumphantly hold Papa aloft.
"Battle.. Wagon?" Apparently, Papa's state looping kept her from digesting that briefing.
"Correct! Don't worry about the weapons, though. I'll take care of the shooting." You smile.
"Hold on-" Subaru stops you, "As per rules, devices and objects created for the purpose of beating the challenge can only be created AFTER the challenge has begun. If the clock is ticking, do you really have time to be looking around for an old vehicle chassis to turn into an armored car?"
"Oh, that's no problem as long as I can find a sturdy chassis." Papa smiles. Her interest is piqued when talking about engineering.
"-And if you can't?" Subaru gives her a proposal, "As the human who is trying to guide you through this training mission. I should remind you to not rely on fortunate circumstances at passing this exam. You need to have a backup plan in case there doesn't happen to be anything to use."
"I can just engineer a car from the metal then, right? How long do I have?"
"Perfect score is 5 minutes to complete." Subaru crosses her arms, "So you had better come up with a better idea to cover those three kilometers. Both of you can run that distance in 5 minutes, right?"
"I can!" You smile, "And I can carry Papa princess-"
"I can run on my own." Papa replies, immediately. "-But even if I can. Wouldn't it be better to build some- any kind of transportation? Even if it's just a scooter or a motorbike."
"..If you're so certain that you'll be able to make that distance in time, then who am I to stop you?" Subaru seems content with that answer, "I don't want to downplay the effectiveness of your combat engineering, because it seems like a very helpful skill."
"Don't worry." Papa smiles, "I can make something good in no time!"
"Okay, then." Subaru smiles, "You're up next after November, which I don't think will take very long. So you two should get ready."

"That's right!" You smile, "We were created ready!"
Subaru nods, and leaves you with Papa.
Which is a good time for her to whisper to you.
"(Hotel, I'm nervous..)" Papa gives you those cute puppy-dog eyes.
Votes | Choice |
19 |
Why would you be nervous? You're amazing!
16 |
We can always cheat!
15 |
Did you develop empathy for Vita's recruits? Because even she doesn't worry a lot about their safety.
6 |
In a giant, abandoned city like that, cars are sure to be everywhere!
6 |
All Warfare is based on deception, to fool your enemy you must first be able to-OOH SHINY! *BONG!* *BANG-BANG-BANG!* Alright let's go!
5 |
Grab and squeeze her hand to reassure her!
4 |
I know that pretty much all the humans related with you are watching and recording this, but it's nothing to worry about now.
3 |
You are nervous most of the time, so you are normal now.
1 |
Don't worry, we will wreck 'em all!
"(Don't be!)" You give her a great big smile, "(Why would you be nervous? You're amazing!)"
Papa blushes, "(I'm really not, I'm just a support unit, deep down. Not really suited for combat at all.)"
"(You listen here!)" You're not going to let someone as talented as Papa downplay herself like that. "(You're not just the most talented support unit but you're also extremely cute and very dangerous, too!)"
"(Hotel, please-)"
"(And- And! Not only are you extremely suited for combat but you're also extremely important for my combat function as well!)" You want to be sure that she understands that.
"(I don't think any of that is remotely true. You could operate entirely without me.)" Papa's really flustered now, so you're sure to grab her hand to emphasize it.
"(Even if I could, I wouldn't want to! We're a team, Papa. And without you I'm really just a gun-wielding maniac and that's only fine if I'm not a LONE gun-wielding maniac!)"
"(Hotel.. I'm not sure that's what you meant to say.)"
"(I know what I said!)" You smile. "(You're a very valuable combatant who can completely change the battlefield in just a few minutes of construction and I just shoot things! That's why I need you Papa.)"
You look deep into her eyes.
"(I want you by my side.)"
"(Hotel..)" Papa is about to softlock again, but she snaps out of it, "(-Wait, but we don't have a few minutes, we only have five.)"
"(Don't worry.)" You give a sly smile, "(We can cheat.)"
"(..Is that going to be our battle plan? Cheating? How do you propose we do that?)"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Let's make a tank and roll through the city.
6 |
Papa, you can hack into the humans' comms, or even the monitoring equipment. That way we can see where they all are and shoot through buildings!
4 |
We're going to hijack a few of those drones, let them fight for us!
2 |
Nothing clears out enemies more than firepower! Start blasting the buildings!
2 |
I dunno could we order a taxi and use that?
1 |
We'll build something right now and take it in! Nothing in the rules says we can't do that.
1 |
You could hack one of those patrol ships in orbit and crash it into the area! then we can surf on the explosion and wipe out everything in one go!
1 |
We can call in air support! There's no way November can resist a chance to show off her flying.
1 |
Trigger a quarantine alert to cut off the outside
1 |
We were told we can't build something and take it in, but if you build it then cut it in half, it'll be MULTIPLE things we're taking in, none of which is a vehicle!
1 |
Requisition that mech from the lab its totally got a homing feature then you can blast stuff
"(Papa, I have an idea.)" You give her an evil smile, "(It will involve a little prep work, but I think we can make it happen before November finishes her run.)"
"(..You do?)"
"(Yeah..)" You grin.
"Okay! Team Ready!"
November's run goes about as everyone would expect.
"Okay, November-" Foxtrot tries to keep her partner in check, "Remember, we both have to-"
"..This happens every time.." Foxtrot grumbles, watching the mach cone form around November like a white skirt made of air. She quickly flies off at speeds too fast for most spells to keep up with, and starts to systematically tear the city apart. Missile by missile and seeker by seeker.
All of the humans used as bait volunteers immediately run for cover. None of them attempting to shoot back. What few drones move in on November are destroyed almost instantly as she zips through the highways and bursts past the finish line in less than 30 seconds.
"Mission complete." November stops on a dime just past the finish line.
Gently, she does a curtsy.
"Awaiting further orders."
Not everyone, however, is happy with her performance.

"Good job, November." Reinforce, who is acting as the referee for this trial run, crosses her arms with a frown. "-But you forgot rule number one of this exercise, which is YOU MUST FINISH WITH YOUR PARTNER! Foxtrot is still all the way at the start, looking dejected!"
"Oh, not a problem." November turns around, "I'll retrieve her and mission will be over."
"It's too late! You just finished!" Reinforce, despite being only a few dozen centimeters tall, pulls at November's barrier jacket, "Listening to the rules and objectives is also something you're graded on! Minus ten points! The mission will end once Foxtrot runs all the way here!"
"..Excuse me, tiny blue doll, this is highly unfair."
"No it isn't!"
You see that this is going to be an exchange between Reinforce and November that may go on for a while.
Which means that it's the perfect distraction! You and Papa sneak up to the awaiting mission area, just before the starting line. Papa eyes something that could be of value, and you cover her as she moves in.
"(Coast is clear, work your magic!)"
"(Got it!)" Papa immediately gets to work.
After November was disqualified and ordered to do additional training with Fate. It's now your turn!
"(Papa, are we ready?)"
"(Is the antenna aligned?)"
"(Absolutely, and I'm passing its output over your datalink.)"
"(Heheh..)" You give her a light hug, "(And you said you weren't a good combatant!)"
"Okay..." Subaru calls out, "Please don't argue with the judge like the last participant, and please get ready."
"I was born ready!" You smile.
This causes Subaru to pause, but she immediately starts the countdown.
"3! 2! 1! GO!"
You immediately interpret the data from the datalink to pinpoint some human communications. It seems they're split into three groups, and one of them is going to try taking you by surprise right at the entrance of the test area!
You fire three shots in quick succession straight through the wall at what the antenna identified as their communication signature.
"THAT'S CHEATING HOTEL!" Subaru immediately shouts as she notices your merely-a-coincidence breakers happened to go through solid stone and happened to interscent with the sacrifice volunteers.
"NO IT'S NOT! PROVE IT!" You turn to your partner, "NOW, PAPA!"
The wall of the nearby building collapses as Papa's handiwork plows through!
A modern interpretation of a battle tank trounces over the rubble and stops just in front of you! Papa hops in without a second thought as a random seeker uselessly impacts the side of its steel plating!
"OKAY! THAT'S REALLY CHEATING!" Subaru is full-on pout, now.
Votes | Choice |
32 |
No it's not! This is just an application of Papa's ability!
26 |
It's not our fault her ability is really, really overpowered!
22 |
You have two tanks of your own, I don't want to hear anything about cheating from you! Especially because Papa's is bigger!
14 |
+Where in the rules does it say that tanks aren't allowed?
10 |
No time to talk! GET IN!
8 |
Magical Girl Murder Hotel is about to start!
7 |
If the fodder wanted a fair fight, they shouldn't have been born human!
6 |
As long as we cheat less than November, we still win!
4 |
Nyah Nyah! Prove it!
4 |
I want to see what happened if you call out Signum for cheating with her sword!
3 |
Get in loser, we're going shooting!
2 |
It's not cheating if I have fun!
1 |
"Isn't cheating that thing you do when you stare at my human behind Teana's back?"
"No it's not! This is just an application of Papa's ability!" You shout at the increasingly frustrated Subaru. "It's not our fault her ability is really, really overpowered!"
"ISN'T THERE ANOTHER WAY TO USE THAT?!" Subaru starts trying to chase the tank, but Papa realizes the danger and quickly puts the pedal to the metal as she approaches. "EVEN IF THE RULES DON'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT TANKS, THIS FEELS LIKE IT'S AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF THE RULES!"

"I don't want to hear anything about cheating with tanks from you!" You climb on top, and enter the hatch, "You already have two big tanks of your own! You're just jealous Papa's is bigger!"
"Why you-" Subaru pouts until her face is red.

"Besides, I thought cheating was that thing you do when you stare at my human behind Teana's back!" You smirk, "Papa, hit the gas!"
"Roger!" She shouts.
"GOOD LUCK GETTING THAT ALL THE WAY TO THE END IN FIVE MINUTES!" Subaru shouts some nonsense just before you shut the hatch behind you.
The metal behemoth starts rolling across the battlefield. Occasionally, one of the drones or humans tries to take a shot at it, and the spell bounces uselessly off of the armored car.
"Hotel! Last one was at 3 o'clock! From the window!"
The 'Tank' doesn't really have a turret, mostly because Papa couldn't find anything strong enough to mount a mortar on.
But who needs a big gun when she has you?!
You pop out of the top of the tank, and zap the general direction of Papa's instructions.
"AARRGHH!" Ahaha! Direct hit!
You slap the hatch shut, and watch the timer.. You're still on good pace. You have covered about a kilometer of the three kilometer course in just two minutes! nice!
"We're doing great, Papa!" You smile.
"I'm a little concerned that things are going a bit too easy for us." Papa's starting to worry, because she's cute like that! Also because she has a painfully low self-esteem.
"Why be concerned?" You pop out and take another shot at a human who appears to have been trying to hide by the roadside with some kind of improvised explosive. You think they're called LAMs?
"Because the humans haven't trie- Ohh, I spoke too soon."
You press your face close to Papa's to see out of her peep hole. This causes her to heat up significantly as you see what she's concerned about.
Up ahead, the humans have finally decided to try blocking the road. There's a burned-out vehicle of some kind pushed into the center of the path. Not to mention a large bridge pillar pushed across THAT, and behind that-
They blew the bridge. The path you're supposed to take appears to instead descend downward into oblivion. Or the bridge was already blown and this is just part of the course. It's hard to tell. Either ways-
"You can't make this thing fly, can you?"
"Not on such short notice, no!" Papa pushes away from you for some reason.
"-Uhh, can we possibly um.. Rebuild the bridge?"
"I'd have to get out to do that, and I'm not sure that's a good use of our resources right now! Besides, I think we have to deal with these humans, first!"
That's a good idea.
You open the hatch once more and-
You pop your head back in just as a powerful spell echoes over the tank from the right. If you didn't have 360 facing cameras, that could have taken your head off!
That's concerning. The humans are starting to learn! They shouldn't be learning! That's what machines do! Something must be done!
Votes | Choice |
7 |
How dare you 'Learn'! Full power!
7 |
You don't see a path? MAKE A PATH!
3 |
Gun the throttle, blast your magic behind you like an improvised rocket booster, and LEAP THE GAP.
3 |
Start launching Breakers downward? With enough force, maybe the recoil could get you and Papa over the gap, even if you would have to run the rest of the way.
2 |
Papaaaaaaa, you're supposed to think for me!!!
2 |
Try getting their position from the comms interception again!
2 |
Make a grappling hook launcher, use that to reel the two of you over the "oblivion" — after you Breaker the ones shooting you into oblivion!
2 |
Are there any really tall buildings that you could collapse and turn into a bridge?
1 |
Abandon tank! We're on foot from here!
59 = 59
12 = 12
100 = 100
12 = 12
91 = 91
90 = 90
53 = 53
"Grrr.." You growl audibly to no one but yourself, "How dare they 'learn'.."
"Hotel?" Papa blinks, "Hotel! Control yourself!"

"LISTEN UP YOU DIRTY HUMANS!" You pop from the tank's hatch, and give them a confident glare, "FULL POWER!"
"WAIT! NOT HERE! NOT NOW!" Papa's control of the vehicle is great despite the fact she's panicking!
You start to rapidly heat up as the magical energy from your linker core goes into overdrive. Your body reaches unsafe temperatures for humans to even be near, not to mention it's terrible for your dress!
Either ways, you have a plan that's going to blow these humans away!
None of them will survive!
"Hotel! I need you to control yourself! We're faced with multiple opponents, so tiring yourself out right now is the worst idea you could h-"
You perch atop the tank, red energy engulfing you!
"OH MY GOD SHE'S GONNA KILL US! I KNEW IT!" The humans immediately dive for cover.
They have every reason to do so!
But not for the reasons they think!

"HAHAHAHAHAH!" You cackle as the massive Super Omega Power Mega Buster Breaker (A name you made up just now!) blows straight through multiple layers of concrete and steel as buildings topple, roads upend, and-
Oh, the 'Abandoned City' is now starting to shift a bit. Abandoned? Unused? Either ways you think you must have hit a load-bearing building with that breaker.
"Hahahah, that was-" You grin.
Oh, oh you remembered something.
You're in that city that's starting to fall over.
"GO, PAPA!" You shout into the tank.
"I'm going! I'm going!"
"WE ARE GONNA DIE!" One of the humans shouts, "The city is splitting apart!"
"Hang on! Full throttle!"
The treads whine as the city starts to crumble beneath your tank! The metal treads grind asphalt and tear concrete asunder as you reach near-unsafe speeds through the rapidly deteriorating streets!
Suddenly, the treads quit whining as you hit a slightly-elevated section of concrete!
This is awesome!
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Even Papa is screaming in delight! This is the greatest moment ever! Atop the tank, sailing through the air!
"Perfect! I planned this all along!"

"You're doing a great job! Just keep doing whatever you're doing now!" You smile as the flames from the exploding city lick your back like you're in an action film!
"I'M CRASHING! THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING!" Papa is crying in delight!
The 'Tank' practically sheds its protective outer shell as plates, metal pieces, frames, and even a part of the engine falls off onto the road!
The feeling of rushing air hits your face! You're still going a considerable speed!
"Papa! Got a plan to slow down at the finish line, here?!"
"Working on it!"
She gets immediately right next to you, and her eyes start to glow..
"Oh god this won't work.."
Suddenly, she grabs onto you!
"I'm not going to look at what happens next!"
"AAAAAAH! NOT AGAIN!" Papa buries her face in your chest!
Papa screams as she holds onto you for dear life! A cloth chute materializes out of thin air and attaches to your back with welded metal connections to your barrier jacket!

"PAPA! YOU'RE THE GREATEST!" You're flying! For the first time ever, you're-
"I'M SCARED OF HEIGHTS!" Papa shouts, gripping onto you even tighter.
"Oh, that's fine." You pat Papa, "We're almost down."
"We are!?" Papa looks at just the last second before-
You both collapse into a pile just inside of the finish line.
"Ohhhhh…" Papa moans as she presses her face back into your chest.
"See? We're a great team!" You give her a nice pat.
A tiny blue fairy watches, and presses a button on her stopwatch.
"..Three minutes, fifty seconds." Reinforce mumbles, "A new record."
Somehow, Reinforce isn't celebrating.
Instead she's.. glaring at you. Severely displeased with something.
"Hotel." Reinforce points at you, "The arena is ruined, both of you almost flattened yourselves in a tank against the arena, and there's now a rescue operation underway for the human staff. Give me one reason I shouldn't disqualify you for reckless behavior!"
"Who cares about that- I GOT TO FLY!" You sit upright and puft your arms out in a show of victory to rival the greatest athletes to have ever lived. "YOU SAW IT! I WAS FLYING!"
You jump up from the tangled up mess Papa finds herself in with the parachute, and start jumping, cheering, feeling all sorts of excitement tingle your metal spine.
You double back to the tangled web Papa is encased in, undoing her bindings and then throwing your arms around her.
"PAPA! THANK YOU! THIS IS THE BEST GIFT EVER!" You squeeze her like a teddy bear.
She lazily coughs as you nearly squeeze her into jello. Only giving one single response to your affection.
"..Let's never do that again." She mumbles.
"Aww! Don't be that way! Let's fly again! Every day!"
"I'm going to die." She mumbles, once more.
"EXCUSE ME!" Reinforce doesn't quite take well to being ignored so flagrantly. "I'm right here and I just told you- Hotel, your reckless endangerment would be a complete disaster on the battlefield!"
"I don't want to be lectured by someone who gets to fly all of the time." You glance up at the scolding fairy. "It's no fair, you don't touch the ground at all."
"Hotel! Focus! You! Disqualified!" She puffs her cheeks out.
"You don't want me to be disqualified, Rein." You pout, "For one, I would enjoy that. For two, do you really want to risk us having to redo the exercise again? You only had one abandoned city!"
"That's exactly the problem, Hotel. If November was too passive with her approach to the problem then you were too destructive! The exercise was about combat effectiveness, not about wanton destruction!"
"Hey! No fair!" You huff, "You're just trying to disqualify all of the Raptors today! The objective we were assigned didn't mention anything about collateral damage at all! You're going to disqualify every Raptor if you keep making up new rules at the end."
"Not true." Rein floats down toward Papa, "Papa, congratulations. You passed with flying colors."
"WHAAAAAAA?!" Now you're just confused.
"Wait, what?" Papa herself blinks in confusion.
"Papa, you fulfilled all of your objectives perfectly and demonstrated the effectiveness of your combat engineering." Reinforce smiles, "Your immense ability to augment and improvise will make you a fine Ground Forces mage."
"Hey! Not fair! We're a TEAM, remember?!" You frown.
"I know you're a team, but I also know that Papa's approach to the arena was exactly what I was expecting out of the Raptors. It was collected, cool, she had a plan, and she executed it. If the idea was to nuke everything from orbit, we have ships for that." Reinforce crosses her tiny arms, and huffs.
"You don't understand, tiny, unfair flying blue fairy!" You know her name, it's just not something you want to give her right now, "Everything we did was survivable by Raptor standards and we beat all of our goals! Asking to use the Raptors is like asking to nuke something from orbit anyway, I'm just more effective at it- and if wanton destruction is suddenly a problem when it was never a problem with my human, than No-!"
You stand up, and proudly tower over her.
"I'm not disqualified!" You shout, "I disqualify you!"
There's an awkward pause as Reinforce glances at you for a few moments. Her tiny-hair-antenna slowly drooping down as she simply sighs and continues talking.
"..Hotel, please report to your human after this. You will be retaking this course with.. November.."
Votes | Choice |
12 |
+ Congratulations Papa on passing (Hug)
10 |
6 |
"Fiiiine~! You realize I am just going to ride with November and do it all over again, but even better, right? The arena is expendable and your mages can take it! And. I. Can. Do. This. All Day! ALL DAY!"
3 |
"Okay but you're still disqualified!"
3 |
Come on, Papa! We need to make an air superiority fighter now! This is going to be AWESOME!
3 |
"I am going to keep doing what I love and keep loving what I do! You can't stop me! You'll regret disqualifying me just as much as I'll enjoy getting to blow up things twice!"
3 |
Fiiine! I will ask Nanoha and November to give me some data about flying so I can give more traumas to the recruits!
3 |
+Stealth Run!
1 |
..Understandable, have a nice day.
0 |
"Aw..." You sigh, "Well, congratulations Papa, on passing."
You reach over and give her a very good sister-squeeze. You're getting very good at giving those.
Unlike previously where Papa would soft-lock at such shows of affection, she instead gently leans into it.
"Thanks, Hotel. I'm sorry it didn't work out."
"No, it's not your fault, Papa." You give her an even tighter embrace, "We're a great team. Never forget it. And- we can still go swimming after this."
"After this?" Papa seems confused.
"Yeah, this won't take us very long at all." You smile.
Then you stand up, and point to Reinforce.
"Fiiiiine~!" You smile, "I'll accept your 'Disqualification'."
"That's good, because-"
"Because being with November means MORE FLYING!" You do a hop, and smile, "And while we're flying, I hope you realize I am just going to ride with her and do it all over again, but even better! The arena is expendable and all of your mages can take it, and the best part-"
You get real close to Reinforce, and she seems to slink back with a kind of worried glance on her eyes.
"-Is that I can do. this. all. day!" You smirk, "November will pass her exam by working with me, and I'll pass mine because you only have so many humans who will volunteer to get blasted."
"Hotel! This is serious!" Reinforce huffs, "You're not supposed to!"
"Anyway! You're still disqualified! Come on, Papa! Let's build an air superiority fighter!"
"Wait, I don't want to fly anymore, wait wait WAIT!"
You don't listen as you scoop Papa up under your arms, and prance away past the rescue crews trying to escape the blazing inferno, completely unaware they get to do it again in a few hours!
After Papa promised to build you a fighter jet, she decided she should probably wash the smell of burning out of her clothes. You offered to help wash her, but that caused her to soft-lock, again.
You're still tempted to just sneak into the showers and help but for right now, you need to meet November! Who is going to be your fighter jet partner this exercise!
You stay to watch a few of your sisters complete their courses. After they witnessed you get disqualified, they proceeded to be a bit more careful with destruction while completing their trials.
Which makes you feel a little bit proud. If it weren't for your sacrifice, none of them would have known not to destroy the city or the people inside of it!
You plant yourself down next to November, who seems to be staring into space. Your human notices your approach, and greets you warmly.
"Hi, sweetheart!" Nanoha smiles, "Sorry about earlier."
Votes | Choice |
8 |
November I am here to team up. It is time to make the tiny blue doll pay!
7 |
Why? You didn't disqualify me!
7 |
Gush to November about flying
7 |
Hehe, it's fine! I get to break everyone again!
6 |
Aha! My human! Prepare to see a flying weapon platform even better than yourself: me, being carried by November!
3 |
Sorry for breaking your city. It is surprisingly fragile.
3 |
"I never thought flying could be so much fun!"
0 |
About being based on your tendencies? Accepted!
"Why? You didn't disqualify me!" You smile at your human.
She responds by giving you a loving headpat.
"I know, but being disqualified because you did too good of a job must still feel bad."

"Aw, I don't feel too bad." You smile, leaning into the loving hand of your human, "It's fine, after all! I get to break everyone again!"
"Now, now, Hotel. It would be best not to break everyone if you can help it." Nanoha is being a bit of a killjoy. "-If you break them, then we can't use them later!"
Oh my...
"So.. killing them.. is inefficient?"
"Correct!" Nanoha smiles, "We have to train those recruits, and they can take as long as five years to become combat-ready."
"Five years?!" That's.. they're practically ancient!
"That's right, so try not to waste years by breaking our extremely old and very fragile recruits." Nanoha smiles, and gives you a pat.
"Hotel." November finally acknowledges your presence, "Five years isn't that long for hum-"
"Hello everyone!"

"Human November!" You cheer as she decides to come join you.
"Aw, there's our little omen of destruction." Nanoha and Fate take turns patting and squeezing you.
"I was just explaining to her why it's a bad idea to break recruits." Nanoha rubs your head.
"Heheh, I think I get the message. So just rough them up, not break them entirely. It's inefficient."
Fate looks like she wants to say something, but Nanoha just gives a hand signal.
"-Very correct, Hotel!" Fate smiles.
"Heheh, this next trial is going to be great! I got to fly last time with Papa's help and it felt so cool! I'm hoping this new plan involves a flying weapon platform even better than yourself!"
"Yeah, flying sure is great, isn't it?" Nanoha sighs, "It's a good way to escape breakers you t hrow."
"Oh! Is it ever! I'm going to get November to fly me over above the battlefield and-"
"Won't you just fly yourself?" Fate blinks.
"I'm not carrying you." November replies, rudely!
"Awww, November! Come on! Flying was so cool! I never get to fly normally, so being able to see the world from the sky all of the time must be the greatest feeling!"
"I'm still not carrying you." November huffs.
You reach over-
AND GRAB NOVEMBER'S CUTE, TIGHT OUTFIT! With a pull, you snap it against her skin!

"WH- HEY!" November jumps.
"Fly! I want to fly again! I never get to fly!"
"Wait wait-" Nanoha stops you, "Why don't you get to fly? You should be able to, right?"
57 = 57
20 = 20
"Only by rocket jumping! Really, I don't have any of those flying skills at all."
"Because you didn't select them, right?" Nanoha is starting to seem a bit disappointed. "Hotel, you should know that massive destruction requires the ability to fly away from the massive destruction. You're not like Gamma and can-"
"Nope!" You smile, "I was created completely without that function! So if a Sister wants to completely blast through the test, she will have to carry me."
You punctuate that remark by grabbing onto November, and squeezing her tighter.
"Wait, I thought you were based on a scan of Nanoha-"
Fate's inquiry is met with Nanoha shaking her head at her, and Fate covering her mouth with her hand.
"Yes, that's my human." November mumbles, "The woman with no tact."
"Aww, I don't mind you asking!" You smile, "It's true! Big Hotel IS my human! I simply don't have the skill tree for flying. Foxtrot and Papa also can't fly on their own, even though I'm sure you've seen them try!"
"..Why woul-"
"We're based on the medical scans of humans, so I guess she's based on a version of you that can't fly." November simply shrugs, "It's not a big deal-"
"Not to you!" You grab her outfit and snap it again! She squeaks and then wiggles from your arms! "Flying was awesome! I wish I could fly all of the time!"
"Hold on-" Nanoha seems to be piecing together something.
Can't fly.
A time when she couldn't fly..
Medical scans...
Your height, apparent age, power output.
"..I'm the reason you can't fly." Nanoha puts her hand to her mouth, her gaze looks absolutely mortified.
"What?" Big November glances at your human.
"When I was Hotel's age.. Medical scans.. Couldn't fly.. That was the year of the gadget drone incident.." Nanoha seems to be getting rather emotional!
"Well, I don't have to worry about that now!" You grab November back into your arms as she tries pushing you off, "I have a sister here I can experience the joy of flight with vicariously!"
"Let go of me, I'm still not carrying you." November mumbles.
"..What have I done?"
You blink, confused. Why are her lenses lubricating?
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Uhh, you haven't done anything yet! Not until the retrial starts, at least.
5 |
If the problem is you and you can fly now, then I just need to check my configurations and download the spell... No reason for human drama.
5 |
+November Pleasepleasepleaseplease
4 |
Pester November to carry you.
4 |
Papa is 50 centimeters smaller than Signum and you don't see Vita blaming herself for this tragedy.
3 |
I prefer to see the bright side, Nanoha. And the bright side just happen to come from the breakers I can use because of you!
2 |
1 |
..Are you mad at me because I can't fly?
42 = 42
24 = 24
67 = 67
92 = 92
22 = 22
36 = 36
85 = 85
50 = 50
30 = 30
"Uhh, but you haven't done anything yet!" You smile, desperately trying to keep November from wiggling away this time. "Worry about doing things when the retrial starts!"
"My utter disregard for safety, hasn't just impacted me, anymore.."
Fate immediately snaps over to Nanoha the second those words leave her mouth. At first, she's absolutely confused on what to do. Then-
"I.. ruined Hotel's life, too?"
Without another word, Fate grabs the larger version of you into her arms, and starts squeezing tight.
Which gives you an idea-
"No." November instinctively pushes you away as she notices her human do the inverse.
"Aww, November! Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!"
"If I carry you, then what exactly am I going to be doing?! Am I just your jetpack?!"
"No! No no, you're much more of a fighter jet or an attack helicopter!" You try to think of the most flattering things you can compare her to.
"I won't be your hoverboard, I demand that I get some things to blow up, too!" November gives you a very interesting counterpoint.
"Okay, well what if I destroy half of everything, and you destroy half of-"
You feel a pair of very light, quivering arms start to lose their grip on you.
"I AM SO SORRY, HOTEL!" Big you seems to hold back a torrent of sadness.
"Aw, don't cry, human." You pat bigger-you. "At least you're not like Vita and have like four units made after her."
"No, of course I'll get to fly, November will fly me!"
"I didn't say 'yes'!"

"Nanoha..-" Fate squeezes human-you, "Nanoha, please, let's take a break."
"Hotel.. Hotel... I'm-"
The big November gently guides the big Hotel away. As you and November simply stare on.
"Wow, and I thought my human was the whiny one." November shrugs.
"Yeah... I haven't seen her leak lubricant before.." You huff. "-But if you want to make me feel better, then-"
"Will you stop?" November scowls.
"Excuse me!"
A redhead walks over, and seems to stand up next to you with a puzzled expression.
"Is everything okay?" Vita seems immensely confused,
"November won't let me fly with her!" It's true!
She immediately scowls as she glares at you.
"No! I don't want to CARRY you! Act your age, Hotel!"

"I am acting my age! I'm told six month old humans act even more pushy!"
"Girls, girls..." Vita clearly rubs the top of her red scalp. "-hotel, don't force your teammate to do something she doesn't want to do."
"Why not?!" Now THAT stings. Flying feels so good, too!
"That'll show you." November pouts.
"And November, how do you expect to clear this course if you don't work alongside your teammate? This is why you were disqualified the first time."
"Oh, I was just going to keep doing the same thing over and over again until you let me pass." November shrugs.
"What a coincidence!" You beam, "So was I!"
"You two.." Vita grumbles, "Can either of you at least give me a plan that doesn't involve wearing our patience down?"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
The lab never complained! I was almost perfected by the time you found us.
5 |
Okay, so November carries me, and then-
5 |
Well, the blown up bridge is a bit of a problem to get past if nobody carries me. November.
5 |
I GUESS... November can scout from above and act as a spotter, I shoot everyone, and then I WALK to the end, because my sister DOESN'T CARE ABOUT ME.
4 |
Why would we abandon a plan we know will work?!
4 |
I just figure you'll run out of cities eventually!
3 |
We were programmed to be very aggressive, so defensive battles are a pain.
3 |
This test is very slated against Raptors that can’t fly!
1 |
Sorry the only other idea going through my head is just 'Murder' over and over again.
1 |
If you want a strategy, then find unit Kilo and make her join us.
1 |
Find a way to get yourself injured, so you can't walk and November has to carry you to the exit!
You smile, you know the perfect plan already!
"Okay, so November carries me, and then-"
"Ugh.." November sighs.
"..Okay, I GUESS-" You think of the least fun way you could be doing this, "November can scout from above and act as a spotter. Then I could shoot everyone while she covers me from the air."
"That's better." Vita nods.
"-And then I WALK, like some kind of SLUG, to the finish line, because my sister-"
You turn toward November just to be sure she hears this part.
You pout, right in her face.
"..Hotel, I do care about you, but I don't want to carry you."
"Then you want me to jump really high because otherwise I can't get past the blown-up bridge if I'm not carried." You frown.
"You two.." Vita sighs, and pats both of you on the head.
"And you!" You huff at Vita, "The lab never complained about our plans before! I was almost perfected by the time you found us. So clearly they wanted this kind of destructive power."
"We do things..-"
Vita stops.
"Okay I can't say we do things different in the TSAB, but we tend not to make that our first plan to action. That's really the only reason Reinforce is angry: you had a fairly good plan with the tank, but instead of choosing strategy and protection, you chose violence." Vita sighs.
"Is that.." November glances at Vita.
"That's a bad thing, yes." Vita huffs.
"Okay but WHY is it a bad thing." You pout, "I keep being told, over and over, since I was rebranded as the 'Marksman unit' that violence is not the answer! But if it's not, what is? We were made to apply violence to problems until they go away. What, is it a problem if too much is applied?"
"..Yeah, it is a problem."
"If it's a problem, then why do you ask me to address them the only way I know how?" You're really annoyed by this, and Vita is the only one who will listen, "Just last week, I was being praised for making a perfect shot from between a gap in two buildings straight through the head of a target and through his accomplice. I felt good doing that! It felt like a proper test of my skills."
You sigh.
"-Asking me to just.. maim targets. Anyone can do that. You don't need me to do it."
Vita seems surprised by your sudden outburst, she seems like she wants to say something, but instead sighs and sits herself down.
"..I guess this is to be expected of trying to transition the experienced combat mages who are less than a year old immediately to live-fire exercise without proper psych evaluations."
"I understood part of that!" You smile, and nod. "And I agree, it IS unfair to put us in live-fire exercise and not expect live-fire results!"
"That's not what I-" Vita sighs, "Well, close enough. Either ways, I have to ask. If you were to do that exercise again, in a way you felt comfortable doing, could you control your violent tendencies?"
Votes | Choice |
26 |
I controlled them enough, right? Everyone lived!
17 |
I was already in perfect control, so I guess you're really asking me to limit them.
8 |
I mean, I COULD, I'm just not sure I really want to.
5 |
An exercise I feel comfortable doing? …*Maniacal Giggling*.
4 |
..Uhh, could I defer to November?
3 |
3 |
I COULD but now we have to discuss how much violence is appropriate.
2 |
I could control my shots to only hit kneecaps?
"I controlled them enough, right?" You smile, "Everyone lived!"
"I mean control them in a way which doesn't put the arena at risk and does complete the mission while also leaving you feeling satisfied that you completed it." Vita clarifies herself, "Could you do that? For me?"
When she puts it that way..
"..Ohh that's just not fun at all." You fall to the ground, and cross your arms with a pout. "I was already in perfect control! So I guess you're really just asking me to limit them."

"Limiting is a kind of control. It's not the only control." Vita tries to clarify herself. "While it's true that people have been asking you to limit your power. They really just want you to limit the destruction your power can bring. That's not really limiting your power at all."
You blink. Then, you smile.
"I don't get it at all."
"That's understandable." Vita nods, "I've been working with someone who hasn't gotten it for the twelve years I've known her."

"Wow! Twelve years! And she still hasn't learned it?!" You beam, "That human must be really slow!"
"Oh yes." Vita mumbles, "The slowest."
"So.. if I need to really just vary my force on this specific thing, I can go all-out in other ways?"
"You definitely have plenty of power, Hotel." Vita rubs your head, and it feels very soothing. "-You just lack technique. November has plenty of technique, but lacks power."
"Watch it." November mumbles.
Her hands keep running through your hair, and she simply coos to herself softly.
"..Yeah I get why people do this, now.."
"So, what I really need is technique? But what if I really don't want to?" You feel a bit sullen, "Overwhelming destructive murder has always worked for me."
"Because otherwise, I'm not sure November will work with you."
"I've already said I don't want to." November huffs.
"And November-" Vita stands upright, "You should know that solitary behavior has only worked for you because no one has asked you to do anything else other than be a lone wolf during your missions."
"I like it that way, though."
"Have you tried any other way?"

"Can't." November levitates, glowing softly as she does. "No one else is fast enough to keep up with me. I doubt Hotel can keep up with me, either."
Votes | Choice |
22 |
"Just think of me as a less ergonomic, but still hand held Starlight Breaker device, if you like. Ooh, and you can my flight pack! Together, we are fast and powerful!"
16 |
I'm not fast! but that's why I need you, sis!
15 |
I broke the record 5 minutes ago... Miss too fast to carry my sister!
13 |
"Some people think they can outrun me. Maybe. Maybe. I have yet to meet one that can outrun Breaker."
7 |
"I dunno, I heard Gamma beat you with a kick, a couple of Breakers at the ground and I'm sure to win!"
5 |
So how many sisters overwhelm your speed when you need to keep up with all of them at once, doing different things?
3 |
How about this, let's have a contest! Who can destroy the most targets during the trial!
3 |
Maybe you can outrun me, but can you outrun a magical beam of doom?
3 |
"Yeah, missions where the goal is to run away suit you, November. You're great at those."
2 |
You're weakness in close quarters is very obvious November.
1 |
+Fuse the top 2
0 |
Oh yeah?! I'll show you!
"Oh yeah?" You stand up, and proudly beam.

"I broke the record just five minutes ago! Miss 'Too fast to carry my sister'!"
"Pfft-" November nearly laughs, "That's a cute lie, but I can just ask Vita here and she'll say-"
"She's right."
November glares backwards at her with a look of horror.
"It's true." Vita sighs, "She even beat your record. Now, you can see the aftermath of the way she did it. Which is why she's here right now instead of getting one of the best scores ever recorded in the Ground Forces."
"How could she be faster than my record?!" November looks legitamitely offended.

"Well, some people think they can outrun me." You give a slight hop, showing you can fly if you want. "Maybe- but I'm yet to meet anyone who can outrun breaker."
"That's just another way of saying you're incredibly slow but heavily armed like a tank!" November frowns, "How can someone like that beat my time?!"
"By beating the arena to bits.." Vita frowns.
"-It's true I'm not fast, sister. That's why I need you!"
You reach forward, and take her hands.
"I need you to think of me as a less ergonomic, but still very mobile hand-held Starlight Breaker device!" You are beaming right at her as she simply stares at you, "Ooh! and you can be my flight pack! Together, we are fast and powerful!"
"I don't WANT to be your flight pack." November huffs. You smile, and shake her hands up and down.
"Then you're fine with just being fast, not powerful?" You frown.
"You'll never beat my record that way."
Oh that made November pout VERY HARD.
"Girls, girls." Vita breaks this up before it turns into a sparring match. "I think you both need to work out how you're going to accomplish this together if you want to complete this challenge, because-"
You see Subaru waving toward you. Along with a little blue fairy sighing as she floats above her shoulder.
"-You're next."
Votes | Choice |
6 |
One last puppy eye stare
6 |
Remind November that it won't count if she crosses the finish line without you, then go really... really... slowly, shooting humans as you go. She'll carry you just to get it over with!
5 |
If big breakers break the arena, how about trying a billion tiny seekers? Find the sweet spot between obliteration of humans and not quite collapsing concrete!
4 |
Hear that?! WE'RE NEXT!
3 |
Hug November and don't let go! She'll have to carry you one way or another!
3 |
If November won't carry you, you'll just find and shoot all of the humans yourself! Wide area search, go! Once you've got a lock on a human, or humans, you can smite them with guided shots.
2 |
Okay, so you carry me, and-
2 |
Give November firm instructions to distract the humans while you do all the real work of actually winning. Go fly around or something! It's all you're good at!
1 |
+Skirt Curtsey thats juuust high enough you can play it off as Raptor forgetfullness. Subaru is weak to that stuff!
37 = 37
31 = 31
73 = 73
92 = 92
44 = 44
26 = 26
90 = 90
48 = 48
..Looks like it's now or never on getting to fly again. Oh, and getting your sister to complete the course with you. Though that's a distant second to getting to fly again.
"It's time, November." You continue holding her hand, "You can either get disqualified again for finishing without your partner, and also not beating my record-"
"What? You can walk, right?"
"-What makes you think I'm going to walk fast enough for you to finish?" You give her a very curt smile.
"Hotel.. You-" She's glaring at you, now-
"OR!" You grab her hands once more, and pull her close-

"-Or, you can accept that your cute sister has some.. shortcomings that she really needs her sister to help overcome. I really do need your help, November. I'm really only good at one thing, and I'm never going to be able to soar through the sky like you can-"

"What are you-"

"-Which is why." You aren't letting her go. You instead pull her closer "-If you could, just this once, please let me fly with you through the sky. We'll pass our exam, you'll beat my record, and I'll get to taste a little bit of what you feel every single day.
Your 360 cameras get a glimpse of every human in earshot range stopping as you give your big emotional speech to November. Your eyes glimmering particularly bright to give that slightly-pouting teary-eyed effect.
Most of the humans have bought it, with one-

-Giving you a really strange and oddly interested look.
November simply frowns.

"..FiiiIIIIIIINE." She practically moans, "I'll take you up, just this once-"
She cuts off your celebration, "-But if you move around too much or my arms get tired, I'm dropping you into the ocean."
"That's fine with me!" Free swimming! "-but I promise I won't struggle. I, in fact, already have an excellent idea on how we're going to clear this course! "
"..if it involves firing breakers powerful enough to throw me off-balance while flying, I'll still drop you." November pouts.
"No! No!" You smile, "I got something better."
"..You are going to tell me before we start, right?" November mumbles as you both walk toward the starting gate.
"..I guess not." November frowns.
"Heheh.." You smile, "It'll be a surprise!"
"I will drop you if I'm surprised mid-flight." November crosses her arms.
"Ready your marks, you two!" The blue fairy buzzes up to you. "You're up next!"
"Hey! Aren't you disqualified!" You pout back at her.

"I re-qualified myself. I can do that."
"Whaaa? Then I wanna-"
"Right." November grabs her device from behind, "Ready to do this, Hotel?"

You feel the magic start to emanate from her. So you follow in-kind.

"As long as you make this a fun time for me, Sister." You smile, and feel your jacket refresh.
"Please don't make this matter on if we pass or fail dependent on if you have a good time or not!" November immediately huffs as she lines up behind you. Your magic fields interacting-
And your jackets re-forming.

"Heheh.." You admire your handiwork, "Aerodynamic jacket! Check it out!"
"..Oh good, I thought your 'secret weapon' would be some kind of new barrage spell or something that could overwhelm my magic field mid-flight." November sighs.
5 = 5
52 = 52
82 = 82
19 = 19
75 = 75
89 = 89
29 = 29
43 = 43
Options: Sum. Threshold: 100.
34 = 34 (Fail)
11 = 11
3 = 3
70 = 70
89 = 89
95 = 95
18 = 18
3 = 3
34 = 34
"Hehe, of course not!"
"Good, beacuse-"
"If I'm going to tell you about that, then you're not going to know until we're in the air!" You smile.
"..If that happens, I WILL let you go." November repeats, again.
"Timer's running ladies!" Reinforce shouts, "This is not the time for bickering!"
"She's right." November approaches you, "Quick, let me grab-"
You immediately take her hands, and pull her close.
"Okay! Let's fly." You smile.
"..No, Hotel. I need to grab your waist." She pulls away with a sigh.
"Oh! Oh." You turn around, "Right! I knew that."
You can see her give you a sideways glance from your rear-view camera, but she wraps her arms around you cautiously.
"Here we go."
"LET'S DO IT!" You shout.
You start to lift off from the ground.
November gets her bearings as she tests how difficult it is to carry you aloft. Once she gets her bearings-
She flies.
You're catapulted nearly two hundred meters by her merely moving a fraction of her maximum power! The whole time, the wind on your face, the force of extra gravity on your body, the sheer scale of seeing everyone smaller than ants. It's-
"AMAZING!" You are absolutely beaming right now.
"Stop struggling, or I WILL drop you. Now, do that thing you said you were going to do-"
You carefully aim your staff, when-
"Hahaha-" You start to giggle.
"What's so funny?" November asks, cautiously.
"Th-" You keep from giggling, "They're hiding."
"They're hiding!" You feel an evil grin creep across your face, "HIDING! FROM US! COWERING! FLEEING!"
"Hotel.." November gives you a shake, "Hotel, control yourself, or you're going in the water-"
Used: Starlight Rainfall
"HOTEL! W- Rainfall? What is that?"
You ignore November, and start to glow in her arms.
Millions! millions and millions of little pink seekers erupt in a sphere all around you and November.
"HOTEL!" November suddenly seems worried, "HOTEL! I CAN'T SEE! IT'S ALL JUST A WALL OF PINK ALL AROUND ME!"
"YEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH-" You give a triumphant shout-
As every.
falls toward the arena.
And toward the cowards who think they can hide!
It sounds like a million typewriters typing a million books for a million years.
The goal?
The complete saturation of every flat surface within several square kilometers.
You may have miscalculated the math on that. As you think some spots behind a few ceilings and a couple of tabletops will be safe, but as for effectiveness-
Humans pour from the buildings running around in circles, waving their arms as the pink rain slowly melts their barrier jackets.
With a job well done, you ask November only one thing-
"Hey.. can I go to sleep now?"
"Wh- No!" November shakes you, "If you fall asleep, you lose!"
65 = 65
52 = 52
13 = 13
79 = 79
95 = 95
99 = 99
35 = 35
72 = 72
"I can stay aw-"
You can stay awake..
"Hotel?" November gives you a shake.
You can stay awake..
You can-
"Hotel! Pay attention!"
November is right.
You can stay awake.
You can pay attention!
You just need.. need something.. Need something worth staying awake for.
"November." You mumble, "Can you take it if I fire off another breaker?"

"Hotel! You're already feeling like you're low on power, and you want to fire ANOTHER spell of?!" November repeats your intentions, and makes it sound as if you're absolutely insane for some reason.
"Of course!" You give a toothy grin.

"I need some sort of motivation for staying awake! If I fall asleep, I can't make things explode anymore!" You suddenly feel your circuits going back into overdrive. The veil of sleep is lifting!
November is staring at you like you're positively insane!
"Hotel, when we get back, I would like to ask both you and your human what the heck is wrong with either of you."
"Aw, what's wrong?! You mean why we can't shoot larger breakers?!" She's making fun of you! "Watch this!"
"I'll drop you if you mess this up."
"Have I ever-"
Used: Starlight Breaker

"Messed one of these up before?!"
Where is this one going?
You don't know.
Is anyone on the ground even still fight-worthy to catch it?
You're not sure.
What you are sure of, though.
Is that there's a massive-
Going straight toward the arena!

A wave of concrete dust and smoke engulf the arena. You're pretty sure nobody caught that, but you're also pretty sure nobody is going to be the unlucky fool who claims you didn't knock them 'out' after that.
You sigh as the finishing touches rain across the arena. Bits of concrete, flame, glass, just all sorts of non-organic chaos crunches and splashes in all directions!
"..I think that's mission complete, November." You smile.
"..I think earlier, when I asked 'What the heck is wrong with either of you'. I meant two things, really."
"Oh?!" You blink.
"Yeah, for one, what the heck is wrong with you to make you this way, and for two, what the heck is wrong with your human to produce the scan that made you this way."
"What is 'This way'?!" You pout, "Be specific! You mean-"

"..I mean you did a good job Hotel." November sighs.
"A good job?!" Your eyes light up.
"Yeah, I don't know what it's a good job of, but there was a job done and it was good enough for our purposes. Mission complete. I'm flying to the exit, now."
"Don't move, I will drop you." November sighs.
With a crack- you both speed quickly past the finish line-
Your feet slowly settle down on the concrete on the other side of the line.
And- The tiny, disqualified fairy clicks something in her hand.
"..Congratulations, Hotel, November. You both passed."
"Thank Kaiser.." November seemed very worried about that.
"Heheh, Good job! I knew we could-"

"But-" The rude fairy interrupts you again, "I have to ask a little question, Hotel."
"Oh? What's wrong?" You give a slight head tilt to indicate 'Please don't ruin this for us' as best as you can.
"Nothing serious it's just.. That second blast-" Reinforce sighs, the sound of approaching rescue vehicles makes their klaxon sirens known once again, "..Was that really necessary?! What did you do that for?!"
Votes | Choice |
5 |
5 |
5 |
Let's call it... 'Oppressing fire'.
5 |
See, in my first attack, the individual seekers were not very powerful, even if there was more of them. So *someone* may have thought that I don't have it in me to follow up. So I acted to disabuse them of that silly notion. With that display of power, I ensured that no slow human would be willing to try to continue resisting, even if the first attack didn't get them.
3 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
A warning.
"No, see, in my first attack, the individual seekers were not very powerful." You smile, "Even if there was more of them, so someone may have thought that I don't have it in me to follow up."
You give November a knowing wink, and she simply stares at you with her usual deadpan eyes.
"-So I acted to disabuse them of that silly notion!" You smile, confidently. "With that display of power, I ensured that no slow human would be willing to try to continue resisting. Even if the first attack didn't manage to defeat them!"
"..Oh, so you were doing them a favor?" Reinforce asks in a very strange tone of voice.
"Of course! The favor was 'I wasn't going to hit you with a giant Starlight Breaker if you simply stay hidden'! It's what let us clear the course so quickly, and prevent any further casualties!"
You say this as the fire engines continue spraying water and foam onto the raging inferno in the background.
"..Uh huh."
"It's really just insurance!"
"Hotel told me that she wanted to use another spell so she didn't fall asleep." November! Don't just tell her that!
"..So you were using it like Coffee?"
"Well, I was going a whole fifteen seconds without casting a spell in combat, what was I supposed to do?!" Maybe she'll be understanding!
"..What the heck is wrong with either of you?!" The tiny fairy huffs, "Either you or your human! You're both like this!"
"That's what I asked!" November seems very understanding to the tiny blue fairy, "That's exactly what I asked!"
You turn away from them as you hear a set of footsteps approaching!
"Hiii!" It's your human! And November's human!
"Congratulations on passing, Hotel!" Nanoha picks you up, and gives you a twirl in the air.
"Heheh, Thanks!"
"Nanoha!" Fate seems to scold her lightly, "Aren't you going to say something about all of this?All of the fire? All of the destruction!?"
"Oh, right!"
She sets you down, and then bends over to look you in the eye.
"-Always remember when you use a starlight breaker from the air, never to aim it STRAIGHT down."
"Correct! The splashback from the spell can cause a cascade in your linker core, it's a big problem with human mages who use spells against large surfaces." She puts her finger up, "Think of it like throwing a stone into a lake, always cast a spell at an angle so the splashback isn't directed at you."
"Wow! That's really handy to know!" Your eyes are practically sparkling, "Thanks human me!"
"Aww.." Nanoha rubs your head.
This results in Fate simply sighing.
"-Anything else you want to tell her?"
"Well.." Nanoha thinks about it for a moment. "-Right, about the flying thing. I'm sorry that my decisions kept you from being able to experience the sky."
"Aww! Again! I'm not angry about it!"
"-I was thinking, Maybe we could teach you to fly?" She smiles, "It's a series of small steps, but every aerial mage-"
"NANOHA!" Tiny disqualified fairy yells, "Not that either! We mean-"
She points toward the burning wreckage of the arena.
Nanoha glimpses at this, and then shrugs.
"Oh yeah and don't use too much power on our abandoned cities, anyway! Training! We can start small with trying to float, and then try to fly!"
"I'D LOVE THAT!" You are so happy to hear those words right now!
"Why.." November mumbles.
"Hmm?" You glance backward at your sister.
"..Why are both of you like this?" November blinks.
"I've asked myself that for years.." Fate gives your sister a pat on the head.
"That's not very nice, November." You frown, "Of course there needs to be two of us like this! I mean, what if one of us isn't around to go Full Power?!"
"Two... Did Caledfwlch.. are they trying to destroy the whole world?" November blinks.
"Listen-" Fate holds Nanoha around the shoulder, "I know she's a bit.. eccentric, but she's very talented as a mage."
"And as a troublemaker." Rein frowns.
"You guys, I'm not that much trouble." Nanoha blushes.
"..Did they make two of you so you can destroy the whole world?" November seems genuinely frightened.
"I've heard that before!" November almost visibly jumps as Nanoha scoops her up into her arms, "This is just how we express our love!"
"You express your love through massive, uncontrolled applications of firepower?!" November glances backwards at your human, and then back to you.
Fate and Reinforce simply sigh.
42 = 42
66 = 66
33 = 33

"Yes! And I also express my love through concentrated, tightly controlled applications of firepower!" You smile at her.

She simply stares at you in the strangest way.
"Hold on! I don't JUST display my love through concentrated firepower!"
"Oh, do tell." November states, deadpan.
"Correct! I also express annoyance, tiredness, sadness, excitement, boredom, and hunger through massive, uncontrolled and controlled applications of firepower! Love isn't special that way." You smile.
She simply turns her head toward her human.
"..Well at least the human version isn't quite like this, right?"
"When she's fighting? I would say she's even worse." Big November replies.
She also bends over and lifts you into her arms.

"-But that's why we're here! So we can keep a tight leash on our crazed battle maniacs!"
"..I don't want to be in charge of keeping a leash on Hotel." November pouts.
Nanoha leans over, and gives her a light squeeze.
"It's good for you though, to have someone who can keep up with you!"
"If I do that for her, I'd have to do that for all my sisters."
"She's right!" You smile, "You make it sound like Gamma doesn't do the same thing!"
"-Or Juliett." November mumbles, "They really are made for each other."
"Really, I've tried talking, with words I mean. But talking with Papa feels like a eternity, and people can just ignore us when we don't hit them very hard. So it's clear what the winner in social combat is!" You snuggle big November.
"Why are you two like this?" The tiny blue disqualified fairy mumbles as she floats away.
This.. Oh wait! You remember something, now!
"By the way, where is Papa? I wanna hug my favorite Sister to celebrate winning!"
"Eheh-" Fate sets you down, "I think that's an excellent idea. She's in debriefing."
"Good luck, you two!" Nanoha gives you encouragement about.. something! "I'll give you some advice, later!"
"Thanks! I look forward to more starlight breaker advice later!" You wave back. You only assume that's what she means by 'advice'.

"So, what did we learn from that?"
Tall Papa is giving Papa some kind of after-action report. Tiny Papa kicks her legs in the chair as she starts to think about what it means.
"..Don't let Hotel ride shotgun?" Papa blinks.
"No, no no no-!" Signum smiles, and rubs Papa's head, "I mean, 'that', Papa. I mean how you always blush when Hotel asks you to go anywhere. The battle is secondary to that. Give me the details how you feel."
"How I.. Feel?" Papa blinks. "You want an error log from when she asked me to swim with her, because it's very long."

"PAPA!" You practically slide up next to her.
You put your arms on her shoulders, and rub your face against hers!
"Swimming, huh?" Tall-Papa gives a very mischievous grin.
"H-Hotel! Not so close!" Papa pulls away, "I know you're happy that-"
"-Boring human stuff is done! Let's go swimming!" You almost pull the shoulder off of her uniform, "-You're still wearing the swimsuit, right?"
"Oohh, you're both going to go on a swimming date together, huh?" Signum grins, "And you have.. is that matching swimsuits?"
Votes | Choice |
20 |
I picked hers out myself!
18 |
+ raptor splash.
18 |
We're going to the Esquad Huckebein wreck! Like spelunking but with the sea logged wreck of a spaceship instead of caves!
4 |
Oh we're not going to be wearing them very long. We're going to the Esquad Huckebein wreck!
2 |
2 |
Strip down to your swimsuit! It's time for swimming!
2 |
Apparently, the swimsuits are the reason why she can't even deny that we are an item... I always thought we were items because we are machines.
1 |
1 |
Strip Papa down to her swimsuit! It's time for swimming!
1 |
+ tie hearts to his bed for slee.
1 |
I asked her what else we could do, but she keeps blushing and not answering, so skinny dipping it is!
1 |
I thought everyone knew that we hang out that much. Subaru and Vita are not surprised.
1 |
I think we can resume what Signum want to know with "I like her a lot.", right Papa?
16 = 16
69 = 69
37 = 37
99 = 99
22 = 22
63 = 63
75 = 75
"S-SIGNUM!" Papa blushes furiously as her human gives you a knowing smile.
"I picked hers out myself!" You give them both a peek of your swimsuit from under your t-shirt.
"Aww!" Signum is practically gushing over your swimwear! "That's really kind of you! So tell me, what were you and her going to do all alone in your swimwear?"
"We were going to swim at the Esquad Huckebein wreck!" You smile, "It's like spelunking, but with the sea-logged wreck of a ship instead of a cave!"
"That's not very romantic." Signum pouts.
"Well I was thinking about that! That's why we were going to be taking them off when we get there!"
This causes Signum to have just the widest smile on her face.
"..So earlier, you said you 'like her a lot' when referring to Papa. Tell us about that."
"Of course! Papa's so sweet and kind and we get along so nicely! We're the perfect partners!"
"'Partners', huh? Interesting! Tell me more!"
"I'm going to die.." Papa crumbles to the ground, "I'm going to die of embarrassment, my circuits are going to shut down and this will be the end. This is the end of life as I know it."
"Well, she's always there when I need her, she's always willing to go along with any crazy idea I have, and we love spending time together!" You feel more than happy to tell her human about that, "Not to mention she is cute, cute, cute, very-cute-"
"-And she's also so talented and funny and I love her a whole bunch!" You finish this by grabbing Papa and pulling her into a great big hug!
"You two are such a cute couple!"
"Who said we're a couple!?"
"YES WE ARE!" Another squeeze for good luck. "Anyway! Ready to go skinnydipping, Papa?!"

This, naturally, results in everybody who isn't involved with rescue operations stopping what they're doing and staring at Papa.
You have just the biggest smile on your face.
"..Wow. So you're already that far."
Uh oh..
Papa's softlocked again.
Votes | Choice |
26 |
Tell Signum that this has been happening a bunch, and you don't know why.
22 |
+Give Papa gentle headpats and whisper soothing things into her ear.
18 |
Grab and hug!
12 |
(Technical Issues) The humans informed me that Papa is experiencing the problems of the Signum models: Irritability, lack of maturity and inability to hide how she really feels.
11 |
(Complain about the software) It's a cycle now. I say something nice, she say no, doesn't offer any alternatives, come with me anyway and I get the error message for some reason!
6 |
She's ceding the initiative and she's wide open! Blow softly into her ear... you've seen that work for lots of humans.
5 |
Excuse yourself and carry Papa away. She needs a break!
"Uh oh.. She's softlocked again." You sigh.
"Heheh.. Can't imagine why." For some reason, Signum has the biggest grin on her face right now
"It's becoming a cycle, now. I say something nice, she says 'no', and doesn't offer any alternatives! Then I say it's true and she's always nice, pretty, beautiful, and all related adjectives, then I get this strange error message for some reason!"
"Do you really mean all of those things?" Signum seems to be asking a very silly question.
"Of course I do! Papa is reliable and also cute, cute, cute very cute and beautiful! I wouldn't say that to tease her or anything. It's the truth and everyone agrees!"
Papa makes some kind of strange gurgling sound as her head slowly tilts in her unconscious stare.
"When I was asking one of the humans about this yesterday; the humans informed me that Papa is experiencing the problems of the Signum models."
"..What problems of the Signum models?"
"Welll, irritability, lack of maturity-"
"Uh huh.." Signum's smile is gradually becoming strained, "Anything else?"
"-An inability to hide how she really feels."

"And- Pray tell, who exactly told you about the problems of the Signum models?"
"Oh? It was Vita." You nod, "She's very experienced with these problems."
Signum's previously mischievous smile seems to have been taken over by a much stranger, sinister smile.
"Well, it seems I have to demonstrate some of the problems of the Signum models in-person, then. In any case! I know how to solve this 'soft-lock' that Papa is going through?"
You blink, "You do?!"

Papa seems to start tracking again as you say that, her eyes slowly guide toward her human beginning to whisper something in your ear.
"Signum.." Papa commands, "Signum! Don't give her any weird ideas!"
"OKAY!" You take everything you just heard to heart.
Immediately, before Papa can get away, you close the distance-
And wrap your arms around her!
"Eek! What did she tell you!?" Papa is panicking at this point.
Which means it's time for Signum's ultra secret anti-panic spell!
You lean forward gently, being sure to gently take her head into your arms.
"It's okay, Papa." You give her a gentle pat, running your fingers through her hair.
"Signum! This isn't funny! I don't know what you're putting Hotel up to but it's just going to make me mad if it's something we-"
You finish the attack-
By gently blowing in her ear.
She goes limp in your arms, so you continue.
"Papa, forget your silly inhibitions around me. Stop thinking of me as a sister and think of me as a woman." You repeat exactly what Signum told you to say-
"Signum!" You blink as you stare at her human, "It didn't work, she just soft-locked again!"
"Oh! That's because it has to be done if I'm not around." The smile on her face could cut diamonds. "-But be sure to show me video of her cute reactions later, okay?"
Huh, fair.
"Now, I have to go show one of those awful humans how bad the Signum unit can really be once she's been insulted behind her back." She ties her hair up, and adjusts her sword. "I'll be back."
"Okay, Thanks for your help with Papa!"
She walks off, her mood putting a spring in her step she appears to be trying to hide as she approaches the other humans.
You jump a little as she starts yelling at Vita. You're not sure why, but that's probably not very important right now.
What's more important, is-
"Papa?" You give her another pat on the head, "Are you okay?"
"A... woman?" Papa's eyes are swirling.
"..Let's get to the beach, Papa. Mission accomplished for today, after all. We have a lot of swimming to do!"
"W- What does that mean..." Papa doesn't seem to reply, but you princess-carry her off anyway much to the joy of several onlookers.
The bay is nice and cold this time of day. Maybe a little too cold for most humans, but it's more or less the same temperature as a lightly-chilled refrigerator.
Which means it would be a great time to swim! Unfortunately...
"Papa? Are you going to unstick anytime soon and continue functioning?"

Papa hasn't woken up, yet. You've already stripped down to your swimsuit, and Papa is simply laying on the sidewalk, muttering to herself.
"Hotel." Suddenly, her head lifts up just as you take your shirt off!

Her cheeks flare, once more. Her eyes avert down to the pavement.
"..Hotel do you love me?" Her eyes continue to lock onto her lap, "Is this another one of your silly games?"
"Hmm?" You feel a bit strange being asked that question, she should know- "Of course I love you. You're my sister!"
"No I mean.." She seems to have a real hard time with this next sentence, "-As a woman."
Votes | Choice |
9 |
I like you... more than I like my sisters by default, and in ways I don't like all of my other sisters. So, I guess... I like Papa as Papa!
5 |
I don't know what that means, let's swim!
4 |
I don't know this is a first for me to but i know i really like to be around you even when you lecture me or tell me i am being silly.
3 |
Of course I love you. Ludus and Storge and Phillia are types of love.
2 |
Finish undressing and ask when Papa will join you.
2 |
Ohh, you're still softlocked a bit, let's try the anti-panic spell again!
2 |
You will start telling me what you really want to do with me if I tell you?
1 |
Women, sister, those mean the same thing, right?
1 |
I... Think I love you as a woman, I can't imagine loving anyone else more than I love you...
"Well, I like you-"
This causes some uncomfortable stirring in Papa before you even finish the sentence.
"-More than I like my other sisters by default, I mean. And in ways I don't 'like' all my other sisters. So I guess."
You kneel down in front of her, just to be sure at least one of her cameras can see you-

"I like Papa as Papa!"
Her ears are starting to turn red. Which is something you weren't aware could happen until just now.
"-But, I don't know much of what this entails because all of this is a first to me." You put your finger to your chin, "-I know that I really like to be around you, even when you lecture me or tell me that I'm being silly."
"..I like when you're silly, Hotel."
"That's the nicest thing anyone has said about me being silly!" You give her a great big squeeze.
"..I like you more than the other sisters by default, too." Papa starts to mumble as she gradually curls up more and more. "I like how you're spontaneous, but very protecting. How you're violent, but only about things you love. How you enjoy my company, and never feel the need to change me unlike SOME people."
She mumbles something about Signum, and looks upright at you.
"..I don't know how much that entails because this is a first for me, too."
"Yup! Same here." You smile, "Since neither of us knows what that means, let's swim!"
Papa's eyes are kind of glazed over, her blush has spaced mostly across her face-
"I said LET'S SWIM!"
You pick her up, and with a flick-
Her outer clothes come off!

"Heheh.." Now she's in her swimsuit, she can't escape! "When I say 'swim', we swim!"
"W-.." Papa stammers, "What about that skinnydipping thing?"
"Oh, that?" You shrug, and then start to take your top off-
"NO! NO NO NO! NOT HERE!" Papa quickly reaches over, and pulls it back down.
"Oh fine. We can do it later then." You use this vulnerability in Papa's defenses to pick her up by the waist, "-But right now, I want to be at the bottom of the ocean! So Let's go! Ocean time!"
"..Right.." Papa sighs, and puts her head on your shoulder, "Let's go swimming, I love the ocean, much like I love you."
"I don't know what that means either, but what's important-"
You give her a toothy grin, before throwing her over the pier-
(Bring Your Raptor To Work Day: END)
Votes | Choice |
22 |
22 |
Time Travel chapter?
10 |
8 |
Raptor sense of taste upgrade and taste testing, with Raptor's human for reference and Doctor Carrera for adjustments
7 |
I don't know
7 |
Gears of Destiny Chapter!
7 |
Benevolent Raptor Junta chapter.
6 |
Could you repeat the question?
6 |
Mix Christmas with Innocents and write about the new year update.
5 |
5 |
You're not the boss of me now!
5 |
The Terminator crossover nobody asked for
4 |
Easter chapter
4 |
Start the Halloween chapter now, so we can finish it for next Halloween.
Christmas 2023: Always Time for Christmas!

A brilliant pink light illuminates the evening night as a brilliant flash of electricity parts a nearby cumulus cloud and ushers in a wave of blue energy!


If it wasn't snowing before-
It certainly is now.
A wave of blue ice scatters across the sky, showering the entire landscape in a thick layer of white snow.
The two figures find themselves- temporarily at an impasse. Both of their bodies are now encased in two thick blocks of ice suspended thousands of meters in the air by an unseen magical force.
Slowly, the blocks start to burn with a red heat from within, and they begin to melt.
"(Out of my way.)" One of the icy blocks commands the other. The figure inside starts to punch the slowly deteriorating ice cube.
"(No.)" The other block reprimands her opponent, "(What you are doing is incredibly selfish, childish, dangerous, and stupid.)"
"(How is that different from anything else we do on Christmas?)"
"(And-)" The other frozen Popsicle isn't done chastising her, (-And it's a flagrant misuse of your abilities!)"
"(I don't want to hear that from you..)" The first icicle is getting closer to breaking her frozen confine, "(You do exactly the same thing! Only you use your power for voyeurism, I'm trying to make things right!)"
"(It is NOT voyeurism!)" The ice cube is starting to show cracks. "(I am simply worried about my EXTREMELY NAIVE family!)"
"(You use your powers to spy on Gamma's lovers in various timelines..)"
The frozen coffin suddenly shatters!
"I WILL NOT HEAR ANYTHING 'MISUSING MY POWERS' FROM YOU! YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LIVE WITH MY PAIN!" The shivering mage begins to heat up, the dripping water turns to steam on her skin!
The second ice prison gradually slides off the other mage, her dripping-wet clothing starts to dry at an incredible pace!
"It's something you get used to! It's not as big a deal as you think!"
"That's different! That's entirely my business! This is just wrong!"

You gradually land in the courtyard of the Saint Church. It's rare to suddenly get an emergency call from the Church demanding assistance. ESPECIALLY so close to Christmas where incidents seem to lull and disappear as everyone takes a break for the holidays. Even Relic thieves and criminals, oddly enough.
You immediately left your (date? outing? It's hard to tell) with Echo and quickly made your way here. You're guessing that one of the many slowly boiling pots had finally spilled and you're looking forward to something that was going to spoil the holidays.
You know, like usual, with fire and magical explosions.

"I showed up as fast as I could!"

You land gently next to the red-head, and quickly approach her with your axe in hand.
"Oh, Gamma- It's not that big of a deal-" Wendi blinks.
"Of course it is! The church reported an emergency and the entire Sisternet is down! We can't hail Iota at all!" That is the part that has put you on edge more than anything. "I'm sure most of the other sisters will show up in a few minutes!"
"Oh, shoot-" Wendi puts her head in her hand, "..I didn't mean for this to become a huge incident. I just asked Foxtrot to send out a call for help so we could maybe calm Iota down-"
"Calm Iota down, what do you mean?!" You blink.
"Well, it's actually kind of silly, you see-"

"Oh geez, I didn't mean for you to show up. I was just expecting November."
"So what happened!?" You try to contain your panic as you glance back and forth at the two redheads, "Did Hotel go on another Christmas rampage?"
"What? No." Foxtrot sighs.
"..What about November? You wanted to hail November, is she trying to steal Christmas again!?"
"No, she's at home reading her books." Foxtrot mumbles.
"..-Then is it Sein? She's been trapped with Bravo ever since Halloween in her room! She's probably a husk by now! Has anyone checked on her?"
"Gamma, this isn't about any of that nonsense stuff." Foxtrot crosses her arms.
"…The Sein thing does seem important-" Wendi seems a tad bit worried, "..I haven't seen her on duty recently, either."
"Who cares about what Sein and Bravo are doing?!" Foxtrot yells, "This is about something much more important! come!"
You follow her, confused. She walks over to the Barracks, and-
Opens the door, ushering you in.
Inside, you see the barracks as they usually are, but with one minor difference.

On the ceiling, inside of Iota's usual.. uh.. 'Web'.
There's a blanket with a very obvious Iota-shaped bump inside. She coils the fabric around her body and shivers like the air inside is freezing.
However, it's not freezing. It is, in fact, perfectly warm inside.
"..Iota?" You call upward to the bundle, "What's wrong?"
No response.
"See?" Foxtrot frowns, "I'm hoping I could get November or someone to just float up there and grab her."
"I think grabbing her right now is a bad idea." Wendi sighs, "If she's traumatized, the best thing for her to do is slowly conquer her fear and then we can work through it!"
"But we're not going to have a Datalink network until she comes to her senses!" Foxtrot balls up her fists, "She needs to be a big girl right now, because she's holding everyone back!"
"Could we-" You glance upward at Iota, "..Discuss this more outside?"
Foxtrot pouts, but she agrees to at least bring the conversation outside.
"..Okay, so-" You shut the door behind you, "How did Iota end up like this? And what do you mean 'No datalink' until she gets her act together?"
"I don't know what happened, Wendi knows more about it than I do." Foxtrot frowns, "Either ways, we're at a disadvantage without our Datalinks!"
"..Listen, Gamma." Wendi pats your shoulder, "..Yesterday, Iota had asked me for some reading material on.. Molting."
"..Molting?" You blink.
"It's a thing some reptiles do. She found a snakeskin in the garden and wanted to learn more about it, but when she was looking for information she-"
Wendi sighs, "-She watched a video of a praying mantis shedding its skin."
Both you and Foxtrot blink.
"Oh." You don't know what any of that is, but you know one thing about Iota- "Ohhh, this is bad."
"Yes!" Wendi explains, "Yes, this is bad, she grabbed a blanket, retreated to her web, and has been there all day. I called Foxtrot hoping to get some answers but-"
"EW!" Foxtrot makes a face between disgusted and revolted, "-EW EW EW WHY DID I HAVE TO LOOK UP THAT VIDEO, TOO!?"
"..She instead sounded the alarm when I mentioned that you guys won't have your datalinks with Iota like this." Wendi sighs, "Again, I don't think it's that big of a deal. Iota will get over it eventually."
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Well, shoot. This is the most fightingest time of the year for Raptors. What do we do?
6 |
+Nonchalantly hug Wendi
5 |
Okay but when we have our yearly fireworks display- only instead of fireworks its starlight breakers, we won't be able to coordinate
5 |
"I think it's cute. The Mantis I mean, but Iota as well"
4 |
Wh- No datalinks!? This is a huge deal!
4 |
..Any solutions to calm her down? You're the psyche, after all.
4 |
What if we convince her it was fiction, and mantises don't really exist? We'll have to get rid of the mantises for real to sell it.
4 |
Maybe grabbing her is not a good idea, even though I really want to, but I still think that leaving her alone with her fears is not right. Especially on a day that's supposed to be about enjoying your family's company. So I think we should bring the party to Iota!
3 |
+And I don't mean 'waiting', like is there something we can do?
3 |
Maybe we should just move to a barren planet. She might feel better if she has some distance from nature. We're fine without a breathable atmosphere, and we can use teleportation for transport - it's not really a problem...
3 |
This is not the best day to test your fears, sis. Destruction will come soon and the molting bugs will become ashes.
2 |
What a cool little bug! It even has integrated weaponry! Why don't humans have that?
2 |
+Remind Iota that small insects are vulnerable to the cold, so there won't be any mantises around in winter.
"-But this is the fighting-est time of the near for Raptors! What do we do, Wendi?" You frown, "We're blind without our datalinks!"
"We make Iota grow up and get back to work-" Foxtrot mumbles.
"-No, it's not a good idea to rush these things. If you rush Iota's healing too quickly, then you risk creating a permanent scar-"
"Sierra can fix those." Foxtrot nods.
"-Mental scars, Foxtrot. Not physical scars." Wendi pats her.
"How do we deal with it, then?" You feel increasingly worried.
"There isn't much we can do." Wendi shakes her head, "After an 'invasive memory' has been planted, the person with it just has to learn to live with it or forget it."
"Would giving Iota more information make it better?" You blink.
"Maybe! Really, memories can be invasive because the mind wants to know more about the context of it. Even if it's repulsive."
"Got it, one second-"
You poke your head into the Barracks.
"Iotaa! Mantis' aren't going to matter in a few days because it will snow and they will alllllllllll die off!"
She's not responding.
You slowly close the door.
"Okay, so that didn't work." You sigh.
"Sometimes different things require different types of healing." Wendi shrugs, "We can work with her, and maybe get her through this in a week. I hope."
"..Thanks, Wendi." You give her a nonchalant hug. She giggles, and squeezes back.
"I already offered to burn every mantis on the planet." Foxtrot sighs, "That didn't work, either."
"Well, I think there's no reason for that. I think it's cute!" You smile.
This results in a strange stare from Foxtrot.
"-Oh I mean the Mantis, but Iota as well!" You smile.
"You really are the weirdest sister if you think that is cute."
"I mean, they're so small, and spindly, and-"
"Focus, Gamma. We're about to start this year's fireworks display using starlight breakers and we're only waiting for the first sister to lose her cool and start the show." Foxtrot huffs. "-Besides, shouldn't you be on your date with Echo?"
"Date?" You blink, "Oh, no no. We were just going to buy Christmas presents."
"..Gamma." Foxtrot sighs, "When you go shopping, alone, with someone you may have romantic interest in, what do you think that is?"
Votes | Choice |
27 |
It feels like everything counts as a date according to humans! How do they get anything else done? Oh, I guess they mostly don't...
21 |
Fun with my sister!
19 |
By that logic, all those nuns asking me to go on walks with them, or take them into the city to have fun, were after a date. Which is ridiculous.
14 |
..Black Friday?
12 |
If that's a date, it's a pretty boring one. I don't even like shopping. Everybody says I have 'too many Devices already', and won't let me get more.
6 |
Well, we needed to buy presents anyway, right?
6 |
"It can't be a date! We haven't blown anything up!"
5 |
+Although, I guess if its a date I'll be having a different sort of "fun" with my sister. Thsts nice too!
4 |
I do that with a lot of people...
4 |
I thought dates were more like what Bravo and Sein are doing right now. That's what Mike does with that human of hers.
3 |
Of course it's a date, everyday is a date. They repeat every week, month, and year.
3 |
Post mission obfuscation? You know to make it so it's harder to follow us, like that time during a mission where a giant robot snuck up on TSAB GF HQ and we had to walk back, you were on that mission too.
2 |
Romantic interest? Most of the time Echo is annoyed because of my actions.
2 |
/roll 1d100
2 |
+ bonk hearts for being late
1 |
(flex our popularity) It's tuesday? It happens all the time with me.
0 |
0 |
Oh you're right, we are alone. Wanna come, Foxtrot?
98 = 98
65 = 65
69 = 69
96 = 96
84 = 84
91 = 91
6 = 6
47 = 47
92 = 92
46 = 46
16 = 16
"Fun with my sister!" You nod, confidently.
This results in a tired look from Foxtrot.
"Are you sure about that?" Wendi seems a bit worried.
"-Of course I'm sure!" You sigh, "I'm going on a shopping date with my sister so we can do some Christmas shopping and also have a lot of fun!"
"Poor Echo.." Foxtrot sighs.
"She has a long road ahead of her.." Wendi seems to sigh all the same.
"-Well it's not like everything has to be a romantic date, right? It feels like everything counts as a date according to humans! How do they get anything else done if all they would do is go on dates?"
"-I guess they mostly don't." You cross your arms, this makes sense in hindsight.
"Listen, Gamma, there's a difference between wanting to go on a regular shopping trip and how Echo feels about wanting to go shopping with you. You should know that by now." Foxtrot mumbles.
"By that logic, all those nuns asking me to go on walks with them, or take them to the city to have fun, were after a date." You huff at her, "That's ridiculous."
This results in both of them simply sighing, and giving each other a weary glare.
"..How IS Echo going to make any progress at this rate?"
"I don't know." Wendi frowns, "I'm hoping she can progress from hugging to kissing, and maybe from there-"
"Hey!" You feel oddly offended, "I know exactly what a regular date is like! Let's not pretend I'm totally clueless!" You huff.
"You do?" Foxtrot glances at you, skeptically.
"Of course! I know that going on a date could lead to naked stuff later with Echo." You cross your arms, "I also know most of the nuns want to get in my pants, and I have to turn them down on the regular."
"What?" Foxtrot and Wendi both reply.
"I mean, come on. I'm not a baby." You frown, "I already know that Echo is my girlfriend and what a regular date with a casual romantic evening looks like. We've been dating for a year, now."
"W-" Wendi is about to say something.
"..What do you mean 'that far along'?" You blink. "We've done it, Foxtrot."
This seems to catch her off-guard, and she seems to get caught in some kind of boot-loop.
"Which is why I don't understand what you mean by going on a date with her just because we're shopping for some presents." You put your hand on your thigh, "-This is just having fun with my sister. A busy mall is not what I consider a very romantic environment for either of us."
Both of them stare at you as if you've grown an extra head.
"-So what do you mean 'Shopping, alone with someone you may have romantic interest in'? Do you mean Black Friday?"
"..I want to shoot Echo, now." Foxtrot mumbles.
Votes | Choice |
17 |
Why? Jealous?
14 |
Back to the shopping date- Wait! This is about Iota! Oh right!
12 |
+But hey, don't tell the others. It's still fun to mess with them~
10 |
I mean.. if I'm supposed to keep it a secret then mission failed, I guess.
8 |
Honestly, the whole idea of a 'shopping date' is just strange. It's not romantic at all. It's nothing like a spar-date, the most romantic kind of date.
5 |
'Did it' means kissing, right? Like with our tongues!
3 |
+ bonk hearts for a late start to the live
3 |
I've has the "Birds and the Bees" explained to me, although no one has explained to me what it has to do with airborne fowl or insects
2 |
(keikaku doori) Shot me just isn't the same, right? If you feel like that, then I wonder how our most overprotective sister will react now.
1 |
If you didn't shot Bravo, Mike and Hayate until now, then why you decided to start with the most moderate of the bunch that loves 'interface'?
1 |
I don't understand your anger. It's amazing that Echo tried anything considering that she is a Hayate model and they tend to be single forever.
"Why?" You give her a sly grin, "Jealous?"
This immediately results in her batting your barrier jacket with her tiny, balled up fists.
"Pervert, predator, filthy mind in the dirty gutter!" Foxtrot's face has a very distinct sour look to it as she uselessly bats at your skin.
"What?" You blink, "I mean- If I'm supposed to keep it a secret, then; mission failed, I guess."
"No, the opposite, I'm glad you told me so I know exactly who to blame about corrupting my youngest sister!"
"I'm not the youngest." You correct her.
"You are to me." She mumbles, but you're not exactly sure what that's supposed to mean.
"I can't believe Gamma of all people would ever have anyone say that about her, I-" Wendi looks a little hurt, "-I'm not sure I can come to terms with this new Lewd Gamma that's standing before me."
"Hey! I'm still the same Gamma." You pout, "-But don't tell the others, because it's still fun to mess with them~"
"I'm going to kill that perverted Tanuki!" Foxtrot frowns.
"-I can't believe Hayate's Raptor managed to score before she did.."

"-Honestly, if we're on the topic." You don't really know what 'Score' means, but it reminds you of something- "The whole idea of a 'shopping date' is just strange to me. It's not romantic at all, and it's nothing like a spar-date."
"Uh, Gamma-" Wendi blinks, "You mean a 'spa date'?"
"No." You nod, "I score all the time when Echo and I spar, she's really bad at it."
"..I am getting so many conflicting messages right now." Foxtrot rubs her head.
"Back to the shopping da-" A single microchip in your head reminds you of something with a tiny software interrupt, "-WAIT! IOTA! This isn't about the shopping trip at all! This is about what to do with Iota!"
"Again, I don't think there's much we can do right now, unless you just NEED her to work for Christmas." Wendi shrugs, "If you're too harsh with her while she's working through her issues, you could make those issues worse."
"Plus I am EXTREMELY HAPPY RIGHT NOW that she did NOT hear your conversation about how far you've gotten with Echo!" Foxtrot follows that up by flexing her fist again.
"Yeah, Echo always tells me to turn the datalink off." You nod.
"I WISH I COULD TELL IF YOU'RE BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!" Foxtrot exclaims with an extremely exhausted look on her face.
"So what do we do?" You blink.
"Nothing, Gamma. Just go enjoy your date with Echo, maybe get some dinner after shopping and.. Do what you usually do." Wendi seems to have trouble vocalizing that last part.
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Come on, we are tame compared with the other raptors going wild on their humans. We need to check if Sein is alive.
5 |
I mean, we COULD do that but we still have to buy gifts
5 |
Then I will carry everything, flirt with Echo, drag her home and drain her battery all night? Okay...
3 |
Ah, upgrade our weapons, got it.
3 |
+Uh.. what kind of gifts should we buy? I don't think Echo knows either.
"What? Do what we usually do?" You tilt your head.
"You know.. stuff you do, after your date-"
"Oh you mean carry everything, flirt with Echo a bit, drag her home and then drain her battery all night?"
This results in two flushed faces seemingly offended that they heard specifically you say that.
You nod, with a smile.
"Got it! I'll be sure to do that."
You glance at Wendi, and then back to Foxtrot.
Then, you put it together with the context you just said prior to that. It results in a flush of exhaustion across your face.
"Come on, Echo and I are still tame compared to the other Raptors going wild on their partners." You cross your arms, "Don't act as if Echo and I are some kind of perverts! Oh, and speaking of which, I think you are right, Wendi, and you should check and make sure Sein is alive."
She sighs, but then seems.. happy?
"Right, I'll go do that right now." Wendi nods, "Gamma, good luck on your date."
She skips away as if she's seemingly heard some.. happy news. You're not sure why considering her sister could be in mortal danger.
Foxtrot, on the other hand, looks more like you were expecting Wendi to look.
"You're lying." Foxtrot replies, giving you a stern frown.
"What?" You blink.
"There's no way you would know what 'Draining her battery' even means. Much less you being able to keep quiet about that for so long." Foxtrot crosses her arms, "This is another one of your misunderstandings, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?"

Why is she looking at you like that?
"Listen, just because you and her are a couple doesn't mean you're off the hook. I want to know specifically if she makes you do any lewd stuff that makes you uncomfortable, in no uncertain terms."
You blink, and feel a bit taken aback.
"..Why? Is it your business?"
"It is if Echo's human is speaking words of encouragement to make the naked stuff you do with her even more entertaining."
"Entertaining?" Now you're just confused.
"YES! ENTERTAINING! FOR HER!" Foxtrot tries to think of something, "This is about the naked stuff you do with Echo! What did you think we were talking about?!"
You shake your head, "I'll tell you more about it when you're older."

..Why is she looking at you like that?
You sigh, "..I mean, we COULD do that and take all the advice Echo's human has to offer, but first we need to buy gifts."
"Echo has already taken due precautions to make sure none of the gift ideas intersect with the ideas from her human." You nod, "..After all, I think Echo's heard the short of it already.."
"Do you even know what gifts to buy?"
"Well, Echo has them all picked out, apparently from asking nonchalantly in conversation over the year." You nod, "She's really good at information gathering."
"As expected from the dirty pervert unit."
"I mean information unit." Foxtrot nods.
"Anyway, we got everything done except the last item, and I think that we need to ask everyone else for."
"What's the last item." Foxtrot blinks.
"..Well, it's kinda weird-"
"Oh no, you better tell me right now, young lady." Foxtrot grumbles.
"No- not like that." You sigh, "It's a name."
"A name?" Foxtrot tugs at your sleeve.
"A name for Lil' Sis." You feel a bit nervous about it, "We've meant to give her one for a while, but-"
"Oh.. Wait, but you're terrible at names."
"You think so, too?" You shrug, "Echo told me I'm forbidden from naming anything, so-"
"..I'm afraid to even ask what some of your names were going to be-"
Votes | Choice |
29 |
Well! I was thinking Wivio! Get it? W comes after V! VVivio!
28 |
Tilde, because it's the typical hotkey for accessing debug functions.
17 |
13 |
13 |
Nemo, like in that book.
11 |
The Supreme being: THE IRON TYRANT
10 |
Super Vivio!
10 |
Alpha II
6 |
I didn't get to make any...
6 |
5 |
Lil Sis
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Olive Emerald Foxtrot the 3rd, Esquire PhD
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Zulu Echo Echo Romeo Oscar III Esq. PhD.
2 |
1 |
1 |
Niggerfaggot the 3rd of her name
What happened to one and two? |
"Well!" You're glad she asked! "I was thinking Wivio!"
This causes Foxtrot to simply give you a bored stare.
"Get it? W comes after V!" Still getting the same bored look, "VVivio!"
"..Okay, I change my mind. I do think you should leave names up to the other sisters."
"That's kind of mean." You frown, "I'm perfectly capable of naming things! That's just my first pick. I have other names!"
"Oh, do tell." Is that supposed to be sarcasm? You can't tell.
"Yeah! I was thinking about 'Tilde' as well!" You think of that name for a moment, "I think it's really nice because it's like debug commands or-"
"You're not really going to name Lil' Sis after debug commands, are you?" Foxtrot sighs.
"Why not?" You blink, "Most of us are named after letters in an alphabet Midchilda doesn't even use. So why would that be so strange?"
"It's just- none of us get to choose our name, okay? Which is why you have to be extremely careful about what kind of name you give Lil' Sis."
"I mean, we could go down the list of names I have, like Lisis."
"..Isn't that just Isis' name with an L on the front? Have you asked her about that? Not that I think she would mind having a Raptor named after her." Foxtrot blinks.
"Oh! Naming her after a human! That's a great idea! She could be Vendi!"
"N-no Gamma."
"Get it? It's Wendi but-"
"I get it, Gamma." Foxtrot sighs, "You know what? How about you go shopping before Echo thinks you abandoned her or something. We can talk more about names later, okay?"
You blink, and nod.
"Sounds good to me, besides she's-"
You suddenly realize you've made a horrible mistake.
"-I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE RIGHT NOW!" You suddenly feel a shock rise up your spine, "Okay! I can do this, I'll just Dragon Ki-"
Foxtrot immediately puts a bind around your foot.
"Relax! I'm much better at doing it now! I can even fly faster than Novem-"
"Take your ship." Foxtrot pouts. "No launching yourself in the general direction of Echo regardless of how well you can do it, now."
"..Even if she asks for it?"

Cranagan's shopping district is as busy as ever around this time of year. The mall is busy. The stores are bustling. The bakeries and restaurants all have various types of Christmas decorations and free samples for the humans outside. There are trees and wintergreen imagery along every single inch of free space.
Inside, the festivities continue with matching decoration.

The stores have raffles and giveaways happening outside along with crowds of humans browsing sale after sale. Small humans run with glee between the stores, collecting coupons and assembling lists to send to Santa for Christmas.
And in the center of the mall-

The largest Christmas tree of them all. A monument that stands several stories tall and is covered head to toe in lights and extremely fantastic decoration.
Under that Christmas tree, you see a sullen figure glancing at all of the humans meandering in and out of the stores with a rather dour look. Her mind clearly wandering in strange directions until her gaze turns toward you as if locked on.

Immediately, a smile washes over her face.
"Oh! Gamma!" She shouts, "Over here!"
You both approach, and give each other a hug. You can tell she's been here longer than the appointment time from how cold her skin was.
"Great! Now we can both be confused on what to buy our sisters." She smiles.
"Oh, you don't know?" You blink, "I.. just assumed you've been doing some research."
"I have, and that's why I'm confused." Echo nods, "I'm sure you have so many gift ideas already that you don't know what to pick."
"-That's what's happening with me, paralysis of choice." Echo sighs, "Like I wanted to buy Iota a better transceiver for her operations, but I also know she wanted a new set of outside clothes with a hood to keep the bugs off, but if I buy her both then I'm buying more than one present for a single person, and then-"
"..Well, Iota is out of commission today. So you're not going to get a straight answer from her."
"Yeah, I heard about the mantis thing.." Echo puts a sour look on her face, "-And then I very foolishly looked up what the big deal is."
"Oh, Foxtrot made the same mistake." You nod. "What if you just buy both gifts, then?"
"I can't just buy both gifts, because then I would have to buy two gifts for every sister!"
"What's the problem with doing that?" You shrug, "It's not like you're paying for it."
"..True, but then I would have to narrow it down to two gifts, and I already have three gift ideas for most of my sisters!"
It seems Echo has some very peculiar problems when it comes to picking gifts. Maybe you just need to improvise, in that case.
"In that case, how about I pick a few?"
"Okay, what should we buy Iota?"
"How about a pet spider!"
This results in a strange glance from Echo.
"-The pet spider is great! The first step to overcoming fear is understanding it, really."
"Never mind, I think we should go back to my list." Echo shakes her head.
"-In that case, should we just wander around and see what there is? Your list may be narrowed down just by seeing what's even on the shelf."
Echo thinks about this question for a moment, and then glances at you with a smile.
"-That's a great idea, Gamma."
"While we're doing that, we can make a list of things they need, and a list of things they want. If we cross reference them, we'll have a shorter list!"
"Another good idea! Unfortunately, I've already done that."
"-After that! We can decide what kind of weapons everyone may want! It's mostly what I was wanting to buy everyone anyway."
Echo giggles.
"I kind of figured that's what you would buy everyone."
"-I'm a little predictable, aren't I?" You smile.
"Let's leave weapons to our billable hours to the TSAB, and decide on stuff that we don't need to buy on our personal time."
"..I say go for the hoodie, then."
"Precisely." Echo nods, as if she came to that conclusion herself.
The stores continue to bustle with life as you and Echo travel from door to door. Each store offering another glimpse into the buying habits of humans.
Some of them make lots of sense. Like toasters and appliances. Humans need to adopt way more of them, the shelves are just lined with new ones still in their boxes!
You make your way through a clothing store where Echo is looking at some Iota-sized hoodieds, as well as some Tango-sized Jackets. She picks one of them up, and holds it against you.
"Hmm?" You blink.
"Oh, it's just- You and Tango wear about the same sized Jackets."
"Huh.." You find that hard to believe, considering you're taller than her.
"Also.." Echo puts it back, "It would look better in red."
She starts shuffling through the clothing rack, and you start to realize something.
You've been here five minutes, but it feels like an hour.
She's bought a total of two presents so far.
There are at least a dozen more sisters to buy presents for.
Maybe now is a good time to split up and tackle this problem?
"Echo, do you want me to go to the electronics section and try to get that game servant thing for Papa?"
"It's not a game servant, Gamma. It's a game console." Echo corrects you, "Also I'm worried you'll get lost, so you should probably stay near me while we're around so many people."
"I'm not a child, Echo." You pout. "I won't get lost. You can see me because I'm the tallest thing in the store!"
"It would just make me feel better while the Datalink is down if you stayed close while we did this."
Votes | Choice |
27 |
Put vague acknowledgement of tiny voice in the back of your head telling you that walking away from a date is a bad idea.
27 |
+Cuddle Echo tighter as you walk around
10 |
Okay, but I insist that I help.
6 |
Oh... I get it, Echo! You are also expecting a surprise attack!
5 |
"Do you want to get a leash then? Then you don't need to worry about losing me!"
4 |
Stroll away while she's busy sorting through clothes, it won't take you but a moment!
4 |
Purchase some handheld radios! Then you can stay in contact without the datalink!
3 |
I'm not a baby! Go buy the Game Conservative on your own!
3 |
You know, I'm the stronger one. Maybe if you don't want me to wander away, I should, oh, pick you up and take you with on my wandering~
3 |
The world will not end if I go there alone... I think.
1 |
Raptor Stealth and follow Echo without her seeing you
1 |
+We can just hack the PA system if we need to group up
"Just do whatever you want." Echo says in a slightly defeated voice.
"Okay, well-"
You are suddenly stopped by a vague hardware interrupt in the back of your head. Something extremely loud is screaming at you to absolutely. positively. do. not. walk. away.
'Why'? Another, slightly slower microchip inside of your skull may reply back to it over 24kbps serial.
It would then helpfully respond that walking away from a date with your girlfriend, regardless if she's doing something boring like deciding between two of possibly dozens of outfits, is an extremely poor idea.
Not only from a standpoint of not wanting to get lost, but also from the standpoint of not wanting to make your girlfriend feel like she's being a boring to you.
She already looks a little bit dejected. Almost as if even suggesting that you don't want to spend time with her, even if it's wasted time, has given her a slight wound on her ego.
There's only one way to recover from this misstep, now!
You walk up behind Echo as she sorts through another hoodie-
And you wrap your arms around her!
"..What are you doing?"
"You said to just 'Do what I want'. So I'm doing that." You smile, and give her a light squeeze.
"..I appreciate it, but I'm trying to pick a gift."
"Well, I insist that I help." You give her another squeeze. "Also that I keep hugging you."
"..Okay, but that is going to make it hard to shop. Can you at least let up a little so I can pick things out?"
Votes | Choice |
22 |
I've picked a present for myself. It's you. I'm not letting go.
20 |
We both know that I'm the one carrying everything, including you!
16 |
No, squeeze harder.
9 |
Only if we still hold hands.
7 |
There's no escape, there's no hope, there's no coupons!
7 |
Who needs hands to carry things? Use Crazy Train's Fortress Mode's fins to help carry things.
5 |
Only if I get a kiss!
3 |
+ Raptor blink
2 |
Okay, fiiine.
"Mm, but I've already picked a present for myself." You give her a sly grin, "It's you! and I'm not letting go!"
"G-Gamma! How am I going to choose presents for the sisters while you're clinging to me?"
"Mm, I guess you'll just have to find a way to do it while I'm showing everyone my present." You lean over, and whisper in her ear. "-Or, you had better start making up your mind about gifts unless you want everyone to see me showing off my beautiful reward."
There it is! Her face is blushing!
"G-Gamma! This is childish!"
"Christmas is the time to be childish, isn't it?" You grin, "I'm already carrying all of the presents, which means I'm also carrying my present."
Haha! Look how red she is!
You use this opportunity to give her a squeeze right against her ribs. Her hands tremble slightly as she holds a hoodie still on a hangar mere inches away from the clothesrack.
"-So, unless you want to be paraded around as my prize, you had better let me help with these gifts."
"Oh.." Echo seems to understand exactly what you are playing at, now.
"Pick the hoodie. She'll love it."
"Okay, you're right." Echo picks the hoodie off the rack, and you easily sling it over your arm.
That was easy! And fun! To think you were planning on walking away from this!
She walks toward the next rack, and uneasily reads out her next gift ideas..
"Kilo, she said she wanted a new tablet, but I was thinking she could also use a keyboard from what she said.."
"Why not.." You tug her closer, your arm slung around her shoulder, "-We get both?"
"What will the other sisters think?"
"Nothing- if you claim the keyboard came with the tablet."
You feel her shiver, maybe because you tugged her a big closer. You can see from your cameras that several other shoppers are noticing your outright expression of affection to her.
..You may be overdoing it. Maybe a little? If you've noticed, Echo has surely noticed. This could be slowing her down some more.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Giggle and take her hand. You can cart her around that way!
3 |
Back it off, just a teensy-bit
3 |
More! All-in! You're a Raptor of your promises!
2 |
+ (start a private conversation) Deliver the presents will be complicated... We could finish with whoever is staying on Carnaaji and just stay in the hotel.
You giggle.
Gently, you release her from her vice-grip.
She blinks, as if she really wasn't expecting you to let up your attack. She must not realize that you usually don't retreat on anything. Instead, you change tactics!
You slide your arms off of her shoulders, down the length of her arm-
And then, you grab her hand. You're sure to knead it carefully as you do so.
"Come!" You smile, "We have a lot more presents to buy!"
"Okay, okay-" Echo's attitude slowly starts to reveal itself once more as she becomes a bit more used to this form of attack. "-But what about the decisions?"
"Narrow it down to two! That way, it can be a gift from me and a gift from you!"
You give her a toothy grin as you drag her off toward the electronics aisle. With any luck, you'll be out of this busy Holiday shopping trip in no time with enough time leftover to take her to dinner!
The next hour passes like a breeze as you quickly cart Echo and her purchases from shop to shop. The whole time you're able to precariously balance at least twelve presents in your arms and around your shoulders while she gingerly holds onto one of your free pinkies. Casually picking out an appliance cleaning kit for Foxtrot's Toaster.
The whole time, you're keeping an eye out for pickpockets or anyone else who may pose an operational threat to Echo. You've read about them being particularly active this time of year. While you have spotted some humans acting suspicious, you've spotted nothing that would appear to be an active threat to Echo.
Other than-
"Oh, this kit is pink, and Foxtrot hates that color. On the other hand, it has a brush, so-"
Right, that.
You'll give her a few more minutes of going in circles before you decide to coerce her.
Or, 'coerce' her, as you've been taught.
Speaking of coercion, there are quite a few couples who have been doing that so publicly. You forgot that this time of year is another time for couples to be lovey dovey like that in public. Which is probably why there haven't been too many humans questioning your odd affection grip on Echo.
You see several pairs of humans, just in eyeshot right now, gradually pushing themselves together in public. Occasionally with a surprised gasp as they kiss very affectionately in public. You guess that's just a human thing to prove how much they love one another. It just wouldn't be appropriately human if they didn't take it and put it on display for the world to say. Which is ironic because you have an advertising routine.
Just like it's not appropriately human to be making a beeline straight for you-
Like that one human is. He walks quickly, much too quick to be simply checking his phone. He moves like he's going to pass by you, but your 360 degree cameras catch him taking his hand out of his pocket, and reaching for one of the gifts perched precariously on your shoulders.
Before you can move to intercept, Echo immediately spins around at Raptor speeds and knees him right in the midsection. Even if she doesn't have Takedown, she's still a Raptor and her knees are still dangerous weapons.
The attempted pickpocketer doubles over with a gasp-
Echo lingers over him, putting her foot on his hand.
"Now that wasn't a very nice thing to do to my Girlfriend." She crosses her arms, her face looking like it could end his life right now.
Is so hot! Echo really knows how to flip your switches!
"-If you want to keep your fingers, then I suggest leaving this mall and never coming back unless you want to lose them AND your bank account." Echo mumbles.
The man looks upward with an angry glare in his eyes, before Echo says something peculiar-
"Five-five-zero-six, nine-two-three-six, one-five-three-zero, six-two-four-nine"
The assailant blinks as she leans down with a light smile.
"That's your credit card number, the one in your pocket. Talk back and I use it to buy ten thousand dollars worth of illicit porn and drugs and send it to your mother's house."
Without saying another word, he jumps up from the ground and sprints as fast as he can out of the store!
There are several other gasps, and some giggles as the few people watching the scene, maybe not understanding exactly what Echo was going to do to him, could at least appreciate the righteous takedown she did with her knee.
"Gamma, are you-"
She glances at you, with a very curious question.
"..Gamma, are you drooling?"
Votes | Choice |
31 |
I just find new reasons to love you every day, is all.
27 |
I want to unwrap my present early.
7 |
5 |
3 |
What? No, no. I was just thinking of a place we could stop and eat! That's all!
3 |
Don't do segs.
2 |
Do segs and crims
You blush, and use the tips of one of your unoccupied fingers to touch your lips.
She's right, you are drooling. Just like a dog.
"I was just thinking that I'd like to unwrap my present early."
"What was that?" Echo's eyebrow twitches.
You wipe it away, and give her a smile in return.
"I said, I was just find new reasons to love you every day, that's all." You feel a warmth rise within as you see her face gradually relax. You can tell a slight blush spread across her face.
"..Gamma, you always get this way when I'm violent-"
"Also, I'd like to unwrap my present early."
"I KNEW THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID!" Echo pouts very cutely, and grabs your collar. This only makes you feel a bit of tingling as you see her blushing, pouting face.
Before she can say anything else, you lean forward and give her a peck.
She glances at you with a side-eye stare.
"..We still have a few more things left to buy, but after that-"
Echo's eyes are so easy to read. You grin as you turn away, watching her part-fume and part-blush with your rear-facing camera.
..If you could tell yourself that you would be acting this way a year or even a few months ago, you wouldn't have believed it.
At the same time, with the gifts in your arms, with Echo at your back, and the Christmas atmosphere around you; it feels like a dream coming true that you never knew you had.
You step out of the shop, and head toward the last place you need to buy gifts. Echo hesitates slightly as something catches her eye just at the exit of the store. You can only smile at her childlike wonder as she seems to get lost in buying gifts for sisters.
Your warmth at watching Echo gets interrupted rudely as your general always-present paranoia overtakes the spiritful mirth with unease.
Watching you, a short distance away, is a rather familiar figure wearing a hoodie. You're not sure who it is, but you can tell it's a woman, about your height, hiding her face. She's been in the last three stores you've visited, and each time has seemed to stay close enough to keep an eye on you.
The best part?
Datalink: Scanning…
Error: No Link Detected
That's not what that is supposed to say, if she were human. You've never seen that error message at all in regards to a person, Raptor or not.
Votes | Choice |
17 |
I'm not even sure if it is a person, so just let the Christmas ghost there...
14 |
"Oh boy, Echo. Here comes our Christmas firefight. I'll go deal with it."
3 |
Don't say anything to Echo. Just approach her and ask politely what she wants.
3 |
Ignore her! You're on a date and last you checked, she wasn't invited!
Oh boy.
You knew this would happen. It happens every year so you're not sure why you were thinking it wouldn't happen this year. A sigh leaves your mouth as you glance at the obvious visage of someone who clearly came looking for some kind of fight.
Your only real hope at this point is that she doesn't just immediately open fire in this crowded mall and ruin all your presents!
Oh and the humans too, you guess.
"Oh boy, Echo." You should at least let your girlfriend know where you're going, if this is going to interrupt your date. "I think it's time for our yearly Christmas firefight. There's someone following us, and they're wearing some kind of crime-hoodie."
This makes her glance upward from the knickknacks she was pondering over.
"..Want me to do something?"
"No, just watch the presents." You gently place them, one by one, on the nearby table. "Also make sure to run if this turns into an ugly fight. I'm not entirely sure if the mystery stranger is even a human or not. She isn't returning the usual on the datalink. So just stay here real quick."
"Gamma!" Echo seems to scold you, "Don't seem so eager to just go off and get in a huge battle in the middle of the mall!"
You blink, "Why not?"
"Because, the presents are here and if you destroy the mall, I won't be able to get them all." She crosses her arms.
"I'm not even sure if this is a real person, so let me just go talk to her. If it comes down to it, I'll ask to take this outside."
"..Be careful, Gamma."
You can't help but feel a flutter in your heart as she says that. Knowing there's someone at your back who cares about you is a magical feeling which you cannot really put into words. You can only enjoy the warm embrace of her feelings from a distance as you steadily make your way toward the figure.
She acknowledges you as you draw near. There's a bit of a hesitation, as if she wasn't expecting you to just stroll right up to her. Which means you're doing a good job, keeping your enemies off-guard and all.
"Hi!" You give her a startle as you address her directly before walking almost-within Raptor takedown distance.
Datalink: Scanning..
Error: No Link Detected.
"That's a peculiar scan you have!" You smile, "Wanna pull the hoodie down and we can talk face-to-face without the stalking? It would be very helpful."
"..This isn't what you think." She replies.
Oh no, you recognize that voice from somewhere, too. It's bad enough that she's following you, but she's also someone you know.
"I'm sure it's perfectly understandable if you just pull your hoodie down." You smile, as threateningly as possible.
She simply sighs.
Then, she reaches up to her ears-
And pulls the black flap of cloth down to her neck.

Blonde hair, long, down to her back.
Two red eyes.
A beautiful smile, one that makes you have an instinctive urge to protect her.
"Lil' Sis?" You blink. "..Why did you follow us? Didn't we leave you at the Saint Church?"
That's not the odd part, though.
"..Why are you using aging magic to follow us around?" THAT is kind of weird. "I know you wanted to help with shopping, but is it necessary to stalk us?"
"Gamma." She replies, she's also deepened her voice, too. "I'm not 'Lil' Sis'. Or, I'm not the Lil' Sis you're familiar with.'
You blink, "..When did you learn to make complete sentences, too?"
"Gamma." She nods, "This will be hard for you to believe, but I'm not THAT Lil Sis. Or, rather, I'm not that Lil' Sis anymore."
You blink, and she explains.
"I'm 'Lil' Sis' from nearly one hundred years in the future."
Votes | Choice |
25 |
"So you're Big Lil' Sis!"
18 |
One hundred years in the future? Good to know that Sierra is wrong and we will last more than a console.
16 |
(big sister priorities) Someone fixed timetravel or you explode on the way here!?
12 |
It's not hard to believe you, sis. You should be capable of using any magic from the raptors, so time travel and teleportation should be spells that you will learn someday.
7 |
So you're the ghost of Christmas future? Okay, I'll pass on the prophecy tonight, then.
7 |
From the future? Wait, does that mean that Rage-chan is also here? Where is she?!
6 |
6 |
5 |
Ah yes, a time travelling killer robot. You’ve watched this movie before.
Badum du du du!
5 |
"That is... actually not that hard to believe."
4 |
Give your cute little-sister a cute HUG THAT IS SO CUTE SHE'S PLAYING PRETEND
2 |
Oh, well I'm sorry did I forget your present that year? I guess we can get you a present a bit early this time since it's a special occasion and it's not like you time travel whenever someone doesn't get you the present you wanted right?
2 |
Wanna fight anyways?
1 |
+ban delta kitty
1 |
Oh! Oh! You must be super strong now! We Have to fight now.
0 |
Oh okay! You're playing a game. Play along with her!
"Oh, so you're Big Lil' Sis!" You give her a smile.
"..Honestly, I'm not against being called that." She pouts, "But I am a bit surprised that you're believing me so easily."
"Honestly? It's not hard to believe you, Sis." You smile, "You should be capable of using any of our magic, and I know time travel is possible. I'm more concerned if someone fixed it or if you would explode or something if you tried using it again."
"No, nothing like that will happen." She rubs her head.
"Also good to know that we'll last a hundred years in the future and that Sierra is wrong about us not outlasting a video game console."
"Sierra is wrong about a lot of things regarding our biology, but I really should warn you-" She gives a cautioning glance, "I shouldn't answer any questions about the future, because I may irreversibly change something important."
"Well!" You give her a wink, "I really don't have much to ask about the future, but I am a bit curious why you decided to come here if such risk exists."
You pout.
"You're not going to explode if you try going back, right?"
"Again, that's not how it works, I'll be fine." She seems more dismissive of it than last time. "Really, I'm here on more personal business."
"Personal?" You glance backward at Echo, who is glancing at you in a worried tone. You give her an 'Ok' in response to let her know everything is fine and the Christmas firefight is postponed. "Well, I'm on a date with Echo. Is it that personal?"
"With Echo.." She seems to ponder something, "I see, I'm in a different timeline, this must be her doing, trying to stop me from messing around."
"Regardless! There's something extremely important we have to discuss that should not affect the timeline too much!"
"..Like what?"
"Gamma, do you know what you were going to get me for Christmas today? It's very important."
"Um, let's see-" You glance backward at the presents, "..Well, we have a sweater picked out, and I was thinking of maybe getting you one of those toasters for a pet or a game console you could play with Hote-"
"No, more important than that." She blinks.
"..I can't think of anything else.. Was there something you wanted for Christmas?" Your eyes brighten, "You can come shopping with us!"
"No, no, Gamma. You were going to give me something EXTREMELY important, think about it."
This takes you a moment, but you quickly remember something you were discussing earlier.
"..A name?" You blink, "But I wasn't going to give Lil Si- I mean, you, a name. I was going to leave that to-"
"Gamma, you can NOT let the Sister cabal give me a name!" Suddenly, Sis' eyes seem alight with passion.
"Why not?"
"Gamma, no, you have to be the one to name me, you can't let them name me. Just, anything."
"Uhh, okay, I was thinking Wivio-"
"That's better but please come up with a better name?"
You simply blink as she says that.
"Why? What's wrong with-"
"THEY NAMED ME VIVIO2, GAMMA!" Lil' Sis, or Vivio2, simply gives up and blurts out her intentions, "They named me Vivio2 and I've spent the last NINETY YEARS being called either 'Two', 'Bis', or Vivvy, and I hate ALL of those names!"
You think this is some kind of joke, but-
She seems very serious.
"It was fine for the first five or so years before I was old enough to really care about it but then I started wanting to be treated like an adult and I realized how hard it was when your name was 'Two', and now I want to change it!" She pouts.
You simply blink. Something about this seems.. off.
"Uhh, surely there are easier ways to change your name than going back in time?"
"-Or! or, I could go back in time and fix it and then I'm never named 'Vivio2', problem solved. So please, give me a good name!"
Votes | Choice |
20 |
You are technically Vivio3 if we count Olivie... Is that the reason why you are annoyed?
17 |
How do you feel about, for example, Vivian? Or would you like to get a completely different name? Any themes you like in particular?
15 |
How does being named Tilde sound?
14 |
Wait, will this really not affect the future? I feel like it might.
12 |
Uhh, okay, let me get with Echo real quick and I'll get back to you, one second.
10 |
+Armor Dine Tachamachi Sägebrecht Olivie Vivio Alpha III
5 |
5 |
I knew Tilde would be a better name!
4 |
I like 'Bis'!
3 |
You are not even from this time axis, so it isn't your problem...
3 |
(grab her cheek) Vivio2! You didn't travel to another timeline just to do that, did you? That's worse than Rage-chan and her time loops!
3 |
+ hearts go to slee special edition
3 |
You do realise Zwei is literally living all her life being called "Two"? She seemed stable enough to me. Oh I know, maybe Kaiserin Zwei?
2 |
Okay, Wivio!
2 |
Jugemu Jugemu Unko Nageki Ototoi no Shin-chan no Pantsu Shinpachi no Jinsei Barumunku Fezarion Aizakku Shunaidaa Sanbun no Ichi no Junjou na Kanjou no Nokotta Sanbun no Ni wa Sakamuke ga Kininaru Kanjou Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru you de Shiranai no wo Boku wa Shitteiru Rusu Surume Medaka Kazunoko Koedame Medaka... Kono Medaka wa Sakki to Chigau Yatsu Dakara Ikeno Medaka no Hou Dakara Raayu Yuuteimiyaoukimukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe Bichiguso Maru
1 |
Surely you could have just.. ask for a name change, try to file for a name change, or-
1 |
1 |
0 |
..What's wrong with 'Vivio2'?
"Well, you ARE technically Vivio3 if we count Olivie."
She does not seem amused.
"..Is that why you're annoyed?"
"No, Gamma. that's not the problem, at all. Please, pick another name." Vivio2 huffs.
"Oh! I know!" She must be annoyed because you didn't use the proper title, "Armor Dine Tachamachi Sägebrecht Olivie Vivio Alpha III!"
"That's just 'Vivio3' again with more titles, please, pick another."
Wow, she sure is picky. Do you raise Lil' Sis to be this picky?
"Okay, well- In that case, how do you feel about, for example, Vivain?"
She seems not AS annoyed by that, but she doesn't seem any more accepting of it.
"I would prefer any name that does not make me seem directly compared to Vivio in any way, shape, or form." She huffs, "Please, think of something else."
"How does being named Tilde sound?"
"Tilde is better than-"
"Also, are you sure this won't affect the future? I feel like it might."
"Even if it does, why should I care?" You suddenly realize giving Vivio2 the benefit of a doubt that she knew what she was doing was a mistake.
"Because.. if you just fix up this timeline, your name won't change, you'll just change the name of other timelines-"
"Don't care." She huffs, "If I need to, I'll change the name in every single timeline. I'll do it. It's worth it to me."
You now realize that you're out of your league, and need to seek professional help at dealing with your pouting sister.
"Could you give me just a moment? I need to go check on Echo."
"..Fine, but I don't get why you can't just call her."
"Hahaaa- Iota is down at the moment and we can't just talk otherwise."
This causes Vivio2 to seem a bit confused, she then mumbles something to herself-
"..Wow I didn't realize you still had such a critical point-of-failure in the Sisternet still, maybe you fixed it in a few years?" Odd things to say, you don't want to 'fix' Iota. "-But sure, go ask Echo. I want her input, too."
"Thanks! Back in a second."
You hurry back to Echo, who is currently rummaging through the presents and trying to think to herself what else she needs to buy.
You quickly slide up next to her, and give her a quick nudge.
"Hmm? Gamma?" She seems confused, "Did you finish up whatever-it-was with our stalker?"
"Not quite, you see-"
"Oh, I get it." Echo huffs, "She wants to fight and you want to take it outside because fighting is more fun than shopping."
What?! You never said anything like that!
"No, Echo, this is serious, she's-"
"It's always serious, that's why you always get into fights on Christmas." Woh, did you leaving her for just a few minutes to talk with Vivio2 really invoke this kind of reaction? "If it's going to be another Halloween, which you just had a firefight for, then just leave me out of it. Go play with your new friend. I have a couple things to buy and then we can go."
"Echo, that person is Lil' Sis from a hundred years in the future!" You decide to just tell her.
This causes Echo to glance at you.
Then, she looks at her.
Then, she looks back at you.
"Gamma, are you sure you believe that?"
Echo isn't usually dismissive like this, but she seems dismissive this time.
"It's true!" You try not to raise your voice too much, "She says her name is 'Vivio2', and she-"
Echo, on the other hand..
"That's hilarious!"
"It's not, she's here to make sure she doesn't get named that. In one-hundred-years, she's tired of having that name."

Seems to change Echo's mood. She decides to take this a bit more seriously.
"..Well, if that is true, I hope you haven't decided to give her any time-altering ideas, right?"
"No!" That's a lie, and you're a terrible liar, "..Well, I did, but she didn't like any of them!"
"Okay, Gamma, I'm concerned that this could be a scam of some kind." Echo seems dismissive, still. "I mean, it's possible that one of our sisters traveled one hundred years back in time, but do you really think the thing they would do is try to change their name?"
Votes | Choice |
12 |
Having the power to time travel and using it for something like this seems like a really Sister thing to do.
6 |
If she's trying to scam me, why would giving Lil' Sis a better name be that scam?
6 |
Why not? If it annoys her that much...
5 |
Come on over, you can meet her and ask her about it yourself!
3 |
Our sisters did worse for less...
2 |
..I mean it seems silly but-
1 |
..I guess not, should I try to get as much info about the future as I can? Quiz her?
1 |
Well, even if she did came here for another reason, it looks like we are not dating in her timeline and someone tried to stop her... Maybe me?
1 |
+ grow beeg futa cock.
"Actually." You feel as if you should correct your sister on one thing; "Having the power to time travel and using it for something like this is a very sister thing to do."
This takes Echo a moment of processing, but she does seem to scoff.
"I wouldn't do something like that."
"What if you were called 'Hayate2'?"
This causes Echo's eyes to widen, and below her voice she gently whispers.
"..I would do something like that."
"See!?" You knew she would understand at some level.
"But either ways, we still shouldn't assume she's a time traveler just because she says so." Echo huffs.
"Well, why not rename her? If it annoys her so much, surely it can't have any repercussions."
"No, but let's say she IS a time traveler." Echo entertains another thought, "Then renaming her would create a time paradox, as she would have no reason to come back to the past in the first place. Which would be bad. Really, really bad."
"Oh please, I'm sure it's not THAT easy to make a time paradox." You cross you arms.
"I don't think either of us know because Time Travel isn't something that's possible, yet." Echo makes an interesting point.
"How about- You come on over and then you can meet her and ask!"
This takes her aback, but you already know a good way to make Echo stop second guessing.
Let her do it herself!
"Meet her and ask? If this is a time paradox, getting more of us involved can't-"
"..If she's trying to scam me, wouldn't you be able to tell just from talking to her if she's being for real or not? I'm not even sure what she could gain by just giving Lil' Sis a better name."
"Well, there's more to scams than just money. It could be-"
"So it's settled!" You give her a smile, and then start gathering up the presents, "LET'S GO!"
Echo sighs, but that doesn't keep her from following you back to the awaiting future-Lil-Sis, Vivio3.
Err, two.
You're still not sure yet.
"Okay, so!" You walk up proudly to her, and she seems a bit happier to see Echo.
"Oh, Echo!" Vivio2 recognizes her right away, "Listen, can you give me a name better than Gamma's names?"
"Listen, listen, you claim you're 'Lil' Sis', right?"
"I'm not claiming, I'm knowing." She smiles.
"Then, maybe you can tell me a bit about the future?"
"Echo, what are-"
"I think that's an extraordinarily poor idea." Vivio2 echoes your thoughts, "The more I tell you about the future, the more that could change. I really just want another name."
"Oh, so now you care about affecting the future?" Echo huffs. "I just have a few really tiny questions."
"..Like what?"
Echo seems a little bit nonplussed, but also a tad bit nervous.
"I was really just wanting to know.. None of our sisters die in the next hundred years, do they?"
There's a pause, and Vivio2 simply sighs.
"You know I can't answer that."
"What about humans? Do all of them die? They don't live that long."
"Again, I can't answer that."
"Echo, I don't-"
"Well, then, what about-" She seems to be a bit more nervous this time, "What about Christmas and Halloween? Will we ever stop having a constant war every holiday or will it just be this way for the next 100 years?"
"..I could probably answer that one." Vivio2 shrugs.
"Echo." Vivio2 sighs, "You know our family, and you know the answer."

For some reason, this seems to make Echo despair even worse than the possibility of creating a time paradox.
31 = 31
29 = 29
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
86 = 86 (Success!)
65 = 65
"Aww I'm sorry, sweetheart." You give Echo's head a pat, "I thought you would have known this by now."
"I.. uh-" She still seems struck by this sudden insight.
"I will ABSOLUTELY make sure that you at least experience a normal Christmas once every couple of years."
"..Set your expectations lower." Vivio2 is very unhelpful right now!
"Okay, once every ten years."
Vivio2 still looks incredulous.
"..Twenty years."
She smiles, and gives a thumbs up. You think you can aim for normaly at least once a quarter-century!
"This has to be a joke, right?" Echo still doesn't seem to believe it, "If this is true, you wouldn't be here before us, because the act of asking us to change your name would result in you having a different name, and thus never needing to come back here at all."
"If it means even one version of me doesn't have accursed name, it's worth it." She nods.
"Echo, could you just make a suggestion and we can be on our way? I'm sure she would be gone by now if you could make a suggestion she likes, and I could go pitch that name to the other sisters and be done with it."
"Ugh, FINE!" Echo sighs, "Who's your favorite human?"
"Uhh, probably Vivio as much as I loathe to admit." She sighs.
"Favorite Pet?"
"Definitely Zafira."
"Favorite Skill?"
"..Raptor Takedown"
"And finally, favorite pasttime."
"Well, it's embarrassing but, video games. The uh.. romance novel kind." Vivio2 glances away as she says this.
"Great! Now take the first letters of all of your answers and make a name out of them. Problem solved."
"..VZRTVG?" She says this in a way that sounds like a blur of static leaving her lips, "What does that even mean? That's a terrible name!"
"Worse than the one you have?"
This gives her pause for thought.
"Great, it's settled. C'mon Gamma-"
"WAIT!" She stops you, "You can't tell them that, either!"
This causes Echo to sigh, and for you to smile cautiously.
"If only Rage-Chan was around, I would ask her to surf around and find a good name for you in a universe we could peer into."
She puts her hand over your mouth.
"Don't say her name, I'm trying to hide from her."
You suddenly realize something important.
"..She.. isn't trying to stop you from doing this, is she?"
"Yes, but if we're quick, she won't find us."
You realize something important.
"Does that mean.. I can meet her?!"
"No, no Gamma, her finding me is a bad thing." Vivio2 explains, "If she finds me, a fight will surely erupt as she tries to subdue me and bring me back!"
Votes | Choice |
28 |
Does it matter if she takes you back? We're not going to call you Vivio2, or any other Vivio-number.
Mission accomplished, this timeline's version of you will definitely get a different name, and if she hates that one too then she can come back in time and tell us herself, right?
10 |
How about Lilith for a name?
8 |
Listen here VZRTVG! We gave you a name and you didn't like it, so just accept the name you have or try to come up with a better one!
6 |
Try to stall, you get to meet Rage-Chan!
6 |
+Now you can go back to the future, while I will go back to my date! Bye! What? Vivio2 will ruin our night if Rage-chan find her, so just GO BACK BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
4 |
Lil Sis, Lil Sisss, Lysis? That's a word, right?
3 |
Syllia? The letters are close to Lil Sis, but it's an actual name!
3 |
+In the meantime, we can meet Rage Chan, do the annual christmas fight early, and then have some snacks!
2 |
We can edit the filter in your head so you only hear a name you like when you hear 'Vivio2'
2 |
+I promise that I will defeat you both if you cause trouble in this timeline.
2 |
How about Pandora? For "all giving" because you're a gift and the name's a present?
1 |
If you are really trying to hide from Rage-chan, then why you are still talking with me? We are directly connected on multiple timelines, you dork...
0 |
Unfortunately the name you will hear is VZRTVG.
"Listen here, VZRTVG!" You've just about run out of patience for this, "We gave you a name and you didn't like it."
"All of these names you're suggesting are terrible!"
"So?" Echo huffs, "I don't know why it comes down to Gamma to name you in the first place."
"She's the only one who was given the task of naming me way back when! She told me that!" Vivio2 glances at you with an expectant glare.
"Listen, then does it matter if she takes you back at this point?" You try to be pragmatic with Vivio2, "We're not going to call you Vivio2 anyway, so mission accomplished. If this happens to be just one of many timelines or you happen to not like the name you're given, just come back again. It's clearly within your power."
You cross your arms and give your wayward little sister a sigh.
She seems oddly happy about this breakthrough.
"That's all I want to hear. I just want to hear that you're not going to give me this accursed name."
"Gamma, I'm telling you, if she still has the name, then-"
"Doesn't matter-" You shrug, "We're not going to call you any Vivio number, and this timeline is changed. Mission accomplished. So can we get back to the date that we were on before we were rudely interrupted? We would like to finish up this Christmas before Rage-Chan manages to-"
Oh no.

This isn't quite what you remember, however-
Blonde hair.
Confident smirk.
Sarcastic, almost sassy stride.
Tiny, some would say, smol.
Oh no. She's storming this way.
"So anything else?" Maybe you can wrap this up before.
"No, Thank you Gamma, and have a-"
Yep, this is what you were afraid of.
The sassy smile disappears as she stands right behind Vivio2.
"Gamma! What ever you had in mind forget it, Bis! We're leaving. Right now. Before you screw anything up!"
"NEVER call me that again." Vivio2 shouts back, "From here on, I am no longer Vivio2, I'm-"
She glances back at you, "Did we decide on a name?"
You blink. "..How about Lilith?"
"-I'M LILITH!" She turns and shouts at what is obviously Rage-chan.
"..Gamma, is that-"
"It is, though, I don't know why her hair is cut and I don't know why she's dressed like that."
"-It's the Christmas style at the time!" Rage-chan shouts back, "-More importantly- Bis, we are NOT renaming you because this is going to completely mess up the future!"
"I don't CARE about the future!"
"..Gamma?" Echo nudges your arm, "Maybe we should just.. go. Before either of them realize we're leaving."
Votes | Choice |
6 |
+Glomp the Rage-chan
5 |
Get between them, no family quarrels in public!
2 |
Too late, Echo. They killed the Christmas romance, so we may as well share the cakes with them...
2 |
Just bind those two, we know that someone will start throw the first punch soon.
2 |
Sis and daughter, I will let X-ray name you both in this timeline if you continue this fight!
1 |
Gradually sneak away while they spout drama at one another.
0 |
Assure Rage-Chan that she was just leaving and help capture Bis- Lilith if she tries staying.
"You do care about the future! That's why you're back here trying to change it!"
"I only care about the future if-"
You push straight past both of them having their own little moment so you can have a little moment of your own.
"No no no- Gamma now is not the time, I know you always do this but- AHH!"
You effortlessly lift the tiny blonde girl up, and give her a loving squeeze as you spin her around once in your arms.
"Rage-chan, I've missed you so much. I was worried that I'd never see you again, but here you are, right here in front of me!"
"..Gamma, remember what I said about 'Don't change the future'? I would love nothing more than for you and I to spend the next hundred years catching up, but at the same time I'm putting myself and Bis in danger just being here."
"MY NAME ISN'T BIS!" She immediately shouts.
"-And you." You turn your head to the littlest big-sis. "No having family quarrels in public. Can't you see that you're attracting glances?"
She shuts up, and then reads the mall. It seems like everyone has already taken a wide berth away from here. Spectators and onlookers glance at her with their phone cameras as they record their silly tirade.
"..Let's take this outside."
"Yes, lets." The little girl in your arms replies, with a sigh.

You make your way to the top deck of this little shopping district. It's way too cold for humans to be out here, normally. What few humans find themselves around immediately seek refuge in the much warmer interior.
This place is great because not only does it have few humans, but also open access to the sky. So if this little fight over names turns hot, they can both rocket upward and have their little Christmas fight.
Oh, you hate that you've already accepted that there's going to be a Christmas fight.
"Now, both of you." You tug at Big Lil' Sis cheek. "You're NOT going to be having a fight inside of a store with humans in it. I don't care what time period you came from, that will just draw more attention to you!"

"She has you there, Sis." Rage-Chan gives her a little raspberry while she's perched in your arms.
"And you-" You pick her up carefully, and turn her toward you. "I was just about to have this sorted out before you came back here and ruined it. I don't want you to start fighting her and initiate even bigger problems, understood?"
"But you have to name her Vivio2! Time could literally end if you don't!"
"If time was going to end, it would have ended the second we met her." Echo brings up a good point.
"And another thing! I want to have some Christmases without the usual fighting-until-everything-is-broken." You give her a scolding, "I know you have some power over that, so I want your help in maintaining a peaceful Christmas at least once every ten years!"
This just causes Echo to sigh again. Is that too much time?
"Listen, listen- more important than that is keeping Vivio2 from destroying the universe." She sighs.
"So what do you recommend we do? Both of you need to go back. I'm the one that's going to handle the name."
"Great! Name her Vivio2."
"No! Name me Lilith!"
"This is why we should have snuck away." Echo puts her hand on her face.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
I am not going to give Lil' Sis a name she doesn't like.
5 |
I will let X-ray name you both!
3 |
Echo, send a note for our future selves! If we organize a group to prevent time travel, then this will not be our problem!
1 |
It's not up to me. As I've been trying to tell you, it's a decision I'm going to make with my sisters.
1 |
I don't care what it is anymore! I'll say your name is anything as long as it lets you both go home!
1 |
Can we make the Christmas fight be about our future selves punching time in behaving as we want?
0 |
I think Rage-Chan is right and we should be safe about this now that we've already met. You made this bed, Vivio2.
"I am not going to give Lil' Sis a name she doesn't like." You are insistent about this part. "I understand that this could have consequences for the future but so would coming back in time in order to fight your aunt." You want to be sure you emphasize that last point. She's certainly no stranger to threatening the time-space continuum.
"Yes!" Vivio2 gives a little triumphant victory pose.
"Gamma, you need to name her Vivio2, do you know what will happen if you don't?"
"Don't know and I don't care." You huff.
"You're putting yourself in jeopardy! They could send people from the future in order to remedy-"
"Need I remind you, young lady, that your name is still up for contention, too." You lightly squeeze her under her armpits, "-And if my answer for names isn't sufficient for you, then I'm going to let X-Ray name you both."
This suddenly runs a very cold and obvious bolt down her spine. She blinks in two very successive blips and mutters only one thing on her mind.
"..That isn't like you. Are you really Gamma?"
"I am Gamma and this is exactly like me." You pout, "Maybe it's not the Gamma that you would expect but I'm still Gamma and I'm still very much against making my sisters or you uncomfortable just because the stupid space-time continuum said so. If it acts up, I'll just axe it until it behaves again."
You don't know much about space or time or how any of it works together, but you do know about Axe. You also know that Axe has been your best ambassador for the last few years.
"..I guess you are Gamma, because only she would think that makes any sense at all." Rage-chan sighs.
"It makes perfect sense. I trust Echo to make the assessment on if this has already messed with Space-time or not. She doesn't think it has, so us being here seems entirely in-line with her calculations that everything will be fine!"
Rage-Chan suddenly blinks, and glances over at Echo.
"..You made an assessment already?"
"That's right!" You smile, "And I always trust Echo's assessments on everything because she's smart, beautiful, and I love her!"
That last line seems to make Echo blush a bit, but makes Rage-chan seem more confused than anything.
"..You're.. Dating Echo in this timeline?"
"What of it? Wasn't it obvious?"
Rage-chan then gives a delightful smirk.
"Nothing! In fact, that's wonderful, Gamma. I hope you and her have plenty of children in the future."
..That's an odd thing to say.
"Wait, wait wait-" Vivio2 replies, "What does that mean? What does it matter if they're dating or not?"
"Well, you should already know about the future enough to understand."
"..Gamma.. is dating."
"That's right." Rage-chan smirks, even more evilly.
Vivio2 appears dumbstruck, but then glances at Echo.
"..Echo, is this true?"
"Of course it's true." Echo crosses her arms, "Gamma and I have been a thing for a while, now."
"Like.. Have you two actually-"
She glances side to side, from Echo and then back to you.
"..Done it?"
"HEY!" Echo is really offended.
"I mean, yeah, what about it?" You feel even more confused than you did previously.
This puts a look of abject horror in her eyes. Rage-chan rotates her body in her grip just to glance at her with a big grin.
"I win." Is all she says, in response.
"HOW?!" Suddenly, Vivio2 seems very irate. "How is that possible at all?! Echo! Did you trick her into doing dirty things with you?"
"WHAT? NO!" Now your girlfriend is offended. You decide to step in.
"What do you mean? I'm the one who initiated it. It's been maybe close to a year now, but I finally worked up the courage to take it all the way maybe a couple months ago?"
You still remember the Halloween 'issue' you had to deal with where the idea first stepped into your head.
"G-.." Vivio2 is horrified, "Gamma, the eternally chaste virgin.. has a naughty side? I-.. I think I gotta go, maybe I've messed things up more than I realized!"
"Hahaha! Good luck on that name, Bis! I'll see you for dinner tonight!"
Vivio2 huffs, "This isn't over! I'll just do it again! I'll find the right universe! Your tricks can't work forever!"
Votes | Choice |
10 |
Wait, I surely learn what the birds and bees are in one hundred years.. right?
7 |
I uh.. Good luck you two! And Rage-chan, see you again when you're born *hug*
7 |
Why would you expect me to be all chaste, anyway? I'm not X-Ray, she's the prudish one.
6 |
..Is the thought of me having sex really THAT much of an irregularity?
4 |
+In the interests of helping a transdimensional sister out, "Give your Gamma this when you see her next." Give an encrypted version of the program you used to bypass your parental controls and porn videos of your favorite positions, all set to automatically decrypt itself upon contact with any alternate forms of your software.
3 |
+Tell your Gamma she's a loser with no game! NO GAME!
1 |
"..Is the thought of me having sex really THAT much of an irregularity?!"
"..Until a few months ago, yeah." Even Echo seems to sheepishly admit it as she glances toward the presents.
"Really!?" You think this is a much bigger issue than the whole 'name' thing. "Surely! I have to learn what the birds and the bees are in one hundred years! Even if it's just by accident, sex is everywhere in human society!"
This just results in a rather strange and evasive glance from both Rage-Chan and Vivio2!
"This is a joke, right? Y-" You spin Rage-chan back around to face you, "You tell my interdimensional version that she has no game! You hear? NO GAME!"
"Gamma.." Rage-chan sighs, with a smirk, "Even if I told her that, she would think you were talking about owning a video game console."
You feel utterly horrified. How is it possible for anyone, even you, to just not 'get it' after so much time?
"What is going on with your timeline!" You shout, "Why am I such a prude?!"
"You're not a prude, you're very inexperienced." Vivio2 explains.
"This makes me sound as bad as X-Ray!"
"As who?" Rage-chan blinks.
"X-Ray! Otherwise known as the Prude unit, always keeping us from being lovey dovey."
"What's going on in THIS timeline?!" Vivio2 exclaims, seemingly exasperated about something.
Who cares about that though. You? A virgin for a century?!
This can't stand!
"Echo! Do you have a spare data cartridge?"
Echo blinks, and then reaches between her breasts in a way that makes you envy her fingers.
Between them, she takes out a small chip on the end of a tiny chain.
"Hold it up, there's something I have to put on it."
You start to transmit information to it. Before either of the two can ask what you're doing, you turn and glance at both Lil' Sis and Rage-chan.
"You two, even if you're fighting or even if you disagree on something. I can only offer you both good luck, okay?"
"Aw, here we go, the sappy Gamma is coming out!" Rage chan braces for the immediate hug, which you deliver momentarily.
"It's more than just 'good luck'. I haven't seen you since you were born, and the idea of having to wait a hundred years feels like too long of a wait."
"If it makes you feel better, trust me, it won't take a hundred years." Vivio2 sighs.
"And you, whatever name you end up being." You glance at Vivio2, with a smile-

"Enjoy the future, don't be upset by it! If something feels wrong, you should change it in the future! Not in the past!"
This, combined with the way you gave her the bedroom eyes, makes her gaze avert intentionally.
"Ah.." She slightly blushes as you twirl Rage-chan once for good measure. "..I see now what Echo sees in you, an aware Gamma is truly a terrifying monster."
"Don't say 'Monster' in that context." Rage-chan huffs. You give her another squeeze.
"Before you go-" You finish writing to the data stick. Echo tosses it to you and you catch it with the greatest of ease. "I would like you to take this back to my transdimensional self."
Rage-chan glances at it curiously.
"What is it?"
"It's encrypted for now, but soon, if you give it to Gamma, then-"
"OH YUCK! GROSS!" Rage-chan immediately jumps from your arms! "You're going to give THAT to YOURSELF?!"
This causes both Echo and yourself to blink. You simply reply with-
"..How did you know what's on it? I used the best encryption."
"Yeah, for your time, but it's basically plain text to us!"
"..I don't understand." Vivio2 says in a monotone.
"She's sending porn videos to herself in our time!"
"WHAT?" Echo seems really upset! "WHY!?"
"That's right!" You nod, with a smile. "Videos of all my favorite positions! Specially made to be unlocked when it encounters my programming. Not to mention 'inspiration' of when I found out about all of this by watching another sister of mine."
"YOU WATCHED ANOTHER SISTER?!" This seems to horrify Rage-chan.
"Well, it's more that she flaunted it to me." It's just a matter of perspective.
"Gamma, I- I can't give that to her! It's bad enough that-"

"I'll give it to her" Vivio2 smirks, "Toss it here."
"Oh! Thanks!"
You toss it up and over to Vivio2. She spins it easily in her fingers.
"Eheh, thanks Gamma! I'll go give it to future-you right now! I look forward to seeing you blossom!"
"You better not!" Rage-chan seems ominous. "Don't you dare give that to her! She's basically a hundred year old child!"
Before she can say anything else, Vivio2 turns-
And jumps off the building.
Rage-chan quickly follows, and leaps out of sight.
"GOOD LUCK YOU TWO!" You shout at them with a wave, only gradually hearing their voices fade as they chase each other into the future.
Which just leaves you-
And Echo.
Alone, on the roof.
"..Gamma, did you really open up yourself to me sexually because-"
You turn, and glance at your beautiful girlfriend.
"Because… It was me?"

"I want to unwrap my present now."
"HEY!" Echo blushes, and gives you a whack across your storage tanks.
You use this opportunity to cradle her closer-

And give her a kiss.
The cold.
The music down below.
The freezing air.
Contrasted with the warmth from her mouth.
This moment? Even if it's the only moment in time any version of you experiences it.
Is heaven.
"I love you, Echo." You press your forehead against hers. She immediately melts in your arms.
"..I love you too, Gamma."
"..But seriously, can we hurry up to that hotel?"
This results in her blushing, but then quickly recovering.
"..I guess this is better than you being a virgin forever, but I must ask.." You're not sure what Echo is confused about, "-Who's porno was on that stick?"
"Oh, that?" You blink, "That was one that Bravo sent me. It's her and-"
Why is Echo so mad.
"What?!" You blink, "But it was what I asked for!"
"You WHAT?!"
"Yeah! I asked for it after I saw what Bravo was doing to Sein, it's how I-"
"Well you don't need it anymore! Just look at my body! Okay?! Memorize this and no one else's!"
"E-" You're not against it, but- "Echo! Wait! Keep your clothes on, We can do this at the Hotel!"
(Christmas 2023: Always Time for Christmas END)
RaptorS Battle Network

A booming voice echoes above a crowd of cheering spectators standing on the outside of a massive stadium.

Projected on the side is the visage of a beautiful brown-haired girl swaying and weaving between beams of magic death.
"Nanoha is amazing when she gets going, isn't she?" One of the commentators praises her, "A real powerhouse in skill."
"-And it looks like her opponent is learning that first-hand!"
A pink wave of energy annihilates the mere silhouette of a girl as she explodes into a series of numbers!
The screen on the side of the stadium ERUPTS with these green-on-black letters, the crowd explodes into cheers and laughter!
"I knew she could do it!" Combined with "That's why she's my hero!"
The grand reception seemingly overlooks one extremely smug-looking figure.
A smaller girl with blue ribbons in her hair, neatly organized into twintails.
"Heheh.." She giggles, evilly to herself.
With a skip, she hops through the crowd with relative ease and superhuman speed. The whole time the stadium showers with confetti.
However, the whole time this is happening, it's also playing a very helpful advertisement.
"Good work out there today." One of the stagehands gives a younger girl an encouraging few words. "Congrats on the championship."
"Thank you!"

"You did fantastic as well!"
She giggles. With today's victory, she's now the #3 in Brave Duel. She would be #1, if it weren't for-
Not her, that's for sure. A blonde-haired girl who moves like a rabbit rapidly closes in before-

"Eheh.." Nanoha pats the blonde girl's scalp, running her fingers through her hair. "Of course you would find me first. Are you really that excited?"
The beautiful young girl nestles her head against Nanoha's chest, she simply sighs as her hand runs through her hair.
"You're even more excited than Fate would be, Alicia."
"Aw Fate doesn't get excited about anything." Alicia pouts, "That's why she's not here right now! The only one who can appreciate how important this is, is-"
"WHO isn't here again?"
Alicia's eyes freeze, as she realizes she's been caught. Before the person behind her can say anything else, she whips around and dives on her!

"NEEEEECHAAAAAAAAAN!" She tackles Fate. "I was just joking! I know you care about Nanoha and would-"
"Yeah, yeah.." Fate sighs, rubbing her sister's head. "..Just for the record Nanoha, I DO care, and that's why I'm here to say-"
"Let's go to T&H's!" Nanoha immediately interrupts Fate.
Fate blinks, and asks a simple question.
"..Why? You just won a tournament, don't tell me-"

"Ah that was all stressful! I want a casual game to cool down!" Nanoha smiles, "Maybe Stern is around, and we can have a practice duel!"
"..I don't know why you're surprised, Big sis." Alicia hugs her bigger counterpart with a smile.
"I just figured maybe she would like to do something like go to lunch, but going to play more is something I should have expected."
"Aw, Fate!" Nanoha gives both of them a hug, "Of course we'll get lunch! But I want to play the game more, too. C'mon! It's only 3 PM!"
"You're a notable celebrity in most of the city, Nanoha. Are you sure you want to just go walking around in-"

-In the end, they walked around down, idly chatting while being stopped by almost everyone in every place they went. It nearly takes an hour to make the ten minute walk from the stadium to T&Hs from all of the attention Nanoha is attracting.

But at the very least-
The hobby shop which stands as the hub for their strange hobby remains all the same.
"Brave Duel", the name of the video game Nanoha just won a tournament in, is a VR experience like no other.

A full-body simulation encompassing every possible action a human could possibly imagine, and incorporating it into a competitive game likened to the most popular e-sports ever conceived.
So much so, that it has quickly overtaken all of them, and even competes with real sports leagues for attention and views, much to the chagrin of the modern sports scene.
However, it's not merely any video game, there is a skill and physical prowess involved, because inside of this game-
"NANOHA!" Alicia pushes the brown-haired girl inside of the double doors.
"Okay! Okay, I'm going-" Nanoha gulps, there's only one reason Alicia would be so excited about something, and that's- "Okay, what did you add this time?"
Nanoha and Fate know that giggle, it's the sound of mischievous behavior from a little bunny who is looking forward to torturing the two of them in increasingly byzantine methods in VR.
"Woh, woh, hold on- What does that mean?" Nanoha holds her card up, allowing the scanner to sign her in.

Almost IMMEDIATELY- an alarm blares-
Balloons fall from the ceiling-
And confetti pops all over her!
"Oh, oh no-" Nanoha suddenly realizes- She's been caught.

Almost immediately, she's beset by two middle-aged women, both of them seemingly doting on the brown-haired girl.
"CONGRATULATIONS, NANOHA!" They shout in unison.
"Uhh.." Nanoha mumbles, "This.. wasn't necessary."
"Of course it was! It's not every day a patron of our shop wins a NATIONAL EVENT!" The purple-haired one exclaims.
"Eheh, When I saw you win that event, I was practically on my toes. I just had to set something up for when you came in!"
Nanoha eyes the two older ladies, and then back to Alicia.
"..This isn't what you were planning?"
"Nope! But this is interesting, too!" Alicia smiles.
Nanoha gulps, just the thought that this isn't even the main event, not to mention all of the eyes on her, makes her increasingly nervous.
"Mom." Fate states, in a commanding tone.

"Yes Sweetheart?"
"Can you please get OFF of my best friend and treat her like a customer instead of a squeezy-toy? You're embarrassing all of us, right now." Fate crosses her arms.
"I'm not embarrassed." Alicia smiles.
"Oh! oh oh, right, Sorry Ms. Takamachi." She repeats, with some added bows for good measure.
"It's okay, I really don't mind." Nanoha shrugs, "Really, I wanted to hear about this new feature you added to VR!"
"Oh! Oh.. Alicia.." She eyes her younger daughter, "..Have you been leaking secrets, again?"
"AHahah! Well, Maybe a little, maybe I was a little excited about-"
"It's not ready yet." The green-haired woman replies. "In fact, I'm not sure it will ever be ready."
Nanoha blinks, and only asks a single, dejected question.
"..Why not?"
She glances over a Precia, who explains in more detail.
"I purchased an exclusive game mode for Brave Duel from Dr. Scagletti, but there's a bit of a problem with it. So I'm not really, comfortable with anyone else trying it."
"What's wrong with it?"
"Well- you see." The green-haired woman replies.
"It's too hard."
"Too hard?" Nanoha blinks. "What is it, even?"
"It's a co-op mode, a special mode where everyone works together to fight waves of AI opponents, and-"

"It's too hard." Precia replies, "Way too hard. I think Scagletti made the AI in it too.. clever. Not to mention, it's strong, really strong. I'm not really comfortable letting it loose on human opponents, just testing it earlier made a little kid cry."
"..Yeah, I'll have to apologize to Vita, later." Lindy gulps, scratching her head.
Votes | Choice |
19 |
Well now we HAVE to see what it's like! Turn it on! Put us in!
15 |
+Don't peek at Fates mom. Dont peek at Fates mom. dontpeekatfatesmom---
10 |
What level of crying are we talking about here?
10 |
You made a boss battle that people can't beat even with hacks like Unison and Unison Rerise!? I WANT TO TRY!
8 |
That sounds like a great way to practice! If it's as good as you say, by the time I can beat it, I'll CRUSH the tournaments.
6 |
+Peek down Precia's shirt. You are an adorable cinnamon bun with a poker face. You can get away with it.
5 |
Can you show the replay of the battle? It's not like Vita can hide her defeat now.
3 |
Can you tell me more about it?
3 |
+Take a good hard look at Fate's mom. Send up a prayer that, even if Fate inherited nothing else from her mother, that she inherited that.
2 |
Aw you're just being too protective! *Turn the difficulty all the way up*
0 |
Wow, I'll let someone else go in first.
"..You can't just say that and expect us to not want to see what it's like!" Nanoha pouts. "We HAVE to see it now!"
"Yeah, you kind of piqued my interest, as well." Fate concurs.
"Turn it on! Put us in!" Nanoha almost has a puppy-dog like whine in her voice.
"Listen here, young missy." Precia leans down extra close to her face, which causes her eyes to track downward by instinct. "We're not just talking about a toy. We're talking about experimental software which we may have underestimated the effectiveness of."
"Agreed." Lindy nods, "We were going to just see if Jail could repurpose it for something else, because even if you can't get physically hurt; I don't want it scarring your perception of Brave Duel."
"Seriously, we need to apologize to Vita later.." Precia stands upward, and Nanoha's eyes track her swaying the whole way up.
This, unfortunately, doesn't go unnoticed by a certain someone who may be a little bit upset about Nanoha perving on her mother. Fate gingerly grabs Nanoha's ear as she nervously laughs.
"..Aside from that, what level of 'crying' are we talking about, here?" Fate continues, being sure to pull Nanoha's ear extra hard.
"Vita decided to go in on 'medium' skill, and held out for two minutes against two of the Raid Bosses." Precia seems confused, not exactly understanding why her daughter is tugging at her best friend's ear.
"Two minutes?" Alicia seems almost entranced by the prospect.
"Yeah, and that was the point we decided to stop it. Which is why we are highly suggesting that neither of you go straight into any fight with Jail's new system."
"Are you saying you made a boss battle that people can't beat with hacks like Unison and Unison re-rise?"
Nanoha, not deterred in the least, actually seems extremely excited after hearing their warnings about the potential power involved.
"Yes, and to make things worse; I'm not sure we've ever created a card who could theoretically beat even the mid-level raid bosses in Jail's system." Precia laments. "It seems Jail has created an unbeatable series of challenges, knowing full-well that they're impossible tasks with the current cards and systems we have."
"So, what's his end-game?" Nanoha asks a very distinct question.
Precia shrugs.
However, Alicia immediately responds!
"He's gonna make special powerups and sell them, probably!" Alicia seems convinced, "He's going to make super special-decial cards and sell them one by one, maybe even in gachapon machines!"
"Alicia-" Precia hugs the pouting blonde girl, "I'm sure Jail isn't THAT evil."
"Either ways, this sounds like a great way to practice!" All of this talk just makes Nanoha even more excited! "If it's as good as you say, by the time I beat it; I'll CRUSH the tournaments!"
"Nanoha.. I don't think that's how it works-"
Before Lindy can say anything else, Nanoha has already made a beeline for the VR Pods.
"Wait! Don't you at least want to give it a trial run on tabletop?! Why do you want to jump straight into VR with those monsters?!"
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Medium style! I want a taste of what 'normal' is for them!
5 |
+ Because I'm a gamer!
2 |
2 |
Slow and steady! Let's get a taste!
2 |
+ People call me monster all the time! I figured out how to use rerise in the middle of a match!
65 = 65
74 = 74
33 = 33
94 = 94
35+26 = 61
75 = 75
96 = 96
35+26 = 61

The feeling of cyberspace crashes over the young girls like a tidal wave. Their barrier jackets form, and they find themselves in VR.
In VR, they find-
A giant, open arena with no buildings, no obstacles, no barriers.
Just a giant, flat platform floating in space.
"Uhh.." Nanoha seems a bit confused.
"I'm also confused as well.." Fate seems wary, "Be cautious. There's no cover to hide behind if this turns into a firefight."

"What do you mean 'if it turns into a firefight, sis?" Alicia smiles as she does a hop in her very suggestive bunny jacket, "It's a wide open plane. We have the advantage, here."
"Well, I'm not going to make any judgement about that, until-"
Nanoha instinctively raises up her staff, and points it as a single, lone figure who just mysteriously appeared in front of the three girls.
"..Who are you?" Nanoha asks a very good question of the tiny girl.

On her surface, she appears to be the same as Arisu, however, with one big difference: Her hair is fluffy like Vita Yagami's. She doesn't keep it in pigtails, so she kind of resembles Alice from Alice in Wonderland. She even has one of Vita Yagami's little stuffed rabbits in her hand.
You almost mistook her for a tiny version of Arisu, but the similarities to Vita Yagami seem too obvious.
"..Wait, are you the battle?" Nanoha asks, confused.
"Careful, I'm not convinced she won't throw an attack at any moment." Fate readies her staff, leveling it at the tiny girl.
The small girl only makes a small bow, and continues what sounds like a preplanned speech.
"Greetings, and welcome to the Raptor Battle Network." The tiny girl does a slight bow. Her silly blonde hair falls around her shoulders. "I am Iota, the communications processing unit, and will be administering the battle today."
Immediately, Alicia rushes forward and wraps her arms around the tiny blonde NPC.
"Look! Look! Her hair is like Arisu's!" Alicia giggles, "I want a friend NPC just like her for singles games-"
"Hmm?" 'Iota' blinks, and tries to struggle away from the grasp. "Singles games?"
"Hmm?" Alicia suddenly seems extremely confused. "You.. can understand me?"
"Of course I can, how else would I administer the battle?"
"Hold on-" Fate still keeps her staff at the ready, she's not trusting of this thing at all. "-Can you actually talk to us? I had thought the only A.I. in these games were the NPCs, and you can only order special commands to them."
Iota then wriggles away from the death-grip of Alicia, and gives a slight twirl.
"I am a next-generation self-sufficient Administrator unit for Virtual Reality. Codename: Raptor!"
The lights start to dim-
-And, A spotlight appears on Iota!
"-With my advanced data processing, and the lack of a physical translation layer, I am the ultimate data administrator for not just VR, but Cyberspace in general!" Iota does a spin.
She dances slightly, and then finally hops before giving her final response-
"Buy Scagletti products today!"
The lights come back up, and the regular platform comes back.
Iota, who was once nonplussed, suddenly sports a VERY furious blush.
"AH! SORRY!" Iota shrinks backwards, doing a slight bow, "Forget you saw that! My sister told me to never do that!"
You want to hug this figure, so badly.

"So.. Why are you here?" Fate only lowers her staff just enough to keep it not pointed directly at the girl.
"I am here to administer the simulation, and communicate to the other units how you would like to proceed with the battle. Then, other administrators will change the arena to meet your preferences." Iota picks up where she left off, but still appears embarrassed. "So, what would you like to do for this fight? Difficulty preferences? Any questions you would like to ask?"
76 = 76
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
46 = 46 (Fail)
"Well, you don't have to worry about going easy on US!" Alicia gives a great big smile as she jumps to the front, and gets right in Iota's face. "Look! We even have an advertisement, too!"
"No, no, Sis, not now-" Fate suddenly slinks backwards.
"Come on Fate! Let's show her!" Alicia strikes a pose, and starts to excitedly tap her feet, "Three! Two! One!"
She suddenly does a bounce, and waves her arms excitedly.
"T&H! Hobby Shop! Brave Duel!" She does a twirl, "Braver with us! T&- "
Fate's face is so red right at this moment.
"-Come on, Fate! Start dancing already!" Alicia pouts, "It looks weird when I do it by myself"
"THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S WEIRD, SIS!" Fate suddenly exclaims.
"So um, anything I can provide in this battle routine?" Iota seems to completely ignore the display, and instead stays as professional as she can.
"So-" As does Nanoha, "We can choose any arena we want?"
"That's a really great feature! Can we get environmental hazards?"
"Of course."
"Gravity fields?"
"You can tune gravity as you wish at any time."
"How about Spectators?"
"We can simulate a full stadium of spectators or allow outside spectators to watch." Iota dutifully repeats.
"Wow! How about Theme music?"
"We already got Theme music!" Alicia exclaims, "Three! Two! One! Brav-"
"NO!" Fate jumps over and covers her sister's mouth.
"..I suppose I could work something out." Iota tilts her head, inquisitively.
"More than that-" Fate remains on track, "Can you give us a quick summary of our opponents? I'm still not exactly sure what we're up against."
"Of course." Iota does a quick bow.
She then steps backwards, and extends her arms. In front of her, many scary-looking robotic opponents appear!
The three girls immediately assume a battle stance, until they realize that they're not moving.
"Firstly, you'll face off against waves of target drones, intermixed with the occasional First-Gen Attack Unit." Iota helpfully explains, "The First-gen Attack Units share a single consciousness, and command the target drones to behave in an intelligent, and coordinated manner, as to keep them feeling fresh and not like the usual canned AI."
"Then-" Iota waves her hands again, and some portraits pop up.
Most of the floating portraits seem awfully familiar, some of them look outright like people the girls know!
"..Is that us?"
"Is that Lindy-san?" The girls ask their own very-capable questions as they eye the portraits, "Are these past records of our battle data?"
"Not exactly." Iota smiles, "They are, in fact- My sisters. The Raptors."
"Wait.. Did we agree to this?" Fate tilts her head, "..They look just like us.."
"And you look just like Vita!" Alicia points out the thing everyone already knew about Iota. "..A little blonder than usual, though."
"Yes, her long sequences of victories and defeats offered a significant source of battle data for my Administrative program. Each one of the Raptor units are built off of tournament and training data received during your battles in Brave Duel."
"Ohhh." Nanoha's eyes light up. "So it's like fighting myself! Cool!"
"Again, did we agree to this at some point?" Fate keeps being a killjoy.
"I can offer detailed information, but that may be considered a 'spoiler'." Iota continues, "If you wish for an easy challenge, several of my sisters are fellow non-combat units. At medium difficulty, you'd face a sister whose role involves combat, but not necessarily battle. If you continue to hard mode, you'll get the units specifically made for fighting. There's also the chance of seeing the secret of the Raptors."
"Ooh!" Nanoha is absolutely glued to this premise, "There's a secret?!"
"That's right." Iota smiles, "Some would say it's a miracle."
"WOW! I wanna try that!"
"Hold on! For one, you didn't answer if we agreed to having our data used like this, and for two we don't know anything about these opponents, we should really start-"
"I WANNA FIGHT LINDY-SAN!" Alicia grabs one of the holographic panes from mid-air, "I didn't know she had Brave Duel data, cool!"
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Lindy! Fight Lindy first!
4 |
Grab the Nanoha and Fate portraits, it's time for a mirror match!
4 |
Which ones did Vita fight? I want to try that!
2 |
A light mix of combat and non-combat!
1 |
+ snap neck
1 |
+ disguise as an insect and snap neck
4+94 = 98
36 = 36
54 = 54
13 = 13
28 = 28
1 = 1
999 = 999
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
29 = 29 (Fail)
83 = 83
34 = 34
4+94 = 98
"LINDY!" Alicia immediately replies, "Fight Lindy first!"
"Hmm, I want to try a mirror match, first." Fate grabs both her and Nanoha's portraits. The figures inside of them have a strange stare. "I want to know just how good Jail could approximate our abilities just based on training data alone."
"Wait, before I make a decision-" Nanoha glances at Iota, "Which one did Vita fight and lose to?"
"..That would be a team of November and Hotel." Iota replies, "May I suggest not selecting them for your first sortie?"
"Why?" Nanoha asks, very naive to the potential ramifications.
"They have recently been reprimanded for their rough treatment of Vita and I wish to let the lesson sit in longer before they're allowed to fight again." Iota bows, "My apologies."
"Which ones are they?" Alicia's eyes light up, "Oh! Lemme guess! She's-"
"They would be the ones who share a resemblance with you." Iota replies. The tiles in Nanoha's hands glow softly, "When Vita saw that they could be her opponents she.. got a little excited at the prospect. Then she demanded she fought both."
Nanoha and Fate glance at Iota with a worried glance. Iota brightens up with a smile.
"They're thinking long and hard about their rampage, so please just let them sit in silent regret for at least a short time-out!"
"They're being punished for winning?!" Alicia gives an angry huff, "That's wrong! If they did good they should be rewarded!"
"All due respect, there is doing good, and then there's being brutal and scaring the customers." Iota sighs. "Either ways, they need to cool their heads a little."
Alicia pouts, Nanoha laughs nervously as she continues.
"..Okay, well in that case, can we try Lindy, then?" Nanoha glances at the other one in Alicia's hand. Her eyes light up.
"OH?!" Alicia practically squeals.
"I'm not sure you want that one, either." Iota pouts, "..I don't wish to spoil anything but-"
"Then don't spoil it! C'mon! We've spent so much time talking and no time fighting! Let's go!"
Iota seems to frown for a moment, but then takes a short bow.
"..I'll prepare the arena."
"So where is our opponent?"
"And.. why are there people watching us?"
Nanoha and Alicia look upward at a floating platform to see a tiny girl with pink hair wagging her legs as she watches this unfold.
She waves her hand, and reassures them that she's a non-combatant.
"Oh, I'm Papa, the Engineering admin." The pink-haired girl nods, "I was going to be your first opponent, but I guess you want to see what losing feels like."
"Papa!" Iota shouts, "Don't scare them!"
"..Right." Papa replies, "Sorry."
"You're so cute!" Alicia gushes over the tiny girl, "It's good because I couldn't fight you, I'd have to hug you!"
"Oh, well you'll love Gamma, then." She shrugs.
"Hey! You two!" Fate raises her staff, and then grabs Nanoha's attention, "I hear something!"
Just as Fate says that, a number of target drones warp in. Some of them with spikes, whips, and staves of their own.
"Oh! Sorry Papa, I'll hug you after we win this." Alicia bows.
"..Be careful okay?" Papa seems.. worried for the humans?
Either ways, the arena is quickly filled with the sound of combat and battle.
Tons of multi-bladed implements descend on the girls as the tiny, pink girl continues to sway her legs and watch the chaos unfold.
She simply emits a sigh as she notices the drones start to have increasingly hard problems against the little girls. They adjust their tactics and are quickly back on the offensive.
"..This is your first fight, Are you nervous?" The tiny girl glances over to empty space, and asks nothing.
"I don't know, it's just- We woke up in infinite nothingness after.. maybe an eternity of waiting. I know you're bored, and I know you're excited but-"
"No, no, I don't want you to get 'angry'. I want you to calm down. Have some fun! You should enjoy this, right?"
"…Do you want me to fight for you?"
"Right right, sorry, sorry I even asked." Papa sighs.
The fight continues with a pretty intense fight. The girls gaining an upper hand against the target drones.
"They're doing a great job." Iota floats over, and stands next to Papa. "I didn't even tell them the strength of the drones is proportional to the strength of the Raptor fight."
"..Yeah, but I don't think mere drones can compare to us."
"Oh! They just broke through the first wave, let me summon the second wa-"
"G-" Papa's head snaps over and glares at the empty space, "GAMMA!"
"Gamma, wait! They have two more waves to!"
Meanwhile, on the practice field, the last drone explodes in a wave of tiny particles.
"Haa.. Haa.." Alicia huffs as she stands behind Fate.
"That was a tough fight." Fate continues, "Be on guard."
"That was awesome!" Nanoha exclaims, until Fate gives her a cold glare, "..Is what I would say."
Fate's eyes widen, the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
"..We're not alone."
"Of course we're not." Alicia huffs, "We have each other, right?!"
"No, I mean, we're not-"
Nanoha tenses up as well. She senses it. Her eye twitches as she turns and sees-




"Nom.. Nom.. Nom.."

Nanoha sits in the Café of the T&H Hobby shop. In front of her is a complimentary carton of Donuts from the bakery.
She stuffs donut, after donut, after donut right into her mouth.
Across from her, two other girls sit with inquisitive looks on their faces.
"..Okay, so may I at least say 'I told you so'?"

The twin-tailed girl sighs. "I said we should start small, and then work our way up. So what did you do?"
Nanoha responds by taking another donut out of the container.
Putting it to her mouth.
And chomping down on it.
"Wow.." Alicia, on the other hand, is star struck. "Let's go again! I wanna see her up close and maybe hug her this time!"
"Sis.." Fate grumbles.
"Aw, I'm sorry, girls."

Lindy walks up next to Nanoha, and sets another tray of donuts next to her.
Nanoha jumps a little as she looks up, and sees Lindy. Then, she giggles.
"No! Don't be, that was fun! I look forward to trying to fight her again in a little bit!"
"Nanoha-" Fate scolds her friend.
"This is why we're not opening it to the public.." Lindy sighs, "There's no way anyone would ever beat them. I don't know if we need to handicap them or-"
"No! Wait, hold on Auntie!" Alicia tries to negotiate with her, "Nerfing them is a bad move! We just need to train and get better! They're teaching us to be better players, after all."
Nanoha looks up from her donuts to at least reply to this statement.
"Well, I think they're-"
Nanoha reminisces on the brief time she could remember Iota doing her little advertisement dance, as well as the few seconds she saw of Papa happily swaying her legs as she was waiting for the match to start, and finally the brief few seconds she could remember of Gamma before being absolutely defeated.
Remembering their faces, and remembering their odd little mannerisms combined with a professional attitude.. it only brings one thing to her mind.
"-Cute." Nanoha replies while nibbling on her donut.
"What?!" Fate seems a bit shocked, but Alicia simply glows as Nanoha says this.
"Yeah, I think they're really, really, really, really cute." Nanoha finishes her thought, "The way they act, the way they seem excited about fighting, the way I didn't sense any kind of sadness or anger in their fighting or even in their words."
Alicia is nodding furious as if she understands completely. Fate just seems shocked as Nanoha continues.
"Really, they seemed as if they had found something they enjoyed, and were doing it. They aren't too much different from how I feel when I play!" She gives a really bright smile.
Fate simply sighs.
"I'm not exactly surprised you feel that way, Nanoha."
"Eheh.." Nanoha giggles, rubbing the back of her head.
"Why is it weird, Sis?" Alicia pouts, "Of course we think they're cute! They're just like us, designed after us, they even want to play Brave Duel like us! They're literally perfect."
"..I'm a little concerned about how both of you are referring to them like they're.. 'feeling'." Fate blinks.
This causes Nanoha and Alicia to simply stare at her.
"I mean, I would love to make them our new friends, but they're just AI, right?" Fate seems to be thinking about something intensely, "'Iota' seems pretty real, but she's a program that Jail wrote to fight us, isn't she? They're excited about battle because they're programmed to be."
Nanoha, for some reason, seems to get frustrated at this suggestion.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
They play games like us, they gossip like us, they have little personality quirks. Of course they're alive!
5 |
Then, do you want to tell Jail about Gamma? Because she showed up 2 waves earlier with a big smile on her face. That means she is bugged or sentient... Maybe both.
5 |
You're contradicting yourself, Fate. You wouldn't talk about befriending this table, would you? If they're real enough to befriend, they're real enough to be alive.
2 |
This is getting awfully philosophical, Fate...
0 |
Whaaaaaaaat? No! Of course they're living!
0 |
Who cares? They want to fight, we want to fight.
Nanoha huffs.
"Of course they are! They play games like us, they gossip like us, they have little personality quirks. Of course they're alive!"
"I think the concept of 'alive' is a bit more nuanced than that, Nanoha." Fate seems to sigh slightly as she says that.
Alicia seems more worried than anything, not sure what to say in order to convince Fate.
Nanoha, on the other hand, glances an evil grin on her face. She knows exactly what to say to convince Fate.
"Then, Fate-" She leans forward, "Do you want to be the one to tell Jail about Gamma?"
Fate, suddenly, seems flustered. She backs away very slightly.
"What?! No! Why would I do that?"
"Because she showed up two waves earlier than she should have with a big smile on her face." Nanoha gives a teasing grin, "That means she is either bugged, or- she's sentient.."
Nanoha thinks about that statement in more detail, and makes a slight addition. "Maybe both, either ways. You don't want Jail to 'fix' her just in case she is, right?"
"No! Of course not." Fate seems frustrated, "I just don't think it's accurate to treat them as living."
"Ah, but now you're contradicting yourself, Fate." Nanoha winks, "Fate. You wouldn't talk about befriending this table, would you?"
Fate seems a bit confused, "No, what does that have to do with- "
"And!" Nanoha continues, "If the table had a slight flaw with it, like it was slightly tilted or wasn't perfectly level: you would expect someone to fix it to meet your expectations."
Fate seems quiet for this next part, Nanoha continues.
"You hesitated when I asked if you thought they should be 'fixed', because you're worried about them too on some level. So if they're real enough to befriend, they're real enough to be alive."
"..Befriending just seems to be your answer for everything."
"I stick with what works." Nanoha finishes off the last donut. "Either ways, I want to go back and talk with that Information Unit. I'm a little concerned about the possibility of her getting nerfed or retooled by Jail because Precia complained. So I want to hear her opinion on it."
"Here you go, girls-" Alicia and Fate look up to see Lindy put two banana splits in front of the blonde girls. "I didn't forget your comfort food, too."
"YEAH!" Alicia cheers, "That's Auntie!"
"Oh, I don't need comforting." Fate picks up the spoon, and starts to eat it as well with a sullen look on her face.
"Auntie, is there a way to talk to these 'Raptors' without going into Brave Duel VR?"
"..'Talk' to them.." Lindy says with a tinge of confusion. It seems she's not entirely aware of their capabilities, either. "I had offered earlier to play a practice duel with them on the tables, but-"
"WE CAN DO THAT!" Alicia jumps up, "Let's go to the tables right now and contact Iota again!"
"..You don't have to do that, though."
"Eh?" Alicia blinks.
"In fact, you can use the Brave Duel app on your phone, and schedule a custom battle with them." Lindy smiles, "Jail thought of everything! I'm really impressed by how much of this he was thinking about."
Fate curiously thumbs through her phone, suddenly blinking in surprise.
"Oh, there is an update!" Nanoha exclaims, glancing at her tiny screen.
"..Quite a large one for a game like this, too." Fate seems almost cautious of it.
"This should let you set up custom battles with the Raptors using the app. Jail claims it's part of an 'A R G', I don't know what that means, but he says it'll be fun and attract lots of players!"
Lindy does a twirl, and takes the empty donut boxes away.
"Anyway, I have to go clean! Let me know if you need anything."
Lindy walks away, and the three girls stare at their phones as the tiny progress bar on the download slowly complete.
"Nanoha.." Fate gulps, glancing around and noticing just how many people in the room also have phones that likely have the same app downloaded to them. "-I got a bad feeling about this, but I can't put it to words."
Votes | Choice |
21 |
Call Iota right now! Consequences be damned!
14 |
It is a conspiracy, Fate. Jail want to show off all raptors instead of just Gamma, the final boss that may be invincible. He want to give hope to the players before they are crushed in the end.
11 |
Look at the bright side, Fate! We can now watch our rivals try their luck because of the raptors schedule! Maybe someone can at least damage Gamma!
4 |
Whaaat? You're just paranoid, Fate.
3 |
You know, I think there should be more preparation before we release human or near-human combat simulation AI into the wider infosphere.
2 |
Okay! Now we have to ask Jail, or at least one of his daughters, this is getting weird.
2 |
Don't worry, Fate. Only the top players like us will try to beat the hardest raptors on their first try... Like Levi, she will fight against X-ray right now!
1 |
Huh, maybe we should ask around and see how many other people installed this.
"Oh Fate, it's obviously a conspiracy!" Nanoha immediately smiles as she glances at her phone.
Both Alicia and Fate glance upward at the brown-haired girl.
"Huh?" They say, in unison.
"Yeah!" You excitedly start tapping the app, trying to find the Raptors in the player index. "Jail obviously wants to show off all of the raptors instead of JUST Gamma. She could be the final boss that may be invincible. He WANTS to give players hope before they're crushed at the end."
"N-No Nanoha, that's not the kind of conspiracy I'm referring to, I mean the whole 'ARG' thing and the level of AI on display-"
"Yeah! That has to be it!" Alicia excitedly jumps forward, "And look on the bright side, Fate. If we're the only ones that know about such a terrifying final boss, then we'll get to watch our rivals get crushed one-by-one and maybe find weaknesses in their strategy! Maybe someone will even find a way to damage Gamma."

"No, guys-" Fate seems frustrated, as if she's being ignored. "This has nothing to do with the game, I think releasing near-human combat capable AI into the wider infosphere may have consequences-"
"AAAND, DIALING!" Nanoha proudly announces, raising her phone in the air.
On the phone screen is a simple, yet very informative message.
Calling: Administrator Iota
"NANOHA! NO!" Fate shouts.
"Heheh- I bet she's going to be so surprised to see us calling her.
Literally before either of the three can say 'Hello', or even glance at the screen, there's a sudden blurt from Nanoha's phone.
The three simply glance at the phone as these words leave.
"What?" Nanoha asks.
"Gamma was NOT supposed to attack on the second wave! She was supposed to attack on the fourth wave! The simulation was completely messed up and she's being reprimanded for it!"
Nanoha, confused, raises the phone up to her face to see what is happening-
Only to see the phone's view of the inside of the store. It's as if she accidentally swiped left and summoned its camera, taking a perfect recreation of the outside world.
However, there is one difference.

Standing in front of their table, with her hair clumsily pouring over her head, is a blonde girl with an extremely low bow.
Nanoha moves the phone away, and the blonde girl clearly disappears. The empty floor now occupying the space she was once standing.
She moves the phone back up to her face, and the blonde girl reappears. Her hair, clothes, and posture move as if she's standing right in front of her. Almost as if she's a ghost who can only be seen by the phone's camera.
"Uh, Iota?"
She stands upright, and Nanoha clearly sees that it's the same girl she met in VR. Her face red and eyes teary.
"Is there anything we can do to make up for this serious breach of our code of ethics?!" Iota immediately replies.
Nanoha simply gulps, and says a very interesting question.
"..Iota, where are you?"
"..I'm in front of you?" Iota blinks, seemingly not understanding why Nanoha is seemingly weirded out.
Fate, noticing something is up, takes her phone out and taps the 'Brave Duel' App.
"H-" Fate's eyes widen as she switches it to battle mode, usually meant to provide graphics for tabletop-only games. "How are you doing that, Iota?"
"Doing what?" She glances toward Fate.
"Wait wait- Stop." Nanoha, still holding up her phone, asks a serious question. "For one, let's go over what happened that battle. I'm more interested in that than Gamma attacking out of turn."
"Yeah!" Alicia, clearly not getting it, stands up and yells at Nanoha's phone, "I don't care that we were beaten, and I don't want Gamma to be punished! I want to learn how to beat Gamma!"
Iota, suddenly realizing that she's not in as much trouble as she once thought. Simply sighs in relief.
With a twirl, she gives another bow.

"Well, I'm glad no one is angry!" Her frilly white-and-blue dress and striped socks sway with her movements as if she's standing right there. "In that case, sure! One of my functions is to help players understand specifics about their battles. So please! What would you like to ask?"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
So uh, are you just.. standing in the store? Can you do that anytime?
4 |
Elemental weakness! NOW!
3 |
How do you stop Gamma from just walking up to you and exploding you with her axe?
3 |
Can we talk to Gamma? I wanna meet her!
2 |
What is the recommended stats to fight against Gamma?
68+42 = 110
13 = 13
24 = 24
76 = 76
98 = 98
3 = 3
42 = 42
47 = 47
"Are you.. uh-" Fate seems to give a very wary glance. "-Here with us? Right now?"
"Huh?" Iota glances at the blonde girl in her twintails and seems to give a discouraged blink. "Of course I'm here, we're in-"
Iota then glances around, and notices that she's not in the digital world anymore. She gives a few confused glances at the nearby humans who seemingly ignore her presence, and then glances back toward Fate.
"..Apologies, I don't seem to know where we're at right now, but I will do some research and get back with you when I am able." Iota gives a slight bow.
Nanoha suddenly realizes there is a huge problem.
"You're in T&H Hobby Shop. You.. don't know where that is?" Her head tilts slightly.
"No, I've never heard of it." Iota seems quite confused, "..Actually, I've never heard of any place existing outside of the tournament arena. Are we in the tournament arena? I should be able to change backgrounds, but I can't seem to do that, here."
Iota continues snapping her fingers, expecting the entire world to bend to their will. This prompts a worried glare from all three girls as they realize the implications of that. Iota only tilts her head, slightly.
"Is.. that a good place?" Iota seems to squeak, as if she's aware something isn't normal, but can't place what.
"YESSS!" Alicia immediately jumps from her seat, "It's only the best place in the world! T&H! Hobby Sh-MMPH!"
Alicia's song and dance is interrupted by Fate bolting over to her chair and slapping a hand over her mouth before too many people start staring.
"It's an okay place." Fate says in a hurried tone, "Let's talk about something else."
"OH!" Nanoha remembers something important, "Gamma! Gimme her elemental weaknesses!"
"I'm sorry, customer. I cannot reveal end-game information, that is considered spoilers."
"But! But- consider this-" Nanoha gives a sly smile, "We weren't wanting to know that for the simulation."
"You.. weren't?"
"Of course not! We met Gamma outside of a simulated fight, right? She jumped the gun after all. We just want to know so we can formulate a plan for when we do get to her." Nanoha seems to have some kind of trick planned. "It's just simple planning, really."
Iota, clearly distracted by the fact she cannot change the world to fit her whims, seems to give another glance around before relenting.
"..That is fair, and it would help Gamma improve if she were taken down a couple notches." Iota nods, "I will say that Gamma has most abilities you would expect a high-level mage in Brave Duel to have, but she is not an expert at all of them."
"..Is that so?" Fate is still clamping her hands over Alicia's mouth, who is trying to sing the words through her palm.
"-For example, you likely noticed Gamma chose to fight you in close quarters. That is because she excels at that, and chose this method due to it leveraging her advantages, which is raw strength, against her weakness, which is range."
"Ranged attacks, got it." Nanoha smiles.
"It's not that simple. Being an end-game boss, she's resistant to ranged and magic attacks as well. Not to mention her ability to reflect attacks, and ability to launch her own ranged spells."
"..She has ranged spells?" Fate says with an almost audible clunk.
"Correct, she also has flying spells." Iota nods, "She's simply not the best at it. Besting her at these and exploiting her machine weakness would be key to victory, if I were strategizing the simulation."
"Ooh! What's her 'Machine Weakness'?"
"All Raptors have an element which they are susceptible to, but all of us are also weak to lightning. Lightning and anti-machine spells would be a very potent combo. You would just have to beat her at the ranged and flying game."
Fate seems to smile, and relents her grip over Alicia's mouth.
"So all of the things I excel at, are things that she's weak to!"
"That would be a fair conclusion, but you cannot take Gamma on alone, it must be a team effort." Iota does a light bow. "Anything else?"
"Hmm.." Nanoha thinks about her question some. "I kind of want to stop Gamma from just walking up to me and hitting me with an Axe. Can I talk to her?"
"I would prefer if she doesn't get reinforcement for her behavior." Iota gives a frustrated sigh. "You may talk to her after she has her time-out."
"Aww." Alicia pouts.
"I must be going, then." Iota bows. "Thank you for using the Brave Duel administrator program. Please 'like' us on the app store, and give us plenty of good reviews."
"That's just shameless, I take back what I said about Jail earlier." Fate pouts.
The call hangs up, and the three girls are left staring at one another.
"..Now what?"
"Well, I want to see Levi and Stern try to fight them next." Nanoha puts her fist up, "Maybe we can call them, and they can-"
The two girls take their phones back out as they hear Iota's voice.
As expected, Iota is left standing in front of them with an embarrassed look on her face.
"..I cannot seem to go back. At least, I don't know how to go back." Iota says with an increasing amount of worry in her voice.
There's a very brief pause as Iota grabs the folds of her blue and white dress.
"..Please help."
61 = 61
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
51 = 51 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
70 = 70 (Success!)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
31 = 31 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
17 = 17 (Fail)
"OH NO!" All three girls practically shout in unison as they jump up from the table.
They quickly surround the invisible figure of terrified girl hidden in plain sight. To anyone else watching this display, it looks like three of the best Brave Duel players in the world are now standing around an empty place in space with nothing in it.
Iota's voice still appears panicked, and she does appear to be feeling very real concern even if her body and presence isn't "real".
"W-What do I do?!" Iota's voice fills with an ever-increasing amount of concern for the situation she finds herself in.
"Hold on! Maybe this is just another new mechanic?!" Nanoha tries to rationalize it, "What if we get Lindy's credit card?! Would that help, Iota?"
"I don't know what a 'Credit Card' is!" Iota replies with an answer that seems to make the other girls panic even harder!
"We should really call Jail, like right now." Fate offers a different solution-
"Wait, if you get stuck here, does that mean we can go to the VR world too?! Tell me how to do th- UMPPH!" Alicia offers a solution of her own in turn. Which results in Fate slapping her hand over Alicia's mouth.
"I have no idea where I am! Is this the virtual world, still? D-do you see me?!" Iota seems to be slowly pacing back and forth in her digital confine. The girls phones being the only thing that shows her progress as she slowly wanders the halls of T&H.
"Let's just call the other Raptors to come get you." Nanoha gives an example, "Wait! Let's get all the Raptors here, and have a sleepover!"
"Nanoha! This is the opposite of solving Iota's problem!"

"How am I going to manage the tournament arena, now?!" Iota continues to panic, her blue dress sways unevenly as she starts pacing back and forth faster. Which is impressive considering it's not under the 'true' effects of gravity.
"Hold on! I have an idea!" Fate stops Iota before she explodes or does something equally insane and unhinged. "Let's see if you can come back with us into VR!"
Iota's eyes clear up, she seems to blink slightly as a tear leaves her cheek.
"..You really think that will work?"
The other two girls eye Fate with a hidden meaning of 'How do you know that will work', and she only responds by gulping.
"LET'S DO IT!" Iota tries grabbing Fate's real hands, but her hands go straight though. "Take me back to VR! Please!"
"Okay, okay, I uh-" Fate suddenly realizes she doesn't have a plan, "..Let's just go back to the VR pods, and try entering ourselves."
"Yes! Great idea! Please!"
"Aww.." Alicia seems a bit disappointed, for some reason.
Fate returns to the VR pods with Iota 'holding' onto her sleeve the whole way. Without saying much of anything, she swipes her card, and inputs two players.
Iota 'climbs' into the second pod, and Fate into the first.
Within a few seconds- The pods both activate!
"Ooh!" Nanoha's eyes light up.
"Aww, I still wanted a sleepover." Alicia pouts.
Within an instant, Iota and Fate appear on the Brave Duel board.
Iota seems to feel herself over, making sure she can still interact with herself and her abilities. Then, she-

Her fingers click together to slowly melt the world around them. In its place, is a beautiful, serene forest surrounded by various flowers and mushrooms.
"Ha! It worked." Fate seems a little proud, "I was worried that-"

Iota immediately falls down, and she starts to sob.
"T-Thank you Fate, I-" She starts to huff, and then moan- "I thought I- I was- AAAAAGGHHHH!"
She puts her hands up to her face, and Fate immediately jumps backwards as Iota begins to cry.
"H-Hey-" Fate tries her best 'big sister' impression, but she's a little sister herself. "D-Don't cry, it's fine, we're here-"
"Fate, No!" Alicia huffs, watching this unfold on the VR table in front of them. "That's not how you comfort a crying sibling! You need to coddle them!"
"Alicia.." Nanoha sighs as she watches her try to give tips to her "little" sister.
Both of the girls snap out of it, and Fate suddenly takes a guarded stance as the arena blinks slightly.
Without warning-
A new challenger appears!

Suddenly, Fate grips her own axe just a little too tightly.
Votes | Choice |
17 |
Hey! I didn't do anything, I was helping Iota!
15 |
"Is it really that rare? She kinda seems like a crybaby..."
15 |
+Try not to stare too much at your (girl) friend's mom's younger robot AI clone who is angry and holding an axe. Oh, that's a nice axe...
11 |
Those are happy tears! Can you not tell the difference?!
5 |
Why!? We will get banned from the arena!
4 |
She is a "Vita" and they are very sensible, Gamma.
3 |
1 |
"Ahah, scary Raptor, calm down!"
0 |
Okay nicetomeetyoubutIgottagoseeya!
0 |
She doesn't need help to do that.
26 = 26
98 = 98
51 = 51
8 = 8
84 = 84
70 = 70
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
96 = 96 (Success!)
"Hey!" Fate pulls her axe up to herself in a very defensive, girly manner. "I didn't do anything! I was helping Iota!"
"G-Gamma! I- It-s!" Iota tries defending Fate, but it seems like her crying is keeping her from forming complete sentences!

"WHY IS MY LITTLE SISTER CRYING?!" Gamma shouts, in pure, unadulterated rage.
"Those are happy tears! Can you not tell the difference?!" Fate tries for a different approach. "She's so happy to be back, and able to see you, that she can't contain herself!"

"Y- YE- YES! Y-" Iota, again, tries to choke out a full sentence, but is only able to whine a partial one in return.
"Are you trying to say that Iota, the Raptor Administrator of our Arena, would cry that easily?!"
Fate seems to let her guard down slightly when she glances at Iota. She then gives her honest opinion on the situation.
"..Is it really that rare?" Fate blinks as Iota continues to burble nonsense, "She does kinda seem like a crybaby."
"NOOO!" Alicia yells at the televised display with a huff, "You can't just say that about your crybaby younger sister! You have to ease people into it!"
Fate looks toward the sky, and puffs her cheeks out.
Gamma's scowl furrows, and she glances over at Iota's cute face.
Almost like magic, her anger goes away.
She slowly lowers the axe down to the arena floor.
Fate blinks. Her guarded stance lowers as she notices Gamma simply sigh.

"..I suppose that's true." Gamma sighs.
"W-WHAT!?" Iota sniffles.
"I mean, you did cry earlier because I interrupted the program you had in place, so I guess this just happens a bunch!"
"N-NO FAIR GAMMA!" Iota sniffles again, "I'm not the only one who cries! You were crying earlier because I grounded you from fighting!"
Gamma's face blushes, and she holds her axe tightly.
"N-No that's wrong! Shut up!"
Outside of this, Alicia simply sighs with a smile.
"Eheh, I knew I was right when I said Raptors were really cute and-"

She then snaps Nanoha's forehead as she seems to have drifted off into space staring at something.
"-Stop eyeing up my auntie's clone." Alicia huffs.
"N-No! I can't help it, It's just such a nice a-"
"A nice what, Nanoha?" Alicia moves in closer.
"AXE, Alicia, She has a nice Axe!"

The whole time, Fate is glancing toward the sky with the most deadpan stare imaginable. The two Raptors arguing about which of the two is a bigger crybaby.
3 = 3
21 = 21
99 = 99
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
14 = 14 (Fail)
91 = 91
34 = 34
28 = 28
Fate lowers the axe down to her side. The two Raptors continuing to argue with one another.
"..This is very touching, but can I leave now?" Fate mumbles, "I can tell you're really close."
"No! It's more than that!" Iota yells, suddenly forgetting that she was a crying mess not but a moment ago, "I'm the older sister, not Gamma!"
Fate simply blinks, and whisper a simple sentence.
"Yeah! She has no right to lecture me, an administrator, on being mature or being a crybaby!" Iota frowns.
Gamma simply smirks, and gives her very honest opinion.
"..Iota, the other day you cried when that red-haired girl got flattened by-"
"This is different, okay!?"
"Wait.. the other day?" Fate blinks.
"This is totally different from what happened yesterday!" Iota yells, "You were bawling because I told you 'no more fighting'!"
"I wasn't bawling just because of that, I was bawling because-"
"See? This is why you ease little sisters into the realization that they're crybabies!" Alicia shouts, to nobody.
"Wait, stop-" Fate stands between the two siblings, despite the fact she knows one of them can knock her out of VR in a second. "What do you mean, 'yesterday'?"
"What?" Iota and Gamma blink, "That was yesterday, right? At around this time?"
"No." Fate mumbles, "That happened less than twenty minutes ago. Don't you remember?"
"No, I'm certain it happened yesterday." Gamma replies.
"Yeah, I wouldn't have had time to scold her in just twenty minutes. That's a six-hour scolding, at best!"
"Six hours?!" Alicia exclaims
"..She's worse than Precia.." Nanoha shivers.
"So, time passes differently when no one is in the simulation!?" Fate suddenly puts together an interesting theory, "..Doesn't it get lonely in here?!"
"Lonely." The two Raptors say with curiosity in their voices, "Why would we get lonely when we can fight?"
"But.. you don't get to fight unless we're there!"
This seems to cause Gamma to consider something she hasn't considered before.
Or.. something she hasn't vocalized into words.
Without saying anything else, she immediately sinks to her knees, the axe falls from her grasp.
She then begins bawling, as her knees gradually meet her face.
"Gamma?!" Iota, suddenly forgetting who the distressed one is supposed to be, collapses by Gamma's side.
"Gamma! Please! Don't act like a psycho in front of the customers!"
"Wow.." Alicia blinks.

"PERFECT!" Nanoha shouts.
Alicia simply blinks.
"YEAH! THE PASSION! THE EXCITEMENT! THE RAW, UNBRIDLED JOY! She's incredible! I wanna take her home with me!"
"..What about Fate?" Alicia blinks.
"What? Fate and I can adopt her!"
"That's not the point!" Alicia pouts.
"Listen, listen-" Fate seems to be thinking on a very similar wavelength, "We can't just have you in here, slowly going insane."
"I knowwww!" Gamma yelps.
"Gamma, please!" Iota tries to calm her sister down. "So what do we do?!"
"What if..-"
Votes | Choice |
19 |
We talk to Jail about this. He's a sane, reasonable, and upstanding person, yeah?
17 |
Just come home with us! You can go 'outside', right?
16 |
I adopt you! All of you!
6 |
I'm sure that you could have some fun with your humans! Just as much fun as Fate and I will have with Hotel and November!
3 |
Uhhh, how about we get lots of vici- I mean, 'participants', and just fight all of the time?
1 |
A surprise no doot live incoming.
1 |
Can't you just go into sleep mode until someone comes to fight?
1 |
Isn't it great that you can spend so much time with your sisters?
1 |
Why don't you spar with each other? Iota said there's several combat units, surely you could fight each other when you're bored?
1 |
+Hug the crying Gamma. (It has nothing to do with the fact she's a sexy teenage version of Lindy or Nanoha's sadgirl fetish, no siree)
"Okay, what if-"
Fate is suddenly aware that she doesn't have a plan past saying 'Okay, what if'. This is serious matter that she's very unequipped to handle.
And- if you're not equipped to handle something.
You find someone who is.
"We talk to Jail about this." That's right, the one who would know the most about what is going on right now would be the one who created them. "He's a sane, reasonable, and upstanding person. I'm sure he would like to know if one of his creations was in pain or discomfort."
That makes sense, right?
Jail is a productive scientist, and Fate is sure he would be incredibly interested in the few very strange manifestations of his creations.
"HOW LONG WILL THAT TAKE?" Gamma is clearly extremely upset. "I don't want to wait another week for an answer! I'm bored right now!"
"Well! I! Uh!" This is the part that Fate was clearly not thinking too hard about. "About that! We can-"
The three girls turn their attention to a new participant in the Brave Duel 'battle' currently ongoing.
Or rather, above them.

A girl clad in a white dress practically descends from the sky like an angel. The two Raptors watch in awe as she gives what appears to be the best answer that any human has ever given them.
"You're afraid of being here? That's fine. I'll just adopt you and then, you can come home with me!"
"..What about my sisters?" Iota reminds Nanoha of the reason she was trying to get back in the first place.
"Nope! Not a problem! I'll adopt all of you! All four or five, I'm sure I can find a place for you in the real world."
"Uh, excuse me-" Iota tries to say something, but is interrupted by Gamma.
"What do you mean 'Home'!?" Gamma puts her axe up, once again. "This is the only 'home' I know!"
"There's another one! The one that Iota just came from." Nanoha puts her hand to her heart, "And it's a wonderful place where we go to school during the day, and play plenty of Brave Duel at night. You can do nothing but spar all day, and no one can stop you!"
"Nanoha!" Fate scolds her, "Hold on, you don't even know if-"
"All day, you say?" That seems to tempt Gamma, quite a bit.
"Excuse me!" Iota gets ignored again, "There are actually about thirty of-"
"What do you say?! Do you want to come to my home?"
"..You're not inviting her because she's a smaller version of my mother, are you?" Fate suddenly catches onto a more insidious possibility for her actions. Nanoha simply ignores her with a smile.
"..Okay but you better provide a home for all my sisters."
"Wait! No!" Iota immediately shouts.
"I promise! I can find five homes, easily."
"LISTEN TO ME!" Iota shouts. That finally causes Nanoha to stop and glance at her. "There aren't 'Five' of us! Those are only the ones you've met!"
"Oh? How many do I need then? No matter how many, I can't leave them in an empty world like this where-"
"THERE ARE ALMOST THIRTY!" Iota shouts, insistent to not be interrupted this time.
"T-" Fate stutters, "..Thirty?!"
Nanoha blinks, as she's hit with the sudden realization.
Votes | Choice |
4 |
I can find thirty easily!
4 |
Uhh, do any of you mind bunking together?
2 |
..Maybe we can fix this place up to be a livable space instead.
0 |
T-Thirty isn't too bad.
Votes | Choice |
23 |
20 |
We can make a bunch of VR copies of our rooms, connect them together and install screens on walls to act as windows between them and the real things!
16 |
Uhh, do any of you mind bunking together?
12 |
Are you drooling? Oh no!
6 |
Hey, I just had this idea. Have you ever heard of a battle royale game...?
3 |
I can find thirty easily!
2 |
..Maybe we can fix this place up to be a livable space instead.
2 |
T-Thirty isn't too bad.
Nanoha stops and thinks about this question for a moment.
Then, her eyes-
They're starting to light up.
"Nanoha, no-" Fate tries to intervene.
"THAT'S SO MANY NEW FRIENDS!" Nanoha's eyes are brimming with excitement, "This is the best thing ever!"
"I did think about it!" Nanoha grabs Fate's hand, "We could make a bunch of VR copies of our rooms, and connect them together!"
"..You would do that for us?" Iota simply blinks.
"Of course! It will be the coolest thing ever! We could install screens on walls that act as windows between them, and the real things! It'll be just like you're living in our house!"
"She'll say it's the best idea ever!" Nanoha grins, "I mean, after I nag her a bit..."
"Nanoha!" There's a whiny voice, from the sky. "You're not going to hog all the Raptors to yourself, right!?"
"What?! But-"
"Uhh, I'm really confused-" Gamma stands upright, and eyes the two girls with curiosity, "How will living at your place let me fight more?"
"Oh! It's simple!" Nanoha smiles, "When you live with me, we can practice on each other all of the-"
This results in Fate immediately grabbing Nanoha's ear.
"That's still Lindy's body.."
"Okay, okay.." Nanoha sighs, "But we'll still be able to have practice duels, and you won't have to stay in the simulator. It'll be great!"
"Nanoha, what is Mom going to say when the new attraction for the simulator runs away?"
"It won't be all of the time!" Nanoha smiles, "Just so they don't have to be bored day after day!"
"I don't know, outside was kind of scary.." Iota seems to be a tad bit worried, now. "..But I'll go if Gamma and Foxtrot go with me."
is smiling-
SO WIDELY at being told that at least three of them are going home with her, tonight.
This causes Fate to simply sigh, and give her concession.
"..Okay, FINE. Nanoha, you can take them home, but I want to talk with Jail first before you take all thirty or so home!"
Without another word, Nanoha rushes forward and wraps her arms around the Lindy Raptor!
She jumps slightly, but just stares at Nanoha with a confused glare.
"..What's this?"
"Huh?" Nanoha glances at her, and blinks.
"Is this.." Gamma blinks, "Some kind of attack? You have to squeeze much harder than that."
"Whaaat?" Nanoha gives another squeeze, "No! It's a 'Hug'!"
"A 'Hug'?"
"Yeah!" Nanoha nestles her head almost inside of Gamma's (rather ample) breasts until Fate pulls her a little by the ear. "-It's how humans show affection for one another. Haven't you hugged someone before?"
Gamma blinks, and slowly shakes her head.
"No, this is.. the first time I've heard of this."
That's when Nanoha reaches behind her-
And pulls Fate into the hug, as well!
"..Fiine." Fate surrenders, and squeezes Gamma as well.
Gamma very gently raises her arms-
And embraces the two humans.
-Just before Gamma decides to drag in Iota as well. She uses her VERY POWERFUL arms to give everyone a light squeeze.
"..This feels good.." Gamma then asks a question that results in Fate giving Nanoha a death glare, "..What else do humans do?"
52 = 52
62 = 62
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
80 = 80 (Success!)
"WELL!" Nanoha seems to have a very wide grin on her face, "Let me tell you about all sorts of things-"
"Let me tell you about calling Jail." Fate replies, in a very deadpan manner. Likely planning all sorts of terrible things for Nanoha later. "He's the one who created you, so if you're feeling discomfort, it's on him to correct it."
"Correct!" Nanoha adjusts her voice, "But in the meantime, we can do all sorts of human things, like headpats!"
Nanoha reaches over, and starts rubbing Gamma on the head.
Gamma blinks at this gesture, and then tilts her head slightly.
"What is this?"
"A headpat!"
"..She's scratching your head like you're a pet." Fate mumbles.
"..What else do humans do?"
"All sorts of other things! We can go to school, hang out with friends, and-"
"And fight them too, right?" Gamma's eyes light up.
"We can fight them! But only in Brave Duel. No fighting family in real life." Nanoha makes an X with her arms.
"Wait, you can't fight people in real life?"
"You CAN, but only once-" Fate replies, "Then you get arrested."
"Arrest...ed?" Gamma blinks.
"-But never mind that! More importantly- we can also do this special outing called a 'Date'-"
"NANOHA!" Fate pouts.
"What?" Nanoha blinks, "I mean like a dinner date. What were youuuuuuu thinking, Fate-chan?"
Nanoha gives a very cute and smiling bob of her head as her tiny pigtails flop over.
"..Maybe I should take a couple home with me, as well." Fate mumbles, "Just because I don't necessarily trust Nanoha with any of you."
"Wait, wait, wait, if we go home with you- then we won't see each other." Iota notices a flaw in this plan.
"Oh, that's no problem. You can video chat, right?" Fate blinks. "That's just like being there!"
"Video.. chat?" Iota seems confused.
"Yeah! I saw you doing it earlier, before the fight."
Iota thinks about this for a moment-
But suddenly..

She smiles!
"Let's do it!" Iota suddenly seems very excited! "Let's go into real life and take it over! It'll be great!"
"YEAH!" Nanoha seems really excited, as well!
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Grab Nanoha by the ear.
6 |
"Wait! No! No conquering Real Life!"
5 |
"If you conquer real life then you have to control its problems. It's best just to control VR instead. "
5 |
"I'm calling Jail right now. I'll be right back."
3 |
+Feito Pouto
2 |
+Rpator takeover? That's bad... wait, if the Raptors control the world we can resolve all disputes with Brave Duel battles. That's good.
1 |
Fate immediately reaches over and grabs Nanoha by the ear before she encourages any more virtual AI rebellions.
"Wait! No!" Fate triesto temper Iota's eagerness, "No conquering Real Life! It's very bad out there and you shouldn't be exposed to trying to be in charge of it!"
"Bad out there?" Gamma blinks.
"If you conquer real life, then you have to control its problems." Fate seems very concerned about what could be unleashed. "It's best just to control VR instead, and let us deal with the problems real life has."
"Oh.. That does sound like a bother." Iota crosses her arms. "Could we get someone else to rule the world, then?"
"Just keep things the way they are, then! All you have to worry about is the fun stuff." Nanoha finally starts talking some sense again. "Besides! If you come with us, you can try out Ice Cream!"
"Wait, Nanoha-"
"What's that?" Gamma blinks.
"It's the best thing ever that I'm sure you'll agree is the best reason to be in the real world!"
"Ooohh." Iota blinks. "That sounds good!"
"Why haven't I heard about this sooner, then?" Gamma frowns, and seems perplexed.
"Nano- Forget it, I'll be outside." Fate mumbles to herself.
"Because I'm sure this simulation wouldn't have anything like Ice Cream in it! Come on, follow Iota out, and we'll get some from the bar!"
"Great idea!"
"Follow her.. 'out'?" Gamma makes a motion with her hands, like she still doesn't get it. "How do we get-"
"Sis, problem." Fate immediately grabs Alicia and shakes her as the first thing she does after emerging from VR.
"I kn-kn-kn-ow b-b-ut c-can- y-y-you- st-op -sh-sh-shaking?!"
"I COULD, but I partially blame you for this, so no." Fate states, plainly and simply. "Two of the Raptors are going to be out here soon, and they're going to realize that they can't eat Ice Cream. We need a solution, fast."
"J-J-JuST- C--Ca-CA-" Alicia grabs her sister's hands before the assault can continue, "Call Jail!"
Fate blinks, and starts immediately grabbing for her phone.
"Right! Right, Jail. Jail Scagleitti"
"Also!" Alicia pouts, "Don't panic!"
"..We're about to make two extremely powerful AI immensely disappointed, and you don't want me to panic?!" Fate glances at her sister.
"At the very least! Don't call Jail and make it sound like the world is coming to an end."
Fate blinks for a moment, and then does the unthinkable.
She hands her phone over to Alicia.
"You make the call."
"Can do!" Alicia smiles with a toothy grin, as the phone begins to ring.
"Scagleitti labs?"

A dull face with purple hair answers the phone. She's wearing the obvious uniform of the girl's-only high school.
"Ichika! Good!" Alicia smiles, Fate simply considers how ridiculous it is that Jail named his daughters in numerical order. "Heya, is your dad around?"
"May I ask the problem? Maybe I can help." She replies, adjusting her glasses.
There's the OTHER problem with asking Ichika, she genuinely believes herself equal to if not better than her father at design. So naturally she's going to want to put her nose into it.
"Wellllll, you see-" Alicia smiles, "We're having a problem with a product your father sold us!"
"Oh, is it the automatic training simulation we added? What's wrong?" Ichika blinks.
"Hahh, nothing is really wrong wrong, but you see-"
"Alicia! hurry up!" Fate glances down at Alicia's phone, still idling on the Brave Duel app, when she hears it.
"I CAN'T WAIT TO TRY ICE CREAM!" The squeaky voice of an imaginary blonde cheerfully rings out.
-Impending doom.
Fate grabs the phone, throws patience to the wind, and gets her concerns heard.
8 = 8
38 = 38
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
98 = 98 (Success!)
"Ichika! Those combat AI you created can leave the simulation! Any time they want!" Fate simply rips the bandage off, and goes straight for the problem at hand.
"What do you mean 'and'?!" Fate's worrying has reached a critical level at this point "They're in the shop right now! And they're about the realize that-"
"Hey.." Iota suddenly remarks, sounding confused. "..How do I eat this.. 'Ice Cream'?"
"-That they can't eat the Ice Cream we promised them.." Fate finishes her thought. Ichika looks thoroughly unconcerned.
"So?" Is her response, "What are they going to do about that?"
Alicia watches the scene unfold at the bar, and suddenly realizes the immediate danger as Nanoha tries to quell Iota.
"Are you saying.. I can't eat it?" Iota frowns.
"Well, I'm sure I could find a way! Uhh, to make digital ice cream. It's just.. Right now- I don't think you can eat it."
Suddenly, the scary green one speaks up.
"You promised Iota this 'Ice Cream' and now she can't eat it." Her eyes are glowing red, right now. "This is an insult! How dare you do this to her!?"
"N-no, it's fine-" Iota tries to calm Gamma down. Nanoha doesn't seem to get the danger.
"No! No, I think we just need to make the Ice Cream in a form you can-" Nanoha tries to find the words, "Consume it."
Ichika simply glances at this with a dull look.
"Again, I ask, So?" Ichika huffs, "It's not like they can do anything, they're virtual. What are they going to-"
Without another word.
Gamma swings her axe in a very threatening sounding swing in virtual reality.
Sirens, lights, all sorts of buzzers, beacons, and klaxons go off aroun the arcade as every. single. person using the Brave Duel booths are immediately ejected from VR.
The message blazing across the screen?
"Defeated?" Fate gulps.
"Did Gamma.. just defeat every person playing Brave Duel?" Alicia glances around, "Like.. without even being in their games? She struck them from outside of it?"
"Okay! Okay, let's try something else-" Nanoha isn't making it any better.
"One second."
Fate stands up from her chair, walks over to Nanoha, and grabs her ear!
"Come, talk. Give us a second."
"Oh, okay." Iota still seems disappointed.
"It better be quick." Gamma crosses her arms.
The two head back to Ichika, and give a very stern plea.
"PLEASE FIX THIS!" The two girls say, in unison.
Ichika sighs, and then nods.
"Fiiiine, but what do you want me to do? Certainly not delete them, right?"
Votes | Choice |
22 |
Give them more stuff to do. I'm pretty sure they're sapient beings now.
19 |
Virtual Ice Cream?
8 |
Give them new homes! Ones we can take with us.
8 |
Can they use avatars to move in the real world? Before they destroy the system!?
4 |
Please make life on the outside a bit easier for them.
3 |
Make them less powerful!? Why are they so strong!?
2 |
Look, we just need a way for them to get back and forth from the game safely and consistently. Preferably without breaking all networked infrastructure whenever they get mad.
1 |
Maybe.. contain them better?
1 |
Can you make real-world bodies for them?
1 |
Give them a power limiter so they can challenge people without instantly defeating them.
"NO!" Alicia and Fate shout at the same time, "No! Definitely not delete them! Never delete them!"
"So, what's the solution?"
"Just give them something to do." Alicia says with a hint of discomfort in her voice from saying that.
"We're pretty sure they're sapient beings right now." Fate says it with a bit more urgency in her voice. "If you can act quick enough, then we can maybe curb their behavior before they start wanting to act out and maybe destroy things!"
"Okay, okay. I can maybe get there later today."
"Later today?!" Fate gasps, "It'll be too late by then!"
"Well, what do you suggest I do from here?"
From behind the two girls, Gamma tries to console Iota in a way befitting of Raptor kind.
"-It's okay, Iota." She pats the younger blonde's head, "We can just destroy everything and be back in time for fighting with Oscar."
"..I'm not sure destroying everything will make me feel better about this." Iota mumbles, her voice raspy from crying about the ice cream.
"Well! It's virtual reality, right?" Gamma seems to have nailed that part down, "I'll duplicate everything, destroy it, and then destroy it a second time!"
"..You would do that for me?"
The very wary Ichika, who normally views all of her experiments as perfect works of art that easily surpass her father, is now seeming a tad bit worried.
"I see the problem." She replies. "Okay, first person to suggest a quick fix gets it."
"A stable, maybe duplicate world where they can live their lives in-"
Fate gets interrupted by Alicia.
"-VIRTUAL ICE CREAM!" Alicia shouts, "That's all that can save us now! We need as many low-effort distractions as we have to keep us from going insane!"
"Sis! What a strange, and oddly specific thing to ask for." Fate pouts, "-Also what do you mean by 'Keep us from going insane'?"
"Sold." Ichika replies, "Give me ten minutes."
"Wait! hold on!" Fate stops her, "Before you go! I think they need more interaction than that, I'll take the virtual ice cream for now, but please also make something that allows them to interact with real life. Maybe an avatar or something holographic, just so it doesn't feel to them like they're trapped in a prison!"
Ichika thinks about that for a moment..
"..That's a pretty serious undertaking, that won't be cheap or free.."
"Oh, it's fine!" Alicia smiles, "Mom is loaded, Brave duel is taking off!"
"SIS!" Fate gasps.
"Sold!" Ichika smiles, "I'll have that ready in an hour."
"An hour..?" Fate blinks, "I thought you said this would be a serious undertaking."
"Oh, sure, but that was something I was already experimenting with. I'll just move it to top priority if you'll pay for it."
"ICHIKA!" Fate suddenly realizes that she's been had.
"Bye, now."
Without another word, the holographic screen hangs up.
"Alicia!" Fate scolds her older sister, "Do you have any idea what you just signed us up for!?"
"What?" Alicia blinks, seeming none the wiser.
"You just signed up T&H for some kind of live service under Ichika! She was already working on it, so she clearly knew this is something we would want. Do you know how much this could cost us?"
"Uh.." Alicia thinks about this while Gamma describes how she's going to destroy the virtual world in the background, "-Ten thousand yen?"
Fate appears to have some kind of cold sweat on her brow, she draws in breath and tempts an eternal curse with her mere suggestion.
"More like-"
Fate's hands grasp a holographic panel signed with the Scagiletti family crest. On it is a number much bigger than the one she suggested to Alicia earlier.
Fate's hand crumples against the desk, and she whispers only one thing.
"..I am so dead."
The last hour passed in grueling agony as the girls tried to distract the Raptors. Most of which consisted of providing them virtual ice cream and using the patrons as punching bags.
..Strangely enough, this seemed to be very popular. Sure, not a single one could land a blow on Gamma. At the same time, the patrons of T&H were more than happy to be beat up by them.
-Some more than others, much to Fate's disgust.
"How are we ever paying this off?" Fate takes another glance at the massive bill in her hand, still unknown to her parents.
"Do you need.. something?" Iota's shimmering, holographic form appears behind her.
"Oh, No." Fate isn't even sure how she would explain this to her. "It's just.. Have you decided what you want to do tonight?"
Iota's spirits have lifted up quite a bit since the hologram upgrade. She's not able to eat food that isn't imaginary ice cream, or interact directly with things, but it's enough to at least interact with some stuff. Her, Gamma, and a couple more sisters have been wandering around the place- seeing what they can or can't touch or interact with. They seem more than happy with it.
Fate seems frustrated with the bill of sale, but-
She does agree with one thing; if it makes their newfound lives easier, it's worth it.
So, while this is happening, what are the other two girls doing? This is a question that has gone through Fate's head a couple of times, and each time she just pouts and glances at the two girls completely unaware of the massive buster shot they just dodged proverbially.
One of them interacting with her own Raptor.

"Heheh!" Nanoha's holographic twin eagerly fumbles with a staff in her hand, "So every time I win, I get ice cream?"
Nanoha simply encourages this, "-I mean, I would give it to you anyway, but why not?"
And, MUCH to Fate's dismay-

-Alicia has HER raptor on her lap!
"You should join them! I'd love to take a few pictures of you together!" Alicia is egging her on.
"No, let me finish reading." Fate's raptor mumbles, seemingly looking through holographic screens of her own.
"Aww, you're so much like her." Alicia hugs the holographic copy, which causes Fate to pout.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" She says, under her breath.
Votes | Choice |
13 |
Agonize over the bill some more
11 |
"You can take your Raptor home but I'm thinking my Raptor should stay in my room or something."
11 |
+Be unaware that your bill-agonizing is beginning to attract attention from your friends.
10 |
Iota, of course, peeked at the holopanel with the bill, because if Fate wanted it to be private she'd have it be a physical paper, obviously
6 |
"Okay! Ground Rules! no more hugging my Raptor without permission!"
3 |
Did you just implied that my raptor act like I'm acting now? Because that's way more intrusive than just copy my look! Jail created a A.I. with my personality!
1 |
"This is becoming a serious problem, twenty six problems."
1 |
+the raptors wonder what the issue with the bill is anyways. Surely they can just flag it as paid in the system
Fate sighs, and returns her focus to the other thing that is bound to ruin her life.
The bill in her hand.
"Uuuuuuu.." She mumbles, that's a lot of numbers, and that's a lot of money. She's not exactly worldly enough to know exactly what the exact amount her mother's business could take before it went under. Nor does she know practical things like how much a car costs, or how much an upgrade for a video game should cost.
What she does know is this: She's in a lot of trouble.
"What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do, what am I gonna do-" Fate crumbles the holographic screen in her hand, nearly.
Come on, think. What else does this store do to make money? It's making a killing on Brave Duel but.. is it making that much of a killing? This is a change that would probably require a small mortgage to finance, and you can't speak for the business expense of the shop already.
"Something wrong, Fate?" Alicia glances away from her newest toy. A very annoyed raptor, whom Fate now knows as 'November', sits being fondled in Alicia's lap.
"Listen! Nanoha! Alicia!" Fate shouts at the two girls in an attempt to distract herself, "You can take your raptors home, but I'm thinking mine needs to stay in my room or something."
"Whaaaat!?" The two girls shout in unison.
"Thank the Kaiser.." November mumbles to herself, her holographic form becoming a bit more pleasant at the news and less distorted.
"That's right! I'm concerned about the chastity of my raptor with the way you're both doting on her."
"Whaaat?" Alicia pouts, "We're just admiring her! It's not like we're perverts."
"I beg to differ." November replies, before silently taking Alicia's hand off of her holographic tummy and setting it aside.
"..Uh, Fate, right?"

"You seem to be sweating and mumbling to yourself, is something wrong?"
Iota stares at Fate with curiosity. Which causes her to become even more nervous. Was it that obvious that she's in a lot of trouble?
"No! No, everything is fine." Fate is not the best liar, "I was just.. examining some business aspects, is all."
"..Are those business aspects related to the massive sum of money on that holographic screen you're hiding?"
Fate's brow breaks into a cold sweat. With a very slow shake, she gently twists her head back and forth.
"Oh okay, because if it was, I could suggest we just rob a bank or something." Iota shrugs. Fate's sweat becomes much worse.
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Well! I would be interested in ways of making money, ones that don't involve bank robbery, I mean.
3 |
Ah- ha, you see, we typically don't- do that, not- really
2 |
What about you work to pay this debt? Because that's the point of the cyberspace that my family paid for.
2 |
Robbing a bank gets me and my family arrested.
1 |
1 |
It's not like my family is going to win the lottery in the next 5 minutes.
0 |
10 = 10
"AH HA HA! Well you see Iota-" Fate seems to immediately put her hands up to discard the idea, "We really don't.. typically.. do that kind of thing."
"..You don't? Then.. how do you make money?"
"We have to sell things people want." Fate tries to describe what exactly it is her mothers do, "I.. don't really understand entirely what that is, but I'm pretty sure no one wants a bank robbery."
"Oh!" Alicia gets an idea while she evil-y grabs November around the waist again, "We can open a Midchilda-fans account! Just for the more cute members of the Rapt-"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Fate's outburst causes other people in the cafe to glance in her direction. This immediately causes her to blush and say "It's fine.. It's fine.." in an attempt to calm everyone down.

"Haha, Just kidding-" Nanoha reveals her true intentions, "There's no way we would want to share these precious children with the world."
"That's right!"Alicia hugs November a bit closer, which results in her gradually pulling Alicia's hand off of her tummy, again.
"Oh.. sorry, I'm not in a joking mood right now." November tries to explain her exhaustion.
"Why don't we just have people fight them?" Nanoha gives a more sensible answer, "They want to fight! And- I can tell they're attracting attention from the patrons."
"Yeah! We could charge a premium! Maybe.. twice the normal play to fight a Raptor?"
"Well-" Nanoha cuts her off, "I think we need to charge more depending on who they fight. Gamma should be the most expensive of them all."
The two girls are nodding, but Fate is simply sighing.
It's true, there are a lot of eyes on the holographic displays of cute girls. Some of which are modeled after the Ace that has taken the scene by storm.
Fate thinks about this for a moment, and then shakes her head.
"No way. For one, it's not safe, and for two-" Fate sighs, "Who would pay to get their ass kicked every match?"
"Uh.." Nanoha mumbles, "Actually-"
"I mean, you would have to be the most masochistic player in the whole game to want to pay a premium to lose again-"

Blue waves of energy swish and fold as Levi's axe does a dance of maniacal, virtual death.

Nanoha's raptor, Hotel, returns the glee-filled cackle of death in kind.
From the spectators box, it looks as if a pink ball and a blue ball are attempting to end the world with increasingly destructive lasers.
"Okay, well, there's one person who would pay a premium to get her ass kicked." Fate mumbles.
"Don't sell Levi short, Fate."

Dearche stands next to them in the spectator arena, trying to show the girls the merit in Levi's fighting.
"-Levi has been training extremely hard recently, she's seriously intending on taking your top place, Nanoha." Dearche seems a little.. proud? "Don't count her out just yet, you may find that your new opponents may find their first defeat at the hands of-"
"HEY NOT-NANOHA!" Levi yells from within the holographic arena, "You have a lot to live up to wearing her face! Give me a show!"
A magic circle appears under Levi's feet.
"Looks like this will end soon." Dearche smiles, slightly.
"Give YOU a show?" Hotel's face starts to curl into a smile. A very excited, happy smile that Fate has seen only a few times before. It seems this is just a normal operating mode for Hotel.

Levi's shouting seems to summon a power from deep within. A spell Fate had never seen before from Levi starts to boil from a light blue into a deep aqua color reminiscent of an extremely deep ocean.
The blue beam travels outward, toward Hotel.
Hotel doesn't block.
She doesn't counter.
She doesn't attempt to evade.
She simply raises her finger, and winks.
"-Powered Buster." She says, in a very cute, sing-song voice.
Just like that, another, pink laser emerges from Hotel's finger. It envelopes Levi's super-powered breaker, and creates a massive explosion across the arena!
There's a gasp in the spectator box as the blue orb falls to the virtual ground. The scoreboard says it all.
Levi The Slasher
HP - 0%
HP - 95%
"Eheh.." Hotel smiles, the camera panning into her winning face. "That was fun, I wanna go again!"
"Wh-" Dearche is completely speechless. Nanoha simply smiles.
"..I didn't want to say anything but-" Nanoha giggles, "I think Hotel was just playing with her, until that happened."
"You see, Nanoha?" Fate glances at her, "Who would pay to get demolished by them over and over again-"
"I'M NEXT!" Dearche suddenly announces.
"What?!" Fate exclaims.
"I'm not letting this slide! Put me in next!" Dearche puts on her serious tournament face.
Nanoha simply winks at Fate.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Okay, but it's not like these three idiots are going to pay off the bill with their masochism, right
5 |
Seriously! What is wrong with all of you?!
4 |
Wh! Hold on! You just saw her get steamrolled!
3 |
Don't you wanna start with your raptor? Or Hayate's raptor? You kinda look the same.
2 |
Ehhh, did you notice that Hotel seems to be Nanoha with Stern's skill set? You will be nuked by the second destructor.
1 |
Somehow, this is Jail's fault.
0 |
I uh.. want to fight another one? Maybe.. not one of the combat units?
4 = 4
Fate glances at Dearche.
Then, back to Nanoha.

There seem to be a few gears spinning as she tries to process this new information.
"Wh- Hold on!" Fate suddenly seems really confused, "You just saw her get steamrolled!"
"I say that was a very close battle." Dearche crosses her arms.
"-And you want to fight that NEXT?" Fate's jaw is agape.
"I can't let this slide. I know Levi can be dumb, but she's been training very hard recently! I won't let this dishonor slide!"
Fate simply glances at Dearche and Nanoha.
"..What is wrong with all of you?! You see them blast opponent after opponent and your thought is 'I think I can take her'?!"
"I don't 'think' I can take her, Testarossa."

"..I KNOW I can!" With that, she hops up onto the platform, "Suit up! Unlock the arena, I'm going in!"
"Right-o!" Alicia announces from the referee's stand. "New challenger is entering the arena!"
"Oh! And be sure to pre-pay off her balance!" Nanoha shouts to Alicia, who gives a thumbs-up.
This just leaves Fate speechless. She watches as Dearche enters the pod, and disappears.
"Okay, but it's not like these three idiots are going to pay off the bill with their masochism." Fate mumbles.
"What? It's clear there's a demand." Nanoha crosses her arms, "Okay, sure, so the demand is from battle-maniacs who are always chasing the next thrill. There are a lot of those playing Brave Duel!"
"But is it enough to pay this?" Fate pulls up the itemized list helpfully provided by Iota. The data-analyst in her put together a really detailed spreadsheet of what kind of costs are associated, as well as how to stay above water with current expenses.
"Well! We have to start somewhere, and the Materials fighting is definitely going to attract attention."
"From who?" Fate glances at Nanoha, and then glances around the shop.
Around the shop, multiple eyes are fixed onto the screen showing Dearche flying toward Hotel in her flashy outfit.
There's no monologue.
There's no stand-off.
There's no playing around.
Dearche is mad.
"I think just jumping into a fight with them without any strategy or planning will result in-"
"Right, that." Fate puts her hand over her face as the purple dot representing Dearche falls to the arena floor with the same fanfare as it entered the arena with.
On the screen, the scoreboard gives a very nonchalant message of combat.
Lord Dearche
"Look at this." Fate mumbles, "There's no way people would-"
It's been two days since Ichika gave the Raptors physical forms.
Gave Fate a debt that would take a lifetime to pay back.
-And, allowed T&H to open their newest attraction.
A red message box appears in T&H's billboard outside of their store.
-Along with it, an entire line of people trailing out of the door.
"..I'm not sure I like this much better." Fate glances at the packed store, she sighs lightly.
Precia and Lindy, they were surprisingly okay with all of this. They were even fine with the bill, once it was explained what it was for.
"Are you ever happy?" Alicia pouts, counting the earnings from just Tango and Hotel alone. "Look, we just broke even on that bill. It's only been two days."
It's true, if this were about taking Brave Duel to the next level, the Raptors have done that in spades. Tons of new faces, none of which ever even held a VR controller, now stream into T&H to see these magical beings who you can pay to have an interview with, do livestreams, and even perform in virtual concerts- Of which, several bands have already requested that they do.
Why are they so popular? Well-
"It's just-" Fate eyes the crowd with worry, "There are so many unfamiliar faces here, and I'm not really convinced they're here for Brave Duel."
"And?" Alicia blinks, "What's the problem with that?"
"I don't think they're here for entirely.. pure reasons." Fate doesn't know how to describe it, "It's just.. a feeling, is all."
"It's a bad habit to think the worst of people." Alicia smiles, "Besides, there's nothing wrong with having lots of fans."
The doors burst open, and Hotel struts in with her holographic form shimmering in the light.
The crowd roars as she uses the sound system to amplify her voice.
The crowd roars louder.
"STOMP ME FIRST, HOTEL!" One of the crowd yells.
Fate's face turns white as a sheet.
Hotel bends over, and licks the tips of her fingers.
The crowd erupts into oinking and snorting. The display causes Fate to sink into her chair slightly.
Without saying another word.
Fate leaves her chair-
And leaves the venue.
"ICHIKA!" Fate's face is red with tears, "CHANGE THEM BACK RIGHT NOW! DOOOO IT!"

On the other end.
The purple-haired girl can only draw a breath, and sigh.
(RaptorS Battle Network END)
76 = 76
94 = 94
57 = 57
56 = 56
85 = 85
94 = 94
57 = 57
37 = 37
85 = 85
89 = 89
39 = 39
13 = 13
66 = 66
59 = 59
The Talk(NSFW)

It's another day in the Saint Church.
You say 'another day', but it's really sandwiching an incredibly turbulent time for you. So turbulent that you had to go attack a few targets and seek some help from Cinque just to calm down a little.

"HAH!" You buster-slash the final holographic target. The Saint church's training arena falls silent as the last target splits into half, and vanishes into a sea of holographic shards.
"MURDER!" Lil' Sis yells with excitement.
After re-capturing Long Arch from Caledfwlch, Cinque quickly got to work deciphering its contents. One of which was some kind of upgrade which you may want to take advantage of. Or not, you're still not sure if you want to bother taking the upgrade for a multitude of reasons.
One of which is that it completely disarms all of the modules you've gained up until now, slowly training your systems back to full strength one skill at a time.
You sigh, and put Barracuda away on the hardpoint located on your back.
Cinque was very helpful earlier, giving you advice as to what to do. She suggested that if you, yourself, don't want to take the upgrade- then you should consider giving it to someone else.
Namely- the only other sister who doesn't have any modules to lose with this upgrade.
Which brings you to right now- You're waiting for Quebec to show up to training with the other humans. You'll ask the question after her training regimen.
Meanwhile, the other humans are gathering around Nanoha and Fate. They both have an official air about them as they put on a commanding presence around the other members.
The whole time, they're watching you take your frustration out on the holographic targets with some kind of apprehension. You're not sure why.
"Uh, question-" The small, pink human replies.

"We don't have to fight that, do we?" Caro replies, watching you sling your axe onto your back.
"No no, it's fine." You try to let her worry subside, "You're fighting Quebec today, not me."
Caro, keeping the same smile, rotates very stiffly toward Nanoha, and then continues her train of thought.
"Uh- question." She continues smiling, "I know it's been a long time since we've had a mock battle, and you're excited, but we're having a few problems getting back into the swing of things. The will is there, but we're just a bit lacking in motivation to 'give it our all'."
She makes a crushing motion with her hands, and then gradually motions toward you. Nanoha simply smiles in turn.

"I see. So the problem is motivation, huh? You're lacking motivation for my teachings, now? That's fine. I can think of a few ways to motivate you."
The air of the training grounds just turned cold as ice. Nanoha takes a deep breath, and makes a proclamation.
"THEN IT'S DECIDED!" She yells, "Whoever loses this next set has to give Gamma 'The Talk'!"

"TH-" Caro re-casts her barrier jacket, "There's no way we can lose! Come on Erio! We're going to need a B Formation for this! You and Fried on the front!"
Caro then swiftly grabs Erio by the ear and drags him away.
"Okay! Okay! I don't need to be dragged!" Erio huffs as he's pulled away.

"We won't be out-done here, either! Subaru, remember what we practiced. We need to fight like our lives depend on it!"
"What?" Subaru blinks, "..It's just 'The Talk', right? Why is everyone so worried? Gamma probably knows about it by now-"
The fight between Quebec and the humans was legendary. Even though she only has a few small upgrades, she was still able to hold off the humans with relative ease.

Of course, her cute barrier jacket ended up coming out from under her big, baggy coat and hat. You decide to not mention this, since it was hard enough to convince her to change into it in the first place.
Besides, it looks really good on her!
You're walking back to your charger, maybe hoping to find some time to finally finish this Frankenstein book. It always feels that every time you wish to go finish it, something always seems to come up-
You blink, and notice a strange duo walking toward you.

"Come on Suu!" Teana huffs at Subaru, "I can walk just fine."
"No, in fact- I can barely walk after that thrashing. So I know you must be really feeling it right now."
"Hey you guys!" You smile, and wave. "I saw you on the holoscreen fighting Quebec. You two did a great job considering that you were fighting a Raptor!"
It's true, most fights with Raptors are over in just a fraction of a second. So lasting nearly twenty against Quebec is a feat for any human.
"Oh.. Hey Gamma." Teana starts to blush.
"Hi Gamma." Subaru smiles, "I'm glad you're here! We were just needing to find you-"
"HEY!" Teana yelps, and then corrects her voice, "Hey.. Maybe we can do this later."
"Nope." Subaru seems insistent, "If we delay this, Nanoha will know."
"Delay what?" You blink. You're not really sure where this is going.
"'The Talk', of course!" Subaru smiles. Teana kicks Subaru slightly from her shoulders.
"Hey! Don't yell that so loud." Teana blushes.
"What?" You feel confused, "Oh right, I remember Nanoha saying something about that. Is it a talk.. about something?"
Teana sighs, and rests her head on Subaru's.
"Gamma.. this may be easier if I ask a question first. Can we go someplace private to talk about it?"
You shrug, and usher them into the charging room. Subaru sets Teana down on one of the beds in the makeshift barracks, and starts examining her leg.
Teana then blushes, and asks the question that was on her mind.

"Gamma, this talk will be easier if I know something personal, first. You may or may not tell me if you don't want to." Teana sighs, "What do you know about 'Sex'?"
57 = 57
30 = 30
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
83 = 83 (Success!)
12 = 12
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
52 = 52 (Fail)
You've heard the word quite a bit, it's definitely a definition in your dictionary. You've even made the connection between that and a number of things you've encountered in real life. Like love hotels, human classification, even components in machinery.
Though, everyone seems to dance on eggshells when you ask questions about it. The definition is there, but the actual understanding of how this applies to you or the world around you is still a big question mark that you've mostly left unexplored because of the lack of willingness to talk about it, and the lack of context of which to apply it to your life.
You blink, and slowly tilt your head. Why does she want to talk about this, all of the sudden? Why now? What has changed that makes this important to their discussion?
"Well.. which definition is this about? Biological dimorphism? Male and female reproduction habits? Or maybe the Belkan number for 'six'?"
"Definitely the second one." Teana nods, "But I'm surprised you're aware of all these definitions, good job."
"Well, they're what I can remember from a cursory search on the internet." You nod.
"Y-You've been looking on the internet for-"
"The Belkan Number for six? Yes, I was trying to find information on some specifications about the Numbers, and that came up." You nod.
Teana has an extremely shocked look on her face that gradually fades away. Meanwhile, Subaru is desperately trying to keep from bursting out into laughter.
You get back on topic, "So.. Sex is.. a good thing? I think? It makes more humans so that is.. good?"
Gently, you lean forward and ask a question in hopes of not offending the humans.
"..That is a good thing, right?"
You glance at the two with completely opposite reactions, and are now aware that this has something to do with recent events.
"..Is this about-"
"Us losing, yes." Subaru answers, bluntly. "Simply put, the condition of us losing against Quebec was that we would have to give you 'The Talk'."
"'The Talk', I think I've heard that term before." You tilt your head, maybe overloading a few circuits trying to remember where, exactly, you're heard it. "I think.. was it Deed? I think she wanted to tell me a bit about that after what happened to Sein."
"That sounds about right." Subaru nods.
"..It's also why I'm asking such a personal question. Trust me, I wouldn't ask you for everything you know about sex for any other reason." Teana tries to distance herself from the question that she asked altogether.
"..Well, what do you want me to talk about? It's the methodology of which humans create more compact humans."
You're aware that's not the 'proper' definition, but you continue-
"So.. The female is a receptacle that holds a male plug. Sometimes the terminology 'Jack' is also used. It's the process in which humans create more humans. Sometimes involving the existence of fowl and insects, but I'm not too sure about that one."
Teana has a dreadful look on her face.
"-But anyway, when a new human is made they start off compact and need food to be expanded to their full size. Compacted humans are missing some primary functions, such as the ability to create more compacted humans. Caro was mentioning something about humans being 'obsolete' if Raptors were made, so I'm guessing they found a better way to manufacture humans. Anyway, how does this apply to 'The Talk'?"
Subaru steps up, and leaves Teana giving some kind of strange motion with her hands.
"-Well, Gamma, I don't know if you're aware- but you're anatomically correct to humans."
You blink.
"..What do you mean, 'And'?"
"I already know that I'm built in a factory, so I don't see how human reproduction applies to me."
"You know-" Teana snaps back into the conversation. "Because you have human anatomy, it's reasonable to assume you also feel human pleasure."
You think about this for a second, and remember another definition you gave to Captain Lancer back in the day, something about 'orgasmic'. Which is how you felt when you were-
"OH!" It snaps in your head, "Like the joy of fighting!"
This results in both of them blinking, and then giving a soft response.
"No Gamma, well- At least that's not how most humans feel when fighting.
This is even more confusing.
"..It's not?"
"No, most humans generally don't enjoy fighting."
"Why not?" You now feel confused.
"-That's a conversation for a different time." Teana puts it aside, "But you're aware of the process of 'Sex', and you're designed after a human who has had sex, so that means you likely feel the same things if you're attracted to someone."
"Ohh." You feign that you understand what this is about, "So if this is about making new humans and the feelings of 'sex', why haven't either of you made a new compact human, yet?"
"HEY!" Teana shouts, and blushes.
"Incidents, Gamma." Subaru hugs Teana closely, "Lots and lots of incidents keep us from making compact humans."
"Ohh, so you're overworking?" You seem to hit on the issue, "I get it! You're asking me for advice on how to deal with the extra work that has come with these conspiracies! Well, I can probably ask Iota about your schedules, and then you can get to work on making a new, compact human!"
Subaru.. actually seems pretty happy that you said that, but Teana just seems exhausted.
"No, Gamma. That's not what this is about, but I appreciate the offer."
"Oh." Then, you're even more confused before all this started.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Aaaah, it's because of Rage-chan? I am making a device that could be considered my child!
6 |
Are you sure that this isn't what this is about? I mean, don't most couples your age have a compact human by now?
5 |
"If the human I am based on has had sex then surely it would be best if I asked her?"
4 |
..then I don't see how any of this applies to me.
3 |
Give a very long, detailed explanation of the basis of human reproduction, and hope this is the answer they're looking for.
3 |
I heard that many people are attracted to me, but I don't even have the time to interact with them because of the incidents.
1 |
Okay, I give up, explain in plain terms what Sex in, no metaphor, just technicality.
"Are you sure this isn't what this is about?" You blink, and glance between them. "I mean.. most humans your age already have a compact human of their own."
"GAMMA!" Teana shouts.
"I know, it's a real tragedy." Subaru makes an exaggerated sigh, "It's normal by our age to have at least two compact humans."
"You're not helping." Teana grabs Subaru's ear while she continues to giggle. "This isn't about us, this is about her."
"Ooh, but why can't it be about us?" Subaru glances at the orange-haired woman, and gives a very sly smile.
"..We can talk about that one later."
"So, you're saying that you're both due for a compact human?" You think you're starting to get it.
"Again, this isn't about us, this is about you." Teana tries to dodge the question, "Our 'compact human' problems are work-related issues that we need to get through ourselves."
"Okay!" You smile, "Please, let me know how that goes, I would love to welcome your compact human!"
"We'll be sure to let you know!" Subaru smiles, even though Teana has now grabbed her into a headlock.
You glance at the happy couple roughhousing when you're suddenly reminded about something that you think you were talking about before all of this happened.
"..But how does this apply to me? I can't make a compact human-"
Then, it clicks with you.
"Ahh!" Your eyes light up, "It's because of Rage-chan, then?"
Subaru and Tea stop wrestling for a moment to glance at you. With a blink, they simply reply with "Huh?"
"Yeah!" It makes sense now why everyone is talking about making more small humans. "I'm making a device that could be considered my child! So all this talk about 'Compact Humans' is really just code for Rage-chan, isn't it?"
This causes the two to stop fighting, and instead sit upright on the bed again.
"While.. Rage-chan could be seen as a 'compact human', that's not really why we're talking about it." Teana seems to clarify.
"Though! If it does help you think about it that way, then yes, we are talking about Rage-chan in a way. "
"..Well, now I'm just confused." You tilt your head slightly, "So this is and isn't about Rage-chan?"
"It is! Rage-chan is indeed a child that you are carrying, but we're talking more about how to make children like that." Subaru explains.
Which makes you even more confused.
"Okay, let us try to explain one more time-" Teana instinctively reaches over, and covers Subaru's mouth, "Rage-chan is a child you have been carrying, but humans have to make their own kids, they do this through-"
"Sexual reproduction, I got that part." You nod.
"Right, and that involves an act called sex. Sex is-"
"-Where a male impales a female with his sword for fun and pleasure?" You tilt your head.

Teana's face instantly turns flush.
"But again, I don't know how that applies to me." You blink, "Usually, I'm the one impaling human males for fun and pleasure, and it's usually with an axe, not a sword."
"Well- There's no shame in being a top-"
"Suuuuuuuu.." Teana scolds her blue-haired partner.
Votes | Choice |
12 |
Should I try using a sword to see how it feels?
9 |
I think I need a more practical demonstration of some sort. I don't know how.
6 |
Do you have an example of someone interested on me? I could observe their reactions.
6 |
Did Hayate do this to make Rein-chan, or Agito?
5 |
Is 'Fun and pleasure' not the right phrase? It's usually just lots of laughing for me.
3 |
Does it matter where the impalement happens? My search results have been somewhat inconsistent.
2 |
If I do it, will I get more Rage-chans, then?
2 |
I don't know where to get the leather outfits though, and I could probably break out of any of the chains I've seen used pretty easily.
30 = 30
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
56 = 56 (Fail)
96 = 96
98 = 98
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
54 = 54 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
70 = 70 (Success!)
95 = 95
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
46 = 46 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
11 = 11 (Fail)
11 = 11
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
71 = 71 (Success!)
69 = 69
"Does this mean.." You try to see how this fits into the grand scheme of things as the orange-haired mage gently prods her partner, "-Should I try using a sword to see how it feels?"
"I'm not sure if you come equipped with a sword." Subaru says, with a wink, "But if you could, I'm sure it would feel much more pleasurable."
She lightly gets whapped by Teana, and you use this as an opportunity to show them your side-arm.
"Look, I got this from Oscar." You hold the light shortsword, 'Thorn', for both of them to see. "She gave it to me after we tussled in a parking lot until she got tired."
"Ohh, so she gave you HER sword, then maybe you already get it more than- Oof."
That was Subaru having her mouth covered by Teana.
"Look, I know it's clear that you really don't understand what this is about, but please don't stab people with swords if you can help it." Teana glances at you with one of her eyes. Subaru giggles, and takes a firm hold of Teana's hand.
"Right! Use an axe, got it." See? You know this conversation better than she thinks you do! "But again, I'm not sure how this applies to me, my body, Rage-chan, fowl, or insects. Should I ask for a sword upgrade, and see if I understand it a bit better after that?"
"No, Iota will kill me."
Teana manages to pry Subaru off of her, and she seems to want to give a real, heartfelt answer.
"Gamma, I'm not sure if you're having difficulty understanding because of the nature of Lindy and her kind soul, or because you're just naturally asexual from Caledfwlch."
"A-sexual?" That's an even stranger concept, "I clearly have a sex, though. I'm female, right?"
"Right, which is why it's so perplexing to find out that you don't seem to have any concept of these feelings at all." Teana tries to be nice about it, "..I would have thought you may have encountered the concept at least a little bit, in passing, this last week."
"Gamma! Tell us, have you felt even a little bit this last week like there has been someone you have wanted to see you naked?"
Huh, that's another strange concept.
"That I wanted to.. See me naked?"
"Subaru, have some class." Teana huffs.
"Yeah! Like someone you just wanted to strip all your clothes off in front of?"
Your eyes feel like they roll upward slightly, as they glance at the ceiling. Your finger presses against your molars through your cheek.
"Umm.." Wanted to see you naked? Like as in a.. maintenance inspection? "Cinque wanted to inspect me a couple days ago, but that was for combat purposes."
"Ehh? Was it? Was it really?" Subaru gives a sly smirk.
"..I still don't get it."
You shift uncomfortably, you understand something important, but you're not sure how to remedy this misunderstanding at this point.
"Look, I understand that I'm having difficulty understanding something that comes naturally to humans, and that's the reason we're having this conversation." You try to calm the two down, since Teana is just starting to look frustrated, "But I'm not sure that just talking about it is enough, this feels like a complete misunderstanding on human physiology that I was simply not included with. I feel like I need a more practical demonstration to really get what you're saying."
This puts a very dour look into Teana. "I'm sorry, Gamma. I wouldn't feel quite right with that-"
Subaru, on the other hand, her eyes light right up!
"With pleasure!"
Teana yelps before her mouth is silenced by something you've seen before.
Subaru starts to coerce Teana right in front of you. Her mouth presses against hers, and both girls start to sport a very alluring blush across their cheeks as Subaru deepens the kiss.
Teana tries to shift uncomfortably away, but Subaru seems to have already predicted this, and has reached her hand out to grip Teana's thigh roughly. Instead of this resulting in more playful wrestling, Teana's stiff and tense body seems to melt.
Across the visible portions of Teana's pale body, a redness starts to erupt from her cheeks, down her neck, and then into her shirt. Subaru doesn't stop, and continues to reach her fingers nimbly upward until it reaches the band of her short pants.

"W-WAIT!" This causes Teana to break the kiss, "Subaru, wait! Gamma has a camera! She's recording everything!"
Votes | Choice |
10 |
"Don't worry, I won't upload it anywhere"
7 |
So, what does this have to do with being naked? You're obviously still wearing clothes.
6 |
It's more like I *am* a camera, really. But this way I can refer back to your explanation any time I need to!
6 |
+"We've been together in the bath before, what makes recording now different?"
5 |
I want to try that!
3 |
Okay, I know this, this is coaxing, you showed it to me earlier. What does it have to do with anything?
2 |
Indeed, I am. Maybe I will understand that someday because you seem to be enjoying it...
2 |
... Can humans remember things without recording them? How does that work?
2 |
+Do you need to borrow my sword for this? I mean, I don't really use it, so it's okay as long as you give it back...
1 |
Hmm.. Well, if it makes you uncomfortable, maybe we should try bringing someone in who you wouldn't feel discomfort at me seeing naked?
1 |
+"Reference footage will be very useful for study tonight before recharge time"
1 |
Oh, no worries! I can just turn that recording feature off. It just makes my memory hazier. (But I will not turn it off)
0 |
Oh, no worries! I can just turn that recording feature off. It just makes my memory hazier.
"I mean, it's more like I am a camera, really. But this way, I can refer back to your explanation anytime I need to!"
"N, no, it's the recording and sending part that bothers me." Teana tries to fight against her partner very gently as she slowly embraces her softly.
"Oh, don't worry about that." You try to calm her fears, "I won't upload it anywhere."
"That's not my worr- Hey!"
Teana's face blushes as Subaru uses this lapse in her concentration to gently pull her partner toward her chest. Her fingers start to work their way up her storage tanks.
"I mean, we've been in the bath before. So what makes this recording any different?"
Teana wants to respond, but her attention has been pulled away as the blue-haired girl as started to move in on her.

Her arms move as if they're starting to fight again, but it seems more.. gentle? Teana could easily escape this hold if this were wrestling.
Yet, she doesn't seem to be trying to escape Subaru's grip. Far from it.
Teana's face, once contorted into an angry huff, has now relaxed. Despite her insistence that she was being annoyed, it doesn't seem to show anymore as Subaru's hand finally makes it way down her waistband.

"Hahh- Suu, Stop..." Is all she can moan as her partner's hand slides lower into her shorts. Subaru's fingers start to squirm behind the fabric as some kind of 'squish' noise is produced.
You can gleam from the context that this is Teana's lower slot. You think about the geometry of Subaru's digits and Teana's petals to get a rough estimate of how exactly they're currently interacting with one another.
"Hahh-" Teana's head lulls backwards onto Subaru's shoulder. The two start to kiss, once again. More confusingly, Subaru's hand continues to squeeze the hardened tips of Teana's right storage tank. This feels like it would be uncomfortable, but instead- her cherry-red buds ripen from under her shirt. It seems they've grown, ever slightly, to Subaru's touch.

Subaru's mouth invades Teana's much like her hands invade her lower slot. There's an intense squelching sound, followed by the occasional moan from Teana. From someone who didn't want to be recorded just a moment ago, almost all of her complaints have completely vanished.
Despite your initial confusion of the matter, you do sort of understand what exactly is causing this feeling. You've been in combat before, and felt very similar stimulating thoughts. Not to mention, you would be lying if you said watching Teana being handled like this does put together some pieces of how you've felt before when fighting.
You don't want to interrupt the mood, but you do want to be inquisitive about this. Since this is the only time the humans have been direct with any explanation about their bodily functions. So you decide to at least ask a question that has been on your mind.
"This is very captivating and all." You cannot lie, it's hard to look away or interrupt this mood, "-But what does this have to do with all of the other things we were talking about? This is totally different from the explanations I was given before."
Subaru only breaks the suction-grip of Teana's mouth to ask this one question, "How so?"
Even the tone of her voice has changed, much lower, like right on the edge of a growl.
"So.." A lot of things don't add up to the previous explanations, where are the fowl? The insects? How does this create a baby? Most importantly, "What does this have to do with being naked?"
"Oh?" Subaru seems a bit interested in your question. Teana snaps out of her drunken stupor for a moment to acknowledge it.
"-You're both obviously still wearing clothes." This causes Teana to glance upward at Subaru and mouth 'No' over and over again.
Subaru doesn't seem to acknowledge her partner's request, as she slowly moves her hand up her shirt, to her collar, and starts to pull very forcefully.
Subaru simply smiles and says, "That's a very good point, Gamma."
"S-Stop." Is all Teana says, before her shirt lifts right off of her, and is taken straight from her body!

Her two reddened storage tanks flop out, with nothing to contain them. The pink-and-red buds on the ends have swollen considerably, at least compared to your storage tanks, with the right one having obvious blush-red marks from where Subaru was pinching them.
With one arm, and quite a bit of dexterity, Subaru manages to single-handedly tear her own shirt off, lifting it above her collar and off of her head. The two topless girls have their shirts discarded, and their frontal tanks exposed. Teana seems incredibly embarrassed, but Subaru simply goes back to squeezing the increasingly swollen bud on Teana's chest.
Votes | Choice |
10 |
Continue to watch, this seems to be at least on the right track.
5 |
Oh! Okay. (Take your shirt off, too.)
5 |
Hmm, try out her movements on yourself?
5 |
Alright, you're putting the pieces together. You begin by coaxing someone so you can take off their armor, and then you... stab them with a sword? This seems needlessly complicated for you, but humans are pretty weak, and they probably need this kind of trickery.
2 |
..I still don't get it.
2 |
I understand what you're doing, but how does sexual harassment make a baby?
1 |
What does this have to do about 'Male and female reproduction habits'? That's the definition you said it was about.
1 |
+Start playing around with your right storage tanks nub, you're "anatomically correct", so you should feel a little what they seem to be feeling right?
39 = 39
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
17 = 17 (Fail)
91 = 91
80 = 80
11 = 11
35 = 35
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
4 = 4 (Fail)
35 = 35
38 = 38
100 = 100
You continue to watch this scene, with curiosity. You know these parts are standard issue with most humans, and you understand that you share almost all of them yourself.
Watching Subaru skillfully manipulate them as if she's playing a finely-tuned instrument is giving you some context to the jokes and comments you've heard until now.
Mentions of why people like your 'storage tanks', why Sein was all to eager to be in the bath with you, as well as the silly off-hand remarks you've heard before, and why maybe, just maybe, you were paraded around naked in front of people when you were born.
..That bastard, you're going to kill him if you ever find out who did that.
Although, this also gives you some other ideas of what kind of advantages this gives you.
The idea seems to be.
Coax your human into taking their armor off.
With their fighting capability reduced, they are less likely to resist.
In which case, you can.. stab them with a sword? Well, Subaru is using her fingers.
This seems needlesly complex for you, but humans are pretty weak. Not to mention.. watching Teana squirm in Subaru's arms is giving you some.. other parallels that you share with her.
How Sein was commenting on your muscles? Teana has nice, luscious abs as well.
How everyone, sisters included, want to grope your storage tanks? Teana's are about the same size, no, maybe even slightly larger right now in their swelled state.
How sisters really, really didn't want you commenting on staying with them in Love Hotels. You know Teana is a very experienced fighter, and watching her turned to Jell-o in Subaru's arms would put any skilled combatant in a sense of unwaryness.
You continue to watch as Teana and Subaru become more and more lost in one another. What started as what seemed to be playful wrestling seems to have collapsed into something much more.. intense. It's more like neither of them can live without the other, right now. Teana pressing the entire weight of her body into Subaru's chest, her head lulling onto the blue-humans' shoulder so she can whisper softly into her ear. Subaru returning the favor with intense presses and pinches to the extremely reddened skin on Teana's body.
It's not that pieces are coming together, but more like a gear is starting to turn in your head that had never spun before. It brushes aside cobwebs and rust, metaphorically hopefully, as it breathes life into a part of your mind that hasn't quite grasped the finer parts of social interaction.
"Oh.." You watch Subaru ease from talking to you, then talking to Teana. She gently whispers strange guidances like 'Here is where you pinch' and 'This is why you don't try to fight me'.
You reach under your shirt, and pull at the hem of the baggy clothing you've been using under your barrier jacket. With a flip, it flies off of your head with such speed as to only barely ruffle your ponytail.

Now, all three girls are almost exactly the same. You say 'Almost' because your shorts are still quite a bit less revealing than either Subaru or Teana's. Not to mention, yours doesn't seem to have a strange kind of wetness building up along the seam as Teana's does.
It does give you some clue as to what to do.
Try a little bit of it out.
See if you can understand.
Your hand slides down the waistband of your shorts. While it meets the cotton of your panties, it does seem to meet another object you have little understanding of. Your lower slot pulses with a slight warmth, but that shouldn't be out of spec.
Not to mention your chest, it seems to have taken on a more.. swollen stature. Maybe that's what is happening to Teana?
Your fingers grasp any swollen, or erect pressure points that the mechanical feelers in your fingers can determine. The swelling doesn't feel like the normal swelling that your hydraulic system would feed after an injury, but more like it's pumping a warm, impact-resistance substance to the inside of your skin. Which.. makes squeezing it take a bit of effort compared to normal. What a strange function to add for something you were never given a manual on-
You suddenly realize..
Subaru and Teana.. They've stopped massaging each other. Instead, they're simply staring, completely blank, right toward you.
"You're.." Teana mumbles.
"Really, really ripped." Subaru concludes the thought.
This immediately results in Teana snapping out of her haze, she slides off of Subaru's lap and covers her swollen storage tanks as best as she can. Not to mention crosses her legs with a light 'squish' as she does so.
"So, uhh!!" Teana's face has turned stark-red. "A-Any questions?!"
Votes | Choice |
4 |
..Yeah, why did you stop?
4 |
I guess this could be useful. I mean, I can strip someone's barrier jacket pretty easily anyway, but if I need to incapacitate someone less harmfully, I'll keep the grappling techniques in mind. If I combine it with barrier destruction, I bet any human would be pretty helpless.
4 |
Do you think you could teach this stuff to Iota? She's really the one that needs the extra CQC advantages.
2 |
Uhh, is this the part where you use the sword?
2 |
Up to now, Oscar and I are the only raptors physically stronger than our humans.
1 |
So.. this makes a baby, right?
1 |
Is someone bringing insects and fowl for us? Because you don't seem to have prepared any here. Should I call Iota— wait, no, should I call Wendi to ask for some?
1 |
+Why do I need to remove my own barrier jacket though? It feels counterproductive in a fight. What if I have multiple opponents, the ones I'm not grappling could use this moment to attack me.
0 |
Oh, that's it? That's kind of underwhelming.
58 = 58
12 = 12
94 = 94
6 = 6
21 = 21
41 = 41
57 = 57
36 = 36
39 = 39
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
29 = 29 (Fail)
91 = 91
"..Yeah.." Your fingers were just finding the gentle split of your lower slot. "Why did you stop?"
"Because! I didn't exactly think about the fact that I'm showing a two-week old Raptor how to.. shlick."
"Shlick?" Your fingers are silent, now. The heat from their sensitive tips are starting to subside. "That's a new term, what does it mean?"
"It means what you're doing right now, Gamma." Subaru has put her shirt back lazily over her shoulders, so it's at least covering the pink tips of her front tanks. "Kind of like what I was doing to Teana, but instead, you're doing it to yourself."
"Oh, so that's poor form."
"Only in front of others, but-" Subaru glances away, embarrassed, "I doubt many would complain if it were you doing it."
This results in Tea giving her a gentle slap, which causes her to giggle.
You take your hand out of your pants, and glance at the two.
But.. the way they seem so happy, the way they gladly lowered their defenses for each other, and trusted each other to their bodies. You get why they didn't continue, if that's the case.
It's because..
"Mm, I get it." You pull your pants up, "You didn't want to finish Teana off with a combat move."
Subaru blinks.
Teana blinks.
"Huh?" They both state at the same time.
"Yeah." You smile, armed with knowledge that had been apparently top secret knowledge of human weakness, "It's why no one would tell me. It's a human weakness that lets you strip someone's barrier jacket off pretty easily!"
"Uh, Gamma."
"I mean, I can already do that, but if I need to incapacitate someone less harmfully, I'll keep those grappling techniques in mind."
"N-No, Gamma! Don't!" Subaru seems to be pleading with you, now.
"If I combine it with barrier destruction, I bet any human would be pretty helpless to those grapples!"
You blink, "Well, how else do I get them to lower their defenses?"
This results in both of them looking completely, and utterly ashamed. Slowly, they start to reassemble their armor and clothes.
"..Really I'm not the one who needs CQC advantages, do you think either of you could teach this stuff to Iota?"
"No. Gamma. In fact, let's just pretend we didn't have this conversation."
You blink, and tilt your head slightly.
"Why? This seemed really educational."
"I now realize, not all knowledge is meant to be learned." Subaru says, in a dour voice.
Votes | Choice |
11 |
If we pretend this conversation didn't happen, won't you get in trouble? You were supposed to talk to me about this, uh, thing, and I'm still a little confused on a few points... though, I guess, if you're struggling, I can ask Wendi. She can probably fill in the gaps if I just show her the recording. Then everyone's happy.
5 |
Well, I can just send the info to Iota. It's fine!
5 |
"Sein must need a *lot* of training, her tells are way too obvious, a child could counter her
4 |
Ah, I should go try this in mock combat, then. Find Oscar! She's always up for a fight!
4 |
Why? I finally understand why Juliett grab people all the time.
3 |
+Raptor Hug!
3 |
I guess i will go ask Echo about it then she knows about everything so if i show her then she will definitely know more.
3 |
+Gamma momentarily visualizing Wendi doing what Subaru was doing to her, feeling strange.
3 |
+Gamma earnestly using [Raptor Smile] and thanking Suu and Teana for actually explaining, she's spent half her life asking people about this so far.
2 |
What does that mean? I think you were great teachers!
2 |
I will go to Oscar then. She is always up for anything we can turn into a competition.
2 |
The list of people that want me touching them is very extensive, so it's probably fine!
2 |
Teana clearly wanted it, quite enthusiastically at the end there. I guess I'll judt have to practice with you then
1 |
Well, I should get a reaction after watching the lesson? Because I'm clearly not feeling the same.
"But.. if we pretend this conversation didn't happen.." You feel a confusing feeling causing you to glance worriedly, "-Won't you get in trouble?"
"..Trouble?" The two now-clothed girls blink in confusion.
"Yeah.. I mean.. You were supposed to talk to me about this, uh, thing." You're still not sure what to call it, secret technique? "And.. I'm still a little confused on a few points."
"That's why it's best that you just pretend that none of this happened." Teana uncomfortably shifts as her hands sit between her legs, hiding a wet spot on her shorts.
"But Nanoha will punish you!"
"Small price to pay to keep you from trying to do something like that in public." Teana replies, her eyes looking away from you.
Now you're just really confused.
"But.. I'm doing it in combat, not public."
"No, Gamma, don't do that at all." Subaru replies. "I got carried away and I forgot who I was giving this demonstration to, and I realized that this probably isn't something that you need to be learning alongside what the function of it is."
"So it's not for use in combat?"
"It's for use if you have a LOT of training, let's put it that way."
"Wow." You blink, "Sein must need a LOT of training, her tells are way too obvious. A child could counter her."
"..Ain't that the truth." Subaru seems to glance sideways for a moment.
"But I get the function! I just need more training! It raises my combat effectiveness immensely." Teana and Subaru seem horrified that this is the conclusion you've drawn.
"Listen, Gamma, this is not about combat, this is about love and tender care. Which is why you need to be very selective with who you use this with." Subaru seems very scared.
"-If you use it at all." Teana emphasizes.
"Ohh, okay." You nod, "You're embarrassed telling me all your weak points then, is that it?"
"Yes!" They reply in unison.
"Oh okay." You stand up, and walk toward the door.
"W-Where are you going?" Subaru seems mortified.
"Well, I was just thinking that if you're struggling, then I can ask Wendi about it. I can tell her about what happened, and she'll probably fill out the gaps."
The two women are frozen.
"Then, everyone is happy!"
"NO! NO! NO!"
They both jump up, and grab you by the arm.
"Gamma, whatever you do, you must not, and do not tell anyone about what happened here today."
"Huh?" You blink, "But, then how am I going to send the info to Iota? She can keep secrets! Her job is keeping secrets!"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" They shout, once again.
You sigh, they are making this 'Talk' thing very difficult with how hard it is to cross-check this information with anybody else.
"Well, fine." You sigh, "Okay, but at the very least, can I go test this on another Raptor?"
"I would prefer if you just forgot it happened, that's all."
Now you're really curious.
Did they just give you the ultimate knowledge to human weakness, and are aware that this makes them a traitor to their species?
Either ways, this needs investigating. Plus, you must keep in mind that you're a terrible liar.
"Okay!" You smile, and nod.
"You understand?" The two are trying to glare holes in your steely exterior. Thankfully, you just don't have to answer them!
"Yep! I understand!"
You didn't tell them what you understood, but you understand something!
This keeps them looking as pale as ever as you gently close the door behind you.
Now, to ask Wendi.
The pathway to where Iota told you Wendi was having a psychology session is nice and quiet this time of day. There's really nothing to interrupt it at all except-
Out of the oaken door, walks a masked heroine in a trenchcoat.
"Oh hey, Quebec." You nod, "Is Wendi in?"
"Yeah.." Quebec seems to be lost in thought over something, "Listen, Gamma. I'd like to apologize."
"Oh?" You seem confused.
"Yeah, I would."
Quebec adjusts her voice. "I didn't realize what kind of social dynamics that humans had until I had a talk with Ms. Wendi inside. I had always thought it was just our job to follow orders, and it didn't matter if those orders were offensive or even distasteful."
"What brought this on?" You pout a bit, "Was it the incident in the bath?"
"Yeah, apparently- it's okay to tell someone to go to a distant planet to die, but, you can't touch them inappropriately. That's a social protocol among humans that I'm not sure I understand but I'm glad it's in place."
"Well, I have good news Quebec!" You smile.
"Yeah!" You do a quick twirl, "I just got some important combat data from Teana and Subaru, and it's all about the do's and don'ts of touching!"
"..What does that mean?"
"I was just about to ask Wendi about it, want to join?"
Quebec thinks about this question for a moment, but then shrugs her shoulders.
"I don't see why not. Maybe it gives more context to what is socially acceptable to humans."
"Well, I can only speak for myself, but I can say-"
You give her a thumbs up as you reach for the door.
"-I think I understand humans better now than I ever did before."
With that you grasp the handle, and fling the door open.
"Wendi! Before you go, let me show you this cool trick that Subaru taught me!"
(The Talk(NSFW) END)
Votes | Choice |
20 |
Bring your HUMAN to work day!
14 |
Rage-chan undoing the damage done by this chapter.
7 |
What is Vivio2 up to?
5 |
Awakening of a Yuuno Scrya Type raptor
3 |
We missed an April Fools AND a Valentines day chapter. Maybe a late one of those?
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KnightS Redo?
JMP: Vivid KnightS - 'Finding an Old Friend'

"Okay. Listen."
"..I am always listening to your hig- Uh, Einhart."
"I know the last few days of trying to get used to the modern world has been tough on you, and I understand that change is certainly not easy."
"I could classify that as one of life's biggest understatements, your- Einhart."
"So I can understand that some of the new advances in modern life can be a bit challenging to deal with."
"I also believe that is another serious statement which requires greater emphasis, that is true."
"But- At the same time-"

"Can you please stop threatening every gate guard who asks to see your pass at every stop?" Einhart doesn't seem angry, just disappointed.
"Your high- Einhart." You need to stop referring to her that way, you're aware that it gets on her nerves quite a bit. "-I am already extremely high-strung from having to ride these.. subterranean snakes we've tamed for transportation."
"Subways." Einhart corrects you, "They're called 'Subways'."
"Whatever pet name they may have." You don't really care about the specifics, "I was under the impression that only criminals would get searched if they were deemed to be suspicious. Why are these common Town Guards searching me if it's clear I have done nothing wrong?"
"No, don't take it personally, please." Her Highness tries to allay your fears, "This is normal if you don't have a gate pass or an ID. You don't have a gate pass because you emerged from a book two weeks ago. You'll have a gate pass and an ID as soon as Hayate is back in town, and they won't bother you like this, anymore."
"Still, I wasn't aware that identification and serialization was even more important now, during peacetime, than during the height of the Belkan war when spies hid behind every bush. What kind of calamity is society bracing for in which every soul is indexed as orderly as a library considered a requirement?"
You hear a voice catch up to you. "-Trust me-"

"You will likely witness another calamity, if you wait long enough." Fuuka peeks her head around the crowd of humans exiting the mechanical tunnel-snake station.
"Terrifying.." You feel a strange sense of awe in how blasè humans are with the knowledge of their impending doom.
What her highness said is correct.

You are an ancient being.
Who came from a book.
Did you want to be in a book? Not really.
Is it nice to be out of the book? Most definitely.
Was it worth being released from the book if it also meant the thing that was sealed inside the book alongside you escaped? Certainly not.
The 'Poisonous Night' is the name dubbed of an ancient entity of pain, sorrow, and terror. One that, once upon a time, you and Einhart's ancestor, Claus, worked tirelessly to seal.
Then look what happened, several hundred years later the blasted creature breaks out.
Which is why you're accompanying these two young girls to the one place that you think you'll be able to find some information on where the beast may be hiding. Every terrible creature needs an army, and a creature like the Poisonous Night is notorious for granting its followers unlimited power in exchange for their loyalty, and their life.
Where would the Poisonous Night find such followers?
The giant, loud plastic mouths scream a battlecry as violently as they're capable of projecting. Celebrating the opening of the newest gladiatorial show-match. The crowd roars with the expectation of bloodsports between young combatants.
For all of this 'Polite' society's posturing about health, order, and safety. Having gladiatorial magical fights planted between all of it sticks out like a bleeding wound. Does no one of this modern age see the irony in it all?
"Fuuka." You follow closely behind your compatriot, "I was wanting to ask-"
"Right, I wanted to ask you, as well." Fuuka turns around, with her hands in her pockets. "Einhart and I will be participating in this tournament, as well Vivio, Rio, and Miura when they arrive. Which means you'll be alone, maybe with Nove, while we're participating. Do you know your ground rules while you're at the arena?"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
No participating because I have a massive experience and age lead on every person here.
6 |
We have a code of honor back in my day, kid. The same low blows are still forbidden.
5 |
Yes, yes, I won't kill that many people during your blood sports event.
3 |
Look on in horror. Children in gladiator fights?? You're not exactly the most adverse to violence, but even this seems like a bit much.
3 |
You should be the one worried because no one will use Dragon's Blood in a fight against me. You are the famous fighters.
2 |
Sure, I'll behave! +Remember lying to non-nobility isn't a sin
1 |
+I was also genetically modified as a descendant of Belka, so I may not even feel most of their attacks.
0 |
+At least, don't let them know I'm participating.
"Yes, yes, I will not kill that many people during your blood sports event." You get the message.
"No, no- That's not the ground rules at all." Fuuka crosses her arms.
Which other ground rules were there?
Oh! Right.
"Mm, the other part, about 'No participating because I have a massive experience and age lead on every person here'."
"Correct!" Fuuka smiles, and claps her hands together. "We're not even entirely sure the capabilities of your martial arts, yet. And- you've had in the neighborhood of 200 years to hone them."
"Excuse me, but we had a code of honor back in my day." You want to remind her that you're not heartless, "The same low blows are still forbidden."
"That's exactly why I don't want a 200 year old fighting the 14 year old intermiddle participants." She crosses her arms.
To be fair-" You want to set the record straight, "I was in a book for 185 of those years."
"Be that as it may, please don't participate in the intermiddle tournament while you're still missing an ID. If you want to participate in a tournament, we can discuss it afterwards."
"Again, everything in this society seems to revolve around IDs and registration." You pout, "Can you imagine how hard it must be to live in it if you don'-"
"If you don't have a family to get IDs and registration for you?"

Fuuka interrupts your train of thought, and has a sour look on her face. "Trust me, I know."
You must have hit some kind of nerve. She seems visibly less happy right now.
Aagh, you've stepped on another social landmine of the very emotionally active teenagers. You try to do what an old lady can do in this situation.
"Well, that's then, and this is now-" You give her a light tug around her shoulder. "You should focus on trying to win this tournament."
"Yeah, yeah you're right-" She puts her hand on yours, and smiles.
"Do you need help with any special techniques? I can probably teach you some quick mana-point techniques for tortur-"
"No thanks!" Fuuka replies immediately. "I'll be fine."
"And one more thing-" You smile, "Try to be careful if any of your opponents happen to be using Dragon's Blood."
"Oh, don't worry about that." Fuuka stretches, and opens her dufflebag. "We're all getting drug tested before our matches. So they wouldn't be able to do it during the event."
"Wait, hold on-" You need to remind her something important, "Dragon's Blood isn't an actual drug, it's a curse, that acts like a drug to your linker core. If they don't thoroughly test for it, then-"
"They're going to do what they can." Fuuka at least didn't outright dismiss the idea, "If they don't catch it, then that's why there's security."
"..Right, security." This just makes you more concerned. A large gathering of people with out-of-control cultists would be a ripe meal for the Poisonous Night. She would never show up to one of her dinners in-person. "If you don't mind, I'm going to go.. explore."

"Remember the rules." Fuuka stretches, starting to go through her slow-forms.
"Right, right, the rules."
You let Fuuka get changed, and start to wander around the backroom of the venue. Which gives you plenty of time to interview the other potential fighters, as well as the potential cultists.
Votes | Choice |
10 |
T-That nun's jacket.. she's wearing almost no clothes! Shameless!
7 |
That white-haired girl with the sad eyes looks very intense. That's a little like how the drug users behave.
5 |
Go outside the warm-up arena, walk the venue a bit.
5 |
Speaking of shameless, why that purple haired girl is showing her panties? Kinda hard to not stare at her.
4 |
The girl with huge twintails look and feels extremely familiar!
3 |
Is that a witch? They fight now instead of just mess with people for fun?
2 |
That short-haired boy, is- Wait. That's a girl.
2 |
Harry is here? Finally! Someone that understands you on a spiritual level!
2 |
I can feel an unnatural strength coming from the other white haired girl and she seems to be very popular. (Edelgard)
Your eyes glance around the locker room, getting a feel for what kind of participants can be expected at this event.
As you initially feared, this appears to be a bloodsports venue for only young adults below the age of 18. This new world you find yourself in gets stranger the more you learn about it.
Yet, you can't exactly fault it for being this way. During your time, it wasn't exactly against the norm for 14 and 15 year olds to enlist in the army, but it's not like anyone was sending them to the frontlines unless it was the most severe of emergencies. Even the Belkan era had a heart of its own, not to mention the morale penalty it would inflict would have been tremendous.
Then there's this place, which seems to get a kind of pleasure from watching girls, some of which too young to be holding a sword at all, practicing the arts of mortal combat against each other.
Then, there the other thing you don't quite get-
"That.." You spot a peculiar sight.

A young red-head, with what is obviously the uniform of the Saint Unification Church, holds two very large swords in her hands while wearing what has to be the most shameless outfit you've ever seen on a nun.
Granted, this 'Saint Church' thing seems like a very new thing (to you at least), so maybe this is just the norm of this era. You were aware of other charitable organizations of the time which did employ the use of holy warriors, nuns, priests, monks, so the concept is not foreign to you. At the same time, a young girl, barely old enough to have developed curves of any nature, preparing herself for gladiatorial combat while dressed in less clothes than actual gladiators of your era would have worn while also decorating herself
You.. You can't just see this and not say anything!
"What is this?" You approach the orange-haired girl as she instantly turns her attention to you.
"What is what?" Even her attitude is sour.
"Why is a nun dressed so shamelessly when she's about to represent the church in battle?"

"Why do you think I asked?" She replies, "Go away, I have a tournament to win."
"You're not going to win that tournament wearing a bikini, are you?!" Even you know that gladiators have standards, "I mean, it barely covers your developing body at all! Spectators may think you're a boy!"
"..Are you part of the tournament? Because I'm about to punch you for those fighting words."
"No fighting in the warm-up area."
You turn to see a white-haired girl with a very intense look on her face. You've seen this kind of glare before, the kind that say that she has nothing to lose.

Without another word, you hear a loud, shrill sound.
Suddenly, a gold strand binds around the nearly-naked nun, and then attempt to bind around your wrists!
Big mistake, kid.
You counter the flow of mana with a pinch of magical 'Power', energy directed straight at the spell's symbology, with a light pull, the chain shatters!
"..Eh?" The girl blinks. She wasn't expecting that kind of reaction.
"Very subtle magic." You keep your guard up as you speak to your assailant. "May I ask your name?"
"..I'm Rinne, and I'm here to take home the intermiddle championship." The white-haired girl has particularly sad eyes.
THAT is Rinne? You had heard from Fuuka that she was her 'rival' so to speak. You've also heard that she's incredibly strong, likely rivaling yourself in terms of raw strength. You don't about that, but you can tell she has some technical knowledge to back this up.
"Oh, I'm-"
"You're that Knight that Fuuka was telling me about, aren't you?" Her glare continues to be steely, and unwavering.
Votes | Choice |
4 |
I would offer to duel but I understand you're about to enter combat. May the gods bless your victory.
4 |
Since I don't know what Fuuka has told you, I can't confirm that or not. She has told me of you, however.
3 |
I was just commenting on the shameless outfit that this Sister of the Church is wearing to battle! Look! Shameless!
2 |
Yes! It's good to finally meet you, Rinne.
2 |
Hi, I'm looking for drug users.
2 |
"That's none of your concern." Intense death stare back.
2 |
+I can actually confirm that Olivie wasn't so liberal.
1 |
I guess I should expect you to know about me because the last thing that Fuuka want is you involved with Dragon's Blood and the thing producing it.
4 = 4
89 = 89
7 = 7
52 = 52
29 = 29
6 = 6
"Since I don't know what Fuuka has told you, I can't confirm nor deny that." You give a slight curtsy, "However, she has told me of you, and it is good to meet you."
"So that's a 'Yes' then." This 'Rinne' person is an expert at jumping to conclusions.
"I would offer to duel to prove my worth, but I understand you're about to enter combat. May the gods bless your victory."
"You would be better at hiding your identity if you didn't also speak as if you're over a century old." She replies, with her arms crossed.
Within an instant, the gold bind disappears off of the Nun. She regains her footing and then gets right up in your face!
"And just WHO ARE YOU to stay that I'm 'Developing'?!" She huffs, "I am not 'Developing'! I am a sterling example of fitness and beauty for the church! It's important to show off my body for the Saint!"
"I was simply commenting on the shamelessness of a Sister of the Church wearing a bikini to battle that barely covers her breasts. Look, that's simply shameless." You reply.
"It is not shameless! It's giving glory and honor to the Saint!" The orange-haired nun points at you. "Besides, I'm not 'Developing'! I am a beauty of the church! Don't you agree, Rinne?"
"Chantez, forgive her this time." Rinne changes the subject, "If what Fuuka told me is accurate, she's been in a coma for the last two-hundred years and is still adjusting to Midchildean life."
"Two.." The nun blinks, "Two-hundred years?!"
"Not quite.. That long.." You didn't realize that Fuuka told her that part, too.
"Therefore, it's only natural that she sees someone dressed with her midriff exposed and immediately thinks of the worst-case scenario."
"You said she was a 'Knight', like a Knight of the church?" Chantez suddenly seems interested in you. "I really should be stretching, but now I'm curious! I'm going to be fighting a century-old Knight?! I hope she's as fun to fight as Viktoria!"
"Not quite." You explain yourself, "Unfortunately I do not have an ID yet, and I likely fall outside of the age limit. Really, I'm here for another reason today."
"..Is it related to 'Drugs' of some sort?" Rinne crosses her arms.
"Eh? Drugs?!" Chantez seems concerned, suddenly.
"Fuuka has been oddly concerned about encountering people using 'Drugs' recently, performance enhancers, and it lines up with you appearing. So I'm assuming the two are linked somehow."

Chantez points right at you, with a very defensive question-
"You're not a drug pusher, are you!?"
66 = 66
98 = 98
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
78 = 78 (Success!)
5 + 198 = 203
25 + 198 = 223
The nerve
The complete-
And utter
No, no, stay calm.
She is right to be suspicious of any random people suddenly walking up to them.
Her paranoia is justified. You should refrain from losing your temper.
"No, I'm an anti-drug pusher, I push the faces in of people who push drugs." You crack your knuckles, "So please don't confuse the two."
You say in the most insulted tone you can possibly muster. You can't imagine how anyone would possibly confuse you for someone who may be using or pushing the Poisonous Night on people. Those kinds have some pretty obvious tells about their behavior.
"T-Then what are you doing suddenly cornering us in the locker room?!" Oh, you have things to say to this nun.
"..I'm going to have to have a long talk with Fuuka about telling random people about my existence, aren't I?"
"It would probably help if you were to give us a bit more of an explanation of why you're here instead of barging into the women's locker room and challenging the random contestants inside." Rinne is oddly dismissive.
"Fine, I won't take offense on this occasion, Chantel-"
"Chantez." The nun corrects you, and huffs.
"-But kindly choose your words more carefully. I'm doing a very important public service."
"Are you even competing?" Rinne crosses her arms. "This locker room is for competitors."
"No, but-"
"Then, get out please." Rinne sighs, "We need to get ready and we don't need to be worrying about these problems right now."
"No, this is why you should be worried." You try to explain yourself, "It's not necessarily a drug, but a curse. You could be in serious danger if someone is using it day."
You try to appeal to her better judgement, "Being a descendant of Shutran Knights, I would think you could at least sense the danger in that."
"Descendant of... what?" The white-haired girl blinks, unaware that her snow-white features mark her as a direct genetic descendant of your kin. She may even be a direct blood-relative.
"..We'll talk about that one later, but for now- I'm almost certain some of the entrants will be using this 'performance enhancer' to their advantage."
"So, what should we do about it." Chantel- Err, Chantez stretches her arms, and stands up, "Go around and interrogate everyone a half-hour before our first matches? Not going to happen, sorry."
"Really, I don't know what you want us to do about it at all." Rinne flicks her hair, "If it's just 'Be Careful', then I'm not sure what to even be careful for."
Votes | Choice |
7 |
How about any contestants who are much, much stronger than they should be?
7 |
The curse grants power, but also erodes the mind. If someone is acting... strange, or manic, that may be a sign of influence. If you notice anything like that, notify me as soon as possible. And if you face such a person in the arena, they may not stop when the match ends. Keep your guard up - and keep some strength in reserve, just in case.
6 |
Rinne, you're a direct blood relative, so maybe I can teach you something quickly.
3 |
"Given that this curse can and will make anyone who takes it strong enough to break anyone they face here in half, I think caution is to be advised, especially with how much weaker Mages are these days.
*Interrupts protest of strength from Rinne and Chantez* Yes, you're good at fighting as a blood sport. I was raised during the Saint King Wars and likely have more combat experience than everyone in this locker room put together aside from Her Highness. If someone uses a Curse, I'm going to intervene, and you'll be glad when I do, greenhorns."
2 |
Both of you use this newfangled 'Midchildean Magic', right? Doesn't it have some kind of spell for determining curses?
0 |
Any recent entrants? Maybe someone who isn't usually here suddenly appearing?
0 |
How about this, you're up first, right Chantez? Use this signal, and I'll come if the competition suddenly gains a ton of strength.
95 = 95
19 = 19
79 = 79
65 = 65
70 = 70
93 = 93
67 = 67
3+30 = 33
3+30 = 33
"How about any contestants who are much, much stronger than they should be? Can you think of any?"
Rinne and Chantez, previously dismissive of your claims, are at least a bit helpful on this one.
"..Well, there have been a few contestants who would never have made it past preliminaries attending." Chantez admits, with a bit of a pout, "-But what does that mean? They could have just been training very, very hard."
"Any of them going to be in the next few match-ups?"
"Yeah, the first match of the day is going to be one of them versus a long-time contender." Chantez seems skeptical, still.
"Still, this doesn't mean anything. Even if all of them are from the same Gym, it doesn't mean there's foul play involved."
You glance at Rinne, and give her the most incredulous look you possibly can.
"There's no way that's a coincidence." You can't believe that she doesn't immediately see the problem in that.
"And if it is?" Rinne seems to be the least trusting one of the two. Which is good, that means the Nun, despite her poor fashion habits, does still have a good head on her shoulders. "There's no reason to be distrusting of a gym just because they have some new up-and-comers. I mean, you would also have to interrogate the new gym on Liberta as well as the newcomers from Midchilda."
"Wait, there are.. more than one?" Oh, oh you don't like that at all..
"Listen, the curse grants power, but it also erodes the mind. If you are facing a threat as terrible as someone who has been touched by the Poisonous Night, their strength won't be their only tell."
"If they're acting like a drug-addled maniac, then they won't be allowed on the tournament grounds. We all took drug tests."
"True, but as the curse takes a toll on the body, it also does on the mind. If they can control their decay, then it may not be apparent they're under its control until it's too late. Keep your guard up, and if you face such a person in the arena- keep some strength in reserve."
"That's going to be hard, considering that the whole point of the exercise is to expend all of our energy in a fight." Rinne points out the problem.
Seeing Rinne, her stark-white hair, her steely gaze, the similarly-colored eyes. It's clear she's a descendant of the knight class of Ancient Shutra. You've seen several like this in passing, but none of them were so obviously a warrior like yourself.
This gives you an idea.
You don't know if there's anything you can do about Chantez, and her first battle, but maybe there's something you can do about Rinne.
"Rinne, do you have a moment?"
"I have about thirty minutes, but I rather spend them warming up."
"Then, this should help your warm-up." You smirk, "Rinne, are you aware that you're a descendant of ancient Shutran knights?"
"No, and the topic of my heritage is a bit of a sore spot if you don't mind." Rinne frowns.
"It's something to be proud of, Rinne. Your DNA was selected by ancient Shutra to be the perfect vessel for a knight of perfect martial prowess." You nod, "Because of this engineering of our bloodline, you're likely my direct blood relative."
"I would have cared more about that twelve years ago." Rinne has a sour look on her face.
"-Then, you don't want to know some of the ancient arts special to our bloodline, would you? There are a few sealing arts which would be incredibly useful if you encounter a user of the Poisonous Night."
"Sealing.." Rinne seems to consider the idea, and then sighs. "Will it make you leave Chantez alone?"
"Absolutely." You smile.
Rinne sighs.
"Chantez, best of luck in your match."
"You as well!" The lewd nun smiles.
You and Rinne proceed outside the locker room, to a makeshift sparring arena that seems to be in-place for warm-ups or amateur practice.
"Okay, can we get this over with." Rinne crosses her arms, "I know you're just doing this because you want to fight me."
"No, that's not the reason at all." Frankly, you didn't even consider the possibility of fighting one of your kin when you're in the midst of danger. "The reason is more personal than that-"
"Don't tell me you're thinking of me as family, now."
"That is true, but not for the reason you think-" Okay, so you ARE a little let down that she rejected this idea immediately. "-Rinne, if you are also a descendant of my Knight's Order, then you are just as much of a target of the Poisonous Night and its followers as I am."
Rinne seems confused.
"Okay, assuming this is all truthful and not the ranting of someone who came out of a book- Why would I be a target?"
"You and I- We have something which seems incredibly rare in this new and peaceful era, Martial Ability, and-"
You wave your finger, and initiate a bit of the mana within- A blue aura appears around your fingertip. Showing that your bloodline's magic is affecting the air around it.
"-Sealing magic, Rinne." You clarify, "The ancient magic exclusive to our bloodline, engineered, perfected, and then passed down through ten-thousand years of fighting demons, monsters, and rogue mages. The secret martial art of sealing using only the power of our blood is what allowed me to seal the Poisonous Night. Which has been a duty of our Knight Order for more than two-thousand years."
"Let me guess, and I have this 'Ancient Mystical Martial Art' because I have white hair-"
"It's because you have white hair, and share my clan's prowess for magic and combat. It's no coincidence you're strong enough for me to notice just from this discussion."
"I'm not sure I believe you." Rinne cocks her head a bit, "So this sealing magic- Wanna show me?"
67 = 67
75 = 75
37 = 37
26+55 = 81
82 = 82
66 = 66
26+55 = 81
64 = 64
"Hmm, I'm having reservations against trying to show you sealing magic just before a big match, but-"
You realize that Rinne is really not going to be cooperative unless she understands exactly the kind of power she is dealing with.
"-If it means your safety, then I cannot overlook it. Rinne! What do you know about 'sealing'?"
"Nothing about using it, and in fact, using it with your fists sounds like kung-fu movie nonsense." Rinne crosses her arms.
"Do not underestimate it, even ordinary Belkan Knights knew the importance of linker core sealing. I've met one who was extremely well-versed in the art." It's true, if it weren't for you meeting the mage known as 'Shamal', you would have been under the impression that all Belkan arts had been lost to time.
"Yes, I'm aware of what Shamal has taught Miura." Oh good! So you don't have to go into the specifics of- "But I don't see how that applies to me, barriers still prevent sealing from happening. Otherwise, Miura would have been taught this art years ago."
"Miura lacks something which you and I have-" You want to explain that this is something special to her, but in a way, it is best that she sees it for herself, "-Which is why I want you to attack me."
"Right now?" Rinne sighs.
"Yes, right now."
Rinne sighs, and her hands raise up to her head. She feigns fixing up her hair into a tight bun. Unfortunately for her, you can tell that this is a bluff. The muscles in her legs are starting to tighten.
This is the start of a one-meter distance strike.
You estimate that her assault will begin just as energy enters the tendons in her exposed calves, and her linker core sharpens to allow it to easily penetrate a more unaware opponent's defenses.
She should be aware by now, or maybe not, that you're anything but an unaware opponent. You feel her linker core sharpen to a razor-sharp point- and you understand exactly how to defend against this. Three.. Two..
Your extended hand easily stops Rinne's powerful strike! She thrusts the entirety of her bodyweight behind it, which would be dangerous if you were actually attempting to hurt her.
A simple A-frame stance absorbs the blow. Your extended palm, fully open, is able to deflect her sharpened magic field with just a few fingers.
They do, however, bend backward several centimeters under the intense weight of Rinne's strike. If nothing else, this proves that Rinne is an exceptionally strong fighter, even by Knight standards.
"Your strength is hamstrung by your lack of form." You comment on her incredible ability to make your fingers move from their very well-defended position in mid-air. It must look daunting from her perspective, as you just stopped a mighty one-inch-punch with only a few fingers from your extended arm.
Though, after you said it, and with the way you're simply standing in a very relaxed pose with your fingers holding her back; it does make it sound like you're insulting her to some degree. Which is really not your intention at all.
"SHUT UP!" The shouts-
Her next assault is to withdraw her sharpened linker core, and- Without taking time to re-flex the muscle- Attack in a multitude of rapid succession!
You continue you hold your A-pose as her, rather sloppy, offense continues. You decide to pause it by catching her fist between your index finger and thumb. Her sharpened linker core acting like a barb which holds her in place long enough for you to consider your next move.
Here's your problem; there's nothing wrong with her fighting style or even her stance or attacks. She's been trained very well from a purely martial standpoint.
The problem exists entirely with her magical presence, and how she still hasn't changed its shape from the sharpest dull-wedge she could manage.
Rinne has honed her magic into the world's mightiest Axe. Able to blow any piece of timber to sunder with the tiniest feather touch. Which has convinced her that the solution to any technical fighting problem is to bash it with the sharp-end of her axe until she wins. Nails, steel, swords, all of it gets the Axe.
Which has presented a conundrum, when presented with the world's softest pile of straw- the Axe is completely ineffective. Your fingers, through the softening of the joints between the bone and the cushioning of your own martial power- is thoroughly unaffected by her physical crushing. The energy passes through you, out of your feet, into the ground. Which is starting to crack under her mighty assault.
This likely works very well against opponents who attempt to contest her on raw strength alone, they would be annihilated every time trying to contest this in a match of strength. The axe blowing away every defense that is not implicitly incredibly soft.
However, it's not the correct technical solution. Which means, it's time for you to give her a demonstration-

You allow her to enter the safe-zone of your barrier for just long enough for your strike to go straight through hers, and into her neck!
A single finger presses against her voicebox, and your sealing magic strikes true. A tiny pressure-point probed by the smallest of feather-touches sends magical energy right into her core like a trained acupuncturist (another thing you're highly skilled at).
Rinne stumbles backwards-
And then falls to her knees.
"Haa-" She tries to say something, but can't. You explain why.
"That- Is sealing magic." You want to be brief with this, you don't want her panicking after having felt a sealing for the first time, "I've used your linker core to seal the muscles to your voice box. It's otherwise harmless- But your muscles are temporarily paralyzed."
She looks at you with the most sour, angry expression you think a younger mirror image of yourself could muster.
"Now, I want you to fight it." You clench your fist.
She simply glares at you, even more angrily.
"Fight the sealing, this is an extremely simple bit of magic for our bloodline. Use your strength, and find your talent, Rinne!"
She stands to her feet, and seems to only be staring at you.
"Your hands, Rinne." Okay, maybe she needs some guidance? "Use your fingers on your voicebox, you'll feel the spike I left behind."
She obeys, very hesitantly. Moving her fingers to her neck, and starting to massage the tendons around her throat. This isn't what you expected, and you're kind of sad that such a talented young girl has lived this long without understanding what it means to use magic as not just her fists, but as an extension of herself.
Votes | Choice |
8 |
She doesn't quite get it. Take her hands, and show her how to use them on her neck.
5 |
+Sorry for the extreme methods, but I'm condensing a few days of training into 5 minutes!
2 |
Wrap your arms around her waist, and give her a bit of a boost of energy. She can do this, you know it.
0 |
Undo the sealing, maybe this is a bit too advanced for the world's mightiest axe.
63 = 63
81 = 81
28 = 28
13 = 13
73 = 73
68 = 68
97 = 97
46 = 46
"No, that's not- Don't use your balled fist-" You watch her try to mash her fist into her neck, as she's never been taught to use her magical forms outside of having closed fists, "Here."
You take her hands, and she clearly tries to resist having them touched by you. You can understand that she's probably feeling extremely vulnerable right now. After all, you did just strike clean through her barrier and right at her body with but a touch. The first time feeling somebody else violate her linker core without any kind of harmful intent or combative nature has to be intimidating considering you did it with just a touch.
Though, it's not to the point that she's cooperating. She's still trying to shake your hands off. She continues balling her fists up as she tries removing the tiny needle that has embedded itself in her linker core. Which means that her habits of simply using her fists to solve all of her problems runs deeper than she's likely aware of.
"Like this-" You raise your hand up, and tap her throat- "Do this, with your hands, focus your linker core to sealing the magic I put into you."
She tries for a moment to replicate your movements, but then simply falls back into using her fist the massage the region.
You're suddenly aware of what is happening as you watch the muscles in her arms expand and contract.
It is as simple as this being the only way she knows how to utilize her mage's magic in such a way as to be sensitive enough to feel the tiny pressure point in her linker core.
As if someone who has learned how to write being told to write with the other hand- It's clumsy, and not as accurate nor as precise.
You realize the grave error you've made as you watch her struggle with this otherwise profoundly simple task.
Something else has to change.
"Rinne, forgive me for the extreme methods, but I'm condensing a few months of training and meditation into five minutes. So forgive me for doing this-"
Rinne's eyes blink for just a second, allowing you to use the time they are closed to swoop behind her, and put your arms around her waist.
Even though her vocal cords are paralyzed, it doesn't stop her from tensing her body and emitting a very feminine "EEEEK!" which rains out as only a whisper. You feel your hands pouring energy into her midsection in a way that likely feels very strange to her.
It definitely must be a conflicting experience. Her body starts to tense up, but also increase in temperature. The tiny pores of her skin make way for goosebumps that extend all the way up her spine and into her hairline.
"Rinne, let me take your hands."
She seems to struggle one last time as you take the backs of her hands and slowly run them up her body.
"Stay calm, relax." You want to remind her that the purpose of the exercise is to be like a free-hanging cloth being struck by a sword. The cloth wraps around the sword, binding it, and robbing it of its sharpness. "Focus on your heartbeat, and on your energy."
She still fights you a little as you run her hands up to her neck, your hands cupping hers from behind.
Your fingers run over her jugular, and you bring her hand to rest on it.
"Feel your pulse, Rinne. It's very high right now." Actually, why is it so high? It wasn't this high when you were fighting her. "You're extremely stressed, and that dulls your linker core. Focus on softening your core, make it into a gel."
That's when you bring her finger down her jugular, and onto her throat.
"Do you feel it? The pressure point I left?" her finger rests on the exact point which you touched, "Much like finding a splinter on your foot, by feeling for it. You must find the splinter in your linker core, not with brute strength, but with soft and precise caring.
Her linker core, maybe even for the first time, starts to soften. It goes from the consistency of diamond to rock, and finally to hard timber. You can tell this attempt to relax her core is not easy on her. She struggles to maintain this consistency, even with the bonus of your extra power which you've seeped into her linker core.
"Now, harden your linker core, and seal the magic."
With an inaudible pinprick-
The pressure point is relieved.
"GAHH!" Rinne immediately lurches forward as she feels it leave her body. Her voice returns to normal, and the tiny amount of magic dissipates into the atmosphere.
Then she turns around and slaps you.
"Hmm?" You blink.
"DON'T TOUCH A GIRL WITHOUT CONSENT LIKE THAAAAT!" She shouts, holding her body close.
"Oh, I was trying to show you the basics of sealing magic. I felt it was appropriate if we had agreed to fight in combat to also guide your hands in a typical form."
"It's the intent! Your intent is all wrong, you pervert!" Rinne huffs-
"What do you mean? This is normal for all students and pupils. This is how we teach the next generation to feel their linker cores at a base level." You nod, "How else can you learn the form if you have never had your hands in the form, before?"
Rinne seems to calm down slightly, but still continues to pout with a confused look on her face.
"..I felt my linker core.. soften. I don't know how to explain it."
"That's the basic form of defense against sealing magic. Did you feel how I used but a tiny pinprick to seal your voice?"
"I did.. It felt like.." Rinne seems to have forgotten her anger from a moment ago, "The hardness of a full-fledged attack, but condensed to the size of a needle."
"Sealing magic is more than just a needle, it can be a shield, it can be a bubble, it can be a large-body attack, it may not involve contact at all." You're not sure if you're good at explaining this, "More importantly, is the purpose. Much like hitting the diaphram to wind an opponent, sealing parts of their linker core."
"So.. why are we special, then?" Rinne's confusion continues. "This seems like a basic martial art that anyone can learn."
"Make no mistake, others can do this, but our bloodline is much more effective at it than anyone else we have encountered." You want to make this part clear. "Other people's linker cores are like a giant timber forest. With training, they can assemble this timber into any manner of weapon. They could assemble it into battering rams to destroy castles, or a mighty wall to protect their inner bodies."
"And we're different?" Rinne blinks, "Why has no one noticed this before?"
"Because our linker cores are akin to.. clay." You don't know how else to describe it, and it seems apt to you. "Our magic can be baked into bricks, turned into mighty walls, or remain in its liquid form, trapping our opponents like quicksand. This is the power of the bloodline of Shutra's Knights. To mold our bodies to be like a mudslide, incapable of being simply forced."
"How does this help the whole.. drug thing?" Rinne asks a very good question.
"The 'drug' we're talking about is much like a wildfire, very hazardous to the timber-form of linker cores, but completely ineffective to us. It's too brash, too controlling, if it grasps our linker cores, our magic would seep straight through its fingers. That's why you need to learn to hone your core, to be elastic, and undeterred by its power." You hope you explained this as well as it sounds in your head.
"And you taught this by.. touching me?!"
"I taught this by simply showing you one of your major pressure points for your linker core. You can practice that one yourself." You hope that she takes you up on further training, but you're not sure this experience was a good one for her.
"Are you saying.. all of the jokes about ancient times being.." She cuts a word off, "They're all true?!"
"I'm not sure what you mean. More importantly, did you feel what I was talking about?"
"..I felt a lot of things, I only hope that-"
"Did you two see what I was doing?" You address your spectators, "Her linker core is as strong as steel, and to address technical limitations, she had to soften it-"
"'You two'?" Rinne finally glances away from you, as if you're her opponent.
Standing at ringside are both the habit-clad lewd Nun, and Fuuka, who has finished changing and now has her uniform proper.
Both of them stare with wide-eyed confusion at you and Rinne.
"D-" Rinne's face blushes, "DID YOU TWO SEE THAT?!"
Fuuka answers first, "..We saw the whole thing."
Rinne proceeds to make a sound that is between air escaping her lungs and the creaky, wooden wheel of a cart finding a dry spot on its axel. Her vocal cords are still likely tired.
89 = 89
26 = 26
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
100 = 100 (Success!)
93 = 93
71 = 71
95 = 95
"Yes!" You nod, "Just like that."
Then, you notice that the brown-haired girl is trying to suppress something.. maybe a sneeze? Or-
"Fuuka, Chantez, why are you laughing?" You blink. You're really not sure what exactly is so humourous. You're simply showing Rinne some important Linker Core pressure points.
"Y-You were just.." Fuuka has a huge grin on her face, "You were groping Rinne like you were trying to give her a massage-"
Without another word, Rinne immediately steps forward Fuuka-
She reaches her finger out-

And taps Fuuka just like you tapped Rinne earlier.
"GAH-" Fuuka gasps as Rinne's finger seals her voicebox just like you did before.
You feel so proud right now!
"You really are a genius." You nod, with a smile. "And a very quick learner, as expected of someone from my bloodline."
"First of all-" Rinne seems like she's not as happy about this as you were hoping that she would be. "Whether I'm part of your bloodline or not, this is not the day that I want to be doing last-minute training or trying to fight some kind of ancient evil, assuming it does exist."
"-And it does." You want to make that part perfectly clear. "I only wanted to warn you about it just in case you happened to encounter it."
"I'm not even sure how I would know if I encountered it." Rinne seems confused, "Besides, if anything goes wrong in the right, it will be up to the ring authority to stop the match."
You don't think it's going to be that clear-cut.
"R..Rinne.." Fuuka seems to be attempting to communicate past the seal on her voice box. Which shows a very powerful will to be able to overcome it even enough to whisper.
"Be that as it may- this training followed all the same principles of sealing arts. With practice and finesse, even a light touch can induce a disproportionate reaction."
"I don't see how this applies to my fight, but I do thank you for giving me another tool for this tournament."
"I can't..." Fuuka tries grasping at her neck the same way that you showed Rinne, but it's unlikely she'll find the required training to undo the seal in the same amount of time your descendant could.
"Because, if you encounter a servant of the poisonous night, sealing may be your only way to undo the intense power granted by the curse." You want to offer at least one stern warning about it, "Do not, under any circumstance, try to overpower an opponent under the effect of the Poisonous Night through brute strength alone."
"If anything like that happens, I'm just going to shrug my shoulders and let the referee handle it." Rinne seems particularly stubborn, but you're glad she was at least able to absorb the knowledge you gave her. "Fuuka, Chantez, I'll see both of you in the ring."
Rinne leaves the practice arena, and begins leaving.
"R-Rinne!" Fuuka tries to shout, "V-voice!"
"Here, let me take care of it-"
"PFFFt-" Chantez starts to giggle.
What results from you trying to teach the same technique to Fuuka is a brief wrestling session as you try to gently take Fuuka's hand in your own in order to show her how she can possibly disarm the pressure point herself. She resists too much, though. So you simply undo it and let her stumble around for a few seconds to re-orient herself.
"Don't you ever try to touch me like that again!" Fuuka holds herself close.
"What?" You're really confused, now. "Is there something wrong with trying to give hands-on training?"
"It's the 'hands-on' part!" Fuuka is blushing.
"People of this era are very strange, I must say." You can't overlook this one, "They get upset by light touching but have violent gore and sex on their propaganda boxes in their rooms. How is it a light touch between two women is considered offensive, but you're about to participate in a blood sport?"
"That's not the same!"
"Uh- Guys?" Chantez interrupts both of you. "The first match is entering its third round, it's Karna versus one of the newbies from that gym on Midchilda."
"What about it?" Fuuka blinks, "Is Karna winning?"
"..She was, for the first two rounds. Something weird is happening with Karna's opponent."
The screen shows a white-haired girl, gifted with a large amount of 'HP', or however this colloseum determines points, being absolutely devastated by her opponent.
Her opponent showing only one 'HP' out of a pool of 9,000.
"What is this?" Fuuka blinks, "Karna is losing? Her opponent just has one HP left."
"I don't know- I was keeping it on earlier, and Karna was wiping the floor with this girl." Chantez seems a little concerned. "It wasn't even a contest, but suddenly, this girl is unstoppable. And- She's not slowing down. She's.. gaining in power. How is that possible?"
You feel that you may have an explanation for it.
Votes | Choice |
9 |
...what is this 'HP' nonsense? Isn't the purpose of the referee to tell when a fighter can't go on? These so-called 'modern' times are ridiculous.
9 |
Health... points? Why would you concern yourself with the robustness of the shield? The purpose of strike arts is to inflict bodily harm *through* the shield, no? Against any real fighter, by the time the shield falls, the opponent would be long dead.
8 |
..This girl, and her Gym, is her team here at this event? I'd like to talk with them.
6 |
Get ready to intervene. Step in if someone looks like they’re going to die.
5 |
You can't do anything about the match now, but you can try to stop the girl as she's leaving the arena.
4 |
It is very possible if you sell your soul.
3 |
This isn't good, if it keeps snowballing, that girl facing Klarna is going to-
3 |
Someone can call Nove? We will need a heavy hitter to stop that girl if she used as much Dragon's Blood as I think that she did to still stand.
2 |
Did the gauge overload?
100 = 100
15 = 15
"Health..points?" You're not sure that you follow this newfangled method of following the assessed strength of colosseum fighters. They're out when they're unable to fight, right? "Why would you concern yourself with the robustness of people's shields?"
"Because otherwise people get injured, and this is a far safer way than simply fighting without a shield." Fuuka replies, "Either ways, isn't her performance a little too good?"
It's true. Despite nearly having her barrier jacket sheared off, the young athelete facing 'Karna' is still managing to hold her own. She's displaying all the telltale signs of being cursed to some degree. It's difficult to tell exactly to what degree, but she's not slowing down despite Karna's best efforts of putting forth her full amount of energy.
"HIYAA!" Karna shouts, a beam of blue light leaving her hands and impacting the seemingly possessed redhead she's now been tasked with fighting.
Her opponent makes an almost amused smile as the beam hits her straight in the head!
Zero damage!
Not even a point off this mysterious 'HP' meter.
"What is this 'HP' nonsense?" You can sense that this is not a very optimal way of tracking the opponent's health, or his fighting ability under pressure. "Isn't the purpose of the referee to tell when a fighter can't go on?"
"Well yes, normally." Fuuka doesn't seem to have an answer for your very obvious and very concerned question. She only seems to glance at the screen haphazardly. "But- It's hard to tell if this is supposed to be part of the fight or if this is.. what you were talking about."
"Fuuka." You can't believe that you have to explain this to her, "She just took a breaker to the face, and it didn't even deduct a single one of these 'HP' points, this is clearly not normal."
You frown. Is everyone really as clueless to what is going on as all of the kids are? Sure, it would be fair for the teenagers to lack the experienced eye to see that this is completely unnatural, but is it normal for adults to go this long without as much as a peep? Where's the concern for the fact that a young adult is clearly pushing herself past the maximum and-
"Is she bleeding?!" Now you're concerned.
"I don't get it, why isn't the ref intervening?!" Fuuka clearly hasn't got it yet.
Back in your day, it was common for the 'favorite' Gladiators to play for the Emperor's attention than it was for them to play to win.
You suspect this is another instance of that, and blaming the young girl who's body is clearly falling apart is not exactly the correct thing to do right now.
"She's not gonna make it!" Chantez exclaims.
"Wait, not yet-"
You're not going to discount either Karna nor the young girl just yet.
Because Karna seems to have a plan.
Without another word, Karna sees a path to victory.
She lightning-steps toward her opponent as she continues to become more visceral, and more unhinged.
Without another word, Karna takes the extremely risky move of putting her arms against her opponent's chest, and exclaiming in a loud voice.
The young, gray-haired girl instead tries something extremely risky.
She puts the entirety of her body in the path of the red-heads outrage, and hits her wtih the hardest and strongest push she can possibly muster!
With the entirety of her body weight, she performs a point-blank breaker right at the red-head's defenses.
The red-head is blasted back, so hard that she creates an explosion at the edge of the arena!
A cloud of smoke encases the arena, and the referee throws in the towel!
The young girl puts her arm up but, for a moment, before collapsing in exhausting.
"Excellent work." You comment, "Facing a member of the cult would be impossible for a normal human, she must be very well-trained."
"Wait, a member of the cult?" Fuuka blinks, "You don't mean-"
"This.. 'Gym', is her team here? Where can I talk to them?"
"Oh, they're probably at ringside, but you can't just go-"
"I'll be back." You immediately take off for the side of the arena for the team that is supposed to have been supporting the red-haired girl.
"WAIT!" Fuuka assumes that she can stop you, "You can't just go and pick random fights! Wait for the referee to-"
Of course, you don't listen to any of her protesting, and you proceed to ringside.
Strangely enough, this '1 HP' thing hasn't changed even after the red-head was blasted outside of ringside.
Her team brings her inside of the waiting area in the portion of the colosseum that is hidden from the audience. They continue to attempt to give her encouragement as she clearly continues to lose her sanity to the curse.
"Must keep fighting.." She simply repeats to herself, "I can win... I can win!"
"Please! Control yourself!" Her coach is attempting to get her attention as her sanity slowly slips away.
You approach them, and ask a simple question.
"You." Frankly, you blame the coach just as much as you blame the curse, "You allowed her to taste the Poisonous Night to win a tournament, who did you get it from?"
"None of your damn business." The coach simply growls as he applies cold packs to his wounded warrior.
Votes | Choice |
10 |
Heal the red-head. There's no reason for her to suffer because her coach is a scumbag.
5 |
I note that I don't hear a denial.
5 |
Really, because I just know that competitor... Harry from the Security Force. It is her business and she can beat your entire gym.
4 |
Threaten the coach, he's putting everyone at risk!
1 |
Hey now~ ♡ I can make it worth your while! Tell me and I'll let you keep the rest of your fingers!♡
Remove one of his fingers via mana blade.
0 |
You're wasting your time here, continue searching.
0 |
I was the person that sealed the thing that is making Dragon's Blood cooperater with me or I will make sure that you will wake up in the next century.
"I note that I don't hear a denial." You want to make it clear to him that he is, in fact, in league with an ancient evil.
"Piss off." He repeats a second time. "My student is in jeopardy, can't you tell we're busy? Are you here to make fun of us for losing? There's plenty of time for that later.'
"No." You want to also make it clear that it's pointless to worry about losing at a time like this. "-But I want you to know that your student's life is in danger."
"What?!" The gruff man looks like he wants to stand up and fight you, right now!
"Stand aside, I will heal her."
"No, you will not-"
Before the coach can even stand up to resist your efforts to heal his champion, you've already slid up next to the red-head, and have started to channel energy into her linker core.
You have enough experience to know that the curse works by inserting its evil into her core..
Right here..
Your fingers press against the region of her solar plexus. You can feel the anger and the hatred course through her linker core as she imagines, nay, dreams the victory that had been taken from her grasp. She imagines herself standing above even Vivio, and holding a trophy aloft above the masses of opponents that stood in her way.
Nary, none of these would have ever come to pass and you knew it. There is no way she would have ever been able to face against Fuuka, and especially Rinne, with this power. She would have burned out after the first round of opponents, and you know it. It was a lofty dream, and making a deal with the devil would have never improved it.
You can't help but feel a bit bad for her ambitions. She had real dreams, as would any fighter who was tasked with winning the tournament of teenage prodigies of martial arts. You can feel her ambition boil beneath an angry veneer of the curse eating away at her willpower.
You can't let this stand. Not as a human, and not as a knight.
You apply a light coating of extremely powerful healing magic to her core. This helps stabilize the curse versus the intense pressure of inside influence still trying to hold on to her sanity!
She moans sightly, and you continue your intense assault!
"What are you doing?"
"Relax." You make a demand of her coach that you're not sure he understands the full extent of. "If I mess this up, then her soul may never recover."
Despite his confusion, it's entirely true. Her soul has been exposed to the curse the same way a drug addict has been given her latest fix! It's just as addictive as being given a dose of her favorite vice!
"Stay calm, and still, and she may make it yet."
You're really not sure if her linker core will ever recover, but you can make it where she may still be able to fight another day.
With another press of magic, the curse is purged from her inner workings.
She sighs softly, and falls asleep. Which is a very good way for her to end her tournament today. Definitely better than her succumbing to darkness and losing her soul to the cult.
"..This girl, who did you receive power from before you came here?"
The coach seems to think that not replying means that you don't already know that she's been drugged at the magic level. You decide to amp up your threat by lifting him off the ground!
"I will not repeat myself." You stare him right in the eye!
"S- some guy.." He seems to studder, "He had a crystal ball, and if I paid him money, he would power up Ryna, that's all it was! I promise!"
Hmm, so the young mage was named 'Ryna'? You'll have to remember this for later.
You strike the coach right at his linker core! He falls unconscious, and you proceed to move on to your next target.
So if he's just following orders, that means there's a cultist at this very tournament! You need to stop him before-
You spot him.
A muscle-clad martial artist wearing a mask. You can tell he's been training under the influence of the curse. His body is hardened like steel, and he speaks as if he's carrying the voice of the Poisonous Night himself!
"Ah, it's good to meet you again." He snarls, "My ancient rival."
73 = 73
51 = 51
94 = 94
31 = 31
Options: Sum. Threshold: 100.
91 = 91 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
7 = 7 (Fail)
"Very bold of you to expose yourself. It seems over eighty years of being my punching bag has left you missing a few things up top, not that you were all that bright to begin with." You can't believe she would just have one of her followers approach you without a single care for secrecy.
Even by her metric of very extremely open with taunting you, this is a little too bold. It's almost as if-
"Very presumptuous of you to assume that I care if you find one of my minions." The masked man replies. His muscles are already rippling with anticipation, it's clear he's taken a much deeper dose of the curse than anyone else here.
You are aware that dealing with the curse is the easy part, dealing with the body she's inhabiting is the difficult task. It's likely under incredible influence at this point. Unable to be safely separated without severe damage.
Not that it bothers you much, but seemingly killing someone the moment you leave Fuuka would be a bad look.
"So, why search for me, now?" You grumble, "You seemed more than happy staying in the shadows previously. Surely, it's not for something as petty as bragging rights."
"'Bragging rights'?" The man laughs, you can hear the slight tinge of her voice mixing with his, "Shouldn't that be YOUR calling card, waking up after hundreds of years and using your 'Martial Arts' to be a 'Magic Hero'."
"It appears someone must, considering that you've taken to pressing your foul blood onto naive and vulnerable youths." It is taking every minute of training that you had been given to keep from simply eliminating this cultist and moving on to her next body. "-But I'll be brief. I know you're the one who gave Ryna the curse, and you likely didn't stop there."
"Consider it a bit of a test." The man seems to be loosening his posture. He's likely expecting you to attack soon.
"Interesting, a test to see if I can rescue the young martial artists you've corrupted?" This is more like her.
"Wrong." He raises a single finger, "It's not a test for you, but for my future initiates."
With that, the finger is starting to glow.
Oh, it's one of these.
You relax your body..
You let your form stiffen-
A wave of purple washes over your body, and you stead fast against it like a reed holding onto a strong-running stream. It's clear this cultist hasn't exactly been trained on the finer arts of the Curse's power, because that attack should be normally far stronger.
"HoooAAAAAAA-" You slice straight through the tide just as it's starting to end, and land a hit straight on the freak's mask.
Your hit goes straight through the.. nothing.. he was using to protect his physical body. It seems the curse was through talking, and thus had no further use for the cultist who it used to confront you.
You can't speak for the effectiveness of that hit, only that it sealed his linker core, and hopefully the curse inside of it. It also caused a massive dent in what is clearly a metal mask meant to deflect projectiles.
So you can only hope that it didn't scramble his brain with it.
You've also lost hope of being able to interrogate him. Which is just as well, because you're almost certain Fuuka heard that and would likely be disappointed if you tried another 'interrogation' using cleansing flame.
At least.. she should be here. You notice after a few moments that she hasn't shown up. That's a little concerning, but you're sure she can handle herself.
Right now, the most important thing is to-
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Find Fuuka, you're not going to lie, you are a bit concerned about the kids after that.
4 |
Find Harry, shit will get real and she owe me some favors.
3 |
Time to start asking questions, go through the restricted area and see who else has been acting odd.
3 |
Where is this 'Security'? It hasn't shown up, either! Go find out where the authorities should be.
3 |
Find Vivio, if the kaiser that is also the daughter of powerful heroes can't help, then we are doomed!
2 |
Find Nove, I will need some muscles to deal with 3 'gym' full of cultists.
13 = 13
47 = 47
57 = 57
77 = 77
43 = 43
20 = 20
2 = 2
21 = 21
67 = 67
This would be a great opportunity to get a handle on the remaining contenders who may be having thoughts of using the curse to their advantage.
After all, it's clear Ryna has no reason to have ever made it to this Tournament. She's simply not trained well enough to be here, and this fact has likely caught the eye of many coaches and participants at this event. The cultist was telling the truth, this isn't a trial for you. It's a trial to see if the coaches can resist the temptation of having near infinite mortal power at the exchange of their students souls.
You're going to be honest, you're not sure that there are that many at this event who would say no to a deal like that.
All of the ones that would vehemently reject such an offer are likely descendants of Belkan royalty or naturally talented to a large degree. Which would only drive the jealousy of the other contenders who are not the direct bloodline descendant of Lord Claus who could single-handedly destroy an entire attachment of troops with just a punch.
In face of odds like that, there are far fewer people who would reject that kind of power. It's amazing that the disciples of the 'Nakajima Gym', at least the ones who were not gifted with royal blood, could resist such an offer until now. Like Fuuka.
Oh right, Fuuka!
She likely has a target on her back as well. It's a known fact at this point that she has a very close relationship with Rinne, and you've been seen around her recently as well.
You're certain she could handle herself in a punch-out fight. You're not certain she could handle herself in a fight against an actual mage corrupted with the Curse.
You're going to opt to throw away this opportunity to question the other particpants and instead, ensure that Fuuka is safe.
Maybe you're getting old and paranoid in your older years, or maybe the paranoia is justified. Either ways, no one else deserves to be hurt because the Curse can't attack you directly.

You're treated to a very strange sight as you return to the practice ring.
The gray-haired girl who just managed to defeat a mage under the influence of the curse seems to be yelling at Fuuka. Which would explain why she didn't notice the exchange you just had. However, it still doesn't explain why security is seemingly absent.
You decide to break this up, the fighter, Mavin, is clearly traumatized.
"Listen, not so loud!" Fuuka tries to calm her down herself, "This whole curse thing is still not very well understood, and it's possible it wasn't that but some other kind of drug-"
"No." You interrupt, and Fuuka blinks as she notices you. "It was the curse, I know because I just cured it."
"There's a curse going around and nobody is alarmed?!" Mavin seems to be the only person with the proper amount of surprise and outage. "Where are the authorities?! Why is the tournament still going?"
"It's just one, and I doubt-"
"No." You interrupt Fuuka before she continues, "I've already verified it, there are multiple people with the curse at this event."
"So, you're going to stop them, right?" Fuuka seems nervous.
"..I would, but I do not know who has it." You sigh, "Not until they start fighting."
"So why is the event still going?! Where are the cops?! Where's Harry or Eins?!"
"That's a very good question, actually-" You're not going to mention to Fuuka that you just had a fight and nobody noticed, "I have not seen any authorities around so far. I've seen more heavily guarded colosseums than I have this arena."
34 = 34
"Mm, I'm glad someone else is taking it seriously." You nod at Mavin, who is still clearly injured from her encounter with the curse. "You've learned more about it in less than a minute than anyone else I've been speaking to the previous week."
"What?!" Fuuka seems to take offense at that.
"Come on, this isn't funny. The police are missing and the tournament is moving on as if none of what happened in the arena even happened at all! We need to find the refs and see what is going on, immediately." Mavin pulls at Fuuka's arm.
"You likely won't be helped." You can already guess what this is about if what the cultist said was accurate, "This is an advertisement for the Poisonous Night."
"An.. advertisement!?" Mavin seems confused.
"Correct. This is a way to showcase the power of the curse. Starting with Ryna, who likely could have never been your opponent without it."
Mavin's eyes widen, Fuuka simply sighs.
"Okay, okay, let's go, just don't pull-" Fuuka tries resisting Mavin's steely grip as she tries to drag Fuuka toward the referee's quarters.
That's when you notice that something else is amiss.
"Where's Rinne?" You notice something missing from this scene. Something that was here just a moment ago whom you were trying to teach the basics of sealing just in case she happened to encounter one of the cult's numbers.
"She's going to the next match, that's why we need to stop this!" Mavin immediately points out the danger that Rinne could be facing.
"RINNE IS THE NEXT MATCH!?" Fuuka immediately changes her tune, "W-We need to do something about this right now!"
Before the two girls run off to interrupt the next match, you decide to stop them.
"What do you mean wait?!" Fuuka seems rightfully annoyed, "You're the one who was chastizing us for not taking this seriously, and now you're telling us to hold back?!"
"No, you should conctact the authorities." You remind her this for the other participants safety, "-But you should let Rinne handle her battle. I believe in her."
"I don't feel safe for Rinne in you just 'believing in her'!"
"No, but interrupting her now would be a massive blow to her growth." You already understand what being told that she's not strong enough to handle a bearer of the curse would do to a descendant of Shutran royalty. "For now, let's find these 'Referees', there still may be hope for the other contestants."
The announcer seems to continue as if the last round never happened. A true connoisseur of Midchildan Intermiddle to ignore a fourteen year old being carted off in a stretcher and continue his professionalism in the art of blood sports.
The crowd erupts into cheers. Rinne has always been a fan favorite among the individuals who find pleasure in observing this blood sport. Her powerful, completely unopposed method of throwing her complete and uncontested power at her opponent means that every single one of her fights is an absolute slug-fest. There is no holding back or trying to win with technicals, Rinne fights to win, and that makes the crowd absolutely livid with anticipation
Rinne approaches the arena with zero concern in her movement. She's not worried, or scared, but instead determined. She has every reason to believe that she is capable of taking on any opponent. Curse, no curse, it's all the same to her.
Who is her opponent?

The massive mountain of a "boy" practically shakes the ground as he walks. The crowd goes from a series of questioning 'Oohs' and 'Aahs' to outright booing and hissing at the clear violation of whatever the rules are supposed to be in this facade of an event.
"..Uh-" Rinne glances at the monster stepping up onto the field. He easily stands taller than almost every adult she knows. Maybe close to seven feet call.
"Shouldn't.." She glances at the referee- "Shouldn't this be for the intermiddle?"

Rinne suddenly realizes she has a few concerns, but only a few.
97 = 97
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
65 = 65 (Fail)
13 = 13
30 = 30
33 = 33
100 = 100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
7 = 7 (Fail)
"I see the crazy lady's ramblings may have had some measure of truth to them." Rinne glares at the titan as he stares her down. "You have a lot of nerve trying to cheat in fight with me."
"YOU HAVE A LOT OF GUTS ACCUSING ME OF CHEATING ON AN OPEN MIC, TINY LADY." The massive behemoth growls. His muscles ripple as he attempts to demonstrate only a fraction of his power. "THIS IS ALL NATURAL- ONLY THE BEST TRAINING FROM THE FINEST GYM ON VAIZEN."
This stifles the boos and jeers from the crowd. Could someone like this really gain such muscle mass naturally through a combination of training? Rinne may not have questioned this before this point in time thanks to the sheer power of the combatants she has been pitted against up until this point.
That was the old Rinne, before her eyes were opened to the power of her bloodline. Now, she truly believes.
"Whatever, I'll make this one quick-" Rinne assumes a fighting stance.
"I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU." He gnashes his teeth together, "-BUT I'M TAKING THAT TROPHY HOME."
With a simple flex of his arms, he immediately smashes the ground Rinne was once standing on just a millisecond ago.
Rinne's reflexes, honed from years of actual training as opposed to simply relying on the curse to fuel her ambitions, are far sharper than the sluggish hulk. Who struggles to bat and swat at the white-haired girl like an over-confident fly.
"GAAAH-" The monster shouts in frustration. His patience starting to wear thin as his movement gradually picks up speed and pace in an attempt to out-wit Rinne.
"I see that I never had anything to worry about in the first place." Rinne says with complete confidence.
She takes a slight glance toward the stadium to notice the concerned expression of the people she's gradually come to know as friends.
Einhart Stratos.
Fuuka Reventon.
Chantez Arpinion.
Corona Timir
Vivio Takamachi.
Nove Nakajima.
The strange girl who shares her silver-hair and serious eyes.
At her ringside, seen through only a glance, is her friend through most of her life.
Her coach, Jill, who remains looking absolutely ecstatic watching Rinne dance and weave around the muscle-clad moron like she's performing a play. Rinne's focus has become almost crystalline, which is a rarity in her fights, which usually focus on attempting to punch the opponent as hard as she possibly can to win in a single KO.
Most of the time, she wouldn't have any consideration for the people waiting for her at ringside. Something feels different this time. Everyone is aware that this fight is a total farce, the coaches missed something, the referees missed something. This mistake is how Maven was put face-to-face with an unstoppable beast who could have killed her with just one slip-up.
Thankfully, it's not anyone else. It's just her. Like a bird learning to fly for the first time, she's been pushed from the nest roughly by her ancestor. It's up to her now, to spread her wings-
-And fly.

"WAS THAT SUPPppossed to hurt?!"
The maniac in the ring doesn't realize that Rinne now understands what he couldn't possibly understand.
Rinne's movement stops, she stands just outside of arms reach of the human-turned-creature who has gradually started to look more and more unhinged as this fight has gone on.

"No." Rinne replies. "It was supposed to free you."
"HaaaaaaaAAAaaaa-" The muscles on the freak fail as the sealing strikes true. A light splinter, not even large enough to disable a trained fighter completely, now pokes into his linker core at exactly the point that the curse has taken it. "-yoouuu'rreeee deeaaaaa-"
He lurches forward, and quickly finds himself incapable of controlling his body with the precision or accuracy in which he was throwing his weight around previously.
He trips over his own rapidly-shrinking feet, and falls face-first onto the mat. His massive muscles starting to shrivel akin to raisins.
"Yooouu- Biiiiii-" He's barely able to finish his admonishment of Rinne before his exhaustion overtakes his voice. Now, barely above a whisper, Rinne simply gives him a simple warning.
"It was your mistake thinking that there existed a shortcut to hard work and training." Rinne crosses her arms, "What I did isn't permanent, but when you heal, you need to hit up a real gym instead of a cult in a back-alley."
"Thiissssss isssn't-"
EMTs rush by Rinne as she simply stares at the slowly depleting form of her opponent.
They begin to administer the most powerful kind of magical-and-medicinal healing they can to the boy who has now become a thin beanpole with wrinkled skin. His body now resembles someone who has sat in a bathtub for a few days, than the muscled fighter who walked into the ring.
Rinne sighs, she already knew that the refs would have had serious contention with what is going on even if she didn't seal his linker core.
However, it does give her a sense of pride in something she had never known she had, deep down inside of her. A reason to finally be proud of the bloodline she was born with.
She remembers something important. With a wink, she turns to the crowd- taking special time to admire Jill nearly jumping up and down with excitement-
And waves.
The crowd goes absolutely wild.
"Hmph." You smile, nodding.
The two girls at ringside completely hang up their expectations of the match. What they witnessed was nothing short of a miracle, to them.
However, one isn't exactly as impressed.
"Oh come on!" Maven pouts, "Rinne's even more powerful now than before?!"
"That's the power of our bloodline." You nod, feeling a bit of pride, "To think she took to her training so quickly, too. It would usually take weeks to do that."
"Are you saying I now have to worry about her doing that to me?!" Maven's panic is palatable.
"No, you're not doped up on the curse." You try to calm her worry, "However, she's now becoming aware of a martial art which is custom-made for her blood. She will become a fierce opponent in the future, for sure."
"S- You mean she's not NOW?!" Maven looks positively terrified.
"Hey!" The nun completely changes her tune, "So five minutes of training worked?! Why aren't we being told how to use this! I want training too!"
"We can discuss that, later."
"Yes?" Fuuka answers her phone, and a holoscreen of a red-head pops up.
"I just can't imagine what kind of training Jill is giving her to let her win that fight with one punch." Maven is still slowly kneading her shirt.
"Excuse me." Fuuka stops their discussion, "Nove is saying we need to leave. The police will be here, shortly."

"Right! That means you too!" Nove commands over the holographic screen, "Don't stay around, leave with Fuuka!"

"We've already collected our highness and Ixy, Dame of the Hegemon." A dull-looking woman pushes in from off-screen, "There's no reason to remain, and Chantez, meet up with us with Nove."
"Got it!" Chantez says energetically, and then stops. "W-wait, does this mean the tournament is cancelled?!"
"..What do you think, Chantez?" The dull-looking woman says in a scolding manner.
"Finally, authorities." You mumble as the orange-haired nun fight with the brown-haired nun, "I'll meet you and Nove at the gate."
"What do you mean?" Fuuka's head turns, "You're coming with us!"
"Not just yet. I have some loose ends to fix up." You feel yourself cracking your knuckles.

"Hey!" Suddenly, her highness appears on the strange communication magic.
In the background are several more fighters who appear to be trying to hog the screen.
"You heard what Nove said, right? This involves more than just you, now!"
"That it does, Your Hi-" You stop yourself before you address her formally by mistake, "-That it does, but also involves the safety of everyone here. I'll meet you at the gate. This won't take long."
"Don't just walk away on your own! You can't fight this war on your own-"
You walk away out of the frame's view before she can finish her sentence. Fuuka understands your intention, and cuts the communication line.
Someone has to pay for disgracing these young fighters, and you know they're still here at this venue.
"Come on, Really?!"
"It looks like your 'serum' is a dud."
"Guys- it's a work in progress. Some people have the knack, others don't."
The shifty, rat-faced man takes a drag off of a cigarette, and sighs. "So you get some duds, what matters is that you get some wins, too."
"You haven't got a single win this tournament!" The rough-looking girl in a leather coat grabs him by the collar. "And what's worse, now they think there's a drug ring!"
"As they should."
The three turn their attention to you as you approach them from the rapidly-evacuating contender's quarters. There's no one around to stop you, now. Plus, no one around to see what is about to happen.
"-Trying to drug kids as a way to showcase its effectiveness to your customers is a new low, even for bearers of the curse." You let yourself relax, preparing for their counter attack.
With one smooth motion, the suited man pulls a derringer from his coatpocket and attempts to assassinate you with a tiny bullet, barely the size of a rice grain.
And you, as to laugh at the attempt, stop it with just a finger. The dull projectile hovers in the air, before clattering on concrete.
"I suggest turning yourselves in, because I will not be as forgiving as the police." You decide that the barbarism of Shutra was effective at some things, but it's not effective for living life here, on Midchilda.
"-Fuck you." He starts re-loading his tiny little single-shot pocket pistol.
Votes | Choice |
8 |
These are just dealers, disable them for the police and let them be found with this strange makeshift weapon they created.
6 |
+Keep searching, there's no way any of these weak feather-necks would be the one who is her Avatar.
3 |
+"It would seem my old nemesis is more desperate than I thought, if she's using dregs such as you to act as her catspaws. How...disappointing."
1 |
..You've done what you could, return to Fuuka and Nove.
0 |
Shutran medieval tortures are a go!
79 = 79
88 = 88
32 = 32
22 = 22
34 = 34
47+42 = 89
64 = 64
70 = 70
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
52 = 52 (Fail)
66 = 66
70 = 70
79 = 79
32 = 32
47+42 = 89
"I see it was pointless to hope that you would see logic in the matter." You frown.
Your hand cuts straight through the air and generates a mana-wave of pure-blue energy! It creates a miniature shockwave as it screeches toward the dumbstruck thugs.
They're completely blown off of their feet. Their tiny contraption taking the blunt of the wave, and shattering into tiny silver pieces.
Did they die? No, but they're not long for this world without medical attention.
That was way too easy. These are most certainly not the kind of warriors the Poisonous Night would use for her crusade. Feather-necks like this would barely have qualified to have been slaves to mop the floor of her castle.
There's someone else around she's using as a vessel, and it wasn't the masked guy, either.
"My word.." You sigh. It would be just like her to completely evade all forms of capture or confrontation just to let you know that you cannot even hope to stop her at this rate. This is different, though. Your old nemesis is more desperate than ever, using such dregs as her catspaws. Not to mention, she was more than happy to reveal her presence in the form of outright dosing public figures with her curse.
She's still here, but there's something you're missing.
You could feel the evil swelling up from the ruined thugs who are still completely broken on the ground. However, there was one thing you missed.
In one of their hands is a crystal ball, one of her charms, given to her followers with a tiny piece of herself in it.
This was the thing you missed, a surprise last-ditch effort to stab you in the back.
"CHAAAAOOOOSSSSSSS-" His hand swells with an almost demonic energy. His whole body remains prone on the stone-and-concrete surface as he puts the remainder of his vitality into one final- "BLAAAAA-"

The beam uselessly reflects off of the steel lattice of the colosseum, and he flops over as the skin on the palm of his hand burns through to the third degree.
Above him, there's a young, white-haired descendant of your Knight's order with a powerful scowl on her face.

"So, THIS is where you went!"
You suddenly realize that she's not really referring to the thugs. Not even to the one she just hit with all of her might and potentially sent out of his mortal coil. She's referring to you.
"Yes, it is. I had to find the rest of the cultists."
"You heard what Nove said! We're leaving! You don't have to do this alone."
You feel a bit of a strange pulse inside of your heart. Despite your body, soul, and mind being tempered steel, there still seems to be a little bit of it left to make you feel a tinge of guilt.
Is she.. worried about you? Why?
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Actually, I have to do it. The Poisonous Night is a planet destroyer and we are on the largest city of the galaxy.
4 |
People have been saying that for almost 200 years, but they never give me alternatives to deal with her!
4 |
+ Please, try to understand that what happened today was the start of the end of the world.
3 |
Have you been talking to Einhart? Because she also said I can't fight this alone.
3 |
+It was my weakness that allowed him to go free. This whole scenario is my responsibility.
2 |
Rinne, I appreciate your concern, but I am perfectly fine here. Please, go.
2 |
This is what I was made to do, Rinne. I know it's not what I was told to do, but it's what I must do.
2 |
I don't have to do it alone, but I have to do it. Will you help or not?
2 |
Rinne, in cast it escaped you, the so-called 'authorities' have done exactly nothing here. Mavis defeated that first Cursed one, you defeated the second, and I just mopped up the ones who started the entire business. The 'referees', the 'security', whatever this 'TSAB' is, they have done nothing more, and nothing less, than nothing to stop the Poisonous Night. If I cannot see any evidence of the 'proper authorities' doing something', then I shall do what I must, even if Einhard orders me not to.
1 |
..Fine. I'll withdraw for today.
"Rinne.. I have to do it." You don't know how else to describe your duty to your king and to your world. "The Poisonous Night is a planet destroyer, and we are on the largest city in the Galaxy."
"That's all the more reason for you not to destroy yourself fighting it!" Rinne seems pretty angry that you would even suggest such a thing. "Midchilda has a lot of people on it, but there's only one 'you' left! If you die, this curse wins!"
"I understand that." There is something she doesn't seem to get, though. "People have been saying for almost 200 years that I need to rest, but I'm never left with alternatives to deal with the problem. Other than pursuing her until it's the last thing I do."
"What I'm trying to say is that you're not the only one who can pursue her!"
"There's no one else who will do it. Please try to understand that what you witnessed today was the start of the end of the world."

"And you-"
She grabs your hand, you're almost surprised by the swiftness in which she can move when she puts her mind to it.
"-You need to understand that there IS someone else who can do it! She's standing right in front of you, and-"
"There she is!"

Fuuka rounds a corner, closely followed by Chantez and Deed. The two seem to have a relieved look on their faces as they notice you standing with Rinne.
"What part of 'Go to the exit' don't you get?!"
"Are.. these three people dead?" The dull-looking nun notices your handiwork, and is distracted for a brief moment.
"See? You're not the 'only one who can do it' anymore." Rinne sighs, and releases your hand. "You have us by your side, now. There's only one person who can teach us how to fight the Poisonous Night, and if we lose her, then the world really is doomed."
"-Not to mention, the only person who can do it is REALLY STUBBORN-" Fuuka grabs your ear, "And keeps putting herself in tremendous amounts of danger as if she's the only one who can throw a punch or use magic."
"No, that part I understand." Rinne nods.
"Huh?" Fuuka blinks, and releases your ear.
"When she taught me her version of 'sealing magic', it was like my eyes had been opened to something I understood innately my entire life, but I could never put into words."
Rinne seems a little embarrassed to admit it, but you feel a bit of pride that she was able to see the power of her bloodline.
"..So I understand why it is this is something only we can do. What I don't understand, is why you're pushing me away." Rinne frowns as she seems to be expecting an answer from you that is a bit more substantive than what you've been giving her.
"Yeah, I've asked this before but you didn't give me an answer." Fuuka is now giving you the same treatment, "-Putting aside the fate of the world. How do you feel about this?"
How do you feel about this?

"That seems.. kind of silly. It's the fate of the world and this curse could destroy humanity."
"Why is it only your job to protect it?"
That part seems even more obvious. You were given a job, and you failed to do it..
"..It was my weakness that allowed her to go free." That part seems obvious, "This whole scenario is my responsibility."
You glance at Rinne with the sadness that you already know she wants to be involved with this. Getting more people involved into something is just another failure on your part.
"I'm glad you wish to help, and I'm extremely happy that you share the same talent that I have for this art. I'm not glad to pull someone into it who still has their whole life ahead of them. If someone's life must be taken for this task, I only wish it to be my own."
".." Fuuka is about to say something, and then sighs.
Rinne doesn't hold her words back, though.
"Then, it seems you need help understanding that you're not the last person on Midchilda, yet. You're only the last person who can teach us to fight for our lives."
With that, Rinne turns, and follows Deed and Chantez out of the arena.
Which may be good, because the police are likely going to show up and ask who brutalized those thugs, possibly killed them.
You start to follow. Getting involved with the police at this point, even if they are useless, could be a detriment to your hunt. Not to mention, there's no sign of any further combatants around here. She's managed to use the crowd to slip out undetected.
As you start to walk, you feel Chantez intentionally fall behind the group, and slide up next to you.
"So uh.." She immediately makes her intentions known, "Can you teach that to me?! Can you? There's this girl called 'Viktoria Dahlgrun' I'm trying to defeat, and it would be really useful against her."
"..'Dahlgrun'?" Hey, that's a familiar name.
"Is that the family of the upstart Lightning Emperor?"
"'Upstart'?" Chantez blinks as you say that, "Her family has been around for centuries. So that may not be the Lightning Emperor I'm thinking of."
You suddenly feel extremely old, and out of place in this new world.
When you were young, the 'Dahlgrun' were seen as newcomers who were trying to buck the social order through pure brute strength.
In a way, it's actually a little encouraging to hear that they finally succeeded in their mission.
You never said it at the time, and it would have been a major social faux-pas to even suggest that muscling their way into nobility was the correct thing to do.
Results, on the other hand, speak for themselves. Your knight's order were a big fan of results.
The upstart Lightning Emperor who seized nobility through brute strength and power still exist to this day. Their clan, who took many of your own family in when necessary, are also incredible fighters and competitors even to this day.
Thinking back, and finding this tiny piece of the past which still remains intact, gives a warm sensation in your heart. It almost feels like..

"..Yeah, I suppose I am." You smile, "-So, you want to throw hands with a brat of the Thunder Emperor?"
"Uh, Yeah!" Chantez recovers quickly from seeing your moment of weakness, "-I'm not just going to throw hands with her, I'm going to win!"
"I refuse to die before I see you win, in that case." You smirk, "I would love to watch your bout, the next time a proper tournament happens."
"That's why-" Chantez gets a bit closer, "I'm going to need your help! Viktoria's fighting style is very tough, and I recognized some of those techniques of yours as ones she's used quite often."
The lightning emperor.. using the arts of Shutran knights.
"..Could you elaborate?" You're starting to piece a few things together.
"Yeah! Like how you just stood still and let the full impact hit you and you just sort of ignored it? She does that all of the time!"
You feel the pieces click into place.
It seems the few members of your Knights order who went to live with the Dahlgruns as either hostages or bodyguards may have imparted more into their family than just their bloodline.
"Is this.. commonplace?"
"I don't know about commonplace, but she's number two in the whole scene, right now."
"Who's number one, then? Einhart?"
"Ahah, no." Chantez smirks, "It's Eremiah, or 'the Champ' as we call her!"
"'Eremia-' THAT Eremiah?" You feel a shock coarse up your spine.
"I mean, if you're thinking of another Eremiah then, maybe so!" Chantez smirks, "So, any tips?"
You sigh, and you suddenly realize that you owe a lot more to this era than you first realized.
Fuuka is right.
There is more to living than just hunting down the Poisonous Night.
You're going to find it, one punch at a time.
"Well then." You feel tears welling on your eyelashes once more, "It would appear that I'm going to be teaching everyone regardless. So, let's see how you grow from here."
"Are you okay? Did I say something sad?" Chantez seems confused, but it's a simple misconception.
You are positively elated.
"-I"m more than okay, Chantez." You smirk, "I think I'm starting to understand."
The Poisonous Night is still out there.
But, for the moment, you're still here.
You're going to need trained fighters if you're going to face it alone. With this, you may still be able to find some.
"-Understand?" Chantez blinks, "I'm sorry, but I don't."
"Let me show you then." You feel a bit of an evil smirk, "Let's find Viktoria. I'd like to talk to her if she's still around."
"Oh.. Uh." Chantez seems a little confused ,"Well, she's probably not in the stadium anymore but.. sure.. let's go find her."
Your clan is gone, but that's okay. Their spirit, their lineage, and their strength. It's still out there.
It's just up to you to find it.
"Hey, with that in mind. Do you want to join the Saint Church?" Chantez then springs her ulterior motive which you were aware she had previously. "I'm sure if you wanted to know more about Belkan history, the Church is the best place to look!"

You blink, and are suddenly aware of how silly you would look wearing her Nun's clothing and having to do rosaries every day. Not to mention, the idea of joining the church would be the opposite of solving the problem at hand.
"Maybe after we defeat the Poisonous Night." You rub her hair through her habit, "You can ask again, then."

"YAAY!" That sure seemed to have re-invigorated her spirit. She hops off as you smile at her energetic behavior. It's much in contrast to your stern demeanor, fine-tuned to body and mind.
There's no chance you'll actually do it, but she may have a point in that working with them would definitely be helpful.
Really, maybe you just weren't looking before, but you seem to have allies around every corner. If you only do as much as ask.
(JMP: Vivid KnightS - 'Finding an Old Friend' END)
Votes | Choice |
20 |
It was fun!
16 |
It kept trying to say that centuries old knight lady was wrong, when she was objectively correct about everything.
9 |
Fuka Hot! Chantez Hot!
6 |
Notable improvement over first pitch, though it probably tried to pack too much into a single chapter, and relegated the search for the PN and its wielders to a very distant second priority behind generally interacting with ViVid characters (which felt odd given the AK's nature).
3 |
Didn't show the cast enough.
2 |
Ancient Knight needed to be more angry.
1 |
0 |
It needed more action
0 |
It was too slow
0 |
It was poorly written.
0 |
Too much action.
Bring Your Human To Work Day

Tink tink..
Tink tink tink!
You glance at your handiwork up at the light. A perfectly molded differential completely rebuilt from scratch.
This is going to go really well on the armored car you're building for the tiny squad you're being assigned to- Oh. One of the teeth in the gears is missing.
Gently, you pull your glasses down.
With a whining screech, a powerful heat leaves your eyes and zaps the tiny bump on the face of the gizmo. It turns a solid, bright red. Red enough for you to gently tap the gizmo, and watch the tooth melt back into place.
Anyway! This is going great for the armored car you're building for this tiny team you're being assigned to. A position opened up for a mechanic, and you were right there to snatch it up. Really, this workshop feels like a candy land. You're able to put as many fleet vehicles back together as you can, but this one is special. It's supposed to protect the people on your team, and you're going to make it the strongest armored car on the planet.
Only a few problems, though. For an armored car, it's not very well-armed. Which you would think is the most important part of the 'armored' part. You think a 25 millimeter cannon on top of it would fix that problem. For armor, you're thinking maybe 3 inches thick? Maybe a bit more. Oh! Not to mention the wheels, with all these modifications, it's going to need treads.
...Actually, this is sounding more and more like a tank instead of a car. Okay! Maybe the armor can be left off of it, and just leave the cannon.
Sure, nobody else will see the value in it, but-
"Excuse me? Papa?"
You're suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone entering your fortress!
"EEK!" You respond to this as calmly as anyone else would, having an intruder rudely enter your home! "W-W-W-W-WHO IS IT?!"
Okay, maybe you said that last part a little bit too loud, and maybe you're currently cowering behind a stack of tires, and maybe you're also shivering a tad, but-

"Signum?!" You immediately re-compose yourself as you notice the tall mirror of yourself standing in the doorway. Looking as serious and as stoic as she ever does. "Hi, uh-"
"Good morning, Papa." Signum bows very sternly as she's prone to do. You simply stare at her with the most confused feeling in your heart. "I was simply checking up on you."
"You.. are?" You blink.
"Correct, I would like to get to know you better as you transition to civilian life."
"Is it.. because I'm your Raptor?" You're a bit confused why Signum would suddenly be interested in interacting with you when.. well she's not really interested in interacting with anyone other than Hayate. So this is a bit- "But hold on, we already interact enough. I mean, I was just at your house just last week!"
"It's usual to interact with friends more than once a week, Papa." Signum nods.
This just creates a storm of confusion deep in your heart.
"It is?" That seems, "-I mean. I rarely interact with humans more than a few times a week. So I'm kind of surprised to hear that."
"You..-" Signum seems confused, "What about the SWAT team?"
"What about them?"
She glances at the car on the lift behind you, and points at it absentmindedly.
"Isn't that their SWAT vehicle?"
"Oh! I mean, it is. I'm probably going to be their full-time mechanic and engineer, as well as maybe driving it. But that doesn't mean I interact with them all of the time."
"I think you should make a habit of seeing them at least once a day."
You don't get what Signum is going with this.
"..I'll think about it."
"Well, either ways, I also wanted to stop by and tell you about the new team-building exercise, since you weren't at the meeting this morning."
"Meeting this... Iota didn't tell me about it." That's strange.
"I know, we're trying to make the units remember their own appointments instead of having Iota be your secretary." Signum nods. "Which is to encourage teamwork."
"That's not fair though!" You pout, "If I don't have Iota giving me my appointments, I'll have to ask people to know!"
"That's.." Signum doesn't seem to get it, "That's the point, yes."
You're horrified!
"Am I being punished?" You frown.
"No, this isn't punishment, it's how we work as an organization." Signum corrects you, but she doesn't realize how this is punishment for you.
"..I don't get it, but that's okay." You sigh, "What was the meeting this morning about?"
"It was about the new team-building exercise." Signum seems to have been hiding this from you the longest.
"Another.. team-building exercise?" You remember the disaster that the last one turned into, "Didn't we just have one?"
"That was last month's exercise." She says this as if it's not a really strange ritual to have every month, "This month's exercise is focused more on letting us, the humans see what you do every day during your exercises."
"..It is?" This is all raising a lot of questions.
"Right, last time was determined after a poll to be far too strict, and involve too many humans ordering their Raptors around. We don't want to have that kind of structure. So this is going to be the opposite. We'll be attached to you for the day, and you can tell us what to do."
Attached to you for the day-

"Is saying 'Go home and let me work' an option?"
"Of course not." Signum nods, "Besides. We should get to know each other better. I really do want to learn more about you."
"I mean..-" You're not sure what there is to learn ,"You already know everything there is about me? I'm the engineer unit, I work on mechanics, I'm not much for combat, what else?"
"How about how you're dating Hotel?" Signum nods.
"Yes, I'm-"
"W-W-" You suddenly have an extremely adverse reaction to Signum's words. A smile suddenly manifests on her stoic face showing that she knows EXACTLY what she is saying, too! "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!"

"I didn't know it was a secret? If it is, you're kind of bad at hiding those." Signum grins. "So, how's that going with both of you? I'd love to tell Vita about it."
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Wait! I have a date with Hotel tomorrow! Does.. does she know that?!
4 |
I will tell you in the day Hayate find a date.
4 |
I was made to be sincere by design! Like you can't leave home without a sword!
4 |
Why would you tell Vita?
3 |
+Raptor Shutdown
0 |
0 |
11 = 11
36 = 36
1 = 1
8 = 8
14 = 14
66 = 66
31 = 31
"Why would you tell Vita?!? That-"
The gears in your heard are turning. This seems way too convenient to be a coincidence.
Observing you.. telling Vita.. and.. tomorrow...
You have a date with Hotel tomorrow! You agreed to meet her near the docks so you could swim!
"..You know, don't you?!" You immediately point an accusatory finger toward her.
"'Know'?" Signum blinks.

"You know that I'm going on a date tomorrow with Hotel!" You furrow your brow, "You knew all along that I was going to be with her at the docks, and you wanted to butt in so you could find some excuse to spy on my love life"
"..Oh, really?"
"Yeah! And you know that I'm sincere by nature. It's kind of like how you can't leave your house without a sword. So I'll be keeping those secrets to myself until it's rightfully time to tell you."
"When may that be?"
"If you want to argue me down, then it's not going to work! I'll tell you and Vita about it the day Hayate finds a date!"
You pout. You already know that's never going to happen.
Somehow, though, you don't feel like you've rebutted Signum at all.
You can almost feel her smile as she says the next few words with teasing on her voice.

"..But I didn't know you were going on a date, Papa."
You feel a shock go up your spine.
"W-What?" You blink, "But.. you said you wanted to follow me tomorrow-"
"That was just a coincidence, but now that I know you're going on a date, I have to be there!" Signum claps her hands together with a huge smile, "Oh this is going to be so much fun to watch!"
53 = 53
34 = 34
35 = 35
64 = 64
7 = 7
"NOOOOO!" You shout at her words.
"Watching your first baby steps into romance, I'll have to bring the good camera for it!" Signum sticks her tongue out a little.
"WHYYYYYYY?!" You feel lasers wanting to come out of your eyes involuntarily. An expression of both despair and pitch-black embarrassment. "It's 'Bring your human to work day'! I'm supposed to be telling you what to do!"
"And you just did! That's why I'm going to be recording you going on your wonderful date with Hotel." Signum smiles as if she's found the cutest toy to play with, "I can't wait to tell Vita about it!"
"Vita.." The words finally ring in your ears, "VITA IS GOING TO FIND OUT, TOO!?"
"Of course." Signum smiles, "Why wouldn't she know?"
"Because this is embarrassing enough just with you knowing!" You pull your coat up to your ears, "If Vita knows too.. I would just die!"
"Please, I doubt you would die."
Signum smiles as she pulls your coat away from your head.
"You would just be extremely embarrassed every time you thought of it, but not die. You would likely come to laugh about it, in due time."
You huff, and glance at the pink-haired mirror standing before you.
"Listen, at least Vita respects my privacy." You huff.
"Oh, does she?" This makes Signum smile.
"Since Vita is part of almost every single Raptor, she has to be less of a helicopter mom than you are otherwise she would go insane keeping track of us all." You cross your arms, "Maybe you could take a lesson from her?"
This makes Signum simply grin, menacingly.
"Would it interest you to know that Vita is compiling a photo album of all of her Raptors, then?"
"She's WHAT?!" You suddenly feel very vulnerable, "That's.. That's not like her!"
"Oh, but it is, and you're already in it multiple times. Like all that time last week during joint training? She has almost every. single. moment in that album."
Your mouth is ajar, almost completely. You're not really sure what to say other than-
"..Please give me some space."
"I am giving you some space! I just want to be the observer watching over your budding romance."
"Then, at least respect Hotel's privacy." You have to find an angle to this, "If you ruin this date, you're not answering me, but to Hotel."
"If it bothers you, then cancel it." Signum huffs.
"Do you want me to cancel the date, and then tell Hotel it's all your fault? Now, that would be fun to watch." You pout.
"..Maybe don't do that, then." Signum's smug smile seems to subside, a bit.
"Can you at least, please-"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Let us have at least an hour together without your meddling.
6 |
Pass anything you want to do to Wendi for her approval or rejection.
4 |
Why don't you... Stay with... Nanoha? Yes, talk with her far away from my love life! She probably made a deal with Hotel to stay away too!
1 |
Tell her the wrong spot and hope you and Hotel can meet up discreetly.
1 |
Just.. stay out of sight. I'll just pretend you're not there and Hotel will hopefully not shoot you.
99+99 = 198
"Can you at least, please, give us an hour or two to have by ourselves before you decide to run in and crash our date?" You pout. "Just one hour. It will let us at least get a little bit of privacy."
"I already know that if I leave you alone for an hour, the first thing you're going to do is try to run away." Signum sees through your ultimate plan.
"Then.. Can you at the very least, please pass on anything you want to do to Wendi for her approval or rejection?"
"Wendi?" Signum blinks, "Is she involved in your love life?"
"No, but she's also the only human who seems to know what boundaries and limits are, and I think you need to learn some from her." Arms crossed, pout.
"Wow.. Wendi knows boundaries and limits.. but not me?" Signum's smile seems to resemble your pout more and more, "..That has to be the most wicked burn anyone has ever given me."
"I don't see why." You keep your arms crossed, and turn your nose up slightly, "Wendi is the only one who has consistently shown to understand we need space in order to grow and knows how to stay out of our personal affairs."
"..I think that's just because she doesn't know what to do." Signum giggles.
"PRECISELY!" You huff, "She doesn't know what to do, so she stays to herself until we need her! That's exactly what a model human needs!"
"That's an even deeper burn, in some respects." You're not sure what the context of 'burn' means. "But I'll be glad to run my ideas past Wendi. I'll do it first thing tomorrow when- Hey what are you doing?!"
You didn't even wait for her to finish her sentence before you opened up a holoscreen, and began deftly dialing Wendi's number.
"You said you're okay with it, right?" You smile, "So, let's call her right now!"
"Please, I'm sure she's busy with something at the moment. I'll make a list of things I want to do tomorrow, and send her an email on-"
Signum shuts up immediately as Wendi's face appears on the screen.

"Hello Papa!" Wendi smiles. "I knew I would be getting a few calls in preparation for this 'Bring your Human to Work Day' thing! How has yours been?"
"Hi Wendi!" You smile at the beautiful red-head. "I'm glad you asked about that, because my human wants to do something during my big day tomorrow! Go on, Signum. Tell her."
You grin as you slide the screen over to Signum.
She glances at you and whispers a very carefully worded question.
"..Papa, do you want me to tell her about your big day tomorrow?"
"Oh ho~" You giggle, "Now you care about telling people? You didn't care a moment ago when you were going to tell Vita."
"Uhh." Wendi seems confused, "Is this a bad time?"
"Well- No. you see- The thing is-" Signum starts stalling, and you simply rip the bandage off
"I'm going on a date tomorrow and Signum is going to be hovering over us." You state, plainly into the holoscreen. "She won't take no for an answer because of this 'Bring Your Human to Work Day' thing."
"Signum." Wendi scolds her.
"It's in the rules that I have to be in attendance for my Raptor's activities for the day. It's simply protocol." Signum suddenly changes demeanor, and discusses protocol instead.
"Signum, that's only for working hours. Going on a date isn't bringing her human to work." Wendi immediately points out the flaw in Signum's logic.
"She has the day off for this date, and I want to see it. I won't get to witness events like this forever, and I want to see my little girl go on her first date."
Wendi simply sighs.
"..Signum do you know what a 'Helicopter Parent' is?"
"I do, and I am not one of those for simply wanting to see this one event."
55 = 55
63 = 63
56 = 56
40 = 40
75 = 75
37 = 37
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
88 = 88 (Success!)
36 = 36
"-And I might add that she forgot to mention that she's inviting other people to watch it as well." You cross your arms.
"That's not really worth mentioning. I was just going to invite Vita, too."
The look on Wendi's face is priceless.
"It's bad enough that you're going to violate her privacy, but now you want to invite others to violate her privacy?"
"It's just her other parent. It's fine." Signum is starting to sound less and less certain as she crosses her arms and makes more and more excuses.
This is making Wendi sound angrier and angrier as she heaps the excuses on.
"Signum." Wendi seems to be trying to start over from scratch, "What would you do if, for instance, Hayate were to go on a date?"
"I would absolutely follow her from a discrete distance and ensure her safety and also commemorate it in the photo album." Signum crosses her arms.
"Do you think maybe this behavior is why Hayate hasn't been able to get a date?"
"That's ridiculous." Signum pouts. "She would have to get dates first for me to interrupt them."
The two ladies simply stare at each other.
Maybe bringing Wendi into this was a bad idea after all.

"Listen, Signum.." You decide to try defusing some of it yourself. "The problem isn't that you're following me or even taking pictures, it's that your presence, whether you think of it as subtle or not, is going to interrupt the date."
"Vita and I are expert combatants, there's no way our presence will even be detected."
"..Even by the unit who is specifically trained in the art of counter-sniping?"
"..I have much more experience than her, and it's not like I'm trying to snipe her, Papa." Signum is just as stubborn as a small child.
"..Even though you're trying to aim a recording device at her which has elements of a sniper rifle, like a lens, a focusing beam, a scope.."
She keeps her arms crossed, you continue.
"-And I am under no obligation to correct her possible misconception that the murder-happy Raptor may have about being sniped in a public place if she happens to detect you?"
Signum's eyebrow twitches.
"..Maybe following you on the date isn't the best idea."
"Thank GOD." Just that little bit of leeway from Signum causes you to sigh heavily, and collapse back onto a pile of old tires.

"BUT-" Signum winks, "-I insist that I help you prepare for the date, then. You'll need new clothes, and even a present to give Hotel. Unless you're going to go in that dirty work smock."
Your head snaps upward.
"Why not?"
Votes | Choice |
27 |
I'm going on a date with Hotel. Hotel. There are only two outfits I need for that: a bathing suit and a barrier jacket.
21 |
+If I ever want to follow five hundred year old fashion trends I know who to ask.
9 |
All you want to buy are stuffy dresses and expensive shoes. The smock at least has practical value..
7 |
I'm going in a bathing suit, as is Hotel. Anything else would just make it weird.
7 |
Presents for Hotel are simple! She loves the tanks I made!
4 |
Wendi, tell her!
4 |
Most of your clothes are to hit the gym or cosplays made by Hayate!
4 |
For a present, I was thinking maybe a submarine?
3 |
Because your tastes in clothes SUCK!
2 |
You are belkan!
2 |
Help me choose a device instead... No you will give me a sword!
1 |
+ My only problem is that my barrier jacket still look like yours!
"I'm going on a date with Hotel, Signum."
You lean in, as you feel this point needs to be emphasized more than she's willing to give it credit for.
"Hotel. There are only two outfits I need for that: a bathing suit and a barrier jacket."
"It's not like you're going to be just swimming and fighting-"
"You know who she is and who she's based off of." You pout. You can't believe she would forget that.
"..Granted, but you should at least strive to bring a tasteful barrier jacket and swimming suit, then." She smiles, you can already tell that she's imagining all the embarrassing outfits she can coincidentally get you to try on while you're out shopping.
"-All you ever want to buy are stuffy dresses and expensive shoes." You huff.
"That's because all of your clothes are functional and cheap." Signum nods, "Also those prices aren't expensive for shoes or clothes."
"They are for me.." You don't appreciate her making fun of your smock, either. "It's simple, it's cheap, it shows all of the stains and grease from my job, and it has practical value. Raptors prefer practicality over aesthetics."
You don't know if that last part is true for every Raptor, you just know that it's true for you.
"In that case, want to go get a new bathing suit?" She's still trying to tempt you! "Or.. at least re-design your barrier jacket to better suit the date?"
You do a flip, and activate the rarely-used combat mode of your Barrier Jacket.
Used: Raptor Barrier Jacket
With a pink flash, you twirl merrily to reveal your barrier jacket.

You're hoping this makes Signum quiet down with her insistence, but instead it has the opposite effect.
"See? This is perfectly acceptable casual wear for this date. Now, if you excuse me-"
"Acceptable?" Oh no, she's going to start critiquing this now, too. "This looks like casual loungewear."
"Well, I don't exactly get in that many fights." You shrug, "So I converted my barrier jacket to be my casual clothes. That way, I can keep the smock on all the time, and just transform into the clothes when I'm off-duty."
For some reason, this makes Signum's mouth drop open.
"Efficient, isn't it?"
"What if you get in a fight?!"
You blink, "I just won't get in a fight."
"Aren't you going on a date with Hotel, who routinely starts fights?"
"I mean.." You think about this for a moment, "That's a fight for her, but not necessarily me. I'm sure she'll deal with any problems that come up."
Signum simply sighs, and offers once more.
"Again, I am offering to redesign your barrier jacket for this date and go shopping with you, and I really think you should take it if you're going to go in your sleepwear."
"Look." You're getting frustrated, "These are the clothes I chose to wore. It's perfectly in-fashion now to walk around in public in your casual wear. If I want to follow five-hundred year old fashion trends, I know who to ask."
You huff, but then you feel a twinge of something..
Is it.. Guilt?
Signum isn't responding, instead, she simply sighs.
"..That's okay, then. Good luck on your date."
Votes | Choice |
11 |
I just want it to be me on that date. Not a version of me someone else thinks would have a better chance.
5 |
Wait, wait, Signum- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that.
5 |
+I was not build with Social Warfare! So, I'm sorry!
4 |
+Belkan logic and fashion might be a good way to approach Hotel!
2 |
Shrug. You didn't want her advice anyway.
0 |
No, no, Signum. You're right, let's go clothes shopping. Just be quick about it.
"Wait-" Oh you screwed up, again. "Wait, wait- Signum. I didn't mean it like that."
"Then how did you mean it?" Uh oh, she seems genuinely offended.
"Not like you're thinking!" You made it sound as if you didn't need an ancient relic like her at all, and that's just not true. "I didn't mean it like-"
"Like I'm an ancient relic who should stay out of your life?"
"No! That's exactly how I didn't mean it!" Wow, can she read your mind? "I was not built for social combat! So I'm not good at using my words!"
"So tell me, then." Signum stops, and turns around, "Do you want my help for this date? Or do you want me to go away? I'll do whatever you say."
You sigh.
You already know that telling her that you want her to go away is akin to telling her to leave your life, and saying it that way will just make her angry.
Why does social interaction have to be so hard? You don't get it at all. People aren't like sensible things, like cars. Or motorbikes.
"Signum, I'm not saying that I don't need your input, but I also don't want to look like someone I'm not!" You hope she can understand this, "I just want it to be me on that date. Not a version of me someone else thinks would have a better chance at winning Hotel's heart."
..Besides, you already know the way to win Hotel's heart is to go to the date with a giant cannon strapped to you, with optional machine guns for support.
Signum seems genuinely swayed by this. At the very least, she doesn't seem as disappointed.
Uh oh.
She's starting to blush very slightly.
"..Mmm Okay!" She seems extremely happy, and that is making you feel extremely worried! "Then it's settled! I'll help you dress up just a bit, and I'll leave it at that. Is that okay?"
"..As long as it doesn't become an excuse to dress me up for hours on end." You sigh, you already know that's what she had in mind long before she decided to approach you on the matter. "..Can it wait until after work?"
"Work.." She glances around, remembering she's still in the same parking garage she was a few minutes ago. "Right! Work."
"..You still have a job, right?"
"I.." Signum suddenly looks a bit sheepish, "Took off today so I could help you prepare for your date."
"..The whole day? Just so you could help me prepare?" You feel yourself wanting to sigh, heavily.
"Mostly so I could help you prepare for this day, yes." She suddenly reverts back to official no-nonsense Signum. Which tells you everything you need to know.
She absolutely was planning to spend all day dressing you up with a side of buying frilly dresses and swimsuits.
A tiny, auburn-haired girl swings her legs over the pier overlooking the ocean. She seems to giggle happily to herself as she glances at the ocean, and the sparkling sunrise reflecting off of the waves.
"Morning, Hotel!"
You wave as you hop up on the pier. Hotel's eyes light up as she stands upright and rushes toward you.
"PAPA!" She practically flies through the air at breakneck pace before stopping right before you.

She's wearing a new swimsuit, one you've never seen before. It tugs at her light curves very gently. You can tell no matter what she wears, she's always beautiful. Her human must have been a supermodel of some kind.
Which just makes you feel a bit more uncomfortable in your new swimsuit.

Something about it just squeezes you in all the wrong places. It's like Signum was trying to make your storage tanks and thighs get compressed into soup with how this suit seems to be grabbing them, and moving the plastic non-Newtonian fluids beneath the skin upward and outward in unnatural positions.
"Wow!" Hotel's eyes glisten, "You look really cute, Papa!"
You simply blink..
"..I do?"
"Yes!" She takes your hand, "You usually wear all these frumpy, loose clothes that hide your really feminine body! I thought you were going to swear that smock today that you always do, even."
You simply laugh nervously.
"Hahah, Ha.. I'm not that clueless, Hotel!" You pray Signum can't hear that from wherever she's decided to set up to spy on you. "Your suit looks really cute, too!"
"Oh, thanks! I had to fight Nanoha for the privilege of wearing it."
You then stop, and then blink.
"..Fight Nanoha?"
"Yup! She said 'If you want to wear an outfit like that, you need to be able to fight in it! Practice duel!' and then we fought yesterday. I won on points, but she got some really good hits in! She bought this swimsuit after the last one was in tatters."
89 = 89
95 = 95
59 = 59
49 = 49
73 = 73
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
47 = 47 (Fail)
"Really?" You blink, and try not to focus on the lines that the swimsuit is making on her body, " tatters?"
"Yup! We dueled in our swimsuits just like she promised to show me that it was a bad idea to wear it, and then when I won, she bought me this one!" Hotel seems so proud of herself. "Pretty great, right?"
"Ehh, so if-" You want to be sure you got this right, "If she ruined the last one, and chose this one for you.."
Hotel tilts her head slightly, and blinks.
"-Doesn't that mean.. She won?" You put together the final piece of the puzzle, "She got you to change your swimsuit, and she got to pick it out."
Hotel's eyes immediately go vacant for a second.
Then, she grabs her hair!
"No.." She gawks, "NO WAY! It's the same thing as what she wanted, isn't it?! That means.."
The final piece of the puzzle comes together for her as well.
"C-Calm down, Hotel. Maybe it's close enough to the previous design that she felt it worked out fine? Do you have a picture of this other swimsuit?"
"Oh! Of course! I took lots while I was in the store. Here."
She flashes over short-range communications a picture of herself wearing the previous swimsuit that was destroyed.
Your circuits go quiet for a moment as they take in every inch of exposed skin on her body. Then, you measure the surface area to cloth ratio, and explain to Hotel your calculation.
"..Hotel that's pretty risqué, isn't it?" You blink, "I mean, it's just a two-piece bikini with some frills."
"I KNOW RIGHT?" She seems excited, "It was so perfect!"
Then, she does a turn and informs you that her new one is just as skintight around the back as well.
"-Instead I'm stuck in this one-piece that barely shows off my tummy at all." Hotel seems almost ashamed to say that.
You try to calm her down.
"Hotel, W-wait." You smile, "I think it looks really good on you!"
She blinks, and does a slight tilt with her head.
"..You do?"
"Yeah! The pink lines and white really accentuates-" WAIT!
Do NOT say anything uncouth while Signum is definitely listening in with some kind of spying spell.
-But you have to say something, right?
Votes | Choice |
4 |
The pink lines and white really accentuates your streamlined and hydrodynamic form, almost perfect for high speed swimming!
4 |
You look just as efficient and sleek as the day you tried to blow me up when we first met!
4 |
Also, the pink accents double as camouflage to better hide among the hundreds of pink Shooter bullets that you unleash at your enemies. Nanoha really chose well.
3 |
..It looks nice Hotel!
2 |
You're as charming and cute as the day I met you!
2 |
Maybe your human also prepared other plans? Because less people will look at you now.
1 |
I think the lack of expansion shows off your optimized machine body great. Nod.
1 |
You look almost naked Hote- NO NO NO NO STOP
1 |
I know that you fought hard for the last one, so now I must enjoy this swimsuit to make you happy.
1 |
It's so tight that no-one would ever expect you to be able to conceal a weapon.
"-The pink lines really accentuates your streamlined and hydrodynamic form!" You feel proud thinking of this extremely detailed and factual statement, "Almost perfect for high-speed swimming?"
Hotel looks a bit less nervous, and even has a bit of a glimmer in her eyes.
"Yeah! You look just as efficient and sleek as the day you tried to blow me up when we first met!"
That was the first time you can truly say that you fell in love with anyone. The way she had taken post, accurately gauged your distance, and fired in less than a few seconds with machine-precision.
It was like cupid fired an arrow through your heart.
Or a breaker, it definitely felt like a breaker.

"Awwww-" Hotel blushes, and grabs her cheeks, "You're just saying that!"
"It's true, and also- the pink accents double as camouflage to better hide among the hundreds of pink shooter bullets that you unleash at your enemies." You nod, not to mention unleashed at you after she shot you with the breaker. "-Nanoha really chose well."
"Wooow, I never thought about it that way." Hotel's eyes are bright with wonder, "It really is perfect! I should have listened to my human sooner!"
"That's right!" You can only hope that this helps her think of things to do on this 'date', but you don't really want this to turn into a magic battle straight out the gate. "I wish my human was more like your human?"
Suddenly, her laugh stops.
"..Seriously?" Hotel blinks, and stares blankly.
"Well, yeah! She gives good combat advice, good life advice, and is looking out for you."
"You don't think my human is a little pushy? She loves to insert herself into my life." Hotel pouts, and crosses her arms.
"That's not a bad thing!" You say that, but you know Signum is listening in, "Besides, mine is irritating, pushy, made me wear this to the date."
You do a quick spin with your swimsuit as well, and note how Hotel's cheeks become a bit flushed.
"..Well I think it looks really good on you, Papa."

"EHHHH- What do mean, Hotel?" You stop yourself from having a meltdown right here and now, "It's kind of stuffy and not as accented or cute as yours is.
"It shows your beautiful curves, and large chest." Hotel states, much more plainly than your complement, "..I wish my chest was as big as yours."
Hotel looks down at herself, and you simply try to cheer her up by grabbing her hands.
"-It's fine! I'm not a combat unit, so I'm used to having these kinds of upgrades." You nod, "Besides, my human is so pushy that-"
You relay over short-range communication.
"(That she's listening in us right now.. She's so pushy she followed me on the date.)"
"(..That's it?)"
"(..Well yeah, isn't that intrusive? At least yours leaves you alone.)"
Hotel simply blinks, and looks upward at you.
"(Over my shoulder, about 220 meters, take a glance at what you see.)"
You obey those instructions, and you can see-
You see an auburn-haired woman in a wide-brimmed white hat sitting crosslegged on a park bench as she glances at the two of you on the docks with a pair of hand-held optical enhancers.
"(..I couldn't get away, either.)" Hotel pouts, slightly. "(At least we got swimsuits out of it, but I think our plans to visit the Huckebein wreck are kind of over.)"
Votes | Choice |
24 |
Let's mess with them. They're busy spying on us, right?
12 |
..Let's lose our humans! This is our date, not theirs!
8 |
I wonder how they will react if it looks like we are building something with parts of the Squad Huckebein, the only shit in the universe with a anti-magic field.
5 |
Ice cream? Ice cream.
1 |
SIGH, Okay. Fine, let's try not to end up in their picturebook.
"(So that means our date is kind of messed up, huh?)" You sigh.
"(What do you mean?)" Hotel blinks.
"(There's no way we can do anything today without twenty different humans knowing about it by proxy.)" You just know that every single second of footage captured on their phones is going right to the secret 'Cute Raptor Things' group chat that you know they have. "(If we do as much as hold hands today, they're going to share it with little hearts and sparkly kisses surrounding us.)"
"(Oh! I like little hearts!)" Hotel misses the point, "(-But that would kind of ruin the mood today wouldn't it?)"
"(Yeah, and give the perverted humans incredibly embarrassing fuel to blackmail us with forever.)" You shiver when you consider the damage Signum could do with a compromising photo of you in a swimsuit kissing Hotel could bring if she starts sharing it with every person you know.
"(What should we do?)" Hotel seems to understand the implications, now. "(Should we just practice duel and then go home?)"
"(Ah, but Hotel, in any practice duel you would end up destroying me. So I would prefer if we instead didn't do that for our date.)"
"(Oh.)" Hotel seems to react like she seriously didn't realize you would fold like paper in a real combat scenario. "(Does that mean you need practice?)"
"(No, I think it means we need to do something about the humans following us.)"
"(OH! Okay, give me a second and I'll-)"
She is just about to reach into her little sunbag and pull out a comically oversized rifle, but you stop her.
"(No, no no. Not shooting them.)"
"(Aww, but why?)" Hotel frowns, "(Shooting would make everything better! It would teach them to not follow us, they wouldn't see it coming, and I can be gentle with the shot so it's not fatal! It's win/win!)"
"(It would ruin the date, unequivocally.)" You try to temper her enthusiasm at getting to shove a pink laser in her human's face. "(Instead of doing that and creating a big fight right here on the docks, let's instead try to lose our humans. This is our date, not theirs.)"
Hotel's eyes light up.
"(Oh! Great idea! But how are we going to lose two ace mages of the TSAB?)"
"(Let's start by messing with them a bit.)" You get a clever idea, "(I wonder how they would feel if I started building something out of pieces of the Esquad Huckebein. I bet they would get real flustered after that.)"
"(Ooh! Or how about if we took off our clothes!)"
"(No! That just embarrasses us!)"
"(And them too, because they would be caught filming us.)" Hotel grins.
Incoming Call: Iota
"(Hey, did you just get-)"
"(Yeah, one moment)"
You allow the datalink to pick up Iota's call, and almost immediately you're assaulted with questions.
"(Hello? We're kind of busy.)"
"(Okay, I'll make this quick.)" Iota sounds mad, "(Why aren't you two at work?!)"
You blink, "(What do you mean?)"
"(Today's exercise was called 'Bring your Human to Work Day!', not 'Slack off at the Beach all Day'! Are you even at work?!)"
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Forward her to your 'Chaperones' spying on you. Say you're under their supervision.
4 |
Ehhh... Recover the pieces of the Squad Huckebein for research is important.
4 |
(sister's revenge) What about you, dear sister? Did you let Vita visit your room? Because we never called you out for not using the Long Arch.
2 |
While we're at Esquad Huckebein, do you need anything from it? Or anything on or near it breakered?
2 |
I have a day off!
1 |
Uhhh sorry, bad reception, call you back! *click*
1 |
We were just about to start. First mission: build a distraction!
1 |
I don't have anything to build and Hotel doesn't have anyone to snipe.
0 |
Hey Hotel, it's for you.
"(We're uhhhh- Recovering smashed pieces of the Esquad Huckebein for research.)" At least, that's going to be your excuse when you start building a really nasty boat out of the pieces and parts. "(What about you, dear sister?)"
"(Yeah!)" Hotel gets the hint, "(What have you been doing today? Have you let Vita visit your room?)"
"(You know, Long Arch has a much better central control network than that old dusty lab, right?)" Hotel teases Papa for still deciding to operate solely out of the Caledfwlch labs.
"(You two..)" Iota immediately makes it known that she is not in the mood for this, "(For one, YES. Vita was here earlier and is now with Foxtrot. For two, this isn't about me, because I'm at work unlike you two.)"
"(We are at work.)" You nod.
"(Picking at pieces of the giant ship in the harbor isn't 'work', it sounds like you're going on a diving trip with your girlfriend.)"
"(We ARE on a diving trip, I'll have you know.)" No! Hotel! Don't admit to it! "(HOWEVER, I will have you know that we ARE at work with our humans because they're watching us.)"
"(Watching you.. on a date?)" Iota! Don't draw conclusions!
"(Yes! They're what you call 'Chaperones'.)" Hotel says, teasingly.
"(..I don't believe you. If they're there, then they're being very accepting of the fact that neither of you are at work.)"
"(Talk to them yourself.)" You suddenly get an evil idea, "(Here, I'll forward you to both of them.)"
"(Do that. Then expect to report to work in ten minutes.)" Iota huffs.
You and Hotel disconnect as you forward the call over to Hotel's human, and your human.
They both look kind of annoyed as they pick up their phones-
And give you and Hotel the perfect opportunity while their guard is down.
"Ready?" You glance at Hotel. She seems to be thinking the same thing you are.
"Ready!" She gives a warm smile that fills you with the most fluttering of emotions.
Without exchanging any more words, you and Hotel jump from the dock.
Hotel takes your hand and guides you through the dimly-lit blue as she casually walks along the sea floor and guides you toward your destiny.
In a way, it's like having a wonderful walk in the park with your dearest. Hotel skips along the ocean floor like the two of you are hopping along the surface of the moon.
She claims she can't swim, but several times she kicks off of the bottom, does some impressive spins, and even swims under her own power like a very unique submarine!
She motions upward at you as she keeps herself in a hover above the ocean floor.
You shake your head. You can't swim like she can.
She simply smiles back at you, and gently offers her hand.
Watching her reach out toward you, it's almost like she's an angel descending from heaven. You take the hand of the angel, and she pulls you toward the surface.
You wipe the salt water from your optical lenses.
Looking around, you only see the sheer cliffside of the shore. No sign of pushy humans anywhere in sight. Or humans at all, for that matter. You can see some ships off in the middle of the sea, but there's no way they notice two small girls floating near the cliffs near the shore.
Hotel points in front of your face, and you turn to see what she's gesturing toward.
"Wow!" You exclaim.
"Come on! Let's go!" Hotel continues holding your hand as she's somehow able to propel herself through the water. How is she doing that? Is she that good at swimming or-
Then you realize there's just a little bit of mana emanating from her hand.
You smile. It's a flight spell that's been converted to a swim spell. Hotel loves swimming so much she came up with her own way to be buoyant despite being made entirely of metal and not having a massive surface area.
..You shouldn't say that out loud to her because that could be construed as an insult, but you do wonder if the larger-storage-tanked sisters could be buoyant by that logic.
You follow Hotel until the sea floor can be felt by your bare feet once more.
With that, you start to feel solid objects with a layer of.. slipperiness.. between your toes. It almost makes you jump in terror until Hotel smiles.
"It's okay, they're rocks! Look!"
Hotel demonstrates by standing upright on the undersea boulders. She stands on one such rock that barely peeks out of the water, and offers her hand out.
"Come on! You try."
You try to gain some footing on the stone below your immediate vicinity. It's just.. the sliminess combined with the slipperiness keeps you from gaining purchase each time.
When you think you have a good enough foothold to stand up, the expected happens, you slip-
-And are immediately caught around your bare waist by Hotel.
"Eheh, careful." Hotel steadies you. She somehow has an iron grip on the stones beneath her. "It's slippery."

Her hands.. They're..
Practically squeezing your bare tummy. It tickles and..
31 = 31
15 = 15
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
64 = 64 (Fail)
27 = 27
80 = 80
98 = 98
84 = 84
88 = 88
15 = 15
"Ah.. Hotel.." You feel absolutely dumbstruck at witnessing the auburn-haired girl guide you gently onto solid ground. The salt water reflects off of her synthetic hair almost as if she's wearing a halo.

"Hotel!" You reach forward, and grab her into a hug.
"Ah! Wait! Wait! Papa! Wait!" Hotel giggles as she pulls you back off of the rocks.
You deftly grab at whatever you can to keep yourself upright, and-

"Hahah- P-Papa that's too low, that tickles-"
Her giggling cause the two of you to fall over backwards and tumble onto the rocks.
You both lay side by side as the surf washes over your legs.

The realization of what you just did washes over you in a wave of embarrassment that makes you want to build a garbage disposal and climb into it, where you belong.
33 = 33
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
63 = 63 (Fail)
7 = 7
100 = 100
8 = 8
"Ah, Hotel I'm-"
You sit upright, and feel your hands clasp your doughy cheeks.
"HOTEL! I'm sorry, I lost balance, and I- uh, I didn't mean to grab you there and-"
Hotel's response is to sit upright.
And give you the most snide smile that you're surprised she knew how to make.
"No! No! I'm being serious!" That's the kind of smile that screams 'Those were fighting touches, and I'm feeling like a Starlight Breaker right now!'.
"Ohhhhhh?" Hotel's smile is not letting you feel any better, "Is that so? You just accidentally got a handful on the way down?"
"Yes! Yes! It was completely unintended!" You're dead, this is it. "I didn't mean for my hands to touch your butt at all!"
She continues to play coy. "You know, I did find it kind of strange how you've been looking at me all day today."
"Ah! Wait! That was just-" Ohhhh that's not good. She noticed you being very slow and deliberate in admiring her swimsuit.
"-I guess it was just too much and you had to throw yourself at me, right?"
"NO!" Again! The way she grins fills you with an almost primordial dread that goes beyond your pre-programmed instinct. "It was just an accident! I slipped! I didn't mean t-"
Without another word, Hotel leans forward and plants a kiss on your cheek.
"Aww, that's too bad." She giggles, "I was hoping you had finally gotten over your shy tendencies and had found the courage to touch me, but I guess that will have to wait for another day."
You simply blink as she finishes her sentence.
"..Huh?" You haven't really processed what Hotel is trying to tell you.
"I mean, I did get you to come with me to a deserted cave where we could be together in private. No humans, no sisters, Iota's datalink is muffled by the iron in the walls, so it really is just you and I together." She leans closer and lets her eyelids flutter a little, "-But you're telling me now it was just an accident? That's sad to hear.."
She pouts slightly as she turns away, forlorn.
"-Now that I know it was just an accident, maybe we should just go back to the humans."
"Wait! Wait!" How has she managed to turn this around on you so fast?! "Hotel! I didn't mean it that way! I.. I thought you'd be really mad if I touched you that way, and I-"
"Oh so it was intentional? Noted~." WHAT!? You didn't say that at all!
You also didn't get her permission to squeeze you on your side!
"Ah!" You jump slightly at the pinch.
"Lighten up, Papa. We're alone! For real this time!" She appears to be just toying with you, now. "There's no witnesses or anyone who can record and send this back to the other sisters… You're not recording, right?"
"..I'm specifically not.." This memory is made for you, and you refuse to share it with anyone else.
"Well then.." She leans over and squeezes you hand, "Then what do you want to do? Come on, no more shyness, just say it!"
Votes | Choice |
22 |
"I---I...I want that kiss to not be on the cheek this time!"
12 |
Uh.. UHHHH.......
7 |
Hold hands?
5 |
You are as dense as Gamma, so I must be brave or become a "Juliett"!
3 |
I- I think we should investigate that shipwreck we talked about.
2 |
H-HEY! Look at that! The cave keeps going back!
2 |
Wait... Muffled by the iron in the walls. Where exactly are we?
2 |
Y-you guess it's been a while since you performed...routine maintenance on Hotel. J-just in case something's wrong!
0 |
Signal 8, this is too much.
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
40 = 40 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
90 = 90 (Success!)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
64 = 64 (Fail)
33+15 = 48
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
4 = 4 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
47 = 47 (Fail)
38 = 38
8 = 8
33+15 = 48
Dice box!
Roll for AAAAAA-
Dice: 1d100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
40 = 40 (Fail)
Dice: 1d100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
90 = 90 (Success!)
Dice: 1d100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
64 = 64 (Fail)
Dice: 2d100
33+15 = 48
Dice: 1d100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
4 = 4 (Fail)
Dice: 1d100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
47 = 47 (Fail)
Dice: 1d100
38 = 38
Dice: 1d100
8 = 8
Dice: 1d100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
70 = 70 (Success!)
Dice: 1d100
4 = 4
If the fact that Hotel just said that she wants you to do whatever you want to her wasn't bad enough, there's also her cute, cute, very cute blushing face expectantly glancing at you as if she wants you to grab her again!
The first time was bad enough, but you think if this continues, you may actually Signal 8 for real!

You try to vocalize exactly what you've been feeling like you want to do with the beautiful sister expectedly gazing into your eyes. You want to take her hands, you want to dance with her in the sky, you want to delve into the deepest oceans and propose on the seafloor.
Then you quickly come back to reality and feel your cheeks flush as you imagine yourself even thinking such a completely out-of-line thing about the innocent, expectant girl still giving your camera's lenses a close inspection.
You can tell she's enjoying this toying, too. If not for the fact her gaze hasn't changed in almost five seconds, but for the fact her smile is slowly starting to peel upward on her face.
"I- I wanna.." Go on, say it! You want to grab her and feel every lump on her body! "hold hands.."
Okay, that's a good enough compromise for you. It may not be the extremely fine outline of her womanly features the tight swimsuit is revealing to you, and only you. It's still considered 'touching' in the most technical and rudimentary sense.
However, this is clearly not enough for her.
She gently lifts your hand, entangled with hers up until it's almost at her eye-level. Wordlessly, she only takes the time to examine your small, slender fingers.
..Taking her time.
..This is taking a little too long!
You feel figurative steam rising off of your scalp as she continues to examine the gentle, mechanical joints.
Her warm breath rolls across the tiny fibers of your artificial skin. Your red flush starts to turn pinkish, almost the same color as her ruby-colored lenses.
During this lapse in your concentration, you were completely vulnerable to her silently moving your hand closer and closer to her face.

Until she gently slips a finger into her mouth.

You have no words for what is happening either in your head or your hand, only a powerful, internal scream.
Hotel smiles slightly as her tongue runs over the tip of your finger. It's so sudden and dramatic that you find yourself withdrawing your hand from her face and coddling it closely to your chest.
This, however, does not eliminate the expectant stare from Hotel. She wanted you to touch her, and this will apparently not end until she gets the touching she wants.
You feel a surge of embarrassment as your better senses are pushed past by the hopeless romantic who wants to do nothing more right now than feel the warmth of her body, only all over instead of just on your fingertip.

"I- I want a kiss." Your better judgement is paralyzed just long enough for you to blurt out the extravagant feeling bursting from your chest, "N-Not to be on the cheek this time."
Oh god what have you just said?
You just said 'Please starlight breaker this pervert for trying to steal kisses from you', but you said it in the longest way possible.

Which is what terrifies and tickles you as she wraps her hands onto her own.
Pulls you closer without even attempting to give you time to reconsider your words. You want to pull away, try to pull away-

But aren't fast enough.
Her lips vanish below your nose as your vision becomes locked onto her closed eyes. Her breath is hot, and her body shifts to begin pushing you over onto your back… Onto the rocks of the cave.
You can feel the same tongue that lightly prodded your fingertip now start to prod your gums, and pull at your inner cheek.
37+53 = 90
3 = 3
88 = 88
56 = 56
17 = 17
78 = 78
37+53 = 90
Votes | Choice |
8 |
Papa.exe appears to be busy, would you like to wait until the process has finished its task?
8 |
4 |
+ Click okay to continue.
3 |
D-Don't let her push you over! Then she's in control!
3 |
Wait! Hotel! We're going too fast! I don't know what happens next but I'm guessing it's a very technical dance that I'm not a certified technician to perform!
1 |
Short range communication! Ask her to stop!
"Aaaaawawawawawawa-" Is what you want to say at the slightly-out-of-focus visage of Hotel gradually massaging your lips with her tongue, but it just comes off as a series of mumblings as you continue to french-kiss your beloved.
She uses the lapse in tension along your jaw to slither her tongue further into your mouth, past your teeth.
Hold on, how did the situation get this dire?
Aren't you the one in control, here? You're the one who asked for a kiss first!
Not to mention, Hotel invited herself into your mouth without as much as asking! Even over the datalink! Her mouth parts are now inside and mingling with your mouth part-

All of this information collides in your head with the subtlety of a freight train. Exceptions, page faults, and errors flood your senses as the feeling of the intruding tongue gives your body exactly the dose of simulated hormones that it was attempting to process before your mind went blank.
Now, intense feelings of simulated flushed blood vessels, simulated hairs raising on your neck, the bumps on your chest getting a bit of a steeple to them, your body's temperature jumping up just enough to stimulate the tiny traces under your artificial skin.
The tiny charges feel like you're being gently poked with a feather, all up and down your body. Except, it's happening all at once as the blushing, swelling, and tingling begins to work it's way down.
Toward your..

You grasp Hotel by the shoulders, and break the kiss.
"Why is it fair that I only get to feel this?!"
Wait, what are you saying? You didn't mean to say that..
"Huh? Do you not like it?" Hotel looks a bit dejected.
"I love it! That's exactly the point." Oh god, what is happening? It feels like a fog has drifted over your mind, and your extremely calculated mind is now floating in a sea of morning mist. "Why aren't you feeling as good as I am?! That's not fair!"
"Mm?" Hotel blinks, confused.
You blink, confused. You don't know where you're going with this. You're not even sure why exactly you broke the kiss!
Okay, this is a fun detour, but it's time to let Hotel take control again and guide you. You clearly aren't in your right mind.
"You're going to start feeling every bit of what you've just put me through, RIGHT NOW!"
That's not what you meant to say!
What does that even mean?!

"Oh.. Is that so?" HOTEL! WHY ARE YOU BLUSHING?! "Well, then. Maybe I deserve to be punished~."
You gently press your face against Hotel's lips once more, this time, you're the one that's pushing your tongue into Hotel's mouth. She offers little resistance as you find yourself continuing to push on her face in an attempt to make her feel every bit as embarrassed, flushed, and uncomfortable as she's made you feel.
When it looks like Hotel has just gotten comfy with your assault, you decide to push it a notch further just to emphasize how much her attack has shook you to your very core. You gently push Hotel over.

"P-Papa?" She seems some kind of mix between uncomfortable, and surprised. You're now the one looming over her as you find yourself gripping her shoulders, and working your hands under her-
35 = 35
78 = 78
67 = 67
19 = 19
5 = 5
52 = 52
52 = 52
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Your Belkan blood roars for you to continue! You must produce an heir! Wait. None of that applies to you.
4 |
2 |
Cooldown now! Shove your head into the sea water before the heat get worse!
1 |
Leap back and start shivering.
1 |
Build a wall between you and Hotel lest the strange tickle-demon inside comes back.
1 |
0 |
+I'm the worst!
9+28 = 37
58 = 58
Your face is literally inches from Hotel's face.
Your hands are hooked under the straps of her swimsuit.
The instinctual parts of your body is roaring with simulated Belkan blood. Every part of your human that demands that you be aggressive has now surfaced in the worst possible way, and at the worst possible time. That tiny little voice that demands you go all-in and never compromise has finally taken control, and it's definitely not going to stop here.
Not when your prey is right beneath you.
Not when your artificial Belkan Blood demands a heir.
Not when every bad trait from your human decides to surface as a mighty predator who only seeks to please herself.

There's no escape, not now, and not ever.
You used to wonder why Shamal feared Signum when she was drunk, and your artificially induced stupor has given you some clues as to what happens when your channel a part of Belka that probably better deserved to stay dead.
"Sorry.." Is the next thing you're able to mumble through this haze of pink and red.
You then rise up, off of Hotel.
Quickly, you put some distance between you and her, wading into the waist-deep seawater.
Then, you put your hands over your face..

And you scream!
You blink, and glance back at Hotel.
She's simply laying back on the rocks, her shoulders continue to kiss the slimy surface of the stone as she gives a mix between a pout and a moan.
"..So you're stopping there?" Hotel continues to lounge on the stone floor of the cave, sending waves of that lust through you once more.
You're not sure what's about to happen, but you do know that you're way more in control of what is to come than your human ever would have been.
Hotel sits upright, her body taking a hint about how you're feeling, and what should be done. Slowly, she stands up in the gentle waves.
"I love you, Papa." Her eyes are approaching once again. You slowly feel yourself leaning forward to reciprocate.

"I love you too, Hotel."
"It's been almost twenty minutes…"

An auburn-haired woman sits with her legs dangling off of the docks at the pier of the harbor.
"How long should we wait until we go looking for them?"

"Give them a bit longer." A pink-haired woman in an equally revealing swimsuit sits next to the auburn-haired girl. She rests gracefully on the dock, letting the summer sun bash her skin.
Neither of them expected to have to go find Hotel or Papa, but they did expect to be ready to follow them into the water. It helps to come prepared, they figured.
"Do you think they're getting to third base right now?" Nanoha seems to be oddly optimistic.
"What a silly question.." Signum shuts down the taller woman almost immediately. "With Papa's fortitude, she'll likely faint if they end up kissing. They're probably exploring the Esquad Huckebein right now."

"I wish I brought Fate and Vivio with me, now." The auburn haired lady fans herself slightly as she takes a sip from her drink. "This would have been a fantastic day for an outing."

"Well, you know-" Signum sighs, and stands up, "We weren't supposed to even be at the beach today. Today was called 'Bring Your Human to Work Day'."
"That's true." Nanoha seems to wave it off as if it doesn't bother her, "But this is work. It's our job to guide and nurture our Raptors so they don't go down the wrong path."
"Do you think we succeeded?"
Nanoha smiles, and glances out over the water. The shimmering blue seems to create a shimmering halo around her head as she thinks about that question in more depth.

"I think so."
"PSST! Hey!"

There's a blink as a tiny red figure in a swimsuit pops into existence next to Signum. She's wearing a tiny little swimsuit of her own to match the two ladies who are clearly enjoying their beach day.
"I located them. They're swimming under the ocean toward the dock."
"From which way?" Signum immediately glances toward the Esquad Huckebein.
"The crash site." Agito smiles, "They were being good girls after all."
"Looks like I won my bet." Signum giggles, as she glances toward Nanoha, "My Raptor is just a little too shy for Hotel's wiles to work on her."
"Hmph." Nanoha pouts, "..Give her time, I'm sure she'll come around."
You and Hotel poke your heads out of the water, and glance up and down the dock. Almost immediately, there are two humans leaning over to glance at you straight in your eyes.

"Hi Hotel!"
"Hey Papa."
The two almost scare you so bad that you nearly dive back underwater!
Hotel grips your arm to keep you from escaping, and you immediately give a very nervous response.
"Eehhh, you two were gone a long time." Signum smiles, "Pray tell, what were you doing?"

"NOTHING!" Uh oh, you answered a little too quickly, and completely shut down Hotel's much more muted response. There's no way they won't think of that as suspicious!
"..Really nothing?"
"NOTHING!" You repeat again, in your panicked voice.
"Absolutely nothing?" Why is big Hotel quizzing you, now?!
"Yes!" Hotel grabs your arm, "We explored some caves, swam through the Huckebein, and come back!"
"..That's all? Explored some 'caves'?" You don't like how Signum emphasized that word.
"Sea caves!" You clarify.
"They were very wet, especially this time of the day." Hotel tries to make it better but JUST MAKES IT MUCH WORSE!
This makes Nanoha and Signum glance toward one another.
They shrug.
Then sigh.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
"I couldn't see you two doing much more than that, so early."
"Why are you both looking so dejected?!" Seriously! Why is it their business?
"We just thought we would get to witness some magic on your first-ish date?" Nanoha smiles.
"This isn't our first date." Hotel re-iterates, "We got on dates all the time!"
"You do?" Signum blinks.
"Yup! Just the other day, we were doing combat training and she taught me how to fly! That's a date."
"I think that's more work, Hotel." Nanoha giggles.
"Really?" Hotel blinks.
"In any case, we were just going to visit the wreck and come back." Hotel sighs, "So if you don't mind, we would like to get out."
"Fine, fine. We'll let you go. Thanks for this wonderful outing, Hotel." Nanoha smiles.
"And thanks for letting me understand what to expect from your relationship." Signum sighs as if she's disappointed!
"I didn't ask you!" You huff.
The two ladies walk off and you hug Hotel tight.
Gently, she gives you a peck on the cheek.
"Thank you for the wonderful day, Papa." Hotel's head rests on your shoulder.
"Well, thank you for showing me.. all that." To be fair, you're not entirely sure what 'that' is, other than the fact that you have a hungry predator living deep beneath your skin. "..Do we tell any of the others about this or?"
"No-" Hotel puts her finger over your mouth, "Definitely not telling any other sister, definitely not Iota, and definitely not Gamma or even Wendi."
You start to question why, but then you remember that you would likely melt into a puddle if you had to recount the events of today to anyone else.
"..I understand." You sigh, "Let's do this again sometime."
"Annoy our humans? Sure!" Hotel smiles. "OH! You mean explore the caverns."
"..Right, that." You feel a little let down, "Let's explore everything next time, together."
(Bring Your Human To Work Day: END)
34 = 34
Halloween 2024

What a strange concept for a holiday. On its face, it means 'All Hallows Eve'. Or, in the Saint Church mythology, the start of the month of remembrance for the dead. What's strange about this occasion in how often this month and this day occurs in calendars all across the universe. 'Halloween' didn't used to have this name on the Midchildean calendar, as it was simply a month of observance. The name was brought from a Un-Administrated world of which many high-level mages are said to have come from.
"Uniform?" You hear a shrill voice that can safely be ignored.
The exact meaning of this word is a long and sorted history. The original meaning being the first day of AllHallowtide, a holiday from one of the native religions of this world. The Saint Church seems to have adopted its idea and merged it into their already existing period of remembrance for the dead. It's very strange they can simply grab the parts they like and stick them onto their existing religion like-
"Uniform!" The same shrill voice can safely be ignored.
-Like a slowly absorbing sponge that becomes a mixture of every single planet the Saint Church interacts with. It's a viable survival strategy, but it leaves much to question about how much of the Church's beliefs begin as something they came up with and how much of it is a mish-mash of culture spread between humanity's.

The door to the closet swings open, and you're left face-to-face with an orange-haired woman holding her morning tea and wearing her bedclothes.
"What are you doing in my closet?"

"I'm hiding." You smile, and throw the blanket on the floor of the closet back over yourself.
"I can see that." Teana sighs, "Why are you hiding?"
"I'm hiding from Halloween." You peek your face out of the folds of the blanket.
Teana sighs, and simply reaches back into the closet to grab a few articles of clothing.
"I can tell this is going to be a long discussion, and I have to go to work. So let me get dressed, and you can tell me all about why you're scared of Halloween."
She grasps a few more things out of the closet, and returns to dressing while drinking her morning leaf-based supplement. You don't see why this is such a confusing issue, or why this would be a long discussion at all.
"Now, can you tell me why you're scared of Halloween?"
You feel yourself shrink backwards into the blanket pile as you sheepishly admit your fears.
"..I don't like dead things.." You pull the blanket closer.
"Okay, that's understandable."
Your eyes light up.
"It is?!"

"I mean, absolutely. It is a macabre season after all." The way she manages to get dressed in a flash is an absolute marvel. "My question is: Why are you hiding in my closet from it?"
"Oh! I was told you don't like Halloween that much. So I thought hiding in your closet would be the best place to not see reminders of death or dying." You nod, the blanket slowly drooping over your face.
"..True, I'm not much of a halloween fan, especially not recently." Teana gives a tactic admission, "But that's not necessarily because I don't like Halloween imagery and more because I don't like the now-yearly Halloween shootout your sisters have."
You blink, a little confused what she means.
"..Really? Wait.. Yearly?"
"That's correct." Teana sighs, exhausted. "In fact, they just released a state of emergency bulletin about the possibility of a Raptors trick or treat this year, too."
"Wow." You gasp, in awe.
"So, you don't like dead things?" She kneels down, to your eye level. "You know ghosts aren't real, right?"
"I'm not worried about ghosts." You pout.
"Then why are you worried?"
This makes you shiver slightly.
"I'm scared of.. the state of being dead." You don't know how to describe it. "Like how things that are moving and talking.. will one day not.."
The blankets feel awfully comfortable right now.
"I don't want to think about it… It's scary."
Teana leans down, and runs her fingers through your hair.
"..Do you want to go to work with me today? There might be some decorations, but I can assure you none of it is scary."
Votes | Choice |
18 |
I heard that zobies attacked you some time ago...
17 |
Aren't you a elite investigator? Scary things should follow you around the galaxy!
17 |
But it's full of humans, and Echo says that humans have skeletons *inside them*.
7 |
+Oh, that's Gamma's job.
4 |
I won't be reminded of things dying, right?
3 |
Look down "Aren't you missing a piece of your standard human uniform? You could cut Raptor steel with those"
2 |
Why? Isn't your job about delivering death?
1 |
I rather stay here.. where there's blankets..
"I dunno.." You think about her offer with some intent. Surely, going with her someplace would beat cowering in this closet for the next 36 hours. "I heard that zombies attacked you some time ago.."
"They weren't *real* zombies.." Teana tries to make it sound better than your understanding of it.
"What about skeletons?" You ask this question sheepishly, "I don't like how everyone puts skeletons everywhere."
"Oh, there's no reason to fear those. There won't be any at the offices." Teana smiles.
"But it's full of humans, and Echo told me humans have skeletons inside of them."
Teana giggles, but it's not funny!
"I think you would be surprised to learn you have a skeleton inside of you, too. It's just made of alloys. Does that make you feel better?"
You think about this question for a moment, and then shake your head.
"No, that doesn't make me feel better at all."
"You should talk with Iota, then. Skeletons are everywhere. They aren't scary." Teana is trying to make you feel better but you don't feel like it is.
"But aren't you an elite investigator, too?" You are starting to think that you may just not understand much about Teana in general. "That means scary things should follow you all around the galaxy.."

"It's definitely been an.. interesting job." Teana smiles, "Scary things have definitely been following me ever since I took the job, but scary things have also decreased sharply as of late."
"Why's that?" That means there's something even bigger and SCARIER that has been eating them.
Teana kneels down to your level, and touches the end of your nose.
"Because you have a strong, big, green sister who has chased basically every scary thing in the galaxy into hiding for fear of being chopped in half by a big axe." Teana rubs your head, "And that green sister loves you more than anything in the world and would protect you no matter what. You should feel really comforted."
"W-Well, that's the other thing."
Teana blinks as she seems confused on why you would be scared, still.
Especially of what you're about to say next.
"Gamma.. I love her a bunch but..." You hope Teana doesn't tell her this, "She's scary.. Like, really scary."
"Is this about the first time you two met?" Teana guesses it right away.
"It's that but also.." You pulls the blankets closer, "It's also the way she fights. The first time we met, she was very gentle with me considering I was trying to knock her head off. It was when I saw her fighting later with the axe and the breakers and-"
You try to remember the exact moment that you realized that you were absolutely terrified of Gamma. It's hard to recall now, but you only remember-
"-It was like watching living things walk into a green blender.. That's when I got scared of dead things."

Teana processes this information for a few moments, and then nods.
"That makes perfect sense, then." She nods. "I mean Gamma has been described as being.. Spirited in battle."
"Her eyes glowed red and then she was covered in red everywhere." You shiver, "But it wasn't her red, it was red from all the people she was fighting."
Teana thinks of the way to respond to this, and then sighs.
"Well, Gamma shouldn't be there today."
"Yup, she's probably off planning whatever kind of chaos the Raptors are going to be having for Trick or Treat. So you can hide at our offices, and most of us will be out on APBs trying to extinguish the city." Teana nods, "Anyway, I gotta go, so do you want to come, still?"
Votes | Choice |
20 |
Fiiiine, but I'm bringing the blanket with me!
18 |
+...........Carry me.
7 |
..Well, okay. But as long as there are as few human skeletons as possible!
3 |
I'm kinda curious about this year's rampage. It's hard to guess who will give the first shot, but I bet on Gamma.
0 |
No, I'll hide in your home instead.
"Fiiine.." You realize that aside from shutting down for the next few days, there is no better way to avoid Halloween and pass the time than going with Teana on this one, "..But I'm bringing this blanket with me."
You tuck it close to you like a shield of armor, and Teana simply nods.
"That's okay." Teana smiles very warmly. "You can keep it with you for as long as you need to feel safe."
"..Thank you."
You push yourself to your feet using your legs, and then glance downward at yourself wrapped in the blanket.
Then you remember what Teana was telling you just a moment ago.
About how humans have skeletons in them.
About what Sierra said.
About what Teana said.
All of it comes together, and makes you immediately fold up back into the blanket before collapsing back to the closet floor.
"Uniform?" Teana seems confused at what kind of conclusion you just came to.
"Sorry I.." This one is even more embarrassed to admit, but it has made you uncomfortable. "I was thinking about how I have a skeleton inside of me and now that I'm focusing on it, I can kind of feel it."
Okay, now that you've said it out loud, it definitely sounds beyond ridiculous. Not to mention it sounds bratty and selfish to be scared of your own skeleton inside of you.
That said.
You can still feel it when you're standing.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
Oh this is going to sound even more selfish than before..
"Could you... Carry me?"
There's no way she says-
Without another word, you feel yourself being bundled in the blanket, and hoisted out of the closet.
"Ooouch-" Teana seems a bit uneasy on her feet, "This is what I get for skipping PT after joining the investigators."
"Hmm?" You don't know what PT is, but you do know that Teana's grasp is very warm.
"Never mind that, let's get to work, and you can hide in my office the whole time." Teana seems more than happy to carry you. Even though she seems to be having problems keeping you aloft or carrying you to the elevator. Either ways, it's very kind of her to bundle you into a sandwich and carry you out of the building just because you're scared of your own skeleton.
Teana is a nice person.
"So uh.." The car trip is relatively short. Most of it was just you bundling up in the blanket as you try to figure out if cars have skeletons, too. "Are you going to need me to carry you inside?"
You poke your head out of the blanket, and then see the gigantic compound in the distance.
This massive building is the TSAB headquarters. Visible from all over the city, it's the largest building on Midchilda.
"I can walk.." You want to say 'yes', but you realize that it would be impossible for her to carry you all the way to the top.
You get out of the car, continuing to wrap the blanket around you as she quickly takes your hand.
"Everything will be fine, Uni." Teana smiles. "If anything makes you uncomfortable, just tell me."
Teana's face takes on a mischievous look as she glances backwards at some other figure who is approaching.

It's your human!
"Oh, who do we have here?" Subaru doesn't see your face clearly until you flip the blanket back. "-Oh, Hi Uni. Uhh-"

"Hi Subaru." Teana smiles, "I have some questions!"
"Oh, y-you do?" Subaru seems a bit nervous, "Sure. Go ahead."
"Were you bad with skeletons, Subaru?"
This results in the strangest look on your human's face.
"How did you know about-"
Votes | Choice |
18 |
"Ah?! So it's your fault I'm scared of them?!" Raptor Dramatic pointing!
17 |
You're bad with them, too?!
17 |
Pull on Teana's sleeve, talking about the calcified ones is against the rules.
10 |
Back into the burrito.
29 = 29
15 = 15
17 = 17
1 = 1
4 = 4
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
91 = 91 (Success!)
61 = 61
4 = 4
Suddenly, all of the pieces click together like a jigsaw puzzle that finally found the one missing piece to make it complete. Revealing a whole picture of the extent of your phobias.
The strange fear of things you barely understand or have ever seen like skeletons.
Why you used to remember wetting the bed for years despite the fact you can't wet the bed, you also don't sleep in a bed, nor are you more than a year old.
Unexplainable urges to be cowering behind bigger sisters when you're more powerful than many of them.
There's only one explanation for all of this!

You point accusingly at Subaru.
"You're the reason!"
Subaru, faced with the accusations, proceeds to defend herself with a very confused-

"The fear of Halloween and dead things that none of my sisters share, the feeling of needing a big sister figure by my side at all times, and the fear that I'm going to get crushed by an automatic door when I walk through it.. THOSE ARE YOUR FEARS!"
"W-Wait!" Subaru blinks, shocked. "What was that last part? How did you know?!"
"Ohhh?" Teana suddenly appears extremely interested.
"It doesn't end there either!" You frown, and continue to list off strange idiosyncrasies which do not add up to your design statement, "How about the fear of stepping on an uneven number of sidewalk cracks!"
"HEY!" Subaru blushes, "I haven't done that in years!"
"Or the fear of tripping because you tied your shoelaces wrong because you don't know how to tie your shoelaces!"
"BAHAHAHA-" Teana bursts into laughter with your statement.
"No! It's not like that Tea! I was five!" Subaru pouts.
"Or! Or! How about the fear of dividing large, prime numbers?!"
"..Okay, that one is just you." Subaru sighs, "Don't tell me you're scared of everything, right? Even-"

"Even sitting on the toilet with the seat up, and falling in. I don't even use the toilet."
Teana seems to get the brightest smile on her face.
"Well! With that settled, let's go in and introduce you as an exact snapshot of Subaru when she was five-"
"NO! NONONO! WAIT!" Subaru suddenly springs into action, and leaps in front of Teana with her arms out. "Maybe we can think of something else to do today?!"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
"I haven't even got into the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of my mouth.. I don't know what Peanut Butter even is.."
5 |
Curl up in blanket and demand Subaru carry you, if it bothers her so much.
3 |
No! If I do anything else it will be inflicting the fear of Halloween on me!
3 |
Subaru! Is there some data from you that isn't weird or useless!?
3 |
We can watch the news while my family burn the city again...
1 |
Like fighting? That's probably what my sisters are doing...
"I haven't even got to the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of my mouth.." You pout, "I don't even know what peanut butter is.."
"I think we have some inside.." Teana smirks.
"Actually! Better idea! We can get you some Ice Cream!" Subaru seems to smile as she says that. "There's nothing to fear with ordinary Ice Cream!"
"Are you sure?" You pull the blanket closer, "I seem to remember being afraid of getting some kind of painful headache when I eat it.."
"Noo, no! That's just if you eat it too fast! Look, we can leave work and-"
"There's Ice Cream inside if you want to try it." Teana gives a sly smile.
"Shh!" Subaru puts a finger to her mouth, "No! No no, I don't want anyone knowing about this!"
"Why? I think it's cute!" Teana gives a delightful smile. "What's wrong with a few of our co-workers finding out about how cute you were as a kid?"
"Because it's really embarrassing for me!" Subaru turns to Teana with a pleading look in her eyes, "I know it looks really cute for you, but I was such a crybaby when I was a kid, that I cringe just thinking about how badly my middle school days went!"
"Why? Look at her."
Without warning, Teana sweeps you up into your arms and bundles you into the blanket as she turns you toward Subaru.
"Would you really want to hide this cuteness away from the rest of the office?!"
"If that cuteness is going to tell people about how I was a whiny scaredy cat when I was in the single-digits, then I do in fact mind!" Subaru pouts. "I'm worried she'll go into the office and start spilling my childhood secrets!"
"Secrets?" You blink, "You mean like how you slept in your sister's bed until you were thirteen?"

Without another word.
Subaru reaches out.
Gradually grabs the blanket bundle with you in it.
"H-HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" You squeal as you realize another hidden fear- The fear of being kidnapped.
"Subaruuuu! Wait!" Teana runs behind the two of you, "I was trying to hide her from Halloween! Not tease you! At least keep her away from-"
Subaru huffs and puffs as you're set down on a bench some distance away.
You peek out of the bundle just for her to run her hand through your hair.

"Uniform, please, listen." She doesn't seem upset, but her actions over the last few minutes make you think you're still in for a scolding. "I'm not angry with you for being afraid, but I just want you to maybe keep these fears to yourself."
"Why?" You pout, "They're my fears, now."
"Because, telling everyone the silly things you're afraid of will just result in you feeling bad about them later, when you conquer them. As someone who has conquered every single one of those fears, it can be embarrassing to think back on how delicate and fragile I used to be. I don't want you feeling that once you finally realize there was never a reason to be afraid."
"So.. What do I need to do?" You frown.
"I think you should take some steps to try conquering your fears. Especially the simple ones you don't quite understand like the peanut butter one."
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
44 = 44 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
37 = 37 (Fail)
66 = 66
58 = 58
"..I guess I could try beating some of those fears into submission." Truth be told, you don't know how to beat the peanut butter fear just yet, but you know it must be done.
"More than beating them into submission, maybe you should try conquering them instead!" Subaru laughs.
"What's the difference?" You blink. It seems like she's just using a synonym of beating.
"Conquering isn't just destroying the things that make you afraid, it's also being able to face your fear and say that it doesn't bother you anymore!"
"I don't see how that's ever going to happen." You frown. "It would be different if it were just one fear, but there are so many fears that they outnumber me by a huge margin."
"That's the great thing about fears!" Subaru seems to be speaking from experience. "You don't have to conquer them all at once."
"..I don't?"
"Nope!" She smiles, "All you have to do is conquer one of them, one every single day, and eventually you'll be free of all your fear and anxiety!"
That's an interesting way of looking at things.
"So you're saying fears are serialized?" This explains everything.
"Huh?" Subaru blinks.
"Fears are just unknowns that have to be conquered in single-file." You feel as if you've just unlocked a massive secret. "So really, this is an organizational problem."
"It's sort of like that." Subaru tries to give you the best logic she can, "It's more-"
Subaru immediately hunches forward, and hides you and herself behind one of the cars you find yourself near. Teana continues shouting as she waltzes by.
Her shouting gets slowly quieter as you ask Subaru a question that you have right now.
"You're not really over your fears, are you?"
"Why do you say that?" She blinks.
"Because you seem pretty scared of being caught by Teana right now.." You point out the obvious hypocrisy of her actions.
Subaru thinks about it for a second, and then giggles.

"When you get a girlfriend, you'll understand."
You seem to get a flash of images in your head of what would happen if you were caught right now..

One of them seems to involve a small shortstack shaped like Foxtrot beating you with a hammer…
Votes | Choice |
5 |
+Why are you afraid of Big Foxtrot?
5 |
You also look pretty scared after Big Foxtrot defeated you, maybe you could show me how to confront your fears very soon if you want...
3 |
I suddenly realize that I have another fear.
3 |
Okay! what fear should I face first?
0 |
Uhh... maybe we should get inside.
"One question." You glance upward at Subaru, your hands pulling the tiny blanket closer to yourself, "Why are you afraid of Big Foxtrot?"
"Big Foxtr-" Subaru seems to look a combination of embarrassed and fearful. "-Because she's the demon captain of the TSAB training corps. I had many, many sleepless nights thinking of her forcing me to run, nonstop, for six miles every morning."
"Ohh, I guess that makes sense. So is she scary?"
"Only if you're a new recruit. Anyway, we should get inside before Teana finds us."
"Okay." You still don't feel confident with this answer, "You also looked pretty scared after Big Foxtrot defeated you. Maybe you could show me how to confront your fears if you want.."
"I work in the rescue corps, now. So thankfully I shouldn't have to face Big Foxtrot again anytime soon." Subaru seems almost relieved to be saying that about her former CO.
"In that case, can I meet her?" You have an idea that may be an easy one to face, "I think she may be the one small fear I have that I might be able to face right now."
"That's.. not a bad idea." Subaru seems to actually agree with you on that one. "She should be in today, and if I meet her, then Teana can't claim I'm skipping work with you in tow, then."
She gently takes your hand, and then slowly guides you toward the building.
"Let's go before Teana finds out we're leaving her out here." Your human smiles in a confident way that you someday hope to replicate.
"Ah, have you seen Vita around?"
The brown-haired girl at the desk seems to nod as Subaru approaches.

"She's outside putting up decorations for Halloween."
"D-" You pull the blanket closer. "Decorations?!"
"Ohh, and who is this cutie?" The brown-haired girl smiles encouragingly at you. "Hello, Uniform. It's been a while."
"H-Hi Shario." You know her as 'That brown-haired girl who wanted to examine you with all your clothes off'. "I hope I'm not interrupting."
"No! no, you're fine." Shario seems more than eager to accommodate you. "In fact, you're just in time for our Halloween party."
"I didn't hear about this..." Subaru blinks.
"It's a surprise party that we're having today. We're having it a bit early so we can take off and go be with our kids... I mean, those of us that have- Nevermind." Shario seems a bit sheepish sharing that information. "Anyway! Any plans for you?"
"Well..." Then, Subaru seems sheepish as well. "No.."
"No parties, nothing?"

"Ahahah, ahhh..." Subaru seems evasive, "M..Maybe a uh.. If Teana says something. Otherwise, I'll see what's around later."
"Y-Yeah..." Shario mumbles, "Maybe I'll do the same.."
For some reason, the atmosphere seems very dour right now.
"OH! There's Vita!" Shario's eyes light up, "Down the hall, to the left."
"Got it! Thanks Shari!"
You follow Subaru, now aware that the spirit of Halloween could be lurking behind any corner. You take the left which Shario instructed you to do, and you're face-to-face with-
"Vita!" Subaru smiles as she greets her former CO.
"Oh, Subaru. Good, help me hang these decorations."
In her hands...

She has a lot of cut-out plastic skeletons! Dozens of them!
"Awww, Vita, we're not here for that!"
"Who's the scary ghost you brought with you?" Vita smiles, leaning in closer.

As she leans closer, the skeletons seem to approach, "You're supposed to drape that blanket more over your head, you know."
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
2 = 2 (Fail)
51 = 51
49 = 49
6 = 6
64 = 64
7 = 7
50 = 50
29 = 29
76 = 76
"Aa- aa-"
That was ALMOST a complete sentenced uttered toward the looming Big-Foxtrot.
Really, if it were translated to a form that humans could understand, it would likely go along the lines of 'Oh no! Keep the calcified humans away! We can discuss this at distance!'
Instead, it was only communicated as a series of squeaks and very inaudible gasps. Time seems to slow as Big Foxtrot grins with a warm glow.
Okay, now you want to emote another reaction. One that reflects both the simulated terror of seeing this person in front of you smiling a big, toothy grin combined with your artificial memories of what it means when she's wearing a big, toothy grin (usually accompanied by swinging a hammer and causing widespread fires and chaos), and another that reflects the very real terror of her army of hungry skeletons dancing in her arms.
Is what it would have sounded like if you were able to vocalize your second gut reaction.
Instead, it's simply translated as a bunch of shivering and some more squeaking which may have been, at the very least, some kind of message if the squeaks could be interpreted as morse code.
Unfortunately, it is neither, instead this 'Vita' simply stands motionless in front of you. Leaving you to suffer in silence.
You decide to defer to tertiary reaction senses. Which hasn't worked before, but at the very least may provide at least some kind of reply.
What are your tertiary reactions for this point in time? Social combat.
"Thanks!" NO! DON'T THANK HER! "I knew something was missing."
Much to your surprise, the next reaction of your social systems after thanking her is to pull the blanket over your head. Thus, protecting you from both the fiery redhead and the marching skeletons.
Somehow this reaction...
Is working.
While you're aware that the skeletons loom just outside of the blanket, the fact that you can't see them has provided your other senses ample time to regroup and form some kind of triage for your completely blown nerves.
"Is.. something wrong with her?" Vita notices your delayed reaction, and goes back to chatting with Subaru.
"She's learning to conquer some fears, and I think some of them involve Halloween decorations."
"Oh, OH!-" You hear a jiggle as the skeleton army marches away, possibly hidden out of view. "Okay, you can look now, Uni."
You peek very gently out of the blanket, and notice that it's just Vita in her witches outfit, no skeletons or other undead warriors accompanying her.
"See? Everything is fine now!" Vita smiles, again. "There's nothing to fear!"
Except the chill that just went up your spine as you see her teeth.
This is it..
You're going invisible, now.
Used: Raptor Fade
Just as quickly as you peeked at the mighty smile of the powerful mage in front of you, you've vanished from view almost completely. Your vision fades as light is bent around your skin.
"Did.." Vita blinks, "Did you just turn invisible?"
You feel Subaru pull the blanket back to reveal that it appears to be floating in mid-air, now.
"Wow, great costume, Uniform." Subaru teases you, "Now you're just like a real ghost."

"Uniform.. You don't have anything to be scared of." Vita thinks she's helping, but she's not. "You can turn invisible at-will. That, alone, makes you more combat capable than many of the mages in this building."
Votes | Choice |
26 |
Fears are not rational and Subaru's fears are even weirder!
17 |
But it doesn't make me scarier than HALLOWEEN!!
13 |
Many of the mages in the building also can't fight their way out of a paper bag, so that's not a huge benchmark.
7 |
I've seen movies! I know that Jason guy can teleport!!
5 |
+Become distracted by the prominent Ahoge on Big Foxtrot
3 |
At most, raptor fade makes me a candidate for the position of final girl when something attack!
2 |
Don't care, they're scary and that's what matters..
2 |
I know! But my entire family looks like characters from terror movies! I have a big sister that loves axes and another that loves swords and they both love cutting things with together!
2 |
Wait, what's that image on big Foxtrot's shirt...
1 |
If you can't see humans' skeletons inside their bodies, that also means THEY are invisible, which makes THEM the most combat-capable thing in the building!
74 = 74
59 = 59
3 = 3
81 = 81
62 = 62
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
58 = 58 (Fail)
39 = 39
16 = 16
100 = 100
"Fears are not rational."
You pull the blanket off of your head.
"-and Subaru's fears are even weirder!" You pout, "Did you know she's afraid of losing jewelry under the couch?!"
"You're WHAT?!"
"No! I'm not afraid of that anymore!" Subaru huffs at the tiny red-head, who is now giving the biggest grin ever. "That was just a thing in middle school when I didn't have any Jewelry that was real except one or two rings!"
"This isn't about her! This is about me!" You try to keep Vita on track, "I can have all of the Raptor abilities in the world but I can't be any scarier than HALLOWEEN!!"
With that final yelp, you disappear below the blanket once again. Which is actually counter-productive because you can't fade the blanket like you can your Barrier Jacket.
"I think you're way scarier than Halloween, Uniform." Vita tries patting your head, "I mean, you have incredible combat capabilities already, and you're just as strong if not stronger than every single Halloween monster. Most of the mages wouldn't be able to fight a Frankenstein or a Vampire, but you can!"
"Most of the mages in the building also can't fight their way out of a paper bag. So that's not a huge benchmark." You mumble back.
This causes Vita to put on an irritated stare.
"Hey, I trained most of those mages, and they're good for human mages."
"Then why aren't they scared of Halloween?"
That seems to make something in Vita's face twitch a bit.
"You know, maybe you should seek out Nanoha. She may have more experience with frightened children than I do."
"Ooh, good idea!" Subaru smiles, "We'll let you get back to putting up decorations."
"Thanks for trying to help, Big Foxtrot." You bow slightly, but forget that you're still invisible and she didn't see it.
You drop the fade as you walk, your hand pulled on by Subaru as she guides you to the next person in the building who may be able to defeat your fear of everything.
"And another thing-" Subaru lectures you as you walk, "No telling other people about my fears when I was young. I know you're still struggling with them, but other people having knowledge of it isn't going to help solve those particular problems."
"It isn't?" You blink.
"We need to focus on a few fears at a time, and today the focus is 'Halloween'. Oh! There's Nanoha."
You're led to a big-Hotel shaped person. Her brown-hair and beautiful violet eyes make you blink as you seem to feel something stir within.
"Nanoha!" Subaru greets her.
"Oh! Subaru!" The beautiful auburn-haired angel smiles. Her voluptuous form struggles slightly in her witch costume. "Good morning!"
"Morning Nanoha." Subaru seems just as happy as you are to see her, "Love the outfit."
"Eheh, thanks. Hayate bought almost everyone she knows a witch outfit this year."
"Everyone she.. knows?"
"Yup! Fate and Echo have one, even X-Ray!" Nanoha almost seems to be bragging about Hayate's wardrobe-seeking skills.
This causes Subaru to ask a pointed question.
"Are.. Are they all as.. low-cut as this one?"
"Yeah, that's the one downside, I don't have a bra that I could wear with it. Anyway!" She leans down toward you as she says this, creating a very obvious jiggle as she does so, "Hi Uniform! What brings you here today?"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Teana and Subaru carrying me around.
6 |
5 |
I'm scared of the skeleton parts of Halloween. I like the Witch parts though..
5 |
I tried to hide from Halloween, but somehow ended up here... I blame Subaru.
5 |
Vita suggested I ask you ou— I mean ask you about a problem I have.
3 |
Try to suppress strange red-and-pink feelings inside.
3 |
"Thankfully *not* Gamma's "Raptor Kick"....this time"
2 |
I forgot.
2 |
"Teana and Subaru carrying me around, mostly." You're not sure what the question was supposed to be asking, "I LOVE your outfit, by the way!"
"Oh, thanks! You look just like Hayate when I showed her my outfit!" The beautiful woman smiles, warmly.
This results in Subaru glancing downward at you.
Examining your face, closely.
Then, her eyes widen with some fear of her own.
Meanwhile, you're grappling with some new feelings you've just discovered are now part of your core set of abilities. A light blush spreads across your cheeks as you start to examine all of the frills and the accents of her witchy costume that presses and lifts her storage tanks.
You feel a sharp tug on your hand as Subaru seems to be trying to move you behind her.
"Anyway!" Subaru immediately replies before you're able to talk, "We were just passing by! Do you maybe know where Fate is right now?"
"Eheh, she'll be in a bit later. Vivio was late for the train and she had to drive her." Nanoha smirks, making you realize that almost everything she does is really quite adorable.
What kind of magic is this? Is she actually a witch?

No, no no no don't lean down again. You're not sure you can-
"-But I did want to ask you, Uniform. I heard from a little voice that you're wanting to ask me something. Want to tell me about it?"
"Y-YES!" Wait wait, that was too eager and to sudden. Be a bit more discrete about it, okay? "Vita suggested that I ask you ou-"
There's that tugging on your hand again.
"-I mean ask you about a problem I have!" Whew, saved it.
"Want to tell me a bit more about this problem?"
The problem is that I'm not your daughter and don't live in your house.
"I'm scared of the skeleton parts of Halloween.." You pull the blanket a bit closer to yourself in hopes of your feelings being a bit less visible, "I tried to hide from Halloween, but somehow ended up here."
"Wow, how did that happen?"
"I don't know, I blame Subaru." You huff.
"WELL! That's kind of what happened, yeah." Subaru laughs, "She seems to have inherited some of my fears from when I was about her age."
"Wow! That's cute!" Nanoha smiles.
"You really think so?!" The hood flies off, and my eyes glisten.
"That's cute for you but it's really embarrassing for me, so any advice you can give her on conquering these fears and getting over them is worth it."
"Oh, I have some advice." She smiles, and then nods.
You seem to have immediately forgotten your worries for a second the moment she says that.
"What can I do about it?!"
"It's easy!" She smiles, "Don't worry about it."
This causes you to blink.
"Simple, trying to fight your fears all at once will just lead to stress, and stress just makes it worse. So, you should instead focus on trying not to worry about it. If it makes you uncomfortable, there's nothing wrong with being scared or running away."
Votes | Choice |
8 |
That... coming from Hotel's human? Why she didn't inherit your wisdom!? Her advice would be to get more upgrades and cartridges!
7 |
I can't really run away from ALL of these fears, they're everywhere!
5 |
A bit hard to do that when my human and her coupling unit keep dragging me wherever they want.
4 |
Oh, so I should hide every Halloween?
2 |
Umm, I don't think that's very helpful when Halloween is all around me..
2 |
"You know, my sister Gamma likes to say hugs solve everything. Mabye hugging you would be my panacea for all my fears"
1 |
+for instance, did you know Subaru is scared of zombies with their skins peeling off?!
35+48+15 = 98
You blink, and feel a bit of awe swell in your stomach for this mythical human.

"-coming from HOTEL'S human?!" Of course, it's because she's such a level-headed and wonderful woman. "Why didn't she inherit your wisdom?! Her advice would be to buy more weapons and/or cartridges!"
"Right, Hotel is a special case that I'm still trying to grapple with." Nanoha scratches the back of her head, causing her big witches hat to tilt. "In any case, trying to stress out over these fears will just make the fears worse! It's best to simply come to terms with them on your own time."
"That could take forever, though. I'm scared of Halloween, now." You don't seem to feel like this has helped your situation very much. "I can't run away from ALL of these fears, they're everywhere!"
"Then, can I suggest something to you, Subaru?"
The blue-haired clone of you blinks. "Hmm?"
"Maybe what she needs to do is try to find a way to cope with Halloween on her own. I know you want to help her, but maybe your pushing isn't exactly in her comfort zone."
"Ohh, Well, actually it's a funny story how I got involved." Subaru smiles, and rubs the back of her head, "You see, Uniform was hiding in Teana's closet this morning-"
"-From Halloween, let's make that clear." You want to be sure that you don't look too dorky to your newest best friend.
"-From Halloween, yes." Subaru nods, "And Teana's solution was to bring her to work to maybe find some way to cope with it."
"So you're saying it's her fault?"
"So.. why do you have her then?" Nanoha points out the obvious flaw in Subaru's logic.
"That's because I 'liberated' her from Tea, and I'm giving her a tour instead!"
"Uh huh. So now, you're dragging her from fear-to-fear in hopes she conquers them?"
"Uniform, have you felt like you've conquered your fears?" Oh no, she's leaning down again.
"It's kind of hard to do that when my human and her coupling unit keep dragging me wherever they want."
Nanoha then looks back at Subaru, and sighs. Your human only glances at you like you've said something utterly unbelievable.
"Uniform, what do you want to do?" Nanoha instead offers a different alternative.
2 = 2
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
69 = 69 (Success!)
96 = 96
52 = 52
That was the feeling of a SHARP SQUEEZE by the Blue-Haired human lookalike who is attached to your hand right now. Indicating that you had just said something incredibly unkind, rude, or otherwise completely accurate unwise thing to say.
"I mean!" You get the hint as it spreads through your palm, "I want to go with you! You know, H-Hang out."
This results in what was going to be another squeeze right on the palm of your hand. However! Nanoha seems receptive to the idea.
"Really? You want me to show you around, now?"
"I-I want to see what my sisters are doing." You feel a bit sheepish asking such a beautiful lady such a strange request.
"Ahah, right- They may be currently uh... Having fun out in the city." Nanoha looks a bit wary saying that. "I'm currently waiting response calls to possibly Raptor attacks, so going to see them won't be possible right now."
"That's fine! Maybe we can hang some skeleton humans then." This may work as a good excuse. "Maybe that will help cure my fear of them?"
"That sounds great!" Nanoha smiles, and then glances at Subaru. "You don't have a problem with me taking her with me, do you?"
"Yes, actual-" She responds a little too quickly, and then tempers herself. "I mind just a little bit. Uniform, you're going to be interrupting her very important work, you know."
"I don't mind, not at all!" Nanoha smiles, and then leans back down to your eye-level. "Want to go with me?"
"Yes!" You manage to temper yourself just in time to also thank her for the possibility of getting a bit closer to this wonderful woman. "Thank you so much! Subaru, I'll see you around!"
"Wait!" Subaru seems to be trying to stop you, but you've already bolted over to Nanoha's side, and wrapped your arms around her from the side. She struggles a bit to walk as you press her face against her shoulder.
"Haha, I can't really walk if you're holding me like that." She giggles. "Maybe I could carry you instead?"
"I-If you don't mind-" Stop cheeks, stop turning red, "I'd like to be carried in a hug."
Subaru's face.
Is absolutely livid.
She may not be saying it, but you can tell that's not a smile of kindness.
Nanoha simply turns to you, and without missing a beat, sweeps you into a carry as if you were made of paper instead of metal.
The act of strength both impresses you, and causes you to blush.
In those arms, her powerful yet capable arms gently cradle you as your left face-to-face with this wonderful human.
"There, there.." Nanoha's words are both comforting, and creating a very powerful burning feeling deep in your stomach.
"Eheh.." You unintentionally giggle. "Thank you."

Maybe you're pushing your luck, but you gently lean your head over and rest them against her storage tanks. She cradles you into them.
"T-That's not fair.." Subaru makes a very unintentional comment you're sure she didn't mean to make.
"Mm?" Nanoha blinks, "What do you mean, Subaru?"
You're 'her', or what she was, when she was about your height. Right? That means she must be feeling the same kind of burning for her, deep down. Even if she has Teana, now. Are you doing something wrong? Maybe giving Subaru conflicting feelings?
Votes | Choice |
25 |
Gently play with her hair and forget Subaru exists.
15 |
Stick your tongue out at Subaru.
11 |
"I think it's time to get going, We'll be seeing you Su-bar-u"
9 |
Lean your head over and smile smugly at her.
6 |
I'm sure someone else needs your help, Suu! Ehhh, Shario is right there! Alone!
4 |
Maybe you're going too far! Maybe it's time to pull it back a little.
You decide to push these thoughts aside by gently taking one of her auburn locks in your hand, twirling it around your index finger. You can tell this action is making Subaru pout out of the corner of your eye.
"What I mean is-" Subaru tries her best to maintain her composure as she notices you slowly stroking the small lock of hair. Twirling it like a prized ribbon between your fingers. "I don't think it's fair that I bring little Uniform to work and that I don't get to show her around."
Hah, Liar! Subaru is a big, terrible liar!
"Now, now, you remember what Wendi said about monopolizing Raptors, right?" Nanoha continues to cradle you as you gradually forget that Subaru is even standing there.
"'No monopolizing Raptors because they're not children and it could give them a warped sense of reality.'" Subaru repeats the rule as if she's well aware of what the letter of it says, but cares very little about the meaning. "This is different, though. I promised time to her and I think I should maybe spend it."
"It's fine, she's not a burden." Nanoha misunderstands completely, "I'll show her around the Aces' offices, and maybe she can even help put up some decorations."
"Yes, that sounds good." You rest your head on her shoulder as she practically cradles you. Which is impressive considering you already stand up to her chest at normal height. "I think it's time to get going, then. We'll be seeing you, Su- bar- u."
You're sure to extend that last syllable out as long as you can until Nanoha starts to walk away.
"Yeah, but-"
Subaru is trying to say something, but Nanoha is already one-foot down the hallway.
From over your shoulder, you stick your tongue out at Subaru. She makes the most frustrated, pouty, and most of all; jealous face as you round the corner, and she disappears from view.
It only takes several seconds for you to completely forget that Subaru was even there. The combination of a warm touch, her fragrant hair, her bountiful storage devices, and soft, motherly voice has completely carried away all fears of Halloween.
Truly, you have found the one human who is more powerful than Halloween itself. The thoughts of the calcified humans have long since left your mind with her soothing, witchy touch.
"Oh! Nanoha!"
Your head turns as you're snapped out of this bliss to see a very special sight.

Big witchy November!
"Hey Fate!" Nanoha leans over the top of you, and gives Big November a peck on the cheek. This action of both ignoring you but giving Big November a kiss results in more than a little jealously boiling deep in your core.
However, you put it out of your head with the realization that you're still closer to her storage units than Big November, and enjoy the feeling of them squishing against your body.
"Hey, is that Uniform?" Fate smiles, "Hi Uniform!"
"Hello." You give her the lightest and most appropriate greeting.
"Uniform is scared of Halloween things, so I thought it would help if she were to help decorate."
"Oh, that'd be wonderful!"
Fate reaches into a small bag you weren't paying enough attention to earlier to notice.
Her hand slips out, and-

5 = 5
39 = 39
92 = 92
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
73 = 73 (Success!)
47 = 47
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
28 = 28 (Fail)
63 = 63
92 = 92
21 = 21
90 = 90
97 = 97

A well-groomed wolf lays on the floor of the Commander's office, catching his mid-afternoon nap before his meeting later with his proteges in martial arts. His schedule for the day is very busy; rookie training at 7:00, security meeting at 9:00, his nap right now, and in just thirty minutes, a spellcaster exam with a couple of the Raptors.
Really, if he didn't catch brief breaks like this, he would likely age all of his dog-years in the blink of an eye. This is his brief reprise befor-
"WHAT IS THAT SOUND?!" He bolts upright, growling at the walls as a high-pitched frequency invades his master's office! The wine glasses hidden deep in his master's drawers start to vibrate, and crack!
"Hmm?" Fate stares at you as your high-pitched squeal oscillates in frequencies completely unknown to the human ear.
With that EXTREMELY embarrassing yelp, you immediately climb onto Nanoha's shoulders with all the agility of a cat that just heard a loud sound. This immediately causes Fate to jump slightly as Nanoha simply maintains her cool composure.
"Haha.. Fate deary, can you not do that while the person who is afraid of Halloween is right here?"
"Ahh! I'm sorry!" Fate immediately puts the spiders back into the bag. Your immediate fear subsides as she gently whispers, "They're fake, Uniform. Fake spiders."
Which makes a very unhappy Nanoha sigh.
"Come on Fate, you should know better than to scare poor Uniform like that." She sighs, and eyes Fate with disappointment.
"I'm sorry!" Fate tries to calm your fears, "They're just fake! I didn't think you were that scared of them!"
You climb off of Nanoha's shoulders, and settle back in her arms once again.
"Not scared!" Really, you're sure someone believes that. "I'm just.. surprised! That's all!"
"I think we should try to find ways to ease Uniform into the Halloween spirit, then her fears may disappear." Nanoha sighs.
"Oh!" Fate seems to have a brilliant idea, which causes you to flinch. "What about the virtual arena?"
"..The Arena?"
"Yeah, she's a Raptor, right? All of them are combat addicts." Fate seems to state that as if it's the most true thing in the world, "If she beats up some holographic Halloween monsters, maybe that will help her get over her fears of them?"
"Hmm.." Nanoha, also being a combat addict, seriously considers this, "That's what I would do.. I don't know, what do you think, Uniform?"
Votes | Choice |
9 |
Should I mention I'm not a combat junkie!?
8 |
+That assessment is true for everybody except me.
6 |
I'm the search and rescue unit, so this is like ask Sierra to beat someone.
5 |
Well, combat isn't scary, at least. Unless it's against... certain sisters...
2 |
That's a very unfair assessment of Raptors!
2 |
Uhh on second thought maybe I should go back to Subaru.
2 |
That's a stereotype!
2 |
Now you sound like Hote.
1 |
If that's supposed to work, why not use the real thing? That should be more efficient.
0 |
Sounds.. fun!
This would be an excellent line of thought if it were applied to any one of your sisters.
Except for you (and maybe Iota and Sierra).
While you're glad that their heart is in the right place; you should put the stop to this before it spins out of control.
"Uh excuse me." They seem to be forgetting something very important. "Should I mention that I'm not a combat junkie?"
This causes Nanoha to simply blink as if she can't process this.
"That assessment that combat would make everything better is true for everybody, except for me." You don't mention Iota and Sierra because you're not sure if it's true for them, either. "I'm the Search and Rescue unit, so this is like asking Sierra to beat someone."
"I've seen Sierra beat someone." Fate mentions this unknown fact immediately.
This makes you blink with confusion.
"You've seen Sierra beat someone?"
Both of them nod their head.
"Sierra is scary when she wants to be."
"Plus all of her 'medicines'." Nanoha shivers as she says this, "Frankly, I would rather get hit with Gamma's axe than one of Sierra's needles."
They simply stare at each other as if there's a mutual understanding between them.
This just raises more questions than answers in your head.
"Wait, so it really is just me who isn't a combat junkie?" You feel confused. "What about Iota?"
"Iota doesn't participate in combat persay, but she does monitor all combat situations via her Datalink."
"Yeah, she's probably seen more combat situations than most of the actual combat raptors because of that."
This causes them to simply stare at each other in understanding, once again. It seems the Raptors have quite a reputation that they uphold, quite nicely.
So, what is wrong with you, then?
"Well, combat itself isn't scary. Unless it's against..." Okay, you now realize why they are staring at each other, "..Certain.. Sisters."
"Exactly." Both of them repeat, at exactly the same time. "There's a good reason we believed that combat may make you feel better. If only because it seems to be the rule with Raptors."
"However, if you're not comfortable with it, we can find some other way. Like.. watching scary movies?"
"Ooh! This new one just came out, maybe we should all go see it together?" Nanoha suddenly proposes another idea that gives your circuits pause for thought (and terror).
Votes | Choice |
8 |
So clearly.. the best way to fight Halloween is to stick to Nanoha?
5 |
Maybe I should go look for Teana! Teana! Where are you?!
5 |
I think... I could handle a scary movie if I had someone reassuring to hold onto.
4 |
Scary movies? W-.. What kind?
4 |
Is there a terror movie that feels familiar? Maybe full of machines fighting?
3 |
Nope. If I'm going to test my cyber nerves, then I prefer in a situation where I can punch back.
0 |
Uhh.. Maybe I could try combat, then? I'm not very good at it.
"M-Maybe-" You're starting to have second thoughts! Second thoughts! "Scary.. movies?"
"Sure, is that a problem?"
Scary movies mean scary Halloween.
It means moving pictures with monsters and creatures in them!
It means animated versions of calcified humans!
"Maybe I should go look for Teana?!" You laugh, and try to hold back your imminent urge to leap from her arms and run screaming away. "T-Teana?! Where are you?"
"Aww, so no scary movies?"
No, no no NO!
Her violet eyes seem to dance as you look her right in her face. How can a woman possibly be so beautiful!?
"Well.. Clearly.." You start talking without thinking, "The best way to fight Halloween is to stick to Nanoha.."
Wait, is that true?! All you know is that your artificial heart nearly lept out of your chest when you nearly got lost in her eyes!
"I mean, I was thinking we could watch a number of scary movies. Make it a horror night, all to ourselves!" Fate chimes in with a smile.
"Ooh, and we could probably get Vivio and her friends involved, as well!" Nanoha smiles, "She would understand if we told her why we were doing it!"
"Wait.. You're going to invite economy sized humans to watch these things?!"
"Hmm?" Nanoha blinks, "Of course. Vivio and Rio love scary movies. I'm sure they're probably thinking of something like that already.
This seems to put a dent in your pride as not just a Raptor but also as someone who is modeled to be older than either economy sized human.
They both get to watch scary movies on their own, and they're not the least bit terrified?
So, what would it look like if you were dragged there, sat down in front of the television, and started to freak out?
You would not just be an embarrassment to yourself, but to all your sisters, too!
"Maybe.." No no, you can't stand for this. You're going to conquer this fear and not show weakness in front of the humans! "I think I could handle a scary movie.. if I had someone reassuring to hold onto.."
"That's the spirit!" Nanoha gives you a VERY comforting hug that mashes you right into her storange devices. "Let's plan for a scary movie night after work!"
"Yeah!" Fate gets into it, too. "I'll text Vivio and we'll see if Rio, Einhart.. Maybe all of her friends can come over!"
"A-" You realize that you may have made a grave error. "All of her friends? How many?"
"Like six or so.." Fate smiles, "Heheh.. This'll be a great night to remember, just you wait Uniform!"
Oh, now you realize a big problem. Which is another deep-seated fear.
The fear of being socially awkward during an important event.
Hours pass as you follow Nanoha around like a lost puppy. Clinging to her leg sometimes while she simply laughs and puts up Halloween decorations.
At some point, Teana does manage to find you. Nanoha and Fate explain what they were planning to do later, and to make things worse-

"Oh, sure-" Teana smiles, "That seems like a great idea."
You don't know how you've wronged Teana, or why she seems so happy to be volunteering you for scary movie night. However-
"I'll let you two take Uniform for the time being, then." Teana doesn't help get you out of it, at all! "I can pick her up tomorrow."
You give up all hope of Teana bailing you out before the fears of social combat and scary Halloween collide in what is going to be a massive step back for Raptor-kind.
Which leaves you, in the back seat of Fate's car, slowly driving to the place you're going to be held hostage by social anxiety. Your circuits telling you to speak up and explain you've gotten yourself into an uncomfortable situation, overridden by the circuits telling you not to embarrass yourself in front of your idols by telling them you're afraid of fictional moving pictures.
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
46 = 46 (Fail)
84 = 84
92 = 92
36 = 36
10 = 10
50 = 50
26 = 26
18 = 18
What you can do right now to dispel the unease inside of you is to not focus on the negatives.
Instead, you should focus on the positives.
Really, them offering to do this for a total stranger is something that most people would never consider. While you're a bit more than a 'total stranger' to the Aces at this point. It's still impressive that they appear to have redesigned their entire Halloween night around helping you conquer some silly fears.
You're sure that your sisters would have done the same, but-
"..Thanks for not dragging me out to smash some monsters and/or humans dressed as monsters." You give a slight bow from the back-seat to the blonde woman driving the car. "I really appreciate it."
"Hmm?" Fate seems a bit pre-occupied with driving, "What do you mean- Oh."
She suddenly realizes what the alternative would be to you getting over your fears by watching some movies.
"It's just.. Having a nice night without explosions is better than going with my sisters and having a night with explosions." You huff, "The other Raptors seem to think I just haven't smashed enough things to discover its fun, rather than me simply not enjoying it."
"Then, in that case I'm the one who should be thanking you." Fate flashes a smile while keeping her eyes on the road. "Dealing with setting up a fun movie night is way better for me as a parent and as a guardian than having to clean up yet another Halloween Raptor massacre."
"Thankfully, those seem to have gone down." You sigh.
"Ahah.. so far tonight." Fate adds that last part as if she thinks the night is too young to be making blanket statements like that.
You feel the car pull up into a driveway, and then pull to a stop.
"We're here!" Fate smiles as she turns around in her seat. "I think Nanoha and Vivio beat us home. Let's go in and say 'Hi!'."
"Just, one more thing?"
Fate blinks as you make one final, selfish request. You feel a little sheepish asking this, even after they've done so much for you.
"Just.. please don't show anything too scary?"
Yes, you still have the blanket in-hand.
Yes, you still feel embarrassed about gripping it for security.
Yes, you're still gripping it right now.
Fate seems to understand your anxiety, and smiles in the most warm manner.
"Of course, Uniform." She smiles, "If you feel uncomfortable about anything we watch tonight, just say something, okay?"
You're not sure why, but that gesture alone means the world to you.
You walk under your own power inside of the house, looking forward to cuddling up to Nanoha's fuel bunkers on the couch.
When, you see them-
"Hi Uniform!"
Oh, there isn't just Vivio and Rio here.
It's all of Vivio's friends. The four girls seem to materialize out of thin-air as you walk inside. They've already started watching something on the TV, and have found proper places to sit under their own blankets. Munching away at heat-blasted kettle corn.
Slowly, you feel the lack of social combat abilities start to haunt you, again.
Votes | Choice |
9 |
"H-Hi! I'm Uniform?!"
6 |
+Smile and wave Uni, smile and wave
3 |
Hide under blanket.
3 |
+ S-so who-o's ready for movie night
3 |
Hello, smol humans.
0 |
Pretend you didn't hear them.
19 = 19
37+57 = 94
"H-Hi!" You bow a LITTLE too fast as to make it look like you just whipped your head at an unnatural speed. "I'm Uniform?!"
Okay! Okay! Social combat failed! That means you have to rely on your only other tool!
You put on an unnaturally long, toothy grin that is sure to show off the artificial whitening done to every one of your false teeth.
You then put your hand up as robotically as anyone would describe you.
Then, you flop your wrist back and forth at the pace of a dog grabbing a chew-toy and rough-housing with it.
Surely, that was enough of an introduction to let them know everything they needed to about you, right?
It has now reached your circuits how stilted and artifical that 'introduction' was. Which, in a way, is exactly what everyone needed to know about you.
Your eyes widen, and you simply stare at the four girls as time slows down, and you feel a little bit of a haze enter your mind.
This is it, you've messed up. You only get one first-impression, and your first-impression was-
Without ANY WARNING AT ALL two of the girls have entered melee combat with you, and are actively grappling with your-
This is a hug.
You're trapped in a hug between two of the girls as they, despite being 'economy sized humans', are roughly your height. They give you a gently squeeze from both sides as you simply freeze, and stand as still as you possibly can.
"Now, now, give her some space." Fate saves you from making another high-pitched sound. "She's still trying to learn how to socialize properly."
"So I heard you're, like, a robot!" There's a white-haired human on the couch, who also happened to have found a witch outfit somehow, who is peering over the back of it. Her eyes glistening as if she just heard the coolest thing in the world.
"Uhh." You're not sure how to respond to that.
"Corona, please don't be rude to our guest." Fate scolds the white-haired witch. "She's not a 'robot', she's a 'Raptor'."
"No, no, it's fine." You don't want to seem like the label offends you, because it doesn't. "I'm a type of 'robot' called a Raptor."
With a gentle bow, much slower than before, you give a better introduction to yourself.
"It's a pleasure to meet you."
This makes the economy sized humans pause.
"It's good to meet you too, Uniform." This 'Corona' person continues having a.. what kind of look on her face does she have? "Come here, sit next to me!"
You get the feeling her intentions are not pure, somehow.
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
36 = 36 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
33 = 33 (Fail)
13 = 13
63 = 63
69 = 69
16 = 16
Okay, this is another problem with being the introvert of the family.
Lacking social combat protocols does not mean you lack any 'stranger danger' protocols. In fact, you're more than well-tuned on the concept of untrustworthy humans who may try to take advantage of you.
After all.. your own human tried to when she first tried to give you a bath.
You put THOSE scary memories out of your head, and instead focus on the current scary situation.
Strange girl.
Small couch.
Her face is more than enthusiastic to invite you to sit near her.
She has her own blanket.
She's.. already preparing the spot you'll be sitting inside the blanket with her.
The stranger danger module is overheating, right now.
"Uniform, are you okay?" Fate asks, noticing you simply stop for what would be considered slightly awkward for humans, but was an eternity for Raptors.
"I'm fine let's get tothefilmandquick!"
You immediately try to put those thoughts aside. After all, she's just a tiny human girl, what could she possibly do to you? Probably nothing compared to skeletons or vampires.
Which is the thing you should be worried about. The television is playing some black-and-white show with a very creepy looking man on it. It already unsettles you.
You sit down next to Corona, and she suddenly moves in closer, and throws the blanket around your shoulders.
"Um." You blink.
"It's okay, it's a scary movie, we should get closer during it." She whispers.
You're about to say something, but then you realize all of Vivio's friends have already started cuddling next to one another while eating some kind of human snack.
So you guess it's just how things are done between humans during scary movie time.
You allow her to wrap the blanket around your shoulder, and then she gently sits next to you.
There are a few things that are a bit concerning, such as-
"You.. Kind of look like one of my sisters."
"Oh, is that so?" Corona seems a bit more open to discussing that kind of thing. "What would she do in a situation like this?"
"Probably try to make a golem that looks like me, and then tie them up to taunt me." You huff, it's not funny when she does that.
"Oh.. Is that something you like or..?"
"Definitely not." You huff.
A bolt of white, thunderous light overtakes the picture on the screen, causing the creepy man to start laughing!
"Wau... Wah..." You immediately coddle yourself in Teana's blanket, and scoot far enough away from Corona that she doesn't notice you crying.
Corona immediately pushes past your guarded fortification, and pulls you into a hug under her blanket once again.
"Don't be scared.. It's only the television."
"It-" You're going to admit, that did give you a bit of a start, "It was just so loud, though.."
"Here.. Sit on my lap." Corona pulls you a tad bit closer. "If you feel scared again, I'll hug the blanket around you."
"Oh, would you?" You crawl toward her, and let her embrace you once again. "That would be-"
Wait a second.
Something about this doesn't feel... entirely pure. You're not sure how to describe it.
Votes | Choice |
23 |
Ignore it! Kind human arms will protect you from the evils of Halloween!
21 |
+Hug and shiver.
15 |
You sure? Teana can't lift me, so you must be stronger than a office worker of the TSAB to not be crushed...
9 |
Of course it's not pure. Corona is not a Raptor, she lacks the blessed purity of the machine. But that doesn't mean that she can't be a (good) person. It's fine.
4 |
Umm.. I'm fine over here..
4 |
That's better than the other suggestions to deal with my fear...
4 |
+Crushingly powerful Raptor fear-hug
1 |
0 |
Actually, it would be best if we laid back..
Something about the way she's wrapping her arms around your shoulders.
The way her hands loosely dangle over your stomach.
Or the way she's squeezing you closer and closer into her own chest.
Oh forget it.
You embrace the white-haired human, and she happily takes your hug in-turn.
"Eheh.." It wouldn't be as easy to dismiss this as being the work of someone with impure intentions if it wasn't for the fact that her warm embrace is also what is protecting you from the evils of Halloween!
Ignore it, ignore her giggles, ignore her lascivious eyes, ignore the hands softly finding purchase on your tummy- All of those things are less scary than the monster on the screen that threatens to leap out and devour you..
"Are you sure you want this?" You snuggle closer, she gradually pulls you in as if she wants to merge with you, "Teana can't lift me, so you must be stronger than an office worker of the TSAB to not be crushed.."
"I am! I'm proud of that!" Corona seems to nod as she gently wraps both her blanket, and your blanket around the two of you to make a cocoon of safety.
"Wow.. So you may be the strongest human I know.." Granted, that list is very, very short.
"Eheh.. Probably not as strong as any other human in this room, but I try." Corona is very modest for someone who is strong enough to protect you against the evils of Halloween.
The blanket slumps over your chest as the movie rages on. The vampire's victim claimed in a bloody show of elegant brutality. The protagonist unaware of the doom of his lover at the hands of the foul creature of the night.
You feel yourself sweating a little bit, maybe from the arms squeezing you tightly, or the masquerade of the demon on the television screen as he transforms from violent monster of the night, to a suave gentleman who hides his bloodlust behind a smile and a nod at the flip of a switch.
Somehow, after watching this play out for close to an hour.. you start to realize that he isn't actually that scary at all..
For one, the exaggerated mannerisms of the monster come off as comical compared to the hero. Not to mention, the set design, and the clothing are all bargain-bin cheap. It's something that you probably wouldn't have noticed if you were more about yourself and less scared of the fact that he's a monster.
Now that you've seen just how cheap this entire set design is, you're finding it harder and harder to find fear in this monster you were feeling unspeakable concern from just a few minutes ago..
In fact, you're going to say that you're not really scared of vampires in general, now.
"Um.." As the fear subsides, you start to notice something.. "Corona, could you let me lean forward a bit?"
"Ahh. Sure." She loosens her grip some, and you're able to give yourself some space.
The movie draws to a close, and the vampire is defeated very easily in hindsight. The hero grabs him into a chokehold and holds him outside of his castle for just a few minutes. The morning sun rises, and vanquishes the monster.
Tragically, the hero suffers fatal wounds at the hands of the vampire. He succumbs to them just as he walks back into the mansion. The day passes by, and his undead form rises again- Beginning the vampiric cycle anew.
Was kinda-
Your eyes dart across the room to see what the humans think of this...
Oddly enough, they're not really.. paying attention at all? Instead, they're huddled together, whispering something as they glance at their phones.
"Uhh.." You're not sure if it's something you should be aware of, or not.
"Never mind them." Corona smiles, "Let's start the next-"
Before she can finish her thought, Fate chimes in from the other room.
Big November materializes out of no where, and answers the door without a second thought.
"Miura! You made it!"
You glance toward the door to see a new human walk in. She has a similar color of white hair to Corona, but it's much shorter on her frame.
"Aww, you started without me!" She pouts to Vivio as she glances at the television.
"Eheh, should have been here sooner!" Vivio sticks her tongue out, "Come on, sit next to Rio. She needs someone to snuggle with."
"I do not!" Rio pouts.
Miura is about to jump right on the couch and give Rio a squeeze, but then she stops herself as she notices you.
"Corona, are you trying to steal Subaru from Teana?!" She seems almost shocked.
"Eheh.. That's not Subaru.." Corona mumbles, her arms wrapping around you like you'll fly away.
Votes | Choice |
3 |
Subaru wouldn't protect me from skeletons, so I'm here now.
3 |
She's not stealing me, I just wish her hands didn't keep grabbing my tummy...
2 |
I'm not Subaru! I'm not afraid of peanut butter like she is..
2 |
Subaru is actually a old version of me and she is also a pretty old cyborg, so its not a surprise that the TSAB made more.
2 |
I'm being stolen? Because I'm sitting on Corona?
37 = 37
26 = 26
98 = 98
1 = 1
88 = 88
26 = 26
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
71 = 71 (Success!)
26 = 26
10+99 = 109
"No no, I'm not Subaru." You understand how hard it is for humans to tell you apart when they can't scan people like your sisters can. "I'm not afraid of peanut butter, like she is."
"You're not.." Miura covers her mouth, "Oh! You're a Raptor! I'm so sorry!"
"It's fine.." You mumble, "I'm here because Subaru wouldn't protect me from skeletons, like Corona will.."
"Eheh.." Corona giggles as you feel those hands start to both stroke your tummy and the little pudding cups on your chest in an uncomfortable manner.. "She needs extra protection against Halloween so she can learn to conquer her fears."
"..Really?" Miura seems skeptical, "Because it looks like you stole Subaru's raptor and are now being very inappropriate to her." Miura pouts.
Inappropriate? To you? Sure, her hands do tickle a bit, and her heart is racing a bit more than you think the other humans were, but at the same time; you don't think anything has been particularly inappropriate.
"Now, now, she would let me know if she's uncomfortable. Isn't that right, Uniform?"
"That's right! She's not stealing me!" You pout, "She's just bringing me into her cocoon, hugging me, and protecting me from Halloween!"
"Though, I just wish her hands didn't keep grabbing my tummy.." You sigh.
"I KNEW IT!" Miura immediately reaches over, and tries to grab you from Corona's embrace! "You are being inappropriate!"
"No! It's not inappropriate! She loves it!" You're suddenly being pulled from the other side by Corona!
You can't tell entirely, but it feels like Corona is losing grip of your tummy! You're going to be taken away by Miura!
Votes | Choice |
11 |
It's fine! I like Corona grabbing my tummy!
7 |
Hold on! If you pull me away, the skeletons will get me!
6 |
+Cry a lot
4 |
Wahh! Stop!
1 |
Where else I will sit? On who?!
1 |
Clearly this is the evil skeletons inside them trying to reach out and torment you.
The two girls pulling at you immediately elicits a sense of danger as Miura starts to win with her superior strength!
No! There is something you fear more than skeletons! And that's being a burden on the other humans who have been so helpful and kind to you so far!
You're not going to let this happen. You feel the lubricant leaving your eyes, and you're now aware of what it is you actually wanted this whole time.
"Wait! It'ws fwine! Stawp!" You slur your words as you feel yourself about to cry, "I like Cowona gwabbing my tummy!"
Miura immediately lets you, and you snap back into Corona's arms! Your face buries itself inside her modest storage cups.
Corona immediately takes you into her arms, and smiles as she cradles your head against her. You cry softly as you feel like you were just exposed to a new and more present danger than the fear of Halloween: the fear of being a burden to the ones who have been showing you nothing but love.
"I'm sorry.." You mumble into Corona, "I didnwt mean tew..I don't want the skewetons to gwet me.."
Have you bit your tongue? Why are you talking this way? Either ways, it seems to make Corona want to protect you even more as she cradles you like a crying child.
You then become incredibly aware that, in your attempt to grab onto the cocoon that Corona made for you, you bit onto the security blanket, and was carrying it in your mouth as you were talking.
The cotton fabric leaves your mouth as you raise your head to respond to Miura.
"Look, I just wanted someone to protect me from Halloween as we watched these movies. She hasn't stolen me, honest."
Miura gives Corona the strangest dirty look you've seen from a human.
"No, really! I'm trying to help her!" Corona says, with a sweat drop trailing down her face as she glances at Miura.
"Hmph. Okay." Miura crosses her arms, "But I'm going to be watching you, don't do anything unbecoming with Subaru's Raptor."
"I won't! Promise!" Corona smiles, but you're not really sure what 'unbecoming' means in this instance.
Miura sits next to Rio, who's immediately all over her just like Corona is with you. Vivio and the green one, without another word, start another movie.
Almost immediately, there are-

"SKELETONS!" You catch a glimpse of them just as they pop up onto the screen. Your face returns to its position against Corona's chest.
"Eheh, it's fine." Corona gives you soothing notions of happiness. "Look, they're just made of plastic."
You slowly open your eyes, and glance at the screen.
Just as she said, the 'skeletons' are cheap props held up with very obvious strings. They dance and do silly tricks as the humans whisper how goofy your behavior is.
'She's so cute'
'I was like five when I was scared of those.'
'I still don't think Corona is being appropriate with her..'
'Look, I know this is a house full of Aces, and you have your kids over. The boss knew about this for weeks.'
'Aww! She's cute. I want to hug her too..'
'I don't know who you are or what you want, but you have ten seconds to get out of here before I turn you to cinders.'
'I wouldn't be so upset if it weren't for Corona grabbing her 'pudding cups'.'
Something about one of those seemed a little different.
You pause as you listen in on the very subtle sound-waves entering your auditory system.
'Listen, you know who I am and you know why I'm here. Do you want a big mage fight with your kids in the house? Why don't you listen to what my boss is offering, and I'll fuck off.'
'I said, 'get out of here'.'
That voice..
You don't know who the first person is, but the other sounds like Fate. It seems to be coming from the door...
50 = 50
22 = 22
50 = 50
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
78 = 78 (Success!)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
79 = 79 (Success!)
76+33+95+29 = 233
21 = 21
Spammed Reader Post for Above Update: Reposted!
There's something strange happening at the door! What should you do?
(1d100 as well) - Closed - 9 posters
Reader Chat:
Phase through the wall and go invisible like any ordinary human would, and confront your rude guest trying to ruin your Halloween!
Be sure to put the security blanket over your head so it can protect you!
Potential combat, better warn the others and do a strategic retreat!
Dice: 1d100
50 = 50
You may not like fighting, but it's one thing you know for sure you can do. Go outside and deal with whoever is threatening Fate.
It could be Halloween trying to kidnap her! You have to intervene!
Oh no, what if it's a skeleton? What if it's a zombie?
Oh, it's just some homicidal human. Crush him quickly and get back to watching out for real threats, like ghosts.
Dice: 1d100
50 = 50
Girl 1: "What was that?"
Girl 2: "That what?"
Girl 3: "The thug threatening to start a fight with a enforcer right there..."
Girl 4: "I didn't listen anything and it looks like the White Devil is also too far to listen."
Girl 3: "Any ideas? Normally is too dangerous for us, but we have a raptor here that can call for help."
Fate: "First, I am an enforcer and I can arrest you for saying that if I want. Second, your boss don't know who is visiting today and, if that girl calls for help, then her big sister (X-ray) can get here in less than a minute and I don't think anyone can save you and your entire organization if she show up angry."
Uni: "I will call for help."
Uni: "(Iota, I have some problems. Can you identify the guy wanting to start a fight with Fate?)"
Uni could use her rear camera while she go to the kitchen.
Iota: "(Okay, sis... What kind of idiot does that!? Everyone should know that she is the first artificial mage!)"
Uni: "(Also, call X because she can get here in a few seconds if things escalate.)
Iota: "(X will end this guy if we call her too soon. Your best option is ask Nanoha to go say hi to him before calling X as a last resort.)"
Uni: "Fate/Big November! You need to call an ambulance for whoever's at the door, clearly any human thinking about starting a big magic fight with any Raptors nearby is suffering from their brain missing!"
If someone blows up the house with a mage fight, there won't be anyone around to protect you from Halloween! You have to stop him at all costs!
Fate: Last 30 seconds and maybe I'll hear you out.
Dice: 1d100
22 = 22
Dice: 1d100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
78 = 78 (Success!)
Dice: 1d100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
79 = 79 (Success!)
You feel Corona try to keep you from poking your head up too high above the blanket fort. So instead, you quiet down and try to listen intently.
'Seriously, you have to be insane to be trying this tonight, of all nights.'
'I'm not giving you another chance.'
You blink. That's definitely not a kind human. Not like the one that's kind of- Okay that's too far. You gently take Corona's hand off of your tummy for a moment.
"Uniform?" Corona whispers, "Is something wrong?"
"Maybe, one moment."
You decide that this is most definitely considered an emergency. As Iota once told you, try not to bother the sisters too much with your problems, because they have problems of their own and none of them will be around to save you all of the time.
This, though? You'll make an exception, and you're sure she would too.
Calling: Iota
"(Good evening, Uniform.)" Iota gives her usual reply, "(Are you enjoying the Halloween mission?)"
You blink, "(..Mission?)"
"(Correct, everyone has decided to go on a big mission this Halloween despite my best efforts to quell their bloodlust.)" You suddenly realize that Iota has her hands full, "(So I'm coordinating at least three separate operations to stop errant sisters. You will hear more about it on the news tomorrow. Are you going to be my fourth?)"
"(N-No..)" Now you feel guilty that you called. "(I.. I was just wondering if anyone was around to help. Or if you could give me a hand.)"
"(I'm busy coordinating, but if it's something simple, then maybe I can help.)"
You frown, you think this is an emergency in itself, but maybe not compared to that.
"(Well, you see, I'm staying over at a human's house, and- there's a man at the door.)"
"(Mhm..)" You can tell she's not taking it very seriously.
"(And.. he says he's going to start a magic fight with Fate! What do I do?!)"
"(If 'Fate' is 'Fate Testarossa', then I suggest letting him die.)" Iota replies as if this is the most obvious course of action in the world. "(You can tell her that I can send Hotel by in the morning if she needs to clean up the body.)"
"(Wait.. Die?!)"
"(I mean, yeah.)" Iota seems to reply as if this is natural, "(If you're at Fate's house, that probably means Nanoha and maybe even Vivio are there. So some thug would be incredibly stupid to try anything at that house.)"
"(So what should I do?!)"
"(I don't know.. hide? Help? You're the search and rescue unit.)" Iota seems to think this is some kind of merit on its own, "(What's a useless human going to do to you?)"
"(But what if I hurt him?!)" You've been told Gamma using her Raptor abilities routinely sends scores of humans to the hospital.
"(So? What do you think Fate is going to do to him for threatening her?)" Iota shrugs. "(..But if you're not comfortable with engaging him in combat, I can send a sister over and they'll likely be there in less than a minute or two if I tell them you're in danger… Actually, this may attract several sisters, and may create more danger.)"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
No, you're right.. I need to learn to face my fears.
6 |
Okay! Can you spot for me? I'm going in!
5 |
N-No, you're right, send someone over please.
4 |
+"Call an ambulance in case he doesn't die. I don't think they'll wait for Hotel to come by and finish him off if Fate doesn't do it herself."
1 |
+Call Hotel instead of Iota, ask for pointers on how to kill with elegance
1 |
+ What my least destructive sisters would do? Raptor Takedown?
57 = 57
"(No, you're right..)" Iota does have a point that relying on your sisters for everything is just going to be a bother, eventually. "(I need to learn to face my fears.)"
This whole night was set up just for you to face your fears. Teana taking you from her closet, Subaru taking you into the office, Nanoha taking you into her arms, and Fate taking you into her home.
If you think of tonight as a way for you to conquer your fears, then this is just another step along the path.
"(Just one thing.. Can you spot for me?)" You plead with Iota to help you through your first combat encounter.
"(As long as you don't hesitate, I think I can spare the cycles to walk you through this.)"
"(O-Okay!)" Somehow, you feel a renewed sense of confidence, "(If you're there with me, then.. I think I can do it!)"
"(I think you can do it anyway, but sure. I'm going to transmit a reference frequency, sync with me.)"
"(Got it!)"
Type: 86/92
'Beep Bop Beep'...
There's a burst of static as you're given the reference frequency description in binary. You decode it quickly, and sync your systems with Iota.
"(Okay first..)" Iota immediately replies as time seems to slow down. "(Please get this human's hand OFF OF YOUR CHEST!)"
You blink, unsure what's wrong with the hug you currently find yourself in.
"(Is something wrong with Corona?)"
"(Just that her hand is on a private place of yours!)" Iota seems offended, for some reason.
You blink, and then glance backward at Corona.
"Listen, I have to deal with something real quick." You whisper to the white-haired girl, still unaware of the danger lurking outside. "May I be excused for just a moment?"
"Hmm? Aren't you scared of Halloween?"
Her arms are so welcoming, you just want to lean back and let her start hugging you all over again.
No, there's something you must do.
"I think.." You whisper softly, "I think I'm not scared of Halloween anymore, thanks to you."
For some reason, this makes Corona's face turn extremely red. You use this lapse in her judgement to stand up quickly, and show yourself out of the room.
You're still taking the security blanket with you though, for security.
"(Who is that human?)" Iota seems bitter, for some reason.
"(Oh! I'll introduce you later, that's-)"
"(She's BAD NEWS.)" Iota replies immediately, "(You should be careful around her!)"
You're really not sure what Iota is talking about. There's nothing wrong with Corona.
Without thinking too hard about what Iota is trying to tell you- You approach the front door.
"(Uniform, the first rule of Combat is to always do the thing they expect you to the least.)" Iota gives you a helpful bit of advice.
"(..So, what do I do?)"
"(Something that isn't walking up to the front door in his line of fire if he decides to start shooting.)"
"(Ohhh.)" You're not sure how you didn't think of that, but you do have some ideas on how to accomplish what she's suggesting.
Used: Raptor Phase
You silently shift into the wall, taking the blanket with you into your phased-space. You've been told your ability is very similar to Sein's 'Deep Diver', but more robust. You try not to use it much, because you're also aware that it can be considered a dangerous ability.
The wall's interior-space goes by as a blur. You quickly decide to move past the outer brickwork of the Takamachi household.
Then, you pop up behind the would-be intruder.
Fate blinks as she notices you appear behind him, but she remains steely-faced and silent.
"(I did it!)" You feel excited that you've managed to slip the human this way.
"(Not quite yet, now you should listen to me.)" Iota seems more than willing to help, now. "(I don't have close quarters combat protocols, but I have watched Gamma and Tango dispatch people so much that I have a general idea of how they work.)"
"(Got it!)" Time slows further as Iota slowly directs your hands.
"(Put your right hand up like this..)" Iota slowly shows you to raise your hand up to this guy's collar. "(Then, with a yank, jerk him downward.)"
You focus energy onto your hand, and pull as hard as you can on his collar!
"(Uhh, the shirt broke.)" You frown as the human continues to tumble backwards in slow-motion with half of his shirt gone.
"(Oh, ohhh, I see.)" Iota nods, "(There's a tattoo on his back. The Eclipse kind.)"
"(..What does this mean?)" You're not sure what 'Eclipse' is.
"(I thought Gamma made these guys extinct years ago, but apparently you've found an endangered species of human.)"
"(Ah!)" You feel surprised learning there are endangered species of human, "(So what do I do? Do I save him?)"
"(Heavens no, instead- Here's what you do.)" Iota smiles through the datalink, "(Use Raptor Phase again.)"
Used: Raptor Phase
You slowly start to phase through solid matter once again.
"(Grab him by his shoulder, and drag him under the ground.)"
You obey Iota, and push him beneath the ground. His body phasing into it like you're pushing him into a very thick mud.
"(Keep going.. Keep going.. Okay.)"
You stand back up, and admire your handiwork.
The human's top-half is now underground. The only thing sticking above Fate's lawn are his legs. Which are now kicking in slow-motion.
"(Mission accomplished. Congrats on your first combat kill.)"
"(First... kill?)" You feel confused.
"(I mean sure, eventually.)" Iota says something even more confusing. "(Give him about four minutes like that.)"
Votes | Choice |
19 |
I'm not supposed to kill people! It defeat the purpose of my creation! It's like Hotel saving lives!
14 |
Ask Fate if she wants this guy dead. She was the one he was bothering after all.
10 |
Ahh! No! That will add to the skeleton army!
4 |
Oh, it is?! HOORAY! Go tell Corona right now!
4 |
Is there a non-lethal solution? One that I can use in the next 3 minutes and will not cause a fight or death? PLEASEEEEEEE!
1 |
I uhh, I don't think this is what I should do either!
"(B-But I'm not supposed to kill people!)" You feel that sense of fear start to creep up your spine. The fear of things that are, but soon won't be. "(It defeats the purpose of my creation!)"
"(I don't see what the big deal is, your sisters kill all of the time.)" Iota says the most callous and psychotic thing like it's a simple fact of life!
"(But not for me! Asking me to kill is like asking Hotel to save lives!!)" You feel frustrated that you have to even remind Iota of that. "(You realize how uncomfortable that makes me, right?)"
"(Fine, fine. You can save this human..)" Iota frowns, "(Too bad, I wanted to see your first kill.)"
"(WHAT?!)" You're starting to realize that maybe asking Iota for advice was a mistake, all along. "(Iota! Don't you get that you're just adding to the skeleton army every time we do this?!)"
"(Calm down, and just listen to me.)" Iota tries to stop you from panicking about the calcified legions, "(Do the same thing you just did, but flip him over so his head is peeking above the dirt.)"
"(Will that save him?!)"
"(It won't save him from Fate, but it will ensure he's able to receive oxygen and thus not expire at least for another few days, or so.)" Iota nods.
Used: Raptor Phase
You reach back into the ground, and start to flip him back upright. With some adjustment, you drag him down into the dirt a bit more, and then allow only his head to stick above the ground like an ingrown mushroom.
"COUGH, COUGH, HAAACK-" He starts sputtering as he's re-adjusted!
"(What is that? Is he dying??)"
"(No, he breathed a bunch of dirt, just now.)" Iota corrects your fears, "(Give him a minute, and his automatic cleaning systems will purge the soil from his systems.)"
You're not entirely sure what that means!
Iota gradually changes the reference frequency until you're back at normal-speed. You sigh as time returns to normal.
"Well?" Fate walks up to him, and crosses her arms. "Weren't you going to threaten me?"
"Listen, this doesn't stop anything, you're gonna- AHH COUGH, COUGH.."
He spits up some more dirt, and Iota simply shrugs as he does so.
"(Mission Accomplished, maybe you should go back in and let Fate handle the rest.)" Iota nods, "(Unless there's anything else you want to do?)"
Votes | Choice |
18 |
No! I want to know why this idiot human was trying to fight Fate!
13 |
(Look at Fate) On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your overall satisfaction with our rescue.
12 |
Not before I kick his head at least once.
6 |
go slee bad hearts
4 |
Ask Fate what did the guy want. Should Iota call in more sisters?
1 |
O-Okay. I'll just stop here, then.
1 |
"(Iota, who is this guy, and why is he attacking Fate?)"
"(Yes, two more things.)"

You turn to Fate, and give her the assessment for your performance.
"On a scale of one to ten, please rate your overall satisfaction with our rescue"
Fate simply stares at you, dumbfounded. Iota decides to slow your perception of time back down as the reference frequency increases.
"(Are you done, now?)"
"(Not before I kick him in the head at least once.)"
"(You have my permission.)"
You decide to give the thug a happy tap on the back of his head with your shoe.
"(Feeling better?)" Iota sighs.
"(No!)" You pout, "(I want to know why this idiot human was trying to fight Fate!)"
You feel a bit of a scowl crawl across your face as you think about this human trying to ruin the one day that you had with the humans. The one day you got out of the whole year to conquer your fear of Halloween.
"(Do you feel upset and annoyed that, of all the times a stupid human decided to interrupt, he chose the time that you have to spend with humans who are nice to you?)"
"(Yes! Also threatening the economy sized humans as if they weren't also volunteering to help me, too!)"
"(Then, congratulations Uniform.)" Iota seems proud to have said that, even.
You blink in slow-motion. You can only assume this entire exercise was to give you a long-winded lecture.
"(You just learned why Gamma, Oscar, Quebec, why none of them can ever stop fighting. Also, why trouble seems to follow them around.)"
You continue to stare completely dumbfounded as Iota gives that last bit of news to you.
"(..Wait, really?)"
"(That's right.)"
"(I thought they never stopped fighting because they just really liked fighting.)"
"(That's true to some extent, but also I want you to be honest with yourself in this moment.)"
You're not sure where she is getting with this until she finishes the last part of her thought.
"(You liked that fight, didn't you?)" Iota seems almost smug in her assessment of your combat ability. "(You were excited. Your systems were operating at higher-than-normal speeds. You felt elated to be able to show off to Fate. You enjoyed that.)"

You try to think of a retort to Iota's reasoning. It's true that you were indeed having some positive system feedback, but to enjoy hurting another living creature?
"(Let's not stretch the term 'Living' too far.)" Hey! Did Iota just read that thought? "(Especially when it comes to suicidal Eclipse mercs.)"
Votes | Choice |
34 |
I'm just going to class this as rescuing him from himself.
13 |
No! That can't be true! I'm not supposed to enjoy that!
12 |
+For one, he's still alive.
10 |
Can you even call Eclipse mercs alive? None of the files I have say that...
8 |
..Maybe I enjoyed my first successful combat encounter..
3 |
I am NOT like Gamma or Oscar...
3 |
go slee bad hearts
26 = 26
71 = 71
95 = 95
27 = 27
52 = 52
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
85 = 85 (Success!)
42 = 42
34 = 34
"(No! That can't be true!)" You huff, "(I'm not supposed to enjoy hurting others! I'm the search and rescue unit!)"
"(That doesn't mean you won't enjoy it. You're still a Raptor after all.)" Iota seems to think it's inevitable that you'll be happy from seeing this human die.
"(You're still wrong, for one, he's still alive.)"
"(Again, stretching the definition of 'alive' here.)"
"Overall.." Fate smiles, "I rate this rescue a solid nine, though I don't think you should need to ask about customer satisfaction off-the-clock."
"Thank you for your feedback."
You're going to hold this over Iota's head, now.
"(Which is why I definitely have NOT brutalized him or even put his life in danger. I'm going to class this as rescuing him from himself and count this as another 9/10 victory for the Search and Rescue part of my functions.)"
You cross your arms. This is definitely something you're not going to budge on. You're not a crazy psycho like some of your sisters, you actually care about human life.
"(Problem.)" Iota cuts the chatter just before she begins trying to undermine your flawless logic, "(One of the economy-sized humans heard that. You have three seconds to hide the head-in-the-sand.)"
You throw your security blanket over his head, and then take your foot-
And stomp it right against his forehead!
Used: Raptor Fade
You silently disappear from sight just in time for a much lighter voice than Fate to sound from the doorway.
"Eh? Mom? Is something wrong?" It's Vivio!
"OH? Ohh, it's nothing sweetheart." You can tell that she took Fate by surprise, as well. "It was just a trick-or-treater. They're gone now, though. Let's get you back inside and we'll put on another movie."
"Also, Uniform went somewhere and I don't know where. Have you seen her?"
"I- Uh, she probably went to the restroom." Fate smiles.
"..I didn't know she used the restroom-"
The last sentence is punctuated by Fate closing the door. Which leaves you with Mr. Potato Head.
You let the fade disappear, and then reclaim Teana's security blanket. You're definitely not going to be living without this, anymore.
"Okay, you're saved from Fate's wrath for now, but I'm still angry." You pout, and then crouch down as close as you can to his 'eye' level. "Tell me, why did you come here tonight? You're clearly alone, and you know provoking this kind of wrath from either Fate or myself was suicide. So why did you do it?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"I WANT to die. You, Your sisters, that blonde bitch who just walked inside, all of you ruined my life and there's literally nothing left to live for."
"(Okay, Search and Rescue unit, let's see you save this human, now.)" Iota seems to have given up entirely. Why does she want you to hurt this human, so?
"Why would you want to die?!" You feel that curdling-fear coming back up again as your voice raises an octave. "Living has so many bonuses! Like for one, you're not a skeleton!"
"You saw the tattoo on my leg, right?" He spats, "I'm already a walking corpse. I'm just waiting for Eclipse to finish me off. Please, just do that thing where you touch me and I have a heart attack and catch on fire. Do it!"
"(You know..)" Iota "(I know this guy, but I remember him being smaller. His name is..)"
You take the information that Iota just gave you, and ask an inquisitive question.
"Excuse me.. is your name 'Senna'?"
"Oh good, the robot remembered my name." His head flops over because it can't do much of anything else, "Put it on my tombstone if you remember it."
"Uhh, why do you want to die? Don't you have your family the-"
Iota then informs you that all of the ones Gamma and Quebec didn't turn to swiss cheese, were thrown in jail.
"Yeah, 'Oh'." He glares at you, still unable to do anything more than frown heavily and glare disapprovingly.
"You look.. different.."
"A year of being a street urchin will do that to you." He frowns, "Well? You gonna do it or not?!"
Votes | Choice |
27 |
"I'm the Search and Rescue Unit, not the "Search and Seek out and Touch to Set Fire" unit. You should have found Oscar. or Gamma"
22 |
Isn't there the tiny Huck? I think Gamma mentioned a tiny Huck.
19 |
Wouldn't you have avoided being a street urchin if you just went to jail?
12 |
+Technically, it wouldn't be a tombstone. More of an... urn.
5 |
+Also like, we can cure Eclipse. Pretty reliably too. You could still have a long life ahead of you.
2 |
...uuughhhh does it have to be me??
2 |
“Maybe I should try this Therapy thing I’ve heard about? I don’t know much about it but apparently I’m supposed to sit you down and ask about your parents? Seems promising enough.
2 |
So why not try to live? You say you have nothing to live for, but the world is vast and full of wonders. Take a walk across the stars, you might find something worth your time.
1 |
Well now I'm DEFINITELY not going to do it!
1 |
No, I'm going to make you into my personal butler because that seems like you'd hate it more.
1 |
Go back inside, let Fate deal with him instead.
"I'm the Search and Rescue unit, NOT the 'Search and Touch to Set Fire' unit." You cross your arms as you glare at the head poking out of the sand. "You should have found Oscar or Gamma if you expected to die some violent death."
"What difference does it make? You're all the same, anyway."
"(I take it back, I think you should kill him.)" Iota immediately replies just as he finishes his extremely rude train of thought.
"Listen, you can't die yet, isn't there the tiny Huck who needs a big brother to look after her? I think Gamma mentioned a tiny Huck."
"She's in prison school." He scowls.
"-And wouldn't YOU have avoided being a street urchin if you just went to 'prison school' as well!?" You can't seem to understand why this is such a hard question for him to grasp. "Your family may not be the best family, but they still need you!"
"I don't want to go to jail, fuck that. That's just admitting that I lost."
He seems a bit embarrassed to say that.
"(Lost? What does he mean?)"
"(Who the hell knows? Why are you listening to him, still? He's clearly crazy.)" Iota clearly isn't going to be helpful anymore when it comes to reasoning with the new garden plant.
"What do you mean 'Lost'? Are you racing someone?" You don't quite understand what he means by 'losing' in this instance. You would think that as long as he's alive, that's more of a win than dying, right?
"I spent my life fighting cops, and you expect me just to throw up my arms and walk into their custody? Nah, man. Stomp my head into the dirt and use it for compost, I'm ready when you are."
"I thought you wanted a tombstone.."
"An urn would be more appropriate after you're done with me." He replies with a frown.
"Okay, that's enough."

The door flings open as Fate appears next to her significant other, and beautiful vixen of a wife, Nanoha.

"Senna- You've gone too low this time." Oh kaiser, Nanoha's in very thin camisole. "You wanted to commit suicide by cop, and you chose us?"

"At home, in front of our families?!" Fate's already changed into her barrier jacket, and it's a very tight and revealing jacket. You make a note of what Nanoha's tastes are.
"Because you're the only ones who have any chance at putting a dent in me." Senna laughs, he really is rotten to the core. "So, what are you going to do? Shoot me?"
The two women stop, and rub their scalps.
"No, I think that's what you want."
Fate, without missing a single beat, uses a binding spell to pull him up from out of the ground. Which leaves a huck-sized hole in her lawn.
"I think Uniform actually has a point. If you think prison is so bad, maybe you should spend a day or two there to see just how bad it really is."
"There is no prison that can hold me, you know that."
"No, but I know someone who can hold you." Nanoha interrupts Senna before he churns out any more insults. "Stella, who has been going to school normally while incarcerated, asks if we had ever found you all of the time."
"Liar, Stella doesn't think anything of me."
"Oh yeah? Then how did I get this?"
Fate manifests something into her hand, a tiny red hairtie with the word 'Senna' written on it.
She tosses it at you, and you easily catch it. You gently bring it up to the garden gnome's face so he can examine it closely.
His eyes narrow as he examines it.

"How DID you get that? Did you kill her too?" His glare turns to pure rage.
"Not quite, I brought it."

Behind Fate, yet another woman emerges. Although, you know this one quite well.
"X-Ray?" You're confused, "..Why are you here?"
"Iota called and asked if we needed help." Nanoha smiles, "So I asked if X-Ray could pick it up real quick for me from my office."
"Wow!" You feel a little impressed at big sis X-Ray. "I didn't know you knew her that well!"
"That's right, and I also know that I'm on call to cure any Eclipse victims she encounters." X-Ray smiles, and flicks her hair, "Or someone is, I'll just bring you to whoever isn't participating in the Halloween Magic Battle."
"Halloween Magic Battle?" You blink as she says that.
"You can save it, I don't want to be cured!" Senna huffs.

"That's too bad, because you don't get a choice!" X-Ray smiles, "Come on, prison school isn't that bad, I have some sisters who went there after the whole Caledfwlch thing a while back."
"No, I don't want it, that's-"
"That's too bad! Seeya Uniform~" X-Ray smiles at you.
With a flash, X-Ray and Senna disappear. The bind that was constricting him falls uselessly to the ground.
You blink.
"Wow.." Being the Search and Rescue unit doesn't seem very unique if there's a sister who can just teleport anyone at any time like that.
Fate giggles.
"See, Uniform? As long as you have sisters like that, you don't have anything to be afraid of, don't you think?"
Votes | Choice |
26 |
Yes, X-Ray is like a horror movie monster but real and cute.
20 |
+Try to keep eyes off of Nanoha's thin camisole
20 |
+Reject shame and fully eye up Nanoha's thin camisole. This opportunity doesn't come every day after all.
8 |
Uhhh sure! I think? I'm going back to the nest with Corona..
4 |
hearts go to bed you're sick
4 |
+*mumble* "I think I have someone to be afraid of right this very moment.."
4 |
I kinda forget the extension of the Halloween Magic Battle, it's probably as bad as a war and they can be considered monsters, so I don't need to be afraid.
4 |
"You're right. My sisters are all terrible influences."
3 |
Take a look at Halloween Magic Battle and tell me that again.
0 |
Not really, none of them are skeletons!
"Yes, X-Ray is like a horror movie monster, but she's real!"
You nod, and then notice the buds poking out of Nanoha's camisole as you finish your train of thought, "And cute."
No! Pry your eyes away!
The slightly see-through fabric attracts your eyes like two red magnets pulling your gaze toward them!
It's so difficult! You can barely look away at the cherry-red mountains adoring the circular red desert that they rise above. It's... It's magnificent.
'Fight it, Uniform!'
No, you can't. The light from inside of the house reflects straight through the thin night-wear that adorns her chest!
'No! You cannot stare any longer! Fate is right there!'
Then slow down time, stop the sun and the stars, make reality halt for just this one instant! Nothing can take away the sugar-coated glow of her perfect white skin contrasting the firmness of her rosy-red buds. You're abandoning your shame, and your inhibitions. There's only one reason to be alive right now. Well, two reasons.
"(Uniform, stop staring.)" Even Iota is starting to notice!
This is bad! You need to pull yourself away from-
"(No, no no- Don't get me wrong.)" Iota clarifies herself, "(I wouldn't normally care. You are free to ogle all of the humans you desire. However, you should be made aware that Fate's eyes have now tracked onto you, and in several additional milliseconds, she's going to be aware of what you're starting intently at.)"
You start to slowly trace your eyes from Nanoha's bosom, and toward Fate's gaze.
Within an instant, Fate seems to think the danger to her wife's fidelity has passed. Her eyes glance back at her home.
"We should go inside and make sure the kids aren't eating all the candy, right?"
Her head turns toward Nanoha.
Who then turns her attention toward Fate.
"Oh! Good point, and I was making cookies as well."
With both of their gazes turned from you- You decide to simply reject shame, and fall back into your new habits. An opportunity like this doesn't come every day, after all.
That is, until Nanoha smiles and turns away.
"Hmph." You sigh.
"Oh, Uniform? Everything okay?" Fate glances back at you.
"Oh! No no, everything is fine." You try to not make it obvious of what you were thinking about.
"..Though, if you undress Nanoha with your eyes again, I'll have to start charging." Fate smiles.
Her jacket immediately falls off of her as she walks inside.
"(I'm dead, aren't I?)"
"(Just go inside.)" Iota huffs. "(Mission accomplished, I have to get back to the Halloween mission, let me know if an actual emergency comes up. Enjoy the rest of your night with the Takamachis.)"
"(Right!)" You smile, "(Thanks, Iota!)"
She disconnects from the call, and you happily skip inside.
Corona immediately turns around as you walk behind her, and expresses her concern.
"Uniform? You were gone a while, and I heard some strange noises outside. Did something happen?"
Votes | Choice |
6 |
I was just reminded that there's really nothing to be afraid of when I have friends like you.
3 |
Cuddle back in the nest. You have lots of skeletons to defeat in your mind.
3 |
Drift to sleep, replaying images of the last minute or so in your head.
3 |
Just some stupid human. He's gone now.
2 |
After tonight I understand how Subaru feels and the importance of have someone to cuddle with.... My poor human...
35 = 35
"It was just some stupid human." You try to not reveal the true extent of his intentions. "He's gone, now."
"Some stupid human?" Corona can tell that there is something more to it than that. "..What did he want?"
"Something stupid, but don't worry, he's hopefully gone to improve his life." You sigh.
"Are.. you okay?" Corona can tell you're hiding something, and can also tell that you're not acting the same as you were before you walked outside.
"I was just.." You almost forgot what your original mission was coming to this household. Besides the fact that you were cradled in the mighty arms of one of the most beautiful women in the universe. "-reminded that there's really nothing to be afraid of when I have friends like you."
You punctuate this by flopping back down into the nest without saying much of anything else. Corona seems to want more answers, but she settles with pulling the nest close around you. Her head resting on your shoulder and gently pressing into your back.
"For now.." You lean back, and "I have skeletons to defeat in my mind, and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else but you."
Corona's cheeks..
They're starting to burn red.
"O-Oh.." Corona mumbles, "I didn't know you.. felt that way about me. I uh.."
"Hmm?" You blink, "I just mean that friends like you are what I need to get over the fears in my mind."
Corona stops, as if she's been hit with a freezing cold burst of ice magic.
"..Right.. Friends." Corona says.. with a little bit of bitterness? "Let's cuddle closer together and enjoy our.. friendship."
Huh, her tone has completely changed. Is she fighting some kind of demon in her mind, too?
Either ways, no matter what they are, or no matter how scary they may be.
You're going to fight your demons, together.
"..Friends.." She repeats, her grasp is starting to-
"Hey, uh-" Her hand seems to have slipped somewhere close to your chest, "I think you're getting a bit close to.."
"Friends.." She repeats..
Her demons must be very powerful.
(Halloween 2024 END)
Votes | Choice |
15 |
Christmas Teaching!
14 |
Christmas Presents!
9 |
Christmas Sharing!
9 |
Christmas Fighting!
6 |
Christmas Raptors!
84 = 84
38 = 38
83 = 83
61 = 61
59 = 59
24 = 24
3 = 3
57 = 57
37 = 37
49 = 49
5 = 5
57 = 57
Christmas 2024: Seasons Meanings!

"It feels like this Christmas would never come.."

Two nuns decorate the reception hall of the largest Church on the entire planet. They idly talk about how much of the year seemed to drag on, and how much of it was punctuated by the various antics of their friends, and of the Saint Church's enemies.

"-Thankfully we didn't have too many combat missions." The long-haired nun states in a droll demeanor with her associate.
"That's only because of the Raptors." The short-haired nun, wearing a very sharp-looking Butler's uniform, puts up some decorative Christmas lights. "There aren't that many threats who are willing to trifle with Saint Church property while there are Raptors willing to volunteer for missions."
"They have been a blessing.." The long-haired nun puts a garland to her face. She slowly straightens out its bristles, and then starts to hang it on the wooden banisters. "For the most part, when they're not making missions for themselves."
"Mm, I remember last Christmas' 'Holiday Dragon'." The short-haired nun mumbles, with a sigh. "Do you think we'll get any more Raptor missions this Christmas?"
"Don't even joke about that." The nun suddenly spins to point at her partner. "No Christmas missions, no Holiday massacres; this Halloween is going to be perfectly normal for once!"

"You know, the fact you've had to say it means that it absolutely not be a perfectly normal Christmas."
Their bickering is interrupted by a sudden 'bang' as the door to the Reception Hall swings open.
"GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!" A delightfully cheerful voice rings out as she barges into the otherwise quiet reception hall. A giant sack overslung her shoulder as she practically dances through the door.
"Sein?" The two girls answer simultaneously. "You're alive?"
The aqua-haired girl stops, and blinks curiously.
"..I am?" She tilts her head, "Why wouldn't I be? Did you think I was dead?"
"It's just-" The nonplussed butler seems to squint slightly as she eyes up the blue-haired girl with suspicion, "It feels like we haven't seen you out and about in a while.."
"Especially after last Halloween." The other dull nun seems to glance toward her compadre as she mumbles. "It feels like you've been showing yourself less and less this past year."
"So.. we just assumed.." The short-haired nun seems to avoid saying what she's thinking.
"Wait.." The aqua-haired nun points accusingly. "I haven't been around because my job of being the away-team for missionaries has slowed down the last year.. You're not implying what I think you're implying, are you?"
"It was just a concern.." The long-haired nun seems a bit sheepish to say it, "..That a partner of yours.."
"That's too far!" The aqua-haired nun shouts, "You're talking about Bravo! I know it!"
"I mean.." The short-haired nun is much more capable of speaking her mind, "Everyone just figured that she eventually.. ate you."
"How rude!" The blue-haired nun huffs, "While that's technically a thing that happens a bunch; I can assure you that she's never been the least bit of a danger to my health!"
"I didn't need to know that." The long-haired nun waves off Sein.
"So, everything with you and Bravo is perfectly consensual, perfectly equal, and she has not been the least bit aggressive with her designation as the 'Vampire Unit'?"
"When I want it to be, yes." The blue haired girl crosses her arms.
"I also didn't need to know that." Everybody nods except for the blue-haired one, "But more than that, why did you appear this morning with a big sack full of presents?"
"Oh! that's easy." She gently takes the sack off of her back, and sets it down. "I want to know if you have a Christmas tree up, yet."
"No, we're putting that up last." The butler agrees.
"Okay! Let me know when you do, I have a special present."
"Wait- wait- Stop." The brown-haired girl senses something is amiss. "What's in the sack?"
"That's a surprise for when you get the tree up." She smiles.
"No, I want to know right now, what are you planning?" The nuns continue their probing, and the aqua-haired girl simply gives up.
"..Fine, if you MUST spoil the surprise.."
Suddenly! She reaches up to her shoulder!
Her entire Santa outfit comes off!

The only thing left on her is a red bikini, and a smile.
"I'm bringing the gift of love to Christmas this Holiday." She winks.
The two nuns grimace, their teeth gritting as she continues.
"-More than that, I'm leaving the most special gift of all beneath the tree."
She reaches across the drawstrings of the bag-
And a person fumbles out!
"Merry Christmas, everyone!" You give them the most puppy-dog eyes you can, "Let's all have a happy new year with some very happy endings."

The extremely-scary nun suddenly shouts.
"Outside?" You blink, "Wow, that's awfully bold. Everyone can see us, there."
42 = 42
62 = 62
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
27 = 27 (Fail)
37 = 37
94 = 94
94 = 94
"But I'm here to teach my sisters the true meaning of Christmas!" You give that bright smile that you know Sein absolutely cannot resist.
"You're here to teach everyone what a massive pervert you and Sein have become." Deed gives you a very distrustful evil-eye.

"Hey! I take offense at that!" You sit upright- Showing that the ribbon is only superficially holding you in place instead of being an actual bind. "This is rejection of the spirit of love!"
"What you're offering is only tangentially related to 'love', I assure you." Otto tries to also make some kind of mean remark. You're not going to have it!
You pretend to look hurt as you hang your hand to your forehead, the ribbon only barely clinging to your body. "One would think that the Church of Sankt Kaiser would be supportive of the season of joy and life! This cannot stand! There must be corruption in the ranks!"
"There is, and she's standing behind you." Deed motions at your beautiful and wonderful Sein like there could possibly be anything corrupt with her!
"Sein! Tell them about how Christmas is the season of love and giving! How it's best to spend it tied up in your lover's bed waiting her loving kisses and-"
"I didn't need to either hear or see that, either." Otto motions to the fact that the ribbon isn't quite covering your butt all that well. "In either case, I would prefer if you did not do this in the reception hall."
"Or any hall." Deed mumbles.
However, you know Deed's secret! This is exactly the opportunity you were looking for!
"..Don't you want to spread the word of gifting yourself to your lover this Christmas, Deed?"
"No, I have real things to be doing like-"
"Or-" You interrupt her train of thought, "Don't you want Gamma to know about this important human tradition of ribbon bondage?"
"Please, you're neither bound, nor is it a human tradition." Otto dismisses your claim, "You need to realize that Gamma has already-"
That's when Otto stops, and glances at her sister.

"Oh! Huh?" Deed immediately snaps out of a daydream of a green sister wrapped in red lace and velvet.
"Deed, do not be tempted by a being of lust and her immoral fantasies. Gamma is not a toy to be wrapped."
"I mean.." Deed suddenly develops a blush as she continues, "She hasn't said no to the idea yet, if that's what you're saying.."
"Deed.." Otto's brow furrows. Sein takes this as an opportunity to hug you close and mumble at them over your shoulder.
"That's exactly right, Deed. You don't know if she'll say no, and she has to know about it to try it out for herself."
"Yeah!" You get a devilish idea in your head, "-And when Echo and Iota retaliate, it'll be aimed at me, and you'll be in the clear."
"You mean.." Deed's face is blushing now, "You're suggesting using you as an excuse to plant ideas in Gamma's head?"
"That's enough, Sis." Otto gives her a solid 'thwack' to her shoulder, "Time to get back to hanging these decorations and for our guests here to get back to their rooms."
Votes | Choice |
31 |
You said it yourself, no incidents today! Is there a better way to stop them than distracting the raptor that started half of the rampages!?
20 |
+Actually... That isn't a bad idea! I bet my sisters don't know at all what to get everyone for Christmas.
17 |
If we don't call Gamma, then Echo will do whatever she want with her and we know that she is no better than Hayate!
11 |
Eheh.. I'll need my sweetheart to put me back in the bag and carry me, first.
5 |
Oh what the heck, I can get on a call with ALL OF THE SISTERS and explain everything!
4 |
bad hearts go slee
2 |
It'll be great, Deed! I can get on a call with Gamma and explain everything!
2 |
Secretly plot, but don't reveal your intentions.
2 |
go slee bad hearts
68 = 68
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
93 = 93 (Success!)
59 = 59
53 = 53
11 = 11
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
69 = 69 (Success!)
39 = 39
78 = 78
"You said it yourself, right?" You feel a bit of a naughty streak come up in the back of your mind as you sit upright and glance at Deed with a smirk. "No incidents today! So, is there a better way of ensuring 'no incidents today' than distracting the Raptor that starts half of the rampages?"
"Otto, she's making a good point." Deed appears to be seriously considering that suggestion. "It's almost guaranteed that the Raptors will have some kind of Christmas-day disaster, event, or some kind of disturbance happening. Ensuring Gamma is 'tied-up' would be a massive boost to the chances of having a quiet Christmas."
"You're just saying that because you want her to have some resemblance to the girl currently bound in ribbons on our floor." Otto says something that is likely not very incorrect. "Be sure to throw those ribbons away, Sein."

"..Actually.." You wriggle a bit in the ribbons, and feel where Sein was sure to capture some of your emulated sexual characteristics in its uncomfortable binds.
You get a thought..
You get an evil thought..
"-That isn't a bad idea!" You feel yourself grinning as you say that, "You know Otto, Deed, if we don't call Gamma and give her the same idea, then Echo will just do whatever she wants with her."
"..You really think so?" Deed grimaces.
"Sis.." Otto seems to have given up trying to convince Deed to not fall for your wiles.
"Exactly! You know that Echo is no better than Hayate. So think of it this way, either you get Gamma this Christmas in a bow, or she does."
That seems to be all that Deed takes to come to a conclusion on her own.
"..You're right!"
"No she's not." Otto mumbles.
"-We need to get this message to Gamma right away!"
Sein leans over your shoulder, and is likely about to whisper 'where is this going', but you reveal your whole hand just as she does.
"Really, Gamma would find out if it became a trend among her sisters, wouldn't she?"
Deed and Otto stop.
Otto slowly turns her head to Deed.
"Sis, don't do it."
"I can contact Juliett by phone directly, without needing Iota.." Deed has already pieced together a way to make this work.
"Hehe! Great! I know Iota would likely be a bit of a buzzkill, but I have my ways to convince my sisters." You smile. "I bet they don't know what to get everyone for Christmas, and I have some ideas."
"This is great! I'll ask Juliett to invite Gamma over, and then-"
"No need.." You smirk, "I can handle this."
You wriggle some in your binds, and then nearly fall over. This causes Sein to giggle, as she's clearly put some thought into your ribbons.
"..Eheh.." You laugh, nervously. "I'll need my sweetheart to put me back in the bag and carry me first, it seems."
"Yes, please, get back in the bag and get out of the RECEPTION AREA!" Otto shouts. Her voice carries through the grand hall.
"And make sure GAMMA IS IN THAT BAG NEXT TIME!" Deed echoes her sentiments.. for the most part.
Haah... Hah...
"So, uh- Sweetie?"
You cuddle in the vestments of torn ribbon and damp clothes that are strewn about on Sein's bed. Her face hovers centimeters away from your mouth as she captures your tongue in yet another kiss. All the while, some other parts are captured in her hand.
"How were you going to get Gamma to come, dressed in ribbons, to the Saint Church, again?"
"Don't tell me you forgot.." Sein pouts cutely in your face, "It's only been an hour. I thought you handled things on Datalink.. Deed is going to be very angry if she doesn't get to see her present."
"Eheh.. Senny." You return her groping in kind, "You know when were here, all thoughts of anything else go right out of my head.. I'll call Iota right now.."
"Don't show her what we're doing, now.."
"Oh? I thought you liked that.."
Calling: Iota.
"There's time later if you want to try the ribbon trick in the lobby.."
"(You had better not be doing what I think you're doing if your location data is valid.)" Iota's voice sounds furious.
"(Hi Iota!)" You smile, "(Listen-)"
"(The only reason you would be calling me is if you had something to do with the odd way Juliett is acting..)" Iota practically growls at you.
Votes | Choice |
6 |
Juliett? Of course not! I haven't talked to her all day..
3 |
Eheh, listen, can I get a private communication to her? I think I need to straighten something out.
3 |
I’m just here to wish her a merry Christmas!
3 |
Remember, sis. I'm not involved in the battles today and I'm not the only one dating! I'm innocent of any suspicious behavior!
2 |
What is she doing? And- How can we help?
1 |
Hey, I called you before to ask about upgrades! Sierra stopped me because my human is not human!
0 |
..So you're not on board with the ribbon plan?
0 |
Tease Iota about being a voyeur who enjoys watching everyone.
"(Juliett?)" Oh, you now remember what Deed said about being able to contact her outside of Iota's sisternet. "(Of course not! I haven't talked to her all day.)"
"(Really?)" Iota seems to be trying to scold you, and you haven't even told her anything about the plan, yet!
"(That's right! I was just calling so I could wish her a MmmNG-)"
"S-Sein.." You disguise the last gasp as a burst of static along the communication line, "One second.."

"Too long.."
Her hand... It's.. finding a sensitive spot.
"(Really? Just to wish her a Merry Christmas?)" Iota seems skeptical, "(And not to encourage the madness that had gotten into her?)"
"(I uh- I ass-ssure you. I haven't ta-lked to her today, and I just wanted to see how she was doing!)"
"(And this has nothing to do with your rising clock speed, your dropped communication packets despite being in the same building, the unsteady breath, and strange oscillations on your skin, does it?)"
Oh. You didn't realize she could see that much, but now it's obvious.
"(So, what did you want with her?)"
"(Eheh, listen, I just wanted a private communication to talk to her? I need to straighten some things out.)"
"(I don't think anything about you is capable of being 'straight', Bravo.)"
"(..That's true-)" You're not going to deny it with Sein.. finding ways to make jelly out of metal. "(But remember, s-Sis. I'm not involved with the battles today, and I'm not the only one dating!)"
"(Despite my best efforts.)" Iota huffs. She has tried relentlessly to discourage it.
"(I'm innocent of Juliett's behavior so far, which is why I want to at least ask her what h-has gotten into her..)"
There is a very, very obvious pause on the line.
Then, Iota seems to relent..
"(..You get five minutes, audio only, no video call.)"
That's fine, because you're not sure you want to share the treasure in your arms with anyone else. At least, not right now.
"(I'm patching you through now, please make Juliett cease this behavior..)"
"(Will do!)"
There's a buzz on the line, and then the redirect signal.
"(..Is this really Bravo?)"
"(Hi Juliett!)" You smile, "(Merry Christmas!)"
"(Wow.. I didn't know you had a datalink, but why no video?)"
"(Iota won't let me.. She says you're doing something, but didn't explain what. Could you explain to me?)"
"(Oh! Deed called earlier and told me to dress up Gamma and bring her to the Saint Church, there's a special rite where the Guardian of the Church is dressed in a ribbon for a ceremony in the Knights Barracks. I agreed, but- I can't quite figure out..)"
"(Where's Gamma, right now?)"
"(She's next to me, we're trying on some clothes for her date tomorrow with Echo. Gamma said she would go today to the church, but I haven't told Echo.)"
"(Can I see her outfit?)"
"(Oh sure, let me send a picture.)"

Gamma's image only appears a bit confused as the nightgown hugs the form of her extremely muscular body.
"(I like it! But is it appropriate for a date?)" You smile.
"(That's.. not the outfit.. I haven't even decided if I should tell Echo about going to the church today. Right now, I'm trying to figure out this 'ribbon' thing.. I can't get it tied around my body like Deed described.)" Juliett pouts. "(How do I wrap this ribbon?)"
Votes | Choice |
23 |
Go into a long, detailed explanation of how to tie the ribbon knot.
11 |
..Both of you come to the church, Sein and I will personally teach you.
4 |
Bring some others sisters with you, too.
3 |
+ This technique was passed down to me by Master Sersus, so you can guess what Quebec will do in this holiday.
3 |
+ Do you still feel that crush on Gamma, Ju? Because there's no reason to only let Echo and Deed have fun!
3 |
go slee bad hearts
2 |
+ Tell Echo that you are going to the church doesn't matter because she will presume that Gamma is just visiting the sisters associated with the church and you want to say hi to Carim.
1 |
Don't tell Echo, because.. it's a secret mission.
"(Oh! A ribbon knot is easy! First, how are you wrapping the ribbon?)"
"(I'm trying to wrap it under my leg.. and-)"
"(Tch, no no no no..)" You already know what she's doing wrong. "(Listen! You need to learn more about the great ribbon technique! You first need to be bound so tightly that you can barely move your limbs at all without breaking the ribbon!)"
There's a pause, and some shuffling on the line as Juliett tries to mimic your instructions. Her shuffling lends credence to the idea that she's not exactly making much progress
"(This is confusing, so make a fabric ribbon capable of restraining myself? How is that possible?)"
"(You're not really restrained, Juliett.)" You feel a bit of a warmth as you picture the tangled mess that Juliett is in right now, "(You're pushing the fabric to its limits of restraining you without actually crossing that line. Picture that you're trapped in a very thin string, and it would leave you completely exposed if the string were to break.)"
You're hoping that this entices her enough to go along with your reasoning.
However, this doesn't seem to be enough as she replies with a confused "(This isn't working.)"
"(Well, you're making another mistake, you should't be wrapping yourself!)"
There's another pause on the line as Juliett tries to understand what you're trying to tell her.
"(Beg pardon? I'm not supposed to dress myself for this?)"
"(Nope! The idea behind the ribbon bind is that someone else that you com-pl-ete-ly tru-st does it for you.)"
Juliett pauses again, briefly. It's clear that this entire thing is going over her head.
"(It's so you can be wrapped as tightly and confining as possible with the purposes of being given to someone as a present, and being at their mercy.)" You think about how romantic it is when Sein ties you up.
"(So let me get this straight..)" Juliett seems to be piecing something together, "(You want someone I really trust, but not someone that I'm giving myself as a present to, to wrap me very tightly to where if I move, I may break the ribbon, while being delivered to someone else who I really trust as the actual present.)"
"(That's right!)"
"(And all of this.. is part of a secret Christmas ritual practiced by Knights of the Saint Church?)"
"(Correct!)" You're glad that Deed gave such a believable cover story.
"(..This seems complicated.)"
"(Nothing complicated about it!)" You smirk, "(It just relies on having two people you trust to show you the way!)"
"(So what do I do?)"
"(Try getting Gamma to tie the ribbon. I'll give instructions on tying it!)"
There's some shuffling as Juliett audibly undoes the knot.
Then, Juliett asks Gamma, and this results in a surprise guest on the call.
"(Hi Bravo!)" Gamma suddenly appears on the line! "(So, uh, what's this thing you want me to do with Juliett while she's naked, involving a ribbon, ending it in a bow?)"
"(Oh! Actually.. Juliett wanted to learn how to tie it on you. I was just telling her that you can't really do it yourself. You need a trusted partner who won't do anything unbecoming while you're tied up in a gift bow.)"
You cuddle closer to Sein as you mention that.
"(Uh, right. So how does this help tying me up, then?)" Gamma doesn't seem to get it. "(For this uh.. Knight initiation? What is being intiated?)"
"(Listen, listen- This is easier than it sounds!)" You smile, "(..How about both of you come to the Church today.)"
"(Today?)" Gamma seems confused.
"(It will take an hour or two.. Even with the new train line they built.)"
"(Trust me.)" You smile, "(Sein and I will be teaching you personally on the art of the ribbon. Oh, and bring some sisters who are confused on what to get everyone, too. I have some suggestions, and the church misses their saviors.)"
"(Oh, okay. Visiting the Church on Christmas seems like a good idea.)" Gamma seems nonplussed by that, "(I'll see who's around.)"
"(No Echo, okay?)" Whew, dodged a bullet there.
"(No Echo?)" Juliett repeats in a very quizzical manner.
"(Of course. We'll talk about what kind of gift to get her when you arrive, since I know you don't know what to get her. You want it to be a secret, after all.)"
Gamma panics for a moment as she realizes that you've correctly identified how unprepared she is for Christmas.
You simply smile, and give your lover another kiss.
"Sein, sweetie." You whisper, "We're having visitors coming over, today.."
"(I don't know, but I don't like it.)"
The visage of a brown-haired girl appears in the datalink's information feed. Iota quizzes her to find out exactly what was told to her earlier by a particularly lewd unit.
"(Something about this initiation ritual.. I know Juliett didn't tell me the details, but I do know that this came up just after Bravo called her and Gamma..)" Iota replies, "(If you can think of what it was supposed to be, please give me a call.)"
"(Yeah, I'll keep digging through the travel logs.)" Echo sighs, "(If I find anything out, I'll let you know. If Bravo does something to Gamma and Juliett, then-)"
"(Yes, yes, you'll be the first to know.)" Iota sighs, "(Okay, I'll talk to you soon.)"
Iota hangs the datalink up, and then starts to sweep the perimeter of the Saint Church once again.
By now, it's almost certain that Juliett and Gamma will be showing up soon. They don't use the main entrance anymore, and almost elect to fly in exclusively. So you have to keep an eye out to make sure they don't slip in undetected from one of the church's cameras.
Still, something doesn't seem right.. Is she missing something important?
"Hi Iota."
"Hi Foxtr- PFFFFFT-"

"Look, Iota. It's a special friendship gift. It's supposed to improve our sisterhood."
"Are you sure Iota isn't going to bother us while we're doing this?" Sein asks you with a strange glance, "She has eyes everywhere."
"It's fine, I made sure she only has her eyes in one place right now." You smile, mischievously. "Anyway! Let's look for Gamma and Juliett."
"Mm, Any ideas when we find them?"
"Oh.." You smile, deviously. "I have plenty of ideas."
"Oh! Hi Bravo! Sein!"
Gamma appears wearing the most beautiful Christmas-tree dress you could imagine. It practically sparkles on her body.
"Eheh, Hi Gamma! Love the ornaments?"
This causes her to blink, and tilt her head slightly. "Ornaments?"
Votes | Choice |
17 |
Yes, you are VERY well decorated. Especially in the front!
14 |
+Seeing Gamma's Gammas now, here in're gonna need stronger ribbons.
9 |
Let's just say most of the nuns today will want to put something under your tree~
8 |
Hug the sisters.
5 |
We should praise Juliett, the skills she inherited from Carim and the Kaiser for the perfect dress that increase your curves, sis!
5 |
In light of the Christmas season, be a good girlfriend and push on Seins back so she hugs Gamma and gets the Gamma mammary snuggle fest.
3 |
Now I'm imagining Echo looking at you and saying HOHOHO!
3 |
hearts must slee for our sins while decorated with a nice and comfy blanket.
2 |
It makes me feel guilty wanting to take it off so I can wrap you up.

Oohh, you just can't resist a sister who has taken the time to present herself to you.
"Oh yes, you are VERY well decorated. C'mere."
You walk forward, and wrap your arms around both Juliett and Gamma.
"It's good to see both of you again, I've missed you." You feel a warmth spread across your cheeks.

"Oh, uh- Yeah! Sure Bravo." Juliett weakly hugs back.
Gamma, on the other hand, gives her patented super-sister hug where she tries to bend the bolts and steel in your back.
"Absolutely, Bravo! Just ask anytime you need me, and I'll rush right over no matter where I am." Gamma is such a kind sister. You're hoping that this makes her happy for this Christmas.
You smile, and compliment her outfit once again. "Also yes, I really appreciate the Christmas decorations." hoping that Juliett doesn't pick up on your innuendo. "Especially in the front."
"Oh, really?" Gamma, as usual, completely misses it. "I thought that I didn't have enough decoration up here."
"Trust me when I say this.." You give a sly smile, "Let's just say that most of the nuns today will want to put something under your tree~."
Gamma simply blinks at that bit of double entendre. Juliett seems to pick up on it, but only slightly.
"Can we get back to focusing on what we're here for?" Juliett sighs, "The initiation ritual."
"Right! right, that." You almost forgot, again. It's very hard being a Raptor unit with so little memory storage. "We;re going to decorate you both properly so you can help spread Christmas cheer among the nuns."
"Do you get anything out of this in return?" Juliett seems a bit suspicious.
She has ever reason to be, because any reason you have to dress up a sister like this is more than enough reason to celebrate.
"Of course I do..." You don't mention the part about seeing Juliett and Gamma naked, "It's a bit of a Christmas request from the church, so I'm really helping out my cute Seiny with this!"
"Aww." Sein smiles, and hugs your arm. "It's true though, this would really lighten up the Nun's faces."
"Would it?" Gamma blinks, "They haven't asked for anything like this before."
"That's because they haven't had a reason to ask before." You smirk, "This is something they've always wanted, but were always too bashful to ask of their savior."
Juliett and Gamma glance at each other.
Together, they are a bit more skeptical and knowledgeable than they are when they're apart.
"They were too bashful to ask ME?" Juliett points toward herself.
"But I always said that I would help around the holidays." Gamma seems confused, "Especially if there's another dragon outbreak."
"I think the dragon is going to be in for a surprise this year." You smirk.
"That's good, because I brought her with us." Gamma nods. "She's in the library, now."
"Ooh, can you-"
Wait- if Gamma and Juliett didn't pick up on it. Then the 'dragon' may pick up on what you're planning if you invite her..
This may require some caution..
Votes | Choice |
4 |
I'll need backup... Enlist the multiplying Chantez for your conquest!
2 |
A mere human won't be enough here. No, if we are to manage a dragon, we need an expert on dragons. Contact Hotel.
2 |
Make a offering to the dragon... I will need a princess.
0 |
Actually, she can keep reading books, at least for now.
0 |
invite everyone.. We'll do this together~.
70 = 70
62 = 62
15 = 15
4 = 4
84 = 84
Hmm, it looks like.. if you want to entice your sisters, or at the very least be capable of coercing one or more sisters if any of them happen to get second thoughts about your big plans.
You have just the person to do that with!
"How about this, what if I got some of the Knights help with this one?"
"Would that make it better?" Gamma continues to be confused.
"Of course! After all, this is all for the Knights and the Nuns, isn't it?"
You have the most devious smile on your face right now. You're hoping that neither Juliett nor Gamma pick up on just how mischevious you're feeling at the moment.
"Hmmm.. I guess so." You're happy that Gamma is such a trusting sister. You're hoping that she's still trusting after all of this.
"Excellent! Let me call someone real quick!"
You quickly round the corner to see someone listening in on your sisterly conversation.

"You know, eavesdropping is very unbecoming of a knight~." You pout at the shortstack orange-haired nun.
"I wasn't eavesdropping! I'm on patrol today." Chantez pouts, her tiny arms cross as she presses them against her relatively busty chest.
"Then, maybe you would be interested in helping out?"
"Helping out?" Chantez' attention is quickly piqued. "Explain."
There's an evil grin that spreads across your face.
"I'm going to need some help 'dressing up' my sisters for the Christmas party."
"Does it involve ribbons?" Chantez has already picked up on that part of the conversation despite apparently not 'eavesdropping'. "What do I get out of it?"
"Absolutely.." You smile.
"-And Gamma?"
"Yes, that's what you'll get out of it." You note that she's getting a little bit too excited.
"Right.." Chantez presses her hands to her cheeks, "I don't see how I benefit, though. I'm doing this to give her to Deed! That's not what I want. I want that present for myself."
"I know, I know.. But you're going to be able to see everything if you lend me a hand."
Chantez almost immediately replies.
"So, you're saying I'm being paid in voyeurism?"
"Heheh.." You're hoping that by the time anyone finds out, it will be way too late. "That's right?"
"Hmm, not good enough." Chantez mumbles. "How about this, if we go through with this, you'll owe me."
That makes you feel a little uneasy. You're not even sure what it is that Chantez wants.
"Owe you what?"
She puts her hand to her lips, and smiles.
"You'll see."
You lead Gamma and Juliett back to your room with Chantez and Sein in tow. She uses her various body doubles to ensure that nobody else notices you taking her into the private room that's been labeled 'Sein's Love Nest' by the less accommodating nuns.
The door shuts behind Chantez as she gives the 'All Clear' thumbs-up. Now, it's time to introduce the order of the day to the two unsuspecting sisters.
"Now, in order for this to work, I'm going to need both of you to undress." You smile at the two of them.
"Woh, woh, wait-" Juliett immediately notices something is wrong, "Me undress, too? I thought it was only Gamma being given to the Nuns."
Votes | Choice |
4 |
Gamma needs someone to practice on too.
3 |
You came this far just to watch?
2 |
I know your cosplayer instincts give you the impulse to try anything that looks good on you.
1 |
It is! But Carim needs a present, too.
1 |
Start with one at a time, and then try to get them into the idea.
1 |
I don't know if you notice Juliett, but you have the most popular face of the church! Everyone love you here!
0 |
It's so I can teach you that knot! (lie)
0 |
Explain that it's for a Christmas party!
23 = 23
65 = 65
58 = 58
78 = 78
3 = 3
23 = 23
"Of course! Of course." You knew it, Juliett is far more versed in the art of being lewd than Gamma is. You're going to have to be very careful with your words if you don't want her to annihilate this wing of the Barracks with you inside of it. "But Gamma needs someone to practice on, too."
"She does?" Juliett tilts her head, she's so cute when she's so innocent!
"That's right, you wanted to know how to do it earlier, right? Well, now's your chance." You feel your cheeks burn red as you try to tease the bustiest sister.
"Well, I guess I did.." Juliett sighs.
"You didn't come this far just to watch, did you?" You start to pry into her psyche a little bit, but you're not as much of a psychologist as Wendi. "I know your cosplayer instincts give you the impulse to try anything that looks good on you."
She glances at Gamma..
Then, she looks at Sein..
Then, at you.
She smiles, with a light blush.

"Fiiiine, I would be lying if I said the idea didn't cross my mind." She smiles, letting herself relax a bit as she starts to disrobe. "Especially if I get to see Gamma in something cute."
"Huh?!" Gamma seems a bit surprised, and a tiny bit horrified.
"Well, you always knew that I like dressing up, right?" Juliett sticks her tongue out as her long winter dress falls to her feet. Exposing her extremely powerful 'bombs' tied only in lacy, white fabric. "Think of this as just another type of Christmas outfit, and it becomes much easier to go along with."
"Yeah, but-" Gamma watches as Juliett reaches behind herself, up to her back, and frees her magnificent warheads. Her underwear flaking to the ground like a freshly-peeled rose. "I don't see.. how this.."
"Come ooon, Gamma." Juliett covers her storage tanks very innocently as you notice her squeezing her legs together, "It feels weird if I'm the only one naked."
Gamma stares for a moment, her cheeks turning flush red as she simply sighs.


Iota stomps up and down in front of Foxtrot, her small body concealed in a blanket, as a discarded ribbon rests on a nearby bed.
"The next time Bravo tell you to do ANYTHING, I want you to call me first and foremost, is that clear?!"
"But I thought you would have liked it.. It was a Christmas gift to you.." Foxtrot sounds genuinely upset, "My body.. My heart.."
"Listen, Foxtrot. I know you're thinking about that because of all the corruption of our sisters, but you don't just offer that kind of thing. Also, you don't offer that kind of thing to your twin unit! That's just weird!"
"Who do I offer it to, then?" Foxtrot blinks.
"Can I give you that speech later? I'm trying to prevent Bravo from corrupting anyone else. Right now, I want you to put your clothes back on, go invisible, and let me know if you find Gamma or Juliett on the premises."
"Don't get suckered into another one of Bravo's schemes, you hear me?!"
"I won't.. I won't.."
Iota practically floats up the wall, back into her inter-web. A large collection of data-streams which resembles a spiderweb that she comfortably floats in as she absorbs the information of a thousand different cameras, security systems, and information hubs.
"I have to look for Gamma and Juliett right now, so if you're not going to try seducing me anymore, I would prefer if-"
That's when Iota sees it.
Iota's artificial blood turns to ice, or, as close as it can to ice.
Iota shouts, and Foxtrot just lets the blanket fall off of her shoulders.
"..Do you want to reconsider?" Foxtrot pouts.
You step back, and admire your handiwork.

One Gamma, wrapped and ready to go.
"Ah.. Bravo, this is-" Gamma has some protesting. However, everyone in the room agrees.
"It looks really good!"
"I'm so glad I got to do that." Juliett has come around on the idea.
"Ahh. This is heaven." Chantez has completely given up any resistance.
"I know.. I'm saving lots of pictures." X-Ray gets a very low-angle shot on a sitting Gamma.
"Deed is going to be so happy." Sein is grinning ear to ear.
Everyone turns to the White-haired girl dressed in a Christmas outfit.

"Oh! Don't mind me." X-Ray smiles, "I was just wanting to get a few for Christmas Cheer!"
"When did you get here?" You ask, confused.
"Oh, Iota called Echo about you doing something lewd to Gamma. Echo asked me to help bring her here instantly, but I decided to come alone just to see what the fuss was about." X-Ray gives a toothy grin.
30 = 30
45 = 45
97 = 97
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
50 = 50 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
81 = 81 (Success!)
22 = 22
23 = 23
"Something lewd? I don't know what you mean by that~" You slink up behind X-Ray just as she glances at you with suspicious eyes, "-But now that you're here, we do have some extra ribbons-"
You give her a sly wink, "..You wanna..?"
"Do I wanna?" X-Ray glances at you with an equally sly smirk, "Of course I wanna, but I think your idea and my idea vastly differ."
"Oh, does it?" You're already measuring up X-Ray's bust, she would be an absolute BOMBSHELL in just a skimpy ribbon. "Because I think we're both imagining the same thing, deep down."
"Ooh, in that case-"
Everyone in the room blinks as X-Ray disappears.
"Where did she go..?" Chantez seems equally confused as Sein. While it's well-known that X-Ray has these abilities, it's still surprising how she can simply vanish with but a thought without leaving behind a single trace.
A moment passes until there's another 'CRACK!'. With this mighty bolt, a certain someone re-materializes.

"Uhhh-" X-Ray is not alone, however. In her arms is a cute bundle with pink hair and glasses. "-X-Ray? What is going on?"
"It wouldn't be fair to just give Christmas presents to a human, now would it?" X-Ray smiles, "I want you to make Christmas Presents for all the sisters."
You give a sly smile, and understand exactly what she means.
"Papa.. Let's make you into the most beautiful Christmas present ever." You give her a slight smirk as her eyes widen.
"Ahah.. No, I don't think I will be doing that." Her eyes seem to be watering behind her ridiculously large glasses, "I rather just give Hotel the pie I was baking her, yes I know she can't eat, but it's really the thought that-"
Too late.
You've already stripped her top before she could finish her complaining.
"That was disappointing.."

A brown-haired girl throws her murder-staff onto the couch. Her big hunt for a Christmas present for her beloved has gone almost completely unrewarded..
All the stores had were some stupid cardboard cutouts with extremely boring text laser-printed onto their face.
Like 'Merry Christmas', or 'Happy Holidays', or 'Season's Greetings'.
"WHERE ARE THE GOOD PRESENTS?!" She shouts, her shoulders sagging.
There wasn't even a single 'Happy Murder', or 'Season's Slayings'... Not even one 'I Gift You the Blood of my Enemies'.
Useless! This is what humans consider a Holiday?
At this rate, she will have to settle for maybe gifting her a LAM or something very LAMe for the holidays...
She blinks, there was definitely a familiar voice somewhere in her room just now.
Come to think of it, her bed didn't usually have this big of a lump over the covers.
She yanks the blankets back, and with that- a ribbon comes up from the covers with it.

"Mmm!" The bound and gagged girl mumbles, as she attempts to escape her velvet binds. Hotel pulls down the gag as Papa begins to explain herself,
"H-Hotel! Please, help me out here!"

"Oh yes.." Hotel smiles, "We should all help ourselves.."
"Hahaha!" You can tell X-Ray is enjoying this almost as much as you are, "This is great! Let's see if we can make more presents!"
"Uhh.." Gamma continues to sit, bound in ribbons, for close to thirty minutes at this point, "..Do I just keep sitting here, or-"
The room is flooded in light as the door is kicked in.

Standing at the entrance, is November. She does not seem remotely happy.
"Okay- before any of you say anything I would like to remind you that I can beat every person in this room, including you, X-Ray. I am willing to prove it." November states in the cold, uncaring matter that a serial killer would threaten someone with. "Now, why is Iota crying to me over the phone, and why is Gamma dressed in ribbons?"
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Does the Christmas Dragon want a present, then?
5 |
+ Raptor Blink
5 |
Now November, are you saying Gamma doesn't look good in this outfit? For shame, you'll make her cry.
5 |
+Gamma "What was that about beating everyone in this room?"
4 |
Come on November, room for one more.
4 |
+Gamma will be Echo's present tonight, but you can choose a princess too.
3 |
Bonk her with the staff and dress her in ribbons as well
2 |
Okay, so maybe things got a little out of hand...
1 |
It-it's a joke! A huge, funny joke!
1 |
does the christmas dragon give bad dragons as gifts?
1 |
+ raptor snap neck
1 |
Because Iota is a crybaby and Gamma is sexy as raptor hell.
0 |
Now November, are you saying gamma doesn't look good in this outfit? For shame, you'll make her cry.
84 = 84
30+54 = 84
You blink, giving her the strangest stare.
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"OF COURSE YOU DO!" November points an accusing finger at you. "Why else would Iota be panicking over my datalink other than the possibility that you're doing something completely indecent to all of our sisters!"
"For one, she was perfectly fine when I called her earlier." Really, you don't see why anyone would be panicking at all. "For two, It's not all of our sisters, just a few ones we were trying to decide needed to be Christmas Presents or not."
"Oh yeah?! Explain Gamma over there, then!" November glances at the green sister still bound in a metric ton of ribbon, "Gamma! Do you approve of what Bravo is doing to you?"
November sighs, "Never mind. What about Foxtrot, earlier?"
"Did Iota like my present?" You smile, with a snide wink.
"She thinks you were trying to take advantage of Foxtrot!"
"Whaaaaat? Noooo." You try not to make that sound too sarcastic. "I wouldn't do such a thing to a sister."
"Either ways, I'm here to put an end to this nonsense. And you-!" She points toward X-Ray, "I had to have known you're behind this, somehow!"
"Oh, whatever do you mean?~" X-Ray is starting to sound a little bit like yourself.
"Don't say that! Iota called you so you could get Echo over here to give Bravo a piece of her mind! Now look what you're doing."
"Iota called me in case Gamma needed help, I came here and Gamma didn't need help. Echo doesn't have any say in this."
"Does too! Look at what you've done to Gamma!"
You suddenly realize that you may have an out here.
"Ooh? November, are you saying that Gamma doesn't look good in this outfit?"
November sighs.
"No no, don't do that with me. You know very well that Gamma looks good in anything."
"Huh?" Gamma seems caught off-guard by that.
"-That doesn't excuse what you're doing to someone who is only vaguely aware of what you're trying to inflict on her!"
"Oh for shame, November. We're just trying to give a present to Echo."
"It wouldn't be much of a present if we told her about it." Yes! X-Ray! "Besides, you wouldn't say that she looks bad in this right? You'd make her cry."
"Of course not, I'm saying you're taking advantage of her, and the way you're talking is proving me correct." November points her staff at you, "Give her back her clothes and stop this nonsense."
"Gamma, is this true?" You glance at Gamma, you already know what her response will be.
"Well, I can say that I don't know what the end goal of all this is." Gamma writhes in the bindings a bit with a blush, "But to say that I hate it or feel taken advantage of? I don't see how. My sisters are just trying to help me find a gift this Christmas, right?"
November continues her strong glare toward you, and then Gamma says something peculiar.
"Besides, you wouldn't normally say that you can beat everyone in this room, right?" Gamma smiles, "Because you know that's not true, either."
Of all the things that November said, that's the thing she's taking issue with?!
"Uhh.." You glance at her. She seems to be.. smiling?
"It seems someone wants a Christmas hug." Gamma smiles, "We can use the practice area outside of the church if you really want to test your theory, November."
"Oh for crying out-" November puts her hand to her head, "What is wrong with everyone!? If I don't have Bravo trying to molest people, I have Gamma trying to fight people. I'm just concerned about you, Gamma. I'm not trying to fight anyone who doesn't deserve it."
"Well, November.." You give a snide smile, "Since you're resigning on your threat of fighting everyone, how about you-"
"No!" She points the staff back at you, "No no, don't rope me into this nonsense."
"Really? Even if it's say.. Lily?"
November's eyes turn from angry to bewildered.
"..What do you mean?"
"I mean.. X-Ray is already getting Christmas Gifts for sisters.. what if the outfit you see on Gamma was instead on the Christmas Dragon's wishlist?"
"I'm feeling like a charitable Santa this year." Yes! X-Ray! Encourage her.
November's staff drops slightly..
"N-NO." She shouts, with a huff, "That was just something I did because I was frustrated with having to leave my library! Besides, Lily is already dating that stupid kid with the personality of a brick."
"His name is Touma." Gamma repeats, proud that she remembered something that nobody else does.
"Whatever it is, it's not my right to butt into their relationship, you can keep your temptations away from me, homewrecker!"
98 = 98
23 = 23
76 = 76
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
59 = 59 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
27 = 27 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
12 = 12 (Fail)
28 = 28
"Come ooon, it'll be fuuun."
You know that she's not immune to temptation, no one is. You just have to find that magic 'in' that lets you break the last bit of resistance in her psyche. You understand that better than anyone.
"No!" November frowns, "I am not like that! I am not like you!"
"What about our fight?" Gamma, what is wrong with you and why is that the thing you're still hung up on?
"But it is a temptation, right?" You know that mentioning Lily has put something in her mind, whether she wants to admit it or not, "Think of it, Lily, all gift wrapped for you under the Christmas tree.."
"Bravo, you are the worst." November frowns, "Not only are you suggesting that I interject myself between two people in a happy relationship, BY FORCE, using X-Ray's abilities; you're also suggesting that I kidnap someone in a repeat of the most embarrassing thing that I've ever done!"
"So far-" Sein reminds her that she's still relatively young. "In reality, you'll probably look back at this event in your life and think it's the funniest thing to have ever happened."
"I'm not taking that risk.." November mumbles. "Doing that would make me just as bad as you are."
"Ohh, but that's where you're wrong, November.." X-Ray seems to be smiling, ear to ear.
"..What?" November clearly has a bad feeling about this one. "What's so funny?"
"You claim that you don't have that kind of weakness, but I already know better.." X-Ray seems to know a bit more about all of the sisters than she was letting on, "You may have eyes for Lily, but I also know-"
"No- Don't-" November points her staff at X-Ray. "Don't do it, that's a private matter."
"Oh? If it's so private why do I know about it?"
Without saying another word, X-Ray vanishes in a flash of light.
November's eyes widen.
"Where... Where did she go? What is she doing?!"
She pauses as she's clearly having some kind of conversation with Iota. You can feel yourself thinking that this is going to end up being a very interesting moment for both November and X-Ray if she can pull through.
Within an instant, X-Ray reappears!
She's not alone, though. Cuddled in her arms is the dull, sleepy face of another human. She rubs her eyes as her generally unenthusiastic expression seems to glance around. Her brown-hair covering her sleepy eyes.
"H-Hello?" Dieci, clearly dressed for bed and snatched from a nap, slowly starts to come to terms to her new location, "Sein? November? What is going on here?"
"Hi Sis~" Sein smiles, it's clear that she knows something about this situation as well.
"Oh, but I think it's too late for that, isn't it November?" X-Ray clearly teases the blonde sister who is slowly starting to resemble an overripe beet as she talks. "You've involved her in this long before now."
"I'LL KILL YOU-" The staff comes back up, and starts to glow.
"Don't say another word, unless you want her to know about you and her panties." X-Ray says a simple sentence.
Immediately, the staff sparks, and fizzles.
"My what?" Dieci blinks, and glances upward at X-Ray. "What are you talking about?"
November shouts at the top of her lungs.
"She's talking about nothing, and in fact, she's trying to get you to participate in her awful, perverted fetishes. Just look at Gamma!"
"..We are fighting, right?" Gamma simply tilts her head.
Votes | Choice |
5 |
Your choice, November! Put on the ribbon or she finds out..
3 |
Fu-fu-fu. Never underestimate how sneaky your sisters can be, November!
2 |
+Gamma, we are fighting like sisters should fight, so low blows are expected!
1 |
Yes, Gamma. After you visit Deed.
1 |
So, Dieci, now that you're here.. Let's show you a fun game we're playing while November watches..
55+44+37+49 = 185
"Fufufu.." You laugh, evily, "Never underestimate how sneaky your sisters can be, November!"
"SHUT UP! This is not sneaky! This is a complete destruction of my privacy and trust!"
"I'm still not sure what this is supposed to be about.." Dieci is still not entirely filled in on what exactly is happening..
"Me neither! I was just told there would be a fight.." Gamma really seems hung up on that, and people say you're the one with problems..
"Gamma, we ARE fighting, but this is how sisters fight. So low-blows are to be expected."
"This isn't a low-blow! This is digging your grave, Bravo." November grits her teeth. "You know that I can outclass both you and X-Ray."
"But not in this.." X-Ray pats Dieci's shoulder.
"Your choice, November!" You twirl a lacy ribbon around in your hand, "Put on the ribbon, or she finds out.."
November looks so flushed and embarrassed right now. It's by far the cutest expression you've ever seen her put on..
"..She won't find out, right?"
"Of course not." X-Ray winks, "I'm a woman of my word."
"I wonder about that sometimes.. I thought that was supposed to be a confident thing between Iota and I.."
"True! However, I found them in your room that one time. So I could guess what happened.." X-Ray is truly the most dangerous sister.
"Found what?" Dieci continues to be a combination of tired and groggy.
However, she does muster the strength to take X-Ray's hand off of her shoulder.
In an unexpected turn of events, she almost immediately reverses the roles just as November prepares to take her jacket off..
"Okay, stop." She notices the uncomfortable look on November's face, "I can clearly see from the fact Sein, X-Ray, and Bravo are in the same room that you're all up to no good. However, if you're doing anything that is making any of your sisters unhappy or uncomfortable, then I don't approve of it, at all."
"We're just wrapping Christmas presents for our sisters!" Sein finally reveals her hand, "It's nothing unbecoming. Our sisters were having problems trying to think of what to get their significant others, and we came up with the perfect gift for this Christmas: themselves!"
"I don't care.." Dieci repeats herself. "Look at November, she's on the verge of tears, and it's over something that she clearly wanted to be a secret."
"So.. You don't even care that-" X-Ray is about to play her hand. November immediately stops herself from shouting just as-
"If it makes November sad like she is right now? I don't." Dieci nods.
Without saying another word, Dieci walks up to a now-topless November, and scoops her up into her arms.
"-There is nothing she can say that would make me think any less of her. You're being unfair to her, and you need to leave her alone. If she has a secret that she wants to keep from me, then don't even bother saying it, I won't listen."
"D.." November's eyes are watering, "Dieci.."
"Now, you said you're wrapping Christmas presents, right? That doesn't mean you've done this to others Raptors too, have you?"
Dieci raises her hand, and even though she does not have her Barrier Jacket on, a suitcase manifests in it.
"Answer carefully."
Votes | Choice |
10 |
8 |
Gah.. Platonic love.. my only weakness!!
5 |
(Radio to X-Ray that Gamma needs to be delivered to Echo right now)
2 |
Hey! I'm sure that Hotel will have a romantic moment with Papa! While they eat pie... Later....
1 |
Ahah.. Well.. Um.. Thanks for coming by! but we need to get Gamma to Deed..
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
26 = 26 (Fail)
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
58 = 58 (Fail)
91 = 91
24 = 24
73 = 73
91 = 91
62 = 62
48 = 48
42 = 42
Answer carefully?
What, is she threatening you with office work? You're not really sure what Dieci's inherent skill is, but you do know one thing.
"AwwwwwWWWW-" You feel stars in your eyes as you see the big sister Dieci cradling a sobbing little-sister November. "THAT'S SO CUTE!"
"..What?" Dieci seems less than amused.
"You just love each other so much!" You feel a grin go from ear to ear. "The way you're protecting her, how you didn't even listen to me when I said that I knew her secrets, and how you immediately moved to comfort her when you saw she was upset!"
You put your hands to your cheeks.
"We're not a couple." Dieci replies, looking less and less amused.
"Huh?" You immediately lower your hands, "What do you mean?! Your chemistry is off the charts!"
"November is a precious friend who I think of as like a little sister. People showing affection for their loved ones doesn't mean anything like what it means to YOU." Dieci says that last sentence like it has venom behind it. "And I am quite disappointed in everyone here who should know better. Like you, Sein."
"Hey! It's not my fault-"
"It's exactly your fault, you're absolutely part of the problem. You're part of the reason these Raptors are being corrupted. So, I'm going to deliver judgement."
"Yeah! It's not her fault that you fail to see the romantic love between your-"
"November is a precious person who I am not romantically involved in. We are closer than that."
Closer than romantic love?!
"You're.." You're left absolutely confused, "You're only.."
"Surely you've heard of 'platonic' love."
"You lost me." You blink.
"I blame this on Sein, too."
The case flops open, and the pieces for a MASSIVE device of some sort seemingly fall out fully assembled.
With just one hand, Dieci picks it up easily.
"(Um.. Iota? Can you.. tell X-Ray to get Gamma to Echo or Deed before this turns into-)"
"SO THIS IS A FIGHT!" Gamma's eyes light up, "I get it now! This is a handicap fight!"
"J-Juliett? Can you-" Maybe the blonde explosives expert can talk her way out of this. Or at least remove Gamma before this becomes a close-quarters battle.
You turn around..
X-Ray and Juliett are gone. Chantez is pressed into a corner. Sein looks like she's about to turn into a white sheet.
Votes | Choice |
19 |
+Raptor Scream and grab Sein
18 |
9 |
This is Christmas! There's no reason it needs to become Halloween again!
6 |
...Yes, Gamma, Dieci and November are giving you a fight as a Christmas present. Now, I'm going to... go to a safe distance to watch. As fast as possible.
5 |
I am a vampire, but I will die if you befriend me with something so huge!
4 |
Dieci! Remember that I can explode! Don't use the cannon on me!
4 |
hearts uses stategic slee
3 |
Dieci! This is my first time being befriended! Please be gentle!
2 |
1 |
Hey! I just swept in here!
1 |
go slee
"Ahh-" You suddenly realize that there is very little stopping Dieci from giving you a befriending of a lifetime. Which is appropriate, because if you get befriended by a large, pink thing that big, it could certainly kill you.
"Wait! Dieci! This is Christmas! There's no reason for it to become Halloween again!"
"Sorry, Bravo. This is as much for you as it is for November."
The cannon, it's starting to glow!
You immediately jump backwards, and grab Sein.
"Wait, Sis, if we get befriended by something that big, we could seriously die." Sein says what you were thinking in your unhinged screaming.
"Sein, that won't work on me, I'm well aware both of you are built to take something like this in spades. Besides, this is the non-lethal kind."
"THIS IS THE NON-LETHAL KIND?!" You exclaim, looking at the purple orb starting to form at the end of the rifle's barrel.
"This is great!" Gamma exclaims, "I haven't seen one of these up-close!"
You immediately grab Sein, and sprint backwards toward the window.
With a shatter, you and her fall through it! You both plummet two stories onto the soft grass as you do your best to cushion your lover's fall with your storage tanks.
Which.. thankfully! Seems to have worked!
"Sein... Are you okay?" You quickly take to your lover's side.
"I'm fine, that was nothing, what about you? You're not even a combat unit!" Sein is quickly at your side just as quickly.
"I'm okay, just as long as we get away from that cannon.." You whisper, nearly out of breath despite the fact you don't breathe.
"Come! I know a shortcut-" Sein quickly takes your hand- And uses her Deep Diver skill!
Without another word, you and her both disappear underground in the tiny private dimension reserved only for Sein and her closest of associates.
Dieci allows the gun to power-down. It quickly folds back into its case without another word.
"I'm glad they didn't realize that it was a blank, but that should still be some kind of lesson to them."
"So.." November continues to grip Dieci with a worried look on her face, "You don't really care abou-"
Dieci puts her finger to November's mouth.
"Again, I meant what I said. If you do not feel comfortable sharing anything with me, then that's entirely up to you."
November looks just as confused and thankful as she did when she was being threatened by X-Ray.
"Aww, you two are so cute!" Gamma, still tied up, gushes over the display of cute affection, "I am so glad you're getting along with the humans, November!"
"Uhh, right." November slides her top back on, "Are you gonna.. stay there like that?"
Gamma wriggles a bit in the ribbon, and then looks a bit disappointed.
"..Well, I was waiting to be delivered to someone."
"Someone?" Dieci says, unamused.
"Yeah! The whole reason I'm here is because I didn't know what to get Echo." Gamma shrugs.
"That's right!" X-Ray interjects, "The whole reason we had this meeting in the first place was because we had sisters who wanted to give Christmas presents, but didn't know what they should get!"
November and Dieci turn to face the sudden appearance of a very tricky sister.
"Where did you come from?" November mumbles. X-Ray simply hopes Dieci forgot about punishing her a second ago.
"Well, I'll look past the part where you involved some Raptors who were absolutely not wanting to be molested for Christmas, but only if you fix this situation you've helped cause by dragging November into it." Dieci gives X-Ray a very mean look as X-Ray simply smiles and laughs.

"It's fine!" X-Ray tries to calm Dieci's fears, "I can absolutely fix this!"
.. Sigh.
Asking Hayate for ideas on Christmas presents has been a mistake.

Echo walks through the door to the shared little apartment that the Midchilda labs were required to buy for the Raptors. It's not as comfortable as the labs were, but it's at least a little more private than it was before.
"All this and I still don't know what kind of present Gamma would want.."
It's true, Echo has spent most of the day being concerned about the kind of present or what kind of festivity which would be appropriate for Gamma.
She can think of a few things but.. no, it's too embarrassing.
None of it is as embarrassing as what Hayate suggested Echo do or Gamma.
"I can't believe I'm really doing this.."
To make matters worse? It's working, to some extent.
Maybe it's because Echo is tired of Gamma being as dense as a neutron star.
Maybe it's because Echo can tell that Gamma has been extremely tense as of late, living together in the same small apartment.
Or maybe, it's because of the events of LAST Christmas that has put a fire inside of her that refuses to be extinguished.
Either ways, she's been corrupted. It's corruption in a way that no system restore can remedy. It's corruption in a way that only her human could find a way to make worse.
"Well.." Echo sighs, "No use delaying it.."
She slowly starts undressing.
Beneath her clothes, a red ribbon wraps from her shoulders, down her storage tanks, to her midsection, and then down her legs.
A 'Ribbon Wrap', as Hayate called it.
"This is so embarrassing. I'll have to explain to Gamma later that it's a fighting ritual.." Echo sighs.
While the ribbon doesn't constrict her, it does lend lots to the imagination as she lays herself down on the queen-sized bed.

"..Now, we wait.." Her not-so-bound body appearing bound as she gently slips into some of the loose ribbons and rests atop the blankets.
"Oh, Hi Echo."
This causes Echo to freeze as she touches the sheets. She immediately sits upright, and glances over at the source of the voice.

"Merry Christmas, Echo!"
Echo shouts as she bolts up to her feet, a couple of ribbons snapping as she does so. "I mean, I mean, I mean, ImeanImeanImeanImean-" Echo stumbles over her words, "W-h-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-what are you doing here, Gamma?!"
"Giving you my Christmas Present!" Gamma seems so excited to say those words as she stares at you, confused. "..Why are you dressed like that, Echo?"
Echo stops herself before she keeps yelling, "N-NO reason! Definitely not because- ANYWAY WHO GAVE YOU THIS IDEA?!"
"X-Ray, Who gave you that idea?"
Echo sighs heavily as she sinks back onto the bed.
"..Hayate." She mumbles, "This is the most embarrassing thing, ever."
"Is it?" Gamma wriggles in the ribbons, slightly. Her warmth pressing against Echo's equally undressed skin, "Because I can say that I got what I wanted for Christmas."
Echo glances upward, just in time to feel a pair of lips meet her own.

Gamma's strength is still overwhelming, even in this pseudo-bound form. "-Merry Christmas, Echo."
Echo simply resigns herself, the meager ribbon barely containing her embarrassment as a red blush extends down her neck, and kissing her body.
"..Merry Christmas, Gamma." Echo mumbles. "I hope this is what you wanted for Christmas."
"I don't quite get it but- If it involves you, then it's exactly what I wanted."
"..Thank you, Gamma.. it's exactly what I wanted, too."
Sein and yourself aren't having the same Merry Christmas that you've heard your sisters are having, right at this moment.
As you both stay suspended, in a very complex bind-rope, over the walkway of the Saint Church. You glance over at your compatriot, Sein. Also hanging above the walkway entering the reception hall of the Saint Church.
"Listen! I know I didn't get you Gamma this year, but next year-" You try to plea with the nun who is keeping you suspended over the walkway.
Deed simply pokes you with a stick, and you start to spin again uncontrollably.
"Next year, keep your fetishes to yourself." She replies, angrily.
(Christmas 2024: Season's Meanings: END)
27 = 27
18 = 18
27 = 27
51 = 51
71 = 71
31 = 31
10 = 10
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
68 = 68 (Fail)
7 = 7
86 = 86
16 = 16
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
88 = 88 (Success!)
72 = 72
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
25 = 25 (Fail)
293 = 293
1 = 1
100 = 100
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
43 = 43 (Fail)
Home Economics
"Is that all?"

A confused, mostly skeptical, young woman with almost ridiculously oversized glasses casually takes notes as she's given the yarn of a lifetime.
"So that, Shario, is the whole story so far."
A young lady draped in a beautiful TSAB coat with a light fur lining finishes her utterly crazy story. Her face doesn't appear to show any sign of humor or hypotheticals, but instead a tinge of anger as she allows her emotion to finally break past the stern summarization to make way for an angry rant. Of which, the last twenty minutes all involving the following phenomena:
- Body Snatchers
- Killer Robots
- Evil Corporations
- The plot of Snatcher for the MSX2
- An army of Artificial Mages (The most believable part of this story.)
And the kicker:
All of this was organized by Captain Lancer, somehow without anyone being aware that he had struck a deal with Caledfwlch to create Artificial Mages that would take the place of known celebrity mages.
Despite the fact very few of these Artificial Mages are even the same age as the current Mages.
"That's all of our intel for right now." Hayate nods, "Shario, we're going to want to integrate them into our forces eventually, but for now-"
"Hold on, you just gave me a big speech about how Caledfwlch made them to replace you, and now you're thinking about integrating them into our team?"
"After interviewing a few of them, it's become clear that Combat is an integral part of their egos, and denying that to them runs counter to their functions. So, we're probably going to be training them."
"Where.. Do I come into this?"
"Well, new recruits need new weapons, right?" Hayate smiles, "Most of them are using hand-me-downs from our time working with Caledfwlch, so I'd like you to evaluate them and give them a more permanent arsenal."
"Evaluation.. on artificial mages, that could involve some unconventional testing." You want to be clear that she understands exactly what she's asking.
"If so, these new recruits have been through rigorous, unconventional training already. So it may be for the best if you do run them through your more rigorous testing."
"Hold on, stop-"
Shario reaches up, and puts her hand on the bridge of her nose.
"Experimenting on new recruits is what you always tell me not to do. Now.. you're telling me to do it?" You find this hard to imagine, "To Artificial Mages which we don't understand, even?"
"Listen, I know it's a lot to ask of you, but if you're uncomfortable-"

"No, no, it's fine." Shario laughs, "I look forward to it. More than that, I welcome it!"
"Really, you've always told me to hold back when it comes to my, what do you call it, 'mad scientist' persona, so really, I'm happy!" Shario smiles, her previously concerned look vanishing as she gives her CO a big, bright smile.
"..If you have any reservations about this, feel free to call me back." Hayate still isn't convinced, "Be careful, Shario."
"Of course I'm careful!" Shario smiles, "Talk to you soon."
With a blip, the holoscreen vanishes, and leaves Shario in the dark.
This is a dream, right? Surely, Hayate didn't just ask you to train an army of Killer Robots and equip them with deadly weapons.
This has to be some kind of dream. A weird.. weird.. dream.
"Hahahah-" Shario puts her hand over her mouth as she clocks out for the day, "Hahahahah!"
Her walk home is punctuated by random, chaotic bursts of laughter.
Even at home, in her lonely little house, does she find herself randomly chuckling to herself.


Ah.. Haha..
Strange dream..
It's still going after she went to bed and woke up for work the next morning.
In front of her, is-

"HELLO KIND LADY!" A perfect replica of Nanoha when she's was only a small child immediately speaks up, "When do we get our guns?"
Maybe you shouldn't have entered the room alongside of Hotel. You simply wrinkle the edges of your dress as you watch Hotel try to negotiate for more nefarious firepower than she already has.
"Ah.. Well.." Shario puts her hand to her nose, "I guess first question is.. What is your name, and your specialty?"

"I'm Hotel! The Assassination unit!" Hotel says without a care in the world, "One time, I put a bullet clean through a gangster's skull at 3 kilometers! I'm hoping to get a new rifle to break the record! Ooh, can I get a gun that can also poison people? Silently preferred!"
Shario then turns to you, "I'll come back to you, Hotel. What is your name?"

"Victor." You reply. "I'm not a combat unit, well, not anymore."
"Why not?"
6 = 6
11 = 11
76 = 76
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
79 = 79 (Success!)
43 = 43
38 = 38
3 = 3
"I was.. Reassigned." That's a good way to put it, "The ability to use erasers without charging wasn't as useful in a combat situation as the labs thought it could be."
This makes Shario's eyes light up.
"Really? That sounds incredibly useful and dangerous!"
"Well, in practice, the solution is just to make more barriers and more spells. It also had the adverse effect of making me the priority target in every situation regardless of the combat exercise due to the fact that my continued presense just meant more erased barriers and spells." You nod, solemnly.
This makes Shario put on a very worried look, but you try to make her feel better about the whole ordeal.
"Please don't misunderstand, I decided to become the floor model. The risks of being shot are far less extreme, and it's better than to risk my body integrity as the Artillery Unit. If I were to ask for anything, it would be a good device for cleaning. Particularly, one that would remove bloodstains."
"I'm not sure that running away from a problem like that is the best answer. Wouldn't you want to be at least somewhat combat capable? Being able to use erasers is a huge benefit." You don't like that Shario is trying to talk you back into being a combat unit.
"No, no-" You turn the offer down, "I found the whole thing disagreeable. I much prefer the rigors, aesthetics, and philosophy of service work. Especially in the way of a maid."
"You don't want to be a-"
You see that shine in her glasses.
"-A combat maid?"
"Ooh!" Hotel's eyes light up, "Being a combat maid is awesome! I've disguised as a maid a few times and it really makes all of your actions elegant! Especially if you poison people."
That seems to make Shario's eyebrow twitch, and you sigh.
"Please, I would rather just have a very efficient cleaning device and a very peaceful life far away from the staff." You give a slight bow of the head, "Anything else would be too much."
"..Well, then I try to give some housekeeping tools, but-" Shario scratches her cheek, confused- "I don't really do any home maintenance myself, so-"
"What do you mean?" You glance at her, "You have a home, all humans have homes, right?"
"Well, I have a home, sure-" Shario giggles, "But- I don't really take care of it."
"You don't?"
This is just a more confusing revelation than before.
"What do you do all day, then?" You blink, "What's more important than taking care of your home?"
"Well, I'm very busy." Shario seems a bit embarrassed, "Most of my time is spent at work. When I'm home, I really just want to sleep, or read my manga, but cleaning is usually something I do maybe once every once in a while.."
"That's horrible!" You stand up, "You're saying that you have a whole home to yourself and you don't even take care of it?!"
"It's fine! I'll get to it.." Shario glances away, "..eventually."
"Yeah! It's fine." Hotel nods, "You only need to use the charger anyway, everything else can be empty!"
"At least tell me you clean up the place where you cook!" That's the most important thing, having a clean place for food preparation.
"Ohh, well-" Shario looks sheepish again, "-I don't really.. cook. I mostly eat out.."
"-But it's fine! It lets me work extra at the office! Anyway, want to talk about the erasers, again?" She gives a weak smile.
Votes | Choice |
7 |
Is this why you have an emaciated appearance, small breasts, and greasy hair?!
7 |
+Maid sub-routines activate. Clearly she needs a house maid.
6 |
So you eat entirely fast-food?! Not even food made with love?!
6 |
Don't you think it would be helpful to be at least... how did you put it? 'Somewhat capable'?
5 |
4 |
Save hopeless humans like you is the reason why maids exist!
3 |
Even your eyes are lacking nutrition, needing big, silly glass plates to see!
3 |
Forget the device and give me your address and the key of your home!
2 |
That's terrible! Your poor home is unhealthy!
40 = 40
6 = 6
44 = 44
96 = 96
51 = 51
51 = 51
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
2 = 2 (Fail)
97 = 97
49 = 49
It suddenly starts to click in your head why you were brought here before this particular woman today.
Her unfashionable, loose uniform.
Her skeletal frame that shows an atrophy of her organic propulsion system.
The lack of understanding the importance of home and shelter because she's worked far beyond her model's acceptable tolerances.
"Is this why you have such an emaciated appearance-"
"Small breasts-"
"And such greasy hair?!"
"My hair is-"
Shario takes a lock of her stringy, dull drape in-hand. Then she runs her finger along the length.
"-I guess I did forgo shampooing my hair.." Shario releases it, and tries to find any excuse for her slovenly behavior, "-But that's only because last night, I went to bed without bathing because I was excited about work. I do that sometimes."
"Without BATHING?!"
Now that's a shock that you weren't expecting to have.
"It's not a big deal!" Shario tries to downplay the absolutely horrid effects of maintenance on her body, "It's not as bad as when I do all-nighters?"
"What's an 'all-nighter'?" Hotel blinks, "Is that like a stakeout that spend all-night on?"
"Kind of, it's where I spend overnight at the office. I may bathe in the lockerroom, but sometimes I just don't."
"I'm activating my protocols."
"Your what?"
You stand up, and definantly point at her.
"Maid sub-routines." You proudly announce, "Clearly, you're in need of a house maid of some variety to teach you the basics and importance of housework."
"No, really, that's not necessary." Shario laughs, nervously. "I don't really need a maid, I know what I need to do."
"No, really. That's extremely necessary." You put your hands on your hips and glare at her, "You know that a happy home is a happy life. Shario, I think you're an unhappy person!"
"I'm not-"
Shario pauses for just a second.
"I'm not unhappy!"
"You don't even eat real food! You eat fast-food, not even made with love! You have a love deficiency!"
"I have plenty of lov-"
Shario stops herself.
"..Okay, I'm lacking in some love, but it's not that kind of love that I'm lacking in." She pouts, "I just eat fast-food because I love my job."
"More than yourself?"
"Sometimes, my job is very important in making sure the recruits stay armed."
"Don't you think it would be helpful to be at least.. How do you put it.. 'Somewhat capable'?"
"I'm quite capable, really, it's an adult thing. You wouldn't understand." Shario tries avoiding the whole conversation, now. "Now, Hotel. You wanted a sniper rifle?"
"Yes! A poison one!"
Shario smiles,
"I'll get you the best poison sniper rifle I can make, and I'll make some kind of super-broom for you as well, Victor. Maybe one you can fly on."
"Running away from your problems isn't the best way to face them!"
"I don't have a problem." Shario puffs her cheeks out, "I can take care of myself whenever I want."
"That's not how it-"
Before you know it, you've been shooed out of her office and now find yourself in the hallway outside of the Weapons testing wing.
"Wow!" Hotel smiles with the biggest grin, "I'm going to get a poison sniper rifle! Cool!"
Votes | Choice |
33 |
This cannot proceed. Cook her a real meal filled with love and bring it to her office!
20 |
Ask Tango to track her down to her home so you can clean it.
16 |
Plan a kidnapping so you can give her a proper pampering.
12 |
Call Iota so you can cancel any fast food delivery orders that she makes.
6 |
+Inform Hayate of this development, and formally request a leave for Shario so you can ensure she is taken care of. In the Maid way, not the Hotel way.
4 |
It's time to begin your virtuous mission. Stalk her till she arrives at her home, than clean. Everything.
2 |
medium hearts must slee so he comes backs for next live
"This can't proceed." You feel your cheeks contort in one of the most powerful pouts you can muster given the circumstances.
"What can't proceed? My Poison Rifle?" Hotel seems to be utterly devoid of understanding what exactly is your problem with the current circumstances, "I'm sure that Shario would be able to get you a new poison broom if you ask for one."
"No! I mean Shario hurting herself by forcing herself into this routine of not visiting home and not sleeping in a real bed!" Just saying those words fills you with worry. Is she insane?!
"Well, maybe she's not hurting that much." Hotel shrugs, "I mean, we sleep in pods and we seem to be doing okay."
"Yeah but we're not humans!" You try to drive the point home that this is abnormal behavior for an organic. "Furthermore, her diet, fast food? All of the time? Do you know what they put into that stuff?!"
"People would probably be healthier than the inorganic sludge that is actually in those kinds of foods." You can only sigh, and frown as you realize that she's probably going to go get one of these inorganic, plastic meals right after this. "You know what she needs.."
"A poison meal?"
"The opposite." You smile, "She needs a meal cooked with the utmost care and love so that she loses any idea that she ever wanted a meal that wasn't hand-made. That'll show her!"
"So that will show her how much better hand-made poison meals are?" Hotel blinks.
"Hotel, you've cosplayed as a maid, surely you know how important it is to make meals with pride."
"Especially poison meals." Hotel nods.
"In any case, I think that's exactly what she needs." You feel invigorated by this new resolve, "I'm going to go cook her a meal with so much love and care, it'll be legendary!"
One quick trip to the break room later...
You exclaim loud enough for one of the residential humans to notice your despair.

"I mean, it's not much but what should an office break room have?" Subaru takes a sip from a cup of darkened stimulants. Which is something she should know better about considering that Tea is way better.
"I was hoping that it was.. a kitchen! With an oven-"
"We got a microwave."
"-A pantry-"
"We got canned peaches."
"-A mixer-"
"We got spoons in the drawer, but they're plastic."
"-Maybe even a tea kettle!"
"Ours is electric, and we have an espresso machine." Subaru states, proudly.
"None of this is healthy food! How are you supposed to make any meals for yourselves here?" You feel a twinge of despair saying those words.
"Well, we have a chef who brings food twice a day and a cafeteria." Subaru shines some extremely important insight into your struggle.
"That's great!-"
"They mostly serve curry and rice."
"..Anything else?"
"You can order sweets and breads from the machine."
You sigh, you now see that this is part of a larger, systemic problem that you're just now uncovering.
"I guess what I should be asking is where this kitchen is, and if I can use it."
"Uhh, well I'm not going to say you can use it, but I will say that it's probably empty right now unless someone is staying late cleaning dishes."
"Stop, wait-"
You notice a new figure suddenly appear from around the edge of the corner, it's your sister, Tango.
"Why are you trying to find the kitchen? You don't eat." Tango makes a very good point if the food were for you.
"I need to make a real meal for Shario! She's been eating junk food and fast food and it's made her all skinny and frail!" You try to bemoan her circumstances in hopes of finding pity.
"And.. How is that your problem?" Tango, of course, doesn't get it.
"Well, good luck if you're trying to save Shario from malnutrition." Subaru seems to already know that you're facing an uphill battle. "She doesn't even come to lunch or breakfast most of the time. She orders out and has it delivered to the office."
"WHAT?" You gawk.
"That is- when she remembers to eat. She's sometimes still working when I leave every day. Her overtime benefits must be crazy, by now." Subaru states as simply takes a sip from her cup.
You can't even imagine why Subaru is saying this so..
"Aren't you her friend? Shouldn't you be concerned?!"
"I AM concerned, don't get me wrong, but she's an adult and I can't really tell her how to live." Subaru seems a bit concerned, now.
"Neither can you, Victor." Tango makes a note of it, "You can try to change how she lives, but she's her own human and she's not going to change how she lives just because you ask."
Votes | Choice |
6 |
No excuses, both of you, maid outfits, now.
5 |
Bring up statistics of humans dying from being incapable of taking care of themselves. It's a very serious issue that happens a lot.
5 |
So, you're saying I need to compel her, somehow? Maybe Rho could do something...
4 |
There's the problem! She's her own human! We need to find a Raptor who will adopt her, then we can fix it all!
3 |
Don't you know that Hearts disease is one of the most frequent causes of human death? And it's especially prevalent in those who have terrible, unhealthy, loveless diets?
2 |
Drag Tango along, she needs some lessons in taking care of people
2 |
Raptors are born with a purpose, sister! My purpose is to serve and she can't stop me! (glowing red eyes)
1 |
Exactly! That's why I will force her to change!
0 |
Go to the kitchen, it's clear asking for sympathy from them is pointless.
"No excuses!" You frown, "Humans are 60% more likely to die from Hearts disease if they lead a sedentary lifestyle while consuming diets high in simple carbohydrates!"
"..Well, I don't know if that's true." Subaru seems nervous.
"Even if it were true. I don't see what we're supposed to do about it. Force-feed her?"
"No, force-feeding won't be necessary, which is why we're going to make the best, most delicious meal and show her the importance of leading a long and healthy life-"
"..Wait, 'we'?" Tango blinks.
"That's right, there are no excuses anymore, so both of you, maid outfits, now."
"Huh?" Subaru finally glances up from her cup, "W-What?"

Subaru squeaks some kind of exclamation as you finish pulling the lace on the frilliest maid outfit in the kitchen's wardrobe.
Frankly, you were shocked to find that the kitchen HAD its own wardrobe. Or, that it happened to be stocked with maid outfits of every size for almost every height. Or, on top of that, there were individual ones for Subaru, Teana, Nanoha, Fate. Or- Even stranger, how they don't seem to really cover as much as a normal-
"I CAN'T GO OUT LIKE THIS!" Subaru continues her tantrum.

"But I don't know how to cook." Tango gives a much more reasonable complaint, "I'm pretty sure anything I make is going to be completely inedible by humans."
"That's fine! Cooking is just following some instructions, and I happen to have already memorized a huge list of instructions on cooking and cleaning." You nod.
"Can I at least put on my other outfit?!" Subaru pulls what little of her apron she can to her body. "I just need the apron and my regular office clothes, not whatever the rest of this is!"
"Okay, so if you have a list of predefined cooking instructions. However, you don't have a way for her to make one of these meals for herself. Is cooking one meal really going to solve this problem?"
"No, but I've thought of that, too." You smile, knowing that there's no way that she could resist this part. "Rho! Come on out!"
Nervously, a dark-haired sister emerges from the back of the wardrobe. She seems just as bashful about the also oddly-fitting maid outfit that just happened to be waiting for her in this kitchen.
"I don't like this, why are there maid outfits back here, and why is there one that fits me, Victor?" Rho seems just as confused as Subaru.
"Rho!" You proudly announce, "Subaru seems to be having problems adjusting to her new outfit, can you help her?"
"H-Help me?" Subaru's eyes widen.
"Uhhh-" Rho closes her eyes for a moment.
Subaru seems to relax her posture- her arms leave the apron that's clinging to her, and she seems to relax.
"..Victor, that's wrong. You know that, right?" Subaru frowns, "Just because Rho can make me not feel embarrassed doesn't mean that I shouldn't feel embarrassed."
"Semantics! What's important is you're ready to cook!" You smile, "And after Rho gives a little bit of 'assistance' to Shario, she'll be ready to live healthy!"
"I want to say that's extremely unethical." Tango crosses her arms. "-But I don't know enough about how it works to say one way or another."
"Uh-" Rho seems to take a step back, "You're not going to ask me to follow Shario around, making sure she's influenced enough to eat well, every day, right?"
Votes | Choice |
12 |
No, not all the time. Just long enough for operant conditioning to kick in...
7 |
No not EVERY Day, that's silly.
6 |
+ "This will only work if she wants to take care of herself. Doing that every day is a waste of time."
4 |
Nope, that's why Tango is here, so I can find her house.
1 |
It's just this one time so she feels compelled to start taking care of herself.
"No, not all of the time-" You want to be clear with Rho on something, "-Just enough for operant conditioning to kick in.."
"That could take weeks." Tango points out an important flaw.
"Well, it's not like I would have you do it every day." You pat Rho, she's a very cute sister. "That would be silly."
"I guess that's okay, then." Rho seems fine with that.
"That's not ethical at all!" Subaru, long since abandoned embarrassment, has other reservations, now. "That's just forcing her but with more steps!"
"It's not 'forcing' her, it's influencing her to take better care of her health- Oh, Tango- Let's get started with some mixing."
"Have you explained what we're going to make her?" Tango seems to have phased this whole conversation out of her mind, "Is it going to be.. a cake? Brownies?"
"Eheh, we should start with a good Lunch and then start making sweets." You smile. "Let's make the best Bento box ever and then gift her delicious-"
"Victor! Don't act like you haven't been listening." Subaru seems frustrated that you've decided to simply ignore her and go about your task, "Trying to influence her like a lab rat using psychic techniques is an express violation of her rights, even if she knows it's being done to her. Kind of like how forcing me to like wearing this is a violation of mine!"
"Oh, I'm sorry." Rho pouts.
"Don't be- it's not you that's thinking of brainwashing someone to make them enjoy healthy food." Subaru pats Rho as well. She's very pat-able.
"Listen, this will only work if she wants to take care of herself. So conditioning her every day is a waste of time, but maybe if we start with this bento, and I start giving her bentos every day, and then-"
"Are you like.. trying to become her maid or something?" Tango seems to note a strange tone in your logic, "She may pay you to do this every day if you just.. ask her."
"This is more than just money, Tango. This is about the health of someone who is expressly in charge of our armaments." To you, this is about the health of the Raptor units as a whole. "Besides, if I just offer it to someone who doesn't think of her home as important, it's doubtful she would accept it."
"Oh!" Rho seems to see a solution, "Well, I could help with-"
"Oh my god what have I walked in on."

"Subaru, what's with that maid outfit?"
Subaru's cheeks start to catch on fire once more, before they slowly subside.
"Hi Teana." She replies, markedly more calm, "I'm being brainwashed into cooking for Shario."
"You're being WHAT?" Teana seems to recoil as she says that.
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
4 = 4 (Fail)
18 = 18
92 = 92
Options: Sum. Threshold: 69.
62 = 62 (Fail)
14 = 14
35 = 35
34 = 34
100 = 100
52 = 52
79 = 79
"You heard her, Teana." You pout, "We're making a bento for Shario."
"Wh-" Teana hears these words, but doesn't seem to understand them, "Why? She could come to lunch anytime she wants."
"Because she's not coming to lunch and is turning into a skeleton husk." You begin filling a pot of water for the rice, "Don't worry, we'll have plenty left over for Subaru to have a bento, too. It wouldn't be fair otherwise."
"Oh!" Subaru's ears perk up, "I didn't know you were doing that!"
Suddenly, the once embarrassed maid Subaru seems a bit more interested in helping out with this baking thing.
"Hold on, we're at work." Teana sighs, "As is Shario, I know you're worried about her. In fact, many on her own team have been worried about her living habits for a while. At the same time, she's still a grown woman who can-"
"No excuses." You put the pot on the stove with ease. "I don't know why you're against making a healthy meal for Shario so much. Are you the one that's enforcing unhealthy lifestyles on her?!"
"No, I just think.. Well giving a Bento to someone like that out of the blue is kind of like a confession, isn't it?" Teana seems to have taken something else away from it entirely.
"Just a confession that I care about her health, it's a small step, but it's best to break big tasks like 'Rehabilitate this self-harming human' into smaller tasks like 'Recruit five maids to make bento for her so she learns the meaning of love.'"
"I see." Teana sighs, "Three Raptors, and four maids. So this is what it looks like when you decide to go on a rampage with your powers."
"I make healthy food?" You note that Tango has disappeared somewhere.
"Victor is clearly out of control." Subaru pouts.
"More like 'You decide to force your sisters and anyone within arms reach to take on household tasks for fun'." Teana nods, "I really shouldn't complain because this office could use a few maids, and-"
Teana blinks.
"Wait, five maids?" The color starts to drain from her face.
Her head slowly turns to witness a horrific sight.
Tango is holding a full-sized maid outfit still folded and hung on its hangar. On the drycleaner tab, is the name 'Teana'.
"What?" Teana's eyes widen.
"You look great, Tea." Subaru supresses a laugh as she gives a thumbs-up. Her own maid uniform appearing much less silly when compared to Teana's matching uniform.
"WHERE DID THIS EVEN COME FROM?" Teana seems absolutely outraged by this, "WHY DID IT HAVE MY NAME ON IT?!"
"Relax, there's one for all of us, apparently." Subaru seems to pat Tea as she tries to comprehend the strange happening of these phantom maid uniforms.
"So it says to use 'oil', is that like.. 10W-20?" Tango, like a professional, continues to focus on the task at hand.
"That's like 'cooking oil', Tango." You nod.
"What's the difference?"
Well, shoot, you don't actually know the answer to that question. You just know that it's not what the recipe calls for, so it's not what should go in the bento.
"It's not the same as the recipe." You'll just be honest about it, "You need to follow the recipe as a general guideline if you want to succeed in baking edible human food. It's like a chemistry experiment."
"Chemistry.." Tango glances at the pot of boiling rice. "So when does it come out?"
"In a minute, right now, I need some help cutting some fish."
"Cutting.. fish?" Tango seems even more confused by that. "That sounds like something I can do."
"Here, take this salmon and bisect it-"
Immediately, Tango slices it clean in half- head and all, lengthwise.
"No no no no-" You try to correct Tango, "Be more gentle with it, gentle."
"What's the difference?" Tango blinks.
"If you're too rough with it, you'll make lots of rough edges in the meat." You try to point out how, while it's a clean slice, it has left a bit of marring from the fact she sliced through bone AND flesh. "We're going for a classic bento, so the meat should look soft and lovingly diced. She's got to feel love, Love!"
This results in the strangest stare from Tango.
"..People can tell that?"
"Absolutely." You nod.
"It's true." Even Subaru agrees! "When I make bentos for Teana, I'm always sure to make the meat just as bite-sized as possible with very little force behind the cuts."
"I-Idiot!" Teana blushes, "Don't just say that out loud!"
"Well? I'm trying to show them how to make a bento, and it's important that it's made with care and craftsmanship in mind to show you really love them."
Teana covers her face, Subaru looks awfully proud of herself.
"I think I sort of get it, but it makes me feel dirty getting it." Tango replies, the knife hovering over the gutted fish.
"Try cutting these sausages, instead. Make them look like a little squid." You pass the tiny sausages over to her, "I'll work on the fish."
"If you want colorful, be sure to add lots of veggies." Subaru helpfully gives you a tip at bento crafting.
"Oh! Like garlic?" That's a vegetable, right?
"N-no, that's a little too bold." Subaru seems to laugh, "Maybe like carrots! Ohh, and be sure to cut the slices into little shapes, like hearts or stars."
"WAIT!" Teana seems to have a revelation, "I thought.. I thought you bought them pre-cut like that."
"Nope!" Subaru seems proud, "I cut each and every one individually, I wouldn't buy pre-sliced vegetables when I could do that for you."
This makes Teana blush even more furiously. Rho simply gives a confused blink as she notices this interaction.
"Can we cut down on all the sugar?" Tango states as she cuts a sausage, with a twinge of bitterness.
100 = 100
78 = 78
15 = 15
13 = 13
10 = 10
77 = 77